HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-08-13, Page 5'I • r, t • Sifto Salt Acts To Reduce Sootl Fly -Ash Fallout Sift° Salt Corripany here is in- stalling equipment to diminish its, plant's soot and fly -ash fall out over the Goderich area, • In a' letted read before town copcil August 7, Sifto Manager Boutilier said that equip- ment to reduce the plant's soot and „fly -ash output would be installed and in operation by October 1. Wrote Mr. Boutilier: "Instal- ation of dust -collecting equip- ment is contingent on the com- Pletion of our modernization project and tlid removal of all Id-141,1-1dings.--adjace.n.t....to the boiler house. This project is considerably behind schedule and :the target rate is now set a October 1, This date is now firm, and we will be able short- ly thereafter to install the pro- posed equipment for the reduc- tion of soot' and fly-ath fron our stack. In -the meantime, we plan to install automatic con- trols in our boiler to improve '6-111PYA ',..-Miti:Trwillr-rintrMe- the-conclition of our stack emis- sion and will help to increase the efficiency of the dust col- lector when it is installed later." Sifto is a 'subsidiary of Dom- tar Chemicals Limited, In othero'business council re- ceived sand filed a letter from the Provincial Department of Municipal Affairs indicating that the Cabinet Centennial Comniittee-has•-•-•oxtendos),,tbA• deadline for the submission of applications for approval of centennial projects to Novem- ber 1, Joseph Allaire of Bay- field has been designated as 'Centennial Field Representattve for the Goderich area. At last Friday's meeting coun- cil gave its approval to a pro- posal; of Upper Lakes Shipping Limited that it .rename one of its recently -acquired bots "S.S. Goderich." s-nTitetildvat-ietterrtIrrattrtfirtvd 'from American owners, is de-, scribed as Tra—relatiVT13new ship" 530 feet long with 60 -foot beam -and a 11,7t0 -ton capacity. R. M. Menzies,grain elevator division manager 4of Upper Lakes Shipping. indicated in a July 31 letter to council that it is doubtful that the rich will be making many trips here because of her size. How- ever, lie added, "she will be carrying the town's namethe len.g,th of the Great Lakes and the Seaway, ' ' • •• •••' • MR. and MRS. ROBERT JOHN GORSLINE, who were married • July 25 at St. George's Anglican Church, Goderich. The bride is the former Shirley Diane Morris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Morris, of Goderich. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Heimpel, of Stratford. The couple will re- side in Stratford. PHOTO BY DOERR DUNGANNON • PIING-AMNON. ViSiting on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Park artd family were Mr. Fred Tideswell and friend, Jerry Shanahan of Clinton and Mr.. Roy Ashton of Goderich. • While on their way home to Goderich after spending the Civic Holiday i13 Algonquin Park, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hele- 'sic called on the lady's mother, Mrs. F. Jones, on Wednesday of last week: ' Visiting recently at the —11ForrTrfisftr75"nrIT'VeTh-Ifir" and Mrs. Bill Smyth; Michael, Steven15avid, Kevin, - and Laura - Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Park visit- ed' on Subday with Mr. and Mrs. eorge Lawlor of Auburn. M. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown •ited on Sunday with friends near Mitchell. Visiting over the- Civic Rol- , day, weekend with Mrs. J. Ryan were her daughter, Mrs. Gor- don Kydd, Mr. Kydd and -their son, Ryan, and his wife, all of Islington. 'Mr, and Mrs. Idek4Bell and son,"Lioyd, of Stratford, visited on SUnday ,with Mrs. •Bell's sister, Mrs. Les Schultz, and Mr. Schultz. Mr. John Green, Port Albert, Mrs. Jessie Olver and her bro- ther, Jim McMiltan, Goderich, celebrated their birthdays to- gether on ThurAlay, August 6th at a quiet gatheririg at the home of Mrs. Olver. Guests attend- ing were a sister, Mrs. ,Herb (Becky) Morr'-'' of Goderich and Mrs. Arnol leen ot 'Detroit. , • Oh Sunday, visitors with Mrs. Jessie Olver acid Miss Liza ;Vic - Millan were'Mr. John Stevenson and sister, Mrs. Jewell of Lon- don and Mr. and •Mrs. Lloyd Jantzi of Welland. Ays. Jantzi theis &ed. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Eedy at- tended' the wedding of Miss Rosemary Skaz and ,Mr. Bradley McTavish in 1farriston on Sat- urday. Miss Rosemary Eedy Was junior br:desmaid, Many persons ' will remember Miss Skaz from tevhing here for a term at the 4th-sehool. '411ELEN.1,Nowli? S HEtENS7"------IVfic "SttiArt" Miller OfCalgary visited, ditrin'g the past week with relatives and attended the funeral of his brother,' ,W. I.. Miller; on Mori - day.. Sympathy, of the commun- ity goes to the Miller family. Mr. , and Mrs. Ken Grewar, NangYt;land Bradley,of Suibury are visiting her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Webb. • Mr. Gerald Dof•scht returned home this past:week fromWest- minister Hospital, London. MT. and Mrs.. Allan Miller, Douglas and Lori attended the Corbett picnic at Alliston on Sunday last. Misses Margaret and 'Brenda Wilson of London visited -for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank McQuillin. Misses Vera McDonald, Mary Parmarbecker, Corinne, Cran- ston and Beverley McPherson spent the, past week at the Un- ited Church Camp at Goderieh. Mr. 60 ,Mrs. David Black- wood and .Ruth of Whitewood, Saskatchewan' and Mr, Leonard Corbett of Alliston, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller., FIRE Prpvention Is Better Than The Cure For All Your Fire Fighting Equipment . , Phone NORM at 529-7915 DUNGANNON • LOCHALSH LOCHALSH. - A busy spot during the summer is the road- side park where Lochalsh school stood. The Department of Highways cleared and levelled the land, placed several picnic tables under • the shade trees and every day picnickers au seen enjoying this- lovely spot Yin ,and •Mrs. GeorgenV1cGrc-, dor of AncaSter spent the vveek- encl with Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacKenzie' and family, Recent visitors with IVIrs. Don- ald MacKenzie were Mr. and Mrs, Watson Reed and family. of fLondesboro and Mr. and Mrs. Roy ."Coandll of Clinton, Master rKeven Millar of Pal- merston has been staying at the Emile MacLennan home for the past week, Visiting Mr. and Mrs.- Oliver IVIcCharles and Alin are )m -r. and Mrs. IpAin Clarke of Worcester, Kass., and Mrs, Jennie Seott of • The Goderich SignarStar, Tennessee. Ronnie Omen. of London re- tuned -home after spending some time with Mr: and Mrs. D4rican Farrigh. Several from the district at- tended the reception in WNW. Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Carter Of 'Water- loo. Mrs. Emile .MacLennan has returned to Barn" Island in Georgian- Bay atter spending- a 1 week's holidays at, her home here. . u,rsday. A1,101,14.,'1,414;e19'ff, Xng -at Ow bcmo PI 147:As Ad; MacKen0e Sinop KPAzie 14a$ 10,0,04 at L. to care Wit.4 '.14.417,J1141.4 Judy Toorogrnis bee4 spending a few 11040 Vdth * her sister in. Ripley.' Mrs. Elliott has been he lltr- Town of - " Howmany people know th9 alternate title given by...Gilbert and Sullivan to. ttlItir fa-MOOs rThe secondary title is 'The conic opera, ."The Mikado"? TAYLOR MOTORS .• HAYS - Marriage vows were exchang- ed between Helen Joyce Bos- nell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bosnell, Goderich, 'and Robert Charles Hays, son of F -Mr, and M. R. Cockburn Hays, Goderich, on Saturday, August 1, at ten -thirty o'clotk morning. The ceremony was performed in St. George's An- glican Church by Canon K. E. Taylor in a setting of pink and white gladioli. •Mr. G. Burgoim, presided at the organ and the groom's sister, Mrs. R. B. Dun- lop, Whitby, was soloist. Given in marriage by her length gown of white French peau de soie. The bodice was highlighted by a shallow scoop- ed neckline, and was sleeveless. The .gentl,y controlled bell skirt, was enhanced by inverted SeiS- sor pleats at the sides and back. -A cape of French chantilly lace covered her shoulders and cas- caded at the back to a cathedral train. A 'semi-pillhox head- piece of the same peau de sole overlaid with chantilly lace held ',„er-tip-4•eitt,'-of-,Freneh4‘ pure silk illusiolLand she car- ried a -crescent bouquet of pink delight ro-SeS. and SfailfahrOtig. Mrs. Rae Ney of Wheatley was matron of honor and.brides- maids were Mrs. John Sully, Ottawa, pridNiss Elizabeth Else, Belleville. Their ..identical gowns of mint green silk .or-. ganza were fashioned with fit- ted bodies and elbow -1eNth sleeves, The lowered hack necklines were caught with,a piped cascade which extend- ed to the hem. They wore PHOTO 9.Y H. BOSNELL 14t14`'h-1...YV matching wedding ring head- pieces draped with tulle and tiley carried crescent bouquets of white shasta mums. • Groomsman .was Bruce Hof- mes c Goderiely and Roy 7 B. Dunlop, WhitinSt.,:, and Robert70-.- Volland, Sarnia, ushered-. , - The reception was held -' at the Ittarbourlite Inn where the bride's *• mother received her gilests wearing a dress of mink brown lace and chiffon witN- matelling-accesSories and a' cor2. sage' of pink 'sensation roses. The groom's mother chose'. vAdgewood blue' lace dress with white accessories and 'a white Ariiong the .guest.s'frorri a dis- tance were the bride's' grand- fmrents, Mr. wanki Mrs. W. J. Bosnellfrozil Saskatchewan, and relatives and friends •from Al- berta, Quebec, Ottawa„Toronto and Michigan. • For' their wedding trip to' the north-eastern United States, the bride • charigPaSto an ensemble of white cotton lace, over dawn pink taffeta with which she Wore -white "accessories and a whife,orchici-eonagol„•••-•-•.-,;„ Mr. and Mrs. Hays reside in:P-Odeli:T; : Pre-Nutiat Events Prior to her marriage the bride•was honored at a shower • given by Mrs. Audrey Ney and Mrs. Earl Allison. • Mrs. Bosnell entertained at a trousseau tea in her daughter's honor at which tea was poured by Mrs. Julia Fulton, Mfs. P. Weston and Mrs.' E.'VOlialid. ' A rehearsal party was held at the home .of the groom's par- ents,. of HUR ()UNITY . . . Oilers You The Largest Selection of New LdC�ri • PEN MODERATION N OT. HIDDEN OVER -INDULGENCE SEPT. 4 VOTE "YES" SEPT. 4 gIn.serted by the "Vote Yes" Committet 1963 _WILDCAT '17'TWO-DOOR HARDTOP 8-cyl. Automatic, Bucket Seats, ?oter' Steering, Power Brakes, Radio, etc. . 1963 PONTIAC PAR1SIENNE• • Four Dodr, Automatic. Radio, Power" Steering, Power Brakes, • White Walls,, etc. 1963 OLDS 88 1` FOUR -DOOR • Automatic. Radio, Power SIgering, Power Brakes, etc. • LAUR§NTIAN Four Door, 6-cyl. Automatic.' - PARISIENNE. .•• • FQUR-DOOR HARDTOP Automatic, Radio, White Walls,• 8-cyl. Automatic, Radio, Power Steer-., - etc. ing, Power Brakes, White Wa,lId, etc. . 1961 OLDS FOUR -DOOR HARDTOP r 8-cyl. Automatic, Radic Power Steer- ing, Power Brakes, White Walls, etc. • tr, 1961 CADILLAC " FOUR -DOOR HARDTOP Automatic, Radio, Power Steering, Power +Brakes, White Walls, etc. 1960 PONTIAC8 4 to choose.from 9 to choose from • 1959 MODELS 1958 MODELS' $ to choose from •• atttimrztlermvl-,"gttelt:sr-o-7-"-, ,. • 1957 MODELS 6 to choose ,froM All makes, automatics and sticks. " 17 SMALL CARS • -• 10 to•rchoose from 1, Volkswagens, Envoys, Consuls, Vaux- , • 'halls, Renaults, Morrises ANY MORE TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION • - Everything Ooes At Discount Prices PL S POkTIAC. LAURENTIAN'S Foul- ,Door Sedans - 6 -cylinders, Automatics, Radios, White Walls, Wheel pisCs. and Washers.• 141964 PONTIAC CUSTOM SPORT' Two Door Hardtop, 8 -cylinder Automatic, Radio, Power Steering, Power Brakes, White Walls, Wheel Discs, Washers, Back- ^ Up Lights. • r ••, 1964:PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF SEDANS Automatic, Radio, W'hite'Walls, Wheel Discs, Washers. It 1 1964 EIUICK Le SABRE Two Door Hardtop, Automatic, Radio, Power Steering, Powe r Brakes, ' Tipping Wheel,' Chrome Wheel Discs, Washers, Back -Up Lights. 1-1964 ,CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE Full Power and. Loaded With Extras. TWO LOCATIONS ZURICH Trim Kit, White Walls, EXETER FEATURING IN OUR TAIlLEFRESH PRODUCE-OEPT. 140. 1 YELLOW FLESH "FREESTONE" RED HAVEN ' " 110. 1 QUALITY JUMBOL—NATIVE GftWtl 'CELERY STALKS 2 BUNCHES 19 ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE AUG. 11.15 INCL WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ONT. NO. 1 GRADE FROM NEW 'FIELDS :HEAD LETTUCE -.2 HEADS 29` ONT. NO. 1 —TERRIFIC FLAVOUR FIELD TOMATOES QT, c 4 RASKET . ONT. NO, 1 MEDIUM FOR PICKLING YELLOW ONIONS 1 0iLB‘S.GH 49` MCCKLESSL., SMOKE tURED PORK SHOULOEK CUT THICK FOR lIAR4B-Q CHUCK STEAKS FO t BARBECUE PATTIES GROUND CHUCK RIO BRAND BARBECUE SPECIAL RIB STEAKS LB. CLUB NOUSE COOKAUT SPICE CENTRE 10. LI. 49' S5' * ST. WILLIAMS ASSORTED . PURE, JAMS 4 9 -oz. Jars 88c t' lila Pepper v• Garlic Powder 2353: '44/17310 Paprika ICE ' CREAM Onion Powder . I 111::: 270 Garlic Salt 0,„ Igi. 310 Onion Salt Bar -B -Q Spice vt;;;;310 Wholo Black Popper. "4=274 I, t ourse Black Pepper 1=274 Ground Block Pepper nai 25. ... 79c r • , • •