HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-11-05, Page 9PORTER'S Htf.T4.—Mrs. Reid Torrance and Miss Jean Ivison have returned home after spend- ing a week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hanes, and Lloyd, Sev- ern Bittiege. A house on concession 7, be- longing ,to Ernie McGee, was burned on Hallowe'en night. Mr. and Mrs. James Durnin and Brian, London, visited Mr. and Mrs. ° Donald Harris and family on Sunday. Miss Peggy Ann Betties was one of 65 Central Huron Sec- ondary School history students leo enjoyed a bus trip to Tor- onto Last Friday. The students visited places of historical in- terest such as Casa Loma and the Royal Ontario Museum. Mr. and Mr's. Harold Jantzi and children have moved to the Taylor's Corner community. Mrs., W. A. Townshend was hostess when the Grace U.C.W. held a special quilting last week. Miss Mary Snell, Hamilton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Beatles, and fam- ily. M. and Mrs. Peter Young, Goderich, were weekend visit- ors of Mr, ; Lct-IVIrs. Allen Bet - Brewers Retail Stores W4I--B-e CIeyed Wednesday, ties. Rev. A. G. Pease spoke at,an- niversa,ry services at Grand Bend on Sunday. The pastor of the Grand Bend charge ,con- ducted the service at ,Grace Church. Married Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Adrian (Andy) Ver ,u1st who were recently married in the Christian Reformed Church, Clinton. Mr, Verhulst is the son of Mrs. Anthonie de Ruyter and his bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. de Putter, The Netherlads. Site is a cou- sin of frank de Putter conces- sion 7. Mr. and Mrs. Verhulst, are making their home in God -e - rich where he is employed at Dominion Road Machinery Co. Hallowe'en Party .. r. On Thursday afternoon of last week Miss Mary Brindley and her pupils entertained ,the mothers . and pre-school children at the. annual •Hallowe'en party. Costume prizes rte a awarded as fo'llnw,: pre-school and prim- ary, Mary Jean Betties, Cheryl Bell, Sandra de Graf; prettiest, Sandra Idsinga; best comic, - Laurie Cox; most "-disguised, Hattie I.dsinga. John Mantling was chairman for the program which consisted of songs; reci- tations •by Rodney Cox, Marie Betties and Jimmy Bell; and various contests. Colleen Lock- hart and Maxine Pickard had the best "jack -o -lanterns. Lunch was Served by Miss Brindley and the senior girls. The oldest continuous annual sporting event in North Am- erica is the St. John's, Nfld., Rowing Regatta. First written record of the regatta is dated 1828, and it apparently had then been going on for some years:" Auburnites Find PUBLIC RELATIONS, TQPIC Mystery Balloon AT TIGER DUNLOP W.I AUBURN. — Where did it • come from and who sent it? This question, Mr. and Mrs. Bay Hanna are asking about' a balloon which fell on their farm on Sunday, October 25. The size of a large cabbage, it is white in color with black letters on it. Ori one 'side is printed, ,, "R.I.P. Cordia, C.O.S.T. Homecorning, 1964." On the opposite side is printed, "Yzygys." To this balloon is attached a white cord about five feet long. Mr. and Mrs. Hanna would like information about the balloon which fell on the West Wa- wanosh farm, south of the Donnybrook bridge. CARLOW. - The October meeting, of the' Tiger Dunlop branch otthe Women's Institute was held in the Township Hall. Mrs. Buchanan, the `president, welcomed guests from the Kin - tail, Clinton and Goderich In- stilutes. The roll call was answered by naming an Institute member, past or present. • Mrs. Lamb and Mrs. Hardy attended the training school in Wingham •for the senior Insti- tutes on "Block. Printing." They :Plan to hold this course in the Township Hall at Carlow, Nov- ember 10 or U. and anyone wishing , to ' take this ,course should contact either lady im- mediately. The resolutions for the Lon- don Area Conference were read. Mrs, Bert Alton from the •d-elighted her - audience with a .reading entit- led "Drip and Dry." The delegates to the rally held in FIensall, _.Mrs. Horton r _ei4TrsteLTeren h - tYct r;wave foil repgrts. Mrs. Tait Clark, the Public Relations officer, introduced ,Mrs. Norman Clairmont of Gederich, the Pt#bltc 'Relations officer' for West Huron. She gave a splendid talk on Public elation. Members make- �1ood public relations between a.Ither institutes and other so- BREWERS RETAILSTORES, LEAVE GODERICH 12:20 P.M. ARRIVE, STRATFORD. , 1:351 _P.M.,. _. LEAVE STRATFORD 1:55 P.M. ARRIVE TORONTO 3:55 P.M. • •MI�q(�r��� 1 }(� M(�r��rpa A}�'�j��I(� �r•(� m alul,En? lliMI+bbdnAdrMEi+kfIUFilr���M^.•v6dfmp!r,Q11tah3rsifrlArhnh iflixMnhlfm i VTin l vC'm,P''m`Simm»,nert, and Western Canada. Low — -- - ---w _---- -�--F d Fare one-way to WINNIPEG $22.50; to HALI FAX• $24.55. For information phone the local CN Sales Office. 49-64 God d~ck $i eieties through the spoken word, understanding of others, friend- liness and, courtesy, she stated. Mrs. E.,Hunter gave'the mot- to, prepared by Mrs. Chamney, "Kindness is a language the dumb can speak and the deaf can understand." Mrs. Buchanan reported that 18 girls were, taking the 4-H course, "The Club Girt' stands on Guard." Mrs. Nivens of Clinton gave a demonstration of mats, braid- ed and crocheted out of noodles. It • was a beautiful dempnstra- tion. The hostesses were Mrs. H. Brindley, Miss B. Long, Mrs. M. Bogie, Miss H. Fulford, Mrs. Pope and:Mrs. E. Montgomery. A bake sale was gond ected rby Mrs. R. Bogie, Mrs. H. Fisher and Mrs. le Glidden CAN IDIAN NATIONAL Crash Injures d Two 'Persons Two persons were injured in accidents Wednesday night of last week involving cars and farm vehicles.• Mrs. Jack Evans of R.R. 1, Goderich, and William Empey of R.R. 2, Auburn, were treated at Alexandra Hospital and ,re- leased. Mrs. Evans suffered minor facial injuries and Mr. Empey rrefeaetur-ed ose whorl til cart -- h wi'rieh *they-' vvelttr'avelling' collided with a tractor on High- .1a0ars ,smxtina , .,reit 'it s'e'cerriiteseeaagt Q�'f 1''irr ton.' Karl Wayne McNaughton, former Fort Elgin Rene man plea`led not guilty to a charge of `break, enter and theft" in Magistrat's court here October 29. The infraction is' alleged to of Mary Mihlik, Hay Township, on June' 4. He was remanded ntil---Novemher.__.5__-session of county court. The McNaughton case will be among the first to be tried in the °court of the new Huron County judge, Robert Hether- ington. , Other cases before Magistrate H. Glenn Hays, October 29 were those of Stewart A.Scott, driv- ing while intoxicated, adjourn- ed to November 25; Logan., -Mc- Lean, having' liquor in a place otlier than his residence, plead- ed guilty, -$25 Sand costs; +°Bruce William Gillon, having liquor in : plane other, than has resi- denr.eA T$ incl -_cp5, a cs Mathew McCreight, .failure 'to vield rieeli of-wa 0 and costs• enson . Johns on, specie ing, pleaded riot guilty, adjourned to November 5; Victor Earl Cardiff, obstructed license plate, adjourned; James Wams- ley, drunk, pleaded not guilty, adjourned; Morley Bloomfield, drunk in a public place, plead- ed guilty, $15 and costs, having liquore.in a place other than his residence, $15 and costs. mai The tractor. driver, Robert Potter, 16 of R.R. 3, Clinton, was unhurt. Damage to the Empey car 'was estimated at $900. - In the other accident, a car driven by Miss, Martie Koop- mans, R.R. 2, Auburn, collided with a hay wagon being drawn , by a tractor driven by Tait' Clark, R'.R,-,•-e?- County Road 21. Tyre• --e # let pendability. s .... . VISSER PHOTO, CLINTON. VERHULST—.de-PUTTER In a'setting of pink and white church parlors followed by a wedding dinner at the Elm Ha- ven Motor Hotel, Clinton. For travelling to Eastern On- woollen suit with gold and brown accessories. chrysanthemums, marriage vows were exchanged between Jackie de Putter of Hamilton and Ad- rian ` %eThier " o°%"' '°7."�N"Y°; "" 11Ty= field, The ceremony was per- formed by - Rev, -G: J. Heersin in the Christian Reformed Church,, Clinton, on Saturday, October 10. The bride iS the daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. de Putter, Holland, and the groom's parents are Mr.-- and Mrs. A. de Ruyter, R!'R.. 1, Bay- field. Chris Guenter presided at the organ. The bride was given in mar- riage ,by her cousin, Frank de Putter, Bayfield. Her floor - length gown of nylon lace over taffeta was fashioned with a rounded neckline and lilypoint sleeves. 'A crown of pearls held her houl'ff'err lbYow=leT gtltf fy'- longi veileand she carried a bou ear.•--- ,: suet of white carnarohs; aS�.caa.. rim, taco' ,?�+ a a3 eri ori' eau'Iy •os s airralf fern. Miss Rita re Boer of Hamilton was maid of honor wearing a street -length gown of pink or- ganza with white lace and a wedding ring headpiece caught with veiling. She narried a bouquet:ea white carnations and green tern. Similarly 4itntired was the flowert;irl, Audrey de Putter, Bayfield, and she car- of','�i�t� tiny tions. Ushers were David 'and -Jake de Ruyter of RiR. 1, Bayfield. A reception was hold in the The couple will reside at-263 Cobourg street, Goderich. A pre -nuptial . shower,was held in, honor of the bride, n Salerd when Mrs. G. Scoe- maker was hostess. TAYLOR'S CORNER. — Mrs, H. McCabe and Mrs. Mary Broome of Goderich spent a re-' cent weekend in Sodbury, guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gaudet. mire rrdT Irs. Roy Wi sort ansa .• mile int aait we in'i3i'ahtfdrd. iefth'''il-ieir' da5211"7 family. Mrs.. Linda Laing of Wey- burn, Saskatchewan, has been visiting with her brother, Austin Sturdy and other relative's. Bake Sale The Taylor's Corner Commun- j ity• Club bake sale, bazaar and tea which was held ,on Saturday Veils quite a successfu.I event. S .pie $280 was- realized. Mrs. ter of the pair of sequin tri reel smocked cushions.. The club iwsmost thankful for the, patronage.given the sale. .,:rrarwun !.s..m . i?w:::i �fi�>�`,•'•Sc�::55�: y'•. r• . ?$ •I r „n s✓ �Jf ” k?:rk h`' $vvrx ^ ,• ,o ,,�v £y{f; yy - oonrxw ,--,rh>voo•owwocRN.rNOrn �rr�,. ,•o-rroa+xa<\-rxrory w f �, �w.. �' f"-< . k,. �y -'�^ 1;� x-.5 'i� �.. ,.�'�+ i� °�, , � + r i Q��n+ �' i. ..yk7r +v�f ; >�£Ltd•�'+?:Y:;' �>' ;�+t$ �" `.►aa%t "}. f'` .f ," 7l "Y ., is \ r .:i4} o..' ?\'s--. r" M1 w ..> •-- cX -4• •r._'�.'�g 'iad�z imjY1 �il{'kh1+��rk ��i:�ri "'4:4i:,;" [ e,�\,r•. a 4'14 r > \ t- ''��.t:vri r ikA r y r ^ ,,. _ ri :,C F..'�..t1 • r •-.<<+^.. 1.4-r?�."r,cb"';', .:i�,. -.•4 �tr.�}�.: ,. r .�..,_; , : �"c.....;m x,ux„k Get-anHFC Big Purchase Loan You can save on most big purchases if you buy with cash. Get that cash now with an'HFC Big Purchase Loan. Shop anywhere for the best values on major appli- ances, furniture even abetter car. Then repay HFC sensibly and con- veniently. Borrow with confidence at Household Finance. ASK ABOUT CREDIT LIFE INSURANCe ON LOANS AT LOW GROUP RATES AMOUNT OF LOAN MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS sr, 1 30 I 20 months months months , months $..., $ . . $ 6.121$ 946 23.73 32.A 51.24 31 f, l 44.131 611.2.1 41 45 1 58.111 91.56 60.58 46.2 83.71' 9.1 6'2 !2 1299.41 j 1 1 201.46 95,12 10 7 ,52 1.1 .07 1 228.93 Aaoyl payments Inc ,ude pcnc:pll, d interest and alb baled on prompt repayment, but do not include the cost of bre msura••ce. HOUSEHOLD FINANC Qui ERIC 1 35A West Street --Telephone, 524-7383 (above the Signal Star) • -THE ELEGANT NEW FORD GALAXIE 500 LTD 4 -DOOR HARDTOP Certain fualuies Illustrated or rrer`1iunoti are optional at extra cost, This new T:TD is limited only by good taste ... it is the ultimate.. in luxury in the elegant new FORDS.' It is built only as a 4 -Door Hardtop: And it begins with. the delightful new features you'll find in the other new FORDS. The incredibly silent interiors, where noise is hushed to a- murmur. , he smooth, limousine ride on soft coil -springs. The many new Or ..' . keys that fit either way up, an accelerator that adjusts to your foot, a swept -away instrument panel. To. this 1 elegance may be added an optional vinyl roof covering, giving it the chic of a convertible (with the comfort of a hai-dtopl. LTD luxury touches include new Silent -Flo ventilation and courtesy -lights in all four doors. Luxurious upholsteries are fitted over deeply -padded seats, and special luxury trim is added ... with wheel covers and roof -line mouldings. You'll know the new LTD by its distinctive monogram on the sideaof the roof. Ilut for an unforgettable introduction, your Ford Dealer will be pleased to arrange a Test Drive. Call him today. HOW TO GET NIOR�E'"GRAVY" OUT OF EVERY POUND OF. BEEF Feed your cattle your own home-grown grains fresh -mixed with profit -proven NationaLBeefbilder Feed made from National Beefbilder 32% Con- centrate puts on pounds at the lowest cost. It's the fresh-Inix with the balanced protein base. Whether you have your own grains or we supply them, we can custom blend the finest fresh -mix you can buy --right here at the mill—using National Concentrate, of course. MUSTANG • FALCON • FAIRLANE • FORD • THUNDERBIRD 524-7308 NATIO AL BEEFBILDER CONCENTRATE ..Next time ,try .•. A PRQ,DUCT Qfk CANADIAN INDUSTRIES- LIMITED YOUR FORD DEALER ALSO INVITES YOU TO SEE THE WON6'±mwvc mem/ FALCONS, FAIRLANES, MUSTANGS, AND T -BIRDS G. RYAN cind SON GODERICH. CANADIAN 'SHEHRY