HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-11-12, Page 10t•Arr' 44 PHOTO BY R.J. NEPHEW 50 W. J. tetillOcipen.-offici'With • St Cloned -•••necklitfes.'. and '-a-ted- a( the double ring- cere_. iffiree-qttarteFren-ah_TIe e The bell-shaped skirts had'side • mony in North Street United drapes "caught at the waistlines • Church On Saturday, October by a bow. • Their headpieces .24, when Donna Sharlene Cook were matching pillboxes with exchanged marriage vows with tiny veiis and they carried cas- Burton William Bean. Bou- rade bouquets bf pink and quets ,o.L, bronze and yellow white carnations with trailing inelemation, • ' eemis- the' dal' WatlIM.-SratcroWn, Gode- rich, and the late Harvey Cook, Orillia, and Mr. and Mrs. e)ta'vid parents. Lorne Dotterer presid- ed at, the organ and the ,soloist was., Mrs. Tom Dickson, Port .Albert. The bride was given in mar- riage by Bert Crawford. Her full-length gown of white pen de sole was fashioned with a fitted bodice featuring a shallow LOU' 1.7.100,01 waler The Green Thumb by G. MecLEOD ROSS` DUTCH ELM ,DISEASE • .Three hundred years ago the village of Wen.sle,y, lying in thg Yorkshire Dale tof that name, wasle thriving agriculturel cen- tre. Today and kris many days past, it'consists and has con- sisted mainly of its early Eng- lish church, with on of. the few Flemish brasses; some mag- nificently carved pews; its sand- stone portal still scarred from the praetice of sharpening • ar- rowheads thereon -the truer to Make them fly -while, beneath a side -aisle is buried upright a lady with her heart in a lead- en casket on her head, or so relate the church records. But it Ls in the churchyard that a tiarge- -mound- bears -witness to the •days in 1665, when the Great Plague struck' and:- wiped I hope it will not be -consider. ed to dramatic to compare the Great Plague with the scourge of Dutch Elm Disease (D.E.D.) which is now widespread in all southern Ontario and which has ,,.fems aPt4tr done - untold -daniag-e, in the ates,, For the -Ai gonison sons, the mainI7e beinerfraT -? ,, ',t .• 'sepoint-n..2% in both cases the respective populations were caught com- MTriftirrelialeer-TIThre"7-as no organization and no drugs with which to fight the plague; no isolation wards and no sani- tation according to modern standards. , It was every man for himself against a scourage he did not begin to understand. In the case of elm disease we do' know how to lim%it its rav- ages but, unfortunately, the ex- pense of the remedial treatment -is -beyond- th-e regources -6T-th-e individual and yet elms are so often individually owned, so that, in the inability of the own- er to deal effectively with the disease lie.s the reason for the continuing . propagation • until' and- .u,l.p - to. 1:12.e.iasst,,_ elm It is for thirreeestir thet-e hirdisea se EiniecOme a -community pro- „,,,-.4.•=•.,.e.44...........m,..rfx...... , • .. , Groo tgra-fri- Lucknow, and Harry Kerr, Goderich, and Gerald Kerr, Cdr - low, ushered.. Trerti6111"WWitterefTrurfftr Carlow Hall where the bride's aunt assisted the bridal party in receiving the guests, in a three-piece red suit with black and white accessories and a corsage of white carnations. The groom's mother chose a two- piece blue flowered silk dress -.scooped neckline sprinkled withwith black and white* accessor- ' E.'S and a corsage of pink car - pearls, and Illypoint nations, • to ' Self rosettes,...caught at inter- neAs " froiri vals, gave back interest to the bouffant skirt, Her shoulder- Oakville, Toronto, Orillia, Luck - now, , e length veil of silk illusion tell Wingham, GoderichStrat ford and Orangeville. from a crown of seed pearls and ' she carried a casFer their wedding trip to of bouquet Nlernphis, Tennessee, and Ken- '. of red roses and v,Thite stephan- OLiS with trailing ivy. „ tuck.3.the bride chang.,red to a two,p.iece -royal- blue- Be-rnt 4Fj4hP"rf'-1-03-'' _Uiiifont-yg,ai.-zria•-• tiort.-..ef-hon,or t'cessoile's and corsage of. pink* mortirlog_Jr.Ltig.CAlarlaCrburNgteweariASJIRKArtitgottrartitms.f.oreMpar...13441.4.01MY*411,164egonarono ty Baxtd'ir and Miss Carol Stod, dart, both of Goderich. They They will reside on R.R. 5, were identical ,Queen's blue, Goderich. waltz -length gowns . of ..sata! • peau styled with fitted bodieeq, PUPILS BOOST THE CHRISTIAN:SCIENCE MONITOR 11.15.11. Red FeeerrUp neXorisaa,...te•417- 4? • • world - news In, sal CUS ...a ems , moo aess..... sir The Christian Science MoMtor One Norway Si., Boston, Mass. 02115 Please enter my subscription to the Monitor for the period checked be. low. I enclose (U.S. Funds) 0:1 YEAR $24 0 6 months $12 0 3 months $6 Nome Street • „Pete 111-1 44-7 UNICEF FUNDS ' For several weeks; the chLIdaa. of_ the__ pnhlie..-gehools --.trf--Gbittfairff2Nomfight many. Of their pennies and nickels to put into UNICEF" boxes which -were placed in each room. It was a good experience -tor them. as they were belping to provide food and'elothing for Children, who are much less for- tunate than they. The letters in UNICEF stand for "United - Nations Internatio-hal•Childre,n's Emergency Fund." It is ,a pro- gram that Ls organized by the United Nations with headquar- ters in New 'York and Canadian offices in Toronto, Ontario. ..1/4The pupiLs, of Mrs. Steep's Grade 5 and,6 class put forth a special effort by having a bake sale at the school. From this they collected almost $34.00 for the fund. This amount, together with that collected in 'either rooms, totalled $105.05 from the three schools. In the comparison of wealth productim by provinces in Can- ada, the same ranking applies to the total net value of the pro- duction of all industries as ap- plies, to -the ranking by ,popul- ition totals. • TACT: ehanging the .subject without changing your mind. When money needs mount BILLS DENTIST CLOTHING VACATION REM •otiike iNsTALmeia-CL. L Appu NCES 4G: ...borrow confidently, from OFC When your plans, or problems, call for money -see HFC! Get trooney.to pay bills ... fix the house ... buy a better ear ... outfit the family ... travel . or for any other worthwhile purpose. Borrow confk-. clently, repay conven- iently, at Household Finarice. AMOUNT OF LOAN $100 550 750 1000 1600 2200 2500 MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS 36- montha $ • 60.88 83.71 95.12 50 montha $23.73 3L65 41.45 68,81 94.62 107.52 20 months $ 6.12 32.86 ' 44.13 58.11 94.11 129.41 147.05 12 montha $ 9.46 51.24 69.21 91.56 146.52 201.46 228.9$ Above payments Include prinetpal and Interest and are based on prompt repayment, but do not Include the cost of IItt. losurence ASK ABOUT CREDIT LIFE INSURANCE ON LOANS AT LOW GROUP RATES HOUSEHOLD MAK GODER1CH 35A West Street -Telephone 524-7383 (above the Signal Par) blem and it isonly in commun- ities, where authority and .cona- petence are organized that any 'headway. can be made to stemp out the disease.This central direction has been organized in many communities on this con- tinent with sueces.sful results, yet failure to organize; to shrug off the problem by saying: "Oh we enly have very few elms," is just the same spirit of irre- sponsibility'. which would per- tain if infectieue diseases were not notifiable. In a minor way it reminds one , of the eittloOk of the person who is constantly blowing his cold into your face and using those famous last words.: "I'm not contagious -any more!," •'4.• Elm .disease_is propagated by the elin..bapk-beetle,,Wliieh.tra ports, the fatal fungus. Infect- ed trees cannot be Aped in the present state of the knowledge but, the spread to healthy trees can be prevented. Without con- trol the anual loss n amount to -60% -of -the rem lrirtrees• but preventive measures can re- . 'Diagnosis or the disease re- quires educated field personnel to superviss,minsusiciL amis, e eire7.--T1eir need today underlines the advantage of having a ConSerVation Author- ity in the offing, although its establishment has never ap- peared to be much appreciated herealeouts. Trees in low vigor are not worth the expense of saving and should be felled and burnt. Dead or weak branches, on otherwise healthy trees must be cut and burnt In Fall or Spring -valualire Ire-e:5-Mnst-b&. mist sprayed with a DDT solu- tion and this has to be very thorough. From Mak to Sep- tember,,twice a month, all elms s.lhotilld be Prispected by a for- ester. individual--earkthelmft,_ surveying _ h15, trees.; --by cutting. and DArjaa„,41444,444,,, -repprogotecer -44 A qlr trees;:, by removing and burning any, storm damaged boughs from healthy 'trees; by remov, ing all bark from elm wood to be used as. fuel wood and burn- ing the bark; finally by notify- ing local -officials (if any is in- terested) of any elm material undestroyed by April Ist or of any tree suspected of the dis- ease. None of the extensive liter- ature available details the sym- ptoms of the disease sufficient- ly to inalce it poseible to instruct the layman hence the need for a trained inspector. On November the 25th the G.H.S. will have a Conservation Officer in the person ef Ditaleolm Kirk, who is also a member of the Ontario Shade Tree coun- cil, speak on Duteh ELM Dis• -eas er-' lid'It- LS -hoped --tfi'df our municipal ParJss Director will be presehl. St7Teerge's - Par- ll--8pm.'AIIaewe1-- c�me and if 'YOU Ovvii an eim remember your responsibillty to your communjty. Come and learn! • A PROTEST Writing from Hamilton but •:•••ft?*.Q?.:M***:)..!"?..i...4...e.. •.,..4,0...: 4,' •fir-Goderich date-. o using • r ; - 0 "Whelehini has -writ- ._ ten to The Signal -Star details of alleged ' destruction at his aesaanilesalautiL,DS rich," The Signal -Star has pass- ed the letter on to the Ontario Provincial Police for attention. PORTER' PORTER'S HILL. M r s. Frank Picot, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Betties, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Betties were guests at the Picot -Alexander wedding at Knox Church, Goderich, on Sat- urday afternoon!' Mr. and Mrse Bill Morrison and family, London, were week- end guests of Mr. ansi. MTS. Ernest Townshend. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Betties recently •visited Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wright, Midland: • Urt, and Mrs. J. I. Torrance, Larry and Joanne, Mitchell, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tor- rance and family on StiffdaY. Re -open Road The crtissroad south. of "Port- er's Hill between concessions six and seven will soon be open to motor vehicle traffic. Com - 0 D HILL manly known as Betties' Side - road, it has been impassible since "horse and buggy" days. Now a new bridge and other re- pairs are improving tifis cross- road. Man, For Christmas Grace Sunday school execu tive met at the home. of Mrs. Donald Harris on. Wednesday evening of last week, to make plans for the Christmas season. Rev. .A. G. Pease led a spirited discussion .of the New 'Curried - tun lessons. White Gift Sunday will be Observed December 6 with gifts goinVo the Salvation Army in London. Mrs. John MeCowan offered to decorate the boxes, and Miss Shirley Mc- Cowan. will deliver the gifts. Combined service.s, will be held on December 20 and 27. A Christmas party for the. child N E ED A EW. FUNACV ren will be held in the church schoolioom on the afternoon of December 12.„ The following committees were appoirtted: tree, Bruce Betties; decorations, Mrs. George Mathers, Mrs. Don- ald Harris; caddy, Mrs. G.' Manning; music, Mrs. Chester Sturdy; games, Mrs. Elgin Cox, Mrs. Bill McClinchey, Mrs. Lloyd Sowerby, Mrs. Tom Sow- erby, Mrs. Arthur Bell; bever- age, Mrs. Argyle .Lockhart; lunch, Mrs. George Mathers, Mrs. John Miller, Mrs.e-William Townsherid, Mrs. Wilmer Rid- dell; cleaning, Mrs. Alvin Bet- ties, Mrs. John McCowan.. At- tendance seals for 1964. va be awarded early in January. A pot luck lunch brought the meeting to a close.. The world's first =dein cen- sus was taken in New France in 1666 and .the white population then was 3,215 persons. RARE MEDAL A very rare medal commem- orating the Confederation of Canada in 1867 will be on dis- play at the 3rd Annual Coin Xllibitiort sponsored by the Huron County Numismatic Sii- ciety at the Elm Haven Motor., Hotel Sunday, November 15th, .00mm.encing at 1 pan. EN41. OY THE FINEST FOOD IN TOWN Chinese Food Our Specialty ALSO TAKE-OUT ORDERS OPFN DAILY 7 a.m. to 10 Open Friday and Saturcla Until 12 Midnight The Esquire Restaurant BAINTON LIMITED points -to insist:on when buying a furnace .BACKACHE? .not me° For relief from backache or that tired-etit 1 deirend on: - r.oducers of Wool and Leather Celebrate' The :Anti& -- auge Steel -Witirruir2Otirar- Guarantee 11C-,CompactrModerreetyli VWide acceptance for ove(100 years 11!, Cyclonic Flue Design V Fiberglas Insulation VQuiet, Vibration -free Operation V Efficient, Economical - Performance Wayailkwra..asseletemeeeimiewousesne. 5 ' When Ituying a furnace -consider Every Clare unit is backed by over a , . quality first. The investment 'is a century of9 leadership in Canada's substantial one and the comfort arid heating industry - your assurance of -''Oitly" Clare; Heela: guarantew'ecoti-4-t fireilleclatfintaTe-tpr-strifTyet-r- „_„,,,,,Ii...bajuguf your-family:45 atstajce, complete', smisfa:::PriAtiere-'8-J# nomical, efficient perforiiice for n. exact heaffii ieiniirernefifii w et „NIP* Drop in . .' . or phone us today SHERRY AND PORT WINE JORDAN n 0..imneat Sherri NEAR & HOFF/MEYER • PLUMBING and HEATING 55 KINGSTON STREET 524-7861 40tf • 70tri-AISIALYERSARY •Of Their Establishment With Their Annual FACTOR? OUTLET SALE of Woollen blankets, woollen socks, leather ,gleyes,„ „ leather coats and jackets, sheepskin rugs. wOCtOberz--.29 SeeJui kgpaniled 'Showroom 'Take advantage of our "FACTORY TO you" Prices during the biggest sale of this kind in Western Ontario. 3500 BLANKETS Only because,we are lar(xlucers of the wool canrwe of- fer these fine quality blankets at such savings. • , SALE PRICE Glen Laine dSATI BOUND VALUE $18.50 -Glen - Laine RAINBOW ,--- VALUE- $15.95- -4 Glen Laine COTTAGE VALUE -,12.95 Glen Laine AUTO RUG -LYALU.E len Mite CRIB' VALUE $6.00 To The Customers of The Huron & Kinloss Municipal Telephone System DEAR Sir or Madam: *, Due to the cost of modernization and much improved telephone service, we find it necessary to apply for a rate increase. At the date the new rate will become effective you will have additional services; E.A.S. ,,extended area service, no toll charge applied) between Dungannon and Goderich and between Dungannon and Lucknow. At present E.A.S. applies between Dungannon and Ripley, Dungannon and Auburn, making a total of 5,8,50 telephones that can be caned with no toll charge. D.D.D. (Direct Distance Dialing) will also be ready and put into service at this same time making it possiblefor customers on this exchange to dial their own stetion- to-station long distance calls to any of the more than 90,000,000 telephones in Canada and the United States. Application has been made to the Ontario Telephone Service Commission for --authority. Icremake-the-folleWing :I:charged eplibile" §erviee----efeetiVe Ai 'it April 1, 1965 for the Dungannon exchange. EXCHANGE RATES Individual line Two-party line Multi-party line Business Residence Business Residence • Business Residence 1 8.00 per month 4.15 per month 6.30 per month 3.25 per -month 4.50 yer month 3.05 per month The above rates for individual and two-party line service will apply only within the Base Rate Area which is defined as being that area within the Municipal limits of the Village of Dungannon. If individual or two -,party line service is required beyond the above limits', there will be an additional charge for extra -mileage of Torty-five cents a month for each 1/, tnile or fraction thereOf for an individual line and twenty-five cents a month for each 1/, mile or fraction thereof for each -party on a two-party line. Registered subscribers off the System. shall be entitled to a discount of 25e per month during any billing period when there are, no debentures outstanding, other- wise, the above rates shall apply to all users. Rates for supplementary services such as extension 'telephones and bells, conn- ection and moving telephones, etc., remain unchanged.. This application will be heard before the Commission at its next regular meeting in Toronto. Any,representations to be made to the Commission with respect to this application should, therefore, be submitted on or before November 26, 1964 and addressed to the Chairman, Ontario Telephone Service Commission, 1901 Yong3 Street, Toronto 7, Ontario. If you desire further information in reference to the need for increasing the tele: phone rates, you may apply to the undersigned either personally, by telephone, or by letter. , lVliss Marie MacKay, Secretary -Treasurer, Huron and Kinloss Municipal Telephone System 'RIPLEY, Ontario. 45-46 rer sinailDirectory Call Lodge AMBULANCE SEIZVICE DAY OR NIGHT Prompt - Efficient Experienced Drivers TELEPHONE 524-7401 R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST F. T. ARMSTRONG 'Consulting Optometrist The Square 524-7661 REFRIGERATION and APPLIANCE • SERVICE All makes - All types pERRY'S APPLIANCES The Souare Phone 5z4-8434 "The Store -That -Service' Built" Real Estate Agent • RUTH VAN DER MEER 'DIAL 524-7875, Goderich Agent For 'WILFRID McINTEE REALTOR Walkerton STILES AMBULANCE Roomy - Comfortable Anywhere - Anytime DIAL 524-8142 77 Montreal St., Goderich Alexander and Chapinan GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building Goclerich Dial 524-9662 OR THE BEST IN PORTRAITS CALL, PHONE OR 'WRITE DAY OR NIGHT Stan Hadden 118 St. David Street " DIAL 524-8787 Roy N. Bentley PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 4 Britannia Road, East Dia1:524-9521 GODERICH - ONTARIO Butler, Dooley, Clarke & Starke Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensell-MunicipaL,Auditor. 39 St. David St., 524-8253 GODERICH. ONTAREO- - 32tf Ben Chisholm Esso Imperial Products 1- .20 Albeil S°, Goderich Office -5244502 :Iome--2524-7835 A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT - .55-57 S&TH' STREET TELEPHONE GODERIcH, ONTARIO • 524-7562 $10.95 $8.50 grior. rgienntSeal $4.5 BENMILLER BLANKETS 72" x 90" - 75 Only, Reg., pr. 15.95 Crib - ,12 Only, Reg. Pr. 8.95 /2 PRICE LEATREVG AND MITT SALE See our NEW SUEDE KID GLOVES and popular • Grain and Pigtex leathers MEN'S LEATHER DRESS GLOVES Lined and unlined in goatskin, capeskin and pigskin, in black, brown, cork, cream. Values $3.06 to $8.00 SALE PRICY . $1.50 to $4.00 LADIES' LEATHER 'DRESS GLOVES For the fashion -wise. Lined and unlined, kid 'and cape- skin ill black, brown, cork, creani.' Values $4.00 to $7.00 - SALE PRICE $2.00 , to $3.50 CHILDItEN'S Leather Snow and Ski Mitts Deerskin tanned to always stay soft. Values $1.50 and $2.50, SALE PRICE, 75c & $1.25 Sp MITTS FOR THE WHOLE -FAMILY Mom, Dad, the Kids. Deerskin tanned to always stay. soft - black, brown, dream Values $4.00 and $6.00. SALE PRICE $2.00 & $3-.00- -8000- PAIR LEATHER -WORK -GLOVE 1/2 PRICE OR LESS.I , CHEAP by the pair - CHEAPER by 2 pairs CHEAPEST by the dozen WORK GLOVES SALE PRICES - 1 Pr. 2 Pr. Doz. Unlined, Va1uet135 pr. - .65 1.25 7.00 Unlined, Value 2.25 pr. - 1.10 2.10 12.00 Roper, Value 2.95 pr. - 1.50 2.95 16.50 Gauntlet, Value 3.95 pr. - 2.00. 3.95 21.00 Lined, Value 2.95 jr. - 1.50 1.95 16.50 WORK mprrs Linea, Value 3.95 pr. - 2.00 3.95' 21.00 Unlined, Value 3.00 pr. - L50 -2.95 16.50 12,000 Pair VV6o1 Work Socks 1st quality only. Heavy -weight, nylon reinforced. Value $L25 Pair. Sale Price -pr. 63-c, 2 pr. $L21, doz. $7.00 Men's and Ladies' Leather Coats and Jackets Choose from high fashion lines or lines tailored for rugged Wear. Much below regular values. Priceci from $16.95 to $79.95 Glen Laine SHEEPSKIN RUGS 12 shades all ready for Christnias giving combines the rpgged- ness of leather with the beauty and comfort of wool. Value $16.00 Sale Price $13.00 a •••• Glen Laine CHAMOIS - 75e to $2.00 Various Sizes. 43-44-45