HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-08-20, Page 10e. OodiVirett $igtk- al -Star ',1'hurS.cla AUgtist 20th, 1964, .7 GAR and PICh By Bill Smiley ft(' THE LAST SURRENDER" I nerve to wear to. church north - was badgered into ettenclei ally. And which itdm will be ing a wedding this summer. Ty' are ,events I normally -avoid as carefully as I Would a leper colony. * * But this was a, special one. My old partner, after fighting the good fight for forty year, had finally been snared. I look- ed upon it more as a historic 'event than a mere exchange • * * • , For years,'my wifeeand every othen:enarried female' he came In contact with,had bullied Itim, pleaded with him, urged him, pushed eligible young women in frodt of him, at and noble feminine known as Don't let a Single One Gel Away. * * During the proce husbandsQ. • x. mafintained a .discfeet silence, our symPathy..indieated only by the...rotting- of eyeballs -heaven-- weras- :41.1:1.5! greater heights, of courage, stub- borness or insanity, depending on your point of view.\ Anyway, he finally tOok the plunge, or got out of his depth or something, after four dec- ades of incredible fortitude. But trust him. He didn't just • get hitched and start raising, a family and going through all the horrors that ,involves. .* Nope. He He married a charm- - ing widow, and when the last vow had been taken, he became an instarit husband, father and! grandfather. The rest of us 00 throlgh twentryfive_years of -Un-. mitigated hell to aciiieve that 'serene height. eWetlee-as1 start -out -to-saw weddings, to me and to most men; are -just a big pain in the arm. I'd rather go to a good funeral, any day. * * , .,But -,yvomen are different. They take to Weddingslike cats take to kipper. There is some- thing almost morbid'abobt their fascination with that production which most men consider a minor comedy. * 'You ehoulegave .seen the. narie -sense-we went throtigh getting carefully stoted away in a hat- box until it is,thrown away by their tprand-daughter some day. And finally, there is that de- licious aftermeeh, when its all over,, when they don't have to worry about makeup any more, when the shoes come off and the hair comes down, and they can get at the real business of the weddine-tearbeeeto,e,taiters costumes, manners and repuia- tions pf all the other women at the wedding. • . AUBURN NEWS AUBURN. -Mr. and Mrs. Don - aid ,CartsOight, David and Deryk spent their vacatior6 at Smiths Falls and Ottawa. - Misses Mary Ilpuston, Frere, ees HoUston and their aunt, *iss Olive Young, are visiting with Mn arid Mrs. Duncan Mac- Kay and family at Sault Ste. 1Viarie. e Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Duff of Rivergide, visited last week with Mrs. John Graham. Mr. Lynn Youngblut return- ed to Toronto after a 'week's visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Major Youngblut and family. Misses Laura and Lottie Jack- son of Qederich visited friends in the Village fast Thursday evening, Mrs. Donald Kai of Oakville is visiting her father, James Jack- son, this week. Miss Laura Pehillips left on Sunday from Melton airport for Yellow Grass Saskatchewan to visit relatives. She will go on to the coast and down to Cali- fornia for a Six weeks' vacation. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Johnston and Mr, and -'Mrs. Robeef J. Phillips accompanied her to Melton. Miss Diane Kirkconnell is visitinther cousine*IVIiss -Linda Israel, in Kitchener this week. Mrs. Charles Watson of .Tor- onto visited last week' with her friend, Mrs. Donald•Haines, Mr. Haines and faintly. " Mr. and Mrs. William Medd of Goderich visited last week .with---h-ereesistereelVIrse-Alfred- Rollireson arid 1VIr. Rollinson. -,7-Mr2e.anci,,Mrs2ROriald"..Paiitland- returned last week from a visit to Minneapolis and have *left ,for their horree at North Bay after a visit with her rribther, Mrs. Charles Straughan. Friends are pleased to hear that° Mrs. Margaret Clark has been atle to return to the home of her nephew, William Dodd, and Mrs. Dodd after several weeks in Clinton hospital re- covering from a fractured -arm which she received in a fall. Miss Elva Eve of Toronto visited last week with Mik: Her- bert Govier. We are sorry to report that*Mrs. Govier was rushed to Clinton hospital by .Misses Jean Houston and Jean gmieson of Toronto are visiting ,withethe eformer'S' patents,. Mr:- and- ,•Mre,e John' -•Hetisteireeetlfir week. Miss Ethel Washington and Mrs. 'Amos Andrew of Goderich visited on .Thursday ' evening with ,Mrs. Charles Straughan. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Red- mond visited last week with Miss Laura Phillips. .Bradnock's Barber Shop will be 'Nosed for holidays from August 24 to tabor Day. -Ad. ,33. Missionary Society interesting film • was shOwe at the Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church at the August ereeeting.- The tbielt wasih charge of Miss Mary Housten wha arranged for the pictutes telling about the adyancement of medicine in I and the. rpadyi.'for--Lhis one,I figured. W"e'd get -dressed up, shine our sheds,ebuy the happy couple' a crock of scotch or a carving knife, end that's all there was to it. " • * * Well, that's all I did to pre- pare for- it. But my old woman started operating at least a Month before the ceremony. Though .1 kept reminding her that she :Wasn't the bride, she was in and :out of practically every dress shop in the pro- vince, before she got the right dress and hat. . • * * Then there was a big thing about her gloves. They were just a shade off ,the off -some- thing -shade of the rest of the - rig, Tears. Dye. Dye remov- er. .More dye Thank goodness 1 went in my bare hands. * * * And then there was the gift 1 coulci have bought something tuitfpl and suitablerjike an irpn- ling board," in about twenty. Min- utes. But she dragged Me hi and Out of stores until I felt -mor.e like dropping than shop- ping. And the prices! Oy! * * * HoWeyer, we Made it, and I finally,realized why women like weddings so much. First of all, it gives, them a chance for a 'good cry without some callous * kid saying, "Hey, Dad, what's Mom bawling about NOW?" 4 * Second, it affords thenn the opportunity of wearing some crazy hat they haven't enough REUNION 4T-Itifiztettete1ients' *Margaret Maikawaerrtinet-- --ffeanes- Snelth gathered ftl• a picnic at Harbor Park. on August 8. About 17 relatives and friends attended from Kincardine, Tiverton, Rip; ley, Lueleriowelgan.noneSear- borough, Nile and Leamington. .a.s_ the oldest man present arid Maggie Foster lacIALYYMPI- • 1‘11:ArY 114.;*. aret mitb, daughter Of, Mr. and: Mrs. Wes Smith of Ripley, was the youngest. Next' year's picnic will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glenn, Dungannon, the last Sunday in July. DUNGANNON CALF cum HAS TWO MEETINGS DUNGANNON.-The Dungan- non 4-II-Calf:Club held a divid- ed Meeting for Augteet. On August llth, the. beef Members met at the farm of Alvin Sher- wood at .Durigenniin to judge a class ofShorborns.' 'Mre•Therkieeael:2ster,ja,gagba oiTt3 6n preparing cattle for the silaw ring, . explained the eletailseeef -getting- ,the--cal•Ves. ready-foretheefairee A similar meeting was 'held at the farm of Earl Sherwood for members with dairy calves. A class of Horeteins was judged and Sandy Kolkman demorestrat- ed how to fit a dairy calf for the fair. 'Lunch ,wae served by each host. hayd-topping, including the area directly in front: of , the. Fire Hall, the fire trucks have had to tie np, a new positien;tern.por- They'are now located in front of Inglis' SupertesteSta- tion on West steeet where they can make. :a quiek get -away when the fire alarm sounds. THE FIRE TRUCKS With Waterloo street being excavated in preparation for, r4.:r..•:,„,•,'.H,5„C • , H KC. • H • H F,,Pei,•,, • ' friclia today. The cemmentery was read ley 1VIes. Donald HairieS. An .interesting .story of Dr. Carl Taylor and bis work at ,,Tamal- pur arid the Ludhiana medical college was told. It also ehowed, the modern dispenearie.s and the work of the.thealth unit in thaf country., Mrs. Wilfred San- derson, president, was in charge of the meeting. The devetionalf period was in charge of Mrs. ' Ed. Davies. The minutes of the July, meeting vere accepted as read by the, secretery, Mrs.,Don- ald Haines, It was decided to buy a blanket for the bale and it was' Stressed that the don- ations for the bale be left at the home of the president as soon as Possible,. A card of fhanks was read,from Mrs. Her- bert Govier and a letter from Mrs. Catherine Dobie , of Blue - vale was read to the members. It was announced that the fall rall •f Hieren,reesl_extrial will be held at St. Andrew's Pres- byteriane Chiirch on September 8th. The offering was. received by Jim I3ennett and George Collins and .dedicated bye Mrs. Ed. Davies. The president tha,nked all Who had assisted ire thee nieeting. The Ladies' Aid of, the Pres- byterian Church met with their president, Mrs. Ed. Davies, in the chair. She gave "aedritereSt- ing account of their trip through Western Canada to the coast .anciThrbught greetings from a former member, 'MA. 'William nerischeofeehilliwaik;-Bee Mrs-. Roy Deer gave the, financial itife:ifiefiecAalt44i.gelgefge Margafet, oungblut would be going to' ceamp thiS Month. Lunch was served by Miss Min- nie Wagner and Mrs. -Jack Hallam. Anglican Guild The Anglican Guild of St. Mark's Church met at the home of Mrs. Orval McPhee with a large attendance. Mrs. McPhee was .in charge of the program. Scriptures were read by Mit: Fordyce Clark. Prayers were given by, Mrs. McPhee. Rev. Robert Meally gave an interest- ing, topic en the marriage ser- vice and explained it therough- 4yeeeHe-stressed-theteeheeaetrterde n,ot break his oath of ordination by performirig, Hiegel marriages.. Thr SITIO "15i5bli-CTi'aliter-•''''fforiii.- ChurCh in the - tic,'/ was given by Mrs: Lleyd Humphreys. She told about the work of ,Rev. Donald Merele Bishop ef the Arctic. She stat- ed that nearly all the Eskimos are Anglicans, and that five had• been *ordained the past year into the ministry. Mrs: Geoige Schneider prided for the besinesseperiod. The minutes approved prteef °aye WrIelsa dm beyetiarngs.wAerne, drew Kirkconnell in the .sence of the seeretary,, Mrs. John Deer. The financial state- ment was given by Mrs. Lloyd Huraphreya in the Absence a the "treasurer, 1Vrts. Gordon R. Taylor. Theser,e,eprte were ac- cepted on "motion .Or Mts. Clif. ford Brown and Mrs. Ed. Davies. The roll tall wae answered by naming a Dioceseother than Heron. The offering" was re-, ceived by. Mrs. McPhee. Rev. Mr. Meetly annoenced that it was hoped ,to hold the annual Harvest Horne services on Sep- tember 2,0th. Mrs. Clifford Brown conducted a contest and Mrs. gd, Davies won the prize for having the most articles 'in her purse. esGames Were held for the children in place of the picnic which was called off due to rainy weather. It was an. neunced that, the next meeting '11-be-heldea4ethe4ieineef-kr Donald ,Cartwright. A success. ful auction was held with Mrs. Thomas Haggitt and Rev. Mr, Meally in cha:ge. A delicious lunch was. served . by. 7Mrs: Mc- Phee, assisted by her mother, Mrs. L. "kerns. e OPTION AT PT. ALBERT Ashfield Township To 11 • • 1..A. People We.Xtiow. 4", shall and Mrs Z `Miteshall. The children are remaining on with their grandparents for addition- al holidays. PORT .A.L.131ERN.--An option has been taken on the Grey pro- perty here, once' a hotel, by Ray Mitchell. of Clinton 'pend- ing the outcome ,of a liquor plebiscite planned by Aslifield Township. A %/ate' on five questions for the licensing of the sale of beer, liquor and wine in Ashfield Tawnship is to be held in the township on a date yet to be set. Should the vote be favorable, Mr. Mitchell plans to modernize the Grey property premises to the standards demanded by the licensing board. At the August meeting of del petition was received bearing 341 signeture, asking - for such a Plebiscite: Council Accepted the petition and authorized Reeye Donald MacKenzie and Clerk Donald' M. Simpson to obtain legal advice as to pro- cedure, and to contact the Li- quor Licencing Board regarding the petition for the plebiscite. " The petition was submitted by Ray Mitchell, an engineet at Huronview, Huron C o un t y People We Know Recent visitors .wtth Mr. and at elections to the Legislative Assembly in that municipality." The 341 signatures on the petition were considerablyin excess of the required 25% pf the eligible voters of the muni- cipality. ,• .*Rumors that a similar plebis- cite is to be held at Bayfield are premature. No such plebis- cite can be held until Bayfield is incorporated as a village and this may not be likely until rate this year. • 85th BIRTHDAY A gathering* at the home of Mrs. F. Seabrook oh. Saturday honored Raymond Isherwood on day. Among those present, were: Mr. and Mrs. Stanley TSherwooel; Grosse Point e Woods, Michigan; Mr. *id Mrs:* Richard Arps and three little great-granddaughters of Russell- ville, Kentucky; Mrs. Doris Looker, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Clive Allin and family of Car- low; Mr. Arnold Allin and Mr. and Mrs. Laweence Snyder of Sanford. Mrs. Raymond Redmond includ- Home, but who lives in Clinton. ed Mr.. and Mrs. Pat' O'Malley It requested coencil to "submit aridMiss Maureen O'Malley., the following questiens to a vote Krngviu;1VIr taseph PuntelI, oftheepersonsequalifiedetolie Clareehlelm, Abert.a.:,. Mr arICI y_o_tq_§!. Liet to. vete _ Aetee..James-NelsaneeDetrPiteeMree• and Mrs: Edward O'Connell, Mrs. Ernest Maynard, Buffalo, N.Y. ... Mrs: Charles' J. Helms of ,New York City, who with her husband were recent visitors in Goderich,' has written to The Signal -Star for a* copy of The Tiger Dunlop will. She wrote that her family name is Dunlop and herpeople came from .Scotland. Her brother's riaine is William Dunlop and she wants a copy of the will to put on the wall of her brother's en. • Misses Lottie.and Laura Jack - visited, this week with Mr. Mrs, A. A. E.' Murphy (Alice Dodkin), of Sardis, B.C., is visit- ing herTather, -361i ri -ME-i'n Mrs. Bert Harris 'Oath:brine have -returned home after visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and , Mrs. Walter Mottershead iand grand- children at Victoria, B.C. They *else visited relativ,es at Sidney, Port Alberni and Vancouver, B.C.; 'Red*Deet, Alberta; Win- nipeg, Manitoba; Amenia,eN.D.; and Kenora, 'Ontarie. 4. 'business uirectory Ro'y N. Bentley AMBULANCE SERVICE. DAY OR AIGHT Prompt - Efficient Experienced Drivers TELEPHONE • 524-7401 For every back -to -school need Get an HFC Shopper's Loan Cover every back -to - school need from A to 2 with an HFC Shopper's Loan. Get money to provide books, clothing; tuition, supplies -even anapplefortheteacher. Shopantwhereandsave with cash. You borrow R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST if: T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist The Square 524-7661 PUBLIC, ACCOUNTANT 4 Britannia Road, East Dial. 524-9521 GODERICH ONT.a.RiO. ,Butler, Dooley, .Clarke & Starke Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankiruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor 39" St. David St., 524-8253 GODERICH, ONTARIO •32tf - About 200 attended the an- nual picnic of Goderich Federal Union held, at Kitehigemi Camp. was, in charge of arrangemenls„ Mrs.' R. 0.• Mallotteand 1VIIss Evelku Clark, both of Ottawa, Ontario, and Mrs. Harold L. Hickey, Denver, Col•orado, are visiting their old liome. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. B.' H. Willings the past week -in- cluded: Mr. and 1Y1rs. De Head andefamily, Port Credit; Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Stafford, St. Thom- as; 'Mr. and Mrs,: Reg. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mills, London; and Mr. gunk Ald- ridge' and Mr. Howard Vine, Sidney, B.C. 'Mr. and Mrs. David Gove and children, Kevin and Susan of Knowlton, Quebec, were recent visitors with Mrs. Gove's Par- ents, Police Chief Fred Min - Since 1950 the average week- ly wage in Cankdian nianufac- turin•g has frier sed from $44, to Se2;.in the perniel the aver- age profit per dollar of sales in, the industry, dropped from 7.1' cents to 5.4 cents. '. Railway freight shim/lents in- creased 'from 85 'million .tons in 1939 to 186 million tons in 1962; in the period the average cost of freight shipments rose fro 0.91 gents to 1.50 cents per to mile. 14, WELL DRILLING Having added to our drilling fleetthe most odern-equipment...ayallihje„ .we,,are_pow able to give faSt.Service. Rotary Percussion, DAVIDSON'S WELL PRILLINV.. PHONE 357-1960 - Box 481 Free Estimates -Ofitiffili'FFIRET§rWattir-Weils4ince--1900- AUG. 21 TO SEPT. 7 -TORONTO WHITE FARE ONE WAY NOT OPEN SUNDAYS -,ILUUTA :LTA [1 12[20MB. Ear J1_11964 IrMestrtmeweenmen, The smart wak to," saiie and travel! Extta coach, car conveniences to make yo'ur trip more comfortable. For other economy. Wbife & Blue Fares call .. YOUR LOCAL CN AGENT CANADIAN' NATIONAL 27.44 COL011 • I, broadcast in both blacleqe:Lwhiteind,., colour. See the -first color te evision to 'originate in Canada:. GIANT HOBBY SHOVii----asplays and demonstrations of 41 different hobbies, in the General Exhibits Building. INTERNATIONAL AIR SHOW -See thalue Angels, world famous, precision aerobatic display team. Rehearsals Sept. 2 & 3. Air $how Sept. 4 & 5. CNE ,AQUARA MA -The greatest show on water, free at the' waterfront. FASHION SHOWS -Every, hour you can review the latest,fashions, in the air-conditioned theatre at the Queen Elizabeth Building. CNE$17,500MARATHON SWIM -The world's finest long-distanceswimmers will battle the 32 -Mile Lake Ontario course frem‘Port Dalhousie Harbour, St. Catharines, to the CNE Waterfront. Share in the excitement at the finish line, Opening Day, Aug. 21. AMOUNT OF LOAN MONTHLY 36 months PAYMENT SO months 20 months PLANS ' 12 months $100 $.... $ $ 6.12 $ 9.46 550 23.73 32.86 51.24 750 31.65 44.13 69.21 1000 41.45 58.11 91.56 1600 60.88' 68.81 94.11 146.52 2200 83.71 94.62 129.41 201.46 2500 95.12 107.52 147.05 228.93 confidently and repay 'Move payments inctuge pr newel and onteres and are • conveniently -et HFC. mektourwett.mpt repaythent:but do not Include the cost of, ASK ABOUT CREDIT LIFE INSURANCE AT LOW GROUP PATES HOUSEHOLD FINN GO.DERICHI. 35A ,West Street -Telephone 524-7383 (above tile Signal Star) REFRIGERATION APPLIANCE SERVICE SERVICE All makes - All types GERRY'S APPLIANCES The Square Phone 524-8434 "The Store That Service Built" FOR THE BEST IN PQRTRAITS CALL, PHONE OR WRITE ,DAY OR NIGHT Stan Hadden 118 St. David Street DIAL 524-8787 ,•1 LISTEN ORDER YOUR TICKETS EARLY FOR EVENING GRAIIDSTAND SPEC- TACULAR AROUND THE WORLD IN AN EVENING -Comedian Jack Carter and Dublin -born songstress Carmel Quinn, star in this year's Musical extravaganza. UNITED STATES NAVY BAND-The.magnificent United States Navy Band performs twice daily at the CNE Bandshell. Real Estate Agent , RUTH VAN DER MEER DIAL 524-7875, Goderich Agent For • WILFRID McINTEE ,REALT”. Walkerton 0 '4 :STILES AMBULANCE, W1NGHAM MEMORIALS t, Quality, - Servfce Cemetery Lettering PHONE WIN'GHAM 8574910 or WRITE BOX 158 N WINGHAM :Roomy - Comfortable Anywhere - Anytime DIAL 524-8142 77 ,Montreal St., Goderich LAUGH MICKEY MOUSE STARS IN TRE GRANDSTAND MATINEE FUN -FEST - Mickey Mouse and his friends, in person, star in the thrill -packed afternoon show at the Grandstand, Aug. 24 to Sept. 5. A MILE -AND -A -HALF OF MIDWAY-It'slhe Midway with laughter and delight every step of the way. Ben' Chisholm Esso Imperial Products 29 Albert St., Goderich Office -524-7502 t-lome-524-7835 LEARN CANADA IN PICTURES -The story of past and present fairs and exhibitiOns peesented by the National Film Board of Canada. MARINE MUSEUM -See Canada's sea -faring history recorded and displayed in this remarkable building. • • 25 ACRES OF AGRICULTURAL WEALTH -Here under one roof is the largest agricultural display to be found anywhere In the world. ' SPORTS HALL OF FAME AND HOCKEY HALL Of FAME -A fascinating collection of souvenirs and reementos from the wotld of sports. ' f ARMED FORCES 'DISPLAY -A huge outdoor exhibit where you can learn more about Canada's armed forces. Alexander and4 Chapman GENERAL 'INSURANCE' REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Canadian Imperial, Bank of. Commerce Building Goderich ' Dial 524-9662 e 27-tf A. M.. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55-57 SOUTH STREET ' TELEPHONE , GODERICH, ONTARIO 524-7562 Try BLACK LABEL... and you'll know Vvily • it's Canalia's Best-selling Beerl ENJOY BETTER LIVING CENTRE -A glamorous setting'for all that's new in home decor. INTERNATIONAL SHOPPERS' MART -The rare and exotic where 20 countries display their wares. ANTIQUE AND CUSTOM tARS AND HOBBY AEROPLANES -See the cars of yesterday, today and tomorrow at the gleaming Motor Show.. ESPECIALLY FOR' WOMEN: THE QUEEN ELIZABETH>BUILDING- Home furnishings, ails and crafts, fashion, shows, cooking schools and floral arrangements. * SPORTS ACTIVITIES -Every day has 'some sports event at the CNE, be on hand to see records broken. THE NATIONAL HORSE*SHOW-Champions, horses and rider* meet at the Horse Show to vie for coveted awards. Aug. 21 to 27 in the Coliseum.. General Admission: Adults 154.,' Children under 1, 100 EXHIBITION PARKTORONTO J. M. FRASER, PRESIDENT, • HIRAM McCALLUM, GENERAL MANAGER I J <$. , " •