HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-10-29, Page 12The God-erteb, Signal -Star, Thursday, October 29th, 1964 1 • KINGSBRIDGE KINGSBRIDGE7 — 1VI isses Shannon Sinnett anU Etileen Vasselja, Detroit, spent the weekend 'here. Mrs. Nora Sin, nett returned to Detroit with them. On. behalf of the com- munity we would like to ex- press our sympathy to Mr. and •JVIrs. Donald !Simpson on the tragic death of their little son Elliott. Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Hanford and son, Ray, (alt, ,,pent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dalton and family. Mrs. Ray Dalton returned home Saturday from, hospital. Mr, Michael Foley and Mrs. loseph Courtney are patients in Victoria Hospital, London. Mi.:•.s Blanche Bilodeau, Ham- ilton, sn'tit th weekend with Mr. and Mrs. 0, Heffernan and! Sunday ‘...sitors with Mrs. hirahan v,ert, Mr, and, \Ir- 1) 1.eddy and family. t nor: Mr n a Mrs. R ay • and Elt!Zaboth.' 1 Mr. and Mrs Frank L.,4ddy, Mr and Mrs. Norman 1 edd\ Godsirich. OUR tirri&r.r.r.urrr•oroorrorrorrunk(rovnrorroormisv, To 12-deric F ods SINCERE BEST WISHES FOR CONTINUED PROGRESS D• 101V00.14W,Pell!KOKIHMti....../....4.1,4”..W.F11,•.....,WOMIt PROSPERITY SERVICE ELECTRIC (GODERICH). LIMITED 30 VICTORIA ST. N. 524-8581 DUNGANNON DUNGANNO1)14----111r- and Mrs. John Wilson, Miss Befyl Ann Haidwiek and Mr. JOhrto all of Bright's Grove, visited re- cently with Mrs. E. Morris. Mrs. Les Schultz was pfgasant- ly surprised on Sunday when she had Mr. ElWin 'Wilson .of Seafo•rth call on her. They had been school churns and it was some 20 years :Since 'they last t Mr. and Mrs. Torn Park spent Sunday in Auburn ‘vith .Mr, and Mr, Lieorte Lawlor, Valerie Park returned home fi.nn Goderi'ch hospital on Thuraday and has recovered nic- ely after her recent accident. Miss Gail Aliton of ,Goderich ,perit the weekend. with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Park and family. Callers on Sunday were s. Verna Culbert ,of Goderich &hd Mr, Tom Hallam of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs, Murray Oke ,i.Marie Chisholm), Steven and M,ark of Windsor visitpd sunday with Mr; , and Mrs. Leonard Chisholm and family and' also at the home of 'Mrs. Mary;Chis- holm. ' The canvass for the Canadian Bible Society under the direc- tionl Of Mrs. R. M. Reed, Mrs. W. A. Stewart and IVIrs. W. R. 11,1ole has been completed. The sum of $105 has been forwarded to headquarters from the Dun- gannon Branch... Dungannon Branch No. 324 Loyal Orange Lodge service at St. Paul's Anglican Church on' Sunday evening Was well,attend- ed. Several members of the Dungannon branch visited Bel - grave and attended their service in 'the afternoon. ASHFIELD ASHFIELD.—ljev. C. MacLean of Clinton occupi-ed• the pulpit, of Ashfield Presbyterian Church on Sunday while Rev. Neil Mac- Combie preached anniversary services in Clinton. 'tiliss Margaret Anne Macdont aid of Toronto was home for the weekend. • Miss Annie Mae Macdonald is pital. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs."Dcinald Simpson and family in the tragic lossof their little son Elliott on Saturday.. WISHING YOU CONTINUED SUCCESS IN YOUR ENLARGED AND 4 • • + LOCHALSH LOOHALSH. The commim- ity was shocked, and saddened on Saturday evening when word Was passed around that little Elliott Simpson had been killed in an accident while playing in the barn. Sympathy is extend- ed to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Simpson, and the 'broth- ers and sisters .gf Elliott, who would have been four years old in January. The members of fapley and District Horticultural' Society met on. Tuesday afternoon at the' home of Mrs. Emile Mad-. Lerman. Mrs. Ross Shield' of- Lucknow ,was guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. David Elphich Were in Paisley on Saturday where they attended the Dun- lop -Hay wedding. Among' those'lrom• this dis- trict who attended th.e sectional rally bpt Knox Presbyterian Church, Ripley, on Wednesday (f last week were ,Mrs. Dan u M4 e ean, Mrs. D. R MacKenzie, Mrs. Wm. Ross and Mrs. Benry MacKenzie. Rev. N. , MacCombie enter- tained the congregation of Ash- field Presbyterian Church Thursday evening in the church when he showed slides arid told of his recent trip to Scotland, Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacLennan for the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Don Ainslie and family of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McChar- les. entertained_Mr, and Mrs. George MacGillVray of Kincar- dine and Mr. and Mrs. Hartley MacTavish of Regina,,on Friday evening in honor of Mr's. Mac- Gillvray's Blst birthday. • Mr. and Mrs. Ewan MacLean and Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLean spent Sunday in ,Collingwood with Mr. and Mrs.` Allan Mac- Lean and family. . Many from . the ',community attended the reception at Pine River hall on Saturday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Alan Mac- Kenzie, recent newlyweds. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacKenzie for the weekend were Mr, and Mrs. Bill Barrett of Toronto. Mr. Ray MacKenzie', of Tor- onto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Henry MacKenzie. Miss Elaine Robb of Stratford Teachers' College spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robb. Sympathy a the community is extended to the family of Mr. Rowland Grant who passed away in ,•Goderich hospital on Sunday, CREWE CREWE—Mr. and Mrs. War- ren Zinn and Diane and Mrs. Chester Finnigan attended Mr. and My. Elmer Zinn' S 50th wed- ding anniversary celebration in Belmore on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. .Jack Curran were Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and Mr. .Jim Curran of St.. Helens. Mr. and My: J. Bissett and Cyndie of Goderich visited on Sunday with Mr.. and:. Mrs.., J. Curran and sons. Miss Wanda Wilson of West- ern Canada visited her sister, Mrs. Jim Drennan, Mr. Drennan and sons on Tuesday. ST. HELENS ST. 'HELENS.—Recent visitors with Mrs. Don Pennebaker were Mrs. Frank Pennebaker' of Clin- ton and Mrs. Charles Loveday, John and Peter.of Breslau. Mr. Gordon Pennebaker Ls al - tending Ridgetoft Agricultural School. He is in his final year, having commenced in mid-Octo- ber. Mr'. and -11(rs. Gordon Miller ot London were weekend visit- ors with Mr. and- Mrs. Chester Taylor and Mrs. W. I. Miller and Isobel. Mr. and Mrs. Feed' McQuitlin were St....lay visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan McQuillin. Rev. G. Kaiser conducted bap- tismal services in St. Helens' Church on Sunday morning. Steven Ross, son of Mz. and Mrs. Ross Errington and James William, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kink, were the babies bap- tized. ' Uri—Brian Gaminie---iaturre from ,Wingham and District Hospital on -Saturday., Mr. Wm. Webster is visiting' with Mr. Ronald McCrostie at Sa.skatoon, Saskatchewan. Miss Mary Murray is visiting with Mrs. Tena ' Dayman at BrUcefield.' 4 GETS HER R.N. " Miss Sandra Jean McLean, daughter of Mr. and MTs. C. A. McLea of Goderich, has re- ceived word° of successfully pass- ing4her R,N, examination. She graduated from the nursing school of Stratford General Hos.: pital onfMay 30 of this year and is presently on staff at Alex- andra Hospital, Goderich. • • • New Shopping Convenience At • GODER1CH FROSTED FOODS .-ze*Lor FOUNDED 11165 Mets at -their best ...Dairy Foods... droceries displayed for your personal selection and price marked so that you will crecognize the values. Plan now to shop at Goderich Frosted Foods. You will enjoy the conven- ience and service. Come soon and welcome. Sponsored by E. J. WRIGHT CENTRAL Limited Strathroy, Ontario who manufactured and sup- plied the modern steel shelving and ,the electrically powered 'checkout counter. MODERN FOODLINER ,GODEP IC • • ONLY THE MOST MODERN and EFFICIENT , REFRIGERATION )NITS- • GODERICH FROSTED FOODS • urresti•ror:WAS•r•rr......••• . . GODERICH FROSTED FOOD'S To Ben ihearaown, we wish only the very best in the ydars to come. SKEOCH OFFICE SUPPLIES 71 HAMILTON ST. 524,8652 . • AND WE ARE ;PROUD TO HAVE tr URA_ TART, "/N A • MATERIAL WAY DIVISION OF GODERICH -MANUFACTURING (SALES) LIMITED Cd.mbria at Anglesea 524-8383 ot,I r. 'ft morwurrrurrurrrno•wirrtorrur • 9 OUR PLEASURE TO SUPPLY AND, IINSTALL THESE UNITS. For All Refrigeration Needs Contact JACK MELICK Refrigeration — Air Conditioning SALES and SERVICE 524-6524 Congratulations NEIGHBOUR , r • • PLASTERING IN BEN SHEARDOVVWS ENLARGED and. REMODELLED • GODERICH FROSTED FOODS BY On The Opening Of Your Newly Enlarged Premises It is our sincere pleasure to wish our business neighbour Ben Sheardown much success. ,We were happy to have played a small part in the mod- ernization acrd enlargement of this beautiful new food store. MEMBER OF THE FLOOR INSTITUTE OF ONTARIO EL R. ROBINSON -61 HAMILTON ST. FLOOR SPECIALIST , PHONE 524-8831 loop, DON SAGER PLASTERING and BRICKWORK 194 Oxford Street Phone 524-9530 tr CONGRATULATIONS. to -k" GODERICH FROSTED FOODS On This Your OFFICIAL OPENING .• • TO BEN SHEARDOWN OF GODERICH FROSTED • FOODS OUR tr Best Wishes Best wishes Ben for continued growth and success. This is our fondest wish for you on this the occasion of your official opening. JOHN REFFLINGHAUS GENERAL CONTRACTOR 210 Palmerston St. Phone 524-8735 1 ft r 7 • worasrrwrrrrrorr.