HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-08-13, Page 12# " 00410104/#0.A.4.;;444r.r.11" ,."*"- i•••• • , 12 The Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday, August 13th, 1964 , rr "Grade 13" 'Results • rt GODERICH MAN TAKES INDIVIDUAL HONORS Kincardine Golfers 4.th Picot -Eng C. 54, Eng. A.. 66, •Pr. C. 69,, Sp. A. 59, Sp. irop In 3-:C.ilub Play.. - MbGee's paptiac Softballers Pirie, outfielders. Both Snell (c.Ontinued 'from page 1) ng. L. 81, Hist, 55, Trig. 77, Fr. L.' 70, Alg.-82, t eom. 65, Trig. • 5li , .. of fl,oderich irof.TueSday night and..MeLean also see occasional 85, Phy. 77, Chem. 79, Fr. C. 50.1 Betty Lou Vie.st-Eng. C. 65, ,,," • Kincardine has finished oniOkal L. Day and Jack Gould. 'History took a backward were dea.dlooked with Iticknpw's, outfield service when, t4ey're 4 ' . Lyn, Rae - Eng. C. 80, Eng.lEng. L. 73,„ Alg. 82, Georn, 74,„op in the, first annual .Interclubl After' Sunday's match, golfers glance August 8 when Fred 24 Juveniles in a sectional playoff not working a...5 part o11, the bat -,'L. 79 Hist. 53, Mr A; 71, Lat. !Tg- 83; Phy. 6,8, Chem.,. 8,3, kill Qampetition held under froin -.three communities, named Mot e of Bakfield drove -his c. 70, Fr. A. h3, ri,. Q., 82, 8,, ; I i. A. 6b, Fr. C. 66. , , . horsepower steam -powered 1925 series sponsored by the Western ..tery. ' Ontario Athletic Association./ • Durikg - the regular season, a he aurp.c..s of .club.s from a comnutttee to -perpetp e the . 72, Sp. C. 68. ' ''' Bert -NVIutmellr Eng C 67, ro,1 n•:ch,, Winghain and • Kin• intcr-club cornpetition.„, , I.'. Day vintage thresher to the Harold Lucknow beat Goderich 15-5 the McGee team won eight and Susan SA-4---1,".'tig, Cr 67, Eng„14,,.'"5f11':' z54 5A01,4* 6,1' 11'1”. 71', .'_,:` :I!' L112!,..lopctitiun, on "a handl- .entati\ e and as committee con- \\ named as Goderith repre- Penhale farm three miles from Bo field .tcr, assist- with annual Saturday 'night at Lucknow. lost four. L. 79, 11•=t. 68, (100111. 62, But., \ Lay. Helen 13 -1.1 -kr, En ; C ., il t,;„ 1-.. i neln,1,11' ma te Les in \ oiler, 'Other coMmittee mom- Ithr4iing run. Goderleh-Wouncecl back with a Manager' of the team is M. N. 1;3, ZOQ. 79, L'Ic in 75, Lat. A, 74, , , 1 57 ,.,.11 rrt the thic.e: WWII,. hers are -Peter Bytheway, Kip- . 5-4 win at Agriculture ,Park "Mac" MacDonald\ Coaches are • t 1, 1a;. c. t)--1 . 1 With soubke belching up, the: Monday night. Sgt. Harold Calvert and Acting a, 1 nrimas Mande'r,on-Bot. 55. i •!1u,‘,. •r•tr onal 'result: Kine•ar- trartline, Matt Boytl; \\Ingham, : Thomas San 1;\ • -1.!r;.2,. 5ti. ; \ enerable thresher chugged First tarn to win fonT games Sergeant Ross Crawford, of the II S IM ' ' \ Ann Pier•on, ErTg C.I.lin„, „fir -t, with a poli total and Warren Siluiltz of•yalkor- I Uatol Sheph •.(.1-.. Eng. C. 71, . along the tre/e-lined lane to the barn. will then :meet -the Harriston Ctoderich police department, Eng. L. 79, Hist, 65. Lat. A. 50, ziicm, E5nt,11.;,11,..,,.0t.i,4.,, lLst. 58, 13.)t69.!of 123: Wingham steund, 1031.!, ton, Juveniles in a regional playoff' and Warren MoTand of Napier Lat. L.. 60. ler. A. 50. Fr. C 1. 54,. Lat.,.C. 54, ',ir',1 Gruir-rich,.third, 97'-i; • •, ( I, Sp. A. 59, Sp. C. 60.. , : This s.r.ason'.s inter -town corn- . With Ivan Steckler operating series. • ' :1.!:0„1 \\ is climaxr:-d AugUst , it, the engine was kept operat- Steve 4nell alloWed only five street. -1'he Mebee club will. enter Chrui. :13'.- PORT ALBERT ', 'fn the, Wingham match, low ,' lt.Y6A ith Li match in, Wingliam. iourist Booth. ling . smoothly despite its: more . !than 35 years. rMonday night. hits in Goclerict.'s winning effort playoffs, August 22. Its first the OntarioSoftball Association .., Sylvia S111;1).-- En.'. C• 51, Eb!..; . , • ' : Torn Pen -hale operated the Big bats for God-erich were test will be_against Grimsby, ,•---,---i,ttiti•N*08, Hi -4, 53, Bot. 58, Zao. 50. pr )11T Al BERT. - Mr. and !gross winner for the day was Bob rseparator, assisted by Ivan, Allege ot Bill Wilkirison, with Lat. A. 57; La! C. 32, Er. -A. 38, "'-`-' I) *'!' • - Doerkser, of oder ch with 4 TOLle _ 0 1-Ste-ekler,-jr,,, and--William.11 tl,uo.:-:--hilsr-Denny. • Williamson, here. . ..5 Fr. C. 66. .„, t:.:..l,• 't ,1 :*th, MI.,.; 169. g-econ(rYw IffrOgri wls--r-,Plian. Fttrain was loaded and brought with three, Snell and Vern . lard11of Wingliain with a 71.1 ,,,,, , 67. Trig. 61, Phy. 64. • 1, „ ,:i MI .„, Wm, Kniilt i l'r11 11-1,1 of Kincardine had first Every Sunday ' ., ,Stirling?• McGee's lineup Mr the play- Firemen -Tuesday night were • - Paul "quire-• Etur, 1'. 53, Al , ' :\ - -`:•!''''" 'h''' \``'''k• ' b George lin, y Heard and Let r-,, Skeoch, with two each. : CAR FIRE Ruth Wallaet 6,,. . ,•1:.1 \\ :th Mr. and Mrs Clar- - 1•,\ lic wi,!h :rt. 64 het, and sec- -, called to extinguish a car fire Er-i,g, I.. 59, •Bote 59, Zoo, 66, .: 11,, 0\ . l' 'the \V OA t.:I1(1. "11 16?.‘ 11,'; was Won by Mike The toorist booth, operated 13ell of -Bakfield, and John Jef- and ' Gary Fritzley, catchers, .. I Present' ' also were Charlie oft' series includes John McLean at 53 Bruce Street. Owner of . Ch -n -n. f)-1-. , t•rin.i, and Itick ret urned 1 RI `-i '-2:i n of Kincardine with a 65- 1 Each communitr fielded a 12- by the Town of Q.oderich at fery 'and Mr. and Mrs, Syd Law- Skcoch,.at first base; Wilkinson the car was Ben Sheardown. Hum tem. aThe Goderich team Victoria and, Hamilton streets, son of Goderich. ' , !at second; , Wayne Rumig at The car was pa'rked at the John Walter-Ali', 51, Tri ,, ' -':"L" 6(:). ' •-!;‘ t week 'A‘ith Mr. and i Edd Wak 110Yies r. Doerksen, Isadore henceforth will be 'oneSaid Mr. Lawsonwhile n seven third. Williamson- at shortstop, Bruce street residerice. wariza-- Alg. mr". ! - ncludM, , Georn. 58, Trig. 56, Bot. 53, Zoo52, . . Miss Carol. and Bonnie Cul. -i Bedard, Ralph Kingswell, Don days weekly from 10' a,M. until 'MacEwan, AlDowds, Bill Lurns -1.-., p.10. watching the .old steamer open F.nd,Roug Harrison, Don Golder, Etaymond 1L,awson and John ticimmior. ., .! r---- . - . ' , trii, , 'r. ,, , , . .)e1":„ Pa'. E.:Ay and Doreen Cul- , . . ate: "My father often speaks ....,..-,..•••-• . 0 . ' ' ' ..' : .",..8Md4M1,N,Y4faie .EktVe77.56; ', • I 1 iga!s,r,, ax,e holiday:. n3-', :Walter Friesan .13.1.14,Huff, . The IleNy. .s,chednle was .,,arn..0a- ati?:botoutetrz,T.,::::- sm:oollit!rralezmor:firrss of st.,e,717-1 21. Too Late to Classify mi"'""arli--g.. L.----. ,./4 : • .4.-. rti.•,.... .4.--,o.r....,,,,,,..4ne al ri ee,t .har.-triTs W e'er -4a ek', -Hint on',..... ear-.-- Scinseiled.,'. , •, i., 7.1tit,,;.„.x.,§4.0,9m - Bfo,f.- - ,..., Lat. A. 63. Lat. C. 61, Fr. A. 60, Dennis .Hill of London is _ ___,..— of 19 Ilritlrana road, recep- It was obvious as the old , ••• . t tionist at the booth for the past Bell engine toyed with the 36- ! oniaii. E yca-tor GREY, Lawrence Earl. (Larry). -At his residence, 267 Meek- . ,... inch separators it was' driying. er Ave, Belleville, on Tues - work, Mr. Lawson suggested" Begins Her 9. 3rd . day, Au.gtist 11, in, his 71st year,' beloved husband of Watchihg the old engine "There certainly ,was a lack of Gladys Stewart and dear fa - engines throughout Canada that Year Quietly ' Mrs. Stewart (Dorothy) Col - foresight when you think of the • 111. ther of Keith of Toronto, and were scrapped when wood and LT coal"could well have been. sub- ltihnesr, (ifforotratioa,rdan.ndf sdaenar Fran Dr. Annie ' Ross of North , stituted for by oil or gas heat." street on August 12 celebrat- cisco, Mrs. Howard (Fanny) ed her-, 92nd- birt-trthay: ' Dr,: DUrnin, Goderich, Mrs'. Mat - Ross; former faculty.. -member thew (Mary) Shackleton, Dun= of Ontario' Agricultural College gannon and Mrs. E. C. (Olive) at Guelph, although physic.fly. Webb', Goderich. Resting at delicate in her 92nd year m''n::•*- the John R. Rush funeral tains mental alertness and:a home, 80 Highland Ave., lively interest , in ffie , world Belleville. Service from tha- ss. around her. chapel on Friday, August 14, A quiet birthday celebration at 2 p.m. Interment in Belle - was held. "ville cemetery: • -32 St9am-Povvered Thresher Chugs. Up Big Interest a r *Gees, Lucknow -Trade Wins In Playoff Series rr.r. i• e 54 holiiclaying this week with Mr. • David - Watson - !Hot, 60. •''''''l Mrs. Albcrt McGee'.. ' 14 years. The Grand . Previously, the booth ' Chem56, .had . . Nancy Watters -Eng, 4,C. 85, ,, been closed on Sundays. Eng. L. 80, Hist. 65, Lat. A. 69, People we know Bend Dragway' Miss Bradford said that dur- Lat. C. 70, Fr. A. 73, Fr. C. 76, Recent guests with Mrs. Ern 'ing the period June 19 -July 31 Sp. A. 66, Sp. C. 66., -, • 2.st Ci'aig were Mr. and Mrs, More than 5,000 spectators this summer a total of 914 Brian Weaver -Eng. , . Arl- r Bradley, Toronto; MT, watched nearly 200 competito•rs persons visited the booth. C 53, Eng. L.63, Hist, 63, Trig:53, and Mrs. William 'Whaley and and a featured Chrysler -Ford • Th6first full day of the ' -..--,-Bot,„.j_60,--.-6,•-s-C.4eini,... 7(1„,....1.4i,„..4,1244,4,1„„s,,,,_,..1_ _Ls- ' •14e,46,,a,,Lthe crran.d.... open ii of booth's operation this year was ...,---xtifilev=-,:=-- . ••:: ,- • . .,,,,..„,,,,- ,,,, -........c1,, C. 50. all of Tyenton. Miss Lyn Brad- the Grand Bend 'Dr-aKt-War-al-Itt•tire-44-w-,-,,,,,,,,.....,—. ) who spent a month with Grand -Bend on Sunday. Hon:. , During the period June 19 - Reed Webb -Eng. C: 60, Eng,: ie.. °L. 5.0, Hist,' 54, Geom. 55. Trig. IN,r,„ Craig ivtiirrud to Toronto 7. S. Ma cNaughton, Ontario June 30, 23 ' Ainericans and 61 63; Chem. 67, Fi....A, 54, Fr. C, ' . . - d MrsMini•ter of Highways, did thelCanadians sought information w ito '.1.11.. an.. 13radley. ' - .z, - 50.Mrs. Bert Harris is visiting ribbon -cutting cei•emony, , Many at the Goderich tourist centre, Judith Weber -, Eng. C. 81, her first dotisins,`Itussell Cross, fans attended from the Gode- Miss Bradford said. During . Bed Deer, Alberta, andtWilliam rich area. . . July, 280 American's ad'550 Stifling, Faro, N.D.— LOndon's Doug. Ridler took Canadians visited the booth., FOLLOWING MILD Mr. • and Mrs. Stanley Biggs top eliminator honors with. an The town council decided to , o* Dundas and Mr. • and Mrs. elapsed time of ' 8.56. There keep the hooTh open Sundays at . HEART ATTACK Charles Allan of Spruce Leigh Was a complete program of -its last regular meeting, Aug- Farrics, Paris, visited on Sunday thrilling competitions. •• lust 7. INDUSTRIL LEAGUE PLAY- OFFS Kinsmen 6, Kazco 3. Finchers 14, Curry Taxi 4' THURSDAY NIGHT SCHE- DULE '11(insmen vs. Kazco, 7 p.m. Curry vs. Finchers, ,,,,,,,,„,,-"tr--",---,,....4....,. r 16,gp well at Carlo -w. - 1 .. • . . ''""'" '•*- ''',"----- --1--,i-lecer-t-t-v-iti4o-rs-w-it-14.411,:. RECPE OF THE MONTH ......—.....,...___, - -•-•-••••,-1.1<---.Rabc,Ft, k amne''i ' tied- :-:- ';'9' • ' n on on — ''.. Y-114111 ' --- ,Mrs. Ernest Craig of Goderich: ''' By the Ontario Tender Fruit Institute . • and Mrs, Wrn, Whaley and .' .. •':Buy Canada Choice Canned Fruit" Hosprtal . ' ,: Mr. ..on n Bill; 001-1 Mrs. John Faumer of Trenton; Mrs. Verna Doer . . J. and son Ronald, and Miss Loise Dr. J. C. Ross of ,West Street, ',FarqUars.on, or Niagara Falls: well-known Goderich physician, : Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Haines and ,- • ...: on August 7 was admitted to sori Larry of Calgary; Mr. and Victoria Hospital, London, Li- : Mrs. Donald Jardin of Kit,eli- . lowing a iliild heart attack. i ener; Mr. • ay]. Mrs, Elliott Dr. Ross was reported resting Sandy of Lucknow: Mr. and Mrs. • satisfactorily on.Sunday. Ezra Sholtz of Whitechurch.. ., *ailt,19,7a-b.Q._Pn active in 1 Recent visitors 'With Mr, and affa rOn s cr'?rning--1-66- welfare -Mrs. J. Sherwood Were Mr. and of the public... He recently :Mrs. Charles Sherwood, Detroit: „ - -served a.s a' leader in the geuntys; Mr. and Mrs.:Harvey Ross, Janet '' -,77"41,441i tuberculosis' ..„-idtite--a-4..bfiTStibtliespticiMAI:abw4,1-r.,aind ' clime. Dr*. Ross 0 chairman' Mrs". Frank Sherwood and Paul• ,: and official campaign manager POrt Credit: Mrs. Jack Alexancl- - . for the "Vote No" committee -in ! er and John, Waterloo.‘ They ! : the plebiscite to be held here attended the Gaunt:Deyell vved- September 4.. 'ding in •Wingliam. Iv.rwri4a3 saw • w. glay PICKLED PEACHES 16 to 18 medium pea- • ches (about 4 lbs.) cup ,white. vinegar 1 cup water • 41/2 cups sugar 2 four -inch sticks cinnamon • raw., e. cloves,. - • Chose fn: -flavored, -tree-rip- ened Ontario fresh peaches that are firm and free from . blemishes. Put vinegar, water , and sugar into a 3 -quart saucepan, simmer 5 minutes: ' Skin one half .,of the peaches by dropping Here's an unusual recifle to help you win first 'local fair ! 1 • • Pir them in boiling water just long enough Scl that the skins will slip off easily. (Be careful not tooleave peaches in boiling water lorig enough for flesh to soften or they will not skin smooth- ly.) Drop peache'S 'at -once into :§yrup, simmer 'until' tender (about 12- minutes). Lift peaches _.±Jtobow1ntl set.aside until you a* •-have peeletl-wrchttekaiiC*k•-4- mainder. Remove saucepan from heat; add peaches in bowl, covef and let stand .9vernight. Next morning, pack peaches into ste- rile hot jars. Add the spices to the syrup and reheat to boiling, Pour syrup over pickles to cover fruit to within y, irOof jar tPp.--Seal, cool and 'store 'in a cool, dark place. .1# Q AUTOMATIC WASHER A;t6F, EED QUEEN NOW OFFERSA TRULY, 100% LL -FABRIC WASHER Speed Queen no'offers a third agitator speed so feathery gentle tliat-the gheerest delicates can be laundered with 'total safety. No longer need the bathroom Wash basin be a laundry tub. This new Model A46F Speed Queen now tikes over the hand washables, heretofore considered toe delicateto trust to 3M/ashing machine. Stop in for .="a demdnstratiom, tG9DERICH) LIMITED 5244581 • rr prize at your • C.110CoLATE LAYER "CAKES 3 SIZES OF DATE FILLED Chocolate Marshmallow Rolls A WIDE VARIETY OF COOKIES. CULBERT'S BAKERY' "•• Fri., 'til 9 pm. tfr 49 West Street Goderich 524-2941 Mon., Tues., Wed., Thuis.,,Sat.,,8:30 'til 630 "INI.A4011trIMIINIU4.?“,Wr.Prhifireb111.14.h.k. • YOU'LL GET A STOMACHACHE 11 YOU DRINK TOO MUCH CHANCES ,.ARIE TOUTCTIZEtRET THAT TOO Do The Former NOBODY CAN KEEP YOU FROM THE LATTER SEPT. 4 ES" Inserted by The "Vote Yes" Committee • SEPT. 4 AT McARTHUR fit REILLY . . . NEWT HAS__ BEEN: ADDED CUSTOMIZED DRAPERIES . I , h4 avole4,1korrAamouo .4. 10/140.0,1 rinatItt0 We now stock a complete range of customized d1aperies that are made all ready to hang and made to your r quiremem3. We can satisfy your requirements for ev y eoom in the house. With the addition of drbperies 4o our stock we are now. in a poOtion to offer you, a omplete home decorating -ervice from floor to ceiling. if you -desire to disCuss your home decorating in your wn home call us for an appointment at your convenience. .• A ,FEW ONLY CASH PRIZES WORTH .:.sMOKED COLEMAN'S BACON LB. ICNICS lb. BURNS 69C TRYPACK SAUSAGE 50,000 ,BOLOGNA By THE PIECE LB. 34c COTTAGE ROLLS Ude 151 Game STEAKS CUT FOR BARB-Ct ANY SIZE, WITH THE PURCHASE OF 4 GE LIGHT BULBS 5:.LBS. WHITE 3 LB. Play Like Bingo Win. Up -To 100.00 A, New Game In ach Ad CLARK'S TOMATO FOR 100 1 • . TzA, GREEN GIANT FANCY 15 -oz. PEAS 3 FOR 53C LIBBYS 15 -oz. TINS Fruit Cocktaill FOR 79c FACELLE BATHROOM TISSUE 8 FOR 99c HEINZ 48.oz1 TNS Tomato Juice 3 FOR 98c - S ,CARNATION ARS SWEET mixED PICKLES FO NABOB 6.0Z. JARS INSTANT COFFEE 1.09 57c 59c R 9c HEREFORD 12-0z.'TINS CORNED BEEF 49c FACELLe 300's' Focicil Tissues 1 FOR :79c FACELLE PAPER Towel Rolls 4 FoR39c JOHNSONS FLYING INSECT RAID 99e,..1; RED & WHITE ODMASTER Open Nightly Until 10 P.M. foryour Shopping Convenience 91 VICTORIA STREET NORTH „, r 15