HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-10-08, Page 4, • The Goderich Signid-Star, Thursday, October 8th, 1964 1. Articles For Sale - 4: Articles For Sale 1 IIALLIVIARIC, house trailer, 4.1 SHETLAND pony, two . years by 8, two bedrooms, completely old. ,Phone -8588. -40 furnished and egtitPped, good USE 4/0 (three-quarter) Wed, condition, at I.,,akeview Trailer box spr•n. g arid mattress, in first-class condition. LEGO building blocks, all sizes af sets on clearance, 40% .discount. USED swivel rocker in. good condition. Priced for quick sale, WALNUT Peppier boolcase beds in vvaleut factory clear - outs. Reg, price $89.00, Clears at Lodge Furniture for $44.00, 3 only, '•ark. Phone 7544. , 40x . • • „ BOY'S skates, sizes 11/2 to 2% ohoulder ' pea and knee pads to fit up to 8 years; girl's skating dress, green with lining, size 10 to... 12; boy's two sp.ort jackets._ sizes 8 to 10; boy's laminated jacket, size 8 to 10. 524- 9437 or 92 Cambria Rd.N. • 40 GIRL'S light brown mixed coat, fur trim collar, size 12 teen, excellent condition. 524-.7170. ' -40 WHITE uniform, size 12, worn only feW-tinies, $5. Apply 113 Wolfe St: 40x DINING room suite, mahogany Amish, • table, buffet and six chairs; Wingharn Clipper ki en range. Rhone 'Dungannon 529-7964, mornings or even - "IQ . ALL-WEATHER coat, shortie 'coat plaid -wool coat, tweed coat with matching skirt, s size 9-12. Phone 524- 7293. 183, Wilson St. -40 PANEL truck for sale,' with delivery route. Cpntact BobWilson, 116 East St. -40tf MALE puppy,. eight weeks old, -beagle and - terrier._ .dresses, :winter coat, size...10-12., Two school deeks Apply 93 East St. -40 GIRL'S spring andwintercoats, sizes 12 to 14, good condition. Apply 524-0180 or 123 Pal- merston St: • 40x WESTINGHOUSE 11" portable TV sets S132.95 W,T. SONY kitchen transistor radios*. Were $39.95, now $27..95. WESTINGHOUSE clothes dry- ers. Reg. $214.95, now $159,95. 16 CU. FT. Weatinghouse freez- ers, hold 551 lbs. S199.64. 'DURA SAN—Cleans your toll - et automatically, $2,49. Lasts six months. , WESTINGHOUSE' washers with pump. $119.95 plus 'trade. WILF. R.EINHART , TV Service. Hamilton St, ammtwr....taustorecrALLUSA51.,....., TABLE turnips and parsnips. Leo Idsinga, phone 524-8042. -40 SIX months', o!cl purebred' fe- male .Dpettslaund, reasonable price. , Very good w-ith child- ren. Phone 524.-7438 mornings •., •or evenines.,... .... 40 ,:: present or for use now in your I own home or, bLIS1110.S6, let .the Signal -Seer serve yournee'd's Tor all products of Underwood Lim- ited. The -se include: portable,. electric and 8tandard typewrit-, ers, calculatin‘i machines, add- ing, machines -and bookke (Tin g 'machines. All eale,s i11 be backed by Underwood's facfory- 'trained service personnel. . For a demonstratien, arid inform- ation from a fully itestructed 'salesman .on any of the.ee ,ma- chines, contact THE GODER1CH „SIGNAL -STAR -40-3 NINE -PIECE walnut dining room suite: 304nch. continental bed; almost new; 'chrome kit- chen table with four chairs. Phone 8867. -40 GIRL'S brown winter coat, fur collareeize -0- -Phone 524,-9438. -40 HEAVY duty stove, $30; refrig- erator, $25, both in good 'con- dition. Phone 74,83. -40 THIS weekend only, bargains on apples, both .-top qUality and windfalls. Bring yourr jug for 'sweet cider. . For Nether in- formation phone Bellviev; Fruit Farms, 524-8011. -40 EUREKA vacuum 'cleaner, Fleetwocd portable record play- er; full-length muskrat coat, size 14 to 16. Phone 9081 between 12 to 1 or after 5. p.m. ' • 40x CHINA cabinet; Lloyd .stroller, new' continental ee-size bed, with„, new mattresaj. chrome tables. D. J. Patterson, 97 St, Patrick 'St., phone 7616. 40x „ 'APPROXIMATELY 700. bushel Russell oats; 500 bales red clov- er hay; 400 . bales alfalfa and timothy hay. Phone 6462 after six p,m. . -38 PUPS Boxer purebred pip - pies. Roistered. 5E4- 8098. -39 MODEL 351 Winchester semi- aubomatic rifle; double-barrei 12 -gauge shoteun with three- 'inch,char-Ober. Ted Horton, phon524 -.9884. 39-40x CEMENT SEPTIC TANK Steel re-inforced, vibrated 'Deliveeed Anywhere. • Back -hoe available • for digging hbles aa.d drains Phone 528 - 3002 Lumley. Ronald E. Forster Pumpin.g and cleaning service for tanks. , 3545x COTTAGE ITEMS: Refrigerat- ors, ranges, iangettes and wash - ,Ing machines from $20.00. Gerry's Appliances, 120 The Square. 524 -8434. -27tf FIRE Chief Safety Chimneys, distributor, Guy Ives & Son,' iphone 524-6355. -1943 - ''' NEW and used applianCes: Why pay more? See therm at Lumbys, 136 East St., Goderich, Ont. -12t1 .11YGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed.,p0Stpoid. in plain, denied envelope 'with price Wit. satiplea 25e; 24 samples $1,00. Mail Order Dept.. -53. tIOV4110bber'to., Box 91, Ont. , PEPPLER s,valnut nightetablee four, only, reg. price, $69.00. Factory clearance at Lodge Furniture for $26.00. SPECfAle Continental .„ 'bed, special, only 4 beds left, box spring,' mattress, headboard, with legs, $4700... LODGE FURNITURE - 33 West. St. Goderich, Ontario A' BOY'S olive green suede jaek- et, hip length, size 16, half price, $12; Phone 7860.• -40 GIRL'S winter coat, • jacket, skirts, etc., sizes 1.2 to 14; boy's -suit, heavy jean,s, sizes 12 to 14. Phone 9384. s. -40 MeCLARY four-butoor •h'eavy Trra-tile--ralige; glass -in-do-ar-,. good -c-ondition,-- Phone 8594. „ -40 SINGER Zig Zag sewing ma- chine, d.oes buttonholes and.dec- orative stitches. Take over $8,00 paymehts or $57,00 cash. Write Box 156, Signal -Star. 40-41 CUT flowers—mums, asters, ale rangements, etc. Tomatoes. L. R. Holman, 187 Cameron St. Phone 8852. -40tf 3. Real Estate For Salk NINE -ROOM firnily home, Mid- way between downtown and lake, quarter acre lot, has many extras, $16,000, low down pay- ment. Apply Roy Brecken- ridge, 524-9371, or 9264, or 9060. -39tf W. J. 14cighes Real Estate. Broker General Insurance 50 Elgin Ave., E., Phone JA 4-8526 New 3-bedroum brick home, South-weste Modern 3 -bedroom • brick }ionic or Quebee St. Garage and extra lot, Ahriost new one -floor brick home with cut stone front,•cloSe to schools. Nicely, decorated living room. Haa oak fibor and natural fireplace. Hollywood kitchen has late of cupboards and separate dining area. The three--beed-roonasehewo-oak- and "bethrogill is ceramie, tile. Recreation room in basement. This home must be seen to be appreciated: • Four-bedroom home on Eliza- beth St. Modern two-bedroom home in Auburn. • 7. ' Duplex on Britannia Rd. Both apartments --ate-- modern with two bedrooms, fiel.1" fur- nace and good lot. 10d -Are farm, 8 miles frulm Gedericif, well drained. L-shap- ed barn and frame house., . Farm Salesman: I.. H. Pentland Huron Pd. -524 - 9007 LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES INVITED LADY'S bulky knit Sweater , e -coat, size 14-16, new hand-knit; inan's bulky knit sweater coat, size 42-44.. new, hand-knit. Mrs. Oliver McOh•arles, 4,.R. 3, Luck - now, phone 4-4, Ripley. -40 INTERESTING • pet squirrel monkey. Owner*leaving town. Reasonable: Phone ,•8607. , -39 VACUUM.clearier sales and ser- vice for all makes. Bob Peck, Zurich, phone Hensall 352 W 2 CHANNEL 8, and channel 10 aerials. Buy one or both, $5.00 each. Both in good condition ALso" 20 -foot mast $5.00. 524 - 9106. , -37 2061161,101521121=91.11\ rs,_TrusjcgEors 1.959 FORD Z-phyr. Goad con- dition. S3Q0. 5 -39 '59 CHEVROLEPX, .six cylinder automatic dan, $800 or best offer: Phone 7146. . -40 '58 N1ETEOR 3ftv,,aile&hi,itornatic, be,t. cash offer. Phone4Clinton 482-3291. -40 ,'"aanowt. • 46311121111111111100 3. Real'Estate, For Sale RED- briek fou-r-bedroorn house, one and 'S half baths, garage, oil furnace, large modern kit- chen. . 189 St. David St. 524 - 7695. -39tf FOUR-BED1100;‘1 red brick house, oil heatkl, newly decor- ated, three-piece bath, fenced - !'n yard, central location. Pric- ed for -quick 'sale.- Phone 7314 or 6219 after•six p.m. -4Otf KEN CROFT Real Estate and Business Broker [83 Victoria St., Goderich, Ont. General Insurance Dial 524,7253 • YOUR HALLIDAY 110IVIE AGENT . 97 Wolfe, St.—A giveaway, has three large airy bedrooms, living room, dining room and, kitchen. An excellent buy for nelemerdeemenree•Eitsretternesereatli able. . VICTORIA ST.—Nine-room solid_ brick home, ideal for an apt. building or large family. Too big for widow owner, Price cut fee quick sale. Easy terms arraoged. e-,,eeteee.-eeeeee, etee leo i,,,rwnven. LIGHT OUSE ST.— Attention bargain hunters! White frame hornewith an income from an eppereapartment. This home' overlooks • lake , and harbor, A-1 condition, large shady lawn. Low price, high value bathe'. COTTAGE 'FLPOrt Allkiirreach. Beach, Sunset BeaCh, Blue water Beach, leon Springs— from $2,500,00 to $10,000.00.. corrAGE LOTS— GaOd sand beach, $20.00 per foot. Sec- ond row•lots $10.00 per foot. Third and fourth row, $5:00 per foot. WE ALSO have good listings on Farms and Business Oppor- tenities. CALL in today for your 1964 Catalogue on Halliday Homes and Cottages. SIX -ROOM bungalow, to clove „ estate, centrally located, new oil furnace 'hot water heating. LISTINGSAND INQUIRIES Apply 31 Victoria St. N. Phone INVITED 8495. , -40t,f Malcolm Mathers Real Estate Broker 46 West St. 524 - 9442 FOR SALE A good two-atorey frame dwelling in a central location. New gas"furnace. Easy finance terms. In -in excellent central loca- tibn, a 2 -storey red brick house, having 4 bedrooms, oil furnace. A good property at a satisfac, tory price. A'riced for a quick sale at 179 Elgin Ave. W., a small 2 -storey dwelling on a large lot in an excellent location. We have a nice one -floor bungalow, on Palnierston -St., for sale. Two bedrooms, sun - porch, modern furnace, carport. 'In a fine central 'area, we have a large 2 -storey red brick* house, in excellent condition. Some features are main floor powder room, 4 large bedrooms, 4 main floor rooms with wall-to- wall carpeting, excellent hot water heating system. This is first-class property. On a wide and deep lot over- looking Lake Huron in Gode- rich, we have an excellent one - floor modern brick and stone dwelling, with large spacious rooms, including a large dining room, two lovely bedrooms, beautiful living room and sun- room-Lall in a very attractive setting. On Church St., we have a two- storey frame dwelling, nine rooms, two bathrooms, a firs -t - class location, priced to sell. . • On Anglesea St., we have a two-famil,y dwelling; ---one large apartment on main floor, and a nit° smaller apartment on sec- ond floor. - At $1,200.00, we have a build- ing l'ot in a very good, treed area. RUTH VAN. DER MEER 55 Montreal St., Goderich Phone 524-7875 Agent for WILFRED McINTEE & CO. LTD. Walkerton HOMES Four4edroor. frame home, new modern kitchen cupbeards, new bathroom—$6,500. White brick home in good condition, extra large lot, four bedrooms, oil furnace—$9,800. ,Newly painted home, on lot screened by cedar hedges. Now gas furnace—$7,000'. Red hrik }lame, hot water heated. fireplace, four bedrooms 'White brick home with four bedrooms, 2 -pine modern bath- room, new oil furnace, small barn, large lot. On payed road in small town. FARMS 25 Acres on paved highway, white brick houee, new kitchen, modern bathroem, water from drilled well, 40 apple trees. 200 Acres, East Wawanosh, Maitland River haunds property; would make :good Summer home. 180 acres workable. 100 Acres,- 80 workable, farm pond—spring fed,•barn 60 x 40, five -room home with new kit- chen cupboards, 3 -piece bath- room. SUMMER PROPERTY Nearly new cottage at Bogie's Bench, sleeps eight, moderfi. kit- chen and bathroom, water from drilled well. Furnished. - HOUSE FOR RENT Three-bedroom, living room, dining room. kitchen, gas fur- nace, heated recroom—$85.00 a month. „COME IN FOR YOUR FREE CATALOGUE ...Real ,Estate, For .Sale PETER S. MacEWAN - REALTOR $1,000 00 dawn: Twp-bed•room home, Incated on South street, floor furnace. Immediate oc- eupancy. Client, would also con- sider, renting. Total price, $5,500.00. $1,000.00 down: Ineul Brick bon*, on largo lot in central south end of town. Total price, $5,500.00. . $2,0,00.00 down: Brick veneer th•ree-bedroom home, located in V.L.,A. sub-divisoin. Oil hot air furnace, 4 -pc. bath; attached garage, all on extra large lot. Total price, $13,500.00. $4,500.00 down: Lovely brick veneer two-storey home. Oil hot water heating with annual cast of $135.00. Home complete with wall-to-wall broadloom in living rooms, bunt -in stove and combination fr,g and freezer.. Two storey brick veneer 4- "Edrifom hotireT-TOTated •ireff swimming pool, excellent value in a. good family haree. RENTAL Two-bedroom brick, veneer in north end of town, $80.00 monthly. " Threembedroom home, all con- venience,s, $100.00 monthlY: PETER S. MAcEWAN 41katafilitegiratoc_ 44 North St. Phone$24=9531 HAROLD W. SHORE Real Estate Broker General Insuvance Three -Bedroom All Electric Home A new family type home, this house features three large bed- rooms, 11/2 bathrooms, Hanover kitchen, dining- room and large living room. This is a Gold Medallion home for only $1,595 down •payment. - • Looking for Income .Property? Close to Square, this four- plex provides excellent return on asking price. See this today. , Summer Cottages Now is the time to pick up a real bargain in summer homes. '• 1. At Bluewater Beech, 2- beeleverreereattagereaneatireeltewer payment. 2. A .fisherman's hideaway on the Maitland: Excellent fish- ing, boating and swimming. Cottage has two bedrooms, large living yoom and kitchen _LOTS • Several lots available through - tit Goderich. Dial '524 - 7272. 38 Hamilton St. • --; 'ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN Four-bedroom'r noor', nice location near, lake front, Available now., -$t4.500. YOU CAN BEAT THE HIGH COST OF LIVING 1 Classified 'Rates 4, PER WORD (Minimum. 750 25c Extra if not paid 'by Tuesday of the Week following publication. Semi -Display Classified 11.40_per inch_ Birth or Death • Notices $1.00 Each Complete Ad Rate _ Details for the various classifications are available at THE SIGNAIrSTAR DIAL 524.833 Deadline for taking 'Classified Ads.. is 1 P.M, TUESDAY mem 4. Itcalfistate Wanted 5. To Rent SEVEN -ROOM jiouise,' four, bed - 1.00411S, avail'Ale now,' 148 Bri- tannia Rd. E. Phone 9308 or 7486. , 40x TWO -riiomS, with o•r without board. .19 Albert St. • Phone 8737. -40 TWO-BEDROOM house, gas heated, 230 Jones St. Phone 524-9686. 40x HOUSE, thre miles north of Goderich on Highway 21, one bedroom, three-piece bathroom.. .Phone 524-7904. -40tf LISTINGS of 'dwellings, sunc- mer cottages and commercial property required. If you are inteiested i offering your pro - peaty for sale, contact PETER S. MacEWAN Realtor 44 North P,,t. • 524- 9531 lorrmonommnorida.nommurfarawsi 5. To Rent TWO-BEDROOM house, new1V decorated,. available now, at 147 Regent St, .AnPly 118 ice.geot St. 40-42x HOUSE near Square, three bed- 1.10.44.=e&er4eiteriffeTelfiell in cupboards, garage, available October 31. Phone 524-9670: '40xtf ;'OUR -1t0011 apartment, heat- ed, utilities paid. Rhone 7157 or 53, Waterloo St. N. , -Ott , PWItikerelaRROkeWeleause, "new ,gas . furnace, north end of town. Phone 8791. 40-41x TaKes only $48.00 per year. Water only $25.00 per year. Very reasonable "heat costs. This is for a 3-bedroorn house, with a large .modern kitchen that has lots and lots of cup- boards, a large bright iiving room, and neWly installed 4 -piece bathroom. Located in Dungannon on an eighth of an acre lot, this house has a good cement basement, storms and screens, and is 'priced" very rea- sonably, with a low down pay-. ment. A very modern twp-bedroom bungalow -Style .horne in a very good location. 'A nice bright living room, a good sized dining room, airy and bright kitchen with lots of cupbeards, and a large den or family room. This room co»Id be a third bedeVom, having closets and built-in van- ity. 'The.- bathroom is modern, and "the bedroems have large clothes closets. There is a good back kitchen, or storage room; the basement is of poured ce- ment; the oil furnace is new: There is anattached garage, hard -top drMiwdy, and this large 105 x 1064iot isffully land- scaped and mefal-fented. The ,entire property is in very good condition. A remodeled (called War Tittle) home on the Bayfield Rd. in excellent • condition: This two-bedroom home has NEW kitchen, NEW,oil furnace in a good basement, and NEW alum- inum storm windows. The liv- ing room is carpeted, and the interior decoration is new and modern. The exterior was painted this yearT and there is a bayed driveway and garage. Taxes $157,00, Heat cost ap- proximately $140.00., Tailored made terms to suit you. Premium Home This is a beautiful two-year- old split level an a fully land- scaped lot, 80 x 110. A paved drive+Cttay, gaimge and complete- ly finished rec-rOom, laundry room and workshop in base- ment. Three good bedrooms, 11e bath, bright living room with fireplace, and peesent mort- gage is .at Only 61/2% interest. Terms Arranged to suit buyer. FOR SALE 2 FERTILE ACRES, Os MILES FROM GODERICH .Three-bediloom house, fairly modern, frame barn, two -car garage. Mortgage available. E. E. CRANSTON • Phone 524 -8801 BRUNO LAPAINE Phone 524 -8957 Salesmen' for 'ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN Godetith • Phone 524-902 ygg. THREE-BEDROOM. house, gas heated, inimediate possession. Phaf16:: 524- 7535, evenings.. 40x • SELF-CONTAINED, one -bed- room apaetment, partly furnish- ed, new kitchen cupboards. Mary B. Howell, 12 St. Vincent St., phone 524-8642. -15tf FRONT APARTMENT or OF- FICE on the Square: Twabed- rooms, living room, modern kit- chen. and bathroom. Very rea- sonable rent. Apartment easily converted to office. 'Phone 524 - 7775. 38tf MODERN, two -bed -roam, self- contained apartment, with bath, 'heated. Phone 7813. -40tf NICELY decorated residence on St, David St. Available now. Will rent' reasonable to good tenants. FOUR-BEDROOM red brick re- sidence in good • location, new furnace. Reduced to $75,00 for winter months. „COM. FORTABLE _law er apt, - residence, located on Gloucester Terrace. One. tWo,bedrooms. Clean and madern. Reasonable. ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN FVRNISHED one -bedroom a- partment, all convenienc'e' Ridgewood Park. , Phone 524 - 8891. -37tf FURNISHED one -bedroom ap- artment, private bath, heated, close to schools. Phone 524 - 8416. -38tf SELF-CONTAINED heated a- partment, availabre immediate- ly, all utilities paid, reasonable rent. Phone 753'2 or 7935. -37tf AVAILABLE at once, heated apartment, 4 or 5 rooms. Up- stairs, 57 West St. Phone 524- 8344 during office hours. -371f FOUR -ROOM apartment, self contained; second floor, heated and,' furnished. Available im- mediately. Phone 9210, .127 Bruce St. -36tf NEW 3 -bedroom bungal situ- ated on large lot „in VLA sub- division. Oil heated. Available October lst. 524- 9412. -36tf KENT HOUSE, furnished roams with living roam,. TV and kit - then privileges, $10 weekly. Phone 8433, -36tf LARGE front bed -sitting room, frig., hot plate. Maple Leaf Cabins, 54 Victoria St. -36tf HEATED apartment, all con- veniences., Apply Ahl Shoe Store or phone 8193. -31tf FOUR -ROOM apartment, com- pletely furnished, heated, util- hies paid, self-contafned, ideal jor quiet couple. Phone 7483. -29tf FOR RENT - TWO -BEDROOM apartment In new apartment building. Heat- ed,4,-•`ove and, fridge included. Available Sept. 1st— $95.00. An upper heated apt. Two bedrooms, modern kitchen, bal- cony, garage, ana use 'of yard. Corner Rayfield Rd. and Stone- house St. Reduced to $80.00. ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN Phone 04.9662 1 9. Agents Wanted SALESMAN • WITH CAR WANTED to sell to ;farmers a completely new line e for 'farm equiPment maintenance in Goderich and Huron County. Must be bondable, willing to work heed,. Agriculture or lam machinery background helpful. Year-round employment.. Write.Box 149, Signal -Star, -39-40 STOP wishing for money. Come and earn it by giving Rawleigh Service right here in part of Huron County. Best of its kind. If you'll work, we will help you. Write Rawleigh, Dept. 1216-814, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal.' -40 nisawnops• 10, Wanted (General) GIRL. wanted to board, share. in inam` withegirle-twin bedse-eloaa• to Square. Phone 801 40x, MODERN 3-rporn apartment with bath. two room&with hard- wood 'floprs, nee; sdhools, sep- arate entrande, heated. 193 South St. Phone 8671 or 8923. -39 THREE-BF,PROOM house, one block from -Square, gas furnace. tia2oltaa L524.9532 -or 524 -6295.. ,43 -39tf FOUR -ROOM apartment, self- contained, range, oil heater and fridge supplied. Miss Mary B. Howell,' 12 St. Vincent St., phone 8642. -39tf CRESCENTVIEW Luxiiry Apart- ments now renting, electric heat, two bedrooms, all utilities ped, $115 to $125 monthly. No, pets nor children. Apply Roy Breckenridge, • 524 -9371, or 9264;' or 9060. -39tf MODERN two-bedroom apart- ment, tiled and- hardwood floors throughout, aluminum storms and screens, 'heated, self-con- tained, -two entrances, avail- able NoveMber 1. Call 7907. -39tf FOUR -ROOM apartment on the Square. Apply Mrs. Craigie, phone 9656. -25tf TWO - BEDROOM apartment, partlz furnishect_aosl, fr,idze' ,"and gas connection. Apply H. G. Bradley and Son, Hamilton St. Phone.- 524- 7864.* • ,, -15tf BUSINESS property on Square. Apply Goderich French Dry Cleaners. Day, 524 - 8452, Night, 524 - 8718. 4tf 01\1E4) e ci room •-•;i1Tartin eat; 7h6ii- ed; modern bath, centrally lo- cated. Phone Tony Bedard. 524-8346. -17tf 3,000 SQUARE DEET of ,dry storage space available for lease or rent: Will. rent all. or part. Apply God eri eh .. • -26tf NICELY furnished, modern, heated apartment, utilities paid, TV hookup, washer and dryer, no children. Available now. Apply 92 Cambria Rd., north. Phone 9437. • -23tf FEDERAL -PROVINCIAL ewned houses. Applicants must have children-. C. F. Chapman, Man- ager, Goderich Housing Author- ity. Telephone 524-7915. -37tf NEWLY remodelled, one -bed- room apartment, self-contained, gas heated, suitable for couple, TV and FM aerial supplied. Phone 524-.7540 .evenings. -11tf UPPER i`partment, four rooms .and bath, automatie heat and hot water, centrally located. Available October lst. Phone 524 -8130. -35tf FOUR -ROOM upper, heated, apartment, self-contained. Avail- able now. Phone 7296 after five. -29tf" MODERN self-contained, heated apartment, suitable for, couple only. Immediate possession. James Bisset; phone 524 - 9645. -30tf NEW two-bedroom upper apart- ment, electric heat, private -en- trance, suitable for adults or one 'child, near, schools. Avail- able September lst. Phone 524-7578. -32tf APARTMENT, heated, two bedrooms,- Self-contained, mod- ern conveniences; redecorated, over II. 0. ,Jerry'.. Hardware, Kingston St., available now, rent reasonable. Contact H. 0. Jerry, phone 524-9671, resid- ence, 524-930(e. , -38tf 6. Wanted To Rent 30 FT. garage needed for win- ter months. Phone 7921, t• -40 sommaisammemomminarqui 8. ,Help W,anted WAITRESS for full-time Good wages and working con- .ditions. Apply The ClubGrill ,. * 40tf MOLD MAKERS Trained on rubber And plastie molds. Rates up tO $3.00 per hour. Reply to Box 4, Fonthirl, Ontario, 4042 111111, 'mos 9. Agents Wanted MAN or woman' to service cus- tomers with Watkins Products in the Town of Goderich. NO investment necessary. Earn $75.00 per week and up. Full 6r part-time. Write to J. Gauth- ier, 350 St.*Roch, Montreal 15, Ouebec. 49-43 ROOMER want6d, 'hear Square and industrial plants. Mrs. Martin, 40 Cambria Rd., sauth, phone 8808. -40 USED Cub's outfit wanted for boy, size 8. Phone 9250. - -40 ROOMER wanted, breakfast if preferred. 159 East St., Phone 8404.5mitumantsou.---- - -.40- .- GOOD honre—ivirriteg-ro-i, Iie Persian cat. Phone 9158. 40x 11;Emp1oyment Wanted CHILD care by the -day or week. Phone 7921. 40 TUTORING in French. Contact Mrs. Blok, 139 Keays St. Phone 6212. " 40x • PART-TIME work •wanted, anywhere in Goderich, nights, light housekeeping, or office cleaning: Phone 524-7290.* -40 15. Notice To Creditors CLEANING leaves, eaves- traughs, odd jobs, storm win- dows. Light ,trucking wanted. Harold Leddy, phone 7431' or 7237. , — -39tf' inniannamitermamilmeasimulainenadion 12.„,,,IvadgmEauLed TOWNSHIP OF. .F.ST WAWANOSIP Tenders l'Or snow plowing; 1964- 65. Tenders will ibe received by the undersigned until 6 p.m., October 10th, 1964,.for plowing snow in' the Township of West Wayono.;h at an_hOUIY,..,rate, TOWnihip to plow and wing, tenderer to state size of truck and to supply 'his own help; al:,o to •mount plow and wing at his own expense. Town- ship guarantees "8100,00 per month standing time. for four nio.nths, D ecem r, ,Taxwavy, February and March. LoweSt or! any tender not neeosSariily accefited. • • Lorne Ivets, Inad Supt. , TWo' 'of West Wawanosh. Dungannon, Ont. • -39-40 • 13: Auction Sales AUCTION Sale, Victoria Street United Church, Saturday, Oc- tober 17, Harold Jackson, Auc- tioneer. -40 Jaybee Hereford • Farms • 8th Production Sale of, Registerd HEREFORD At the farm 5 miles .south of Seaforth or 3 miles east of Kippen. Ontario THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1964 Commencing at 1 p.m., D.S.T. Featuring 33 Head 24 bred heifers, .18 of which were sired by Real Silver Prince, which we purchased at CalgarY Bull Sale in 1959. He was the top sellinci bull of the sale and season and these were bred to layhee .Britisher Prince. Six bred Britisher heifers serviced by Real Silver Prince or his sone Nine serviceable aged bulls all which are performance test- ed and are carrying government grants of 20% of the purchase price uo to $150.00, Average rate of gain of all nine "bulls while an test •was well over 3 'lb. ,per day and all are sired by Real Silver Prince. Write for catalogues. Aectioneers'are: W. S. O'NEIL & SON, and EDWARD ELLIOTT, Stafiley Jackson, Prop. Klpoen, Ontario, . - Telephone Seaforth 619W1. -40 111111111111111111011•1111M 14. Services Available ACE Radio TV 'Service. Frank Wilcox, 60 Picton 8t. W., Gode- rich, Ont. Phone 524 -7771. SID' MILLEN'S Cabinet Shop, custorti furniture, kitchen clip- boards, furniture repairs. 184 Gibbons St. Phone 5631. LET us restore accuracy and beauty to your watch. Fine jewellery repairs and diamond setting. Modern equipment. Don MacRae, watchmaker, The Square. 42t1 SEPTIC tank cleaning service. Robert Dundas, R.R. 5, Gode- rich. Phone 524-6464. -20tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment, - all work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. 2, Brussels. Phone Brussels 442 W 6. 11740x corTING LUMBER and cutting capers? 1 sharpen handsaws, speed saws, skates and cutlery -.also seasonal day labor. C. IL Homo', Huron Rd.', opposite Store. .37tf PERSONS aving claims against the Estate of EWA MABEL sAuuys, late of the Town of Goderich, in 'the Coun- ty of Huron,'Spinster, whd died on or about the 22nd day of September, 1964, are required to file the same with full par- ticulars with the undersigned by the 31st -day of October, 1964, as alter that date the asvts of the estate will be distributed. Dated at eaoderich, Ontario, this 30th day of September, 1964. HAYS, ?REST 8.z HAYS, Barristers, etc., .33 Moneleal St.,. .,Goderich, Ontario. 40-42 ALL PERSONS having claims aeainst the Etsate of JAMES ABERT McLEAN, Retired, Of the Village of Sa1ttford, in, the County of Hueon., who died on .or about the 27th day of ,Sep- tember, 1964, are required to file the same with full partied- rs-with•-•-the- -undersigned, -by the 31st day of Octobew, 1964, as after that date tile assets of the estate will be diStributed. Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 1st day of October, 1964. .HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal St., ' Goderieb, • Ontario., -4042 ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of EDITH. ETHEL- BARTON-i-Wttinwriate of the Town of Goderich, in' the County of Huron, who died on or about the 25th day of Sep- tember, 1964, are required to file the same with full partic- ulars with the undersigned by the 31st day'of ,.October, 1964, as after that date the assets of the estate Will' be distributed. Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 30th day of September, 1964. • • HAYS, PRIEST & HAYS, Barristers, etc., 33"Mont real St., Goderich, Ontario. -4042 ALL PERSONS having -.claims against the estate of 'WILLIAM CHARLES ALLAN CURREY, Garage Operator; late of the Tbwri of •Goderiele in the Coun- ty' of Huron, who died on or about the 23rd day. of Septem- berW• 1964, are required to file tlY-01111F"WirirtilY15Tfriallafg' with the undersigned by the 24th day of October„. 1964, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich,. Ontario, this 24th day of September, 1964. HAYS, PREST & HAYS, 33'. Montreal. St., Goderich; Ontario. .-39-41 • IN THE ESTATE OF HOWARD LIVINGsroN All pereons imekagLes against -the estetd oTtiow RD LIVINGTON BLUE, 'late of Goderich,"Ontario, deceased, Who died on oe about the 15th day of, September, 1964, are hereby hotifieci to send in to the lindersigned Personal Rep- resentattive of the said deceas- ed on or before the 24th day of October, 1964, full' particul- ars of their claims. Immediate- ly after the said datethe said Personal Rep i esentative will distribute the assets of the said deceased. having regardonly to clairne, of whle.h. it -shall then have notice. Dated' at Goderich, Ontario, 'this 24t1i day. of September, 1964 CROWN TRUST COMPANY, 200 -Queens Avenue, London, Ontario, ,Executor, By Hays, Prest & Hays, Barristers, etc., e 33 Montreal St., Goderich, Ont., 4 Their Solicitor herein. -8941 ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of Otto Her- man Popp, Gentleman, late of the Village of Dungannon, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 4th day of September, 1964, are required to file the same with full par- ticulars with "the undersigned by the 17th day of October, 1964, • as after that 'date the aesests of the estate will be dis- tributed. Dated , at Goderreh, Ontarie, this 151h day of Septernber, 1964. HAYS, PREST & HAYS; Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal St., Goderich, Ontario. -38-40 IN THE ESTATE OF ANNIE MAUD STIRLING All persons having claims against the estate of ANNIE MAUD STIRLING, late of hay- field, Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the 20th day of Ally, 1964, are hereby notified to senel=in to the underAl•gned Pmonal Representative of the said deceased on or before.the 17th day of October, 1964, full particulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the' said ,date the said Personal Representa- tive`Will distribute the assets of the said dedeased haying regard only to claims of which it shall then have notice. • Dated at Goderich, Ontafio, this 17th day Of September, 1964. BRITISH MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY, 1 Ontario Street, Strafford, Ont., Executor By Hays, ,Prest & Hays, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal St., Gpderich, Ont. Their Solicitors herein. -3840 16. Public Notice MORTGAGE money available on good residential properties. Call 11,arqld W. Shore, JA 4-7272, " 38 Hamilton St. -1641 op SALE OF LANDIFOR ARREARS OF TAXES COUNTY OF HURON PROVIE OF ONTARIO t TO WIT: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the list of lands to be sold for arrears of taxes in the,Coum- ty of Huron has been prepared and was published in The On- tario Gazette" upon the 5th day of September, 1964." Copies of the list of lands for sale for arrears of takes may be Ind in the CountY In default of payment of taxes as shown on stIch list on or befere Tuesday, December .8th, 1964, at the hour' of two o'clock in the afternoon, I shall at the said time in the Court House, Goderich, Ontario, proceed to sell by public Auction the shid lands to pay such arrears to- gether with the charges thereon. Notice is hereby further given that' if any sof the said lands remain unsold, an adjourned sale will be held on Tuesday, December 15th, 1964, at the same hour and Ace and at which, Municipalities may re- serve the right to purchase any of the said lands. ' JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich. Cntario. -36-48 17. Business Notice . - CUSTOM chain sawing; custom grain' sowing; chain saws and circular saws sharpened. Ted Horton; -phone 524 -9884. , 39-42x UNITED ACCUMULATIVE, Canada's Leading Mutual 1;und „ "tt.R. z, unton Phone 524-6354 38-45x A. Births GRIFFITHS. — Mr. 'and. Mrs. ie 'hafFN=Ti-n-ounce ThT-bieth. of their daughter, On October 5, 1964, at Opleville, Ontaritee, . 40x* LARDER.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich; on ,gctober 1964, to Mx. -and Mrs. Don- toderich; a (laughter, Jacqueline Anne, RMERTS.—At Alegand•ra Hos- pital, Goderich, on October 5, 1964, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roberts of Clinton, a son, Michael Godwin, .40 WATSON.—Jelin and Joan (nee 'Fitzpalrick), of Don Mills, are happy to announce the ar- • rival of their ,-son, David Wyllie, September 30, 1964, . at TerontO General Hospital. • , -40 WM& C. Briefs Order Shell furnace oil and stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck 'dealer for all Shell Oil Co. products'. Phone 524- 8386. -37tf McLE AN BROS. tailored -to - measure sale. An extra pair of trousers for 39c. Suite $56, $66, $76. McLean Bros., the Square. * -38-39-40-41 Fire extinguisher sales and recharge service on all types. All extinguishers recharged same day received. Wholesale and retail agent for C.O. Two and Pyrene extinguishers. If you need an extinguisher for the boat, Nt'br•homeo for low- oFt prices call or see' H. 0. Jerry Ltd., 84 Kingston St. 524 - 9671. -38; 40, 42 samamaymisk.' D. In Memoriam I3RINDLEY.—In loving memory of John R. Brindley who pass- ed awny October 19, 1963. Your loving voice we ne'er for- get, Though years -•may pass away; The loss, of you we sadly feel, As keen as that first day. If we could have raised your ' dying head, Or heard your last farewell, The grief would not have been so had .For us who loved pou well. —Sadly missed by wife, Mabel. 40x HORNEY.—In loving memory of our mother, Mary A. Hor- ne•y, who passed away one year ago, October 13th, 1963, and of air father, EdWin B. Homey, who passed away August 22nd 1956. There is no parting From those we love. No distance can divide, For today in memory's garden, We still walk .side by side., —Lovingly remembered by tkeir family. -40 ..asisemtimm E. Cards of Thanks , OAESAR.--alrs. Luella - Caesar wishes to thank all those who so kindly remembered ,her while a patient in h'olspita140 4>