The Exeter Times, 1891-12-24, Page 1!'s nt or of ny ny ate Int er, are to les eat ley tee, 1041. (im clif ;ou se l ght ut cot. ad :on Tni alit toth rte f xhan )B an grafi oma ratio song Int teou CE ' TER ES. i3'l L p1e-e ternes einteley true t finds erm?n k. ,ics fpr rd who; of her ss that ?t ape er sed nv ct gen, iy se pund he p eco ey. -man VOL. XIX. NO, 18, ANS► HURON MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE. LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE TREY MAY.' EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 24, 1891 Cbristaras is toxin JUST THINK OF IT And you etn get a box (28 lbs.) of good Raisins for one dollar. A choice line of Fresh. G ooeri.es on hand for Christmas. A few startlers in pry -glands :den's Suits, worth :;f3 50, for $a 65; r, 9 00, for 6 501 4 " 10 00. for 7 35; Afen'e ()vereol,s at prdees that will ae them. Special Grey Flannel at 10ea ONE WORD TO THE LADIES : You can get melte very cheap 114,siery and Gloves by calling :tt A. J. MITA/ISH & CO. James Pic] ard'S Old Stalld, Special Ladies' ••He:tlt:h"-111•tv,'ol Yeats for 51.09, lxepfa+xl. To the Editor of time Exeter Tines. ,aa.—As the time is approaching for the :llunieipal elections, it appears there is some talk of a contest. Asa large rate. payer of the township I would desire to say that we are foolish in puttin! out our present council ; I for one will net assist. As one who has attended a number of Council meetings and watched the interest t the Council lies taken in niunie palaffairs, I consider it u" . d be wrong to offer any oppositior .cause it would appear as � nl though r not brains enough to a- # it preeiitttte goon men: The Council has wipfld Out our railway debt, and the small ant't they have raised annually to do so, has not been felt. 'Would it, therefore, not bo the height of folly to turn them out and accept leen who have had no municipal ex- perience ? I consider it would only be advieablo to re-elect the old council and let them finish paying oil the debt. I did not support some of the present Council in past years. but now 1 cannot awe how any person, who has his own intonate as well as the interests of the township in view, can find any reasons for not support ing theresent members. Trusting that the old Council will be elected by madame* tion, I remain yours, A EARN Stanley. Gevxerra—Tile council met on the 15th, membe=rs all present. The following ae. counts wore ordered to be paid :—A.ndrow Stinson, repairing windows in hall. $. 25; Board of health $0; John Reid $16 40 in- terest ou money borrowed for township pur- poses; John Reid, $2 50 extra expense on township business; John Torrance, $4, extra expense on township business, and $2 for posting up financial statement, as required by law; Mrs. Hays, for keeping Thomas Malloy; Dr. Elliott, $16, for attending T. Malloy;:. Me. Simpson, $7, for nipping T. Mullow; John Reid, $2 62, for wood for Aires Sootohmere; Jos Morrow, $5 74, tor goods supplied to Mrs. Scotchmere; ldam'l Reid, $58, for keeping Win Thompson 20 weeks. The following gravel accounts were ordered t e be paid ;--Daniel Griugrioh, $37 12; Geo Stephenson, $t9 52: Richard Penhale, $10 56; Peter Coupling, $18 72; Chas Weeks, $30 72; Roland Molnnin, $5; Jas Johnston, $6 40; Wm Reid, $14 72 Chas Avery. $7 20; Andrew Reid, $24 48; John Cameron, $1 28; Jas Campbell, $4 32; Jas Parke, $16; John Alexander, $2; An- drew Reid, $5 44; R Snowden,$28 24; Jno Gibson, $10 64; Wm Cooper, o$2 24; Mrs. Dallas, $1 60; John Deihl, $2 64; E Glen, $8 40. The following salaries were order- ed to be paid ;—John Torrance, $32 90; Isaac Erratt, $31 60; J Ketohen, $31 60; Wm Clarke, $29 80; R Mollveen, $31 60; Andrew Stinson, $10; John Reid, $75; Goo Stewart, salary, Voters' Lista, postage and stationary, ;registration, feeleoting .jurors, school section oonert8, and copies of the Wanless award, $138 50. Council then ad- journed. Goo..STEWART, Clerk. ►►ea --4 . Dashwood. aToo late for last week.) Bnnn'B.—Bev.. F. Sobarffe .has moved into the houee formerly occupied. by Mrs. Ruby. =The following ladies have been ap- pointed to collect in the interests of the Upper Canada Bible t3ooiety: Town Line east testes M. Snell and A. Fenwick ; e west—Misses A. Pfaff and C. Bronson Line north—Misses L. Sohroeder and A. Ethers; Bronson Lina south—Misses M. Miller end L. Fin kbeiner -- Our photographers, ildesers. Phippen and Taxman, have started the work on their new building,—On Tuesday last a public examinations was held in the public school of»ashwood. The day was very but die - cleared fn the forenoon, o a ed np rds. There was quite a number of s present, among others the following ors : Mr. Latta and Mies Hauch, of aoh; Miss Reith, of the Bronson, and Mr nell, of-Blaekbueh.-Mr. and Mrs. J. Bean, of Iowa, visited friends in this vicini- ty last !weeks—Messrs. Snell & Co. have artod a banking business in Dashwood. till we prosper.—On Tuesday night two of the boys made a• bet with another that they together could eat forty-five smoked her- ring, in succession, the losing side to pay. for the herring; The result was that the .v• managed toeat the herring in a ehort a -' trip seems to have increased - . 'uet be a famine anaged to aed the Varna. Broaes.—Mr. Thos. Kaye who recently diel at Shipha was a former resident of this neighborhood, end for a number of years held a seat at the Stanley Council Board.—Dire. Rider, of ttiebigau, sister of Air. John Ried, near Varna. met with a terrible death last week. She was going into the cellar Saturday evening, carrying a lighted lamp in her band, she stepped an a eat that was on the step, and lasing her balance she fell, causing the lamp to ex- plode; She wee at onea enveloped in linea and got so terribly burned that she died the following tVedneaday, l llixuville, Bun:ea• Air: Ira Andrew, tvho sojourned for some 90 days in Manitoba, returned a week ago limiting bale and hearty and emus to ba well pleased with the country. 9fr. R Webb has purchased the biank smith shop, and is now a fixture in our village. If you want a horse shod, just bring it here, and you will fiul a capable antlobliging sboer.—The days are employed. by some, it seem, in counting up the num. bar of marriages expected to take plea) in the near future. One authority Pisces the number at seven. Tide Meana a minieterial harvest in olid winter, .—Tho anperannua- tion fund is beginning to caueo cnustdorable trouble in the :iiethudiat ellereb, and its future le by no means bright with promise. Rev, J. Unwell gave a long tali: to the E Jwvilte eougre,;ation un Sun"lav nscrniug, but the cell"etion f.sq.iwiug proved that the appeal did not r.-aeh very deep into the peeketa of theses present ; awn whether it vena mel the hearts or not we aro nor pre- pared to say. If thereat going to be a re. bellion, lot it not be as aivat the minister, this year at leant, as we underetaud the Quarterly Board have aesamod the rospon. sibility of raising that rand. —Municipal matters aro quiet, btu a storm may be brewing for aft Li t aud noato t' on da may be lively. A. storm is sometimes pro aeI.1 by a calm. Leo!: out for 'quails! Zion. (Too late for last week.) Cunene—The entertainment at Zion sohool house an Friday, 1)oe. 11, under the management of Mr. Gilleland, proved to be a green sucoo.s. The program consisted of readings, recitations, choruses, comic Bongs and instrumental music. The scholars sang very cheerfully, while readings and recitations wore rendered in the highest ordor. Janne 4.Dempsoy was the chief at. traction of the evening in his rendition of several amnia songs in costume. He was heartily encored by all. The "Pizadoa," of Exeter, were the foundation ot the enter- tainment. They sang several jovial.ohornses, gave readings and recitations, second to none, and also played 'Leveret selections of instrumoutal music, wliioh were enjoyed by all. They brought forth /navy encores in vevoral of their selections. The program over, all retired well satisfied with their evening's fun. And now the "Pizados" were to have their sport : they all joined. in a merry feast of sandwich, coffee, honey and oakos. They are jollyohums together. They thauke 1 the ladies of Zion for their kindness, and said they would like to visit Zion again. The house was well filled, and the euooese of this concert /9 due to Mr. Gilleland, who did all possible to prepare a good program for it. Osborne Council. The Council met ou Deo. 15, purauant to adjournment. All the members were pies- ent except Mr. Cameron, The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. Halls—Kydd—that bylaw No. 7., 1891, as now read a third time be passed.—Carried. Shier—Kydd—that the claims of J. Irvine, H. and W. Francis for damages for sheep killed by idoge, amounting to $32, being two-thirds of valuatiou, be paid:— Carried. Halls—Shier—that :the account of the Board of Health, amounting to $23, be paid.—Carried. The Clerk was :instructed :to cause 15" oopios of the minutes ot the council pro- ceedings for 1891 to be printed for distribu- tion. The following orders were granted viz: H. Francis, sheep killed by dogs, $10; W Francis, do, $S 67; J Irvine, do, $13 33. Board of Health, $23; R Ellerington,outting thistles, $2 50; Dr Gardiner, Medical ser. vice per J Hewitt and wife, $1; T'Veal,oare taker and repairing, $5 40; W Batman nutting thietlee,tile drain and oulvert,$6 30; J Shute, gravelling,$16; T Ruseell,grading, $1 60; R Bell, grading, oleaning ditch, etc, $7; A Hodgson, rep culvert, $2; A Bishop, 5 in tile drain, $4; T May,eunderdrain, $2; .Et H Collins, legal advice, $2. Balls—Shier—the council adjourned to meet again on the 28th inst., after the nom ination is closed. Gm). W. W. HOLMAN, Clerk. At the meeting of the Ucborne Board of Health on the 5th inst.. a resolution was adopted deploring the negligence of phy- sicians in reporting oases of infectique and contagious diseases to the Board of ,Health or its officers as required by Sec. 49 of the Public Health Act, 1.884 and instructing the Secretary to taksteps to enforce the regulations...Physioiane in the habit of neglecting this important duty willdowell to attend to this in the future. It.' is not a great task for them and may save limner. nus complaints and much trouble. G. W. Holman, Seo. B. of H. Dr. T. A. Slocum's OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE COD L1VER OIL. If you have Dimoalter of Breathing—Use it, For sale by all druggists, 36 cents per bottle. As A9er's Sarsaparilla outstrips all other blood -purifiers in popular favor, so Ayer's Almanac is the most universally familiar publication of the kind in the world. It is printed in ten lauguagea and 'the annual 'Deeds fourteen millions of oopieto i=t for it. ere flentSeell. Roos roe Satz„—Seven young thorn' bred Berkshire pigs, with registers pedigrees, Prize stock. a, poly to A. Cgawoitrzs, Canton- nial hotel Boriaall, S.waoos, Wanted at the Rensail Oatmeal mill card elm. black ash. white ash. basswood. pine. etc Ifielleet prices paid. Call for length of logs. D. Us4vxear. The undersigned would respectfully thank the farrnere of the community for paat pet - maga, and would also beg to inform them that owing to laoreasing businesia they have last f a1 a new ruder chopper. Parties can Lava either stone or roller chap, on the ere sbortest notion. Rigbeet preen paid for wb eat. A quantity of wood weeniest. Coeir linos, dei0.31n AcclpRetra.—Wlailo operatuafi a pump in Murdock's livery an Friday, Mr. E. Lorimer accitdentary got one of his little angora ca•ight in one of the shoulders of the pnwp' and had the end taken off.—.T. Murdook, in clueing a eliding door leading to Liu livery baro on Friday had hie hand badly crushed by the door jamming it against the frame.—Young Mr, Smillie, who works in Welsh's planing mill aplit the thumb of bis rigbt hand to the bone on Thursday leer. He was operating a rip eaw and by some means got his hand caught. TUC Mania—The light sieigbing was a benefit to tide section, ioasmuoh as ooneid- erablo grain "got a move on" the past week, Prices have remained firm, and general satlafaotiou has been the result. Following are tiro gnotatious :— 1Vlleat ..,. SS to 90 Berloy 40 tooo Cats 30 314u Peas ............. 53 to 60 10.00 to 10.00 Butter. ....... to 17 Eggs , 18 to ]8 Hogs . .. . , , . , 5.00 to 5.25 Clover.. .5.00 to 5.26 PansoNALR.---Air.�B. Cook, of Dashwood, was in town 4n Monday on business.— The Misses Riley and Brogden, of Unclear - bore' are the guests of the laliasea''Vilaon.— Mies Jobuston, sub -teacher in the pnblio school left for her home in Dungannon this week. laving resigned her position ebe was presented with a beautiful muff and gold chain by the scholars of the school, accompanied by a nicely worded address. Mies Johnston was a fovorite with her scholars, all of whom regret her leaving.— Mr, Kenny MoArthur, of Ailsa Craig, spent a couple days of this week the gueat of his brother, Mr, John McArthur, of this place. Mr. P. McDonald, of St, Pant, Minn., is the guest of Mise Maggie Morrison,—;fifes Sadie Morrison, of Seaferth. spent Sunday the guest of her sister, Miss Maggie, of this place. The Misses Morrison will spend Xmas with their parents in Shedden.—Mr. MoNaughton who has been in the employ of Mr. 3. C. Stoneman for some time, left last weak for Toronto where he has scoured a good position, --A number of absentees are home spending the Christmas vacation.— Your eorseapendentinterviewed Mr. Mc- Ewen as regards the rumor that he intend- ed to contest tho roevoship of Hay, and Mr. M. said that he had not given the idea any consideration, and is all depended upon his business engagements, which at present were pressing, -Mf A. Jobneton, of Zurich will shortly move onto the Wilson farm a sbort distance north of this place. BnzErs.—Sacrament of the Lord's sup- per was dispensed in the Presbyterian ohuroh on Sunday last, to a large membership. Two splendid sermons wore preached by the pastor. The preparatory service on Friday was conducted by Rev. Mr, Stewart of Clinton, who delivered a powerful sermon. The annual meeting of the Presbyterian S. S. was held on Thursday last. Among other businese, the following officers were eleoted : Pres, G."J. Sutherland; Seo Tres. J. McArthur; Librarians, Messrs. John Shirra, and J. Patterson. Mr. Robe. Mc- Laren who has been superintendent of the Sunday school for a number of years resign. ed the office and Mr. G. J. Sutherland, was elected in hisetead. Mr. McLaren has been a popular leader, and while the scholars will regret bis resignation they can compliment themselves on esouring so able a successor as Mr. Sutherland.—The annual meeting of the congregation of the Carmel Presby- terian church was4old on Monday, when a large repreaentation was present. The pas- tor occupied the chair. The various reports in oonneotion with the ohuroh were read, which showed everything to be in a splen- did condition, the finances of the ohuroh being especially satisfactory, there being a balance on hand. The eleotion of officers resulted as follows :—Managers, Meesre. R. Young, A, Buchanan, Colin Moir, James White, and James McArthur; Trees, Wm Bell; Secy, J. Bonthron; Ushers, Messrs. Wm. Elder and Ben 3. Shirra.—Since Mr. Harold's visit to the Pacific Coast last sum- mer, he has repeatedly received offers to go and take a position on the Southern Pacific Railway. He bad for a time thought of accepting come of the offers, but on Friday evening last it was finally settled, when one of the management of the Grand Trunk came to town, and with an increase in salary induced our popular station agent to remain in charge of the Fieneaii station, hdr. Har old has many friends in this section who' will be glad to learn of his decision to re- main with us.—Some time ago Rev. Mr. Henderson received a pall from a eongrega- tion of . the Presbyterian ohuroh of Los Vegas, Cal.,,and recently has quite fregnent- ly been pressed to accept it. His many friends here will be pleased to learn that Mr. Henderson has emphatically deolined the cal], and will still remain the popular. pastor of Carmel Presbyterian church. The rev. gentleman is one of the motif popular preachers in the Presbytery of Hilton, and by his leaving the country the Presbyter,ian church of Ontario. would 'lose a valuable - worker and the congregation of Carmel church an eloquent, 'practical, successful preacher.—A company is about tube form- ed in this aeotionfor the establishment of a flax mill. There is a splendid opening here for an industry of this kind, and besides it being a good investment for the Co.it would also bo "a boon; to the village. It would give employment to a number of people.- On Christmas day a shooting match will. given in Hensel' by W. 11. Hodgins of t Commercial. l There 11 wl boa glass ball match; also shooting for bedew", geese and ducks. It will be the affair of the season.— On January 21, a meeting of the South Huron Farmers' Institute will be held in tide village. Besides looal speakers, John T. Hobson, W. J. Palmer, B. 5. A. and A. fafa D, Allan, wilt deliver addresses. This will be an important Iustitute meeting and all Kamera should attend, Does, —Geo. Fitzgerald. has recovered from hie recent serious aeeidont of having his kuee cap dislocated, sustained by a kook from a horse, and is again able to shake walla his many friends,—Mr. J. R. Me. Do ell has met purebaaed a pair of blanks for his hearse from a gentleman in Middle. sex. They are a handsome pair of horses, and bitched to the hearse niakee one of the Soot undertaking `Iernouts" to be found in the county. The horses ore beauties and coat Air, McDenellagora auto. --."Scabbard" the tlioroe bred trotting stallion beioogiug to Mr. T. Afurdook, is now in prime eondi- tion and is one of the most handsome horses in the Dominion. Ha obtains every point of the Kentucky, and far symmetry cannot be excelled.-11Ir C` Meyers has on exhibition in has shop an excellent display of meats for the Christmas cheer, In fact it i8 the finest display we have ever seen. Charley we compliment you on yeur ability to select and dream seats.—Poultry has been very Force in town The cause is said to be that buyers mined the country for menthe busing poultry beforehand. —A meeting of the Mutual iwpravewent emelety was held on Monday evg, A. Rood prugram was presented, embracing mu8leal and liter- ary umber*. There was a largo atteudauce anti in every respect tete meeting was. 08 usual, a success —Mr. Geo. McEwen, this week altipped a quantity of potatoes south. —A. Ktng moved into his new shop on Tuesday. Ile now occupies a tidy' store, well appointed, and is admirably suited to his requirements. —We had a look tthrough the sale and exchange stables of Mr, Thos. Berry this week and fonnd there stabled about a dozen of the finest animals we have soon for some time. They are fine blocky horses, and are being prepared for shipment to Buffalo. Mr. Berry intends making re- gular sbipmonta and is now purchasing thin aloes of animate at good figures. See advt in another eotumn. Shipping has been brisk this week. --.Mr. Stnhl received word on Monday of the death of a brother is Chicago, .Ho will bo burled in Cred/tan,—• Scarlet fever is quite prevalent in town at present, the children of metal families in town being down withthe malady. Several of our soon ty men intend attending the ball in Gadorieh on January lat.—The skating rink is being put in condition for the season, The weather being unequal to the task of freezing, Molars. Coad and Cald- will have invented a contrivance by which they say they will make the ice. It is in tl;:, shape of a largo revolving tau into hieh the water is poured d when it issues w p e forth in large sheets of beautiful foe. The sheets are laid in a manner after flag pay. ing, and, the inventors say, go to make. a skating rink the superior of which could not bo desired. Mr. Coad turns the prank while dr. Coldwill turns on the hose.— School closed on Tuesday for the Christmas holidays,—Shipments have been somewhat numerous this week,—It is said that a number of buildings will be erected in Hen. sall the coming season. Zurich. BR/Elea.—flay Mutual Fire Insurance Company beId a meeting fn the Commeroial Hotel on Saturday last. Among the claims paid were those of Mr. Butt, damage to house by lightning, and Mr. Hanley of Goderioh, $23 83, colt killed by lightning. —Mr. Pollock. formerly a school teacher in thie vicinity, and who for the last three or four years has been trying his luok in the Far West, wasin the village on Saturday. He looks as if the climate agreed with him, —Mise Esther Appel is still very ill. --Mr. Leslie Benedict, who has for the past sum- mer been in the North West, has returned to Znrioh. He thinks itis a grand place to be in during the summer months,but would mush rather be in Ontario during the winter.—Mrs. Henry Stelk met with a very severe accident one day last week. It ap. pears that something broke about the har- ness and in the confusion that followed Mrs Stelk had the misfortune to have her arm broken.—Sobool closed on Tuesday evg• for the Xmas holidays.—Mr. and Mrs.Latta will spend their Xmas at Mr, L's home in Chiselhurat.—Mrs.Eenry Weber is reported i11 of inflammation on the lunge.—Mr. Soheutler is sick.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bossenberry are suffering with a severe attack of la grippe.—We are sorry to learn ;Attie_ death , of Theodore, the son of Mr. Hartman Happel, a former resident of this vicinity. A numberf of friends from here attended the funeral in Berlin.—Mr.lSarar- as, a former resident, paid us a visit last week after an absence of eight years.-Mr.J. A.. Manson was the guest of Mr. Sam J. Latta on Sunday last. Messrs. Manson and Latta were fast friends during early life in !the publio school. They have not seen each other far thirteen years. -Nom- ination will take place on Monday next. The clerk has ,notices posted up. Mir. 0. Grab will give a grand hall and supper in. his new hall on New Years Eve. -Miss S. who for the ase few months Steinbach, p t has been attending the Conservatory of Music in Toronto, is expected home this week to spend her Xmas holidays. • 'Osborne. SCHOOL REPORT.—The monthly report of S. S. No. 5. Usborne, for Deoember is as follows, and is based upon attendance, general work and oonduot. --The names cit : IP—Violet nd Norman Work - met Frayne, Lily M. n Peout, ,Elijah Higgins. iolet Willis, Emily Wood. II Sr. n Vinoent Wood,- Eliza Higgins, Maggie nssell, Carrie Shipley, Norman McDonald and Jossre Richard, 11 Jr.—Geo Westcott, Arnold Perkins and Fanny Shipley. I1 Pt, —Harvey Perkins, Edith McCord, Willie Rowolifie, David McCord, Tommy Higgins, Fred Mills and John Riche 1, J W. Mollies, Teacher. appear in order of Rus¢lell, Lila McCord mein. III Sr.* Wbst, o ti, Ne Hit Jr,— JOHN WHITE At SONS Pttlalislier and Proprietors de Go ri ch Bermes, ---The UaGibeuy Family gave a Performance in the Grand on Friday evg. to a large audience. The bill preeented was much appreciated by all present.—The nam inations will be made lin the town hall on Monday evening at 7,30.—Mr.rs,T.McMinabie of Toronto has been appointed Science *eater of the Collegiate lnetituteat a salary of 9800, and Mr. F. Sheppard of Hamilton. junior assistentat$550.--.Tbe novo el the death, in Hamilton, of Judge Sinclair was' a great eltoak to many friends in ti,i3 town. W411, Macintosh of Kama College, Toronto, preaehed in Run ehureb on S0a• day.—The pupils of Victoria street Meth. churolt were entertained op Tuesday evg. A. tunas tree being the leading feature. The Central and Ward aobnols closed for the Beason ou Tuesday.—As soon as the lake is frozen between the ahem and the wrecked vessel, aneayares will bo taken to unload her cargo of coal.—Loot week, while a young man named Rutsin was sheeting in the barber, his boat upnet, and only for his swlmwiug qualities he muet have been drowned, as be was heavily clothed,and the water*was ice sold. --The High School clotted on Friday after a most auccesafol terra. When it re•opeus in Jau'y it will take rank ail a Collegiate footnote and have F staff of five duly qualified apecialiets,all of wbeel have already been eelectad,—Your Goder1eh correspondent wishes the many readers of Tun Tines a Merry Christmas. good health and a prosperous time until the next reoar- renco of Christ's noted day,—aa infant grandson of Mr. M. C. Cameron area last week at hie grandfather's residence,and woe interred in Maitland cemetery on Friday. The deceased's parents were visiting at their relative's residence in Gader:eh at the time. --There is at teat mama stir in vaunt- eipal watterin but nothing very mooting Sarah Lord Bailey a reputed elocutionist will appear in the Grand on Xmas night. Virinc e1 eta . $ S , SM,roar, REPORT.—The following le the standing of the pupils of the pabide school for the term ending Dee. 2ead,1139I. Tile names of those only who made 35 per tent, or over, on written examination work are reported.: Class V—Chas Andrew, 05; H. Spicer, 89; John RneoelI, 88; Eddie Tern - bull, 85; Charles Delbridga, 78. Sr. t,V—. Wm Johns, 01; Annie Halla, 01; Lilly Halle, 58; Amos Franaia, 57; Mand Brunet combe, 52; Annie Earl, 50; George Miners, 47; Minnie Clements, 35 Jr, IV --Agues Hunter, 73; Ethel Andrew,53; Orris Powell 45; Samuel Johns, 44; Nettie Russell, 42. Sr. III—Fonton Brown, 96; Ida Upshall, 80; Herman Kyle. 77, Alice Miller, 77; Edith White,;59, Jr III—Sarah Clements 77; Helena Johns, 72; Elizabeth Doling, 65; Eliza Clements, 59; Oran Franois,55; Alice Taylor,46; Philip Rowcliffe, 46. Claes II— Lona Mlmers, 78; Gladys Spicer, 77; Frank Delbridpe, 78; TIosey Andrew, 69; Byam Bewelille, 64: Lilly Veal, 64; Beatrice Del - bridge, 45; George Godbolt, 44; Frank Coward, 35. Sr.Pt It—George Wilcox, 95; Cora Johns, 88; Ella Camm,. 79; Elizabeth Cooper, 74; Ethel Brown, 74; Elizabeth Berryhill, 70; Olive Hawkins, 68; Cora Rowolif'fe, 68; William Russell, 67; Alice Woods, 54. Jr. Pt II—Leslie Bobineon, 59; Jennie Borrybill, 52; Mary Coward, 47; Wilber Hunter, 41; Emma Delbridga, 42; Maun Woods,39; John Coward. 30. Sr I— Grover Holman, 93; Mabel Jolene, 90; B; Upshall, 84; Lena Rootlet, 79; LOlarence Rontby,71; Edna Godbolt,66; Linda Mioere 66; Ethel Godbolt, 61; Melville Skinner,55. Jr. I --May Hawkins, 105; Mary Delbridga, 85; Alice Berryhill, 85; Dora Delbridpe, 75; Robert Wilcox,75; Gertie Millor,65. Parents should see that they send their children regularly to school. This is one of the best ways of encouraging both teacher and pupils. Gno. W. Holman, Teacher. Blansh d. (Too late for last week) BRixrs.—The dedication eerolees of the re -opening of the Methodist ohuroh, on the Base Line, took ;place on Sunday. There was preaching in the church both morning and evening. On Monday a large crowd, nothwithstanding the wet weather and the bad state of the roads, assembled, and after having enjoyed themselves in partaking of the bountiful supper prepared by the ladies of that appointment, they rallied to hear the powerful and eloquent addresses of rev• era]: well-read speakers. The tea, together with the collections, has almost, if not en- tirely, cleared the debt. We hope that they may have a pleasanter time than they ever had in the onurch before.—There are rumors to the effect that all the old oounoil purpose running again. A change might do no serious harm to the township. —The Grits are again busying themselves for the comi tg election. Poor fellows ! they always have to be on the move to get their men to stick to their leader.—There will be a big social in connection with the Fourth Line Methodist church Sunday School on Deo. 24, Christmas Eve.—The Blanchard cheese factors sold tbeir last cheese for the season last week. Thia faotory has done justice to all the people who sent milk. All are well satisfied with the way in which it has been carried on, and it is to be hoped that it may. continue. (This week's.) BRIEFS.—At the Conservative meeting held in the township hall on Wednesday last the following officers were elected Pres, John Burns; Vice Pres, W Hutchins; Sec, Charles Robinson; Tress, Reuben: Switzer; an executive committee was ap- pointed for each of the wards.—'rhe Pat- rons of Industry are thinking seriously of running a Fatron as their oandid lte in the coming election. The Liberals are the most interested in this movement as they are getting slightly tired of the manner in which their old leader James Trow, ex -M. P. has been doing business for the riding. The special quality of Ayer's Hair Vigor ii that it restores the natural growth, color, and texture ;,of the hair. It vitalizes the roots and follioles, removes dandruff, and. heals itching humors in the scalp. In this respect, it surpasses all similar prepara- tions. Great C1?in FOR 313 DAYS In each year we are going to wider our largo and well-aseorl;ed stock of DRY -GOODS, HATS & C'APS,' READY-MADE CLOTHING, ROBES, FUR COATS, FURS OCKERY, BOOTS .i;; SHOES, HARD S4 ARE and GROCERIES At Greatly Reclined Prices. Talk atieant your- 30 days' male nothing ao small Don"e be afraid of being a day too early or a clay too late. Sale always going on. Call and see us and our Enacts, rand prove oar words. Ross. Anderson. t r.:rz lora for List t:eetb.1 fluters. --•.hr. Jelin I.ntars'a enientet plooe on Tuesday, evert thing e.••lling 'pito :t,.;.. . Mr, JoAaekh litas,ssa, of .fit. Marne, wenel a8 auctioneer. —The raziva;i neer: nee, o1 hs have been meted ,>n for the 1 w -t. tontweeke, Mill close on Fri.fay eci anrtnh ti-„. 9a further arrangements In rua.fe.-m:tir..I .Atkinson returned home fro the y„+r* iml at Ottawa on Weanesday looping teeneel. ing well. lloarding=bouse life appear:a to agree with Johnnie,-.•Mrs.3parlin,, sr is atnreaeat very Walter fr is engaged. :. with Mr. Hooper of the 8th line for the winter .--Mr .lames White min /ale si ter, Maggie, of L •monvillr', leav:ee for home Friday. T visit was short, i; was well (This *wee Bssnrs.—Revival meetings elo on Friday evening last.—All the eti and teaehers are home from their sever. stations spenrlin . the Chrietuttzs holt+ince. with their triends and companions, ilii;,;` James White who has been spending afew '- weeks with us, returned home to Lemon. villa on Sunday last His visit though short was highly appreetated.—The Liter. ary Society on Saturday evening last was a sweeping success, the room was crow l- ed to its utmost. The program was long and extremely interesting. The dialogue of Messrs Wm. Epplett and Smith O'Brien was worthy of note, but the meeting was made still more pleasant by the presence p. John W. Atkinson, as Jennie es quite a literary chaff. The only thing that see /egret is that ho cannot be with us all season.—Mies Ella Robinson ha a trip to friends and relations i virile.—Two of our stalwart sons, Messrs. Wm. ,Ipplett and Smith O'Brien have joined partnership and purpose cutting wood during the pleasant winter months. We all wish them success.—Miss Maggie White, of LemonviIle, who has spent a short time with friends and. relatives in the vicinity, returned home last week.—Tho Anderson Orangemen are preparing for the tea meeting of lodge 334,—Mr. Hume Barr has been sick for the past few weeks. —Mr. Peter Barr who has been confined to his bed for the past three months, was pleasantly surprised the other day by his brother Patrons turning out and cutting for him 75 cords of stove wood. The Pat- rons are the boys.—Miss Maggie Johnston is spending her holidays at home.—At the meeting of the local association of the Patrons of Industry on Wednesday Iast, Mr. C. W. Robinson read an able and in-”' structive essay on'feedeng fat cattle' which was highly appreciated by all.—Miss M. Graham, of. St. Marys is the guest of Bliss Annie Robinson.—Rumors are to the effect that Mir. D Lana, of the Sth• live of Blau- shazd,purposes moving to the farm of Mr. Ribey lot 13, con 3, in March ---Miss R. Johnston was home on Saturday last,—A very serious accident occurred here on Friday last. A team of Mr. Marshal's while loading hay at Mr. John Lane's, be- coming unmanageable, ran away upsetting the load of hay and the driver. The wagon was smashed, and the horses jumped onto a barb wire fence cutting one of the horses very badly, though not seriously. The driver was considerably bruised and mangled, it is hoped that he may soon re- cover as he is an active member of the Literary Society—Aelthe revival meetings occupied every evening of the week except Saturday evening it was the only one on which we could hold our Literary Society; but as they have now ceased we will Bold them on Friday evenings as usual. Our next meeting will be held on Christmas evening. A full attendance is required as the officers for the month of January will be elected.—Mr. Laughlin Cameron re- turned to the Northwest on Monday last after having given us a short call,—Mr. Wm. Stephens, B. A., who has been in Australia for the past three years, return- ed to Anderson on Saturday last accom- panied by his blushing bride. We all wish him much joy in his "Honey Moon." —Miss Annie Robinson and lair. Noble Johnston purpose taking part in the pro- gram at the 4th line Christmas tree, on Christmas Eve.—Miss Laura Pearn who has been visiting friends and relatives ill and around Clinton returned home on Fri day last, much to the joy of a particular member of the "Fair Sex." --Mr. C. C. Switzer preached here on Sunday last, as the pastor Rev. B. L. Hutton was absent on a visit to friends -Mr. John Graham, of St. Marys, was in our village on Mon- day.tast.—Miss Jennie Anderson is spend- ine a few days with relatives in the town. of St. Marys. While rat • n— W 1 sing Mr. n,Brenner' s barn at Grand Bend last week, Mr. Will Polis fel from a girt and iujnrel. himself severely.