HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-12-17, Page 3Famous For Qualit and Freshness ,49 1 THEATRE- 4TE PARK Go„ER. 4 SHOWTIME. 7:30 and 9:30 • • Air -Conditioned For Your. Comfort • Peter Sellers, Paula Prentiss and Angela Lansbury Sellers as a concert pianist of dubious talent. 'THE ORLD OF HEISTRIFORTENT"— Color AMPBELL'S girai 'Dancing Every SatOrday for The Young row No Slacks or Jeans THIS, WEEK,. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19 f THE ROULETTES" Dancing 9 p.m. to Midni,ght Admission, 75; per -person Annual New Yeai's Eve Party Thursday, December 31 PAUL CROSS AND HIS ORCHESTRA .Dagcing from 9 pmi. Admission 3.50 per person TABLE RESERVATIONS ONLY — Tickets now on sale. ‘' Phone- 524-9371, or 524-9264 DIAL 524-7532 Joan Crawford, Diane Balcer-and Lief. Erikson Axe mm-ders are the theme of this rugged shocker Adult Entertainment Thurs., Fri., Sat. — Dec. 24-25-26 WALT clISNEY PROGRAM "TfIE LAD'ill AND THE TRAMP" °A popular Disney color -Cartoon feature featuring the voices of F'eggy Lee and the Mello Men. and Paula Prentiss Union U C.W. Meeting Held UNION (Goderich Twp.). — The December meeting of Un - was held at the home of Mrs. Charles Orr. The busine7ss of the meeting was conducted by the president, ;was answered by six members with an exchange of gifts. Roll. call for January is to ,be an - • sweied by a "Favorite Bible The vvership service was con- ducted by Mrs Austin Fuller. Mrs. Fuller led in prayer. The Von in the, stud book, "Where does the answer 1117? -3 was read and docussed. The; Scriptur2 was read alternately. An article written by Padre Young entitled "It's time we did something. about our relig- IVfcIlwain, Mrs. Fuller closed 'the m•ee'Ing with prayer. The hostess served lunch. TOWN of GODERICH Brewers Retail Special Hours DEBENTURES FOR SALE INTEREST COMMENCING Elms 11. Obituaries MRS, WILLIAM WILSON Mrs. Mary Ann Wilson, 93, pital where she had been a patient -for six years. She was a daughter of the late Alex- ander and- Christin•e Cameron and lived most of her life near to the Goderich Township home. of her daughter, Mrs. Everett (Hazel) McIlwain. Her hus- predeceased -her in 1933. She 'United Church. Surviving 'besides •Mrs. Mcll- wain is- a granddaughter, Mrs, William (PatriciaLRivett,''Gode- • 'The funeral service was held Tuesday afternoon at the -R. A. Currie and Sons fun•eral home, MONDAY, TUESSAY, WEDNESDAY DEO. 21ST TO 23RD oPEN TILL 9 P.M. THURSDAY' DEC. 24TH ALL STORES WILL BE CLOSED DAY" DEC. 25TH AND 26TH .tAhmeek IODE The funeral service for MrsiDecember Meet MRS. EDITH I. CURIIEL Saturday in Henderson General liwpital, Hamilton, was held Tuesday afternoon. at St. Geo- rge's Anglican Chureh. - -Rev. G. G, Russell officiated. Inter - tory. Lodge funeral home was in charge of arrangements, She was born in Goderich Township, the former Edith ,MICHAEL C. MERIAM The funeral service was held ;at Stiles funeral, home Sunday 'afternoon far Michael Charles iMeTiam, 18-day-ol•cl son of Mr. • land Mrs. John W. Nieriam, Bby- jfield road Rev. C., A. Duke - low officiated. Interment was in Maitland cemetery.. , The baby -boy '1,• -vas found dead in • his bed .by hf's mother on Friday, An autopsy revealed he clie-d of asphyxiation. Surviving besides his parents. 'Kenneth, Dianne, Gerald, JUdy.s Sandra, Uroy,. Jacqueline and Kimbe.r1cy Anne; also his grand - tookowotew APPLY: Town Treasurer 57 West St eet Goderich Operated by Brewers Warehousin'g Co. Ltd. 'lam and Mr, and Mrs. Gorden Orr, of ,Goderich; 6-2Thrife-elr'C'EaTite-r, 7-101)---E Decentber meeting was held at the Maitland CountrY Club. The tables were. decorated in the Christmas theme.' The reg- ent Mrs. G. Ernerscin, pre.Fided n we corn m ars and their guests. , After lunch, two films were sihown with Mrs. A, M. Harper.: at the projector. ',Mrs. R,arper Bladr, a daughter of the Late was introduced by Mrs. N. William J, and Mary Ann (Hil- loCR),. Blair. S'he lived in Tor- Clairmont and thanked by Mrs. onto,and \Hamilton for while. Emerson. For partied her early life, she A short busdness session was.' lived in Goderich. She return- ecridGui,itheteoli.sbyprt.heseeziretedgeMizei_ns. ed Goderich -12 yeal;s ago-. port "efe the finance, committee Her ,husband, Geofge J. Cur= rell, died in •October of this with regard to allocation 'of chapter funds. Provincial 'and year. ' National funds were approved. Surviv daughters, 'WS. ,Williarn (Irene) rangeanents were made to re- ard (Florence) Wright, Stoney on Christmas Day. • Creek; one sister, Mrs. Alex For the remainder of the Fitzgerald, Peterborough; sev,„•en afternoon those present enjoyed grandchildren. a game of bridge and ;"500." Re -Elect Orange Lodge Officers Victeola Loyal Orange Lodge No. 182 at its r6gular monthly meetiog on Moriday evening re- elected all present officers for 1965. Glenn PatterSon con- tinues in the master's„thair and Roy Chambers in the depUiy chair;• James Young Ls chap- ancial secretary and Charles past master•is Percy Blundell, and the lecturers "are Wni. Mew !David Elliott and R. Cook. 1 A „committee repot showed ! 'hat Friday evening .card par- t ties had been successful, and , they will ,be resumed after the rtrm tuke'n . up for -the-True Blue or- ! phanage at Richmond Hill. FORTUNA pp -LE 1 • • • • 0 0 • SHIRTS SOCKS SWEATERS BELTS SPORT SHIRTS HANDKERCHIEFS T-SHIRTS LINE your telephone manager ASSORTED COLOURS 100 FOOT ROLL 20 -oz. Tins 16 -oz. Last Call ror Christmas! What, a surprise for any Goderich fa;nily to find a gift- wrapped telephone sitting pertly under the Christmas tree! Whethee a useful extension telephone, or a pleasing colour phone to replace an existing black one, this idea is hard to beat for both surprise -value and practicality! If you've been stymied for something really different for your family or spec- ial friends in the Goderich area, there's still time to give us a call(, at 524-8301.. gift -wrap and deliver the phone of your etioice, and arrange to return and connect it after the surprise. Telephones don't gl'ow on Christmas trees, but be- lieve me they look mighty good under them! • THE LADIES GLOVES HATS • • 'SCARVES • DRESSES c• BAGS • SWEATERS NYLONS • SLIMS MAJOR 'TORE THE SQUARE 401.11111111. Another Telephone Directory No doubt by this time you have received your copy of the Harriston, Wingham telephone directory. It resembles the Goderich book of just a few year.s ago, doesn't it? In this book yOu will find It list of the subscribers of the Dungannon Exchange which -will be Very helpful to you when free service to that exchange becotnes available next spring. In the meantime, I'm sure you can use it as a reference to reach the subscribers in the book through direct.distance dial- ing-. However, do please keep the book in a safe place for " your use next spring when.free service to Dungannon becomes Always There To Call On friend — how many roles will your telephone play during the weeks ahead? It's ready day or night to be anything you want it to be. As an errand boy, your telephone can help simplify ,four shopping, deliver your messages. As a secretary, it helps you arrange appointments, gets things started, gets'things done. et watchdog that never sleeps, it adds a feeling of protection 3round the household because it's always there to call on — n little emergehcies or big ones. And, of course, your tele- ohone-ls also a friend you can always count on when you're lust plain lonesome and need moral support: It belps you visit relatives or friends . . . anywhere,,. . . in lickety-split time. Whatever use you want to put your telephone to — errand tiny, secretary, watenog or friend,' you can -count on it always 3eing there to call on. MER-IiY CHRISTMAS! OVEN READY GOVERNMENT INSPECTED GRADE "A" RKE AVERAGE WEIGHTS 20 LBS. US No. 1 QUALITY — FOR YOUR CHRISTM4S DINNER CRANBERRI-ES 1 lb 29c • 25 -lb. BAG CANADA No. 1 POTATOES SIZE -138 _SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES US No.: 1 MARSH SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT FANCY GRADE MACINTOSH APPLES CANADA No. 1 CARROTS FLORIDA FRESH 1.09 59cdoz 8b: 5599:- 45; 2,5c 2f r 35c 2 3 -lb. bags RADISHES 3 Z;i1;114EySH GgiNalks cello pkgs. Now Available Fresh REAPY TO EAT WHoLE OR HALF GLAZED. PlidNICS Ib. T.L1 R K E S ROUND STEAK OR ROAST SIRLOIN, T-BONE, WING AND RIB STEAKS Place YoursOrder- TODAY CANDY FEATURES FAMILY SPECIAL 2.tb, VANKIRK BUDS ... Pkg. O'V' TOP VALU ASSORTED CHOCOLATES 770 TOP VALU Maraschino CHERRIES 770 TOP YALU Assorted XMAS CANDY ig0. 390 • KENT • PEACHES IVORY LIQUID -10c OFF DETERGENT S' 20 -ox. Tins for Giant Size TOP VALU SHORTBREAD - fb. 360 JELLY MALLOWS .4.350 FRUIT DRINKS 3 CLUB HOUSE Seas A'onings de 2 fop 3 STOKELY WAX DR DARK RED' Pkgs. Icidne Beans 48 -os. Tins for 414 1 S-02. MI' 99$ for