HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-11-12, Page 31, 1 u 'va p+2t r terns are outmoded. Many In - W a r. d e n s . B a,,n q u et Cosy stitutions we have known in the Presenrarion Varclen KaIDfl �R ivi past have changed. There have been population shifts from town to city, from .country to town. There is the decadence - of small business, consolidation of schools at central points, _ e we large-scale developmenteof once sritall ca -operatives, a general . By W. E. Elliott Kenzie, Ashfield; ex -warden est traditions of itis predeces- centralization of people in mat - "It is at-"It.is a pleasure to enjoy the ters of education,, recreation, warmth of this gathering of M C t he ° B usseLs d ut and so on. The family farm is the Huron County family," Hon. IeeNe gradually dying out. All these Charles MacNaughton said in i h d things have br0ought new pees - coarse of a brief speech at the sures. upon us. We plan be - warden's banquet on Wednes- cause our .experiences have day evening of last week, and been, disillusioning. " We plan toget us together that sentence set the tone;, of ry. paying g g her the evening's program. Toasts for brotherhood. This thing we • and responses were of the most call fellowship is the primary varied, but all in happy, vein. impulse of our lives. During There were many tributes ' to wardens of Huron present. In the whole history of Christen - the work of Warden Ralph Jew- dem we were for the most part ell during the year, and when R b t B t i isolated, exclusive people; in - his turn came to respond he elusive only so far as people said: "This has been a wonder- f decided to adopt our way of ful night." b f 1 life. But this concept has end - An important factor was a ed. The American people with - fine beef dinner served .by the IVlorrissey, Harry Gowdy, k 1'ttl f pl g, b t in the past decade have realiz- lad�ies of North Street 'United. ed that. isolation is outmoded, Church, convened by Mrs. Jack Cook an'd Mrs. Bob WiLson. They..,-were :George McCutcheon and Mrs. p.;,. u c on, Brussels; deputy Delbert Geiger and Mrd Geiger, of Hay; . Warden Lor Edgar and Mrs. Edgar of Lamb - ton, and Clerk -treasurer John G. Berry, Huron County, and M. B.er . in a in, the' warden a well - Including Mr. Forbes and Mr. deserved tribute far his tireless McCutcheon, at the head table; efforts and steady judgment." there were about '15 former (Applause) the absence of ex -warden John = Guest Speaker' Durnin, Mr. MoCutcheon intro- Rev. Robert Bisset gave a duced them, saying: "We do not .thought-provoking talk' on the consider ourselves .has-beens, importance o orderly planning. but more like a senate." In this "Vast numbers o people in group were Ivan Forsyth, John Africa and Asia" he • said, John` "now little of -planning, u in Fischer, Earl Campbell, W;. J. the western world planning is Dale, Harvey 'Johnston, John Armstrong, John Eckert, George Armstrong, Hugh Berrys' Brown Smyth and Alex Alexander. Public School Inspector James - Kinkead, with Ed. Stiles at" the piano, led the singing, of fam- iliar songs, co-opting from the audience Delbert Geiger and In$pector J. G. Burrows as as- sistant songsters. ' Glenn Weleb's toast to the ladies brought in response a sp kliin little speech by Mrs. fir" '"Mereteci een- zie was` assigned the toast "af "The 1964 Council" and `took the opportunity 'for .a short run- n..-..ofe caii i}, a� meats in tle year, which has still one session to run. sons. May I on behalf of the members of Parliament and the Legislature express thanks for the frien ly co-operation and partnership that has been so evident. I am sure the federal members would join with me - from" the head table by Reeve Ivan Haskins of Howick, . At this "Huron family" af- fair, the principal speaker, Rev. R. M. Bisset' of Avondale and Motherwell, qualified as a na- tive son, as did the newly ap- pointed county judge, R. S. Hetherington, who • estimated that he knew "about half the r_the northehaif." ere' were neighbors, ; t among the guests. Lorne Edgar, reeve of Brooks and warden of Lambton, representing' them at theeheadetablerintrodueed—Wae den Chester Emmerton and wife of Bruce; Warden Wilbur John- son and Mrs. Johnson, Middle- sex; Warden and Mrs. James McMillan, Wellington; Mrs. Vera Myers, clerk -treasurer of Wellington; Warden D. C. White of Perth; Clerk -treasurer John Hair and Mrs. Hair, Laib- ton; Warden Reed Menzies and Mrs. M-enzies, with treasurer Martin Burgess and Mrs. Bur- gess, Kent county, and Warden E. Moore of Gey. The Chairman Walter' J. Forbes, Goderich Township, 1963 warden of Hur- on, was chairman, and his hum- - -_._ _._ Drone bits of biography ands re - eta Capable Guidance • "Under the capable guidance of ,Warden , Jewell," he said, ewe. feel that we have -accom- plished a great deal. A large part of our time and work and money goes to the 'county high- ways. To augment our money,. we, obtain from the Ontario De- partment of -Highways every co- operation through Mr. Mac - Naughton. A development road, Seaforth to Highway 86, has bben completed and we are now „ arranging a further develop - menton the Crediton road. In addition,__we:; are carrying out 7-7-- ... _. ee f.. taine __ 4the-.our-:_• ts•ua1 -.Program of:_ b1r>.dge _ _:...rn>een_c�s-... , ram �°" . � , ,, vigil, ;Y ;,t�eeee,, �, e� ! h u, work 'and . road co'heti-tittlen: rs. Forbes was not pr sent°, e rireviitiMallirelnffereellie -ing a patient in Victoria Hos- mittee's improvements at the ,ital, London, but was expected jail, in C.A.S. quarters and at o be home at the weekend. Huronview. Mr. Forbes introduced the head "The demand for accammod- table guests: Hon. C. S. Mac- ation at Huronview is going to Naughton, highways minister, continue," he said, "and it cer- anct ,;Mrs. MacNaughton; Mr.. tainly speaks well for the com- Bisset, Judge and Mrs: It. „S. fort the patients receive there." .Hetelerington; Murray Gaunt, Mr. MacKenzie expressed provincial member for Huron- thanks for the co-operation of Bruce, and M' -s. Gaunt; Warden the clerk -treasurer, deputy 'Ra't . h,- , e a d . i,VIrs. Je ell' • clerk-treeeve.r. Hanly and staff, C OUTt e Mrs. b "'aa e nand'tS' Rev. W. p ten Hoopen; Reeve Frank 'Wel- Mr. MacNaughton expressed kom of Goderich,' who delivered d•.sappointinent at the absence the address of welcome, and of L. E. Cardiff, M.P., Huron, Mrs. Walkom; Reeve Ivan Has- and Marvin Howe, M.P., Wel- kins of Hawick, and Mrs. Has- lington-Huron, eno doubt in- kinse'• Reeve and'- Mrs. Milton volved in their duties in the Desch, Zurich; Reeve and Mrs. House." Glenn Webb, Stephen; Reeve "The present warden," he Donald. McKenzie and Mrs. Mc- said, "has observed the high - ELTONE HEARING. AID SERVICE CLINIC Thursday, Nov.. 12 1 to 3 pm. cAMPBLI.'i Phone for FREE Home Appointment ervice' to, all makes of Hearing Aids. E.R. THELE HEARING AID SERVICE' PRODUCED BY t. G. BRIGHT & CO.. � LIMITED • NIAGARA FALLS. CANADA very much a part of our lives. In this world we depend upon Childhood • plans • for • youtk, outh for marriage, and then ere is w a call planned parenthood -.—I don't know much about this—and after marriage we begin to plan for old age and retirement; so much of our time' as individuals and organiz- ations is devoted to planning and to ways and meads of plan- ning." •He related the planning of a hi hsc g oo h 1 girl who told her Cher she intefid�e four times -a banker, an actor, a clergyman and .an undertaker —"one, for the 'money, two for arid four to go." He cited Old. Testament pre- cedents: Moses' "systematic pro- motion" t.) get the Israelites out of Egypt; Joshua's, ingenuity in capturing the promised land; David's planning of the temple, which his son was "Eo build. "History impels us to plan," he continued. "We have just come, I belie to the end of an age. It is not. given to many, generations to have this ex- pedience. Planning is deeply involved. It started thousands of years ago. Sometime, some: where, somehow a person learn- ed the uses of a lever. Man discovered he could control the growth _at things andeno__I.4nge'r .. each other for everything we have; for our security, world an personal sa cies: -People can no longer live as, they sought to live in the past. We are facing problems our fathers and grandfathers never thought of. We have many of the same ol,d' problems, of coule, but wehave a great host of new ones, and the only way, nationally or glbally, in church or economic or social lif, is for planning to take'a great part." Presentation On -behalf of County Council, Delbert Geiger and Roy A"dais' presented Warden and Mrs.. Jewell with a chest of silver. "My wife and I will remem- ber this evening as gne of the highlights of the year," Mr. Jewell said. "I would particul- arly thank Mr. Berry, Mr. Hanly and membere of the warden's committee who helped plan this banquet, and the chairman" of the meeting, Mr. Forbes; and Mr. Bisset for a splendid ad- dress we all enjfiyed very much. "I have enjoyed being ward- en. It has leen an interesting „and• educational experience. I have attended in the neighbor- hood of 200 meetings, and I know that next year, when I havb time to reminisce, there will be many enjoyable incid; ents recalled. I have•really en- joyed. county council; you are a wonderful group of men to work with, and 'I thank you for your spiend� " co-o� p Men V • my local council, which has had to change meeting times to fit in with my schedule." He introduced the Colborne councillors, and officers, as well as members of his family. A dance was held later in MacKay Hall. IT'S A SQUASH The photo flashback in last week's -Signal-+Star was that of a huge squash -not a .pumpkin. It was taken,by the famed Gode- rich photographer, Sallows. The squash, which weighed- 403 pounds, was grown by William Warnock of Goderich, who was shown standing im,mediately be- hind it. The two little girls seen seated on top of the huge squash are today Mrs. Grace Guest of Winnipeg and Mrs. Iris Sperling of Goderich. The squash was exhibited - at the World's Fair at Chicago , the year it was grown. Estae Has A local Interest A classified advartisement in a 'Toronto newspaper, offering "Fallingbrook — The Melefehen Estate" for sale has particular significance ,for Goderich resl.- dents. It is the home of the late Gordon McMehen, .former. Gode- rich, resident, ' and is in • the $125,000 category of value, Gordon McMehen was the pre- sident of a large independent fuel oil distributing company in Toronto. He was .one of three sons of the late If..J: Mc- Mehen, who for many years was resident manager for Im- perial Oil at Goderich. All three of the boys and a sister, Margaret, attended Goderich w throughout the year. In Janu- ary I will take my seat with the ex-wartlens and am looking forward to joining that group. 1 appreciate the co-operation of community.' In order to market products, he loaded • himself down like a beast --of burden. For centuries, things remained much the same. Man produced food for himself and something over for others. Discovery • of .the wheel was revolutionary. Man learned about irrigation. Eventually came electric power, but man still had his feet on the soil. ee'Planning.Essential"'" ";• "Planning is essential no matter what area of life is un- der consideration. We must plan becat'ise the former pat- TH ATEPA R K THEATRE:. GODERICH SHOWTIME 7:30 and 9:3OE . • Air -Conditioned For Your Comfort • The Gedeacirh Signet -Star, T,httrsdaY# Nolroglibg /gi "1,904 • Collegiate. Margaret 'nimOried. a Godarich boy, Mei ' Cxaigie, who joined the 0.P.P0 and was for a time stationed -in Northerli Ontario. Gordon 1II1cMeh;en: will be ref membered as a &treat organizer even as a bey, w �nhe was" a carrier boy in Goderich for The ° Strattorti Ii'e0n*4c ai ' + , 4,10 ora healxt attach P:MM AVOW, ing while he Wag Pr.. ' Pg to fly home to Torept9 Yoxt O ttY aftea .a l 4W.01`41,1 " to the latter citl, Put teeth into, ygnr 4degs it. you want the to tl1te, 3 Extra Wide Rolls Of - CHRISTMAS GIFT WRAP Total. Length 270" + - Regular 98c 79c The Square NOW PLAYING • November 12-13-14 ,.,.w._._.-GODER'LCH , ONT.- Dancing NT.-Dancing for ',the Young Crowd every Saturday Night', Saturday, November 14 Gordon Rhodes and the Comets and The Mo-Jo's Dancing 8:30 to Midnight Admission $1.00 per person THE BEATLES in "Hard. Day's Night" Mon., Tues., Wed Thurs., November 16-17-18-19 ir,!, On Ends of Rolls +11G1(.TS ' -- Albert Finney and Susanna York in Catering to Weddings, Luncheons, Banquets, etc. For rental information or reservations DIAL 524-9371 or 524-9264 COMING: 2 nights only, Nov. 20-21 — "633 SQUADRON" i NIAGARA '1L0ANS� 'dCY�i`•��UfiSiCA,•57?'96i�t'AC.Q!'�S$IY�S@�KT�^.C,se'lf7SJ- Ot with .ready cash... For, Car Repairs or any good! reason $500® to $5,000o0 NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 2 a,, ;" 4,0_ Bra .5pes from Coast oto G ; 29 KINGSTON STREET NF -64-64 • PHONE: 524-8357 HEAR YE New Management At SERVICE STATION 51 KINGSTON STREET (ONE BLOCK FROM THE SQUARE) BEST OF SERVICE •T. :aS,.SY':. `"a'` -"."•;,fir=: .•», ... ,... . ' OIL and LUBRICATION kit'• ... . MINOR REPAIRS Small Motors Bought, Sold and Repaired TRUCK' TIRES •REPAIRED Starting This Sunday in GODERICH WIDER LOCAL GALLING DIRECT DISTANCE DIALING ... SEE GODFRY •FOit SERVICE 45-46 o h .ggBtatS.:T1 .K a .t 'Sculpture I Biwa lboni . r c attic r— ONE OF EACH: 12' x 16' ,Prairie Sands 11' x 12' Stampede Beige 12' x 15' 6" Pallette Was Now 233.60 190.93 156.93 128.28 189.94 142.30 12')e.12'.'nG3Axmlfigigc h1:2n• X, 02:00 12' x 14' 7" Nylon -Mint Brown All Wool Tweed • 5.95 per square yard MEMBER OF THE FLOOR INSTITUTE OF ONTARIO B. R. ROBINSON FLOOR. SPECIALIST -61 HAMILTON STREET 524-8831 WIDER LOCAL, CALLING means, the?, you will be able to call your friends • or associates in Clinton without Long ,Distance" charges. ' • On these call's you simply dual the full seven digits e£ 'the number you wish, to reach — no more ---- 'no less! DIRECT DISTANCE DIALING .(DDI)) is the new and easy way of reaching a distant telephone vvithoti£ going through au operator. It's a wonderful way tow keep in touch with family and friends across the country .... Try it. It's fun! On these 'calls yott will dial "1" (this will give you access to the ,Long Distance network) then the Area Code of the num- bear you, want to reach (if it differs from your own) and --follow with the seven figure number of the 'distant telephone. Complete easy-to-foTlow Local and Direct Dis'tanee Dialing information will be found in the front prtges of your directory. Reineniher ;y'eu,",dial aeee-4s code "1" an DUD calls only. BELLBuilt, managed and owned by Canadians 4