HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-12-17, Page 5r .. ry . ti 41 4.0 NORTH SIDE OF Mk SQUARE OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 11 p.m. - FI CHE.R s SMOKE and GIFT SHOP P IPES. • Genuine Briars -- ,Outstanding /Values BRIGHAM KAYWO'ODIE -With special Maple Woo Qfi = is pipe is ace y years . ter that takes the bite out of of'pipe-making experience. smoking. DR• PLUMB Cool - Like Smoking .Through Ice � � ! : • • pe:,.#his:.gi.ft.,„ca►tJ,�ia•=.�iad�.cee,.us.--^-Vff *have a large selection in all shapes and sizes. An are priced k to fit your budget. Tobacco'b Pouches Sta-fresh 'pouches Button wallet style .Vacuumatic leather with zipper. BlaCk° in black or,brown. 'touches with zipper. Pipe Racks .6L • Smart, modern designed walnut racks for four, six or eight B .1 L,L F L DS • Sunday 12 to 8.Aock KIST GINGER ALE 4 Quarts for' 78C Plus Deposit f 30 YEAS AGO: Sealing Christmas trees ih the vacant store on the corner ,pf The Square and East stareot, Ivan Lolnzon has memories. It milli 30 years ago that he first came to Goderich and opened business in the same stand, whieb was later remodelled for Singer Sewing Cepire. , Now tlhe'buiidingns to be razed next spring to snake way for a new Bank of Montreal. buildir,,,,. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH December 20th, • 4th Sunday in Advent' 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 'a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon (Junior Congregation and Nursery) The Goderieii SigT101-St4:-ThUrghtY, Piwntter.' DUNG + UN. --Recent visit - osis With Mr. and • Mrs. Toni Park were Mrs. Verna Culbert of Goderich'and Mr. Tom .Hal- lam of-Lucknow. iCallerls on Satundiay evening with Mr. and Mns. Jim Rivett and family were Mr-. and Mrs. Bob Harris of Goderich. Mr. Verne Jewell of Dunlop inert Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rivett, Alain and Scott. Mrs. L. Caesar, who returned home from a London ho-Fpitad qn December 41.1h, iu reporited to be coming along fine, other than • gad. cold. • Mr. and Mgrs. Glenn Weaver spent Tuesday 1^n^ Ehatramrr'with relatives. Miss Susan ,f.ankin od Kintail sipent the weekend with Miss Hostess Family Pack POTATOCHI PS1 - REGULAR - Planters Vacuum Packed Cocktail Peanuts 13 and one -half -oz: SIZE 'Ma ny - New raccrpraRts.,; FF Rector: REV. G. G. RUSSELL, B.A., B.D. Mr. George Burgetn, Organist and Choirmaster. North W LR'" UN TE N'tCD'Ar- Street United Church - SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20th.: 11:00 a.m. WHITE GIFT SERVICE , Church' Schools in. attendance '6:30 p.m. ORGAN RECITAL 7:00 p.M. CAROL SERVICE Senior and Junior Choirs Mr. Lorne •H. Dotterer, Organist immanneeW Imported Morocco With Secret Pocket, Black or Brown Seal Grain Leallier, Inside Zipper, Black or Brown 3.95 Genuine Cowhide with Change Purr, Black or Mahogany 3.95 to 5:00 • CiN,,LY. THE FINEST QU'ALITY BRAND NAME PASS -CASES .MONEY• CLIPS, CHANGE PURSES • • C-1 G A R Gift Boxed - Good Selection • 1.00 - 2.9a - 2.50 -, 3.75 SMOKERS.; SI4NDRIES Looking for an extra little something' to put with his gift? We havk magnetic pipe, holders for a car dash also phie reamers,' pipe smoker companions, smoker's knives and pipe etianers. G 171. T gRS • .uppo With Lifetime -Simian, 3.95 Fully Guaranteed .4.95 FISHER Wide Variety -2-- 'Tisfo Prices 1.98 and 2.98 POLLY-GAZ The quality Butane lighter de- signed for pipes & cigarettes. kS.11-1 TR AYS FancY' Glass and•Chrome Plated LONG -PLAY RECORD$ FINE RECORDINGS OF CHRISTMAS LIMIT OF 3 PER PERSON REGULAR 1.98 11,•4 9 Toys and PRICED FROM PLASTIC MODELS Gl^encta' Weaver. Special Service Next Sunday, December 20th, ed ahureh basez ent ,far } thifr junior- e'lasses off IVYs. son, Mrs. H. JahnstOn and H. ' Alton, During bine after- noon fte, rnoon the children . put On..a. program, which included carets, recitations,- and musical nuns. „ . hers. Luxndh was served Pad. Sani a Claus paid his visit, giv- ing each child a bang of candy and a gift. The party; ended with musical chains. • • Card Party St. Paul's Ladies' Guild held a euchre party on Friday even- ing with only six gables in play, dine to the weather, was Mrs. A. 'Fabs; second, Mns. Louise Brindley. Men's high was Lorne Ivers, while Alan Park was second. On Wednesday evening, De- cember 9th; the pupils of the 4th school and their teacher, ',Rose Errin4tion, presented a well attended Christrilag--- con- cert.. Cecil Blake was• man for the evening. Winners of the five chickens were Char- les Petrie, W. A. Stewart, Glen Springer, John Moerbeek and Mrs. Irene DickeY, BIBLE: MA61E. LADIES', *MEN'S, CHILDREN'S TIMEX WATCHES AN IDEAl.'"GIFT 7 9,, to 1195 BOX CHOCOLATES NKSON'S GOLD BOX 1 and 2 -Ib. BOXES' 1.25 EVERY 'PrECE DIFFERENT 1 and- 2 -Ib. BOXES 1.45 lb BLACK MAGIC 1.95 lb. CADBURY'S MILK TRikt-Y1-'% • • THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister William Cameron, Director' of PraiSe.' SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20th Minister's Bible 'Vass ai 10:10 a.m. Service of Divine Worship 'at 11:00 a.m. The Personal Message of Advent: IV "The Invasion of God° • (Nursery and Junior Congregation) Christmas Carol Service at 7:00 pan. ENTER TO WORSHIP ar" DEPA T TO SERVE A Book For Bible Learning Includes 28 Chapters -- Explanations for the Layman 1.25, Includes Handling and Mailing WRITE: The Eible Made Plain, BOX 520, Oshawa, Ont. =WNW irM =PM OM NM NMI MOM MEI Ma WWI WITH THIS COUPONFONLY--- 1 LADIES' SWIFT CORDLESS „ JELECTRIC-SHAVfrR SUPFLY LIMITED THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Victoria Street United Church, REG. 11.9t 7.99 , 11:00 a.m.' ii.inclay School 11:00 a.m. Fourth Sunday incAdvent "The Song of Ages." ' 1:30 p.m. Benmiller: Church and Siffiday School REV. CECIL A. DUKELO,VV, Minister. MKS. J. SNIDER, Organist. eksi-Main'L Encore Milk Chocolateswmago- Et51; IMPORTED FROM THE 13RITISH ISLES Attractively Packaged BISCUITS REE METHODISi'CHURCF.1 CornerVictoria and Park Streets ,•REV. R., G. PELFREY, Pastor Dial 524-9306 11.00 a.m. Morning Worship 7.00 p.m. Evangelistic Service Wed., 7.30 p.m. - Prayer Meeting and Bible' Study NECK 1 1 1 1 LAST MINUTE ITEMS- Film Flas.hbulb , 13'atteries FREE 1965 Calendars With Purchase of 3.00 or Mores and This Coupon Picturesque - Unique - convenient For Everyday Use A BEAUTIFUL AERIAL VIEW OF GODERICH FIRST BAPTIST `sCHURCH of the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec Montreal Street Near The Square 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11400 -a.m. -Special-C-hri strrrai-Message 7:00 p.m. --.7.:Candlelight Service 'Mon., 7:30 - Sunday SC'hool Christmas Program Wed.., 8:00 p.m. - Mid -Week Fellowship Hour Christmas Day, 10:30' a.m. - Special Christmas Service Everyone Welcome Minister: REV. HENRY de VRIES, Phone 524-8792 WITH EVANGELIST Jack West mes To Surt All Ages CUDDLY PLUSH TOYS 98c to 2.98* Here Matchbox 3 f°r 1.07 REGULAR 39c. BEAUTIFUL JIG SAW 49c to 98c STALOX BRICKS from 2.9g Very Reliable TINKER TOYS 11.25 to 2.98 PAINT BY NUMBER SETS 79c to 5.95 CHRISTMAS Per Box -New, LoveN 1.00 to 2.00 Are Scime Ideas For- STQCKING STUFFERS We also carry a full line of king size and major models. If you are looking for "TOYS" then don'tsmiss ;seeing our wonderful selection. AUTHENTIC CAR MODE1S each 29c Unbreakable Plastic - Ideal For The Wee Tot JUST ARRIVED GOOD. SE-LECTJON OF Comic BOOkS' • IREG. 12c EACH SPECIAL 9 'for 9itc - Children's Books Story Books Picture Books - Color- ing Books - Dress -Me -Doll Books • Activity Books • 15c to 75c Exciting Friction TOYS 3 5c and 5 9c each Farm Tractors -- Cars - Perfoiming Animals OPEN CHRISTMAS* EVE UNTit 11 P.M. THE SALVATION ARMY CAPTAIN and MRS. ROY WOMBOLD 11:00 'a.m. Morning Wor;filp 2:30 p.m. Sunday,School' 7:00 p,m. Salvation Meeting, EVERYONE WELCOME Christmas Seasori Services $UNDAY;DECEMBER 20th 10:00 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL: Special program in all departments. For bus service to your', door call 11:00 a.m. CHRISTMAS SERVICE - Message: "T'was The Night AFTER Chriitmas" 7:30 p.m. CAROL $EitVICE I Special Music At All Services - Joyful Singing Inspirational Christmas Messages Thurs. and Frk., 8- p.m. • Inspiri!lg Sermons Prayer fot thei. Sick SUNDAY, DEC. 20th Crusade &S. Rally - Sunday 'THE RUNAWAY.SLAVE" • Thrilljng Dramatized Message! • Witnessed By Large Audiences in Canada and U.SA. • SEE, The Roman Soldyrs in Colorful Costume 4o; The Apoitle Paul, and The Runaway Slave Onesimusl • WELCOME VISITORS Sun. 11 a.m.-The King's Face' What It Means To Get A Glimpse of Christi • For A Merry Christmas and A Happy NeW Year Take Time To Worship The Christ. Best Wishes To The People of Goderich and Area. " Pastor: REV. T. LESLIE HOBB1N$, B:A. "People like to go where people like to go" CALVARY BAPTIST CH RCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET The Kremlin Shake -Up - The, Massacre in the Congo Other Coming World -Shaking Events Characterized by THIS KEY WORD - It May Be The Key To YOUR Destiny! WHAT it IT ??? (D;:in't Miss this Message!) ELGIN & WATERLOO - REV. R. CLARK, Paitor