HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-08-13, Page 6The Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday, August 13th, 1964 1. Articles For Sale • 2. Cars, Trucks For Sale 14.1711.1.4 Rigs. H. Hirst, phone.. 9824- -32 Nater tank, 22 gal, 'com- plete with electric heater and • thermostat, 'nearly dew, $15. . Phone.' 524 - 9608., -02 ' STUDIO. couch, red, good con- .. 4tion-, will sell cheap. rphond • •t• 32 .„. FERGUSON 35 diesel tractor, -three-furrow plough, 32-p1ate disc; cultivator; fur -section Tharrow,. blade; scraper: Allis- cdnibine. cornpicker. manure -loader, . sole n e -tooth harroAs ii,*loader. dump rake., Phone Al Lassal:ne. 524 9888. -32 GENERAL trailer, 45 x 10' Call 524 • 7150 after 6 p m. or an':' 'i Satin (la,. 32x _ . TWO 'h-o-M-7:nrade Quilts, one yel- ° -. low re -d pl a to, ono blue unhr1 z,rl, double -hod size .reasonaT;(. Phone 9778. fAvr1 Iiownea, ,traceor, Supt'U•sopmaster, Da \ id Brow n thre,,eu: row lift plou.ih, k954 De-oe, ear ch 'i Clin- ton 412. 7528. 129 Erie St • 4-32.x 1959 ZEPHYR six-cylinclext-fotir-' door. This car is .upholstered in red and white leather and has; a black finis,h. The tires are in good shape,htit the body will need a LaTLE work. This is a good buy at $400. This is absolutely_ •the rock • bottom price. We will definitely not go any lower'. Call 524 - 8331 - before six. •-32 1955 CHV convertible, V-6, -tstsda-rd shift. $400? Phone. 524 - 9185. , 32x 1961 VOLKSWAGEN Van, nio less than 20.000 miles,. body Eke Contact "Stewart's B A Garage, Kingston St, 32x , • 1957 BUICK, tA o -door ha'rdtop. Pr.ce(t 1or quick sale. Phone 1'9120. 124 Britannia Rd, East. 32x j'56 BUCK Speeial ford6r .00d mechanical c dition. ' Phone 524 - p5o. 32x 1-1-7701-(- ,tra-cre l'Or Order" , model, .1961 F.e.d Galaxie Sun- ' llner con' ertible. Phone Clip - ',in' 482 3291 32x. ..amikamo !3. Real.Esiate For Sale 3. Real Estate For Sale SPL1T-14EVEL, tvvo years old, open fireplac6'aluminum stetA§ and screens, three' bed- rodms, dining room, garage, re- creation room, finished laundry room, one and one-half bath- rooms, landscaped, douhle pav- ed driv.eway, cement patio,, near all schools, immediate poS- session: Owner has purchased another home and will tonsider *any reasonable offer. 250 Cath- erine St., Goderich. 31x • Walkerton • RUTH VAN DER MEER 55 -Montreal St, Goderich Phone 524 - 74,25 • Agent for , WILFRED MeINTEE di CO. LTD. HOMES Four-bedroorn home, new 'gas furnace, feneed lot. Four-bedroom red brick, gook' location. Duplex, central location. Four-bedroom eed briek home, I double living robm, modern kitchen', dining room, ° Double brick home on large fenced lot, spacious bedrooms,. 4-piec,e bath' upstairs,,, 2-p•iecei. down, garage with storage space. One -floor modern home, three bedrooms, clo.se to school. Port Albert DevelOpments Lakefront lots; Secondktpw lots, •,,nk. x • PETER 5. MacEWAN FOR SALE • 22 7-• .,,A• !T.' IVIC 'I' Cnpper X 25' x, 11.," Ph ie 524,; 7012. 32x eeee. I'a:, .11, eel ..\,.: pit'l " .214 -Acre farm, 175 workable, '''," I etT. .-.,1 7.;1;1•• f,)r lin m , -0 I ,e .„ ,. . N e x : ie., ,,.b..;e r we -ill oiingalo w, dzilled well-,- ecigtitarismrt 1..),.);;;, (1. ti.:, ..1 I•r.Y)111 C ,m. barn, silo. • " . :tf .. , • i .. .1 ,. „: s ' S ,,,,,,.h. p h ,n,, !, ....e. in, e w e !i .eiee---,-----enrde /rn ,, - ......___ _.............NLIPSJaC;•.: ' 55. . .32.33 IA tee,. Ait.icn .,I ...fara-i,(., lire- COME DI 'FOR- YOUR. -FREE • -- -- ,....ee. .., :,..Le :n eet lee.,,,', f or CATALOGUE. lo''.',l''.\,E,SS FOR SALF , ,re,e,. •.on of :•ecry.a'.:on rO0m, , , . i. 0,11:.:0'.-: ‘. in.-Ila'...4.4."14a.1 room, •17 )N'S Si 'PERIoR arid th )N rte.p• e • a., 'nro orn in Ine, ern ; I. 'Ter e•i-e, .e.cel all •• L•..I1'.• )m, instil -sided neee,,ar'. i.eniiesinent for bit)','' -wartime ..1,,Ifinw Eat end of ing rock' wool., All equipment :Goderich Excellent family in 1200,1 \kiirkine condition. Con, home, priced at $7.,500.00. New tart \Ir.. Roy Hudson. phone 1.1ur-nace, -524':81733-5T-wirited,59' Kingston.' Tsy o -b ed rcione- aro% St., Goderich. 32x S,neth' .schooLs. Priced to sell at ! $6,500.00, 16-Fl1o1 travel trailer, complete FOR RENT with.ereializer hitch. and 12 x 7 j . Two-bedroom cottage at foot tent extension. . Phone 524 - 7796, •-32 • FRESH picked Golden Bantam corn. • Bring containers. Gib- to beach, $75.00. weekly, son's Widder St. • • PETER S. MacEWAN BLACKSTONE FURNITURE Real Estate Insurance • 44 North St.. Ph. 524-9531 5 -Piece rsed,, Chroms, Suite, in Bogie's Beach. Available from August 15th. Sleeps six, locat- ed on hilltope.-with .private path good condition. Priced for quick 0,1•V 1•• ..1.4•444,1101,1*4,44, KEN CROFT , WAREHOUSE Sale -final week 1aq-chance to _buy...at Goderir.h...,Ont , our sale prices. General Insurance TOSS Cushicns-frona- 3.9c. We • ' Dial 524 - 7253 • .tiy,e reduced in price the bal- ance of our stock still further. YOUR HALLIDAY HOME • 2 -PIECE Che.sterfield Suite, cov-. •• AGENT ered in 100% Frieze with " foam cushions and Moulded 97 \Voile St. -A 'giveavvay, foam back. • Priced to clear at only 134 95 . has three large airy bedrooms, $,. - , - ,room, dining room and 2 -PIECE. Farquharson and Gif- kitchen, An 'eXCellent btiy fOr ford Chesterfield Suite, with a handyman, Easy terms 'avail - lifetime 'Flexsteet construe- 'able.. • tion. Reg. $399.00 at , only , 651""Mal"rahTETRIffergin61ner '3 -PIECE Bedrbom 'Suite. • Your choice of our 15 suites • ing French....PrazinciaL. Colon- 4ii4gniWirtd Modern fit m $1•19:95.' • See these outstanding savings. • re; 28-LNCII Gilson ,hot air furnace, bums coal or wood, with pipes. Phone 524-7182., -32. PEACHES, also cooking apples. Bring own containers. Lassa- ' line Orchards', phone 7096. ' -32 • QUANTITY of woman's cloth- ing, including four. cloth coats ' and :one tur coat; also six nurse's uniforms, size 14-16. Phone 9081. -32 16 -GAUGE double - barrelled - shotgun; 2 boxes ammunition; gun case and cleaning, kit. Phone 8403. 32x POTATOES, corn, cucumbers. RegeRiehl, phone 7492. 32-33x NLNE-PIEcE walnut" dining roofn suite, 'excellent condition. • Phone 524-7986 or 27 Trafal- gar St. , • , 32x 154-007 boat, 40 h.p. inboard, wind.s'hield,QPriced for quick sale. Phonr9120. 32x VICTORIA ST,--:Nine-roiim solid brick home, ideal for an apt. building or large family. Too big.for widow owner. Price - -'cut- for quick sale. -Easy • terms arranged. TRAFALGAR ST.. -A neat two- bedroom home, ideal, for • a retired couple °rya nice quiet 'street, reasonably priced. Easy terms arranged. - LIGHTHOUSE ST. -Attention bargain hunters! White frame • 'home with an_income from an upper apartment. This home • overlooks lake and harbor, A-1 condition, large shady lawn: Low price; high' value home. COTTAGES -Port Albert, Buch. Beach, Sunset Beach, Blue - water Beach, Iron Springs - from $2,500.00 to $10,000.00. CLEARANCE of summer hats . at reduced prices. Miss Mac' • Vicar Millinery, 28 Kingston COTTAGE ITEMS: Refrigerat- ors, ranges, rangettes and wash- ing- machines from $20.00. , Gerry's Appliances, 120 The Square. 524-8434. , -27tf CUT floWers, gladiolus, snaps, zinnias, arrangement.s, baskets, etc. L .11. Holman, 187 Cameron St. Phone 8852.- -30tf '• CUT flowers-glads, 60c dozen; all other garden annuals, 40.e dozen. Keith Huisser, 156 El- don St. Phone, 524- 9649. -30-33 FREE 1VET1111NAftY GUIDE and' CATALOGUE at Rieck Pharmacy, 14.S.quare, Goderich. -30-35 • SINGER sewing machine, model 4(11 slant-o•inatic, like new, com- plete with all attachments; Eur- • eka vacuum cleaner; Beatty .flonr-polisher, "Electrik" broom; G.E. blanket. For further in- fsrmation phnne 9498. FIRE Chief Safety Chimneys, " distributors, Guy Ives & phon.e 524- 6355. , • -1943, • .NEW and used appliances. Why , pay more? See them at Lumbys, ,136 East St., Goderieh, Ont. -12tf vAcuulvr CLEANER sales and service. Bob Peck, Zurich, phone Hensall 352W2 collect 5-8xtf AHYGIENIC sUppRes (rubber goads) Mailed postpaid in plain, sealed elWelope' With price list. - samples 25e; 24 samples - $1,00. Mall Order Dept. T-53, • NOY‘Blibber Co, Box 91; Ram • titan, Ont. ' COTTAGE LOTS ,- Good sand beach, $20,00 per foot. Sec- ond row lots $10.0 per foot. Third and fourth row, $5.00 per foot, . WE ALSO have good listings on Farms and Business °poor! turaties. CALL in today for your 1964 Catalogue on Halliday Homes and Cottages. •LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES INVITED • W. J. Hughes Real Estate Broker Generaj Insurance - 50 Elgin Ave., E., Phone JA 4-8526 • Three-bedroom white, fame home on Mary St. MalcoimMkhers Real'Sstate Broker 4'6 West St. " 524 - 9442 FOR SALE TA an ekcellfilfeehtfarlOcit; film, a 2 -storey red brick house, ha\ ing 4 bedroom, oil furnace. A good property .at a' satisfac• tory price. • • Priced for a quick sale at 179 Elgin Ave, W., a small 2 -storey dwelling on 'a large lot in an excellent location. •. We have d nice one -floor bungalow, on Palmerston St., for sale. Two bedrooms, sun porch, mOdern furnace, carport' 01.414.•1144•V4.414,,W1.......044114114111MIMIXAONAMKt. In a 'fine central area,, we a. l'arge -2:storey 'red brick house,' in excellent condition. Some features are main floor powder room, 4 large bedrooms, 4 main floor rooms with wall-to- wall carpeting, excellent hot water beating system. This is first-class property. ' 0,(n a wide .an.d deep lot over- looking Lake Huron in Gode- rich, we have an excellent one:. floor modern briok and stone dwelling, with • large ,spacious rooms, lncluding a large dining room, two' lovelY bedrooms, beautiful living room and sun - room -all in a. very attractive setting. " OnoChuren St.,'We'hai4e a two- storey frame dwelling, nine rooms, two bathrooms, a first- class location, priced -to sell. On .Anglesea St., we .have a two-family dwelling -one large apartment on main floor, .and a nice smaller apartmeht on sec- ood' floor. 'At.$1,200,60, we have a build - log lot in a yery good, treed area. Almost new one -floor brick home with cut stone front, close to schools. Nicely decorated living roam. Has•oak floor and natural fireplace. Hollywood kitchen has lots of cupboards and separate, dining area. The three bedroom= haveeoak,floorS and bathroom is ceramic tile. Recreation rcrom in basement. This home must be seen to be appreciated. Foilr-bedroom home on' Eliza- beth St. Modern two-bedroom home in Auburn. Duplex on Britannia. Rd. Both apartments are modern with two bedrooms, new fuel nace and good lot. 100 -Acre farm, .8 miles from Goderich, well drained. L-shap- ed barn -and frame house.' Perm Salesman: I.. It Pentland Huron Rd. -524 ;9007 LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES INVITED HAROLD W. SHORE Real Estate Broker General Insuvance ,,NEWHOMES • 3 -Bedroom Bungalow-- $995.00 • Down This home features an Am- erician Style kitchen, • dining area, large bright living room, three bedrooms each With large clohtes' closets, full basement, laundry facilities and gas 'Air- nace. Priced at $12,600.00, this home may be purchased for only $995.00. down payment, Duplex, - $995.00 Down Two apartments completely self-containe.d, are, featured in this new Kernohan Duplex. The lower. apartment has three bed- rooms, I•arge living room, mod- ern kitchen pnd four -piece bath - foam. The upper -apartment has two, bedrooms,' large living room with wall-tp-wall broad- loom and four-pie'ee bathrdom. An excellent family 'home or a geod retorn available if pur- chased as an investment. ,(Down payment is larger if purchased for investment.) Full price $19,300.00. USEC HOMES - 4 -Bedrooms -$1,000.O0 Down Centrally located this home has -fotir bedrooms, living room and kitchen and new gas fur- nace. 4-BecIrooms-Clote t� Square Just a half block from Hamil- ton St., this home has 3' bed- rooms and 3 -piece bath on 2nd floor, living rOom, dining room and kitchen on, lst floor; along with an extra ,bedroom and 2 - Piece Washroom which. would make a small apartment. Priced at „$12,090.00. Looking for Income Propertf? Close to Square, this four- piex provides excellent return on asking price. See this today. „ Cottage -4500.00 Down At Bluewater Beach, this tWo- bedroom cottage with all facil- ities is offered for only $500.00 down payment. _ LOTS SeVeral lots available through- out Goderich, Dial 524-7272. 38 Hamilton St 4 ° 3. Real Estate For Sale Ciassified To Rent EXCPT.I.ENT BUY K975 g111 price, 2 bedro5ins, fun b e.' meat, two washrooms, gas fur- nace, corner lot. 226 St. David St., Goderich. 32x FULL PRICE $7,375 or rent $61. Basement, gas furnace, 2 wash- rooms, corner lot; immediate Possession. 226 St, David St. 31x TWO-BEDROOM house with bath, half mile off Highway 2J. on concession 4, Ashfield. Drill- ed well, pressure System, hen- house, small stable, two acres land, $4,200. Donald H. Mc- Kenzie, R.R, 1, Dungannon. -32-33 ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN - you CAN BEAT THE HIGH COST OF LIVING Taxes only $48.00 per year. Water only' $25.00 per year. Very reasonable heat cost.' This isefor a 3-bedreroiti htiL with a large modemeekie Thal -has Toic and Iot 1_cup- boards, a large bright living room, and newly ihStalled 4-prece- bathroom. Located in _Dungannon on an elglith of ara acre lot, this house has a good cement basement, storms and screens, and 'is priced very‘iea- „sonably,• with a low down pay - Vent. •, Premium Home • Thi„ii is a beautiful two -year - 'ORI split level on, a fully land - (l A-Ails:24ei\ oway, garage- and cOmplete- e ly rec-room, 1.a.undr?. room and workshop in base- ment. Three good bedrooms, 11-. bath. bright living room with fireplace, and present rrkort- gage is at miry 61.,Z;', 'inter'est. Terms arranged to suit buyer. I Newly Offered- A.: one-stbrey, • 3'-bedroom, stucco house ,on lot 58 x 104. MOtternititchen,--alunittrurtf dows, ,double garage.,,, ' in good shape.- Price $8,000. Terms aVailable. • • • Rates 4cPER WORD 4 • (Miiiinium 75c) .25c Extra • if not paid by' Tuesday of the week following • publication. r Semi -Display $1.40 per inch Birth or Death NOTIC-61-7- - $1.00 Each . Brand New Homes 4 , Red brick -- 3 bedrooms - $14,300.' • Grey brick - 3 be*ooms - $15,400. • • Good Used Houses White Brick -.4-bedroom - $7,850. White Brick - 3 -bedroom - $8,400: -""Willtntwerter --""3trettrer03Tr--:-"--- $10 600 ' .• Mortgages can he arranged on easy Monthly payments with 20% _down payment. E. E. CRANSTON Pitone 524 -8801 • BRUNO. LAPAINE • Phone 524 495? 6. • Salesmen for • ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN Goderich Phone 524 - 9662 aampommasi.moiamemomiiiiiiimim 4., Real Estate 'Wanted Complete Ad Rate* Deta-ils for the various classifications are 'available at ...THE SIG AL'S TAR= Deadline for taking Classified, Ads is 1 P.M. TUESDAY To Rent J THREE-ROOM furnished apart- ment; suitable for two working girls. Phone 524 -278. , -18tf FURNISIIR, heated, Ave -room apartment, available now. 135 Keays St." Phone 524- 8185. -32tf MODERN two-storey. three-bed- room house, one block from col- legiate,- two bathrooms, fenced -- in yard and patio, drapes- and appliances available if desired, some broadloorn, oil furnace, available September 1. Phone 524-8860. -32tf TWO-BEDROOM home, 207 Huron Rd., available immedi- ately. $50,00 per .month. Apply Ken .Croft. THREE-BEDROOM new horne, 181 Bennett St. Available Sept. 1st. $85.00 per Month. Apply Ken Croft. -32 THREE-ROOM apartment, self- contained, heated, near schools., Phone -18923, . 32-33x ...hause....stith....two, -apart- ments, suitable for two famil- ies or large family. Call at 111 Trafalgar St. or phone 8881, or', 8751. •• -32tf NEW twotedroom upper apart- ment, electric heat, .private en- trance, suitable for adults or One child, near schools. Avail- able September 1st. Phone 524-7578. -32t1 fdrnish- lune- -24- 10. Wanted (General) ROOMER wanted, close to Square and industrial area. 40 Cambria Rd. S. Phone 8808.. -32 GOOD honies wanted for kit- teits. Phone 524 - 9016. 32x LADY wanted to, Share -apart- ment, at- very little expense. Phone 524-8994. ;32 TWD -BEDROOM. a P artme n t, hat_ and cold water 'supplied, separ- ote 'entrance, previously rented for $75. NOW $00. 'Phone 7182. -32tf PARTLY furnished four -room apartment, near schools. Also light housekeeping rooms. Ap- ply 87 Victoria St. S. Phone 7501. • -32tf AVAILABLE now, Nice heated cottage at Port Albert, sleeps .six, fridge, stove, water, only $3 daily. Phone 524- 6372. • ' 4 • .1.4. • THREE-BEDROOM apantment, living room,' kitchen and bath. 62 Wellington St, Phone 9079. • -32 WINTERIZED summer cottage, completely equipped, telephone. Available two months. Phone 9088. 32x 'Os SPACIOUS ground floor apart - merit, large living room with fireplate, hardwood floors, rugs and drapeS included, bedroom,' dinette, kitchen,, bath. Heated, self-contained. Must be seen to '5"6,171317Clire"6:-''AraltaliTe-S"e"r-''' -32tf 13. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE- of good house- hold furniture wifl be held fon Mrs, Herb Lamprey, 188 'New- gate- St. Goderich, Ont, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 15 at 2 p.m. Chesterfield and chair to match; dining room suite.; an- tique. ',buffet; 3 complete bed- room suites of choice quality; extra dreSsers and stands; -end tables; electric radio; chest .of drawers; 5 clocks, some an- tique; oil lamps; toilet dishes; power • lawn mower- trunks' vvFLis ar ra e; garden' • oo ; carp- • enter tools; beds.; ,stands; dishes of all kinds; linens; violin, good quality; 2 good rugs, 10' x 10:0 10' x 12'; many articles tob numerous to mention. No 'Reserve. Terms Cash. 3rProvincia1 tax. Mrs. Herb Lamprey, Proprietress. -Donald B. Blucee Auctioneer. - 15. Notice To Creditors ALL PEIS having "claims against the estate Of LIZZIE C. M. HOGGARTH, Married Woman, late of the Town of Goderich, in the CFitinty 01 Hoion, who died on pr about the 30th day of July, 1964, afe required to file same With full parlieulars with the •undersign. ed as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Deted at Goderich, Ontario, - this• 4th 0 -ay of August, A.D. 1964. HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Barristers, etc, 3;3 Montreal Ste' Goderich, Ontario. . •• -32-34 IN THE ESTATE OF RUBY VIOLET BARKER, LATE OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, HOUSEWIFE, DECEASED. All persons claiming against the above Estote are required to forward full' particulars to the undersigned by the 14th day of August,'" 1964, after datethe *ssets wilt ha distrilented:. - • PONNELLY, DONNELLY 8./.' . MURPHY ONTA.R10 AUCTION SALE OF -LAND PROPERTY SALE NO. L-4827 • SE...VEX:ROOM, s-i-ttrated ba -et -Of 'Lot, APPi'oximately 21:, acres of house in Dungannon, with 04, Concession• S.M.C., Town- hydro.and water," large lot, small ship of Goderich, County of barn, available now, $20 month- ly. T. C. Anderson, phone Dun- gann 529-7230. -32tf THREE-BEDROONT, .nine-room house el.' three-bedroomapart- ment, garden, corner of Caley and Wellington Sts, available now. Phone 907,9 or 215 Wel- lington St. -32 TWO apartinent, three blacks from Square, util- ities paid. Phooe..8732. 4,.........44444411444i.W4,1M119.1444./.1,0•44.44)444-94,140,1111M1471414.400,41.ia FURNISHED bungalow,' five -ro,pms, three-piece bath, TV aer- ial, 'couple preferred. Phone 524 - 8152. •, -32tf SIX -ROOM house With 'three-. bedroom's, at'45 'North St.; also three-room Apartment. Both available now. Phone 524-8832. , 32x FURNISHED, heated apartment, laundry, two entrances. Phone 9715. -25tf FOUR -ROOM apartment on the Square. •Apply Mrs. Craigie, phone' 9656. -25tf 11114#211W'Rtli Wilfred-McIfiret & Co. Ltd. -Summer properties, hOrnes, farms, bustnesSes. Con- tact Ruth Van per Meerephone 524-7875. -23tf LISTINGS of dwellings, surnd mer cottages and commercial property required. If you are interested in offering your pro- perty for sale, contact • PETER S. MacEWAN Realtor 44 North St. • 524-9531 HOUSES '-iefeneyeeel-setkezteco riclfse fi0nn'7e've11-Situated arid '"rndSf d& 1 sirable, three or four bedrooms in each, Inquire 524-7586' Or at 105 Park St,- Goderich. -32 do•pIex, •to, -o bedrooms, sunporch, garage, one -and -a -half 'blocks from Square, oil heating, -reasonable rent, available August 15. Phone H. 0. Jerry, 524 - 9671 or 524 - 9300. . -32t1 TWO -ROOM ,winterized cabin, • gas- heated; hot andeedld water. Available September lst. Ont? old -age 'pensioners need apply. Call at 131 Wilson St. 32x 6. Wanted To Rent LOWER two-bedroom apart; .--"nt,,W,AnterklePyantatt. TWO-BEDROOM house on Bri- tannia Rd. Enquire at 128 Pal- merston St. or phone 524-8929. 32x 5. To Rent AVAILABLE at once, five -room apartment yvith bath, heated, self-contained, near the lake, 263 Cobourg St., phone 524 - 8344; after five p.m. 524 - 8170. -28tf FOUR -ROOM upper, heated, apartment, self-contained. Avail- able now. Phone 7296 after five. ' -29tf FOUR -ROOM •apartment,' com- pletely furnished, heated, util- .ities paid, self-contained, ideal for quiet coup/e. Phbne 7483. -29tf 'MODERN, ga.s-heated apartment, hardwood floors, near the Square, electric range supplied, four rooms and bath. Phone 524 - 7112. 28xtf FOUR -ROOM apartment, -self- contained, range and oil heater supplied,' fridge optional. Miss Mary 13. Howell, 12 St. Vincent, Ste, phones 8642. -24tf SELF -CONTAINED," one - bed- room apartment, partly furnish- ed, new kitchen cupboards. Mary 4. Howell, 12‘St. Nineent St., phone .524 - 8642. -15tf MODERN self-contained, heated apartment, suitable for couple only. Immediate possession. James Bisset, phone 524- 9645. -30t1 SELF-CONTAINED, heated, two-, beOroom apartment; also three- beCroorn apartment. Contact Gordon Smith,-,Bluewater Apart- ments. Phone 524-9103. • 30-33x . FOR RENT TWO-BEDROOM apartment in new apartment building. Heat- ed, stove and fridge included. Available Sept. lst- $95.0b. An upper heated apt. TwO bedrooms, modern kitchen, bal. „cony, garage, and use' of yard; Corner Bayfleld Rd. and- Stone- house St. Reduced to $70.00. $85.00 rtnts a house with two separate and .self-contained apts. Good location and in good shape. ALEXANDER A CHAPMAN Phone 524'.9662 TWO - BEDROOM • apartment, partly furnished, stove, fridge, and gas connection. Apply H. G. Bradley and Son, Hamilton St. Phone 524 - 7364. ai••••1,.. 4-15tf BUSINESS property on Square. Apply Goderich French Dry Cleaners. Day, 524 -8452, Night, 524 -8718. 4tf ONE -bedroom apartneent, heat- ed, modern bath, centrally lo- cated. Phone Tony Bedard, 524 - 8346,- • -17tf TWO-BEDROOM upper apart- ment, front entrance, gas heat- ed, unfurnished, • large living room with open balcony, 'large kitchen with ample cupboards,,, three-piece bathroom, rubber' tiled floors, venetian shades. Immediate possession. Phone 7813. • -31tf TWO-BEDROOM home, gas fur-, nace, garage, 1 block from Square, rent $69. Also a 4 -bed- room hotele for'rent in Clinton. Write P.OE,43ox 353, Meaford, Phone 428. -31tf APARTMENT, living ro9m, one bedroom( kitchen, bath- room, gas stove supplied, suit- able forsa,couple or single per- son,. Phone O'Brien's Meat Market. -2641 3,000 SQUARE FEET of dry storage space available for lease or rent.. Will rent all Or part. Apply McGee's, Godeiich. ' -260 LARGE house, two three-piece bathrooms, three living- rooms, five bedrooms, all hardwodd floors, recreation room, gas fur- nace, available now:- Phone 8881 or 8751. -30tf HEATED apartment, all con- veniences. ‘Apply Ahl Shoe. Store or phone 8193. • -31tf NICELY furnished,modern, heated, apartment, utilities paisil, TV hookup,' washer and dryer, no children. Available July 1. APply 92 Cambria Rd., north. Phone 9437. -23tf NEWLY, remodelled, one -bed- room ,apartment, self-contained, gas heated, sui•table for couple, TV and FM aerial supplied. Phone 524-7540 evenings, -11tf THREE-BEDROOM cottage, sun - porch, newly decorated, --'new floor coverings, immediate pos- session, adults prefe d. 1.74 Regent St. Apply 178 Regent 31-32x St • , UNFURNISHED, lower -. apart-. ment wanted, with one or, two bedrooms. :Write Box 135, .Signal -Star. . • • 32x WANTED. -By offiCe worker who will soon move to Goderich. Room, with some washing, Meal or meals during week!' Hoine- like atmosphere preferred. Write Box 138, Signal -Star. -32 8. 'Help Wanted CLEANING lady, six 'days per week, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone. 524 - 9641. -32 HELP WANTED. -Married cou- ple for. Brampton farm, good salary, house, hydro, milk in- cluded. For Master Research Farm, single man for dairy and general farm work and. single man for poultry dePartment. dontact Lorne Webb, 524-8159. 32x' FULL or part-time ,clerk re- quired for local clothing store. Apply Box 136, Signal -Star. -32 WIN A TV MAKE pXYRAE MONEY Win a portable TV set, while you Make extra money. No ex- perience necessary. Sell.,,excit- nig .top -value Christmas (Cards ,and Gifts, Earn big • profits. Friends and neighbors buy on sight. Write for free color cata- logue and samples on approval. Spepial money -making plan for churehes, clubs, schools. Homer - Warren Co., Dept. 78, 411 Clen- denan Ave., Toronto. -29-36 MAN or yvbman ro service cus- tomers with Watkins Products in the city of Goderich, No investment necessary. • Earn $75.00 per week and up, Full or part-time. Write to J. G•auth- iere 350 St. Roche Montreal 15, Quebec. • -31-34 WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE -If you woula enjoy working 3 or 4 hours a day calling regularly each month On group 'of Studio Girl cosmetic clients on a route to be estgblished in and around Goderie'll, and are will- ing to make light deliveries, etc. write STUDIO GIRL COS- Mth1C5, Dept. CW48, 840 La Fleur Ave., Montreal 32. Route will pay up to $5.00 per hour. • -31-33 FEMALE help wanted for • up- stairs work. Apply Bedford -3011 W'ANI.k.).0.-,11ousekeepr, to as- sist father with five children. Children healthy, normal, well- rnapnered. Age no factiv for person who qualifies. Write., Bot,137, $ignalStar. -32 Huron, located 'on the North Side of Concession Road 'ap- proximately .8 of a mile South- east of Goderich, %with access via Township Road. Sale will take place on the property at: 2:00 P.M. (LOCAL TIME) MONDAY, AUGUST 24th, 1964 TERMS: Cash or Cerliffed chtstraz-m-tire-TIV-Or' raIr (Checipes to be made, payable To The Treasurer of Ontario). tr" Further informatio1E0n may be obtained from: The Auctioneer, Mr. Edward Elliott, Clinton, 'Ontario, or Department of Highways, ' Right -of -Way Division, 335 Saskatoon Street, - Box 4544, postal Station "C", London, Ontario. Sale subject to reserve bid. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO: • ifcamogiamoirmina 14. 'Services Available .ACE Radio, TV Service. Frank Wilcox, 60 Pict:on:St. W.; Gode- rich, Ont. Pheop 524 -7771. • .„. SID BULLFIN'S Cabinet Shop, custom furniture, kitchen cup- boards, furniture repairs. 184 Gibbons St. Phone 9631. LET us restore accuracy and beauty , to your watch: Fine jewellery repairs and diamond setting. Modern equipment. Don' MacRae, watchmaker, The Square. • ,42ti SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment, all work guaranteed. -Write Louis Blake, R. 2, ,Brussls. Phone Brussels 42W6. 11-40x SEPTIC tank cleaning service. Robert .Dundas, R.R.- 5, Gode- rich. ,Phone 524 - 6464. -20tf -HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer Huron and Perth 'Counties Phone 474, Seaforth -12tf SHARPEN -UP ME! Speed .saws, handsaws, hand lawn mowers, cutlery, etc.' •Also sea- sonal day labor. C. H. Homar,, Huron Rd., opposite store. -10tf 15. Notice To Creditors ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate' of MARIA ELIZABETH KILPATRICK, Wi- dow, of the Township of Ash- field, in the County of Huron, Avho died on or abont the 16th day of July, 1964, are required to file the same with fell par- ticulars with th,e undersigned the 22nd day of August, .1964, ,as after that date the assets of the Estate will ,he distributed, , Dated, at Goderich, Ontario, this' 24th day of July, 1964. HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Banisters, etc, 33 Montreal Street, Goderico, Ontario, 40 A. Births . e-- GARDNEW-Mr. and Mrs. Rob-, ert Gardner (nee'Ruth Reed), Heron Bay South, Ontario, ,are happy_ to announce the • arrival of HIliatricia- liofilraT-6---Ciliri7ces, a we'e sistor for Julie and, Tommy, on July 20,1964. 32x HOWIE.-At lVianitouwadge, On- tario, on Atigust 7, 1964, to l‘le.• and Mrs. James Howie (Charleen‘Stowe), a daughter. -32 l'allem.4202•1111. 7B.• Deaths , 18 The Sqrare, Godenich, Ontario„ Solicitors for the Estate. - -36-32 ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of WILLIAM STANLEY AUGUSTUS 37,AN- STONE, farmer, 1ate---'61 the IleeritecerGucierich., ,itelfecn, -day1-67-7ffil , 1964, are recluireci -to- -lite the - same with full particulars with the undersigned by , the 22n0 day of August, 1964, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 20th day of July, 1964. . HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Ban iSters, -etcoese • 33 Montreal S'Ireet'e ' Goderich,. Ontario. -30-32 • 4111111.1111.111111111 16. Public Notice MORTGAGE Jruiney. available on good residential properties, Call Harold W. Shore, JA 4-7272, 38 Hamilten St. ' 45U JOSEPHINE Chisholm's Tleauty Shoppe will be closed frbm August 15th' for ten days. -31-32 'NATIONAL' ENERGY 130ARD ACT • 15; Notice To Creditors ALL PEASONS having claims against the Estate of WILLIAM ,JA'MES RAMSAY, Retired, late, of the Town' of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who -died on or about the 10th day of July, 1964, are required to file the same with full flarticulars with the undersigned by the 22nd day of August, 1964o as after t,hat date the agsets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 13th day of July, 1964. HAYS, pnirisT & HAYS,' Barristers, etc. 33 Montreal Stieet, Goderich, Ontario. -30-32 IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM A. COULTHURST LATE OF THE CITY OF GUELPH. IN THE COUlITY, OF WELLING- TON, , RETIRED MAIL CLERK. , . Afl peisons claiming against the above Eqate are required to forward full particulars, of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of August, 1964: after which date the assets 'Will be distributed. ,* DONNELLY, DONNECULY & MURPHY, - IA The Square, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitois for the Estate.' . „ • NOTICE OF HEARING TAKE *NOTICE' THAT pur- suant to the National Energy Board Act and the 'Regulations made thereunder, the Board has ordered a hearing to be held at the Board's premises,. 969 Bron - ,son Avenue, inethe City of Ot- tawa,,, on Tuesday, the 15th da of September, 1964, at the hour of 9:30 a.m. local time, to hear 'the application of: • Uciioh Gas Company.. of Can- ada, Limited for: s' • •treo and ereolean, •,••- le her& BO`ard"ACt to import gas through the Ap- plicant's facilities near Wind- sor, Ontario, from Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Conipany. * The licence is requested for a period commencing in .1964 and terminating on the 5th day of November, 1976, and for an annual quantity of 15,500,000 Mcf less in the years 1964, 1965, 1966 and 1967 whatever amount is delinered under an existing import- authorization; a maxi- mum daily quantity of 55,000 Mcf; and for a total amount of 186,000,000 Mcf, less deficienc- ies under 15,500,000 Mcf deliv- ered in first and last years anci -less whatever amount is deliv- ered under an existing import authorization in the years 1964, 1965, 1966 and 1967. There's nO parting from those we a Aogost 2, -1-9d4-,--ateeher • mr.r.-" Er i Irsel a e •Rd Eubicoke. Joanne Love •o,()Loote, dem-ly beloved wife 01, the late George IIerbert ,1 Hen, dear mother. of Mrs, 1,0 „, 'Bennett -and 'Gordon Al- len of Etobicoke,. Grand-. mo:her of Beth, -Ann, and John I3,ennett, Lynn and D-borah Allen., Funeral .ser - was hold at the Turner & Porter YOrke -Chapel, 2357 Blom' St, W., Toronto, Tues- • day afternoon. - Interment .Park Lawn cemetery. - -32 C. Briefs • AGRICULTURAL' CHEMIC- ALS: Shell's complete. Line of herbicides and pesticides help you 'get maximum yields. Low- cost Shell weedkillers and seed . . ltreenttrgrirtitert-7011r-CMT-L---,-- ensure profits. New yap,ona* Tiaelleide has unique vaporiz- ,... . • ing action that killsall major" types of flies, bran in and see .how Shell agricultural Chernic, als can work for you. Edvt. Fuels.' Phone 524=8386, . -20 D. In Memoriam • FULLER. -In loving memony of * a dear husband and father, Robert.W. Fuller, who passed . away .4ugust-141, 1958.- • • •-_ ANP THE BOARD HAS FUR- THER ORDERED THAT: 1. Any respondent or inter- venor intending to oppose or intervene 1 the application shall file on or 'before the 10th day of 'September, 1964, with the .Secretary .of the Board, twelve (12) copies of a written statement containing his reply or submission, together with, any supporting information, par- ticulars or documents, which shall contain a- concise state mere of the facts frcim which th6' nature .of 'the respondent's Or intervenor's interest in the proceeding may be determined, which may admit or deny any or all of the facts alleged in the application and which shall' be endorsed withthe name and. address of the respondent or intervenor or his solicitor to v.hom communications may be sent. Any res.pendent or inter- venor shall, in addition, within the time specIfied above, send three (3) copies of his reply or- si hmission and supporting in- fo -matron, particulars or docu- ments to the Applicant.. 2. Any innterested party may examine a' copy of the applica- tion and sobmission,s filed there- witff, at the office of:, "National Energy Board„ 969 Bronson Avenue, Ottawa, Ondario. or at the office of -the Applicant at the following" address: Union Gas ComPany of Canada, Limited, Gas Building, 48 Fifth Street, , Chatham, Ontario. Dated at the City of Chatham, in the Province of Ontario, this 3Cth day.of July, 1964. UNION 4AS COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Per; "F. R. President and General Manager. -32 '-7(11i-nn1tr For today ,in memory's 'garden, We still .walk side ,by side. • -Sadly missed by his wife, Ethel and daughter Olive. -) 32x - • , LADD.-In loving...memorY of a dear husband and father, J. Clayton ..Ladd,' who passed away .August 16; 1963. The one for whom we cared. With such abiding love, " Has found the wondrous shining • • path • Up to the home above. Thehome where -joy forever- dwells'' Where loved ones but await, . For us to• share their happiness - Beyond the heavenly gate. e -Lovingly rememberedand sadlY" missed by his wife, Nell, .son Jaek, Gladys, Patricia and Wayne. -32 • RYAN. -In loving memory of • our baby son, Gary John,.who passed away one, year ago, August 6, 1963. Hi S memory to us is a keepsake, From whiehewe 'will never part, Though God has him in -His keeping, We still have him in our hearts,' , -*Always remembered •by Mum, Dad and Sisters, Sharon - and Dianne. • 32x, SPAIN. -In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. John , Spaie who passed 'away two years ago August 19; 1962. Though her ,Smile is ,gone for- . And her hand we cannot touch,. Still t,ve have so many memories Of -the one'we loved so much. Her memory is our keepsake n With which we'll - never part, God has her in His keeping, We have her ih eur hearts. -Always remembered and sadly missed by the family. -32 E." Cards of Thanks 4 • HOGGARTH. - The family of IV the late Mrs. Lizzie Hoggarth express their gratitude to the many friends for the floral t,ributes, expressions of gYrie- pathor and acts of kindness, shown during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. G. F. Mills, Dr, W. N. Wafters, the nurses and staff, and the Goderich Police De- partment, -32 JENKINS.-I wish 'to thank neighb,ors, friends and rela- .tives, also Saltford Commun. ity Club for their gifts, flow - em, cards and visits 'while I was in . Victoria Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. McAn- ntirses and staff on 8th ., floor West- for their excel- lent care': Helen Jenkins. • "32x •••