HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-07-09, Page 5ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH JULY 12 .. ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer • Special Praecher Rt, Rev. G. N. Luxton, +I:• Lord Bishop of Huron 1►_ (Junior Congregation and Nursery) Nb Evening Service During Summer Months July 22, St. Mary Magdalene - Holy Com - minion In the Chapel 7:30 and 10 a.m.. Rector: REV. CANON KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.i►,, 15.DD Mr. George Burgoin, Organist and Choirmaster. ;fid C -r) THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church, (31' .q.4„ 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Wors,ip. -"The Master Repairer" The Rev. Ure .Stewart of Seeforth REV. T. L. HOBBINS ursery--aa il� 3ui fol•—ebragve'gaifiiiirr' The Rev. W. J. ten Hoopen, B.A., B.D., Min. • . T ,_ ' rganist Dc3iterer, O Knox Presbyterian Church. THE REV. G:- LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister -._.- --..,, ailliiiiam••O-ameron,...lQi for of Praise_ r SERVYCES — ' 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Sermon: "Introduced To Jesus",. The esus",- The Rev. John. Fleck,-D.R.;-Lonclon,-Optal:io ~' Jun er Congiregat on 9:30 a.m. Service Only ", Nursery 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Pray for the ,Knox Spiritual Crusade tor of fthe London, Ontario, Youth for Christ program, an :aa + as aX]A1:.�11fiiilth pfe` gyri sp.o`nsnrecl.. _by __Youth for. Christ International, a world- wide, Protestant- youth organiz- at ou :;"� ' -LtN `�" N'e'w', „` • Past'o'r ofbiirr ieJ.`._.a call to the Bayfield $aptist Church, a pastorate he served for 16 months. The 29 -year-old minister was married in 1961 in Philadelphia, tho..tormax 1 4 A1441 . daughter of the Rev. .Mr. add ' xs...CarLWo.U.r. miissinnades...ro.' Africa. • Mrs. Robbins,. like her husband, is -'a graduate. ot£ Col - nil lirl3Thle-tSzll ; ..va ere: he: carne a-btalieTor of- ar . e - gree in Biblical eduction. SeM1t)IaNmm�1Ur 4M1bIII OV. 11:00 a.m. Sunday School tr 11:00. a.m. Morning Worship I, 1.•. r .,n , agm.?tti+eu4 m�MMhiU�C' 10:00 a.m. Benmiller: Church and Sunday School REV. CECIL A. DUKELOW, Minister. MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist. FREE METHODIST CHURCH - Corner Victoria 'and Park Streets REV. R.'G. PELFREY B.A.; B,D„ Pastor'- Dial .524.9306 9:50 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. MORNING ;WORSHIP' ~. . 7:00_ p.m_ _EVENING SERVICE . ww,.,�s, Wed., 8:00p.nl. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study• 4.,, 9w v,k.5 ti...-a:..s• } `xT1x� , A x` a c; F"'sic d.k` : k 'er. Nearing Completion is the new $16,000 addition to Calvary Baptist church' at Blake street and Bayfield.road, built with a mighty assist from members of the cliurch's congre- gation. Above, Pastor T. L.' Hobbins, yields to request of Members of Calvary Baptist Church;-rr&v--Gnd-eric-h -Congre-� ga ion, established seven and a - half -months ago, this week are, putting the finishing touches -ten a new $1'5 000 chapel —, built '71-17-1176n,°gown' liaas. •--:- Go-nstett tion --e,f 44 eti, new church -chapel at' 231 Bayfield road was begun late 'in 1963. Work on the building was swung into high gear the past two months, as "'men of the church, on their free' time; con- tributed more than 320 man hours toward the project. Construction of th,e.ichurch is being completed • • under the ' direction of Mpses Martin; a carpenter and -member of the Calvary Baptist Church. With the' onset_; of spring and summer weather, the buff brick trtsPierr tothrsitaW,01444Ir church (Ciontigg0 tromp » agq, And. art i> ciaZ lee put .n, and now -we have a sprinkler aystem' there which has cut Town on' insurance: - Publicity For Goderlch ' "Young Canada Week has grown until now it Ls known ail over the province. On ncr,y trip to Sudbury I met the reeve of Garson township who said he had brought some boys dci'wn here to play hockey, and there were different people who men- tioned Goderich as home of Young Canada Week. "Due to the generosity of' Mr. Knight, who donated over $100,- 000, we have a swimming pool, waiting,room, and change -room, and are fortunate in that about 300 children are taking swim- fi`ih`IDR'Belli°ei'e`1r'e and thousands who enjoy ',them- selves in the pool "Some years t, Pen-Company l�terhere, The Golf clubho'tise and curling rink have been added and these .F444. ^. atlia-•-.social activities of the town. We have a Pioneer Museum, and I would recom- mend ,any of you who have not been there to spehd a couple of hours browsing around. The curator has: taken a great _inter, est 'int it, and the fact -that 25,000 come there every year is proof .that...i-t ..is.,._wo.0 'thought of not only in the province but in dif- ferent States. -The curator- is - doesn't want a raise in salary— one of the oddities of the town. Industrial Expansion e of- the -_a-ld r- frrms --is Dominion Roaa Machinery, which has deve)dped a a ,overt seas aket 00 10 ;-� 111Witifactur444 i ' increased production in the• Last u'nmber '` of years, hasan attractive°shown" room and 1s one qt. the ':largest; processors _ of ,hard' aTh... $ifto._.. Salt has increased, capacity- .and is one of the leaders in that field. The Arline is one • of the - largest producers of rock salt in the Dominion. "We have ,three new church's, and. most of the others have added to their buildings, though we .are told. the congregations are not any larger, "Because of the rapid growth of population, more rooms have been added to existing schools and more schools built. Twenty years ago we had two public u,-,; ;; :wtttr "` •s`"e"'e ''°",. now have. Three, i with 32 teadh- ens. The separate school- has mud- enrolment; necE ,:y,►.,: z ing a new- school---ixi---the wes end. The collegiate outgrew the former building and. a new one was erected -and four years ago was enlarged. Twenty year's ago there. were 13 teach- 2, ers on the staff of the -collegiate, and this fall there' will be 26, with perhaps 80 or 90- students t u g he _composite School ___. a•t C1 in to`n .'x-. -------s'''.. J`Bud" Worthy thanked the _ci speaker ...•wa`rml.y. .f.or.-his,-..inter--.M,,...-.----.,,.... esting talk,, and took the oppor- turiity -of - adding. -to -Mr: Wat-2 ___ 7. korn,s-k4--ef::-bt itress-chan�es --- the "fins new ESSO station't 'b at Victoria and Nelson streets, whereupon the sergeant -at -arms eelared-th-at this "eommerei-al" merited a fine. two neighborhood youngsters •and explains salient features of the new church front: Front entrance' faces north onto Blake street. , SIGNAL. -STAR PHOTO members bracing to the „task t._the- end _o f..their' Teg'ttlat-day 's work. The sanctuary, with a inaxi- mu m seating capacity of 125, has been in use for Sunday ser- vic"`e rifee�''11>iarch "i."""eaaAar ..rw �rian,>•�.�entr�raae�,�,f�,,...,.th.Q- b%iildiilg faces north, onto"Blake street. A . 40 -foot -by -40 -foot foyper provides access to the sanctuary, which measures 1,000 square feet. On the basement- level, be- neath the first -floor chapel, is a 1,000 -square -foot Sunday school room. . iese P the- pastor living quarters for r p or and his- family ad-' join the new chapel 'on the west. Parsonage, Too Long-range plans calLfor the building of- +.. rage orr°-t of the Baptist Convention of Ontg`riio and Quebec 'Montreal Street Near The Square 10:00 _ a.m." Sunday. School 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening, Worship ; - - Tuesday 6:45 . p.m. — Intermediate Y.puth Wednesday 8:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Friday 6:30 pm. — Explorers Rev. N. W. Okell, Walkerton,lflterim Pastor • acres of land to the east of th.e rrew "chUref cliapcl "Combin= ation. The Calvary Baptist Church, located on the east side of -High- way 21 on the south ede of was 'e is ig ed ph 11.e. nlb.e-...16, M1-963,�.�..It��-has•-:•aM membership :of 50 faniilies. 'Its church school is, compbsed of 60 members. The' board of, tr't'stees in- cludes Ross Davidson and John Blue of Goderich, and Ralph (Jia) Cornish of Bayfield. David -,son is chairman. The board o deacons includes, besides David- son and Corni§h,-Moses Martin and _ Murray Riordon of ' Gode- rich, and Gordon Westlake of Bayfield. - • • Founding pastor 'of the church is the Rev, .Mr. T. L. lab�il ,tt. , at<ive..-o.L-Halifax, Nova Scotia, who came to the Goderich church from Bayfield Baptist Church last' fall. ' Pastor. Hobbins received his elementary and secondary edu- ation lb London': Past Education For two' years he attended the University of Western Ontario, and' subsequently matriculated at London- Teachers' College. Fie was graduated in 1956 frdhi London Teachers' College, from which he received a teacher's certificate. During the school ygar •1956-57, he' .taught fifthry and sixth grades in the La "tyi`erich"a;� ^�no<neu.m..myrcmet•+nn+=.wwm.ttu.aamtlrlmasa�.r.•zn1kT•Ps>frtlt.nnraaNtiw.:, beth, Ontario, public schools. -In--the-fafl-o-f•-••195g;-he- r'ii•Fed' in the Columbia Bible College, Columbia, South Carolina. He was graduated from Columbia Bible College in 1961, and on March 29, 1963, he was ordained a minister of the Fellotvshiip of Evangelical Baptist churches. Subsequently, he served for Miss' Louisa O'Rourke, 95, died in St. Marys Hospital, Lon- don, Thursday. She was born in Blyth, the daughter 'of the late Peter O'Rourke and Mary Kinahan, Miss O'Rourke lived in Goderich until 15 years' ago .when she went to the House of Surviving, are several nieces acrd• -.nrephewssf--' Th e--bodr- as_.._. -s_ at the Lodge funeral home, ' Goderich. '"Requiem high mass was celebrated at St. Peter's. Church, Monday at 8 a.mr Rev. Father Raymond Moynahan of- ficiated. Burial was made in Colborne Roman Catholic ceme- tery. •® ./ WNITEFAAE ONE WAY GODERICH , ONT.'. , Dancing Every Saturda..,Night for the Y_pung Crowd 'IC9FC".4FiahiAW1M"niACSAYA�t� No slacks, jeans or shorts The smart way to save and travel ! Extra coach car conveniences to make your trip more comfortable. ' '°"dor" other economy DC i"fte ares"cal(.. , _M ., ".' ".`�►' . THIS WEEK JULY 11 - "T11E DEL-REYS" 9 p.m. to Midnight Admission 75c per person Catering to Weddings, Luncheons, Banquets, etc. For rental information or reservations DIAL 524-9371 or 524-9264 CANADIAN NATIONAL 27.54 GREEN GIANT FANCY FOR 10 DAYS ONLY, CAPTAIN and MRS. ROY WOMBOLD 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00. a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 ptm, Salvation Meeting Tues., 8:00 p.m. — Prayer Meeting Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. -- Ladies' Home League EVERYONE WELCOME ( This plywood is good one „side and is• ideally suitedfor' almost any use. Kitchen cupboards, outdoor buildi'I or just about anything you have in mind. 1 1 KRAFT SALAD BOWL. 1 SALAD r. INSECT DRINK !DRESSING SPRAY SYRUP C 32 OZ k;1 RAID — HOUSE & GARDEN' 1 REAL GOLD — ASSORTED FLAVOURS CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Bayfield Road af Blake St. (Entrance off Blake) 7' , - SUNDAY SERVICES 10:00 a.m. Bible School - All Summer 11:00 a.m. -- 7:30 p.m., Church Services Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. Frrayer and Bible Study Friday, 8:00 p.m. Young People's Pastor: REV. T.I LESLIE HOBBINS, B.A. • Warm Welcome To All d -0Z. TINS ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 8-11 INCLUSIVE. WE kESERV'E THE RIGHT TO LIMIT -QUANTITIES X ,� .CANADIAN PITTSBURGH This is quality paint made by CPL There -As white this is such a neutral color we are sure you will find it at • this price. 6.98 only ,and a use for SLICED FARM 1 ,FRESH YOUNG CANADIAN PORKERS \ LEAN 'N' TASTY CENTRE CUT MORTON'S DINNERS • - B:ef • Chicken • Tucker • Salisbury Steak PICNIC -BRAND — WHITE OR PINK.. (An account of Rev. Kudra's conversion) Will Be The Message Sunday, July 12 at 7:30 p.m. AT THE This is pre -mixed cement and sand 'for ,do-it-yourself trete. Just add'water and stir. 45 -Ib. Bag 95c STOKELY'S PING 4lkoz 1 ..Tin. 77C VAN CAMP �� �,f� ... R 20.0:.77` _._ .BEN � Tins POST CRISPY NUMBERS To oz. CEREAL Pkgs 617C 80 -Ib. Bag 1.39 Pentecostal Church COME AND HEAR TWO OF CANADA'S OUTSTANDING EVANGELISTS PASTOR — REV, R. CLARIO The doors come complete with hardware and • are priced way below the average overhead garage doors. See ihem this week. No 'Money Dowrl. With Conklin Budget utjMeeR� HOMES IMPRPV6MN7' Account • BAYFIELD ROAD 524-8321 ROYAL—ALL FLAVOR JELLY POWDERS 10 For 87c INGERSOLL CHEESE SPREAD ',qb 57a FR'EY BENTOS ° CORNED BEEF la Tin. 99- AJAX LAUNDRY DETERGENT . s =e' 87I TERRY DOG FOOD �o.'rin.'� REDPATH FINE GRANULATED WHITE 55 G R. c s.Le. BAG 9 C ° Le. `TIED URAND — BAR -B -Co RIB STEAKS PORK LOIN FILLET PORK ROAST POTATOES RED BRAND — CUT THICK FOR BAR•O.Q CHUCK.STEAKS BONELESS PORK LOIN ROAST ,,fo PBACK BACON BY THE PIECE ,' i.e. LISTEN TO THE GIVE AWAY RADIO $HOW, tKCR RADIO CKNX-TV KITCHENER WINGHAM • " PICK UP 'YOUR BONUS BUY OF THE WEEK