HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-10-22, Page 9441 4. • . • •Mrs; H. Carroil Zone,Commnder • The monthly meeting of tie Legion Ladies' Auxiliary was held in the green room with the president, Mr. J. Sherratt, pre-,. ziding. Various committees Made their reports. Thank -you letters were re ceived from Westminster Hos- pital for veterans and the Unit- arian Service Committee for donations. Mrs. J. Sherratt and Mrs. E. Harrison, delegates to the 1964 convention held at North Bay, gave their reports. Congratulations were extend- ed to the new Zone Commander, Mrs. H. Carroll°. One of the Auxiliary's valu- able membr.s, Ms. Al. Dowds, is moving to Manitoba and will be missedocally.'The mystery prize was won by Mrs. N. Clair- mont. Lunch was served by ilfs, L. Summers and her cam- niittee. Or.,444.44.1414.,40441MIIIONEMMINUNIIMS0411104.4.444 .. • s •, . seir y.$$ 4.••••%.4..$.1t1.44.„ 111 Witt" • W is. • DUNGANNON DUG ANON. — Guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rivett, Alan and Scott were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jewell, Nor- man, Sharon, June and Freddy of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Maize re- turned home Saturday , after spending a week in Searbor with Mr. and Mrs. Maize. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn visited with th Sunday: lmer eorge m on -Dr. C. E. and Mrs. Stothers, Islington, and Miss Ada Stan ley of Kincardine, called on Mrs, R J, Horton" at Mrs. I. Henry's in Dungannon on Thurs- day afternoon of last week. We are glad to report Val- erie Park is much improved after her accident and hope to see her home soon, Mrs. Ben Caldwell of Wind- sor underwent- major „sageq-- October 13th at a Windsor hos- 04 ANN PAGE 'Keg, Pile° bt1 27c, -SAVE 9c CHILI SAUCE 211 -fl -oz bt14 5c YORK HOMPIkRIZED....... -Re-Price jar 47cf-SAVE-4o-• PEANUT BUTTER.' • 16 -oz ice box jar4s 3C Reg. Price 2 lbs 55c—SAVE 150 SOLO MARGARINE 4iibpkgs 9 5C CHOICE QUALITY CUT SPECIAL! A&P GREEN. BEANS 3 2040atins49 A&P FANCY QUALITY SPECIAL' ASPARAGUS TIPS .1240,tn 37c HENLEY, CHOICE QUALITY •SPECIAL 1 BLACK CHERRIES • 405-n-ovins 89c STEMS & PIECES •SPECAL! MUSHROOMS 3 m fl -oz tins 8 9c pital. Mrs. Caldweg is, known to many in this area. Miss Pearl Caldwell a Leam- ington spent several day( with Mr. and Mr, John Spivak, Shar- on and Laird. a ^•••" Mr. Frank Glenn returned home Saturday after a month's .stay- 4in Westminster Hospital, London.. We are all gladto see him back. Rev. George W,att, Mrs. Watt and family of Oakville visited With several families over Sun- day. Rev. Mr. Watt, who preach- ed here several years ago, was guest speaker at the Port Al- bert United Church anniversary services, and many from this area attended. • Gets Certificate Mr. Norman Pyrah has been awarded a Rescue Instructor' Certificate .ef the Province of tari-frelyt-th-eparannt- of the Attorney general, Erm- :irt-00;;;T:Warl •• • Jane •Parker Reg. Pride each 49c—SAVE e 41PPLE large • 24 -oz size 10c Jane Parker, Large Reg. each 59c—SAVE 140 • ANGEL CAKE •each Jane Parker Reg. Price loaf 23c—SAVE 9c Cracked Wheat 2 3 BREAD loaves 7, 24 -oz ot4,,t4k". Finance that cat...TV set...washer... any big buy with a low-cost termplan loan CHOICE QUALITY SPECIAL! ROYAL BANK oz tins Goderich Branch: .1: D. Davidson, Manager • , ergency MeAures Branch- l(fre Pyrah has had a numb eD of' years as an instructor in th province of Alberta: From Alberta Anson iGirvin of Albenta, a cousin of Tom C. Anderson who is visiting in this area, .spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. An- derson; also visiting were Mr. Girvin's niece; Mrs. Jack Mc- Donagh; her father; Fred An- derson, and uncle, Tom Ander- son, all of Lucknow. Visits Area Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jones, Kit- chener, spent Sunday with Tom and Mary Rivett. Mr. Jones at one 'time was employed by the late Tom McLean, east of the village. Mr. Norris Sampson? and Miss Gwen Fowler of Gode- rich alio visited. Orange Parade Dungannon Branch No, 324, Loyal Orange Lodge, will attend the service of evening prayer in -Sty- Pau Vs---Angl IC an-Ghurelt -at. 7.30 p.m. this Sunday. There Will be no service in 'the after- noon. . A. Arzovian Mr. Thos. C. Anderson receiv- ed the sad news of the death of his brother-in-law, Arto Ar- zouian,., on September 30. Ile died as "the result af a° heart attack. Mrs. Anderson left im- mediately to be with her sister' and niece. They ,came to this country from Istanbul, Turkey, in 1957 and their only dughter, Arpi, attended • Dungannon schooLjr a while until tiley set- tled in oronto, He was in the hardware business. -Funeral services were held at the Holy Trinity Armenian Church on Monday, October 5. Interment was held in Mount Pleasant cemetery.. W.M.S. Meet The Women's Missionary So7, ciety of Erskine Presbyterian Church held their Thankoffer- ing in the church on Yriday, Oc- tober 16th. Mrs. R. McAllister presided. Following the secre- tay's report, nine answered the loll call with a quOtaion; Thanksgiving. A selection bY Mrs. R. McAllister on the Chri- tian application 21 "To the Glory Of G,cci" ,was disussd. Two letters of invitation were read. Tile meeting closed with a hymnand the Lord's Prayer. GUARANTEEIViiilbre"rolinMalierBa. ire""*-FISrNnteRVr8WWW1*4111W-T''''' • With Your Meat Purchase At A&P1 tr. • SUPER-RiGHT QUALITY -PROPERLY AND NATURAtLY AGED TO ASSURE TENDERNESS LOCHALSH LOCH ALSH . —Re c ent 6visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wylds were Mr. and Mrs. James John- stone of Chicago, 111. The regular W.M.S. meeting of Ashfield Presbyterian Church was held on Thursday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Dun- can •Farrish. Congratulations. to Mr. and Mrs. "Allan MagKenzie who were married on Saturday in Kin- cardine. --Miss---13a1--bara--MaeKenzle-was at a Young People's Rally in Listowel recently, having been given the honor as a oamp, lad- er. She met with several from the Hamilton Synod. Sympathy of the community is extended to. the fan-liy of the late Mr. Bain Stewart who passed away in Toronte. on Wednesdayf Mrs. Duncan Farrish and Mrs. Bob Irarrish attendd• a leader- ship training course 'hed in Wingham recentl, in readiness to teach the. 441 Club girls the course in first aid, "4-11 Club girls stand on guard.P Mr, John '14char1es attended a 4-11 Club judging competition on Friday iti Guelph. Mr. and Mrs: John MacRae and Ian of Niagara were' in the community on Saturday and at- tended the funeral ef the late Mr, Bain Stewart. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharlei and John were Mr, and Mrs. Hartley Mar- Tavish of Regina, Saskatchewan. Little Dorfalda Hamilton met with an unfortunate aceident on aturday. While playing in the barn,- she fell, fracturing her skull and is a patie,nt in Wing - ham hospital •as a result. • The junior .girls choir of Kox gresbyterian • Church, P,10..101,14‘4,1,4..haadAtUalik;;;Wara VALaarladOttairat., -63teriar(-Chtirtiron-Stinida-r'af--- ternoon and sang several num- bers Under the leadership of • Mr. eameron. Weekend visitors- with Mr. and Mrs... Henry MacKenzie were Miss Viola Cook of Chat, ham, Misses Edna and Eliza Cook of Owen •Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barrett and family and Mr. Ray MacXenzie of Toronto. POltT Mr, and Mrs. gc1.13ambriage of Cath- arines visited with 14r$, PgYP, Martin last weelc and vvaic4n4 visitors vy,ere Mr. and Mrs. 'PI, mer Martin of .1,44clan; Mr, agcl, .„ Ps. _Elmer Gliders and Mr:. Cee of Detroit; Mrs. Bill Jackson and Mrs. Jim Young of Ripley; • Nfiss Lillian Stewart and Reg Hamilton of Auburn. Mrs. George Richardson is visiting in Stratford for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gibbard. Mr. and Mrs. Frank VrOmnan, of Fort William are visiting with Mrs. William Vromnan. • Mr. and Mrs. Al Meader, Arn- old t and Ronald, and Mrs: Mea- der sr., of Warren City, Mich- igan, visited over the weekend with_ ' and Mrs Grenier, Mrs. Jean Atthill of Witherloo visited withMrs. II. Lednor last week. Rev. G. Watt Speaks The anniversary services at St. Andrew's United Chureh (were well attended both in the mornin? and evening. Rev. George' Watt of Oakville was the guest sneaker. Mrs. Watt ar!dchildren were also present for .• the day. The McDowell quartet Of Westfield *as much enjoyed. ST. HELENS ST. HELENS.—Visitors over the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Webb were Mr. Dan Rose of Erno and Mr. and Mrs. ,David Gilmour and Jefferay of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Murray, Mrs. Hugh McPherson, Mrs. Donald McPherson of Wood- ville, Virtnria County„, cent visitors with their cousins, Mr: and Mrs. Cliff Murray and family and Miss Mary Murray. Patients in- Wingham hospit- al this past week were Brian Gammie, Gordon Lyens and Mrs, Andrew Gaunt. •'.Messrs.•D2naldJ..Gannt,Bob ,L9o.Tis,,jo;;;;a1-141;',..Bog;.4•Tiltrisiari;;;;;;;;;;!;',... -61'45-yed"rffiliihrtrrfa-Sthket Bay over the weekend:' • Mrs. Fred Thompson, Benny' and Billy of London visited her arent, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McPherson. • Sympathy of the community goes to Mr. Wm. Webster and family in the loss of Mrs. Web- ster on Saturday at the Wing - ham hospital. - .•-LEAN ' MEATY BUTTS HIGHER lb •••••... •, -----tREGULARIO95 to25.00- ER or BUTT PORK CHOPS FRESH KILLED, GRADE "A", OVEN READY, 4 TO 5 -LB, AVERAGE 1b4 In thisPsinottp there is a clarge number ,of..dreses from which to make your choice. It is all seaonal merchan- dise both in style and color. Come in and make your selection today while stock is complete. • • NONE HIGHER,. lb to .,. 15. odd my home this winter?'' Small Link, Tray Pack, Pure Pork Short or Cross Cut, Red Brand' SAUSAGE 2-/b traY Pack 8 9C RIB ROAST lb 59c FANCY QUALITY, WHOLE KERNEL 0 MANY UW • ADVERTISED SPECIALS Here's one good reason! •• FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES — ARRIVING DAILY ORANGES PPLESMINTON • OUTSPAlt VALENCIA5, FINEST QUALITY, SIZE 72 ONTARIO GROWN, FINEST FOR EATING FANCY QUALITY BRITISH COLUMBIA, IDEAL .FOR LUNCHES, NO.,1 GRADE, SIZE/ 120 ARTLETT PEARS-- ONTARIO GROWN, CURLY LEAF, ASHED AND TRIMMED: SPINACNO. 1 GRADE doz 7 3 -lb cello bag • ,;•••,..,.•• 6 f0r 3 2 10roz cep° bags , California Grown, Large Size Ontario Grown, Sebagos, Washed A&P supervison, No. 1 Grade • Pomegranates for 25' POTATOES Ontario Grown, Sweet and Tender, No. 1 Grade, Large Bunches CARROTS - 3 bunches 29c Ontario Grown, Fresh, Green, Firm, Trimmed, No. 1 Grade Brussels Sprouts 06721 and Packed under 25-16 bag -1.19 THE GREAT ATLAN1TC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY LTD. FOOD STORES AR. P MEANS DEPENDABILITY ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED 'THROUGH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 1964 c WE . REGULAR ,8,9 to 11.98 Sweater ' time Is very much..upon us and just in time for you to got maximunl use out of a new sweater doThes this• big; „sale. We have Botanys, Bulkies, Nov- elties in plains and patterns. Over 60 sweaters from which to choose. TER • and ,SKIRTS k REGULA1U9..98 to 17.98 psis selection is mostly, :woollen and worsted. They are mostly plain but there are a few plaids in the group. Give your wardrobe a lift and save a- good many dollars as well. • THE FASHIO• N.A5 HOPPE Yom Geta $500 Cash Incentive To help k'eep Cnada's buildingtrades busy and prodctive- during the winter season, the Federal Government is again offering to pay a $500 cash incentive to those who build or buy a winter -built home for their own occupancy. What is a Winter -Built Home? A winter built hoMe under this program is one that has not' proceeded beyond the first floor j'oist stage by November 15th and is substantially -completed by March 31st, .1965. How Do You Proceed? It's easy. Pick up an Application for Certification form at your National Employment office or Certral,Mortgage and Housing Corporation office, fill it out end. mail to your nearest CMHC office. if yob wish, your builder can do this for you. Complete information on the priogram is included on the application form. Act Noyv See your builder and arrange to have your home Winter - built. Help yourself toth'at $500 dash incentive and help Canadian industry stay bbsy throughout the winter. Last Winter pore than 28,000 homes were built under this program. ba 1T NOW! Have Your Home Winter -Bunt!, Issued by atifhority of Hon. Allan J. Maqachen,Ministerllabour,Cinidi, 11.14SA A 10 • 4,04* 11^