HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-12-10, Page 12VIP Goderich Signel,,S,. tar, Thursday, December 10th, 1964 A• 07 CAMPBELL'S Rompf Case 'Proves' Le.thyy In a jury trial which promis- ed to continue all week, before County' Judge R. S. I}ethering ton, the fourth Crown witness was cabled Wednesday forenoon in the ease of Thomas Rompf, changed -with theft of about $4,000 ',Horn Goderich branch of the Royal Canadian Legion. Crown Attorney W. G. Coch- rane examined Vernon Smith, house committee chairman in 1963 and a member of the 'can- teen committee, and Dan Mur- phy, of Donnelly, Donnellyand Murphy, cross-examined for the defence. A true bill was brought in by a grand jury late Monday "even- ing: His -honor- on Tuesday morning dismissed the jury, which foreman Roy Bennett of ing am sal •• • i • • no in en to inspect county buildings. A petit jury. was flat once im- panelled for the Rompf case, and • by adjournment on Tues- day the court had heard testi- 0 DER Perfume ,5 25 to 40.00 • Cologne: 3;7¢ to 10.00 Gift Sets 6.50 to 13.25 m*nY of <George A. Chambers, Legion president; Janes Adam, president in 1992.63, and Ralph Clarke, treasures* for five years prior to his removal to London, J. W. Britnell New President Huron County E n g i'n ee r James W. Britnell has been Bleed president of the Coun- ty ngineens' Association of On- tario. The annual meeting of the associattion was held last week at Toronto. It is composed of county engineers. and their assistants from the 33 counties in the province,r With the position goes that of chair ran of the County En-` gineers' Advisory Committee. Ttlis' amih'itte'e me?f s'-mtii thly at the call of the Ontario tster of IiighWayys. The association's meeting was addressed bp Hon. C. S. Mac - Naughton, Minister of :High- ways. Purpose of the Associa- tion is to further the work of county road administration,. CANDIES Red Stoplights (Cont hued from page 1) !without commission's ',division; consumers and metered water users to .pay for a part ' of this project, and if th'ie is correct' the board will require you to submit a proposed bylaw follow ing first and second readings only, authorizing construction of the project,•and providing for imposing the sewer rate, and notice of the special rate will have to be advertised as the board may direct. I am enclos- ing herewith a form of notioe to be completed by you and a draft a the same to: be sub- mitted for the board's consider- ation, after which you will re- ceive directions for public- ation." An 'expkanatory" letter from the Hpusing Commission, re- s•ardin_ •a men to the town, was filed, also one from t e Water Resources Commission which set forth that the town can't use the emergency bypass at the waterworks (completed at 'a cost of $585.39) s of plant operations" consenting. "`The bypass will used only in event of an em gency,"" the letter stated, whe demand is in excess of filtered capacity., The chief operator must obtain permission from the division of plant operations before tate by- pass can be placed into use, and discontinued as soon as de- mand can be met by filtered water.... During bypass oper- ation, extra chlorine will be ap- plied." Plant Capacity . "What actually is the capae ity of the plant in emerigy?" enquired Councillor Shore. IIe was informed it can pump, 3,000,000 galleons a day. The° calerk iefitioned-t tt the town will have something like 0,000 of debenhu'ee dated De comber 1, covering sidewalks, ' urbs, etc,, completed last year. Mr. Blake, who. is secretary of the Maitland Cemetery Board, said the cemetery board and the Town of Goderich cemetery perpetuity fund would take up some of the debenture and the remainder would "'be offered locally at par. Federal and provincial auth- orities have approved the race- track acetiack stable -Fogad as winter $3,000 and $1,500, respectively, heereis'tin e $f;fl90-wages the, ''town to pay the remainder. „,J .the structure pis expec The, Crown requires ,en area, 100. by 38 feet at the harbor end of Wellington,, north, le construct a timber crib. henn survey documents are reveived, a public works letter stated, ' it is the intent to expropriate to obtain title, at present in doubt." "This Ls at the' corner of the elevator,"' deputy reeve Jewell explained. "We gave this to them two years agot" "We advised them we would convey it to them;" clerk Blake confirmed. . 'Councillor Schaeffer suggested. • of• tte original let - .4, • •• • tggia!Vsxrr IDEAL STOCKING FILLER ecaret- eW«,,.. • lz, ''''o,m. r LITTLE LADY nwAsat 14 4.5.0i0 0 1311.70 GIFT IDEAS 75c to 1.50 SOAKIES 8 8c MO'UTH ORGANS 1.00 PRETTY HAIR SET 59c MISS MERRY'S J -MISS 'MERRY'S HOSPITAL -SET 1.49 For --Him-- • Wallets .2.95 to 7.50 Electric Shavers •.-- Speedflex Philishave - 29.98 Remington Rol -A -Matic 25.95 Philishave Speeashaver . 19.95 Gift Sefs OLD SPICE 1.59 'to 11.50 YARDLEY 1.85 to 6.715= Arden forMen 1 .50 -to 6.50 CAMERAS:- Brownie 'Fiesta -Flash Camera Outfit .. 9.95 Marmite II Outfit 12.85 Brownie 8 Movie Projector , 69.95 CASE, Regular 7.50 -- With Projector 1.00 Includes Film, Flashbulbs, and Batteries - regular 21.50 Instamatic 100 Oitfiti9.9'5 WE ALSO,HAVE IN STOCK Instamatic 3D0 - 400 - 500 REGULAR 1:Z9 •' Stainless .Steel Razor Blades & Heads' Up Hair Cream 89c SHAVE BOMB 89; MEN'S Hair Brushes 98c to 895 REGULAR 0 -OLD SPICE AFTERSUAVESLOTION 1.29 Mouth Organs $1. to 12.9.5 Pen and Pencil Sets All Prices GUITARS from 19.95 WE DELIVER C r • BEAUTIFULLY WRAPPED -FOR CHRISTMAS Tree Lamp "aligh ! with six Petal Wafers. $1.00 Miniatures.... .:..... 1 -ib. 1.95 2 -lb. 3.90 Regular and Family Ass't 1-2-3-5 lb. ib. 1.50 1.50 • Frosted and French Mint .... .. r fids+r irlA ?�4x szmtogif r>Ql4°, :dazwr wa. ,e s Milk Chocolate Assortment 1.50 Dixies .. or` Turtles - 1.65 Maraschino Cherries . .................... 1.50' Jars of Old Time Peppermint Hard Candies Butter Mints Butterscotch - - Bridge Candies 5Oc, 1Q -oz. jar Peppermint Patties 1 75c Mint Chocolate Medallions 75c Laura Secord ' Chocolate Kiddie Pops ... 65c Laura SecordeKiddie Pops . 40c SANTAS .. 75c • 'Moulded Chocolate. Santa '1n „,Decorated - Chimney Box - 60c GIFT ASSORTMENT 9.95 Seasons Greetings Assortment 5.95`-- Christmas Cake .... 1-1b. 1.25 2 -ib. Tin 2.95 Christmas 'trio Pack ' . 3.25 Puff -Puff. Blue Grass Dusting Powder in the accordion. sh t Puff -Puff that every. ,49 '1.25 and 2.00 Also Jams, Chocolate Bars, Chocolate Hazel Nuts, Chocolate Almonds and Raisins. MP B E'LL'15 168 The Square • We Deliver • 524- 532 • • IN FANCY APOTHECARY BOTTLE LANDER BUBBLE BATH .09 IN FANCY APOTHECARY BOTTLE +► LANDER GUEST SOAPS 1.59 IN FANCY APOTHECARY BOTTLE Lander Liquid Bubble Bat 1.49 Borg Bathroom Scales •.95 up Heating Pads fro4.98 Evening in Paris ii/t�4'50 • Y4RDLEY LOTUS, RED ROSES, LAVENDER, and APRIL VIOLETS YaidIeyGIFT SETS 1.5 to 8.5�,: YardleyColognes i,fr5 t�3.50 COLOGNE SETS by SHULTON DESERT FLOWER . 2.00. up Keystone Hair Brushes 1.65 up • 101. EI.I.'S 524'7532 DAL � . '.i{;ly;,„l�R. ,,. �t1:6f;A:fjrf. .n ... , -. . x'•;A. Order of the Bath: Blue Grass Puff -Puff Dusting Powder and Bath Soap. , $3.00 Double -Ended Purser for the handbag, contains Liquid Soap and Hand Lotion. Blue. Grass, June Geranium. $1.00 Luxury Dusting Powder in pastel. hued plastic box. Blue Grass, • Memoire Cherie, On Dit, Valencia, My Love, June Ger- ' . anium, Opera No. 450. $3.00 and $5.50 Lantern "a -light" with Blue Grass Bath Soap and Puff -Puff �( Dusting Powder. $2.25 e. N.Y.{ei.wle. . Blue Grass Bath Set, an all-time favorite. Dusting Powder and Hower Mist. $5.00 • Fragrance Hamper filled to brim with Blue Grass Fluffy Milk Bath, Hand Lotion, Flower Mist, Hand Soap, Purser. $10.50 Blue Grass Plower Mist with Special•Atomizer, and Hand Lotion for pampered hands. $4.50 0 Memoire Cherie Bath Essence, - Dusting Powder and Soap -;a memorable way to say "Merry Christmas". $10.00 Blue Grass Flower Mist with Special Atomizer, Bath Mit, Hand Lption. $6.00 r., 1. 1'saut �il�l'1 � Amp 4111 IX* kg Mi Bobbin -such a pretty little gift to hang on her tree) Blue Grass Flower Mist (1 oz.). $1.25 AMPBELL' 168' The Square • We Deliver • .524-7132 4 Firemen's Pay The matter of a request pay increase for town fieemeri' will be before council at next meet- ing, committee chairman Hays said. Taxes collected to• date thi ,year total '$519,921, or 88.7°/ Mr. Jessop .repvrtede-'Eleve! building permit& were, issued; for a vall.ue of $98,5b0, of which devellings amounted to $54,700,, and commercial 'a nod -industrial $43,000, including one for $40,000 issued to Domtar in con- nection '.wiith, the Sifto refined salt 'pant. Arrangements for purchase - of the and. Smith property on Caledonia Terrace, were (found to be far ahead of the provin- cia Y `cern•tenary body's delieber- ctibns. - "I move the option be taken up," said Deputy Reeve Jewell. "I' am in favor of purobasing whether approved for centennial. purposes or not." Councillor Moody - seconded the motion, and the mayor and clerk were authorized to com- plete the purchase. The price mentioned was $?,000. Upset Changes The Picture An election upset at Clinton. where Reeve Morgan Agnew' lost the, reeves'hip to Duff Thompson, removes one of three anno,unced'.candid'ates for the wardenshir of H'uron.. The others, Reeve Glenn Webb,, of Stephen and Rege' Clifford Dun- bar of Grey, were not opposed. With Mr. Agnew, Deputy Reeve John Sutter, two years in county coy•ncil. went down to•defeat on a local issue. Seven changes in eounty council membership are assur- ed, several in what might be called the ordinary Bourse of events and others through de: feat at the polls. With the re- turn on Mondayi of Reeve Tom T.,einer, of Hn11• .tt, by a sub- Tantial_- *,vlr .�* s. seises., mains only M•elcillop in which an election has riot been held. Nominations i nthat township will he held December 28. and r)'inrt, if necessary, January 4. Kenneth Stewart is serving : first term as reeve and may not be opposed. Deputy Reeve Torn Howard of Ashfield lost to Gordon Boyd, but Deputy Reeve Robert Gib- son survived a contest in How ick. At Wingham, Reeve J. Roy Adair, 11 years in comity come cif, stepped aside for his deputy. Joseph Kerr, chairman of the 1964 roads committee, and J. Alexander is the new deputy reeve. Clarence L. Boyle suc seeds Glenn Fisher'as reeve o1' Exeter. - Wilmer Hardy ,follows Ralph Jewell as Reeve of Colborne. The election in Goderich, un oppbsed, of Reg. R. Jewell as reeve and Robert Squire as deputy reeve• returns the form- er to County ,counetilln place of Reeve Frank Wellcome who has successfully contested the .may - orality. 1Ufr. -Squire will enter county eouneil an deputy reeve.. r,. t