HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-08-06, Page 5A ".0 • 1 ....,,.. . little before noon on Monday, readiness, and ,any persons, and soon learned from somelskowing the least inclination to resiectable parties there, and ibreak •the peace, would be in - the Hind Constable, that there I stantly'started eff to Gioderich was every. Iiikelih000d of a tre- Gabl, immediately to stand When The Orange and Oven ... (Continued fl4om page 2) he disarmed the Men • wielding the bayonets and ordered the not over 15,-aniong thjs latter constables .to take the ringlead- were some constab1e.$4."° •ers of both groups away from At the trial which followed, the center of the • fracus and several , witnesses reported as into custody. He made,rat least . *high ar 50 Catholics and 30 27 arrests on the spot. As a ' Protestant's involved. In any Justice of the"Peace; he bound event those in the Shakespeare the attackers over too the en - Tavern were outnumbered and suing Quarter Sessions in Qede- suffered for It.. - , ' rich. At those 'sessions, only Jailed at Goderich '• five (all Catholics) were eon - Some onlookers fearing un- vieted. They were given fines ' peace. 1115is , ceded ' tragedy, hastily sum- of one pound .each but as they both vivid d interesting: 4a ned J. C. l*oaly. It was were unable to "pay in cash, ny minute before he was they each servedone month "Myi5ear Sirs: able to restore order to the terms in the Goderich Gaul. You would possibly like to 4 scene. Braving a barrage of fl- When the township meeting know the result of my visit to k ing stones and swinging fists, of ;January, 184.6, approached, a Stratford. I arrived there a , 4 repeat performance vMs feared , by many of Stratford's more I responsible citizens. Appre- hension was increasedby the fact that Magi*trate Daly plan -II ned to be out of town -an the , day 9f the meeting. , On the insistence. of' W. F. McCulloch, the Gooderich magistrates con- vened a special meeting and chose John Bignall to proceed tU*Stratford t preserve the ort of the day ' • ••••14 S'6ecials at Coalin1 PRICES IN EFFECT FROM AUGUST 3 TO AUGUST 8 .o.tt P.40.40. F R PLYVVOOD • GOOD ONE ilDE . - 5. 7.11 94" 8.11 9.77 • , 4t,,g0.•le,aitaxtvdssfist44.341#1-1 QUALITY 115 1-.0. 1-e s„, FULL-SHE•ST-5--01sIlLYI SAKRET-E mendous • row, all the parties , their trial' at the . Quarter Se. attending the two meetings ;sions. This gave general of - "Downie and Ellice" had al.- fence, and a great deal of .abu- rived in groups, of from a dozen sive; language was made use of to. 15 artned with sticks and towards myself; Goderich, and axes; and that it was weir known all its magistrate's were very thoro. wai n6, scarcity ef fire particularly and) the m.s ars, words, 'bayonets, etc., Queen and Prince. Albert did eic„, secreted close at hand. •I not eseaPe. I thought it pru- immediately showed myselt at dent ,to allow all this to pass the two places of meeting and as if uuh,eard. Incletd, I was from thenc:‘ proceeded to „the pleased to lind their wrath ap- parently diverted from its 0.11 inal I- had good sup- port from Mr. McCulloch arid several others. As eveninrap- ;sufficient to commence. ,with. preached the,tombatants grad- akespeare Hotel where I .wore 1 13 special ,q,onstables. Making with peso, 1 found, there16 in all, which I thought In laying down their duty to ually disappeared, well satisfied ithe presence of a large nuiri- - ber who had followed my steps that it was my determination to put down anything approach- Tcois condu 1 • ,the constables, I told tfiem in, in their hearts (in my opinion), that the presence of a magis- trate had prevented the display of their valor.- I have the conso1ation..-aLsWieving_4at . . 1 ) instant that I had teams in some other magistrate) there rwoould\21, ave teen a' fearful wi.. • The cost of the administration of justice in 1846 was seven pounds. This was Dignall's pulses. The charges from the 1645 riot (court fees, and costs') were a whopping 83 pounds. At the April, 1846, Quarter.Ses- sions, the magistrates belatedly levied a special assessment on Downie for all the expenses connected with the troUbles in Stratford for the -two years. A howl- of protest arose, from the inhabitants who really hacl no one to blame but themselves. Party feeling did not suliiide entirely after 1846 as might be expected. Tension between Orange' and Green(as high even wejl into the 18 For- tunately, however,- there was never again a bloody collision between the two groups. Strat- ford bore the burden of shame howemer, and it was many years before the riot of .1845 faded m the _memories of the in; habitants.. - The Goderich Sig-n'a-4-Star, Thurclay, .A41$4st Oth 904 ___,Tng,b4MBER UP.,LAJME to et inside ,i,' look at historic LancatTer , flown...- here a Month ag-o.:4s-..W430,4_,War..11 Mem- orial project of Godetich hra_l_ac,h,..0..1t,nal. Canadianib Legion. "Lane", e-I.Arvice- able RCAF aircraft of its kind" anyvvbere, _ While They Last! STANDARDS PER SQUARE SEAL DOWN FRIGIDAIRE •• a was open to the public during. Civic H•ol: •. iday period Sunday and Monday, August 2-3. More than 5,000 persons - from the -U.S., , Europe, and far reaChes of Canada, 3$.•-• have. visi-t-ed,,§ky Harbor airport to see "Lane". durinerhe past 30 days. Signal -Star Photo $644 7.44_ ZER The pre -mixed cgncrete and sand :for Do-ft*Yourselfrconcrete,-.., .• 45 LB. BAG, 95c 80 LB. BAG $1.39 4 '1,4, • i4tmultnst.t0,,,,g0,04e4aj.rX.40. "19 2'0" x 6' 6" x 19e" LAUA14 Mahogany Utility Doors „ Only • Magnetic Lid Seal • Fast -Freeze Shelf ioaericn escue Tug Goes To Aid • + ley, 62,, of Hyde Park and Lloyd Payne,, 42, of Brantford. Making the rescue were Son- ny Mallough, James Boyes, MacMonad_and °Pi' Con- stable Ray M. Pitmeau. The rescue tug was the "Ian Mac," by Donald Bert of Stranded Men. • Automatic Inierior Light • Factory -Set Tamper -Proof Controls • 1 -Year Warranty and4-Year Protection Plan , • A tug manned by four Gode- n tta • t he,-atrof tvirc fishermen whose 1ighj boat be- came stranded off kintail in choppy water 16 miles north Of her the night of July 28. Rescued were Albert Made- Madeiey, and Payne, who had been fishing on the lake, de- veloped- inator•trouble, •••• Macreley and Payne, in an out- board motor-pawer, 18 -foot -long fibre glass' boat, dev,eloped en- gine trouble while fishing short- ly before 10 Tuesday night. No Down Pcryrnent required with iftlhrentour @mitt- -so why dela; any longer. Do it now! 0007440.r.00.-1 WRECKING , _Red_brick_bgstse_gmlughway, 2i_just two miles louth bf Goderich, next to O.P.P. Door $1.00. 'Windows, kitchen cupboards and inch lumber 2 x 4, 2 x 6, 2 x 8 and 2 x 10. --.2,1.,tralferararirtr-740TOW"--4'="*"rm''" 295 .BAYFIELD ROAD. GODERICH THE SQUARE "The Store That Service Built" ISALESMAN ON THE 'JOB - 41 Kensington ' Ave., • Brantford, Brantford House Wrecking Co. The, water became choppy. ,They dropped anchor, but the lanchor began to drag. They signalled to shore.off Kintail 16 A. cottager, Mrs. Murray Ran- kin, spotted their .signal and phoned provincial polise. or Gederich *harbor was*alerted at 11:30. The Ian Mac Was ' readied, and reaChed the help- " 16.1S" I's herrn en' -at. Itboirt-,12:45.- a.m. Wednesday. They were taken, aboard the tug immediate- ly. A sudden storm came up and, with lightning crackling around it, the tug latched onto the smaller boat and began towing it to Goderich harbor. Rescu- ers and rescued arrived here at• to • t434 --• THURS;--thiu WED:- Cleopa ra BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN CLINTON 4,9P. ' .0*-tuatte: 00.2i, ft • WHILE THEY LAST SYLVANIA ELECTRIC LIGHT BULBS .40-60-100 WATT REG. 2 for 52c FOR WE 'ARE FORCED Th .MOVE QUR WAREHOUSE STOCK. THIS MEANS, THAT WE HAVE $10,000 STOCK WHICH MUST BE MOVED IN'THE NEXT 10 DAYS 1N ORDE. R TO CLEAR OUR PRESENT STORAGE. ALL PRICES ON BEDROOM, LIVING ROOM, KITCHEN SUITES, AND OCCASIONAL FX_TRNITURE HAVE BEEN DRASTICALLY 'REDUCED UP. TO 50%. EACH SALE IS FINAL! / 4 'HASSOkS PRICED FROM 1.95- 3 -Piece BEDROOM SUITE This suite has a walnut, slightly mark- ed finish. Modern styling RtGUL'AR 219.00 • SPECIAL 119.95 2 -Piece DAVENPORT BED , Davenport makes into a comfortable bed'. Ideal for the summer cottage ,or rec, room. Modern styling. .-SPECIAL 129.95 . 2 -Piece SKLAR CHESTERFIELD- SUITE Traditional styling in popular choc- olate brown covering.. SPECIAL 199.95 SPACESAVERS PRICED FRO 49.95 4 -Piece r4 , SECTIONAL SUITE n Suite is covered in heavy-duty wash- ' able plastic. SPECIAL 89.95 2 -SEATER SETTEE and 2 CHAIRS , This is covered in brown vinyl. SPECIAL 59.95 ROLLAWAY COTS 21.50 AND UP 3 -Piece.. VICTORIA SPECIALTIES BEDROOM SUITE One of our Most popular light suites finished in. Risciut' Gold. REGULAR 2 6 9 5 0 SPECIAL 189.95 - E.XLY GOLDEN SLEEP SALE Golden 'Sleep Special Golden Sleep Supreme 39.95 49.95 LIBERTY "CHROME SUITE of the MONTH" SAVE $40.00 on '-piece' Suite SAVE $50.00 on 7 -piece Suite SAVE $60.00 on 9 -piece Suite ( 2 -Piece SKLAR CHESTERFIELD SUITE , Suite is coyered in 100% nylon in popular Rum Gold Shade. WAREHOUSE SPECIAL ONLY 189.95 • • Lloyd and Gendron BABY CARRIAGES 39.99 AND UP GENDRON ONLY 1 GENDRON With spring -filled ONLY er STROLLERS 96 Deluxe CRIB mattress and btimp• pad. • 39.95 SNACK TRAY SETS Ring size - 4 to a set. , 'PRICED FROM 8.95 FU 10.:Piece BEDROOM GROUP Includes double dresser, chest, book- case bed, ribbon spring, smooth -top mattress, pair of lamps and pair of pillows. SPECIAL 189.95 x 12 RUGS 'MILAN WOOL -"TWEED TORICED FROM 49.95 'CLOTHES HAMPERS PRICED FROM 4.95 UP - 3-Pce. VIC-ART BEDROOM SUITE This is Danish rnOtlern styling. Fram- ed mirror. Quality suite. SUGGESTED LIST 239.00 - -"1 SPECIAL 179 95 . IT CHAIRS' e, •Rockers - Swivel Rockers Hostess -.- Occasional UP. TO 505 OFF TOSS CUSHIONS • Y,) PRICED FROM' "ri4 9C • • 4 -Piece BARONgT , COLONIAL ,J3DROOM., rhis coniists o dotibledresSer. lame framed mirror, 4 -drawer chest, spin- dle bed, night table.. . , SUGGESTED ;LIST 239.50 SPECIAL 189.95 , • 3 -Piece KAUFMAN. BEDROOM SUITE • Has beautiful Armour Guard walnut • finish. StIGGESTED LIST 354.00 n SPECIAL 26995 •