HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-12-10, Page 18le The Goderich, Signal:ttar., Thtwsdny., December 10t1i1 1964' The Green Thumb by G. MacLEOD ROSS • I CHURCH ILLIANA During the past Week we ;acred -rite, the smoking of cig- ars and also the drinking of al- .?..ohol 'before, ,after and if need be, during all meals.and in the intervals haw n t'M." The_ King -graciously accepted the position!. , When Chtirchilt re-entered Normandy six days after the. have seen'and heard a number ofn tributes to the' greatest liv- ing Englishman, tributes which - ,were.-voieed.--bystrierld -and....foe alike for, no matter in what company .he stood, he would always tower above his con- temporaries and over most Of -------his---predeeessars. tort -that -mat- landings in,,,Inne, 1944, Ile, mut, have been imbued with the suf. fering which bombing and ra- d wewaght ii -En„, land and which contrasted SQ markedly with the status quo which had been so perfidiously bought by the French Quislings. He reports: "We are surounded ter.' At the risk of being trite, this is 'an attempt to show some ter of the man than was con- veyed to one viewer at least by what appeared to be more a. catalogue, of 'his adventurous actions- than a- r6veaation of hdis characteristics and qual- ities. No one denies that he in- spired a nation, In point of fact, .several nations, but we do not gather how by being shown a picture of Sir. Winston ma ing the on.s Sacia-14-st-s-eepanents4 there is -factory: by fat cattle, lying In luscious pastures with their paws cross- ed." - Back in Parliament in. 1959 he was again ridicaling the Socialist doctrine: "Among our ozt, • 42E6,40PAPHORATY of the qualities with which. he was' endowed.. There was, for example, his aptitude for instant repartee • which made him such a danger-, ous. opponent in debate. On one occasion between the wars, Bernard Shaw sent C.hurchill two tickets for the fipst night of elle of his plays. „It -was. at a time When Churchill was in the political wilderness. Shaw, who limited his corresperidence to postcards and the backs Of old envelopes, put in a slip say- ing: "Here are two, tickets for the first night of Tny new play: You Iffight care to ..bring 'a friend if you still have , any," -.--4..EY-riattra...kl-,-„P-911.-L-c.Arne 'all • • equally' brief reply- to Shaw: "Thanks for the tickets which Here then are a few mIggets, culied overj. e s ach of seeks to Show one or • I a prior -engagement' 'prevents me from using: I shall hope to see it another night if there is another 'night." When it came to phrase mak- Ing, his' impish humor showed through • like a verbal cartoon. Attlee was characterized as "a sheeirin sheep's clothing," while of « Neville Chamberlain he .clothed his scorn in ridicule when he said of him: "He could -4decideonly to be undecided. To 'resolve only to 'be irresolute. He was adamant for drift, solid for fluidity and all-powerful in impotence' A commentary -which is tInfortunatel*&47 peculiarly 'appropriate to 'Ot- tawa today. His definition of an apnea-5hr as "one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last" is hard to be.at and when, in 1954, tio he was asked by a feminist as to the future role of women he replied! "It Will, I trust, be the same as it has been since the days of Adam and Eve." • Having . regard to' his , vast political and military exper- iences, the lessons learnt from mistakes, his awn and others'. his ,physical and moral courage, his patriotism. and his realism, all integrated by hat superb intellect, it was not surprising that he, could define a leader so succinctly: "In any sphere of action there can be no com- parison between the. positions Of Number One and Nurnb•Crs two, three and four. The loy- alties which centre upon Num- ber One are enormous. If he makes mistakes they must he covered. If he sleeps he must not be wantonly disturbed. If he is no 'good he must be pale - Axed," David Howarth in his Life of Ibn Saud gives , an account of Churchill in his naughtiest mood when, meeting With the Xing. "Roosevelt hdd been c rtesy itself; he 'was a chain. smi, er but he had not smoked at all in the,pe of the' Wahabi King a d had had to -hide in the elevator of his war- ship to light -a cigarette before dinner.' Church ill however, .said to the interpreter, that if it was the religion of his Majesty, to depsive -himself of smoking and alcohol I Must -point out that my rule of -life prescribes, as an absolutely great confusion. Sonic el them regard private enterprise as a predatory tiger- to be shot. Others look on it as a cow ,to be, milked;4'only' a 'handful see it for What it is -.a strong arid willing horse that pulls the Finally, perhaps the -key to his humanism when he said: "There should always be an un- failing faith tint there is a II -ea -sure. in_ the...4011.. at, every, man if only you can find it." Armed with the precepts, onre--of-vvItitth-are here thi trated, how could a young man fail? COCirage, dignity, humor, steadfastness, realism, confid, ence, Lam 'and' and° above= his own own soul: But how few could hope to possess such an endaKment? We, who have borne game of the burden of his days, had better take a good long„,4221Lat_him..1.9r we, shall never see, his like. SOME MYTHS ,ABOUT CANADA Two things combined to ar- ouse me this week to one of my sporadicdefences of Canada. One -was, the fact that I have beep teaching an essay by Bruce Hutchinson called The Canadian Personality. It's a 999d essa one which makes the kids study- ing it think about themselves and their country. ' * - The" 0.,Pie,E„is ..thAtUm_ki.cLlarg:. ther arrived home ',the other day' after four years in Europe, I1e2S- 'a -geed k4dr-but-7.his-mis7. conceptions., about this country are deplorable. Hutch ism,- ijanzhisay,tuat: .sa art cirm e of the7C1firacteris- tics common to Canadian. They are poetic, but purel3oppycock. * 'K* • He speaks first of the "most obvious," our "national humil- ity." This ,is sios,Lobvi fi,gment;artSe author's 'imagin- , ation. While most Canadians will grudgingly admit that there's an occasional Lim or aTirWho is net -devoid -5T earn- . .,,,sfsenseiky.kuiktrhaveta-formikta able jab on your hands to find ha-lf a dozen Canadians who felt humble in the presence of either. * * * Next, he says we are, "A con- servative and steady' people." DIFFERENT7T Christmas of today is a far cry from the festivitiet -of the Winter Solstice in pre -Christian eras when people of Scandin- avian Countries kindled fires to defy the Frost King; drank great horns of mead and told weird tales of werewolves and the valkyrie maidens who searched for. souls and convey- ed--theirrto---Valiraila: • Those were the days' when the ancient Druids observed the sea- son with strange ceremonies in the roofless temples of Stone- henge and Aisebury in England, sacrificed.whfte bulls, and wor- lpinitl--rittrttAttYr-MtWITillti around oak, There are no superstitions to- day so fantastic, as that in Nor - !way where it„was once believed that. those who dared to ,go out into the winter darkness on Christ -ma -9 night could see 'through vvind•ows,„ the peeple de- stined to die during the coming year -sitting headless in their chairs. The danger of mid- night -cavorting in these days was the dread Oskeneien, a cav- alcade of unblessed spirits, who tore through the atr trying fey - 4.1M. YEARS AG efrishly to carry away foolhardy adventurers. First Rural Lady Curlers OinE rl'om tie rural areas tooklo the curling ice ' lanes at Maitland Country Club for the first time Thurs- day afternoon. ,Theylearn- ed quickly, tutored by we- r -ffirg•711-4'Ing-Tfol-ri -G4-6661-7C717" The rural' women hope to g eventually establish a curling b league of their own. The ladies were mostly from. the Holmesville and Benmiller areas. They were: Mrs. Aileen Bowman, Mrs. Lois Rowe, Mrs. Nada Mc- :Clinchey, Mrs. Joyce Pocock, krs. Margaret Torrance and Mrs. Pam Saddler. They were joined by two Goderich wo- men who were curling for the 'first time: Mrs. Elda White' Rind Mrs. Doris Fisher. Oh, yes. Yes, indeedy. We' are the conservative and steady people who have an election every couple of 'years, who swing wildly from one political party to another, who riot over a hockey game, who have fam- ilies coming to blows over a flag design, who blow up mai boxes. And, he says, our politicians, eflect us in . . " 75F-C-Olit-and -hair." I uess he's•right. John Diefen- aker, a politician tie whom we ave the greatest majority in our history, whom we elected twice as Prime Minister, has no h more calor than- a purpte wag- on breathing crimson flames. * "And we are a lonely peo- ple," says Hutchison. ,Well, speak for yourself, old boy. Personally, I'd prefer to be about three times at lonely as I am. You should 1ty, some- time, getting into the bathroom gur_plage„, He says we are, "awed ... by the-- fierce northern -climate, which colors and toughens . 4,wai be_ hanged. . I went out Sunday Tf had snowed. My picnic, table lealted-like--a-prognant„.. • potamus, lying on her back. I stuck a yardstick down. Twenty- two inches, overnight. 'Hilt ett;__I.swore-fil minutes, a.nd-started shovelling. * The kid brother was just as wrong-headed about Canada as .Hutchison. I „ expected some lucid comments on the Can- omeone who had be.en-exposed to European culture for four years, the last two in" Paris. * gs Do you know w a e corn- iftiii&W6VPIttrettlfitil pea ns, who don't have any snow, to speak of, have- no cuffs on their trousers, white Canadians, who wade through the stuff, for five month's, have cuffs. * * He cloesn't realize that we like it that way, that we liketto walle% into somebody's house, stamp our ,bots off in their hallway, and turn about four pounds, of snow -out of our cullento their freshiwaxed hardwood floors. Keeps them rom getting .houseproud. Do you know what he talked abont? Not the impressive view from the EiffeLTewer, but the- nan,,alaninber , of snicidps who had leaped from it. Not the glories of the Louvre, but the hatrors of Paris traffic. He spoke with rapture about is meals in Pails, with scorn about Canadian cooking. And left never a morsel of the tat- ter, even though there wasn't a single 'snail or a single song!, bird among it, on- his plate. * * lletscoffe,d at Canadians' en- grossment 'with money and stat-' us symbols. Ariel raved inter- minably about 'his new Rover, his ned hi -fl, his camera, his tape recorder, and how much he saVed on them. As far as I'm concerned, I think I'll just let Mr. Hutchison and the kid brother go on liv- ing in their dream world, while I go onining a dour, independ- ent, ornery Canadian, Without personali , olor or culture. Who needs it? Admits Breaking And Entering William. John Rutledge, 39, Goderich, was remanded in cus- tody to December 10 for sent- ence, when he appeared before 1Vlagistrate, Glenn flays in coitrt here on Thursday and pleaded guiltAto break and enterat the 'residence of Frank Clark, I8 Nelson street east, .Goderich, on .November 26, with 'intent to commit an indictable offence therein. Entry was made 'by breaking the glass in a kitchen door and unlocking the, door. Some United States money from rtaletrei n was -s-t-fferblirrifer recovered at Clinton. Rutledge also pleaded guilty to consum- ing liquor in Goderich On Nov- ember 26, being an interdicted -perseny--,R-utledge•-was-vezeently- released from Burwash after having served a term of 18 'months, and has a long list of bituar. ,MS. FILEN "SI1VIKINS ii-rs.‘ Ellen -Simkins, 89, died on Thursday of last week in Alexandra- • Hospital. She'-' wa-s akormer Bus -man was born in England. Her hus- band, Joseph Sidney Simkins, predeceasekl her. Surviving is a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Challenger of (lode- rich - The funeral service altAtheld Thomas' - ng :C3fl Church, Owen Sound with the Tanner -Hill Jun- eral home. in 'charge. Inter- nt h:71::7dw";s7475547v1:;:h'4;- 1id79640 95prce had .electric refrigerators, 91 per cent had television sets, 87 per cent' had powered washing machines and 74 per cent had automobiles. , There were 7,681 diVorces in ,Canada in 1963, a rate of 40,6 .4ar each 100,000 of 'population; New foundland had the lowest divorce rate, 1.7, and Alberta had, the highest, 902. ---F-INEVP4F.60 - IN TOWN Chinese Food Our Specialty ALSO TAKE-OUT ORDERS OFFNi DAILY 7 a.m. to 10 p.m Open Friday and 3aturday --ftfitt4.-12- Midnight The Esquire convictions dating back to 1951., Gordon Ryan, Goderleh, was remanded in custody for one week when he pleaded -not guil- ty to being -in an intoxicated Condition in a public place in Goderich on December 1. Carl Edward Peterson, 4,16,. it.R. 4, Goderieh, was fin,edrus and casts for drinking under age in *Stanley Township on Noyemil?er 6. - Wrap up your., holiday shopping ...with an HFC Shopper's Loan _Cover everyone on your list with an HFC Shopper's Loan. Shop anywhere with cash - not Just where you have a charge account. bills,, repay conven- iently. Borrow confi- ---xterratiy from HFC.. ASK -ABOUT • CREDIT LIFE-4NSUROkilt ON LOANS AT LOW GROUP RATES ofr -AMOUNT--91)-1IMUMMELIX-PLANm OF 36 30 20 12 LOAN months - months months nwnths 550 . 23.73 32.86 51.24 750 31.65 44.13 69.21 1000 41.45 58.11 91.56 1600 .-2200 60.88,, "'83.71 68.81 %,.94,.62 94.11 129.41 146.52 201.46 2500 95,12 • 107.52 147.05 228,93 , sVor,T7,1"4,1:;tytoptr,HailloilVI:Zde:t1,:indcostmol life insurance. „ HOUSEHOLD FINANC ,r- GODEFOCH - .35A West Street -Telephone 524-7383 oVia t St V12,, meaMitt 11 PATTERNS PRE -OA -STIED INTOSH- APPLES , 'T. .1. Ingham emona s Quality - Service ---emetery Lettering PHONE WINGHAM 357-1910 or WRITE BOX 158 JOHN MALICK - W1NGHAM AVAILABLE 4,- AT e,r , LIMITED QUANTITIES 20% OFF ALL MURALS LASSALINE ORCHARDS See All The New 1965 PATTERNS We now have 'in stock all of our 1965 wallpaper patterns. Even if you .w.are not thinking of decorating right away why not come in and look over the patterns. 43RING YOUR diNfreONYAIN R We will be happy to serve you vilien it comes to new drapes. If you desire we will visit your home during the day or in the' -evening. A complete selection on display in the store. Call Lodge IF IT'S MBULANCE SERVICE • DAY OR NIGHT Prompt,. - Efficient Experienced Drivers TELEPHONE' 524-7401 Photography DIAL 524-8787 HADDEN'S STUDIO 118 St. David Street. R. W. BELL NEED SOME WORk DONE AROUND YOUR HOUV? • RECREATION ROOMS BUILT • • INTERIOR WALLS and CEILINGS PANELLED and TILED • . PORCHES s and, VERANDAHS CLOSED IN • ALL TYPES OF ROOFING and SIDING OPTOMETRIST F. T. ARMSTAONG Consulting Optometrist The Squarer" 524-7661 Roy N. Bentley PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 4Britannia Road, East . Dial, 524-9521 GODERICH - ONTARIO • ALUMINUM STORMS • - EAVESTROUGHING, etc. 524-7096 PHONE 524-6201' REFMGERATION and WEST STREET E.s.H 'REI -LL RISTMAS FOWL 48-48-50x ' APPLIANCE SERVICE "All makes - All typed GERRY'S APPLIANCES 'The Souare Phone 544-8434 -"The Store That Service Built" Butler, Dooley, Clarke & Starke Real Estate Agent RUTH VAN DER MEER DIAL 524-7875, Goderich Agent For WILFRID McINTEE REALTOR Walkerton Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy acensed Municipal Auditor 39 St. David St., 524-8253 GODERICH, ONTARIO- - 32tf F R E We Take Pride In The Dependable Quality of Our Birds BAYONET and SHEATH - With Every Purchase of 10.00 or More CHRISTMAS SALE Ben Chisholm STILES AMBULANCE Roomy - comfor`fable Anywhere - Ariytime 15IAL-524-8142 77 Montreal St., Gotlerich Esso Imperial Products 20 Albert SK,. Goderich Office -524-7502 ;lome-524-7835' W Denomme FLOWER SHOP - Phone • 6132 524. DAY OR NIGHT vt.U0R4 Alexander aid' Chapman NOVEMBER 23-28 and DECIMBER 14 to :24 //3 OFF 255 OFF 25(c) OFF 105 OFF ver4 on all purchases a 5.00 or more on fishing' tackle, marine' supplies; diving, swimming and camping equipment. Beautiful tray plaques. Extra special on 6" tray plaques. Reg. 70c now 3 for L50 ALL , AMMUNITION balance of -all Items' in. stock. Loading supplies, motors, . snow machines, etc. GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building Goderich Dial 524-9662 -• RELOADERS • Standard Primers 8.00 .Per 1000' Battery cup style to fit CIL cases 9.25 Per 1000 TO OBTAIN THIS DISCOUNT Please tring This Advertisement With You.' ' Agent fat' 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOPING A., M. HARPER - ELLWOOD EPS CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55.--57 SOUTH STREET TELEPHONE . GODERPI, ONTARIO 524-7562 WAINIENSINNIN SPORTING GOODS CLINTON OPEN FRIDAYS 'til 10 DAILY 84 48-49 11 •?.4 • 61110. • We Hove ThelLatgest Selection of Farm ,Fresh Fowl in Town The 106 THE;SQUARE FRESH , TURKEY CHICKEN GOOSE or DUCK Ainslie Market 524-8551 7V. • a