HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-10-08, Page 14u.
14 The Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday, October' 8th, 1964
, The " S.trato-tones" Originated
n Goderich
By Bill Smiley
r, '
issue, they wovid shake their
CANADA, ACT YOUR AGE ! heads in bewiladerment, and
There is ono country in the ; write �{s off as nation about
world that 1 •f el sorry fur. It one jump ahead of the Congo.
has all the outward ,attributes' Personally, 1 don't care whe
of a spottcdrottenleetiag`'t' flier our natiut.al flag is three
utatiAy5 maple leap e s, or three
t is goofs -looking, if a little ( beat ers eating the kit. thigh of
gangly. It is strong and well
Sit John A. Macdonald, orthree
made, ITTa little inclined to•
uo.,ters crotiveng "t), Canada"'
flabbiness. It has always .had a irc�tti a ciut�gllill, flat 1 do care
big allowance because its mo 'that my country shows none of
ther and father came into a lot the signs of .strength, maturity,
of property. 1. wiScf.em- th L-- i 1Q s. s
)3ut all the signs of the mixed �'L'cted from an adult democ-
up adolescent are' there: the rack;. x.
sudden flaring resentment over Another thing that has pro -
nothing: the grLsant&eiire to be duced my present mood is the
loved and macre a fuss over: threat to the lite of the Queen,
the s urline s'when thing; don't if she has enough gumption to
go right; the- sullen apathy to visit Canada, on invitation.
wards anything worthwhile: the Which she has. Would that the
absorptim 'in material things: shrivelled punks who threaten
the clashes of decency; and the her had as much.
impulses towa: ds vandalism.
y, 4, ,
It must be dreadful to see a Canadians are not made• for
ehilyou love, one who has
'owing and scraping before
royalty. But v ho, eleept a few
brought sun and laughter as -an • iaciaties of de;;�erate paucity of
infant, pride and joy 'through spell would want to harm this
the growing years, turn into
one of these creatures. ,rather plan, rather sweet, quite
Iignified• and extremely courag-
It is • equally sad to see a oils woman who does her earn-
one laves turn into a lost best in an extremely difficult
schizophrenic, whining with * i"?
ing with threatei the next, brag -
answer is, only those. who
with one breath, complain have adopted the philosophy of
ing with another. I'm talking
the communist and- the fascist
about - Canada.
* *
There is Something sick in
our country •today, and' 1 feel
.for it the ,same baffled sorrow
, ,, that'"! fell for the teenager who
has a good mind,•with nothing
more on it than bashing around
corrupt years.
(Too late for October 1 Issue.)
• DUNGANNQ: ,--Guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Maize on San -
day were Mr. and- Mrs. Les
Ritchie of Lucknow.
to No Service
There will be no church ser-
vice he St. Paul's Anglican
Church, Dungannon, this Sun-
day, due to confirmation ser-
vice at St. Peter's Church,. Luc -
know, at 8 p.in, The Rt. Rev.
I -I. F. Appleyard, Bishop of Geo-
rgian Bay, will confirm 12 can-
didates. The members of St.
Paul's, Dungannon, are urged to
attend this confirmation service.
W.M.S. ,Meets
The omen's Missionary Sp-
ciety met in Erskine Presby-
terian ,Church on Friday, Sep-
tember 25. Mr.,. R. McAllister
opened the mee•,ting with hymn
68 and the purpose. The Glad
'Tidings prayer was taken by
iu,_ Nlu rxax f oUawed-_by..
hymn 691. The Bible reading
was on the,�parable of the vine-
yard. Mrs. William Reid gave
the devotional topic, "Glean-
ers.'; Nine answered the roll
call by, naming a disciple. Busi-
ness was discussed and the hale
was packed. The meeting clos-
ed with hymn 468 and the
Lord's Prayer.
Dungannon W.I.
Mrs. Don Riehl, Goderich, dis-
— that the end justifies the
means. The Queen has nothing
to do with imperialism or co-
lonialism or any of the tkther
"iSms" that Quebec .is belatedly
excited about, after sitting CWIli
one, for
go to pot. , 1 will persOnally call up .a crowd'
Of creaky old fighter pilots and
I don't know quite what has march cn that Province. ' I,
brought me to this state of foubt if we:d have a banner, be -
gloom, but the flag debate • cer- cause ifpyou told an oidefighter
tainly helped. An insignificant pilot to 'follow a flag into. ac-
' issue, ineptly introduced by• an tion.he'd.tell you promptly what
inadequate prime minister and ,you could do with your flag.:
imMediately . attacked by, an, in- .,
credible leader of Her' Majesty's * * „,
, Ioyal opposition. , , Perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps
the mixed-up teenager will, as
' People complqin; periodically,
Ote+' or n .0. so many have done, grow up,
“. 'turn into.a. rank old reactionary,,
Thank gdodness! If newspaper like me. I hope so.
readers in other nations -could
peruse sorvte. 2f -the juvenilia
that has passed as debate in our
'House of COmmoris. on the flag 1
triet president, =vas guest speak-
er at Dungannon Women's In-.
•stitute. Mrs. H. Ryan was hos-
tess. Nineteen ladies answer-
ed the roll call by naming ;the
Hower of her birthday, month.
Mrs. C. Crozier presided and
was appointed delegate to the
area convention. The di4rict
rally w'll be held at Hensall
....-C•rozie ----and- one -
branch director will be the 'vot-
ing delegates. Ladies were
all Urged to attend the rug and
craft display at Lucknow, spon-
sored by the U:aW. The re-
solutions for: the area conven-
tion were. disussed. No:action,
was taken on the fall „short'
courVe, Block printing, being -
sponsored by the Home Econ-
omics' department. A donation
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A band witch �i�as forined' .lie group •signe up with a in the modern
in Goderich about two years booking agent, the• Harold Kud- tainment field.
ago has since played in many lets Agency, Hamilttton, .Ontario.
entertainment centres, both in Adding a "filth performer, the
the United States and Canada. group changec; their. working
.Known• as the ",Strato-Tones,"
An instrumental and vocal
tlic,y have recently released a
group, the youthful performers from left to right are: "Ern"
new record, "S?eakin' Around"
and on the flip „soish are an ideal combination for Barret of London o d
dance and enter- sax and gllitar; "Marty" Baeche
ler of Goderich. bass and vocals;
To introduce their new re-
cord, the "Strato-Tones" appear-
ed on all the larger radio and
TV stations and also on the
Canadian Bandstand' of the Kit-
chener TV Station.
Seen in th,,. picture above,
Goderich district ,as a modern
dance combination and enter-
tainment Combo, ,the "Strato-
Tones':, began their career in
Goderich- as a• four-part grodp;
playing school rend social events,
under the• name of • the ',Four -
Starling their climb up the
musical ladder, the boys sup-
plied music. for dances at ,Gode-
rich, Grpnd Bend, -LOndon, and
other district nig,lit spots. '
tom,f.of most successful ban&
Wayne Muck of Goderich, gui-
tar and yoga's; Nic" Denomy
of London, druds.
Those wishing to join 'the of-
ficial "Strato-Tones" Fln, Club
may do so and be provided
with membership card, inform-.
ation and pictures of then). by
writing to `Strato-Tones," Box
paper on "Therapy throtigh
Horticulture," claSing her re-
markg with a suitable' poem.
The.qualities of a home versus
a house were 'given in -detail by
Mrs. Riehl. Her remarks were
based.on the Mary Stewart 40 -
led. Mrs. C. Crozier expressed
appreciation to Mrs. Riehl arid
resented her with a suitable.
gift., Souvenirs from Dungan --
non, Ireland, as well as from
some European cities, were
played by,., Mrs. Ryan. Mrs.
Rutledge, Mrs. Reid and Mrs.
Blake displayed many floral ar-
rangements designed from flow-
ers of their own gardens. Lunch
was convened by Mrs. L. Ivers.
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35A West Street—TelephOne 524-7383
(above the Signal Star)
(Too ,.Wo for October' 1 Issuel.:
Peter Bord:t of San Diego, Calif., r•
for the pest wet ks. Father
a form.er friend and teacher of
1'r. Caruana. They ;served in
the same dioces,e in Australia ,
for several ye -ars.' l•
he clergy of otratf9rd Dean-
cr spent: Wedneiclay,... of last
week as guests of .14'r. t arttana.!
Mrs. Herb, Wildgen returned'
!home last week after nursing
her . father, Mr. Rene Van
Eeno'frg.,h, le' of Wallaceburg, dur-
ing his fatal illness.. We extend
our sympathy to Mrs. Wildgen
On the sudden. death of her
- Sunday visitors • 'with Mrs.
Aug. Kinahan were Mr. and Mrs.
Kinahan a',-ict family of
Augut,tine, .Mr. and Mrs. :Via-
ael Kinahan and family of Lam -
Mr. Doug Frayrr.s, Kitchener,
spent„ the weekend with Mr..
and Mrs Eugene Frayne,
Mr. Anclre,,v Martin and son
Michlel visited friends here (in
Sunday, .
Mr. ,and Mr.; Ambrose Hart-'
man and Kitchener,.
spent the weekend with Mrs.
Clifton Austin
Mr. Kerry Hogan,' Stratfo.rd,
, visited his parents over the
Mr. .1nd John Austin'
and family spent the wqekend
with relatives in• Toronto.
Migs 14 Kathleen Dalton is
spending a few days in s;,ondon,
visiting her mother who is- still
a patient in Victoria Hospital.
Mrs. Dennis Dalton, Mrs. Aug.
Kinahan are spendnig this .week
in 'London.
Miss Lynda chisholm, Luck -
now, spent the .veekend with
Miss Helen 0ourtneY.
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The liberal Esso Heating Equipment Finance
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quires no down payment and allows you up
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about National's profit-proven,Calf Starter, too !)
•World's record for a free fall,
that is, jumping and falling
with a parachute closed, was
established by Captain J. W,,
Ratingen jr., of the U.S. Air
Force in August 1960. He fell
for a distance of 17 miles but
landed without mishap. -Yet
Slips and falls, most of them
on a level surface, tiecount for
about one in every five compen-
sation cases in Ontario industry.
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