HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-12-10, Page 11M AND HURON Sc MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. E "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' VOL. XIX. NO. 18. EXETER, ONTARIO: THURSDAT MORNING, DECEMBER, 10: 1891 FA CTS A'Fear Exeter people who are not partic- ularly annjous to have to eon in an un- dertaker t6) think about. Saved Her Life. A LETTER TO THE LADIES, Toronto. Oct 21st 1£91. I take great pleasure in in arming you thee sear Ago IIistogeuetio nledieineseared rue of a serious attack or parapsia. Three sews n,;ra I had a Pun eon i stroke1s age.l while t lying in boil second on 14 tog a teach cud. :i All I did for it fallen to 1 g } voice and all one side were badly affected- At last I tried Dr. J.Eurene Jonian s IIiata,genetie remedies. Ia three niemth3 my voice became strong. AIr limbs. which were almost useless, refiainedfull power. 1 no !anger needed to he a''iatcd to the table and from any one place 1,. another. My muscles developed rt,ndertully. considering that I am Ti years ,.f age. I can walk to chua.h owl hack regularly. The cfis ct has Wen mier7nanent now ter about ltt in,+netla. Live April I hat a ecv ere attach of enetneente and ilistegeuetic Remedies cared me rag a few day..rindd un 113. (h .'t'ih*s month I took cDn. gestaon of She liver and right lung. 1 was 8* bad 1 could pot have laved- long. In a few hears the Ila,tvgcneti3 medicines .,neo np)ra .ave immediate r,.ief it ie only its.. reeks and l sant s`n1 1117 ttpevery flay and clearly well Tony that aq> t_33Rh en lfrstegeuerre medicine is strong.bnt faintly expresses it 'Cry tt.ta,.Iiea for tlao'o or any outer complaint.:, and be c;•n- vinccd. hr. lsenrof Perones 1 * allowed to give roe name and address roans enquirers a.milarly affected. Respectfully. _ Alas - Toronto. P c. --The above address can also be had at the Lon,hn office. it18TOONST1W rs2D1+^e1NE ASSOCIATION : 432 Spading Ave., xoronto, Oct 13, 11-91, Cicntlemone-I had that dreadful dims*. la grfppo,lust March which left tmty evil em in n weak condition and. my head distracted. If I moved my header stooped it produced pain and tin indeeoribable feeling, (treat debility follow eel, palpitation and approaching heart failure, nervous prostration and general loss of strength nada feeling of internal pressure. !consulted Dr. Rear. who prescribed the IIieM,celtelle medieinosof llr.1:ugem:Jordan for me. In weeks I was some better. i gained in strength. !Cho medicines very s•wn commenced to build meat), I continued to gain. and after taking only one complete course all niy s ymptuius were better. That is three months ago .end not n trace of grippe to loft. I feel well Tho effect is abiding. Tho medicines are good to take and !mono ill affect. I hope all needing treatment may try this beautiful system. It is far better than tithing poisonous drugs, Fours gratefully, SARAH TOOLE. N. B. -Mrs T..nie is a lady of about di years of age, of delicate frame and of such a very few only out of every hundred have entirely recovered from that fatal disease. BurrooeNETIC MEDICINE ASSOCIATION Yorkville Ave.,Toronto. Oct 20. 101. For the benefit of those who sec !nothing but suffering and death before them 1 wish to lay there i; hupo for you yet. I have been in a like condition myself and owe my restoration to health to the over reliable Histogenetie medicines. Last spring I was utterly prostrat- ed bya severe attack of la grippe, which result ed in bronchitis arid other seriouscomplications When my ease seemed perfectly hopeless, my friends decided to try thee I£istogenetio reme- dies, and in less than throe days a change for the bettor was so apparent that we were all in- spired with hope. I continued the treatment for a number of weeks, progressing slowly but surely day by day. I am now comfortably well and am still gaining in strength and power of endurance, and am a wonder to those who know how hopeless my case was. To show my gratitude to Dr. J. Eugene Jordan for his won- derfulremedies and to my Heavenly Father for commending His blessing to rest upon them. I take this way to lot all afflicted ones know where they may find help in time of trouble. MRS. H.P. SNOW. I can vouch for the truthfulness of tho above statement. P. S.OAMPnaLL, McMaster University. Books mailed free to any address explaining the Histlgenetic system. Consultation and all informat7on free. 017R REPRESENTATIVT..t' WILL BE AT EXFTEF -CNTRi'te L HOTEL ��1�1 Tuesday, Dec. 1st. 9.30 a.m. to 5,30 p.m. AND AT HENS.Ae_LL HENALL HOTEL Same Tuesday 6 p.m. to 9 p.m: CALL EARLY. • CONSULTATION ATION F IEE HISTOGENETIC MEDICINE AS- 'OCIATION--Roonts 2 and 3 Albion Block; Richmond Street, London, and 19 onge St. Market, Corner , Gerrard as 'ongeSts., Toronto, Chri:imis is Coming JUST THINK OF IT And you ean get a box (28 lbs.) u£ goutl Rai -ins for one dollar. A choice, line of Fresh Groceries t.11 hand for Cltri turas. A few atartlrere in Ilt1 .o:t.,d ; Men's Suite, wog th tai aO, for $J 65; 3: ., 9 Pie, foe 6 Sat: .• ., 01 .11.1. for . 31t Men's Overenats at prices that will sell them. .+poeiel ( trey Flannel at lee ONE WORD TO THE LADIES : You Call ger some vers' cheap Ii.e-iery end tllnva'a 1s -t• J.elliii t .tl. A.1. McTA V 181.1d 00. James Pickard's Old Stand. Special ladies' 'health- All-Wl*oI Y►'-rs for S1.O& . .lt'llliarton. Bnntlrlre.-Mr. U. IL Pomeroy has m va .1 item his hone 011 elate c •rtit.r of Main and Wator streets to the rear of his store. Mr. 11, (rants tette !peseeeei(tat of tll6a hence ,ea' Gated by R. 11. and ta3cre:1 in on Friday. and our worthy yatl9f; tiat:nr-¢nan, Mr. W. Drown. will tpl:rrtly take p: -ea erten et the haulm vacated by 'Jr. Merits, ee he i3 at present iuvolvcd in a business transaction, that will wenn call for a house for twos --Mr Thos, Hanson, of the 12th eeueeeeion, last week move,( into hie nety rtnidouco. The house is a large two story brook cottage and one of the bandeoment in tiro township.- The Petrone of Industry Association here is in aflourte ,iaR condition, having largo meetings and several initiations ou each night of meatiag. Eden. Insects. -51r, Harry Jouee, who was severely orusbea by the thrashing machine, of which mention was made last week, is rapidly recuverintr -On account of the ill. IMO of liar. hllin, who was unable to preach at Eden on Sunday last, Mr, Russell, of Exciter, alle3 the appointment. -Misses. Colley and McTavish, of Exeter, were visit- ing friends here ou Sanday laa1,-5Xr.Sam'1 Essery was notified last week to go to Lan- don, as a witness on tbe case of Marshall. liveryman, and,tho street oar Co- While at the London fair tire. Essery was riding on a street ear which ran into a cab bolo sging toalr. Marshall, demolishing it. Marshall is suing for damages. -On Monday lest Mrs John Emery received a telegram annonno' ing the death of her cousin in Osliawa.- Jeseie Luxton, who has had a severe attach of Scarlet fever, is, we are glad to say, re- covering. -We are to have an Epworth League started hero, so it is said, -James Essery visited London on Monday last. .-a•++. Anderson. Bnxars.-Tho revival meetings which are beingcnrried on hero are doing glorious work lilany wanderers aro being brought to the Saviour. -Mr. Wm. Beatty delivered a very eloquent sermon in the Methodist ohureh here on Sunday last. This was owing to the absence of our pastor, Rev. B. Hutton, who was preaching ou the Base Linen -Ur. James White, of Gemonville has left for Parkhill after haying given us a short call. -Mr. James Lane finished his season's thrashing an Saturday last. -Miss Alexin Urquhart has been re-engaged to teach our sohool at the handsome salary of $285, being a raise of $10 on last year's salary. Last year she had a raise of $50 onjher salary, thus showing that Miss Urquhart must be a first -plass teaoher. Her faculty for training and teaching the ohildren as well as the larger ones, is moat remarkable. She is highly esteemed among the young people as she takes an extensive interest in the Liter- ary Society. -The Patrons of Industry meet every Thursday evening in she school house. Still their number of membership increases. - Mr. John Whaley and his father are re- covering from a severe attack of typhoid fever. Though we regret it is but slowly. - After many years study and research, it is reported that Mr. John 0, Cameron has about, completed the greatest piece of me- chanism of modern years, being no more or less than lever power of perpetual motion. John 0. may yet rank with Edison or other great inventive minds of the 19th century. -Miss Kato Heal has resigned as teacher for school seotiou No.14 and intends shidy- iug for a first. olass certificate, The people of the emotion greatly regret her departure from among them, as Mise Heal was one of the most sncoessfnl teachers that section has ever had. Her position will be filled by Miss Annie Robertson at a salary of $280, -While Mr. George Lane was leading a heifer to Mr. Heals on Saturday last, the beast became unmanageable and used Geo. as if he was n feather on the rope. He was bruised and scratched severely, but the greatest pain was felt in his arm whieh was almost dislooated.-Miss Maggie Mite, of. Lemonville, is visiting frienda and relatives in and around the vicinity of Anderson - The boys are all lesme from the Northwest, looking hale and •Hearty. -Quite a large number of our young people attended the supper in oonneotlen with the dedicatory services of tbe St Marys Presbyterian ohuroh on Monday last, They report as having a splendid time. The vituals being most de- lioions.-Mr. Laughlin Cameron has ratan,- ed home from British Columbia. Dr, T. A. Slocum's OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER OIL. If you have any Throat Trouble -Use it. For stile by all druggists. 35 cents per bottle. Grand Hend. Hineve.-ilir, Isaac Marrow who forsonle time past has been residing in Michigan is over on a visit among bis friends. ---The other day while Mr. Joseph Sharraw was driving' over the creek at the mill yar.l of Mr. D. Sutton, the bridge gave Tray letting the team frill through, and but for the time- ly assistance of the naili heads, all would have been drowne+l.-Mr. A. Tetrean and family whohave been residmg in Miebigan a some time past, are visiting t rmap , among their many friends till after New Tears. -Mr. W. Leland left hero last week far Michigan r.'itere he intetnde etaeing for a short time. air. Samuel Sparrow and wife and :lir. Levi Tehran are over to eyelid Oluistw3s with their friends in amnia U8borIto• The following is a report of the atandiug of the pupils. in S. S. No, 5, lisborne for NOV. and is based upon regularity of attend - twee, general work ;and goad conduct. The ttarn08 appear in order of merit :- IV class ---Violet Reason and Lally McCord equal; Edith Westeott, E.lwerd M1ellaagaU Sr Ill olaGs-TNeison l root, Elijah !lig- gins, Lily McDougall. Lily M. 1Vestcott* t. into Irayue and usenet erayne equal, Jennie McDougall. Jr.111 elass-•firmly Woo, V.olet SVillia 4 Merlon McDougall. Sr. II class -Maggie Russell, Vincent \Vo+3d, Carrce Shipley. linea Ilig,ins..lessieo RisherJe, Norman '1o[aenahl. Jr. 11 elasst-Georae Wolcott. Arnol3 Perlin. nanny Shipley, Anna McDougall, 1larji.rie AIePeulrall. Part it class 'Willie Boweliffe,Jno. Biel: - a:4 Edith McCord, Tnnmtay ll6gnins, Har. v3'y Perkins. Davt,l MCC.rr& Fresi (folia. J. W. tlecatants, Tca:her, Crediton Blurts. -Fina eleigitiva and everything is lively around the t illagt:.-Gltria Vahner and A. Hooper are removing the old im- plement shed from the corner, and James Clarke is pcopatfng for the orcetfon of a new brick block ou this silo. -Henry Elle bot is in Toronto in reference to the grand Rend cut ; there is no doubt that tide work will he proceeded with in the spring. -Thomas boys, ,r., who lived on lot lel, con 15, Stephen, died Monday night after a few weeks' illncas. Mr Keys was one of Stephen township's moat respected fann- ers. having moved here from the township of Stanley some years ago. iia had al- ways been a slang')) Conservative end took au active teat in elections. Hie willow and family have the sympathy of the cons munity.-News has readied the village that the petition against the election of Mr HXutchins,M P for this Riding, the hearing of which was held in London this week, has been dismissed with costs. Sirltton. Blume -Mr. Wm. Kirk of traboruo has sold his village property to Wear Bros., of London township. -The last Kirkton de- taobment of the Manitoba ,Harvest Brigade arrived home last week. The officers in charge were A. Doupo. N. Shier, R, Shier, S. Shier, A. Hazlewood. -J'. A. Stacey and wife lett last week for Detroit. with the in- tention of enjoying city life. We wish them success. They will be missed by their many friends in Kirkton.-The Kirkton L. 0. L. has struck a bonanza in new mem. bus. At their meeting last week 8 or 10 joined with more to follow: -Rev. J. Charl- ton will preach next Sunday evening in the Methodist ohuroh in Kirkton on "The work and progress of tbe Bible Sooiety."-Not a vacant house in Kirkton and yet there are applicants looking for houses to rent, -The snow of last Sabbath made fine aleigbing.- Two of our young ladies started out to visit Granton. As their hone was not of the two -forty breed they prepared a lunch and took it with them. They report having a splendid time.-Kirlcton has now two tailor ahopa and both doing a rushing business. -Already our village merohants have a fine display of Xmas goods in their windows. Goderioh. Balms. -The Goderioh High and Model Soboos' gave their annual entertainment in the Grand Opera House on Friday evening. Avery large audience assembled and greet- ed the several members with applause The opening was a Frenob play, translated by Mise Charles, then followed solos, duets, Quartettes, recitations and instrumental musio,-The trial of the West Huron elec- tion petition will oommerp 3 on Monday. - The December sitting county session is now in progress. -There were Large congrega- tions at the Viotoria-at. Methodist church last Sunday, the occasion being the anni- versary sermons preached by the Rev. G. F. Salon, of Brussels. -The eteam barge, Afrioa, ran into this port on Saturday for shelter, and left on Sunday for Sarnia tak- ing in tow her 'consort, whieh had been anchored six miles off this port.-Goderioh fleet, condoling of 7 sohoonere and 10 steam vessels, is safe in winter quartere.--The young ladies of Goderioh propose to oom- menoe the new year by inviting the young gentlemen of this burg to a leap year ball. -Last week a pauper mimed . Mary Brody, died in the County jail after a long illness. The deceased was considerably over 70, and had been many years a resident of Huron's Palatial Poor House. -The ladies of the Viotoria-st. North church, gave their annual hot sapper on Tuesday evening. -There was one interment from ' G•oderloh in Maitland cemetery during November, that of a child a few hours old.- There is se yet but little stir in munioipal matters.-Goderioh had a nice fall of snow on Sunday. -The storm of Friday night last so damaged the wire of the street circuit, that Goderiohhad to do without lamps on'Saturday.-It is 'expected that between repairing old vessels and huild-. ing new ones, thiswill be a busy wivaor at the harbor. After diphtheria, scarlet fever, pnoumoiiia or any other severe illnese,th , e is no better; tonic than Hood's Sarsaparil Sal 1 Hensall.. C .. AwL^f..5 . .. Wanted at the lleneall Oatme t mill earl eten Week nab. wire ash. bassweed eine- ae Iligbestprbces pail. Cell for Ienetof logs. 1). Uneenauv. Ties unaeraipno+l scute.( reepert ally the ni; ' the farmers Of the community for past pet- renage,.and weal ease Deg to inform theme that owing to ieereasitsetesoneea t'soy have untie C new mete o[rop320r, inrt`es can have either stone or roller el3op.an the vote shortest a •tire: ttigiaest peelsa anti.( for clit eat. A quantity of ere?d wante'3. Cee.. Bac 5. d. c .,p-ai ,1 m Wheat sal to :d notify Ill to Pa; Oats . Olt to u;a, rem alto# Hay limo to Hetet Bartter 1; to tri Eggs --.. .. 17 to 17 Hors 5.64 to 5.25 Jolla 1lePhe'ren, e•f Woe lateen, chime - ion ahem thrower of the serf( Watt in town het weeks. Ito has reeeutly rettisood froth Scotland, Of re iso tela part in flu Search games, winning 31. He bel the pleasure of patting the 22 Ib. ball in front of the Queen at the Itehwsral enures. Friend John enys be wag net a,lewel toconlpote at at1y aeons until lie donna( the kilts. -Messrs. Aryls 3f1 ?..4 er Male (sere on Friday far a lead. of gee& their Drag► took fright and ran away. They were emelt attlio railway cressiug, but not unlit tee rig hat been salaslacai to price*. -.fret. Scott will giro a grand cane* rt in Exeter eel 12n2. iCith.. I: proiniet•s to ba ilio f:•st 6*f size seasen. Miss ttsa'o Atf+xanIkrsill tabs, part, as well as the If ;many haled ,(tent rrfota'tnu ^rag of Tontikn, hlsp program in &eter rent,. -c1 la.go truster attend..I the I. 0. O. F. est 6.rt at l]st•tile last weep. un t F:17 that Mei Al, ,sete. r ,z'; tri a fav“site.-'- Ik v. Mr. Attlee, n, ed Iiipb':'u, r.:nr;a,l "1r lIenderseiz°a Ianipit in the Caravel ehnreh at Sunday last. awl tori nebed two neeeptal,lt+ Perinone. Mr' I1Cn iersrsn eeuat1otel the anniversary eervict s of the Rippon Preebv term church, preaching ;(tree eerinone during the day -two In ennneetion with the anniversary, one to the'De:molars. On each ccestion the congregation t±as unuoueliy r, �hispacer r c d to has t ailed large.-W.R.H s �P to Mr. T. Murdock for one of the moat handsome home in HeanalI. For entree - try it cannot well be beaten in the country. Dir.Murdoait;teilllikelypit the nowpoescs ion against some of hie track tlyers,-On Wed- nesday lad Mr. F. aleyere while driving along the road, was thrown violently to the prouud by the horses making a sudden jump, injuring his heal severely. -At the last meeting of the Royal Templets of Temperance the following officers were elected :-S. C., Mr. John Doge; V. vg'., Miss L. Cook; P. C., Mr E. Rolling; C. hire. G. Ingram: R. S., Mies C. V, Smith; T. S., hire. Ross Me1'hereon; T„ Slia'a L. Short; II„ Mr. W. Heighten; D, 11., E. Blatchford. -The alteting rink will bo open - ad shortly. Arthur Cosworth bas returned (tome from Boston to mana go it. --Her many friends in IlensaU will 'egret to learn of the death of Miss Annie Coad, whieh oe- eurrfsd at Listowel on Thursday last. De- ceased was 40 ss ars of age. and had recent- ly lived in Hetneal with her brother Mr. 11. Coad, and was respected by a tarp circle of friends. She had been HI for some time, first of indigestion whioh turning to a general doeliuo resulted in her death as above. The funeral took placo on Saturday her remains being interred in the cemetery at Wingham.-Tho Misses Hotham and Dalton, of Stena, spent the past week as guests of Miss Norrie. Ilev. Mr. Henderson will preach in the James -et. Meth. church, Exeter, next Sunday evening. -The pack- ing house proprietors intend enlarging their premises next spring, their increasing trade demanding the extension -An agent of the Phonograph Co. of London, was in"town the past few days, exhibiting one of the famous Edison Phonographs. Prof. Scott, sang into one of the cylinders, and next day crowds thronged around to hear the machine reproduce the Professor's song entitled "The Little Fisher Maiden." -Thos. Berry is bay- ing more lambs and borses and expects to make another shipment shortly: -The sleighing of the past few days enlivened business somewhat. 'Farmers should see the new roller o'lopper in the mill.-Annm- ber of the looal sports went to the wood on Monday to dig ont a fox. They did not succeed.-Eleotion matters aro now being talked of, and many seem bound to have Mr. MoEwen contest the reeveship with Mr. Fred. Hess, the present incumbent It is learned that Mr. J. 0. Kalbfleiseh will also be in the field for the reeveship. Mr. 9ahnell is down as oandidale for deputy reeve. What about a second deputy ? Our township is entitled to one. Who are going to take their chances for this office ? Speak up gentlemen, Hensall will fernieh its quota. Hay. Sonoon R3a;Pone.-The following is the November report for S. S. No. 2. Names are in order of merit : Sixth -Homer Rus- sell. Fifth -David Smith. Fourth -Ralph Chapman, Fred Eaorett, Kate Chapman. Sen. Third -Maud Russell, Nellie O'Brien, Alice Gould, Jun. Third -Nellie Gould, 3. Sbirray, Nellie Northoott, Sen. Seoond- Heory Basch, Armor Todd, John Todd.,. Jun. Second -Flora Northcott, Milton Rus- sell, Nathaniel MoDonald. Senior 'Part - Melvin Gould, Carrie Goold, Edgar O'Brien. First ;Part -Berrie O'Brien, Willie Busch, Robert O'Brien. • W. H. JougsTON, Teacher. Chiselhurst. Barbra. -Miss Annie Rousom of Hensall, spent last Sunday in the village. -A raffling matoh of turkeys will be held here on Fri- day evening. -Mea. MoMulloin of Belleville, and her little boy, are visiting in this vioin- ity.-The funeral sermon of the Into Robt. Simpson was delivered in the Methodist ohuroh last Sunday. -Mrs. lel, J'. Perkins is visiting her mother in Mitchell. -The Sac- rament of the Lord's Sapper will be held in the Presbyterianchurch on the 20th inst. -ivIr. Chas Robb and family moved into this viilage last weeir. Mr. Robb is a retir- ed farmer andhas obnaen this place as hiss abode, We welcome Mr. 11 ,bb and family to our burl. JOHN WHITir It SONS Pubilsher and Proprietors St. Marys. Bnt3;,re.--The Rev. Principal Cirent of Ii:irlgston preuebei the ,ielicatory eerviees of the reopening of the Presbyterian church hereon Sundaylast. Thnbandsomethough large ediE3ce was tilted to its lamest, creels had to leave the cia•:reit, not being able to eee:are n fest. His inlereeting din:nirso wes well eteereelated by all bis hearers. Ho also preached in the evening and the crawl wee stall sire enurm ee. bo the ahem:eau cls ere re s e and ¢h re �ldre _ee to he S fila e. t y On 'atonlny evening n very tine ,S a:el -• time yeas anent irl the bailment of the church, tvh. ro the crowd. niter. hasin,t 4.20 1313113) jetati1O to that tlra^utifel awl dtiioletls 8pren'I pre -are] hy the hitt*, of tele toes, m'.' - l to lite 1891 er 1:381 of the eh`Areb where way were enjoynf.ty, ertertuine'1 by ties 1e11470by 1144 elequont rt:1ireeees of Rev3's ler. C:%et3- rene of Montfort, T. A. Cosgro.a .or St. Marys, awl Tally t)f Mitclirli, The pro. cesda of the tea together With the enoscrip- tfnns kava cleared die bniltling (ewmities) in finaucea,•.-A • grand and entertaining menet will lie field in the Opera on There - :lase Do. 17th, under the aaspices of the Literary Society of the 4 • )•;orate Institute, t, when Prof. l.,e arLe ol..• tit the greeted, eleeetionistw in Ameriee, will t'+ chief anter of the evenir3lr. Ali are esrJia,ly tla3i10.i to attend. --Mr. William t%nox was hor40 fr,.rn Torout'e oa Senday )nit. --M 84 Julia Omni an'] her brother :reit u 'ro n so t •:1.a' ¢_? wlin0a9 the desiicatian of th tr a ur tt Ttie',Maxwe:i'e leave+ 81181 :1 •,1 ra:::. 3 a l u its fall blast. D 41wez4. .Sr, it .acea -e I • ale , to rf,^tt:1 i.RAT , a but bo id tl,,.t flo'ae lid ‘.8,811 fi 1a a,. ,:T.to * of a .:7:re *bomb. 1110 hal a e"p•e ea 1.-'fh6, cam on Thar: :lay la„t pua,e.1 off cath. r quieetly. One of ;ho a ; uar`.l tit + :i 4 ilia day. L;efore while the others c'ero fauna cart gu^lty.__%fautor Sara Esever hi say ill at present.- Mr 1J, i'zhrto Iv; Las nail Nen able to do very rnaleit ia;t'ly, '.n n c:int of a sore, keel .-Mr d W. tunnel, of C're htnn, was in one village on Ther=tlay last, -Don't forget the s � z: ! examination 4g' Tuesday next. -Mr 11. Coal: wait to London on Fraley. --Mr, ;spvee of Lamlon town- ahip visited his si,.terMrs J. Hall fast week. -Mimi hails of Usburuta has bc,:a mega aq tee:^.per 131 192 of the jr. Div, of our aahaol. The present teacher of rho Sr. Die. has been re engaged.s-The toboggan t'lido was x3301301 on Mon4ay night. A largo number took advantage of the free rib:, - ll: and Mrs 11 Itichnrdeon, of Detroit, aro riefung Mrs Riebard,on's father, Mr 0. Ilehluein.-In last week's noire it should read 0145 lbs of fowl instead of 6110" head of fowl. -On Wednesday evening of last week a meeting was held in the Evaugelloal church to enici,ler 1.o advisability of or- ganizing a branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society here. Tho agent Rev 8. N. Moyer, wag present and addressed the audi. ones in the interest of the Society. After the address it was decided to organize, when the foliating officers were elected. Prosid- eut, Mr R. Cook; Vice Pres, Mr J. Snell; Secy Trews, Mr S. 11. Ranch; Committee -Messrs J. Hall, S. Weber, C. Miller, and F. Schroeder. Zurich. lantern -Mr Johnston of the Goshen Lino has sold his valuable farm to Mr Kcohler.-Old Mr Curry has cbanged his quarters. He will remain for the coming year with Mr Hildebrand, of the Central Road. -Mr Albert Faflin paid our village a flying visit on Saturday lass. -Ur and Sirs Latta visited Mr Latta'8 parents in Chisel - hued, last Saturday and Sunday, -Pig killing and sausage making is the order of the day. -The recent fall of snow:has made the sleighing fairly good and many of the young men are taking advantage of this by giving their best girl a cutter ride. -Mr Happel, of Berlin, was in the village on beakless this week.- Mr Ferdinand Hess is busily engaged in training his young trotter. -Mr Fred Hess is rapidly disposing of hie cutters and sleighs. This is the place to get a good outfit for the winter. Lots more on hand. -Esther, the little daughter of Mr Ed Appel is aeriouelp i11. We hope soon to learn of her recovery. -The boys and gide are busily engaged in practising for the coming entertainment. -While Mr Wm Wurm, clerk in the general store of Appel h Zeller, was preparing to start from Hen- sall station with a large load of goods, the team became frightened and started for home on the double. Mr Warn was notin the wagon at the time and maintains that he had not time to get in, The horses were oaptnred before they succeeded in getting away from Hensall. No serious damage was done excepting that Will got a bad shaking up. -Dir Simon Mehl, late editor and publisher of the Unionville, Much holm was in the village last week. Quar- terly meetings were held in the Evangelical charoh on Saturday and Sunday last, Rev S N Myer presiding. -Mr Oates was visiting friends in the village last week. -Miss Hannah Rupp, formerly of this place, was on Tuesday married to Mr Schlachter, of Berne, Miohigan. We wish the happy couple all the success imaginable. -Mr and Mrs Sohoellig of the Goshen Line celebrated their golden wedding on Tuesday last. - Miss Kate Brenner has retutned from. Rochester -Council will meet in the town Hall on Saturday next. All accounts against the municipality should be present' ed on or before that date. -The recent floods have done considerable datilage throughout she township in the way of destroying culverts, etc. -Nominations will be receiyed this year for two deputy reeves the number of voters • on the last revised voters' list being more than one thousand. This is the first time that Nay township has had the privilege of sending three mem. bera to the county council, -Mr Fred Hess, jr, our enterprising jeweller is mak- ing some improvements in his shop. -We believe that some of our townsmen have been "taken. in" by a supposed firm in Toronto, which proposes to do something that thoydo not carry out. .Anerror iu you. last issue in reference to this natter marl- the article appear rather laudhablo. read a1!Ifl Sala FOR 313 DAYS In each year we are going to flier our f large and weal -asserted stuck of ri r READY-MADE ' AD CLOTIIII.NO • Wilt ,•, FI`F,f11t)ATi`, I'rIl i CROOK EPS. EA s(jTS,.f Sllttl". , i H-�1. Z A ,, $) .�. ak, „Ili t' .Ii:Ci1.l,IIt1E At t.r ' tla R'cll. e 1 Pile; _ "Ear.1,-,:an your .rhl stn calf ,• ii,.*f34L.t ,=s. (,Isla'!: 11,41%; I3c 011:3141 elf lic.iii4 a d•.} 1-4 c-ariy or a day teas lett.. Ste aitr'ay8 ;assn#; on. Call rand Fee us anti our t;e,o,l.3, and f prove our t^ .1.19, St', •rI•y we are .,, dill ;r illa3t r;, c.tara+,^ (enol 6elt• frig,tie'3 ra hand t,+ tta.s•c. OF. ha:arritit ; 1.4.1y. .`:,. ; rim a'l tt.3e t:-•. � at:x�.eyc�r J . r. G OSS. , I;15 c:3 t.i,3'034•Zhe''°1413.e81 ile!t i €'r„ al,� -+r,-1 inats•aei of 'lar::a"l, t•^7' eye .. i•.:." "I':..4' plii4i,: will 21-:3 e: •,1t. et i C'ar t n ---We t. tit +ic ri't,tt.ei t . °%i4 *,eg. 1 :1 Inge..4:..a.1II41otitis.1 ,1.....: -e.ir.,,- ; el tt,e e ails.: c:. et+•metal fl-iii-ry.=,:t atop .4,4l1 pi -overly ti.ie i oet•an4 s5bnF';1 lit; Mr i It t1 11Iv is the e:il:3tracta+r. T,Lok tli , 121: a e .ep,1d3.2 80 33'813 C '8 0,.o,S eliej 21i",1:713••• :.:28 the rr:.i:ntaiateilthat plc I€ :,:ut t I •1 n9tfntiiii the nblig:xtaslus 'cal Dia ten- der. 'Ver .•0rreep)ra le:3t I3a5 gT-.'41 r, a°.s ns to l,e'li••v, tint gIr Melia is a relfalde° cud eomla •tarait gran to .pmfortn the wort;. be bar:14; :iiia.(,".e•tedestisfaetortly i:rhe cr>n- tr _tis i,f a : kl.i1'lr nature in other part,1 of t, • stir, not only large drainage ti 2;rks 33;,.,r the %ln deopal Act but gore rnrr eat winE., a well, Debenturesto the amount s l lc nt e t o int of the contrast will it iesr,cd ite)me:liately and the apparently insurmoantal'le tach of canotrneting the Hay swamp drtins will le overesene at leu3t, it Clinton. Lrtll,r•,.---There is a readied circle in this toren and the places of meeting are the residences of the members, se theme they ao to meeting it is a rule that they walk rlt la in without knotaaitng. One evening last week this circle met, and one young man walked up to the house and walked into the parior, but he found that it was empty, so he thought bo would take a walk before the rest came, and he got up and was about to ro out when he met the lady of the house and imagine his chagrin when he found he was In the wrong place. -51r. Barry Reed received a large owl front Mr. Me - Pherson, Exeter, this week. -1t. E. Pickard passed through Clinton on Tues nays -ten Tuesday* evening the Itiodel class of 191 assembled at the residence of the Principal, Mr. Loch. They re- ceived a hearty welcome and after laying off coats and jackets they were brought to silence by Mr.Holdsworth of llolmes- vtlle taking the floor and reading an address to 1Ir. Loch. :it the t+11eo time Miss Jennie Mustard of Bruceiield pre- sented the Principal with a beautiful easy chair and stool. Mr, Lech was taken completely by surprise and replied to the address in a few wellchoet*n words, The company dispersed at a reasonakle hour and all were satisfied they were treated in the best possible manner by the host andhostess.-One day last week Mr. Alex. Hillan became somewhat under the influence of the tanglefoot, and the sidewalk not being wide enough to carry him, he managed to fall through a large pane of glass. He was extricated, but on examination it was found that he was badly cut about his head and throat. The doctor found it necessary to put three stitches in his throat. -What is wrong with moving Exeter market up to Clinton ?-- A meeting of the Pedigree Society of Ontario was held at the Rat- tenbury Hotel in this place on Wednes- day. -The Josie Mills Co. was in town on Friday and Saturday, but they did not meetwith much sucoess,they dropped aboub $100 here. -Town Clerk Coates is about to be around again. -The many friends of Mr. James Turnbull will be pleased to hear that he is convalescing, but he is still confined to the house. Mr. A. H. Manning is still confin the house. -One day last w two young ladies from Goderioh dot off the train and went over t ohe Waverly hotel, and while t lore they en- gaged in a with the fists, one of them receiving• a beauty mark in the shape of a black eye, The police got onto the racket however, and gave them the ohoic eof spending the night in the cool- er or leaving town; they chose the latter. The Russian famine is ezleoted fa cause a budget deficit of $60,000,0007 Mr.Spurgeon's disease is pronounced incurable, and must run its course. From 300 to 500 Christians were_. maosacred in the recent riots in Moiiea golia, The Pope's expenditure is said .to exceed his receipts by nearly 3,000,- 000 francs. As many as 20,000 of the natives of Japan have left their country this year to seek fortune elsewhere. A Montreal Catholic priest, defend- ing Mr. Mercier, says the Premier bins done more for the church than ell Governments since Confederation.