HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-12-17, Page 5-Y of ;IOC for by 00. iii; e lug 1011 rs ble 311, :al lc; e k 6) ),00 1,00 la's eve ent en, • iseseserteraftweersinesseemseemelesemeriememeeatemese J. H. l-R..Lll.RVJ.`,l Before you buy your Fall c Winter Clothing Call and examine the large and well -assorted stook of Fine Worsted Sui zings Fine Sooteh Tweed er Canadian or aR Also all the leading colors and patterns in Overooatin s All will be made up ►n first-class style at prices away below the lowest. Remember we *guarantee a CI 0Si13 r or Ile Sale..—Give me a�call"l. Jr H. GRIEVE, News of the Week -Condensed CANADIAN. Bev. Jonas Johnson of Winnipeg is dead. The post -office at Cartright has been robbed. Oxford county will build a new poor- house. The discovery of gold at Belmont Is proving valuable. Diphtheria has become epidemic at Morden, Manitoba. The snow blockade in Manitoba has been partially relieved, Brookville's new buildings erected this summer cost $35,01'0. Cape Breton sent 500,000 tons of Coal t0Montreal 1 tr al the last season n (+ Q A black bear weighing over 800 lbs. has just been shot at Sharbot Lake. A farmer near Windsor has been fined $50 for selling hard older. R atorinlin ston harbor is lower than ithas been for twentyntY years. a The public officers under suspension nsion at Ottawa have all been dismissed. Zion. Thos. McGreevy., it has been deoidod,is entitled to his indemnity for 1800. Gait coal brings $7.50 in Winnipeg, and atliacleod, 30 miles away, $30 a ton. Tito first train over the North-west Central railway of Manitoba will run this week. The'rorrena system of transfer has been approved by the Hastings County Council. Southern Manitoba railway lands sold more rapidly the last two months than before. The Montreal Hospital has been be- queathed $100,000 by G. C. Hamilton of that city. The desirability of a drive along the edge of the ,'mountain" is again being diactlssed in Hamilton. A toad of 14,400 dozen eggs crossed from Windsor to Detroit on Saturday, despite the McKinley Bill. Mr. O'Hara died at plerrickville last week,: aged 108 years. He was the oldest man in Canada. Lieut, Col. Boyd, commanding the nd Bruce Battalion, died at Port El - Monday from cancer. unknown man has been struck by otive and killed in the Grand ids at Jarvis. - alf a million tons will be output from the Springfield, Nova Scotia. eal apple trade has in: lie South American lum- o to pieces. oards of Trade will is mail service at a nthe 15. ade to secure the s in Montreal at 7 s in Toronto. or the Montreal tried at the next .g Mr. Mercier. firms will have alto: 0 men in the shanties ure rather over other courts have shown that restricted reciprocity," .action, but unrestricted i Northern Railway has a farmers of the Red River vacate its lands. - Trouble is on mt: Kinsey, 40 years of age, re ;ar Aylmer, shot himself with ver on Thursday night. fie had o mentally aberrated. .'Jane Reilly, of 'TM"ronto, poured 111 on a -fire Saturday to make iti better. Elerclothing caught 'lire, ibis was burned so terribly that recovery is doubtful. The Dominion Government has again ailed for tenders for a fast line of steamers between England and•Canada, Itis stated that the tiovernment sub+ sidy will be made $1,000,000 per year for an efficient service. This year the wheat crop of Manito- a and the Northwest is nearly 30,000,- 00, and of Ontario 32,584,426 bushels, .1together the Dominion is, expected o yield a wheat crop of 23,000,000 in excess of Inst year. The creditors of Lewis Wigle have sold the stooks in Leamington and Wheatley, and everything, with the f thert a exception o ino E gas to Solomon Wigle, for 20 cents on the dollar. Lewis WIgie will continue the buafnese. The bylaw granting, a bonus of $2000 to C, roster & Co., shoe manufacturers, lo transfer the Y to -•, s of 1 was on at the - vote "day, being earned by e vote of 145 to 9. Sir Alex. Campbell, of Toronto, is seriously ill. The Canadian Pacific Railway has up to date .moved 3,000,000 bushels of this season's grain to the lake front. Grand Trunk through passenger trains commenced running through the St. Clair tunnel on Monday. On Deo. 17 Rev, Fabler Mo Williams, of Kingston, will be 21 years a priest. Of these he spent seventeen years and six months in Railton. A definite statement cornea from Chicago that the Grand Trunk Railway has withdrawn 2,000 cars from its Canadian service to lend to its Chicago branch. Tenders are invited by the Depart- ment of Public Work, at Ottawa for a postofiice at Port Arthur and another at Petrolea; also for a drill -abed and barracks at Toronto. The following is the return of ttfiic earning of the Canadian Paoiiio Ryxl- v,ay from Nov. 21 to Nov. 30, ISA. For 1b91, 579000; for 1390 $476,000. The increase for 1591, is, therefore, $103,OUt11, Grand Trunk receipts for the week ending Nov. 23, 1891, *3b7,. CGS, increase over correspond.ng week in 1800, $11,004. Tim 1't o,isx AND Bun Articles known t medical science aru Used io rPi rIn Hood's s Sarsaparilla. Every iugredini:tIs carefully sc•leeted, rer.3oniiily a rambled, ani only the beat retained. The medicine is prepared under the 81st ervi8'en if theism :lily cuWpe. tent phartnee:sts, and every step in the procure of manufacture is c=.tr. folly watched, with a view W securing in lluo;1'a Sarsapa- rills the brut possible result. C 0. Ilirltai;us S: Co. C:,•nts.-We consider \MINARD'S LINI- :IIF.NT rho hest iu the in erlfet and eheoriully recutnweud iter mea, J. if. IiaLels, el. D., 15t1. vue hospital. E. C. arr•L3 .toiN, M. D. L. It. C It.. R-iiuburi;h. M. IL C. ,. England. 1I. D. It Itsoe. M. P.. 1. ni. of Peon. Sale Register. Tura�naw .U(:.^. 17TIT.•T•Farin sleek, ica- pletnents, eta., the property of Jacob Drown,. lot 23, cog. Hay,mile north of Zurich 11, � Salo at one o'clock. Ed. Borst?nberry, Au*. Tun rtrAu ,N WRY --The reason why Bur. dock Blood 'litters leads all other modioinea i o, „popularityi b b t r8 eeAnBe It is a n the t 1 delicate soluteDy pt(ri,eanuot Harm the moat d licato invalid, and Lever f>tils to cure bitionsuese, dyspepsia, tad blood.constipatioo, etc. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard. poll or eallonseet Lumps and Ulom- iabns!tour horses, Blood Slavin, Cutlet, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sondes, Sore and Swollen Threat, Coughs, eta. save $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cnro over known. Sam. by 0. Lutz. 0-29 ly /cowmen Fnoir PAIN -Dear ,glia, -I have been troubled with lame beak for about 6 manths,and thought I would try Hagyard's Yellow Oil, which cured me, Am now free from all pains, and recommend Yellow 011 very Liable. Elwin PALSIt"R, Winona, Ont. 11fA1titIE O. M(Lren-OAaruinrre-At Go iericl:, on the 26th of November, bytho Bov. Dr Ure.l\Ir. Angus Mal cod of Ripley, and Miss May Campbell or Colborne township. ,inns-uucar,E -At Tomnto,ou the 25th Nov, 1891, at the Alothodist ;parsonage, b y the Rev. 3. W.Maxwe11,11Tr- F A. Kirk of Tor- o nd MissAda Buckle of Blanshard • MoDOvnr,D-Witmsmoxt,.-At the residence of too bride's parents, St Marva, on 1Ved- nesday,Dee.2nd. by Rev. J. Scott, M. A„ Roderick McDonald of Benno, to Nellie, daugeter of Sir. J. Whetstone. DIED. O'RounKE-In Goderiob. on Tuesday,Deo .1st Mary, ary, beloved wife of Peter ORourke, egad 59years. 7 months land 26 days. MoCunze,cs.-In Seaforth, on Nov 30tb,David McCulloch, aged 76 years. 1ScLE0i,.-In Seaforth, hu Nov. 28th,Anianda Hannah , who of Mr. Kenneth McLeod, aged 88 years. HARnrxo-In Detroit, on the 36th uit., Mrs. Philip Harding, formerly of Blanchard,=ged 46 years . McLAuauTEN.-In Blansbard, on the 27th'ult, Sarah, wife of :John McLaughten, aged 84 years. Orrven In Clinton, on Nov. 26, irrs, A. Ll. Oliver, aged 72 years. WALKER -In Stanley on the27th ult.,Dunoan G Walker, aged 23 years. 4 months and 7 clays: Wann&on-In Mullett, an Nov 80th, Thornton Wallace, aged 6? years, 9 mos, Rowonr17n.-In Stephen, on Oth iLst., Thos. 1iowciiffo,aged 80 years,8 mos. 400,000 BRICK FOR SALE At Lowest Prices. JOHN MITCHELL Has for sale at his yard, south of the Crediton Road, 400,000 first-class brink A CALL SOLICITED.. JOHN MITCHELL, D10 Crediton P. O. GENUINE Reductions • ....IN.... BOATS & ST -10M, ETC -AT-- MUNSON'S. AT-M .NSON' . zot; flaflo Mills, 500 CORDS Wood Wanted.! DELIVERED AT THE MILL For which we will pay high- est market prices. TUE EXETER IIIIf. LING Coy. NARKET REPORTS. Eel Who at ••- Suring :4neat ... ahrley Oats Olo- er Sac:; Tim ouby Petra Corn lIgee Gutter Slonrpoibbl .. i'otatoes,porhealed Applea,per oag o ell rb Drt dAppl p Geese per lb. Turkey per lb I)uoltepee Ib Ohiokenspar pr Hine ,dre on,0porICO Beef .., unlearnngh., .,. dressed Sheepskins each Causkina Woolperlb Hay per tou t)aionsnerbnst, Woodperoord For the next two -mouths Manson will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices to clear bis present stock to make room for Spring Goods. The Stock is first glass, carefully selected and of Al quality, Everything guaranteed. An all -calf Shoe for $2.75, worth $3.50, and other goods equally cheap. Get ourrice our and 1'see goods be- fore purchasing. Remember that the Bargains are Genuine and for -the next two months goods will be sold at coat. - GEO. MANSON, Next door aouth of Post Office. 444 14. M▪ 1 me MP ST: IfART 4. Imo MP ems 14. 444 53 to 91 pito pc 4. to 4; 50 to 311 4 29 to 4 :cl 1`49 to ; 4'4e K 80 nn U 40 to Gil Vito ;OE 1:,0O CO G 50 tea 0 5i 1(0to1vu 0 4to05n O(6ter 0V6 it to t9 of,•rto007 025 to 080 5. 09 t c 5 e•. t 00 to55 2i 400to4,,o OJ8052i 0 60 to 70 060 to 0 01 13 to 019 9 9..; WO 94. 000to050 26080800 Fall Wheat its 'i1. Spring Wheat ........................ 9 y,a Barley . 0 49 0 411 Oats a "q 30 Clover Rood 3 75 4 2.i Timothy...,............. 1 251 (e' Pons0 t s, 0 rsa Eggs. ... ,.. 1' 010 Butter 1G 015 Potatoes, nor bag 59 55 Applos per bush 059 Alt001per lb le 0 19 Har perton........- 9 0910 90 Aran per ton-. ......... 4 •• .„..34 x , 34 CO 14 re Shorty '• ” ....21 00 _a 90 Oatmealporhbl,. (4 60 7 CO Itogs,dresred per 3!0 S 00 to G 25 LONDON. Whoat, 87 to '►i' roe bus. Oafs. 3'„ to 3-4 or bus. Peas. 'i.o to a -c per bun. llar- k a,M ilting. II to 49c nor bus. Barley Feed, aro to 490 par bus Corn, 5610 to ale Por. bushel, TORONTO. Tf). Toronto. Dee, 9 -Wheat Spring -No 2,940 toirio nor biter roa1R 3..:,intor.Nofmc �ln aro perbus. Manitoba No 2bard.115 to 1 tt3 Ne 9, tete to 97 PI'IAS6Se to 07c per bus. t1A,T> toe to S6c per bus. FLOUR. extra. Tri .0 to 94.1+~ per bun; straight roller. ti. 15tH $4;25 strongbakors.''i.0;) to ;85M. BARLEY. No 1. feeding. EN to 57o, 1eJOriNUAI3Lns,\ Ci-Dear Sirs -Last summer my younger sisters were taken very badly witcroup, indeed we were almostest in despair, basing little hope of curing them. Finally we applied Hagyard's 'fellow Oil. and to oar great joy it cured them perfectly and they are now enjoying the blessing of perfset health, ANNIE JonNSTON,Dalhonsie, N. B. A. Goon VERDICT -Sirs, --I have great Te. aeon to spank well of your B. B. Bitters. I have taken G bottles for myself and family and finer that for loss of appetite and weak - nese it has no equal. It cures sink headache purifies the blood and will not fail when used I heartily reoommend it to all wanting a pure medicine. THE 13ssT YET. -Dear Sirs, --31y mother was attacked with inflammation of the;Iungs which left her very weak and never free from cold, tilt at last alio got a Ivory severe cold and cough. She resolved to try Hag- yard's Pectoral Balsam, and, on so doing. found it did her more good then any other medicines she ever tried. Sins. KENNEDY, 50 Smith Ave., Hamilton, Onc. What is more annoying than going about constantly hawking and spitting? This is the result of catarrh, and Nasal Balm will cure any case when faithfully used. Conn WEATHER TRIALS -Dear Sirs -This fall and winter I suffered from neuralgia in my face and had the best medical advice without avail, I at last thought of trying B. 13. B. and after using one bottle have not felt any symptoms of neuralgia since. I re- gard it as a fine family medicine. J. T. DRosr, Heaslip. Man. A horse purchased recently by Jas. H. Metcalfe, M. P P., of Kingston, was afflicted with diphtheria. The stable dog and a cat caught the disease and died. Mr. Metcalfe's children, six in number, were laid up with the disease and two have died. The others are recovering. Minard's Liniment eurea Colds, eto. FOUND. An Overcoat on day of Exeter Fair, between Shapton's and Exeter, owner can have it by proving property and paying this adv't. dc3-3in HENRY EMBER, Crediton. STRAY STEER. There strayed into the premises, lot 5, eon. 1.2 Hay, on or about Nor. 15,a red steer, 1 -year- old. with a few white spots. The -owner is re- quested ,to prove property, pay charges. and take the animal away. Jona Voauoea, Bay,Deo.3,-38 Dashwood P.O. FOR SALE. Lots 49 and 50, corn&r of Victoria and Oar- ling streets, Exeter, with good dwelling house thereon. Apply to - - �'rrxor& ELL/OT, N24 -1m Solicitors, Etc„Exeter, IAND FOR SALE. - - 1 The property known as the old church of England gronnda comprising ono lot, is now offered for sale. (Terms reasonable. Apply to E, OiIUISTln, Pros; or A, DYER, Soey., of the Stephen and Usborne Agricultural Society. No e.12 -lm. - BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned wlllk.ep for service, during the season, on the Riverside Farm, a thoro-bre Belmont]; Boar. - TERMS .-31, payable nt time of service. with privilege of returning if neoessa ry. N24 -lm T. ROssant,Prop. 1.11111. EVERY FARMER'S So N SHOULD RAVE A BUSINESS EDUCATION. A POSTAL will mare the catalogue of the FOREST CITY Bnsnioss College. LONDON, ONTARIO. Over 100atudents in attendance. 7. W. WESTERVELT, Prin. '900 (�O SALARY and Commis. 1 . sign to Agents:men and Wom- en, Teachers and Clergymen to introduce a new and popular standard book. Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth The most remarkable religiou' book of the ago written by Ii' 0 eminent scholars, Non-sectarian. EveryChristianwants it. Exclusive territory given. Apply to BOAR FOR SEK.VIOE. The undersigned will keep for service, dor n the sea t e leu on lot 16 e m 7 g sboroa U ,a there' bred Chester White Boar, , Tnnnrs,-$1, payable at ti u e of service, with privilege o returning If n6°0( 01107. L10 -2m - Wu. Sunup - The linty Bill Co., Norwich, Cohn. 't SES OFA fir all age'. resulting from Errors or Indi=_re. tient. of koutlr. taus bu pc710 mneetiyeurel,aild the vigor of perfect wanbeel fully restore,d,as NE1WOi:$ DEBIi,ITY. STERILITY with .'.+ElfINA LLOSSES& PIU M.4T1'Rl 1)1 ( Y Lona Standing eascsuf e1LEt £. ttPtt1CTL RF. SYPHILIS. S ,&IIIG'tu2$LF, and all PItIt ATI: andCIIRO\IC 1ti"eases treated with perfect success. Om' Acid is in CHRONIC CASES In which others have failed; if you aro incurable we will frankly tell you FA - Write for particular, and treatise. Free. toga'. Lm'td MEDICAL Co.. 192 and 1 tt 11,1ng Streit. 1', est.Torunto,0ut. 83:6m Exeter Music btore i� I , BTSS i'Tlf�� AROS ri10 THE FRONT.— The R NT. The cheapest place in town to. by Builders' Hardware, Nails, Hinges Locks, Mass, Put .y, Paints and OiI New stock of the celebrated Johnston's Liquid Paints -Showy Colo New lines of Artists' Paints and Brushes. Barbed, Plain, Strip, Black and Galvanized Wires cheap for Ca Tinware Stook Complete. -- Eavetroughill a Special New Rayal Sewing Machines aid GIVE 1.7S A CALL Z$*T :0,114)0 CO 'ZOQTTON ROOT OOLfIO(JXD. Are a rt discovery by an old. 11y re: an �u rs et'At cis• etntnrfhf_f4,+fth,ni t,clsof LliOOS I tbo. or i+erfe - iy satoan dretiab'erae•,icine diFeoverrd. Beware of un • I principled i'r:waists who , 9 •r inferior medicines in , place of this Asir t ,r Cawly'- Cowes. 1i. o; t°o,Ip:.i'NO t r.1 e.lav,,r ti°i,to. or,:i- inclose $1antiP 4 three -cent Canada C..Ftage etatups in letter.; I1orinf e4tateeuco.1 oar 5°i"i .+n r mat d tlilselo 1.:J :' we will Ltryeaparicusntai en:mail. only, 2 atatnp". Adlress roust Lily Company , , \o,iFisher heck.l$LWoodwar:lave..1let r,oit DRESSED HOGS Stich. sold in z'cterby 1)11. I.1 1/., 4.:r.1ai- , Drug Store and by all druggists escrywhcre, t At Highest Cash 1'ti ss. niorPitineka: SMELL BR S.' CO. l Mowed bogs 1ngat theonmv! Victlithi. f n o :, iiia Petra if eliouller etee . ; .- 4, 3 Tea cid for bnag gut or gu➢;est if!. t ERKIUS & MARTIN. l iii. We have c:+nstantty un hard a largo display of the best PIANOS, ORGANS,. SEWING MA hllvES, BICYCLES and SMALL 11ILI$IGAL INSTRUMENTS. Perseus anticipating the purchase of any- thing in the above lines will do well to call at the store. Wo guarantee satisfaction. and priers as low as car, be hail at the eaanufactories. 11 o would resneotfully ask yon to call and see our stock- It is as tine as will bo found iii r a 't music store. ' any P.S.-Agents for all kinds of agricultural d im cmente. STAND :--Fanson's Block, Exeter. Happy Priz,%1 Winners ! „ of uistla • Sept.� let Go the afternoon1 the street opposite the Dominion Lahore.. tory was blocked liy boys and Girls made happy by prizes drawn by purchases of Seined hooka and Supplies at Browning's Book and Drug Store. The following is a partial llat of the winners : Ticket No. 07 -Willie Clarke, Beautiful Napkin Ring in Satin and Gold Covered Vaso Nu.2'2-Eddie Crocker, Teapot stand 2(0 -Bettie ii— Perfume -f. Buctleoficrftm No.2-Ilorbert Medford Dress Fan 218 -Miss Muter (Usbornel i'uokot Bible 204 -John Spackman, Magic Slate Cleaner 2'33- IluA Gould. Pocket .Xeoessairie 75-R. Kinsman, Poiished Ink Stand 100 -Wm. Brooks, Set Silver linifo,Fork.Spoon 57 -Necklace 13i-Jeseie t:roech, Handsome Dress Fan 207-Aimer Nelson, Scholars Companion 210 -Eddie Crocker, Lacrosse Stick or bottle of Florida Water 77-R. Kinsman. Uo-Cart 17 -Louis Manning, Steuucnpo complete with number of handsome photographic views 208 -Eddie Croaker. Splash 69-W. Brooks, Scholars Companion with Lack 235 -Hugh Gould, Go•Cart 217 -bliss Huntortirsborne) FishPond Game 212 -Fruit Basket 66 -Wm. Clarke, Neeessaire 215 -Miss hunter, Cut Glass Weight 201 -Eddie Dignan. Stamp album 230 -Hugh Gould, Ladies Companion '38 -Eddie Crocker. White wood Money -box 70 -Louis Manning, Magio Pocket -book 26 -Sylvester Eaorett, Rubber Ball 55 -Wm. Brooks, Fruit Basket 40 -John Snell, Magic Slate Cleaner 28 -Sylvester Eacrott. Hand -painted splash 2'31 -Emily Gould, Mother of Pearl Purse 231 -Henry Gould, Fountain Pon 7C -R. Kinsman -Rose wood Writing Desk. BOYS All should buy their Sch000l Books and Supplies at Browning's and secure a chance of a Prize at the best great drawing. .All Goods Sold at Lowest Prices and the chance for a prize thrown in. Don't miss getting tickets -free to pur- chasers of School Books. The prizes at the next drawing will far surpass those given out at the last. DOMINION LABORATORY, Main-st,Exeter GREAT BARGAINS IN Sim: and Tinware Having a number of Cases of the best Bradley Tin in stook, and having en- gaged Mr. Will Folland, Exeter's popu- lar tinsmith, to make up the same, we will now sell all kinds of Tinware away down for the next TWENTY DAYS - everything new. - LOOK Al OURSlOVES COOK Bermuda, -Original, Selkirk, Florida, North-west Standard. COAL : Art Countess, Royal Art, Brilliant Novelty, Double Heater, Dou- ble Heater with Ovens. - BON STOVES. Nails, Hinges, Locks -the celebrated Gravity Look, no springs to- wear out,- Cattle Chains, Scoop Shovels, Forks, Axes, X Cut Saws, Hinges, and all kinds of Rouse 'Fittings. PAINTS : Jolinston's,Elephant, Jumbo Lipid Paints. - Varnishes of all kinds. Glass, Putty, et:. A large assortment of Col rd Glass. T. N. HOWARD. ' r 11J II RIG We are .ilia lural yr. I t9 au, ;. s •)r c' T.�. il[ a� w.rr' i era at #lae� I"AL'$1n iG Ii Q r t lt:d C4 a of Cnre3 Meat, Sausa,:,e, B 1 na He y buying your Dail and Winter {aur,tls Glaerse,Fr€e11 Farb, Tenitibin, Sgaro 1 Lard an11 Hams. at DOUPE'S CHEAP ;TORE, KIl:K'ION Wholesale anti Retail. • New (footle in Every Depatttneut. B .0S Come yourself and bring your friends' and you will Lind what a low price renally; WHOLESALE & RETAIL means in s �r Grade �,r r�r Highest Goods J of Honest Quality. 1GROCERS DOLIPE t. , CO , Kirkton, Wino t‘, :uerc'1' iitQ. �ashia�ahie Myles ! C 0 H EXETER, - ONTAta°. W JEXETERNOnTH(ENEflAI.4TiMiE • Owing up Bus!n;ss> V r 1A Clearing SAL AT and BELOW COST We offer our entire Stook of Pry fiends, including HENRIETTAS & CASHME QCostume Cloths, Dress Flannels iC *°' Fit Flannettea, Grey all -wool Flanne' stook of all -wool Underwear, lags and Worsted Panting -la A nice lot of FURS to be o, -r ,it o TEM BEST YET THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen 1 leave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stook of. Fine Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town, yon are sure of satisfac- tion .. S1VML.L. 1892. HARPER'S WEEKLY. ILLUSTRATED. Ladies' Fur Capes, Maffe, Boas, Caps ane Fur Trimmings. Gents' Hats & Caps in Seal, Astrtcan, Persian, Grey Lamb. Kid Winter Gloves and Mitts for Ladies and Gents Carpet and Floor 0i1 Cloth. Our prices in BOOTS & SHOES are away down below cost -job lot Readdmades. Suits & Overcoats for Men and Youths. A nice lot of Dinner and Tea Setts m latest patterns to be cleared out at once. TEAS -We have a large stook of Teas wilid, will be cleared out at a heavy reduction. 5 lbs Japan Tea for $1, other Tea for 15e up. General Groceries. -Our Stock is com- plete and will be kept complete while this sacrifice sale continues. Vle offer a rano- tem of 25 per cent. for cash. Patrons and all others used well, Call and see. Now is the time to boy Hardware cheap, including Silver-plated Spoons and Forks Table Knives, Razors, Pocket Knives, Door Locks, Knobs and Hinges; also padlocks. No trouble to show Goods. JOHN MATHESON. Harper's Weekly for the coming year will oontain more attractive features, more and finer illustrations. and a greater number of ar- ticles of live,intense interest than will be found in any other periodical. Among these latter will be a series of articles on the twenty-five greatest cities of the world, inoluding fivethun- dred illustrations. The Columbian Exposition the Army and'Navy,great public events. dis- sster on land and sea. and the doings of the celebrated people of the day will be described and illustrated in an attraotivo and timely manner. the Department of Amateur Sport will continue unser the direotion of Gaspar W. Whitney. The best of modern writers will eon tribute short themost distinguished artists will make the illustrations. The editor - al articles of Mr. George William Curtis will remain as an especial attraction. Harper's Periodicals HARPER'S WEEKLY'. 4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE, Per Year $4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR, 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE " 200 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The Velumes of the Weekly begin with the first Numbers for January ofeaoh year When no time is mentioned, subsoriptions will begin wita'the Number current at tho time of receipt of order. Beim d'Volumes of Harper's Weekly for tbre, Years. back. in neat cloth binding. will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided th :freight does not exceed u o 1 me ,f r 7 er o:u 1 rvo ) e P v mo $ P e Cloth Oases for each volume. suitable for binding. will bo sent by mail, post-paid, on re - Remi ttancesshould be made by Post -office IYloney Order or Draft, to avoid obanee of loss. Newspapers are not tocopy thisadvertise- ment o - nent without the express order of HaUPER & BROTH&Rs. Address: IiARPER & BROTHERS, New Yerk. HURRAH! N ZW Tailor Shop We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on tn.e shortest possible notice and in the Latest Stir' s -AND A- 1 Sure Fit Guarantees JO-HNS. e k;