The Exeter Times, 1891-12-17, Page 1AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE, "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY NAY.' VOL. XIX. NO. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 17, 1891 VA cnils • For Exeter people who are not partic- ularly anxious to have to call hi an un- dertaker to think ..bout. t Saved der Life. A UTTER TO TER LADIES. Toronto. Oot 2tet1891. I take great pleasure iu informing you that a year ago IIistogenetio,ucdcesneseuredmeof a serious attack of Paralysis.Three years ago I hada sudden stroke while sitting on a sofa ; All 1 d one f4 r it fuileii to ado while lying bMY laierd nrte!eogstItrdDhugee edaettenetic remedies. In three months my voice became 811- .ng. My lrmtrs, which were altttost useless. regained full power. 1 no longer needed to he ae-feted ti the table and fromany one place to another. qty muscles developed wendrrfully, walk to churcthat and back regularly. s. teleffect has been eer1nan. t.1 0o•v for about 12 months. Lae' Amit 11i'i a severe attack of pi:cm:aonia anal Ilietozenottc Remedies cured me an a few a e+Jess rttd on theta .yf this month I tool: con- gesttoe ofthe liver and right lur+g. 1 was 80 h sd I sou d 1tot have livedlong. In a few 1143Mthe Ilrstegenetic medicir.ea onto morn gave immediate relief It is only rico weeks and I ani sittingupevery !lay and tloarly wen - Tot tray that taw frith in iirstegenetic medicine is atrong•but faintly etcpreeeea it Try it.ladres for those or any otter complaints. and be con- vinced. Dr. Dear of Poroma is allowed to live my name and address to any enquirers s mlaarly attested, Pespeetfully,kfas ---,Toronto. P S. -The alcove address cf n also bo had at the London office. 11ISTnnr1i:SIe EPIZLNE asaOeI,'.T1"S : 113 Spndina Ave., iorent°, Oct 13,1891. Oontletnen.-I had that dreadful dims Ia. grippe. 1081 March. which loftniy system to a weal: condition and my bend distracted. If I moved my Beed or stoopedit produced pain and en indesoribable feeling, Groat debility follow od, palpitation and'apt'roaolung heart failure. nervous prostration and general loss of strength and a feeling of internal pressure. I consulted Dr. Bear, who prescribed the Histogettotio naeslicines of Dr..1. Eugene Jordan for toe. In weeks I was some better. 1 gained in strength. ',Cita medicines very soon commenced to build me up, I continued to gain. and after tatting only one complete course all my s ymptotns were better. That is three months ego end not a trace of grippe is left. I feel well The Weals abiding. Tho medieince aro good to take and Ieayeno ill affect. I hope all needing continent may try this beautiful system• It ar bettor than taking poisonous drugs. Yours ftratcfully, b.t31 ill TOOLE. Mrs Toolois a lady of about 65 years oli of every frame and lientirely that fatal disease. Christmas is him! JUST THINK OF IT And you can get a box (28 lbs.) of good Raisins for one dollar. A choice line of Fresh Groceries on hand for Christmas. ATtoy Oct 29.1191. ee nothing but I wish to say e been in a restoration [Iistogenetic rly prostrat- which result complications hopeless, my ogenetic remo- sa change for t we were all in- d the treatment easing slowly but w comfortably wen ,8111 and power of 'dor to those who ewes- To show my Jordan for his moon- y Heavenly Father Tossing to rest upon y to let all afflicted InayAnd help in time of MRS. H. P. SNOW A few startlers in Dry -goods : Men's Suits, worth $8 50, for `5 05; 44 4. 9 00, for 6 511 " 10 00. for 7 35; Men'a Overawes at prices that wilt sell them. Special Grey Flannel at 10e ONE WORD TO THE LADIES ; You can get some very cheap Hosiery. and Gloves by Galling at A. J. McTA V1SH GO James Pickard's Old. Stand. Special Ladies' "Health" All -wool Vests for 1.00. Chiselhurst 13iti4F8.-Mr. nod 31re. Silas Eyre aro vieitiug Mts. leyre'e parents near Aoton,- ?tlr. Dane Moor,', jr., and Mies Agnes Vans horn returned from .Dakota last week. -Mr, Gorge Mandson, of Mitchell, :dist Bohol and Mita 11eleven, of Clinton, were in the village ou Suualay...'3lies Kilpatrick. 01 Miehigan, ie vrsrttne in the neighborhood. Mrs. I'4:utlatel, "The Evangelist" deliver- ed a sermon in the Methodist church Last Sunday morning, he truthfulness of the above P.S.CAtrPAaLT, McMaster University. sic systemto any 1 Consultatioaddress andexplainingatti ree. LTATION 1 EE be might vote Tory. -Mr. R. Vickers is home ',shifting friends in flirkton and vieir:ity, Whalen. Baiers-Samnel Gunning lost a valuable young horse on Mondny evening from par- alysis of the bowels, caused by distemper.- Mr. Tames Brooks intends starting for Virginia on Wednesday with a car load of stook..• -•horses, sheep and cattle.-Mra Collingwcod of Wisconsin is visiting friends here at present. -Milts 'Bras. a Co. have opened out their general store and elm - making establishment, and 811ouid secure a liberal patronage. Urediton• WEnDING Theirs, -A, very happy mut took plana at the Methodist parsonage, Crediton, an Tuesday evening, 8111 feet. Mr. John McKinley, of Bayfield Road, Stan. leo, son of Mr. J. McKinley, of E gmond- viIia s united •n marriageto Miter Sophiahia Rodmoud, daughter of Mrs. A. Redmond, near Remelt, and sister of Rev. R. Redmond of Crediton, The groom was ably support. ed by Mr, Chas. A. Redmond, and the bride as efficiently byPie8 M.McKinley, Egmond- vflle, The extreme illness of Mrs. A. Redmond, mother of the bride, prevented the happy event taking plana at the "old home." May peace and happiness attend the young couple through a long and useful life. The bride was the recipient of useful and valuable presents. Eden., Bums -Mr. Stewart Ilodr.iva, of Bid. dulpb, was visiting friends in Uaborno last Sunday. -lair. John Misery has purchased from M,. James Routley his prize winning young stallion, "Sir James" and contem- plates fitting him for the World's Fair, and has also purchased from M'r. McCullough, St. Marys, the find young stallion "King William." Mr. E. has at present a few very choice young olydesdales.-Miss Mated Dempsey returned to Lnean Monday last to resume duties in the telephone office there, -1fr- James Essery visited Dashwood last Sunday. -Miss 'Jary Cavo visited the par. ental roof on Sunday. -Disk Dickens was visiting friends in Ueborne Sunday night - Mr. Jatnca Dempsey is going to give his first conceit iu the Centralia hall on Friday (to -morrow) night.-Mra Th 1a. Coates is visiting friends and relatives in London. She will remain about a week. ISTOGENETIC MEDICINE AS- CIATION--Rooms 2 and 3 Albion '• Richmond Street, London, and 19 vie St. Market, Corner Gerrard & e Sts. Toronto, serea••'- -- William F. Ireland was tbe name iven by a tramp arrested by G. T. R. Constable Logan for indulging in a number of playful antics on the G. T. R. line between St, Marys and Kelly's Siding. He stole rides on passing trains, acted Ina disorderly manner, and chased two of Elias Near's daugh- ers to the section house with an open nifein his hand, and after the young iris refused to let him in he broke he sash and glass of the window, so bat they ran out of the back door to scape from him. All this took place bout a week ago, and alter Ireland as arrested a St. Marys magistrate re nail& try hint so Mr. Logan• took him to Lout . ' He came before Squire Smyth yesterday,'-ana was given two sentences, of two monh each, to run concurrently. Hay PERSUN-tra.—Mr. Bartlett, who has been visiting at Mr. Jenna O'Briou's, has return- ed to London. While hero he enjoyed him• self very well. -Wo are sorry to have to ray that Willie Nurthcatt, who broke his lee in the summer and was so far improved se to bo able to go around on orntchea, fell and broke it again. -George Campbell is now rusticating at the homestead, after having spent a summer 1n Now York. -Mr, Riebard Hawkins, after having spent two years in Iowa, has returned to yisit eld scenes. His reports aro quite favorable to that State, but he thinks it is not compared with Canada --Sarah Northoott, youngest daughter of William Northcott, is yery ill at presentsuffering with inflammatory rheu- matism. -Mr. and Mrs. Aldworth went to Bayfield last week to attend the funeral of hia fattier. ►,!. 4 Kirkton. Hensall. Roos yon &mg.-Seven young thoro' bred Berkshire pigs, wan registered pedigrees, Prize stock. Apnlyto A. Coxwonra, Centen- nial hotol, Henea11. SAwioGS. Wanted et the Hensall Oatmeal mill yard elm. black ash. white ash. basswood. pine. etc Highest prices paid. Call for length of logs - D. t RQUEART. Tbo undorel pried would respectfully thank the farmers of the community for pat' pats renege, fuel would also beg to Inform them that owing to iucreashag b11 1110ss they have pat In either atone roller lerpcho' ,ou the very shortest n .tice. 13igho,t 1381009 paid for wh ent. *quantity of woad vented. Coos flues. dc1,0.3in X*rAs Is ('oacrea,-Don't forget to see the latest uoveltfea in Dohs -arta, etc ; also a full lioo01 other gents' furnisbiuge, suitaule for Xmas gitte et oust price. Too goods are the most select to :1e rotted. I nm also having a clearing sale of fall and winter Tweode, i n order to make room for apriuggeode already uneehaaud,. A telco suit for $12 worIlt $15 We are ltoldiug a special sale in overcommit/a. See our overcoats et ai4 worth a l%. Other geode at equal reductions. Call early. Jong Pore, opposite Hodeine' hotel, it, Anderson. OBiTuARY.-There died 00 Sanday last, one of the pioneer settlers of this common' its. We refer to the death of Ellen, relict of the late Humphrey White, who Las just closed a useful life at the age of ill: years, Deceased with haabaud and family camp to tbie country in the early piouoor days, and until the death of her husband some nice years ago, at the age of 83 years, they had resided continuously at Auderson- Tho deceased almost up to the time of death retained all her faculties and was compara- tively active, evinatng the possession of a wonderful constitution. She had raised a family of ten children eight of whom are living. her sons being John White, editor of the Exeter TIMEs; H, A. L. White, post- master of St. Marys; Wm. White, of Lem- onville and D. White of Granton; the daugh- ters, Mrs. Wm . Graham, and Mrs. M. Hamilton, St. Marys; Mrs. J. Atkinson and Mrs. 7. Anderson, Blanshard, Humphrey White and his estimable wife were widely known and highly respected, were members of the Methodist church, in the religion of which the deceased reposed her confidence to the last. The funeral which was one of the largest evorsin thotownsbip of Blanahard, took plane yesterday (Wednesday) morning to the St. Marys cemetery, where her remain= were laid at rest beside those of her depart- ed husband. The fnneral sermon will be preached at Anderson on Sunday, 27111 inst, by Rev. Mr, Button, of Kirkton. Helens, -As Mr J. McCurdy was going into a neighbor's house on Monday he was attacked by a dog and was bitten on the hand and would have been severely bitten on the arm but that he had on a heavy coat which prevented the dog's teeth from:going through, but his arm 1a badly bruised. - While Mrs. W. Gilfillan was milkiug her cow in the stable she had the misfortuue to fall from her seat under another now, which stepped on here it is difficult to say at present to what extent she has been injured, -The following is the _report of Kirkton school for the month h of November, o The report is based on attendance, recita- tion, conduct, punctuality. The names of the first three in eaoh class are given. Second. -Perry Doupe, Norman Wiseman, Laura Wiseman. Jr. Third. -Bella Hazle- wood, Effie Cornish, Robert Davis. -Sr. Third -John Hazlewood, Minnie Watson, Sarah Doupe. Fourth-JosieDoupe, Rachel Kirk, Aonie Hazlewood. Fifth -Harvey Robinson, Lizzie Shier. -W. R. Carr V. 8. has rented an office near his dwelling. - Captain i'aieey has sold the office vnoated by W. R. Carr, to W. H. Hazlewood, at a good pride. Mr. Hazlewood has moved the building and is baying it fitted np for a kitchen to hie dwelling. -Mr. James Roes could not get a house to rent in the village so he has rented part of a farm house on the Stacey farm from H. Smith, and moved there for the present. -There appears to be a good opening in Kirktou for some person or persons to erect about a dozen cottages. They might rent thorn 10 a good advantage. It would be a nice investment and would add to the appearance of the village. -We are informed that a select debating society has been organized in Kirktou, with fifteen charter members. We did not hear the name that was to be attached to said debat- ing society, but rumor hire it going that the name will be a gigantic one something like Polyhymnia and has to be yet imported.. We hear that they have rented a large room from J. Taylor iu the Kirkton inn where talent is measured in no small quantities every Thursday night. -Dr. Irving is driv- ing a horse that is of age. Somebody sug- gested that his name bo put on the voters' list but the doctor objects on the ground that as Byron is a very intelligent animal Wheat 89 to 92 Marley 40 to 40 Oats 31 to 32 Peas 61 to 62 Hay 10.00 to 10.110 Butter ..15 to 16 Eggs 17 to 17 Bogs 5.00 to 5.23 ELECTION OF OFFICERS, -At the regular meeting of the Masonic Lodge, No. 224, on Thursday evg. last, the following officers were elected for the current Masonic year; Bro. G.T. McKay, W. af.; Bro. J'McNevin, Sen. Warden; Bro. D. MoSwen, Jun, War- den; Bro. D. Burns, Secy; Bro. V'. R. Eakins. Tteaa ; Bro. James Bonthror, T3 ler; Bro. C. Meyers, Chap. The other officers will bo appointed by the V. M. at next meeting. PEa80NALe.-Miss Amnia Weataway of Exeter was the guest of Miss Smallacombe this week. -Miss Rorie Eacrett of l;xetor is visiting friends in and around the village. -- A. King visited friends up north tbia week. Ho will move into bis now premises the latter part of this week. -Mr. Isaac Moore of Vlt'selburat returned home from Dakota ou Friday last to spend the winter.-Mr.Ed MoTaggart, wife and family, formerly of this vioiaity but now of Dakota, are visiting friends fn 11110 section. Mr. MoT. bad his crops destroyed by prairie fire last fall,losing considerable in consequence-Revear.Hen- derson preso11ed in one of the Methodist ohurohes in Exeter on Sunday last, and his pulpit in Carmel church here was ooeupled by ltev.Dr. Moffatt of Toronto, who preaob- od an eloquent and praotiaal gamete -Mr. J. Maoarthur was in Toronto the forepart of the week.-Mra. Broadfoot of Abeline,Kan., after a prolongs d visit with friends in Crom- arty, left for het home on Friday lost, She was prineipally the guest of ills. Dunlop. - Mr 13enj. Dunlop loft on Friday last for Salt Lake Citv,Utah• He had been home apend- iug holidays with his parents at Cromarty. -Mr, Ed. Ingram arrived in Hensall on Friday from Vanoouver. B. 0., where he has been working during the past summer at hia trade as a 10480 t -Miss Harald of Shakespeare is the guest of her brothor,Mr. L. Harold, the pupulsr station agent. -Mr. John Popo visited London last week and purchased his spriug stook. -Miss Hodgins, who is attending College in Loudon, has been very ill of la grippe. She is con- valoaoing and is expected home for the Xmae holidays. -Mr. Wm. White of Rodgerviile it is expected will buy a house and lot in town and come here to live. -The Captain and one of the crew of the wrecked barge "Goodall" who with others came ashore at Drysdale recently,left this station last week for their home in Port Huron. BRIEFS. -Messrs. T. Berry and J. Petty shipped several more oar loads of lambs this week from Centralia. They purchased over 200 from Mr. Quinton of Usborne. They are in Buffalo with the stock, -The congre- gation of a Presbyterian church in Califor- nia, which some time ago extended a call to Rev. Mr. Henderson of Carmel Presby- terian church, have renewed it, and last week Mr. Henderson received a fourth in- vitation to become their pastor He now has the matter under his serious considera- tion, and it may be possible that we shall lose our popular pastor. It is to be hoped that the rev.gentloman will not too seriously consider the invitation. -Promotion exam- inations will take plane in the school this week. -A meeting of the Upper Canada Tract Society was held in the Methodist church on Monday, when Dr. Moffatt de- livered au interesting lecture to a large oon. gregation. He showed what a good work was done by the society, and succeeded in securing a good collection --A number of the Masons of this village attended a meet- ing of their Exeter Brethren on Monday evg., to assist in the election of offfcere.- The Debating Society had quite an interest- ing debate 'last week. The subject was "Resolved that Woman has more Influence over Man than Gold." The affirmative was led by D. Buchanan, supported by Miss Ellis and i0, Stoneman, while for the nega- tive was Thos Bell, assisted by Miss Buch- anan and Oscar Reynolds. After consider- able debating,the Judges,Messrs. Fitzgerald Sherrsand Hughes, rendered their decision in favor of the affirmative, that woman has far greater influence over man than has gold. The debate was quite interesting,and the abilities of the different debaters were well displayed. -A number of citizens of this place intend going to Exeter on Friday to record their votes against the removal of the market from its present site to the town hall grounds. They claim that the move is uncalled for, and that an unnecessary ex- pense will be incurred in the removal pro- posed. They all look upon it as an ant of jealousy. There are some twenty or thirty votes here. 11 the Southerners have any wealth to squander in bets, it would pay them better to send a portion of it here to try and buy over some of the wavering ones. -Prof. Soott's concerts during the weak were not sucoessfol owing to the bad weather. The Prof. is considerable of a loser. -The Presbyterian S. S, are preparing for their Christmas Tree enter tainment on Xmas Eve. Valuable presents have been purchased for diatribu'inn among the sobolats.-Mr. Wm. Fld,' , .he entorpthiug implement agent of this village,who through the changes taking place among the imple- ment firma of late, was for a abort time without an agency, is now 're are pleased to say the sole agent for the Massey Harris Patterson and Wisner Manufaoturtng Co. These different firms have amalgamated and made Mr. '"Elder their agent for this section of the country, --We had another heavy rain on Monday and Tuesday, but this time our etreeta were not flooded. -At a meeting of the Directors of the South Horon Farmer's Instituto, held here lee*. week, it was resolved to bold three Beatitude meello s during the oomiug season. The first will be held on the 20111 and 2lat of January. The firet day meeting and evg. entertainment will be held at Rippon, and the second day meeting at Unmade Further particnlars wall bo given laces ed. -James Cumming, tax collector of Tnekeransttl, collected 8600 here on Saturday. Kippen. (Too late for last week.) BItIEF3.-The tea meeting given under the auspices of the Ladies Aid Society on Deo. 7th was fairly well attended, prooeeds amounting to about 1100 -The protracted meetings still continue, the pastor Mr. Irvin Inas been greatly assisted in this work this week by Mre. Peatland, of Dungannon, This lady is a powerful speaker and will long be teseembered by the Kippan people, Every evening the church hes been well filled and several more have this week been added to the list of converts. -On Sabbath afternoon Deo. G. a large number of R. T. of Temperance, consisting of members of the Kippen council and neigliboringeounoils, Seafortlt, Bruoefield and Hensall, were well represented. They met in the town hall and marched in procession to the Methodist aura, where it was expected the Rev. Mr. Henderson, of Hensall, would preach a ser- mon by request. On arriving there it was found necessary to change this plan and go to St. Andrew's church as the church was already filled. The rev. gentleman took for his text "Up, sauotify the people, and say, sanctify yourselves against to morrow; for thue saith the Lord God of Israel, there is an accursed thing iu the midst of thee 0 Israel; thou causi not stand before thine enemies, until ye take away the accursed thiug from amr n; you." Joshua 7 chap. 13 verse, and from it preached one of the grand est temperance sermons that evet this congregation had the privilege of listening to. After the service the members again adjourned to the hall and at the close of the meeting it was unanimously resolved that a hearty vote of thanks be tendered to tbe Rey. Mr. Henderson for his aervioes. Goderich. Batera:-Satarday and Sunday were like May days, overcoats being generally die - carded. -The two new tugs are el'eady on the wase -Mr. R. H Collins, barrister of Exeter, was in town the ptst week. -Mr, M. C. Cameron resigned hia neat last week, through an infraction of the election law by au agent. The p raenal oha-ges were with drawn.-- There is as yet only a alight flutter in the municipal arena.-Bar•ister Dickson, of Exeter, wan in the c runty town last week. -The Goderich ladies are making great preparations for the leap year ball. -On Sunday evening the fire alarm rang ant just before 6. A visit to the supprse3 ap of dis- covered a leading citizen roaring water into an ash barrel. -The Model school elates of 1891 concluded the course ou Fridav Wier - noon. Miss A. Feeery and lllr, G. Russell, of Exeter, Mr. A. Moir, of Hay, Mr, J. Foster, of Varna, Mr. J. Metl'illtatue, of Clandeboye and \Vm. Hoegarth, of Hensall, members of the elites left for their several homes on Friday -The .loelo Mills comedy company appeared last week in the Grand, in six most oxot-Ueat p' aye. The Co. b,liug a good one, and a nightly diietribution of ailverwaro, Largo etulien005 were present nightly. -The temperance hall meetings the past week were not overly well attonded•- Our oity fath•'re mat nn 1'raaday evouiug and settled up the beeiuesa 118 the year. - The general topic ]net now i8who will con- test West Huron with Mr. M. C, Cameron. -Onr stores are now dressed for Xmas 1S91• -The Xmas examinations in connection with the pulatio 80ho01s are now hi progress. -Eli Perkius, the great humorist will in the near future appear before a Goderich audience.- Tho Goderich high school closes for the Xmas holidaya to -morrow afternoon, and the public schools on Tuesday, -Tile well- known IeGibbeny family will appear in the Grand Opera House to -morrow evening. - A number of visitors from Uncle Sam's territory havo already arrived iu town for Christmaetide. JOHN WHITE & 8014 Publisher and Proprietor Great Clearing Sale FO 313 DAYS In each year we are going to offer our large and well -assorted stock of DRY -GOODS, .HATS Sr CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, ROBES, FUR COATS, FURS CROCKERY, BOOTS Ss SHOES, HARDWARE and GROCERIES At Greatly Reduced Prices. Talk about your 30 days' sale ; nothing so small 1 Dan's be afraid of being a day too early or a day too late. Sale always going on. Call and. see us and our Goods, and da our prove words. r . Sorry we are so busy that we cannot lend our friends a hand to move the market ; hope they will excuse us. "This week's." BRIErs.-The gippen Council of Royal Tempters of Tehrperance held their meeting in the new town hall Deo. 8, forty five mem- bers being prevent. They spent a very en- joyable evening and enrolled six new mem- bers and expeot to have nine more on the 17th fust. The election of officers took place when the following officers were elected :- G. T. McKay, S 0 ; W. Harvey, V 0 ; A. Monteith, P C ; M. Mellis, Ubaplia; R. Dinsdale, Tress; 11. Ivison, Fin Sec; W. Cooper, Rea Seo; T. Riley, Guard; J. Coats, Herald; on account of the hour being so late the other officers were noteeleoted. This council of R. T. of T. will give a grand con- oert on the 22nd inst. After refreehments have been served the following speakers will address the meeting :-Editor Holmes, Clinton; Mr Jackson, Bev Simpson, Bruce - field. Mnsio will be farnisbed by t:.e Exeter String Band and by neighboring councils. - Mr. James McLean, sr. of the London road who has been ill for some time ie felling, and hi not expeoted to recover. -The notices are out calling a meeting of the rate'payere of the new eohool section No 14 Hay. on Wednesday 3011', at 10 a m. --Mr J. Me - Nevin is shipping lumber to Buffalo, Lon- don and other places. Dr. T. A. Slocum's OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURI; COD LIVER OIL. If you have Tightnees of the Chest -Use it. For sale;by all draggiete. 35 (tents per bottle. 1, P. ROSS. rabbits, but report "tired legs" more plenti- ful, -We uude;4-tatad that Mr (ittorge) FOS. ter has been anecesefnl iu getting a schoal n<ar Weirton, Bruce cauutee-Mr end Mra John E;gie returned from Manitoba this week. To the I dltrrr Ot the 13xe1er Pict's. DEAR Silt, -I went to Sodom on Friday night last to hear the Peor home question discussed, Mr. Brokenshire occupying the chair. On taking the chair be asked if anyone there knew anytiung about a Poor y4 House, iusiunating that he did, but they did not, Then he ruled that only one claws was admissable to the Poor House, vhtl "The Poor," Ho ignored the argu- ments advanced on the humanity, the morulity and religious privileges that would be in. store for the inmates of the Poor House, but based his ruling entirely on a money consideration, as if money were of more consequence than the comfort and spiritual privileges of the poor. Also after delivering the decision (it took him some time to win the ether two to his way of thinking) he made quite a little speech against the Poor House, stating that at one time a person in Exeter was 60 Billy as to epeak in favor of a Poor House, but he gave him a severe reprimand for daring to express such wicked .ideas. So far as I could make out, the decision was greatly influenced by a misleading statement, though 110 doubt the parties who made use raft were sincere and gave it in good faith. The statement given was that "The amount granted to indigents in '87 was $5,864,and the annual cost of maintaining au inmate is set down at $55. This county would supply 125 inmates, the cost would be 86,875. about $1,000 more than now .''i I am satisfied that the decision fluenced greatly by his erroueo ment• I had a curiosity to see r myse this wonderful eonuniitee's report. Atter some difficulty I managed to obtain one of these reports, and perused it carefully. I could not see anything that could be used as an argument against the Poor House in the line of economy or otherwise, but did find on last page (10) Sec. 3, the statement above referred to, but it refers to the county of Ontario not Huron, and conse- queetly would be no argument. 11 was distinctly stated that it had reference to Huron. I have no doubt the parties who used the expression were sincere enough, but it had its effect on the chairman all the same. Blanshard Council. The municipal council of the township met on Monday. Present : Full Board. Minutes of previons meeting read and ap- proved. A petition largely signed by the citizens iu the vicinity of Woodham was presented to the council Inferring to the destitute circumstances of one Mrs. Samson, a lonely, yet useful and respected widow now residing in that lucidity. and asking the council to make a small grant towat da assist- ing her hi procuring the necessaries of life. Moved by St. John seconded by Johnson, that the council make a grant of $10 to Mrs, Samson. -Carried, Ain Barton Allen stood before the council asking for damages and labor done on the hill. On motion of St. John and Johnston, councillors Berry and Sinclair were appointed a committee to inspect the hill. Mr. Johnston Stewart wanted an outlet from his field of wheat at the blacksmith shop, the drain had been filled up, thus flooding a part of his land. Berry -Sinclair -that Masers Johnson and St. John be a committee to inspect the said drain and report at next meeting. -Carried. Mr. Moscrip presented his bill of costs in the suit Henderson vs Tp., of Blanshard. Moved by Johnson and Berry, that the hill be left over till next meeting,-- Cartied- The Board of Health presented their report for the year, and on motion of Berry and St. John it was adopted. -Carried. Moved by St. John, sec. by Berry, that the nom - inatious for the several offices of reeve, deputy -reeve and councillors for the year 1892 be hold at tbe township hall, McIntyre's Corners, on Monday the 28th day of Decem- ber, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, and In case polls be demanded they be held as follows: -Polling subdivision No 1, at John Anderson's house, lot 13, non 2 --John An- derson, D. R. Officer, Polling subdiyisiun No 2, at Henry Creighton's house, lot 19, oon 6 -David Bretbour, D. R. Officer. Poll- ing sub -division No 3, at George White's house, lot 15, oon 10 -George White D. 11. Officer. Polling sub -division No 4, at the town hall Molntjre's Corners -J. H. Jame- son. returning officer. Polling sub. division No 5, at the house of Mrs. Cubbon, lot 37, Thames oon.-Wm. McGregor, D. R. officer, Polling sub -division No 6, at Agustus Brethour's implement rooms, pt. lot 9, W. B. -Agustus Brethour, D. R, officer. Thal said polls bo opened at 9 o'clock a. m. and olnsed at 5 o'clock p. m. on Monday, the 14th day of January, 1892, and that a by-law be drafted ooufirming the same. -Carried. After passing accounts to the amount of $1,000 for salaries, labor, gravel, eto., the oounoil adjourned till the 15th inst. Hills Green. Bn1Ers-While Mr Robert Jarrett was watering his horses at Mr Beid'! on Friday evening last, they escaped to the road, and after a diligent search they were found at Mr McDermid's, 2nd concession, Stanley. -Mr William Richardson, who has bean working near Exeter tbe past summer, re- turned home last week. -Mr M Troyer is visiting hie brother, Mr John Troyer, sr, - A number of our local sportemen-were tramping the ewampa last week. They succeeded in getting a few partridges and ONE Wino WAS THERE. The annual meeting of the Dominion Draught Horse Breeders' Association was held in the Council Chamber, Clinton, on Wednesday, there being a large attendance of members. The auditor's report showed that the total assets of the Association were 52,067-85. The election of officers resulted in all the old oflloers being re-elected. They are as follows :-President, J McMillan, Constance; Vice, D McIntosh, Brimfield; Sea, James Mitchell, Goderich; Teresa, Jno eikenbead, Gcderiob. Counoil--1 year - D Fisher, Goderich ; John McDiarmid, Lucknow; James Henderson, Belton; J J Fisher, Benmillar; T Green, Dublin; C E Mason, Bromfield; J H McRoberts, Lucan- For 2 yearsP Gurti o, Centralia; A Innes, , Clinton ; P McGregor, Brucefield ; John Bnech,Sebringville; W Sinclair, Chiselhurst. Exeoutive coin mit tee -A Innes, P Ourtian, James Henderson, D McIntosh, J 11 Black - ail; Auaitore, T McMillen, 8 Smilh••. The next annual meeting will be hold in Clinton on the third Wednesday in December. The petitions in favor of submitting the Sunday street car question in Tor- onto to a popular vote are now au- nounced to be over 5,000 the number required. There is no doubt the ques- tion wi,l go to a vote. James Spring, a G, T. B. fireman, fell off a train as It slowed up at Park - dale station yesterday and rolled in front of the engine, which passed over his body, and, to the intense horror of the spectators of the accident, com- pletely severed his head from his body, On Friday afternoon while the Wile of William Miller, a farmer residing about five miles east of Dunnville, was standing over a bonfire, she took a fit, falling into the fire, She was so horrib- ly burned in the face and body that it is doubtful whether she will recover. Los Angeles, Cal., ,Deo. 12.•-A de- structive wind storm visited Los An- geles and vicinity Thursday night and Friday morning. Its seventy seems .to have been greatest at Passedena ah.l San Gabriel valley. bo far as reported but two persons were killed. At Pas- sedena several churches and many barns were wrecked.