HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-08-13, Page 70 * fisher Reunion The annual Fisher reunion was held th, Bayfield July 19. A program of sports was en- joybd,.. Winners of races were: Janet Ginn, Peggy Fisher, Per- ry Fisher, Jeff Fisher, Faye 'Fisher) Barbara Eliott, Doug Fisher, •-•;Shiriey-• .t.Fiaher, .Gail` Fisher, Wayne Tebbutt, Bruce Fisher, Wayne Tebbutt, Bruce Fisher, Joan F!sher, Keith Fish e.r, Wayne Snyder. Three-legged race, S.hirley and Bruce Fisher; boys' bag race, Larry ,and Bruce Fish,t4; �ibaerace, Shirley and Joan 'isher; wheelbarrow race, Arn- 61d and Bruce Fish-er; corn on spoon,- Janet Fisher; ladies' kick -the -slipper,- Jane ' Fisher; ladies' soda biscuit, Phyllis • Fkiter; men's balloon race, El - At ,,,Bayfield.: mer Fisher, Larry Fisher; lady with most buttons on dress, Mrs. George Ginn; corn in Jar, Mrs. Wilfred Fisher, Mrs. Pearl Gallagher; oldest -person, Hor- ace Fisher; recently married, Mr. and Mrs, Wa-yne *Snyder; Ingest married, Mr. and, -Mrs. -- Milton Wiltse; longett distance, Mrs. G. McMichael; large:St fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fisher; youngest person, Brenda Fish- er. Supper was served at 5 o'clock with thb business session follow- ing. Officers. for 1965 are. Pi=e- sident, Irvine Tebbutt; vice-pre- sident, Bernard Fisher; secre- tary -treasurer, Wayne Snyder; sports, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Teb buttand Mr. and .Mrs. Arnold Fisher. _ 11 GEORGES—ChilaqL August 16th — 12th .Sunday After Trinity 11:30 a.m. Holy Communion , 11;00 a.ni. Holy Communion and Sermon (Junior Congregation and Nursery) No Evening Service During Summer Mdliths Rector: REV. CANON KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A, D.D. , 2, ig-e--Burgoin, Organist and •ChorrarilgirKT.:- • THE UNITED CHURCH OF- CANADA is North Street 'United Church, 10:00 a.m. Sunday School • 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Sermon: "'THE LORD'S PRAYER (3). The Minister Will Preach - Bill Bettger at the organ. (Nursery and Juhior CorigrelatiOnr" The Rev. W..). ten Hoopen, B.A., B.D., Min. L. H. Dotterer, Organist Knok Presbyterian Church THE REV. G. LOCK'kART ROYAL, B.A., Minister William Cameron, Director of Praise , , t 1• .9 E. Cards of Thanks G. Conlin 'Events JOHNSTON. — We sincerely thank our friends and neigh- bors for their kindness and messages of sympathy during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to the Lodge funeral home and Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Bell, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Johnston. -32 sincere thanks to Dr. J. R. Leitch, Dr. John Wallace, the nurses and staff of Second Floor East, for their kind attention; to every- one at Sato Fine 'Salt plant, thy friends, relatives and neighbors for cards, flowers, and all their aid during my stay at the hospital. Special thanks to Austin Hartman, George Hadden, Pat Kennedy, Percy Blundell, Catherine and Burns Jerry. Bob Rae. -32 STEWARDSON. — Sincere thanks are expressed fbr __..cazds,_...gifts- and—kindnesses: rendered to me while I was a patient in Goderich hos- pital. Special thanks to the -staff, nurses and also all those who provided transport- ation for my wife. , Clifford Stewardson. 32x F. Engageamts, Mr. and- Mi7r-Ernest--A-ilci _ wish to announce the engage- men.t of their daughter, Diana Margaret, to Kenneth Robert MacAdam, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert 11facAdam,Ill of ,Gode- rich. The marriage will take place on August 29 at Knox Presbyterian Church at 2.30 p.m, 32x • Mrs. Paul Walmark, Ai4h Tree House, Mnionville, • On- tario, wishes to announce the engagement of her daughter, Sheila Kathleen Kristin, to Michael Paul Edmond Pick, son, of Mr. and, Mrs. Jan Pick, Sherbrooke, Quebec. The wed- ding will take place Saturday, August 29, 1964, at 2 pan. in St. Philips .Anglican Ohurch, Goderielf Teen Theatre' pre- sents 'Sunday Costs Five Pesos" aid "Heaven on Earth," at MacKay Hall, -August 25 and 26, at 8 p.m. Admission, adult' 60c; children 25c. -32-33 'Doke sale, •Saturday, -'gust -22, 1.30 p.m., former Tots and Teens' store, sponsdred by.. Vic- toria St, U.C.W. BINGO Harbourlite Inn Wednesday, August 19 Sponsored by' - Goderich Lions club 111111111111111www0111000110011meammemi , Obituary ROBERT L. qumurav • Mr. aid Mrs. 'Leo Ouellette• recently attewled the funeral service for their grandchild, Robert L, Ouellette, -six-week- old son,of Mr. and Mr•K Robert L. Ou'ellette of Adrian, Michi- gan. The 1V1.asS of the Angels' took Place in Blessed Sacrament Church with interment in .Cal- vary cemetery. Miss Nanette Ouellette of Goclerigh and Denis buellette of' Windsor also attended the fun- eral. The infant, who died of -pneue tn,onia, is also survived -by his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Kehn of Toledo, Ohio. '` rar - (Continued from ,page 1) Mr. and Mrs. William Madge -of Cayley street: De art ent 'of Ed ti P ni uea on s summer school in London. .• Richard Madge ' When Mr. Madge first moved to, Goderich, he was an' eight- year-old -third-grader. He' com- pleted his grade schbol ednea- tion at the Goderich Central Mempintary-e41511.,.. adu'a-ted--4G]3'L- Ile dual Wen- fenialedeat7tlie-e:Uni•-• versity' of Western 'Ontario, where in' 1959 he received a bachelor of arts degree with a major in hist'&y. In 1960, he received a dipfcaa from the Ontario College of Education in Toronto. For the past four years, he has taught 9th and 10th-gradp history-anclQltaiglishea+-thteePaw. line Johnston Collegiate Voca- tional School in Brantford. The riewly-aneofflted GDCI English -History instructo; is married to the, former Ldurine MacDonald, who also is from Mr. and Mrs. Madge are the parents of a sok, Larry, two. Mrs. Madge, a gtAtluate- nurse, is the. daughter of Mr, and Mrs.., Clarence MacDonald, of Bayfield SUNDAY, AUGUST 16th , The Minister Will Preach "The Primacy of God" Nursery and Junior Congregation 9:30 a.ni. Service Only Pray for the Knox Spiritual Crusade THE UNITED CHURCH OF ,CANADA Victoria Street' Uniteci–Church 0 11:00 a.m. -Sunday School ,Summer Ministry- ,,_ • amsgrolio ' The Rev. Dr. H. - W. Treffry, Ph,D. 10:00 am. Benmiller Church and Sunday School REV. CECIL A. DUKELOW, Minister. MRS: J. SNIDER, Organist. t FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner Victoria and Park Streets REV. R. G. PELFREY, B.A., B.D., Pastor- Dial 524-9306 9.50 a.m. Sunday School 1E00 a.m. Morning Worship ** 7.00 p.m. Evangelistic Service Wed.;' 8.00°p.m. — Prayer Meetjng and Bible Study FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH of the Baptist Convention of Ontario nd Quebec Montreal Street Near The Square 10:00 a,m. 11:00- a.m. 7:00 p.m. Sunday School Morning Worship .• Evening Worship, Guest Preachtr — Rev. Robert Weaver, St. Albans, West 6 n, Virginia.. THE SALVATION ARMY CAPTAIN and MRS. ROIL WOMBOLD 10:00 a.m., Sunday School 11:00 a.m.'Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Salvation Meting Tues., 8:00 p.ml — Prayer Meeting Wednesdiyr8:00 pm. — Ladies' Home League EVERYONE„ WiELCOME CALVARY BAPTIST-CHURC-H Bayfield Road at Blake St. (Entrance off Blake) SUNDAY SERVICES 1000 a.m. Bible School — All Summer 11:00 a.m. -7 7:30 p.m. Church Services Wednesdby, 8:00 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Friday, 8:00 p.m. Young People's Pas4or: REV. T. LESLIE HOBBINS, B.A. Warm Welcome To All Bethel Pentecostal Tabernhcle Corner of Etgbi and Waterloo Sts. REV. 'ROBERT CLARK, Pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Classes for all ages. 1100 a.m. Morning Worship • , - 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service Tuesday 8 P.m. Bible Study and prayer i1ay p.m. Young People's Service / • • .mumo•mmmmmammmmra WATERLOO UNIVERSITY EP0- COLLEGE The Faculty of Arts and Science of 'Waterloo Lutheran ;Jraiiersity • invites a it 9- ---ua G. ddeIJI • To Apply for admission to General and Honors B.A. Programs in 'Business Admin.istration, Economics, English, French, Geography, German, Greek, History, Latin, Philosophy, Planning, Politics, Psychology, Sociology, Spanish and the General B.Sc. Programs. Admission Requirements for the 134A. Programs: A minimum average of. 55 ,per cent in nine' Grade 13 pape4s.... Admission Requirements for the B.Sc. ,Programs: A minimum average of 55 per cent lin nine Grade 13 papers with 60 per cent in Mathematics and Science. Scholarships: • An unlimited' number of scholarships zanging in value from $500 to $1,500 per year willbe awarded to ALL applicants with 75 per -cent or better. Orientation and . Registration of New Stu,dents: September 14 to 16, 1964. For Information, calendars and Application Forms, write or telephone: ' Mr. John M. Kopas,, Registrar Waterloo University College Waterloo" Lutheran University ' WATERLOO, Ontario - Alan Sumner As a specialist in industrial arts, Mr. Sunnier has had six years of teaching experience on the secondary school level. For two years, he 'served on the faculty of Lite -soli •District High School. Ile then moved hilt -fro -up years._ At St:- a rys, he also cage hed:'..g olf -and •sery.. ed as cadet training instructor, He is married. Clarke Teal Mr. Teal, -aa native of St. Cath-- arinet, Ontario, received his bachelorsVegree from Roberts Wesreyan College of North, Chili, N.Y. While Ln college, he 'carried a mathematics major, wfth •-frrinor.lii • teienetg.' While in college, too, he held an outside job as a building contractor, bossing construction jobs in off -class hours. He also played on 'th,"k school's soccer team. , His teaching assignment at GDCI is his., first. He is married. , Bill Wark the Mr. Wark, during thepast five years has completed , his academic requirenients for 6er, tifiSktimaLasharlezelaegsi•• ant. He is scheduled to 'receive hihC A.2.!.—e-ertification 4144s - 'summer. His loderich assignment .is his first as a• teacher. Mr., Wark, who is married, is a graduate. oPathe University of Western Ontario, where he earned a bachelors degree, majoring in econoYnics and poli- tical Kience. At G -DCI he will teach "busi., ness practice" in grade nine, typing in grades 10 and 11, and 'bookkeeping in grade 12. David Wright Mr. Wright is a f964.graduate of the University of Western,. 0 n. r e -„ha rtic--erived-* 'acl19rs degree. with maj&-L in science. In„ his first year at Goderich, he will teach grade nine science, and ' ,hu s i 111.,s 8 practice and serve as physical education instructor for grades nine and 10. • ' During his college years, he made the Varsity track team, specializing in the middle dis- tance events. In his off hours he, played the drums for dance bands and otehestras. He is 'unmarried.,.. Four Not Returning Four members of the GDCI 1963-64 faculty will not return in September. They are Prank Walkom, veteran Industrial Arts 'teacher in the local col- legiate system and reeve of the Goderich Town ,Council; Mrs. Lois Roberts, a French and Eng- lish instructor who is retiring from teaching; Bruce, Bailey, English and commercial instruc- tor who is committed to an overseas teaching project; and Alan Gaudet, French and Span- ish teacher who has accepted a position at Lively. The teaching faculty of Gode- rich District Collegiate Institute will number 27 at he start of the coining school year. • , 4; iruo ' 11,44i sthi, 4 4QC 44' TheGroderich f•figria1'4tAr, Thurosialb:' 7. 1, Itt L P wA N TE Men and Women To :Work From Aug. '24 to Oct. 10 at Vegetable Canning DAY .or ,NIGHT WORK- ' Transportation Provided • APPLY IN PERSONA TO NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE ‘a t" 0DERICH MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 10 a. m to 3-p. m. • CANADIAN CANNERS LTD. EXETER, ONTARIO • COLBORNE TOWNSHIP RESIDENTS held • • • • a quiet memorial for„departed loved ones Legion Picnthe afternoon of August 9. ic • . the annual service -were,' from left to right, In charge of above, Huron County Warden Ralph Jewell, Draws Over 2001- - More than -.00 members of Branch 109 of the Royal, Can- adian Legion, and its auxiliary, together with ',heir families, at - held at ,Camp•Kitchigami, Aug - Poisons . • • (Continued from page 1) ous apply only to pesticides and when used as directed, misuse makus_tncin dangarous,-:. af the \vorsJ, kei o;jene, seen now mostly in summer cottages; hut a cause of child poisoning. This petroleum • distillate is often a major component of pclishcs, pesticides, etc, Ben- zine and naphtha can cause dt.ath if "the fumes a: -'i 'deeply inhhled. Metal cleaners • and -polishes •Containin-g sulphuric acid and •hydrochloric acid are potentially a hazard. Several been reported from swallowing defergenl: "Outside paint, used 'to paint a baby!S• crib or toy,7-e-m cause death from lead pdisoni • sllettVtOt. pi-S.W.-1w, a • *"Organic pesticides are god bug killers but ciln alio be man 1r killers. »Mothball.> made orr camphor • and naphthaline are's' not used as much as they ,used to be, and I - wish. they were' not used at all. •Cosmetics get into the act. Home -permanent w:,,ve neutralizer is a had one. Alrohol sharnreg: and certain hair dyes are potentialpoison- . ors. - Turpentine, model' -air, plane glue are potential poisons if left \vilere small children can get at thent "Much is being done to solve the poison •problem. Especially in the last three orfour years federal Poison clinicshave been • set up. in Toronto, London and other cities, where a doctor ,can make quick reference, and 1f there is an antidote for a poi- son` it can be given, but some- times it is too lat. -Sometimes nobody knov,-.3 what poison has jbden taken, because a lot of things Are not labelled, though they should be. "The important thing is, pre- vention; by keeping all toxic su'bstancis out of reach, espec- ially of smalr'children." Mr -Marriott was introduced by .Stuart Forbes and thanked by Howard Aitken. 1.hey arrived .by car and by a s'becial. bus arranged for under Legion auspices. Chairman of the entertain- ment committee was Jim Sher- Patt, . The program.included a sche7 dule of sports hvents, including children's races, softball and horseshoe pitching. Older leg- ionnaires lounged under shade „trees, reminisced, and watched the kids' races. There was pop and ice cream forthe-yonngSters, and a picnic supper in the. evening. ...s.R.e.s.n 11s_01...itaaft& eve mist were: Lais-i-sgrifet'Zi'Vfill*ri", Bullen; Sheryl Harrison, Kathie Sheardown; five and under, Brenda Pollock, Judy Lawrenc% Marg. Sherratt; seven and un- der,. Diane McIsaac, Linda Col- lins, Annetta Cdrrick; nine and under, Karen Sheardown, Jody Reid, Betty Pollock:. 11 and under,yenny Sheardown, Ruby Sims, Clara Bedard; 13 and un- der, Penny Sheardown, Mary Ruth Rush, Vicky Sin's; 16 and under, Rosemary Basler, Janice Murphy, Joanne Cook. Boys, three and'undcr, Wayne Allan, Mike Hodges;4Ridky Han- sen; five and under, Larry Law- rence, piny Campbell, Mike Allan; seven and -'under, David Lawrence, Robert Hodge, Ricky Kingsley; nine and under; Peter Clark, Mark Rawley, Russell Wright; lr and under, Meriam, Clare Sager, Gordon Fisher; 13 and under, Clare Sager, Danny Burns, Billy Wed- lock;.16 and under, John Shear - down, Harold Rush, David Mil - Han. . .. . Boys wheelbarr . race, David Millian and Gary Doll,. Don Fisher and Jim Manderson, Murr4y .Adarrs and Gordon Fisher; girls wheelbarrow race, Betty •Bedard and ,Jtilie Anne Lassaline, Mary R. Rush - and Mary Anne Wolterbeek Teresa and Jarirec--Murphy; boys three- legged race, Joh and Steve Allan, Jerry Doll akid David Mil- lian, Harold Plus and John Sheardown; girls ree-lagged rare, Jenice and T resa Mur- phy, Rosemary' ' Basler and' Louise Evans, Mal", and Maur- een Sherratt; ladies kick -the - 'shoe, Mi -A, Les Riley, Mrs. Ruth Rush; ladies softball throw, Mrs. Helen Lawrence„ Mrs. Rosie Sheardown. W. J. Denornme FLOWER • SHOP, Phone • 'fr• .1 • -"7.7774--tt• reeve of Colborne townehip, the .RevoW:-J. Mains, retired Godetich minister; A. McCreath, chairman of the Colborne Cerne- terY. board. Nearly 100 persons were, on hand for. special Sunday ,nremorial. • SIGNAL -STAR PHOTO' . BIBLE. SCHOOL at The Salvation Army Atigusei,th to -21'st 10 A.M. .7tOrit'WM.awr l'ArtYreitcwArtfn117rWit up InflAct. ' E BEATLES who most of us have heard about, have made many headlines. We at Baird Motors have not, but we do attempt to give our used cars an A-1 re- conditioning job and.they • ' like new, Eve'n' after much -time and money has , been spent on these cars- we can still offer . . these ' / alm a price that is still very attractive to you, the customer. Make it a point to corhe in today and, talk over a deal with us at BAIRD'S 11081 1. O NCTO12@ EVP 0 414 HURON ROAD ' GODERICH 524-8311 • • , . • • • „ Agent for 24 -hr. • FILM. DEVELOPING •