HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-10-22, Page 14The Croderich Signal -Star, Thursday, October 22nd; 1964 ,••••, VAN DEN BROECK - DAVIS Bronze and gold mum i decor- ated St Paul's Catholic Church, ,R.C.A.F. Station, Clinton, on Saturday, October 10, for the , high -noon wedding of Joan ,Lurenia Davis, Go4erich, and Edista A. Van den Broeck, Ot- tawa. Rev. Father Bussey per- forined the double -ring cere, . inony, The bride is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Davis, Goderich, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Van den Broeck, Tillsbnburg. Tra- ditional wedding music . was played by the church organ:LSI,- ' Sergeant Stone. The bride was given in mar- riage byher father: Her floor- -Jeugth'gown, of white nylon over taffeta was embroidered with lade and pearls. The full hoop- ed, skirt ,featur,edTa bustle ,back. A sMan crown 'held her veil of -101611-tl"thitkr,"V bouquet of yellow roses. ,#;The attendants were Miss ,ndrea Williams of Goderich, as maid of honor and Miss Anne Chapman of London as bridesmaid. Their dresses of gold silk brocade were fashion- ed with barrel-shapedskirt's and they wore matching pillbox hats caught with veiling. They car- ried' bouquets of bronze mums. mews_ for the man -who's - over 40 and concerned about his -health. W. E. Williams • Rep,t;esentative GbDERICH Tel: JA. 4-7665 When you're over 40 you begin to 'realize that good health may not always be yours. If you're -wise you make .the necessary adjust- ments -you enjoy life, but you don't overtax yourself. Life insurance suddenly becomes more important, too. You want to make sure that all the gaps are plug- ged, now. But uncertainhealth dm Id make life insurance difficult to buy -more costly. Who can help you? I think M a nufacturers Life probablyean. We believe life insurance should be 'avail- able to as wide a group Of people as possible -in- , pluding people with .coro- naries, high blood pressure, dr ulcers, for example -at lowest possible cost. In fact, our company was the first to offer life insurance to men and women with diabetes. If you are under 80 and worried about your life in- surance because you are worried about your health, give me a call. I'll.review ' your present ,insuraree• afid Show you how' Manufac- Awes Life may be able to plug any gaps there are in it --without placing you under any obligation. MANUFACTURERS tit$VitANCE LIF[ COMPANY ISM Groomsman Was WilliantbShea of Camp Borden and ushers were Peter Boswick, ,Camp Bor- den, and Walter Davis, Gode- rich, brother of the bride. The reception was held in ..he Park House; Goderich, where, the bride's mother re- ceived her 'guests in a .blue silknit, sheath -styled dress with ,matching hat and 11, cor- sage of white roses tinted With blue'. The groom's mother chose a dark wool turiic en- semble with, palpink acces- sories and a corsage of pink In the evening a party and dance was .held at • the Park House when approximately 100 relatives and friends were in attendance. Guests from a' distance were present .front'... -Stratford, •Liskeard, 'WOrTfil3aY7rEfiener,Italiiriton; Toronto, Barrie and Montreal. For travelling,' the bride don- ned -a mint green wool suit top- ped with a three -quarter -length coat with matching tinted fax collar, black accessories and a corsage of yellow, roses. • They will reside , in Ottawa where the groom is stationed with the R.C.A.F. Miss A. Williams entertained the bride -elect at 'a shower it the home of her aunt, Mrs. G. Harrison; prior to the innarriage. Historical Society UrgedTo Preserve The History of the Fast amh6 _ _s m 1 g -Room Rural Schools • By Mrs. W. Bradnock CARLOW.- Colborne Town- ship Hall at Carlow was the .-cone last Friday evening of ;he tirs.t Meeting of the Huron Thunty Historical Society. Mem- bers and interested per.sons gathered fierWvarious parts of .lie county to hear , Professor James R. Scott, executive as to the president- of the University of Nkestern Ontario, tell about his new book, The •,-;ettlenTitt of Huron County. Mrs. W D. Itifiek of. Crediton, president of the Socieity,4as, in charge of the meeting. She vvel- corned, all to- the first meeting and spoke of the challenge to ever:‘,one to helptrack down historymade during the past 140 years. The minutes of the organiz- ational meriting were read by the secretary„ Mrs. Otto Popp. Mrs. L. Poth of Bayfielq, mem- bership convener, stated that .66 have Charter Membership cards now, and anyone .wishing to join before the end of .the year would also be a charter mem- ber, Mrs. Poth said it Was hop- ed there would be family mem- berships by next year. The con- vener of the constitution corn:, mittee, Magistrate Glenn Hays, gave a rwort for his committee., Mrs ,Tait Clark reported on -the projects which 'het committee would like to see carried alit by the Huron County Historical So- ciety. Warden Ralph Jewell in- troduded the guest speaker, Pro- fessor lames R. Scott: Professor Scott said it was a pleasure to see so many peciple in Huron interested in their heritage. He paid high ,tribute. to the Huron County l'ionePr 11uSeum at Goderich and spoke of Dodn Village -the project VatORTO ;$1.-s7tOfiVa . Not Much Change Professor Soott Said that of- ten facts of 'the early days are told differently.. He -pointed mit that the county has not changed a great deal since 1890 -no cities -no big • industrial development and, in his words, since Huron County was settled --we've been settled, He told about the capitalist Scheme of John Galt to purchase and sell land and also about. Tiger Dun- olp and MacDonald, who Was an- early surveyor.,' He spoke, of the 1830 winter in Canada when two men, 50 years of age, and their two sons came in with salt, flour and an axe (one had a fiddle), 1.o clear. the ,virgin fore,ts and !Map )1Q111eS to, bring out their fatnilies the following year. Profe.4.-or Scott said Carlow was the municipal capital of Colborne, Township and it was fiLing that this first meeting held in this centre. ,One hundred years ago, there 'were two stores a post office, which hadbeen there for 10 years, a blacksriiith shop, a Shoemaker'l shop and •two taverns. Ten years later they hiid built the hall for $400, all at Carlow, .which was also.known at. times as Smith's Ilill He told the members to have the driv‘e to get information about the one -room schools `which.are swiftly disappearing from the count*,, He said there is hrstory in this vicinity in the education field and it is II) to everyotie 'to obtain and preserve it for future., gener- ations. ! Mr. John I3.erry, eoun:ty clerk,, tliankd Professor Scott for his historical address lhd hoped that everyone would re'ad his nt.W book, The settle- ment of Huron County, when it, ! com-s' off the press early in .1903. . Prggram musical selections were given by the members of the Auburn Women's Institute in costumes dating back over 00 years ago.' ,Mrs. Donald Haines, Mrs. •Gordon R. Taylor and 'Mrs. Wes Bradnock sang four numbers accompanied by Mrs. William J. Craig. The Mills sisters, Misses Joan and June, s-ang four numbers with guitar and banjo acedihpaniment. They were also in old,time' costumes. , Mr. Herbert Neill spoke of his, wortc as curator and -hoped to see an office built at the front of the museum some day. He introduced his successor, Mr. James Chisholm. It was announced that the next meeting will be held at Bayfield on November 23rd with Dr. Jaynes Talman, ,librarian at the University of Western On- tario, as the speaker. Lunch was served by the members of the Tiger Dunlop Ins.-titute, the only Women's Institute in the county that has an historical name. - The native Indian population of Canada increased from 155,- 0004n 1951 to 195,000 in 1963; about 145,000 persons live on the 9,215 square miles of land held .as Indian reserves. Ottawa obtains a revenue ,o about $100 million a year from the 11 per cent sales tax collect, - ed at the factory on new Motor vehicles Made in,Canada. The strength of Canada's mil- itary forces is about 120,000, andcivilian employment in de- fence seryices totals about MID-SEASON SPECIAL SEAL DOWN N • • • •1770. • LES This is perfect weather to re -roof your home. These are good quality seal down shingles that are CIVIHC approve4 and will do for many years.„ ONE COLOR ONLY ONLY 44 SC)ARE LEFT 47,000. ••••■•••••11111111•1111, a STANDARD TIME mgham Memorials Quality -- Service -- Cemetery. 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MAY MOONEy, Mayoy 14-4 .95 FOR 100 Square Feet NOW IN STOCK J --M SEAL rDOWNS GREEN - BLACK - WHITE 8.95 SQUARE 'SEAL DOWNS 7.95 SQUARE STANDARD' NO DOWN PAYMENT ON CONKLIN CUSTOM CREDIT 295 BAYFIELD ROAD 524-8321 ••••,,k.:::••••• AY AY MAKES FUN OF.VVINTER DRIVING THIS REVOLUTIONARY NEW, TIREAVAS INTRODUCED LAST YEAR. Early sales were fantastic! But the bad weather gave up too soon (for US) and large nlimberg: were unsold. Now we need warehouse space for big, new -season's shipments - and present stocks (produced lost January and February) must go! Theie tires ore BRAND NEW . .. exactly the same as those now being*roduced ... but rather than mix.them with new shipments we are selling them at almost HALF THE PRICE YOU'LD EXPECT TO PAY. You've got to be "quick as a bunny" to cash in on this big saving . . it's "limited -time offer" only! TUBELESS BLACKWALLS Capmrliroue -12.15 Ate. 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