HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-08-20, Page 4`elrilch Siigi(tal tar, Ti ur.sdkir, A,,t gust 20th, 19{4 uiii b • by • G. MacLEOD ROSS 44 b r . FOR' BEGINNERS ONLY 4 w1 plus pyrethrum I tion for insects. However, un- less these are used before .dam- age is cybserved, they will fail This week we conclude the_ enitileipp is of -las. adequate aids, in keeping story of Rost I nenrie. There t't'ctive. ;your roues healthy. Use then is one more disease to be men. ! e It would not be surprising if every ten days, except in rain, toned and it is Chlorosis. . Hhis catalogue of disuses and,'s,tarting when the rose buds The symptoms' are a yellow•- ' pests was sufficient ft deter 'first appear. • ,ing of the, leaves and stems. any beginner frogr ever con- ; Inspect and get to know your This means a loss of the chlero- tarring rose growing. Merci• , bushes and watch them for phyll needed ,to manufacture dully seasons varj• and the var- :;ign, of malnutrition. The other - the carbohydrates on which- the ' tc't�' and intensity of the attacks !aids are correct pruning, allow - plant feeds and it causes mal - ,vary too• ling, room between bushes- so nutrition. defoliation and event- ' The purpose of listing ell the i es-, not .to produce pockets of nal .dee*. Chlorosis can result "nemtes is to enable gardeners !moist 'air and -.finally, if aT tt : ,i o --r-wateriri ' 5m� dratie r " ' nese'-'4h� a' ' `e' and—suTb-us�ails for two -years in a age, .n: ect attack. or from in. . use the correct remedy. ' •••• t rei}ae•.be that its location suffica•nt light It is, in fact. a Pressure Pump, Sprays ' ',is faulty 1,,vhen, in late October, phi:,: eeica': disease and as : ,;1s a ettle,•of thumb it is sug- ,'it should be • dug up .and re - :such, .1 dere, from those men- ee,tcd that anyone pos s'aing l sited in a more open space. tioneu .et week since it is nci .t' dozen br rnere rose -bushes !But remember, in spite of all. , cause . by a pathogenic organ- should ar•rn himself with two, the ,enemiesf few flowers have ism ba' results from en upset pressure ,!pump sprays, each of held the imagination all down "ef tri: r: ,rural process of groath. , 11, g,a.bloiiee, capacity. " Each , the ages, as has the' rose. -hould be bolcly markeci with Flower Show August 29 Iron Det#ciency ' es content, and the contents ; Do . not forget that the 1' :, tnerally helico ed to be 'Mould always be •' the same. FLOWER SHOW will be held . :. aro whip t) nt w i.l contain Phaltan ?Loll! S aturday, August u gst 2 9th, indue.t,., :,n deficiency >- . , m..'...e_ :_,--,E1.eedt•tottfer-fu ge.s•.-dr ,. .tt 5tireset Etettiettal -ti�+, • - 'di•..w-'�-., _f 1Z } 4 w'asn�lql[I�r•.., cl? .3 ,"k,ci' Eleil� "rI`L:4w4'''?' -%•�,3 requees. et can h�• caused by. .. the . et t. eof a Mine'• d�•r sing -'•-.. ��i::�„�...� �Toll Free .\ t'.,'_;,:er'ai lithe tend, to in- cr�'a 'ha availab;Pity _of the trete., r..ewt ntHowever the bales is critical and in highly ph phone ,calls placed between 0 MRS. B.QYCE TO APPEAR SEPT. 25 PUG Theft Case' e For Seaforth Court The case ,.of Mrs. 'Denim Boyce of R.R. 2, Seaforth, who is charged with • •the theft of mord than $11,000 from the ”Seaforth PUC, has been - ad- journed to September'25. It is docketed for Seaforth, Magistrate lis Glynn Hays took the action in a regular ses- sion of his court here August 13. -Mrs. Boyce' was, remanded out of custody with bail continued at $5,000. The charge against her al- le,;ees Mrs. Boyce stole $11,92'8.74 from the S,aforth Public Util- ities Commission while an em- ployee of The PUC during the years 1962-6§-64. • Adjourned. u t_19 the case og William D. Schroed- er` of R.R. 2, Ceptralia, charged with rape.' Defendant Sehroed; er Was remanded in custody, pending a hearing° on his case. The charge •tgairist Schroeder ailgees the offense was commit- ted in the Grand Bend ;a•r•-ea July 30 and involved a 17 -year-old girl. Other court business August 13: Cliliord '.Vanstone of R.R. 4, A st...: pleat ink .girl . ` ca a of, ' !failing to Ston at an intersec- tion-Mr,'Van •tone's car struck monthl\' rates en Luck'now and'a ;rain truck at the Intersection Dungannon will not corse into of Elgin avenue and South effect until long distance charges are removed from tele -street here July 9. Donald MallOu-gh of Goderich one Calls alka:rt sail, with an abrtnd:, Lucknow and Dungannon in the spring of 1965. , ” ell e' all Tlit a ed- . eat IS"rs . mint. :oro nut reduced to a„form • t`2f1'rce ,.Dialing (DDD) will be introduc- w'hicr. is gigs' iiiahle by the rose, Technical difficulties will de- ed to Clinton and- Goderich sub - The modern ,palliative is an lay the introduction of toll free 'scribers: 'Dungannon subscrib- iron chelate. marketed as calling between Lucknow and ens will receit•e DDD- service in ance iIf ealciurn and phosphate'Ap [street Di arm 9 el r _ ��'n It Seque;Irene, which is soluble in I Dungannon and between Gode- the spring of 1965. The three communities will then join the, growing number of communities where subscrib- ersially c ,aiks 4oi1s. For this later this year, th' plans will can dial their own csaiison- ,� i effect 4 to -station long distance calls to ee,qut . re 1 .us s available, eeo into effect its the spring of, any one of more than 90,000,000 c(lnta,r, -ag iron, manganese and 11965. Water and can be applied to the rich and Dungannon, .officials of soil :, r':.in;t the roots. .A man- the Iliteon and.Kinloss Tele- ant'':leucin is also a pos- �;Alone Company ann Etnced this. sihlt• e: e,e of Ch orosis , e `p c• vet k. Originally'. scheduled for q, u� ;r ^tesh,a'honesx in Canada nd the 1i"i�'"�",k9i' ":'�'�"'`.i'�fi'man,wcsamsFns stYat ;earaxa¢ar�r�+sa'aej.urmc, u,�: a�r,'.� lit enntf 7111' 7.91 1171 t'�'�iryan., .ta eL '.���„ucw'rPmac�.RmS A1MNMANNdA.YWWJ. Fungus Infects remo‘ ed. from telephone calls Direct ,Distance Dialing is- 1piaect .betweon.T.Gtid-eitich '.and made -possible -,by. gi�irt.g. every;- _.- r •ca Per_. 11:se!.;3Sc.'s I'e,ts1 vlinton n, scheduled ..th.rs. fall.._-on.e'•of--Clic-4441ons of telephone end eeeeee, infest an4, c arnage, The addition of the Clinton ex - infects bid causes ; chane to the local calling area clieeeet.' APHIDS or green fly of Goderich is su•ffiicient to attack n, v.* tender 'shoots, espec- f make a nominal increase in ially "bol,. Fortunately they monthly rates. There.. -will be have mennatural •enemies in ! no further increase in' Goderich tite spi rrews and ladybirds, but rates when the Dungannon ex - these ere unable to keep mor 1 change is added next spring, . ruse., r :rely clear. . The''best Althoui h Credefi?htelephone_ Bering Plan Areds, •ea.cb-.iclenti I..Iler� u. Malathion, Lindane. users will 'pay higher monthly fled hyla three -digit area code. or 1):r'l,nen, any or'a of which rates where the .pian is intro- The ai='ea code for Goderich, .▪ should be sprayed on in- solu- 1 duced,•- most of them, will pay Clinton and Dungannon is 519 users in Canada and the United States a different number, just as each telephone customer in Goderich, Dungannon '-oiw Clin- ton has .his, ownindividual number. North America has been div- ided into more than 135 Num- - - ' .4lo€-s i'n . total-rnon•t-h-ly---bi-l-ls• carr ti-sevee -di •it Iep-hts�re--rlcrmiber TH1�1PS swarm'over all parts iehey are paying at present when in any of the' three centres, atha% e ground ca sing a mo tl- 1'. ong•distance'charges to Clinton. wAheit prefixd by 519. will not be iiie `and marbling effect on Fare .added to the monthly 'bill, duplicated anyw-here i'n North kms_ leavIes Youn7 shoots are dis:•... The nominal. • increase in ; Ani'erica-. •' • • r • _ ,ts4a-rr-cl-buds arrd®fl.owe eediA +w,,.sn r. u1,14 , cblorcd and .pierced with fine ' holm. {especially! on the petal margins. The adult. insect is black er brown, one -tenth -of an inch .'long. Again ;Malathion or • DDT is effective sprayed. ' I'll ROSE LEAFHOPPER Cariebe recognized by the pale as mottled areas.pnieaves during spring and summer,. together with cast skins or moults on'the undersides, severe attack` C2au" es leaf -fall, especially on climb•in roses. ” Treatment is as for Thrips., ' SCALE INSECTS attack shoots and stems of -"wild and - cultivated:roses. Stems .take on the appearance of having been' dusted with red pepper, lt7ttiion <is effectice in spring. The Chewers THE CATERPILLARS of a variety of moths are all'chewers and can cause complete defoli ation, bud and flower injury leaf-skeletonizing ,and leaf -min ing. The. ,remedy .is to hand pick -or spray .with DDT , to which pyrethrum has been add ed. 'Rose Maggots, which cause leaf -roll can he reached with nicotine dust. Leaf -Miners can not- be circumvented and leaves must be collected and burnt. SAWFLIES come in 70 'spe- cie; of which ,the 'leaf roiling rose sawfly is one of the most destructive. The black shining adults are'like 'Queen Ants and appear in June. The rose slug sawfly -feeds on the upper sur- face ef,Ithe leaf and ,slteleton- izes ;t. ' Remedy as for cater- p:liars, but all rolled leaves should he removed and burnt. The other enemies ,are leaf cutting, -;bees and chafers, of varying size and destructtive- nes:;. There is no effective con- trol for the bees short of de- stroying 'their nest. The chaf- ers attack foliage, buds and the topen blooms of roses. DDT ENJOY THE FINEST 'FOOD IN TOWN • ' , Chinese Food cur Specialty ALSO TAKE-OUT ORDERS OPEN DAILY 7 a.m. to 10 p.m: ,.n Open Friday and Saturday Until 12 Midnight The e Esquire` Restaurant • Puts the things• 'You want within yoiir reach w•as .fined $20 and costs after he plea"hed° guilty to , a charge of faJJ,pg to turn out to th'e left iia .ettou beto- kaide trikfinge.n- other car here' July„ 18. A charge .of careless driving was withdrawn, Arnold Leroy".Kerr 'of Gode- rich Township, was fined $35 and costs after, he entered a guilfy plea to the charge he caused notse by squealing car tires in Goderich July `3. His license was suspended for 30 days. PhilipBruce ruce Gemeinhardt BarfrehieqY•n14Ryle$3t Q 1Uie,•o1f after he pleaded guilty to a charge of unnecessary_ nurse..,, According.,_... o tlie._chaxge, ,t!t_.. offence occurred in Stanley' Township, July '23: The “un- necessary noise," recited the charge. was caused by a device attached to the rdxhaust of a car. driven. by Kerr. His license was suspended for 15 days. Also,. on August 13, the mag- istrate's court here considered the uses of: Paul Cprtese,and Donald Yeo, causing •i.,disLurbance by fight-- ing ght=ing in theeBayfield dance pavil= ion July 224, each fined $40 plus costs; Kenneth D.- McAllister of Mitchell, charged with causing a disturbance by the ' use of obscene language in Seaforth, August 8, pleaded guilty, three days in jail (charge "of having An unregistered firearm was withdrawn); Pack Wynford Con nish, having liquor in an unlaw ful place, adjourned to August 20; -Patrick Lynn Murphy,' hav- ing liquor in 'an unlawful place,- dede-gniitir X25-a-ritt-ee 5r- Willam Vaughan, Munro, charg- ed as 'a ."minor £onsttrning,e contested', adjourned, Ronald Douglas Oliver, charged as a minor consthning, pleaded guil- ty, adjourned to September 16; Arthur Bushie, charged - with being intoxicated in a .public place, pleaded not guilty, ad- journed to 'August 27; Charles- Allison, unnecessary noise, $25 and costs; Oliver Mc- Brien ... faili ' speeding, adjourned_ for per- sonal.sununo.ns; Miolaacl-Eck ert, littering highway, withdrawn: James Burton„Brewer, .speeding, ,adjourned for• personal service; Barbara Hamilton, no driver's license, adjourned; William Scrimgeour, speeding, 'adjourn- ed: and James . Samuel Robb. speeding, $10 and costs. Taylor's Cor TAYLOR'S • CORNER. — Mrs. Wm. Elliott` of Port Colborne spent a few days at the McCabe home last week.. Her family, who had heel visiting here while sha had a,• t' ip on -the S.S. Bayton with Capt. Elliot:; t•et urged home with bele Mfrs.' Florence Ginn spent Sun- day with relatives in Atwood. .The Community Club have been invited to meet at the home of Mrs. Gordon Orr, 149 13ayficeld road, (,otter•ich, on Aug- ust 25. Ladies please note change of date - Club Picnic TheCommunity Club held their The, at. the schoolhouse, Wednesday of'last week, clue to! the heavy' rain. There was a good attendance of members, also past members. The re- s•ultsv of sports w.ee as follows: -1 re sehael, Pag .Fisher, Mar -y Ellen Sturdy;' '6-7 years, Jon Ginn,, Jeff Scott; .boys under nine, Jeff ,Scott, Bill Whitely, Tom Sinclair; girls 10 and 11, Nancy Ginn, Heather Whitely,' Laurie Gin}; boys, 10 and 1,1, John Sturdy, Brian Schmidt, Bill Whitely; girls, 13 and un- ner Dead Animal dpr, Laurie Ginn, Heather Whitely, Nancy Ginn; boys, 13 and under, Jon Ginn, Wayne Elliott, Robert Smith. In the boys' and girls' relay, the boys tealn won, also the balloon race. Thee balloon in basket was won by Randy Schmidt's team. The adult sports were as follows: heaps in jar, Mrs. Birdie White- ly; name contents of parcels, Mrs. Jane .Sinclair; elfminatipn, Mre. Ida Snyder; balloons on Plate, Norma Walters'; team; spelling contest, Eileen Rodges; lucky cup, Eileen Rodges; old- est lady, Ethel Sturdy;, birth- day .closest to picnic day, lion: raine Young. The ladies served a delicious supper to. conclude for dead" rand disabled jnimals call collect Darling & Company a Canada Ltd. Phone HU 2=7269, Clinton Dead •animal licence number 262-C-63 49t1 .• a pleasant afternoon. A vote of I The rarest Canadian coin are $10 and $20 gpld pieces minted, without official authority, in British Columbia during the Fraser River 'gold rush. thanks from forrrr members was extended the groqp by Mrs. Mabel Holmes' and, Mrs. Birdie Whitely. OPENS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.' Phone Mrs. D. J. Wolterbeek at 524-8730 or Mrs. Barbara Crawford at -524-9336 GOD.ERIC,H BUSINESS I. E 23rd FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 8 Practical Instruction- in all Commercial Subjects SENIOR and JUNIOR COURSE, -BUS. EDUCATORS' ATORS' ASSOCIATION •'b Y � r...marked �IuomasisuRed OF CANADA . Modern Equipment — Qualified Teachers pial. 524-8521, 7284 or 6307 for an appointment. OPEN W.LING Q Wednesday and Saturday Evenings y .,�.,>9��..MF�tiw'til•, t�En.�-.r;,,,w�►���.. League Reservations . . •, Naw Being Accepted. *4-44 WN4,4-444.44 gra PIN BOYS WANTED - APPLY IN' PERSON LITTLE BOWL PlioneA 524-9966 204 Huron Road T ANDIR ff. •�ta(%aa%'.5l BANK OF MONTREAL 'MY BANIF TO 3 M/IIION CANADIANS i,iflCe- lan Bring all your, personal' credit needsli under one roof 1N . LOW-COST LIFE -INSURED LOANS, :. Goderich Branch: BEN CORLESS, Manager,,,. • EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO START YOUR SCH� ! QOL YEAR Complete Range of Leather Briefcases • Zipper Binders • School Bags Pencil Cases • Etc. - • Large Assortment of 3 -Ring Notebooks • Refills • Index Dividers , • Spiral Notebooks • Scribblers, • Steno Pads Rulers • Pencils • Erasers • Etc.. FULL PRICE RANGE OF PENS — BALLPOINT, CARTRIDGE,r,ETC. .TWO FREE DRAWS MOtor Scooter or Portable TV Set A chance to win, a motor scooter or a portable TV set. Simply guess the number of Sheaffer Ink Cartridges in the big plastic bubble in our window. ENTRY FORMS ON REQUEST — NOTHING TO BUY! 'TRANSISTOR -RAL' 10 DRAW `A L S O: Every $1.00 purchase of school supplies entitles you to a FREE chance on . transistor radio. • Shop Early , and Avoid Opening ., n bayRush ! � ANDERSON'S BOOK STORE East Street Next to Post Office Goderich TI -IIS IS REVENUE! .440 According to the_...."Vote Yes" Committee, the Ontario government takes 15% cents on every 60 -cent drink. Of the• provincial government revenue, estimated at $110,000,000 for 1964-65, a dribble is passed on to municipalities in gallonage tax, and from the, -LCB comes also a share of fines. The news items covered by the specimen headings shown here told of a thitther)-, tined $32.50 fleavisix th°tic en two hours in a car while she drank beer, of another mother or finnged $25,"•a f tier $50. Such items appear frequently in the daily papers. - Obviously`, towns revenue could -be augmented if we had, beer parlors, and more police to catch people breaking, the law. If we 49 not want any part of this blood money wrung from victims of the liquor habit, VOTE NO �► Qestions 1 and ,2 HEREIS WHAT LIQUOR DOES TO HOMES: • ye (Signal -Star„ November 21, 1963), DRINKING SEEN MAJOR PAUSE OF BROKEN HOMES; ADQPTED CHILDREN Of 37 children made permanent wards of the Children's Aid Society in Huron this year, .•enly''one 'came into cate because of his own , delinquency. Elo eii' had lost one parent, three had lost both. At Icast 18 came from broken homes, .and in at least 16 cases one cause for the breakup was drinking. • These facts were laid before county council -in the report of Miss Clare ''McGowan, loca14 director. "We all know what liquor does," said Police Chief Minshall in a recent talk on motor traffic. "Cars and liquor fill court docket," — Heading in Signal -Star. "Liquor and thefts keep court busy." — Signal -Star heading, DON'T OPEN THE FLOODGATES WIDER. VOTE "NO" SEPT. tho Al,L 5 QUESTIONS ... Inserted By "Vote No" Committee • fk 4/44