HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-10-22, Page 3• HURON COUNTY- Multicare Group Enrolment Extension *date we have been unable to service the inquiries we have, the GODERICH area; we have therefore extended the enrolment closing date to Saturday, October 24, 1964. Multicare Is Ain All Canadian Plan • T HAT PAYS Doctor Bills Including: Home Visits — Office Visits --. Hospital — Night and Emirsoiny galls...AULErikm_Tjw_ Very First Call. PLUS — A and accident. THAT PAYS 100% Of Surgical Bills referred consultation for oach sickness Including 'Assistan's Fees — Specialist's Fees Accord- ing to the Ctyrent Medical -Association Fee Book. THAT PAYS AnaestheticCharges- Certified and Non -Certified Anaesthetists. TH-AT PAY § - Unlimited Xritay Benefits For X -Rays of Dislocations or Fractures. THAT PAYS Laboratory Services Basal. Metabolism Tests — Pathology Exams — Elec- trocardiograms — Biochemistry, etc. • THAT PAY agnos irc - ay..• xpenses Deep X -Ray Therapy — Radiological Examinations — • Radium Therapy — Cobalt Beam Therapy — Eye Re- fractions or Examinatiebs for Glasses — Bronchoscop- ic and Cyctocopic Exams, etc. - THAT - PAY S - Ambulance Charges To or From A Hospital. THAT PAYS • 41 • Maternity Bills/ • Children Covered From Birth to Age 21. All This With No Red Tape No Age Limit No Medical Examination No Claim Forms, No Restrictions Tri Choice Of Doctor No Limit On' Number Of Claims No Deductables The enrolment will defihitely' close October 24, and 'no further extension will be possible. ACT NOW.! Don't Wait and Be Disappointed FINAL' 2 DAYS ONTACT YOUR MULTICARE REPRESENTATIVE AT: Hamilton Motel' 524-7348 ASK FOR YOUR MULTICARE REPRESENTATIVE • MULTICARE GROUP is created and Underwritten by • CANADA HEALTH AND ACCIDENT ASSURANCE CORP. A Slid Canadian Company Chartered by the Dominion Governmen1 of Canada OBITUARY ,GEORE A. TOVONEY A private funeral service was held from Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Tornnto, on Monday morning for Geerge A. DowrieY, B.A.Se. M.C. who died at his home, 717 Eglinton avenue W., Toronto, on Satur- day, October 17. Interment was in Mount Hope cemetery. He is stuwived by his wife, the former Alix Saunders; A sister, Molly, and a brother, Ed- mund of Orillia. Relatives from Goderich who attended the service were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saunders, Miss Josie Saunders, Ur. and 3/Irs: C. 'F. Chapman, Mrs. Charles Saunders and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sully. • .Over. the past 15 years the total of labor income in Canada has more than tipled, al - ,though th enumber of persons with jobs has increased by only about one-third. AT THE PA R K :THEATRE: GODERICH SHOWTIME 7:30 and 9:30 • Air -Conditioned For Your Comfort • -Now Playing .— Thurs., Fri., Sat., October 22-23-24 Glen Ford and Stella Stevens% in ADVANCE TO THE REAR Mon., Tues.,Wed:, October 26-27-28 Scan Connery .and 'Lotto Leyna In FROM' RUSSIA WITH LOVE Adult Entertainment Corning: "The Long Ships" Starring Richard Widmirk and Sidney Pottier • *•-t.rta:-.C.,,,,,,,',4,,,,4441;-° • • The Crocierich Thursday, Octolvt 244(14 1964 CRAVEN CONTENDS.; New members nem' inducted to the God- right: Dr. John H. Hagan, William G. Coeh- erichRotary Club by Judge Harold D. rane, Dennis A. Fincher, all , of Gocler.ich. Lang, past' district governor of district At far right is Judge Harold0D. Lang. 633. The 'three new members "4. * Judge -Rotarians Correspondence Closes Gap Between Two Worlds A judge in Canada and a judge in Hlland, members of their respective Rotary Clubs, have been writing to each other for 19 years and never met -un- til recently. Judge Harold D. Lang, of Stratford, the party of the first part, mentioned this as an example of the contacts which can be made in connec- • Hen with international service. which, he said, "is being stress ed more and has become per- haps the most important of the four divisions, the promotion of international ,goodwill arid understanding.", His honor, a former district governor of Rotary, was speak- ing at the induction, Tuesday eening, October 13, of three new members in the Goderich club. At request of President Bob - Nephew, Judge Lang presented membership cards, Rotary pins and badges and the objects of Rotary to Crown Attorney W. G. Cochrane, Dr.' John Hagan, sttperintendent of the Ontario Hospital, and Deriiiis Fincher. He narrated the origin of Ro- tary, "first and oldest of service clubs," now a worldwide organ- jzatio! of business and profes- sional men united in the ideal Ed service, with 550,000 mem bers in 11,800 clubs in 12,5 coun- trics or geogranhical areas. Guests of various members on this occasion were Sera Blake Ball, OPP; F. 0. Pete Rowlands, RCAF, on his way to a posting at Sumrrierside, PEI.; Nelson Rompf, Stratford; Rev. G: G. Russell, Clare Baeeliv ler, Al. Salenger, Jack Davison, Russell Bradford and LaVern Decklever, all of Goderjch. 4 tt igereditlf, ReaI Fa or in MQ014160....CrithflaI Some people's temperament is ,such 'that thy. have "a. great- er pre -disposition to crime" than others,' William Craven, Huron County probation officer, said in an address here Oc- tober 15, Mr. Craven, a former Angli- can minister, spoke at the an- nual dinner of the Huron eoun- ty District Credit Union Chap, ter. More than 100 members attended. • Some people who fall into delinquency, according to Mr. Craven, seem to have a tragic flaw. He compared such. inbuilt flaws to congenital defects. •iaersn. sonality flaw, he said, often falls Ian, the cotegory of:psy- chotic. , • Temperament can be inherit- ed, Mr. Craven 'contends. He outlined what he deemed are the four basic causes of, de- linquency, They are, according to Mr. Craven, psychoses, the neurotic syndrome, tempera- ment ,and contitution, and home environment. probation officials, Mr. Cra- ven said, have found that, of each 100 boys who go to jail each year, 80 per cent get into trouble again. Five-year records show that, of each 100 placed on probation, "slihtly less than 20 per cent" get into trouble again. I I Personals Mr. and Mrs. Charles'Breckow spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fraser McTavish, Win- dsor, and with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Breckow, Leamingtn. Mrs. Frank Riley was in Oak- ville ever the weekend to at- tend the 25th wedding, anniver- sary of her son-in-law and daughter, 'Captain and Mrs. C. Adams. Others attending were Mr. W. S. Riley and Shajon; London; Mrs. Gladys Nicholson and Diane, Goderich. Mrs. Adams was the former Doris Riley. Over ,0 five-year pei4 Ae" Cordihg to Probation • Officer Craven, an average of 80 Pfer cent of all probationers never return to crime of any sort. • Mr. (:raven made the point that, although • environment is a factor in causing delinquency, it is, contrary to popnlar elief, quite often not a pre-eminent factor. The county district credit un- ion chapter was applauded in a telegram from John Robarts, Prerfiter of Ontrio. • • The premier , said he was "very pleased" to have an op- portunity to pay special tribute to the Huron County District Union-and-theTiantario- Credit Union league. The county district credit union chapter includes the corn- mttnity credit union of Belgtave, Clinton, 'Clinton ChriStian Re- form, Exeter, goderich, Mitchell and Wingham.• Assets $2,562,109 Total combined membership of these seven credit unions now stands at 5,625. Taken to- gether, the seven shows total combined assets of $2,562,109. The Goderich Community Cre- iiit Union has a membership pf 1,120. Its total 'assets now stanrat $390,000. • Clinton Comaimity Credit Union is the largest of the seven chapter members with a Mem- bership of 2,622 and tptal as- sets of $1,401,330- The others: Belgrave, 249 inembers and total assets of' $59,779; Clinton Christian Reform, 260 members, total assets, .$215,000; Exeter, 775 'members with total assets of $294,000; Mitchell, 409 mem- bers, total assets of $192,500; and WIngham, .100 members, total assets, $9,500. Mayor Speaks To 'Sorority Mayor May .•Mobney, honor- ary member of Beta SigmaPhi, was guest speaker at the sor- ority's meeting at the home of Pat Srmpson on 'October 6. The topic Was 'Parliamentary Pro- cedure" with a general discus- sion- following.. TH with a Modern Automatic GAS CLOTHES DRY RE WILL BE NO BINGO AT -THE LEGION HALL. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24 Lunggren. Plans were discuss- ed to buy more toys for the children's ward at Alexandra Hospital. Having completed their prescribed pledge train- ing period, ' the new pledges will -Write for their Ritual of Jewels Degree on October 20th. lige cultural prograrit was given by Ellen, Pickell and Helene Alcock. The tepic was "Self .E.stimate.' Lunch was served by the hostess. ins Award brand name, top-quality 'gas dryers to choose from.... AS LOW AS $19 Frbm now un,til December 31, you can buy ,a time -saving, work -saving gas clothes dryer for as little as $199.00! This is yOur chance to take advantage of the dependability and economy of natural gas clothes dryingat a tremen- dous saying! And you'll find that a modern, automatic gas dryer does the job so quickly, you'll "\iNiltz Through Washday" every washday! What's more, if yOu buy yourgas dryer duringthis special promotion, you may win one of eight new 1965 Oestinghouse "Soid State" all -transistor stereo ets of Scandinavian design, equipped with AM -FM Tuner—FM Stereo and Garrard changer. In addition, every purchaser will receive—free—an attractive, lova- ble Gas Genie Doll that will delight the children! WIN a new Westinghouse stereo Set oc,a ourt QOLINTON.—The Huron Dis- trict Council of Canadian Order of Foresters played host to the fifth Western Ontario Provincial Assetibly at Clinton on Satur- day, October 17.' There were approximately 160 delegates re- gistered from different courts in Western Ontario. Many High Court officers and non - delegates were also in attend- ance. -Sisters-Honlie-McCaber-P-hyl--- lis Harrison and Phyllis Fisher were delegates of Court Fascin, ation but others were also in attendance. Sister Audrey Ker nighan arid Brother Douglas Me -- Neil were installed as - District Deputy High Chief Rangers for the ladies' and men's courts, respectively for this district, which consists of Wallace, Kin - burn, Lueknow and Benmiller. In c om,petition with 117 courts, Court Fascination won the Fraternal Activity Award given for the •first time this year. High Vice Chief Ranger Brother Earl W. 'Parsons pre- sented the plaque to the presi- dent of Court Fascination,Sis ter Enid Jewell. High Chief Ranger of Canada, Bro. J..A,Richard of Montreal was guest 'speaker at the ban- quet. Other dignitaries in at- fendance were Warden Ralph Jewell of Huron County and Mayor Miller ofClinton„ A dance in the evening brou- ght the successful assembly to a close. FREE gas genie doll (20" high) Better visit your gas ppliance deaer, department store or Gas Company soon,and enter the fabulous "Waltz Through Washday" ContW. Contest expires Dec. 31, 1964. UNION GAS COWAN :44 ACRYLIC CARPET FIBRE • SUPERIOR COLOR • • "TRAFFIC RATED". • EXCELLENT RESILIENCE • YEARS OF EASY -CARE • LUXURY LOOK • CLEANS BEAUTIFULLY • MOTH and MILDEW PROOF ia NON -ALLERGENIC Robinson's is Very proud to Offer you new "Spring Magic" carpet by Bartymore, Canada!s finest earpet craftsmen. ,It's a wonderful value at only 9.95 aLsquare yard — And you can choose from a range of the year's most popular colors eolora like Laredo Green, Candlelight leige, Blue Grass, Burmese Gold, PiSttichio Green. Drop in today and see "Spring Magic" by Barrymore. Find outthe many advantages of wonderful "Creslan" acrylic carpet fibre. MEMBER OF THE FLOOR INSTITUTE OF ONTARIO ALL YARNS • 205 • OFF For 1p Days • Onti, Due To Being2 Overstocked SALE STARTS THURSDAY, OCT. 22 • Mohairs • Tweeds • Wools • Blends 61 HAMILTON STREET FLOOR SPECIALIST 524-8831 524-8994 HOMESPUN, c‘ YARN SHOP 81 EAST STREET •