HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-11-26, Page 16VIPION00.1 • •- • • 16 The CsderlOh Signal -Star, Thursday, November 26th, 1964 •s;.) + 'DUNGANNON NEWS ANON. — Mrs. Paul Henderson and daughter Hea- ther of Detroit spent a few days Phis week with her parents, MT. and Mrs. Harvey Alton. .The • sy-mp•athy of the com- munity is extended to Mrs. Jim Rivett an the death of her prandmo the r, Mrs. M. Jewe.11, i.itaoderich hospital on Wed- pesday. Mrs. Jewell was bur- ied on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Ken Park and son Brian • of Brampton spent tthe weekend Nvith :11r. and Mrs. Ben Park. ,We are sorryto hear Mrs'. Bea.?ie Stewart is confined to Wingham ho_ipital for ' diagt)0.— tie treatment. It is, expected be home This week. Mr. and'Mrs. K&IHo•dges and Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Hodges t tended.the Canada Packers qUet held in the Clinton Legion Hala Wednesday evening,. Nov- ember lb.. - Mr. and., Mrs. R o s Err: ng to n and family of St. Helens spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Errington and family. Mrs. Victor Errington retern- ed'home Sunday after a week's stay in Toronto- with Mr, and #tiffefekliiiii•rEOT-Zr • -1Mr. arid Mrs. Tom Webster attended the•Royal Winter Fair • In Toronto for a couple of days - • last ..week. Petrick of Wingham celebrated their .25th weddihg anniversary on November nth,. Mr. and Mrs.. Cecil Blake, Bill and Bar- bara and •Mr. Harold Blake at- tended the event. Mr, and Mrs, Howard Culbert 'and 'family, were recent visitors in Brampton with the latter's. sister, Mrs. Neoble, and Mr, Neoble. Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Culbert and family, Gaderieh, Mrs. Clara Johnston, Mrs, Ilene bavis, Mrs. Ann .Johnston and 'Helen, all of Lucknow, were re- cent visitor's with Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Culbert and girls. 'Mrs. Annie Bere. is spending two ,4weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Culbert and girls. Since Mrs. Irvine Eedy. She had ed for _a display of Dutch ar- opera aweek at the, home of tieles belonging to Rev. and Mr. .and Mrs. G, G. Van Horn Mrs. Veldhuis. The tea table of London following her release was convened by Mrs,. Fru* :rom St. Joseph's • Hospital Thompson; bake, table, ,Mit:S. .there she had-..-Ipont three Joe Dauphin; apron table, Mrs. Chester Finnigan; sewing and accompanieid her home. a fancy work, Mrs, Wilbur Brown; Airs, John wiL,on and David farm produce, Mr.s. Flos.4.ie Iv - ors; candy table, MrS'. Esther ltivett; fish pond, Mf.T. T. C. ,-ncia.rson. The sum of $200 was realized from tihe bazaar. weeks. Mr. and M:•,, Van Horn of BrightGro‘ vi -td re .•thitly with Morri..; while Mr, Wikon was hunting ;n this area. Mr. 11.her Ft:dy has rcturnH rhe ladies expressed gratitude trom Goderich 1i, 11 'for attendance .and time and M. and Mrs. Harold Chase, ork.donated. Wendy, Vicki, Carol and SteA, W.M.S. Meets , - Hnd Mrx Cclia Mcore of Code- Mrs. W. A, Stewaq was in vi,ited recently with Mr. charge of the Women's Mission - and Mrs. Fred Young and ram- ary meeting in the church. Miss Mary Murray, read the Glad I. Mr. and Mrs. Dick L'Ark cind 'ridings prayer and Mrs. Stew - Mr. and Mrs. Ke41. Hodges sp,nt art read from Deuteronomy 8: -t weekend visiting relatives 11-18. The study book was dis- business. Roll call was ansW- ered by .14 ladies with 'a Scrip- ture verse containing, Learn. Mrs. W. 13rown gave the treas- urer's repert stating more than $200 was made at the recent bazaar. Anexchange of gifts at the Christmas meeting ,wa-s cl.eoided upon. atIrs. C Orozieir read a letter stating the alto - cation is $260 for.1965. Mrs. H. Johnston, Mrs. G. Weaver and Mrs. Ross Eedy will look after the gifts for the shut-ins at Christmas. Mrs. Blake told of the poem, Flander's Fields, and al repeated. it. Lunch was served, by Mrs. Id. Jo ton, Mrs. C. Blake and 1VIrs. oyd Hodges. PORT ALBERT PORT ALBERT.—Mrs. Will Stewart of Auburn is visiting with Mrs. Dave Martin this week. Earl Martin and George Acker of London were weekend viSzTrits. Brian Petrie is a patient in Children's War Me moria 1 IT)spital in London. He is wished a speedy recovery. Messrs. .D1ton Draper, Elmer Draper and Leroy Draper, and Mrs. Will Draper visited in - „ has spent three vveeks with Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Culbert in Goderich. After her stay ,with be:. son 1-1:irvey's family she plans To retern to her own • ' home if she can find .sorneone, to with her as a companion. I Mrs. Clara MeNay has re- turned. tathe home of Mr. and I •n the Leamington'area. cu ed Mrs, Witson read Euchre Winners 1 the ti'easurer'e report. The of - St. Paul's Ladies Guild held liars were re-elected by ac - their 'fir,t euchre party' of the clamation, A pot luck supper will be held at the annual meet - scason ori November '13 with • nine tables in play. 1A'inners ing on the motion of Mrs, Rob- wt,re: Ladies' high, Mrs. Jack ert McAllister. and Mrs. F, Errington; second, Mrs. Reg. Jones. There. were discussions Brindley; men's high,.Charles on a Christmas party and also Fov, ler; second, Greg Park. 1 an q ilts. Mrs. F. Jones read , • ffei.".-qie •14&gseeift&ew Mrs 47f -weekly. - , • • McAilestei- -read the last part - Bazaar .'Is Success Dungannon U.C,W. held a succes.sful bazaar and tea in of the creed, "I believe id* the 'I Gospel." Film Show ,... the church basement. Mrs. Mrs, Hugh McWhinney pre- 1,,WWWITith'NtrfrV4vIii"-MIT6' Veldhuis welcomed the guests. of the Dungannon U.C.W. held Rev. J. A. Veldhuis opened tn the S.S. room on Tuesday; the bazaar with greetings .and evening. Mrs. Gordon Finnigan a word of prayer. An interest- played for the hymns. Mrs. ling antique display under the T. C. . Anderson gave a n inter - direction of Mrs. Robert Stoth- esting topic, Christian Educa- ers and Mrs. J. M. iIed was bon; dealing with India and held for the first-time. Te Mrs. McWhinney showed a items included dishes; GlothiM.-,,, film "Frontiers That Cali Us." ineludiaig a wedding_ dress; Miss., Beth .McConnell led in clocks, one of which played a prayer. Mrs, Howard 'Johnston musical tune,'and a grancirno- gave 'a reading. and conducted ther's -pipe and stand. One a Bible quiz. The president, Orner of the table was re.serv.- Mrs. C. Blake, conducted the I 115. Windsor with Mr. Ben Draper who bas been a hospital pat - tent there for the past three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Green of Detroit were weekend visit- ors here. , Mrs. Rey Petrie visited for a few days, last week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles CroSsett and family of -Islington. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bills of Toronto visited with Mrs. Harry Lednor .last week and Fred Dickson of • Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs. Lednor. Mrs. Will Vrooman is staying at her home for a couple of weeks. • LOCHAI(H.1—Furnace trou- ble at North Asthfield Public School again gave the children a holiday on Monday. Mrs. Annie' McMurchy -left an Tuesday to spend the wintor in Ripley With Mrs. ary Marty•n. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wyl•d,s spent a day in St. Marys with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ,Stone re- cently. The W.M.S. ef Ashfield Pres- 1 byterian Church met on Thurs- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. George Aforaciief, Mrs. Gordon Finlayson's roup had charge of the meeting. Mrs. David ;MacDonald is teaching at Ripley ,and District nigh School in place .of Miss4 Ruth Lindsay who is hospital- ized. Due to a severe snow storm on the weekend, church services were cancelled on Sunday af- ternoon at Ashfield Presbyter- ian Church. Mr. and lifirl!N5liver YfcC harr- ies, who had spend a few days in Toronto and Clarkson, were among the. many motorists stranded at Waterloo due to the bad storm and road conditions while trying to return home Saturday evening. Gone to 5*nd the winter in. Wingham are Mr. and Mrs. Donald.B. MacKenzie. Mr. Herb Ensign has purchas- ed a house in Lucknow to which he will be moving shortly. •• ...... FROM B.C.'s FAMOUS OKANAGAN VALLEY Extra Fancy large Size n_e.wimik:topa am. ••16 MWR. WITH --mis---coppoN-ONLY 111 REX-RAY AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC „ -4N-Raga-VAPORIZER' • ' • HUMIDIFIER 4.99 REG. 7.95 • 1 , • • 127620 1, B.W. • • RoltsyOC , H e N' D S oi • BOOK STORE 4 THE SQUARE GERRAR The' Store With The Stock FOR HIM SHIRTS — TIES SWEATERS SOCKS — HATS TOPCQATS — SCARVES SLACKS FOR HER, ° SWEATERS — BLOUSES CARCOATS • SKI JACKETS SLIMS — PURSES LINGERIg DRESSES Complete Selections For Everyone •" All Popular Priced USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN • A Small Deposit. Holds Your Purchases AEI PHARMACY 1 FLORIDA, LONG, GREEN SLICERS, NO. .1 GRADE • IMO UMW MOM 111.11 MIMI =Ill 'NMI MP mit am loom 01111,11. daINISBIIIMIIIIINNINNOINII/111/111111 KUM FULLY MATURED, CHIQUITA BRAND . • • aftanasH Sweet, Texas, Hard Shell, Good Size, No. 1 Grade Green PEPPERS4f0,29c, Ontario, Yellow Cooking, Brushed and Polished, No. 1 Grade ONIONS 3-lbcello bag 25c Florida, Marsh'Seedless, Size 96 'GRA1:r:FRUIT- P.E.I. White Table Stock", No. 1 Grade 5!0or6 baglif.699; TAT ES Crisp and Juicy, For Eating or Cooking . cello bag wwvhaimpoispobotesetool , 6 -quart basket c . ALL PRICES IN THIS AG. GUAliANTE.ED .THROUGH ,, ,.--.'. ' ' . . ' ,,,,. - • A.45/,.,11c, .._c,cgoccr.„*",-F!t!mtdfr,s,,,cncyt?:;•en:lpkfrrtgtj;9N')t.:tvtito Pir2S.M7AVA:"..!"'Z.-"*'g,.'n't!.1"."9:-Pv..'-t"--ri--"t-4-.Y-rf'."-t.t . '''''''''''':f7" -"7"".143"'""r"-!'771"" i'l"'".• 0 . ..... _. __... — .._ . ... -• .• 4.4i c•': A&P LOW 1,0W PRICES PE .: A. 1: -.,..'.::• . ,..... SPE( R olkoiri$oH, . re- L4NEPARKfR • A. Heinz, Fancy Quality Reg. Price tin 37c -,-SAVE 11c TOMATO JUICE -1.00 48- I -oz tins Solo Coloured Reg. Price 2 lbs 59c—SAVE 19c. MARGARINE - 41 -lb pkgs 99t (With Coupons Worth 46c) : Reg. Price box 41.36—SAVE AN EXTRA 7c TIDE (27c OFF DEAL) king si;e box 1 „29 Ogilvie Twinkle (7 Varieties) , • SPECIAL! CAKE MIXES 2 15 -oz pkgs 49C "NEW P• ACK", Cho& Quality, Cream Style SPECIAL! A&P 'CORN "NEW P• ACK", AAP Fancy Quality SPECIAL! APPLESAUCE 5 20-fl-qz titit 99c "NEW PACK", Dessert Style Reg. tin 25c—SAVE 11c IONA PEARS 420-fi-oz ; 411 C "NEW PACK", Henley Choice Qui,lity, FRUIT CaCKTAIL 28 -fl -oz tin 39 Puritan (With Gravy) — 5c Off Deal MEAT BALLS 3 15 -oz tinsl .00 It's the EAT in the MEAT that counts CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF GERRARD' THE SQUARE • • • RISING STAR- , CARPET by Barrymore ONLY 11.95 SQ. YD. - "RISING STAIR" is the newest nylon carpet by BARRYMORE, Canada's most' respected name in Car- pets. It's made of Du Pont carnet nylon- the toughnet carpet fibre known, and carries the Du Pont 501 Gold Label' as an extra 'assurance of quality. , You'll love the way "RISING STAR" enhances your entire home with its smart pattern. And you can choose fromi A wide range of rich colors. "RtsrNd STAR" is ,,a carpet designed, for ac- tive family living and, innall Barrymore carpets, - it's "Traffic Rated", actually pre -tested for perform- ance and appearance in your home. MEMBER OF THE FLOOR INSTITUTE OF ONTARIO B. R. ROBINSON FLOOR SPECIALIST 61 HAMILTON STREET 524.8831 BLADE SUPER -RIGHT QUALITY BLADE BONE REMOVED • SHOULDER POT ROAST ROUND BONE • INCED B SUPER -RIGHT QUALITY, SKINLESS BEEF LIVER Meaty Short or Cross Cut RIB ROASTS Ib • FRESH • Ib COOKED AND BREADED Ib 39c •HALIBUTSTEAKI Ib 59c Save Cash .At A&P Jane Parker , • Reg. Price eaoh-59d—SAVE 10o CHERRY PIE large 24 -oz size 49e Jane Parker Reg. Price each 39c—SAVE 10o SPANISH BAR CAKE each29.c Jane Parker Reg. Price loaf 27c—SAVE 110 RAISIN)BREAD 2 16 -oz loayes 43, dacromnbelmoralialimilimici, Good Morning • Reg. Pricocjar 630—SAVE 4c A&P MEANS DEPENDABILITY ”1111.101,11,110. c.• • a 11