HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-11-26, Page 8• • • Goclerieh Signal-StarrThursday, November 26th, 1964 Siftos 6, St. Marys 3s Stormy. Weather Had Its Effect On Game By Bob Shrier The absence of the two 'play- ', ors lett the S.ttu WL1I on13 • Last yearts S,ifto coach, Joe' two delensem.'n anct this was a Mavety, visited Goderich with ..,, , - his St. Marys' Lincolns last Sat- urday night and... handed the shorthanded '64 edition of the Sifts a 6-3 loss by virtue of three goals in the overtime period. . . ;Another ex-Sifto, Jean Paul G'Otilpt, played a . -very largo t--iii--th4s-deeis-44e-44i-e- the visitors. Gotilet, who Went' an an: assist onto Pahn':-. to •St. Marys tiro seasians back 4oal. It w:is the line of Caster, ,-'• ..„.. after playing an impressive part W°Q(1' and' li.'"1:111 '"-11° 1)()i t‘(:1 all thret of the Goderich count • '..* • of a year Gode.-rich in '62-'63, , .. 'Made -the big play for the St. Marys tying goal at 7:39 of the In a fairly fast and evenper- third period, He then slapped iocr of hock,: -y ihe Siftos.scored,1:What island in Canada is the tho in two goals in opvertime- t W:C,', hoth off the stick of r world's largest freshwater is - to make the win sure. ‘1,',:oc1 and within' loss than land? . nunute.; of each other. 2.1n 1911 the Canadien -labor The bad, vveather on Saturday 111NT ? night delayed the Lincolns at- St. ,Mary ak° scored Qnce -in tomtook in 37,52 per cent Ow • o )enin, frame : of the population. What is ritv,a1 more tlinn half ,an hour ---- •.i - ' . wv t"' by • Thewatrelia period was' also! -. the 'tint pi•oportion?- ‘and the game was'•elose to• an' III What .was the birth date' hour late getting Aafted. Wca- -even as 110‘lack" of, scoring ther'plaved a larcre part in, thr would inclicatb Cod,orich. did : the Heir Apparent, Prince Lincolns win. as it provent,d [net 'inuSter'inijeli-Of' an-ofieryi -Charles? . . both Bob Moran, who res'idt, ! but their defense was good 14. What !s the annual pay and • in Walkerton, and Lynn ShoW;; enough to hold the luckle,,s1 allowance ora Member of the , •Hoti ., felt, a Kincardine native. from Lincolns in cheek for 20 min- of Coinmons,of a Cab- gOting in for the gatm,., utes. ; int Minister? • ____ The third period wa . ... 5, To run all of Canada's govern- on's only ts o minute old when Goderich mencombined-municipal, provincial. and federal -does made it 3-1. Rahn WQ11 and Jost the puck two or three times but finally gained control right in !*ront of the St, Matts' c:.0‘. ,Ile lotiked like lie was ;in tpo; • .featuring. -Yarns from '-, • ight. to .,,,C or ti` but he found an 'Switzerland - France opening in the goaltender's . Norway - England ,, pacts. .. , . • _, St. Marys scored at the two- - New _ Opal ... Spun . Bulky „, Yarn inimito.:.:mark,,and -aain.a-t-..the zeven minute mark and that ALL YARNS , was all there was until, the ..' . 15% OFF D V C 11 int O. • --In overtime, the goalsecame . • ,T).%,........tciatiartativ..Advesised..-...,:, .14stulierinifabtati.,..cuitit.1 EMU - BERNAT.°- BEEHIVE and nine. inin.utes to give the SPINNERIN - 'PINGOUIN ' Liticoins a hard fought put Well Mohair, Tweeds, Wools, Blench- at tie, ,,k i „ ,,• 81 EAST 'ST. they put, u a creditable Per- -Tace'playas !, . Goderrch was far from ,..di. d on the night's - big factor. . Dae Pettus and (levy Parsons were pressed in- to double duty, In the over, time period, tifiedefensive crops just ran out of gas after seeing far more than noennal ice Fiore: Steve Woods,, a, steady 'per- former. in the last few gaanes,- was the Goderich marksman on 'two of the three roa - and he • • • „ •„ Fire Chief... „. (Continued from page 1) Councillor, Scitiire; "If- that be so, a motion to Tay on the table is always in order, and I will ,make that motion, and 'that .Akes precedence over the mo- tion." IVIAITLAND BRAND The Mayor: "We have Coun- cillor Johnston's amendment to the original motion." Councillor Shore: "Councillor Johnston's proposed anlend- merit is a motion, and it cannot be., -made when another motion is under debate." • The Mayor: "Unless 'a motion to lay on the table'." Councilor Johnston (to Coun- cillor Shore): "You don't want to go by the book." 'Councillor Sqiiire: "You say my amendment to the motion to lay this matter of hiring a ful-time fire chief on the table is out of order?" The Mayor: "I do not think it is antmendment I think we should have the towp solicitor in." Councillor Squire: "I move an amendment to the amend- ment that we leave It over to next regular me.eting land that the solicitor be present to 'plain to us how we can settle these amendments and motions in further discussion." • Seconded by Councillor John- ston, this proposition carried. Members Of Beta Sigma F'hi who recently. Back row, from left tO right: Mrs. Helene n.-front-.-Al.e.o.ck4-Mzs--.1,ogce.-Harrisi-sM,r,,s.-.L-K Sully; row, from left to right, are: Miss Agnes Social Sponsor; Mrs. Karen Sturdy; Miss Lang; 'Mary Lou Drennan; Cathy ,,Naftel; Ellen Geirwill; Miss Mary Wilson. See story Mrs. Bonnie Dunn; Miss Eileen Fellows. on page 10. • • it cost $3 million a day, $17 1. Manitoulin, in Lake Huron. million a day, $37 million a 4. Of a 'Member, $18,000; of a day? Minister, $33,000. 2. In 1961„ ANSWERS: 5. More than $37 35.48 per cent of the population million a day.. 3. Nov. 14, 1948. were in the labol* tarc,r. QUICK .CANADIAN QUIZ -HOMESPUN 'YARN SHOP • • . • 4.010101011MM,11011•11•01111=0.77001110011•110•.M111111000. _ HOMEMADE CANDY 'Peanut Brittle -- Horehound - Humbugs etc. Chocolate and Maple Fudge- PeanUty. Almonfl and • Coconut Clusters 4 •CHRISTMAS SHORTBREADS . SMALL COOKIES Christmas Cake. Christmas Pudding - Watch -For Our Christmas Window Display' After Dec. 3rd CULBERT'S' • BAKERY 49 West Street , Goderich - .• 524-7941 Mon., Tues.,Wed:4,Thurs., Sat., 8:30 'til 6:30 4, Fru:, til 9 p.m. " SPECIAL PURCHASE FROM 4 DUNLOP Brand New - Top ,Of The Line Silent Traction OW TIRES WITH W-N-LINCONIDITIONAL-MONEY-BACK 'GUARANTEE if you are not completely satisfied with your Dunlop Silent Traction Nylon show tires we will )-efuricl your purchaise price in full. This guarantee remains in, effect for 15 days after ' the date 'of purchase. Size 670-15 Heavy Duty_ NYLON TUBE TYPE FOUR PLY FIRST LINE WITH CLASS "A" TRADE-IN E 1 48 -oz. HEINZ • ° TOMAT JUICE KLEENEX TISSUES200s 7 PUSS and BOOTS for for for MONARCH AKE MIXES 24 -oz RASPBERRY or STRAWBERRY , • DEDICATE LIGHTS . _ Ncw Aghts in Victoria S'rer,t 'United Church will .:_be dedi- cated • at the 11 AM. service on Sum' ly. They are in mem- ory of the late Mrs. Florence Wilson and were presented to. thechurch by he'ETamily. • , formance. But .it just. wasn't tood enough,' against the fully 'alm.ltirbinttiviarrim.roog&ww. SLAP' SH', -.T5: ,,,Only 272 fans :.1''..7C(*. out. for trirTga-ni 9'w 301 t fir Tiff,4iter- drove all night t'o get -here; they are the parcnts (.0 Bob Caster., HALLMARK CARDS • •"When You 'Care Enough To Send The Very Best" Tubeless Blackwall Tubeless Whitewall Size Mfrs. List Our Price Mfrs. List Our Price 670 x 15 /8.10 17.95 30.90 19.95 800 x 14 29.90 19.95 32.90 21.95 • 750 x 14 28.10 17.95, 30.90 19.95 600 x 13 23.45 15.95 25.80 -17.95 All Prices Include Your Class "A" Trade-in SPECIAL PRICES ON TRUCK AND TRACTOR TIRES • Mrs. Caster shovved.s▪ he was a good sP9rt.as, she...tried:J:1er luck in. the Larry Aldham ‘.hooting conteA She scored one, which equalled her two niale counter- AI [infield Tire Shop • „b10101iRES SHELL PRODUCTS () 210 FitiliOk ROAD GODERICH PHONE 524-8541 • Good news , for the man who's over 40, and conceived about his health. A/ILDROOT for YLMER JAMS 'FACELLE Finest, Selection Available We havea huge selection of Coutts Hallmark Cards. Why send jut any old card, when you can buy , the best for little if any extra evre.-emitilt-To-vetrw,A very best. CREAM OIL COLGATE Reg. 79c 59c TOOTH POWDER Reg- 63c 53c BRYLC,REEM • Reg. 49c 38c BURMA 'SHAVE. Reg. 89c 79c 1 -Ib: PRINT 1 , 1 Ply 2 for flRoils RCIPAVV.92PCS410F;gi....0;.3firninthil. Wpm,. KERNEL :COI. NTALL.TINS RED and WHITE -_ MILK BABY BOTTLES. Reg.'49c 39c DELMONTE 'Vp4.44.1pV.S.D111.04 • REWARD JACK and JILL • Reg. 1.09 94c Reg. 1.09 89c Reg. 1.09 64c G FOOD STRAINED OR JUNIOR HEINZ -• ,for 4, • for 15 -oz. Tins for BABY • FOODS for KADANA 100's • 16 -oz. YORK SAVE 10c -- WALLACE TEA BAGS 73c Peanut Butter , 43c TURKEY PIES 3-59c W. E. Williams Representative C01),ERICH Tek./A. 4-7665 when you're over '40 you begin to realize that goOd health may not always be yours. If you're wise you make the necessary adjust- ments -you enjoy life, but you don't overtax yourself. Life insurance suddenly becomes more important, too. You want to make sure that all the gaps arc plug- ged, now. But uncertain health could makaajaSlarAIN.C.4. to buy -more costly. Who sari 'help you? Reg. 64c 49c Reg. 69c 59c LOVING CARE Reg. 1.951.78 MACLEANS . ,-.-, TOOTH PASTE : Reg. - ASPIRIN - Reg. 99c 76c CIGARETTES SANE 60cr CTN. 3.10 • With $1.00 'Purchase SEE OUR FINEST EVER SELECTION OF 4 LEAN -TENDER -JUICY ROUND, ST EA 69c SIRLOIN OR T BONE STE A K FRESH LOCAL KILLED BOILING 1 think Manufatturers Life probably can. We believe life insurance should be avail- able to as wide a group of people as possible -in- cluding people witb coro- naries, high blootf *ssure, or ulcers', for example -7 -et lowest possible cost. Iii fact,. our company wiis the first to offer life ipsurance to men and women with diabetes. If you arc under 80 and worried_about your life in- surance because you are worried about your health, give me a call. I'll revIew Notrir present insurance and sho4 you how 'Manufac- turers life may he able to plug any gat -4.s Mere are in; it -withont placing you under rMy obligation. MANUFACTURERS 16-64 GIFTS BY: YARDLEY SHULTON CHANEL AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS FOWL RUMP:. R AST 6 Ib. to 8 .113s. Ib. CUT and WRAPPED, RED OR BLUE BRAND HINDS OF EEF Ib. 79c 39c 79 lb. 5 7c •‘• USE THESE tPUPONS' GOOD UNTIL SATURDAY, NbV. 28th ' • 10c OFF 3-quart"Jug ANDREWS MILK, 10c OFF, Two 8 -oz pkgs. of GLACE FRUIT OR PEEL 25c OFF • 1 -lb.- Box NEILSONS CHOCOLATES 20c OFF 1 -quart tin SIMONIZ NON*SCUFF LIQUID WAX 10c OFF 5 -Ib. Bag PURITY FLOUR , 15c OFF 10 -lb. Bag PEI POTATOES RED & WHITE D AS CANDIES ORDER NOW FOR OUR SPECIAL OVERSEAS MAILING- SERVICE • • - - - Open Nightly Until 10 P.M. for your Shopping Convenience 91 'VICTORIA STREET NORTH ,11 fif az4 „Ae* N41,Vens.fativ....,,.4;44iibra+ r• • • •