HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-11-05, Page 5KINGSBRIDGE KINGSIMUDGE. — Mr. and Airs. Erl Drennan have moved to the "residence previously ooc- cupled by Mr, and4Mrs. Gordon Valad on Highway 21. Mr. and Mrs, John Van Osch have Moved to the Wallace home at Kingsbridge. We hope both couples enjoy their new homes, Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Reyn- olds, Sudbury, visited Mr. 'and Mrs. Ray Dalton and family last yveek. Mrs. Mark Daltonreturned home on Sunday after being a patient in Goderich hospital for the past week. Mrs. John Austin is a patient in Victoria hospital, London. In the first half of 1964 im- migration to Canada totalled 51,323, , of whom 25,194 were wives and children or other persons, not aestined to the labor force. SUNDAY SERVICES. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,•10,00,0,00,11.-.0,41, ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH November 8th — 24th Sunday After Trinity (Remembrance Day) 8:30 a,m. Holy Communlon. 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Vi.orningPrayer and Sermon (Junior Congregation and Nursery) Rector: REV. G. G. 'RUSSELL', B.A., B:13.' Mr. George Burboin, Organist and Choirmaster. A ▪ LOCHALSti poi Mrs. Annie posts and breaking windows ih MacDonald is a patient in hos- North Ashfield Publie School. pital in London. Mr. Oliver Barkwell is back $everal from the community home again much improved in attended the Masons' banquet health. = held in Lucknow on 'Wednes- Miss Margaret MacLeod of day evening. Toronto spent the weekend Miss, Jean lVfonteith of Niag- with her brother, Mr. Kenneth ara Falls is spending a few days MacLeod. - visiting in the community. A presentation was held on Mr. Ellis Gossell of Ripley is Friday. evening for Mr, and a patient in Kincardine hospital Mrs. :Walter MacLean who .atT! as the result of an accident movnig from the Bradley' home! while painting at North Ash- field Public School. The childreir of the area, dressed as vvitehes, goblins and ghosts, called on every home in the area and ,while receiving treats for themselves carried boxes for donations for Unicef on Hallowe'en, Mr. Walter Dexter was in Walkerton for, a few clays' dur- ing the past week as he was called for jury ditty. , The children of North Ash- fieId Public- School enjoyed a Hallowe'en , party on 'Friday afternoon • 10:00 a.m. Sunday School , 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Sermon: THE MEMORIAL SERVICE (Nursery and Junior Congregation) 7:00 p.m. The New Curriculum Sermon: In the Light of the Scriptures to a farm they purchased near Kincardine, Ajrs. Eldon Bradley and Mrs. Oliver McCharles were in Wiar- ton tvi Monday, attending a meeting of the Bruce Presby-, trial of the United Church of Canada. ' Mrs. Lorne Luther is spend- ing a few days in Ridgetown visiting her sisters and her father. PORT. ALBERT Mr. Kenneth MacLennan has PORT ALBERT. — r: and returned home from Kincardine MI Ernie Hill and Dennis of hospital. London, Mr. and Mrs. Harold MacLean__.....snent. Talann.af..3/Vingm...antL.Mr. and VirakeliCTIailtiite7frfffaLliz—btfry• ffit.fittistEar? and relatives- in Sarnia.' • Goderich -visited with Mr-. and A great deal of destruction Mrs. Albert McGee on Sunday. was done on. b'riday, night by Weekend visitors with Mrs. culprits who made themselves. Dave Martin were Mr. and Mrs. busy tearing. mail boxes off the' Ebner Gildeq,_and Mr. eVe of • Detroit; Mr. 'Earl Martin and George Acker of, London. Mr. and Mrs. Al Meader, Ron. ige and Arnold and Mrs. Mea- der Sr. of Detroit visited with Mr. and Mrs. Archie- Grenier over the weekend. Mr. Fred Dickson and Brian Johnston of Toronto visited with Mrs. Harry Lednor over the weekend. Dedication ' A dedication service was held r e ce n t 1 r at Christ Chure4'r, Port Albert, -With a good num"- ber .of vi.,/itors presept. A beautiful cross on top of the church was donated by Air, Frank, Vrooman of Port Arthur in memory of his late father. Will Vrooman, and as an anni- versary gift to his mother. The couple had been- married 59 years ago, in the churn on the same day as the:dedication. An altar Missal was also dedic ated in memory of Mrs. Jessie Hoy and donated by the con- gregation' and Mrs. Dave Mar- tin, through whose efforts it was .rmide possible. A book desk was -dedicated in memory of Mr. Robert Hoy some years ago. 25th ANNIVERSARY Mr. and • Mrs,' Bob. Jeffrey elehra t ed tai el r__25111, wcddhig tffEeltrtirE.,,ttrt:ticw.:ke. the hOrrie of Mr. and Mrs. Laity -Jeffrey; Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Don Jeffrey and son Robert, Ray Jeffrey and Miss B. aurnin visited at the same time.-- . ' I • The Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday, Novembe'r 5th, 1064 • ch Knox oPresbyterian Church THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister William Cameron, Director of Praise SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Sunday School At 10:00 Service of Divine Worship at 11:00 a.m. "RECOLLECTION" (Nursery and Junior Congregation) REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY ----)WnirPiojilir's7Sotie8i13- • . 4 ..ENTERyarou~s444,41.,...,...----naPARIMPARNIE- 1110'\ • 4 • E.R. Rowlands, manager of, the Goderich branch offiee of, British Mortgage and Trust, attended a seminar at the firm's head office' in Stratford. Mr. Rowlands is shown momismorrorrommargmrsismworannasovsemourspar,sermonnswpornmamsomitrammtswasesosmsrmaymmors.W.4.744r4avnommrsmosw................44ms.44.04,rommursm44....41.4.6...w ton; two sisters, Mrs. Agnes Tuesday afternoon at the bind - McNair and Mrs. Catherine ! say funeral home, St. Marys, Dickinson, both of Guelph; and with 'interment in St. Marys four grancichildren. !cemetery. Rev, G. L. Royal The funeral service was held officiated. above with J. M: Armstrong, Q.C., assistant -general man- ger,, and J. W .Lind, manager of the trust department: OBITUARY MRS, PHOEBE HENDERSON Mr's. Phoebe' Henderson, 85, died Saturday in St. Joseph's Hospital,.London. A daughter of the late Donald and Mahala Lansing McIntosh, she was born in Guelph and lived there till 1922 when she and her late .husband, James Henderson, moved to Granton. They oper- ated a general store and post office 134ere , until 1951, After Mr. Henderson's death in 1954, his widow made her Mille in Goderich witlf her daughter, Mrs. Russell (Agnes). Bra.dfa She was a mernber, of oT- Askeztexiag.,,,C)11k1414....... • 'Surviving besides 'M s. Brad- ford are one son, An,;.ew, Pres - Mrs. T. M. Costello, formerly , of Goderteh, has returned to Toronto after spending a few days with Mrs. Robert Daer. quality and economy THE UNITED 'CHURCH OF CANADA Victoria Street United Church 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Servioe of Remembrance "FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS" .01 1,-0,075117rpotennsattirratiotritrSanday..r.School REV.. cpcki,. A. DUKELOW, Minister. MKS.J. SNIDER, organist. • • Yes, it will not be tdo many more days before we will 'be once again receiving new cars. When they get here we have many deliveries to - on finalized deals. This will only add insult to injury as far as, ' our used car stock is concerned. We are already overstocked in late model cars and we will soon have More:. Help yourself to a good deal now and help us lower our stock. . FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner Victoria and Park Streets REV. R. G. PELFREY, B.A.,'B.D., Pastor, Qial 524-9306 ' 9.50 a.rn. Sunday School 11.00 a.m. Morning Worship 7.00 p.m: Evangelistic Service Wed., 7.30 p.m. —• Prayer Meeting and Bible Study L, WE N ..ED USED CARS I,AjS 1955 to 1.9.6-2-2 1964 ariEVELLE SUPER -SPORT — Finished in Palomar red automatic transmission, 'radio, white walls sport features. One Owner. and featuring a V8 motor, and all the other super - 1964 CORVAIR MONZA . TWO-DOOR'—e-A saddle tan finish with beige interior. This car has buck- et seats, four -speed , transmission, radio, white wails, windshield washers, padded dash and undercoating. Many other extras. One owner, low mileage. $2695 Mon., 7:30 p.m. — `kiting People's Wed., 8:00 p.m. — Mid -Week Fellowship Hour 7:00 p.m. — Evening Worship of the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec Montreal Street Near The Square 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School 11:00 a.m. — Morning Worship Minister: REV. HENRY de VRIES FIR5T BAPTIST CHURCH TWO -DOOR HARDTOP — Featuring'a 327 motor, power brakes, pOwer steer- ing, radio, white walls, 'wheel discs and other extras too numerous to tion.. A-1 condition. Finished in Ember Red. FOUR -DOOR SEDAN — Ermine white with red interior. Has a 327 motor with automatic transmission, power steering, radio, white walls, windshield washers, wheel discs. A one owner beauty that is A-1 throughout. DON'T MISS THIS'ONE 1963 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE FOURVOOR SEDAN — An economical six -cylinder automatic with white walls, windshield washers, very low" mileage. Impaculate condition. • 'Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle. Corner,cof Elgin and Waterloo Sts. , REy. ROBERT CLARK, Pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Classes for all ages: 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service Tuesday 8 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer , Friday 8 p.m. Young People's Service' ‘4,44444.44-4,444....4•444.1.1,4--44.-4•4. THE SALVATION ARMY CAPTAIN and MRS. ROY WOMBOLD, 1000 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Salvation Meeting EVERYONE WELCOME • CALVARY BAPTIST CHU.R.CH- Bayfield, Road at Blake,St. (Entrance off Blake) SUNDAY SERVICES 1 10:00 a.m. Bible School T1:00 a.m. Morning Service - 7:30 p.m. "Churches of the Revelation" Wednesday, 8:00 p.m., "Daniel For Dark Days" Pastor: REV. T. LESLIE HOBBINS, B.A. Warm Welcome To All TWO -DOOR V8 — Has a standard transmission, radio; white walls, wind- shield washers and wheel discs. Excellent ,condition throughout. • $2195' SEDAN Has a diplomat blue finish with light blue interior. Economical automatic six -cylinder motor,. Other features include padded da'sh, power steering, and clean throughout. PRICED LOW -SEDAN — Has po'wer' brakes, power steering, automatic transmission and six -cylinder motor. Very low. mileage. Many miles of new 'car warranty remaining. A GOOD DEAL CAN BE }IAD you only have a few days left to buy Canada Savings Bonds without paying accrued inter- st BELAIR SEDAN — Finished in Azure Aqua. Has six -cylinder motor, stan- dard transmission, windshield washers, radio, wheel discs and heavy duty Suspension. .01 v 0 *414 Huron Road 524-8311 I ' ...,. .• 44 4 . . :,,,, , ., ,, , .,..,, • ....... .:,..,.;..,..,7 ,,,, ...... 7.-.,.”1/4-4,,StIg'al,4.4r7:444,4.4,44i,,a,....rtlf,VM4s,S,r, .. k, 'rime is running (nit. Yoti,„onk' have until Novelfiber 15th to buy Canada S;1vint2;s•13onds without - trust or loan eoinpuly....Tlicy are b\ 111 in amounts You can buy thein for cash or 0,11 iaastalments from your bank, investment dealer, stock broker, paying accrued'interest.•Bny yours now! November 1st each year: -41/2(;; a year for each of from $50 up to $10,000er pperson. You will get interest on 1964 Canada Savings Bonds on ‘ : the first 2 years; 5c,—(, a year for each of the next 5 years; 51/2 a year for each of theremaining 3 years— an average iId of ""0 • Evegoncluissomething to save 440,, 5(X) a year when held to maturity! so ••• 4'4