HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-09-03, Page 15Mrs: McLaren Wins Eaton„, Denomme Cups e.. Mts. J, W. McLaren', o R.R. 4, oderich, competing in h first -Ifower show, won two tronhies for her entries ''i'n the August flower shoW sponsored here •is the Goderich Horticultural Society, Mrs. McLaren won the "Den- omme Rose Bowl", for the most arrangement points and .the Eatons of 'Canada trophy for having the highest_ combined inimber of points in both horti- cultural and .arrange.m.ents.,:s&-.. • tions. The cup for the most out- standing arrangement' went to J. P. Warren. It is an • • award sponsored .by George Ryan and Son. Mrs. Don McKee won the 1,y. A. .SheaTfer Pen- Co-mpan'y "Rose Bo -wilt for the most points in the horticultural clases.". •c!onvenei.s for •the .show were 1111.s. McKee .atic14 Mrs. W., G. .Moorhead. • . - - --. Show. rxhibits"ilie —136 in rho'cut flower -„s eraztrtl4._. • • Shelving for the display of • arrangement,3. was the gift of "'• Sift Salt, , Conklin Lumber Comptnay, Ltd., Goderich Manu- facturiiv. Company, Ltd., and Worsell Brothers. bOug,Itts Miles' judged the flowers .and Mrs, Ethel Parker the arrangements. The total `number of 'entries • in this year's August show was below that of last year's August i.,show, 'Officials of tile Horticul- tural Society attributed this t� this year's erratic weather, In a , commentary following. 'the show. Brigadier G. MacLeod Ross author of the regular ig- nal-Sar feature, "The Green' flowers and -arrangements shown were of . fine quality." .• ' He added: To select is invid- • one man's opinion, it Miss M. • L. Davies '• dark golden giant was. exceptional. Mrs. . Warren, who always has something unusual in her gar- den, showed some lovely Tri- tonieblooms. Mrs. W. G. Moor- head entered a dark_ purple hybiscus which appealed; while Gordon Muir again dominated the rose clases." The ileize list, as edited .and ----prcp-arert-b4y''Brigaderiloss for= lowing the final judging, is as follow.: klortI_c_ylittrAile • As rs double: Mrs. J. WMc- Laren, Mrs. J. P. Warren, Mrs. Charles Mills. Begonias tuber- ous (floated): Mrs. R. M. Men- • ies, Mrs. J. P. Warrn, Mrs. J. W. McLaren. Begonias tubero'us (with foliage): Mrs. R. M. Men- zies, John Huckins, Mrs. W. Dock,stader. Calendula ofange: R. W. Bell,•Mrs: C. Mills, Mrs. Don McKee. Calendula yellow: Mrs. C. Mills, Jean McKee. Chry- santhemums: Brig. G. MacLeod Ross, Mrs, Don McKee, Mrs. E. • Pridham. Carnations: John • fluckins, Bill Uley,Mrs. R. Brindley. Cosmo: Mr's. R. Bur rows, Mr.. R. Briqdley, Dewar Norman. Dahlias pbm pom: .Mrs. Don McKee, Mrs. C. Mills, • STUDENTS Skeoch Office Supplies are again offering the same low STUDENT TYPEWRITER' RENTAL RATES 1 Month $ 6.00 •3 Months $15.00 10 Month Scheel Term , :$40.00 Sept. 1 to July 1 current model machines Rortable and Office Models 71 Hamilton Street •ODERICH 524 -8652 - 4.3S-36 v.we Denonime FLOWER SHOP ti • " "O••••• • - . . • W, J. Denomme Pregents "Denomme Rose BAP to Mrs: J. W. McLaren, who won two trophies in, Goderich August 29th Flower show — her first competitive effort. She won Denomme cup for having most errangement points. She also won Eatons of Canada cup. Looking on from left • wat, Norman. Dahlias double 'fringed: Miss Edna Fell, Brig. G giant: Mrs. J. W. McLaren, Miss I MaicL. Ross, Gordon Muir M. L. Davies, Mrs. R. Brindley. 'Phlox,: Mrs, R. Brindley; Miss M Kee, Mrs. fl.'Brindley. Dahlias Dwarf: Mrs. W. 0. Mobrhead, Mrs, B. Brindley, Mrs. C. Mills. rttni tn:. Gordon -Brindie'57--dralaiii- stand- prd: Mrs. Pridhain, Mrs. Grainger, Paul -Arm Lowery. Gladiolus mixed colors:Mrs. J. W. McLaren, Mrs. W. G. Moor- head, Mrs. R. Brindley. .Gladi- plus ruffled: Mrs. W. G. 'Moor- head. Gladiolus miniature: Mrs.. G. Moorhead. Lilies: Mrs. H. 'Willis," Miss M. L. Davies. Mariiolds French double: Mrs. A. M. Harper, Mrs:. R. Burrows, Ross, African: Mrs. J. P. Warren, John Huckins, Mrs. II. Willis. Nasturtium: Mrs. E G. Ryan, Mrs.-, E. '"G': Ryan, Mrs. J. W. McLarn, 'Mrs. J. P. War- ren. • Petunias sinle: Miss. M. L. Davies, Mrs. R. Brindley, Mrs. C. Iills. Petunias ruffled or Mr.s. Merton Good, . Brig. G. • • • I Miss Mary Buchanan, Mrs. R. Brindley. . Snapdragons: Brig. G. MacL.- Ross, Mrs. E. Jessbp.,, Mrs, p o, mcKeestocks: Mrs.-, E. •-jessivi Moorhead. Swet' Peas: Mrs. J. W. McLaren, 'Mrs.' Edna Shaw. Zinnias standard: Mrs. •Don McKee, Mrs. R. Brindley. Zinnias giant': Mrs, A. M. Harp - Mrs. C. Mils, Mrs. R. Brind- ley. Zinnias cdetu.: Mrs. J. P. Krren,Mrs. R. Brindley, Mrs. H. Willis. Zinnias pom pom: Mrs. J. W. McLaren, Mrs. C: Mills, Mrs. R. Brindley. Any other flower: E. Moorheld,. Mrs. R. Menzieis, Mrs. J. P. Warren. Roses • Don' rg, Don McKee, Miss Vera Clark. Pink: Mrs. R: Men- zies, Mrs. E.Pridham, Miss Mary Buchanan. Red: Gordon Muir It to right are Eugene •Ryan of George Ryan and Son com- pany, Mrs. J. P. Warren, 'and Ms. Don McKee. Moments later, Mr. Ryan presented Mrs.. Warren with the Ryan cup given for the shows most outstanding arrangement. • Signal -Star photo 1. 4. * * • IVIacL. Ross. Yellow: Mr.s. A.M. Floribunda' three sprays, any Harper, Mrs: R. "Menzies, Mrs, type: ;Gordon, Muir, Brig. G. Merton' Good, Orange: • Mrs. MacL. RossMrs„ • ad, Grndfflora, three blooms. ar sprays: Mrs: Don McKee., • o• Juntor Mariolds: Jim McIver, Brfilie McIver. Buffet arrangement by a collegiate Paul -Ann Lowery, Jimmy McIver, Lynne Ryan.' Nur„seryRhyme or,Fairy Tale •by elementary student: Neij 1VIcKe, Susan McKee, Con- nie Bell, Billy McIver. .• Ross, Miss Edna Shaw. Other. color: Mrs. Don MeKee, Mary Buchanan, Brig. G. MacL.' E. G. Ryan, :Mrs. R. Menzis,: Florence Hll. Bud: ' Mrs. IL Willis, Miss Edna Fell, Flor- ence Hall. Climbing rose one .spray: Gordon Muir, Dewar Nor- man. Climbing rose, three' sprays: Gordon Muir. Climb- ing rose, hybrid tea type: Mrs. E. G. Ryan. Fibriblinda, single Arrangements or•serni-double: Brig. G. MadL. Ross', Gordon Muir.: Floribunda, • Basket of mixed Glads: double: Miss Edna Fell, Gordon Moat:head, Muir, Brig. G. MacL. Ross. PatiltATkl Lowery. Basket -.of .,•••• :-..,&XRNIVA*P''' • • * 11. Business irectory • Call Lodge SERVICE AMBULANCE 3ERVICE DAY, OR NIGHT Prompt Efficient Experienced Drivers TELEPHONE 524-7401 • R. W. BELL OPTOMETRItT • F.*T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist The Square •524-7661 REFRIGERATION • and APPLIANCE SERVICE All make— All types • GERRYM•• APPLIANCES, • The Square Phone 524-8434 "The Store That Service Built" Real Estate Agesic RUTH, VAN DER MEER • MAI: 524-7875, Goderich Agent For WILFRID McINTEE • REALTOR ' •• Walkerton STii.gt. Am I A .• Roomy •-• Comfortable Anywhere — Anytime DIAL 524-8142 71 Mo • eal St.Goderich Roy N. Bentley PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 4 Britannia Rod, East Dial '524-9521 GODERICH —ONTARIO Butler, Dooley, Clarke & Starke Chartered Aecountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Manicipal Auditor 39 St. David St., 5244253 GOPERICH, ONTARIO • 32tf • FOR THE BEST IN • PORTRAITS -CALL,-PHONE, ORi WRITE DAY OR NIGHT Stan _Hadden •• 118 St. David Street DIAL 5248787 Ben Chisholm Esso Imperial Products 20 Albert St., Goder10 Office--524.7502— :ome-524-7835 Goderich mayor, „Mrs. May Mooney, presents Mrs. Don McKee -with the Sheaffer Pen Company Rose Bowl fol- lowing judging at August 29, Horticultural Society Flower shovv here. Mrs. McKee, one of Show's two convenors, received the cup for having most -pofhts in horticulturan 4: * * classes. ,,Looking on, from left to right,- are Mrs. V. G. Moorhead, also ,,ta convenor of this year's August s13w, and, 'Mrs. R. W. Bell of St. Patrick street, president of the Goderich Horticultural Society: 4 Signal -Star pfioto Mixed -floed: .Mrs. J. W. Mc; ham Mrs. R. IVI. Snarling, Min 9 Bell Mrs. • R. Whittington. Mrs. J. W: M'cLaren12 Paul . Laren; Mrs, R.- M."Sriarling,i9iature 21. to 6 nches: Mrs : -Neil Horticultural Section points: Ann Lowery eiht. Maximum. Sha'w, V1fs. R: Burrows, Mrs.T. IMrs. Don McKee 26; Mrs. R. points in bothSections: Mrs,J. Whittintgittnr-illIstilMirri41111t- Ottir-mr14PGtettOmmoNftrilt,=f* age: Mrs. E. Jessop, 'Mrs. Reg. Arrangement Section points: ley , and• Gordon Muir 27. Mrs E. Jessp. Arrangement of Mr. Bert. Worsell,".Mrs. R. M. Snarling. Patio buffet: Mrs. Whittington, Mrs. G. Muir.• MLaren, MrS. E. jessbp, Mrs. R. Brindley. 'IV arrangement:' Mrs. J.„ W. McLaren, C. R Low ery, Mrs. J, Mohring. Welcome,. tall hall arrangerhent: Mrs. J. P. Warren, Gordon. Muir, ,Mrs. G. MacL. Ross. Mantle arrange- ment: (a) Mrs. J. W. McLaren; Gordon Muir, Paul -Ann Lowery. (b) Mrs, R. Brindley, Mrs. R. Whittigton, Mrs. P. Warren: Miniatunenp to 21.2 inche: Mrs.' R. - • Whittington; -,Mtv-r-iatt,,-Prid-. • Dead —A REMOVAL For dead and disabled Jnimals call collect Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. Phone HU 2-7269, 'Clinton • Dead animal licence number •• '262-C-63 • 49tf 44. YOUTH ALLOWANCES • IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR PARENTS At the end of September thefirst payments will be made under the YoufhiAllowances Act recently passed by Parliament If you have a child who is 16 or 17 years of age, is Maintained by you, 'and- is either in ful-tirne attendance at school or uhiversit, or is un- able toattend by reason of physical or mental infirmity, you. may beeliible Ionarr,Ilonthly allowance of $10. THIS ALLOWANCE MUST BE APPLIED FOR . . IT WILL NOT SENT AUTOMATICALM 4").1•40ag•----Arlad, r 0---setit6t, e .45.01,70:61$••.,61,-a4Tdr• 0.A:tready 16 or 1 7,,-or-Who•w9uld- be 16 before September. If you have a child who meets the above requiremo•nts, and for any reason an application has not reached you, you can obtain one by writing to the Regional Director of Family Allow- ances in your provincial capital. • The applications should be returned, as soon as possible, in order to -ensure prompt receipt of the first. payment. • evr. DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL HEACT1-1 ANOWELFARE Phone 8132 524 - DAY OR NIGHT 4 • Arent for 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOPING • ON SEPT, 4 VOTE' YES ON ALL QUESTIONS foryour weekend Get in 8, supply of Carling Black Label today "•• say:"MABEL, • S4 -26N BLACK LABEL!" GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Canadian Imperial Bank of • Canirnerce .Buildng Goderich Dial 524-9662 • A. M. HARPER tHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55-57 SOUTH STREET • ' TELEPHONE GODRICH, ONTARIO 1• , 524-7562 ribute • To Gur School Teachers! Today, as no time befo. re in hitory, the school teacher is recognized as die builder Of tothorrow's Canada! tithe- that -tribute ivas-p pattentjAmand.vorrien who nth:11401 remember that teachers are human beinro!' lot mach ins. Let' A give them the §upport and confidence they so richly deserve, Let's attend the Home and School meetings a,nd 'contribute something more than our children. This community is fortunate in having • • such fne sdhools and outstanding educators. We.app-- • laud their work and their —gOod Canadian achieve- - • ments. It * . . A . ?„•,--A7 ( • - •