HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-06-18, Page 5' 9. (') I' tames Rich.ardsoD & Sons Ltd; "Serving The' Feed Dealers of Western Ontario" 1 • .PHONE 524-8388,, GO'DERICH SUNDAY SERVICE ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH June, 21st -- Fourth Sunday After Trinity- 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion, 10:0.0 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon �.� (Junior Congregation and"Nursery) +} �` 7:00 p.m. Evensong and Sermqn 1,0/ednesday, June 24th Nativity of St. John the Baptist .,.. -..4 e-�.:Crux inuAkent,•.,.in the.. Chapel at ..: _ 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. Rector: REV, CANON KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.R Mr. George Burgoin, Organist and Choirmaster. North-Stre:ete d .-h lint a urh.. o - 11:00,,a.m. Morning Worship (Nursery and Junior Congregation) • o.A - The Rev. W. J. ten Hoopen, B.A., B.D., Min. L. H. Dotterer, Organist. Knox Presbyterian Church,. THE REV. G.' LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister _ _��_Witliam Cameron, Djrectgr of�Prais� m 10:00 a.m. Church School - 11:00 a.m. Service. ofDivine Worship SermoT "The Miracle Of Faith" "(Nursery and Junior Congregation) -=d THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION 7.00 p.m. The Lord's Supper (Chapel) Enter to Worship ' ,' r Depart to Serve "► r I�RttianWn'S:WNgIf1iT11P`inaCt Y14ia;tv+TaT�1�5G�:1.,cneuro-uel'-wM:•w+afu,.}^,gpye„^.Y.,P9b.�ti'S5}ryl:AY•'-"'.`V='�wa:wM(1:x7'9rkSw7.6 so. . ' THE UNITED, CHURCH OF CANADA Iefdi a-Stree : nixed -C iurc i • r 11:00 „ a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship "Transfiguration" 10:00 a.m. Benmiller: Church and Sunday School REV. CECIL A. DUKELOW, Minister. - MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist. - C:War .�A 570, ,E RAE M Et T RC Corner i/icjoria and Park Streets REV, R' -_G.. 1?ELFREY, BA,Pasto•r Dial 524-9306 ,,,, 1tl:� a`..,c.Y,cow:4 itF x - 9.50atm ' SUNDAY SCHOOL,; 11:00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP • 7:00 p.m. EVENING: SERVICE - Wed., 8:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting 'and ' Bible Study ;awNrr,ef FIRST' BAPTIST CHURCH of the Baptis Convention ' of Ontario and Quebec Montreal Street Near The Square ' 10:00 a.m. Sunday .School' ' 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship Tuesday'6:45 p.m. - Intermediate Youth Wednesday 8:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study` Friday 6:30 p.m. - Explorers Rev. N. W. Okell, Walkerton, interim. Pastor , THE SALVATION ARMY CAPTAIN and MRS. ROY WOMBOLD 10:00 a.m. Sunday School , • Dr. W. Atkinson will, be *the guest • speaker at" the ' Salvation. Army, this weekend, June 21st, ,at 11:00 a.m. aid 7:00 p.m. Everyone Welcome to Hear This Outstanding Speaker .' BetheCPentecostai Tabernacle _ , Corner of Elgin and Waterloo Sts. REV. ROBERT CLARIC, 'Pastor 10:00 a.m. Sun"day School Classes .-for ,all ages. 11:00 a.m. Mor"ning Worship 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service . 'Ie 'Study and Prayer Friday 8 pmmBlYoung People's Service i SEE . . . TONIGHT . . . THE HOLY ' LAND June 18th Col$re Slides by Rev. C. Hutchinson Berean Bible College, Calgary, Alberta TIME: 8 P.M. SEE ITAT.... CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Bayfield Road at Blake St. (Entrance" off Blake) -„•ySUNDAY SERVICES 10:00 a.m. Bible School -, All Summer , 11:00 'a.m: - 7:30, p.m. Church Services Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. Prayer and -Bible Study Friday, 8:00 p.m. Young People's - Pastorl R'EV. 1". LESLIE HOBBINS, B.A. Warm -Welcome -To All r Pay NEWS DUNGANIVON DUNGANNQN.-Mr. and• Mrs. Carleton Stingel and, song, Dan- ny, and Messrs, Franklin and Angus Stingel ,deft Saturday evenixfg to motor home. The sympathy of .the community goes with them in the loss of their mother. " • o'Mr. Beverly Ourran of Lon- don, who is. visiting With his granOparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Irvin, spent the weekend with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Irvin, and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Toni Park spent an enjoyable afternoon this past Sunday with Mr. aid Mrs. Bill Wiggins and Eric aT Nile. The community extends sin- cere 'sympathy to Mr. Les Schultz on the death of his mother, Mrs, Enimer-=Dennis- 81y'tii. Mr. Schultz and son, Gordon, attended the funeral on Thursday. Mr_and Ms. Anderson•.Mue... ford-'oT' Loddon visited° a.. the ratter's moth& . rs. E. -.Morris; on the weeitY ... We-aru'tsorry to' hear t4ob Irvin met with an unlaor ,urate .stient while' at work in :the :. Jfie,:was usin N a ety- nrc .:and:in .some manner: it fell over and burned three Mr. Dalton Reid of Camp Bor- den Mrs.' Stan Ile- ` a ar also'at` fie end with his --parents, Mr. and M'el MO- Sunday eid Sunday visitors at the Brown Smythe home were Mr. and'Mrs. Bill Smythe, Michael, David, Kevin, Steven and Laura of St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schultz and giris spent Sunday with Mr. and- Mrs. Dave ,Hardy and ,Visiting'en Sunday with Mrs. Frank Jones were her daughter, Airs. Steve Helesic, and lir. Helesic. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Danahy, Jean Danahy and Don_Ilowran of Peterborough visited over- the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thonupson.and girls, Mr. Gordon Gratton and -friend of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bruise, Young's • Point, visited on Sunday. Several from the district were at Sky Harbour Airport on Sun- day to witness the arrival of the Lancaster Bomber. Honor Bride Mrs. Frank Thompson held a trousseau tea at her home on Thursday, June .11, , honoring el-datt 'titer-; • 3,,o'abeiie "G'r',ae Thompson, whose marriage. to William- Arthur Danahy took place in Dungannon United xch--an•aturd-a3-moi ea; tea_. table.. was-covera4 with; a- 'lace cloth centred with an arrangement of 'pink daisies and brangrbliiii4,60001241 white tapers. Pouring tea for, ±he.;kocea ion we`re ert S1 fel :`Mor•,ley-Wall 44.4 Mrs. Eimer Ili ;atti t ;b - t'iie bride; Mrs. Annie Wall, grand - great -aunt; Mrs. Wilbur Brown '1116Itaily' alove ly: gifts redeiV.- fronufriends and ..neighbnr.n were-"displayeci� -lig`yrs. 'r`on Thompson and Misses Bernice and Joanne Thompson. Al7s:o assisting were Mrs,. Lloyd_ Ath ton and Mrs. Leonard . McDon- ald, Several friends and neigh- bors also assisted'. Mrs. hied Coleman of Baileyboro and Mrs. William Wells, of Peterborough Bri•at� of-�-rttssels:--.-.....-._�-°..-~.---.__.._-held---'-shawers.-.~f.or.,.w.-�Qraiseii'� when. she received many beauti- ful gifts. She also received gifts and hest wishes' from the staffof Johnsc n O.utbaard Motor and Marine where s1'ie- is em- ployed in •Peterb.orough. A large shower was -held in Holy - rood Hall Wednesday evening, June 10, The bride was pre- sented with many gifts. A short program • followed the shower and a dainty lunch w served by " the ladies gf the Tenth Concession. , Guild Meeting There were seven members and " one- visitor at the June meeting of St. Paul's Guild held at the home of Mrs. Tom Park. Devotions were taken by Mrs. Robert Mole, PIans ere- made=°i'or'°"t ty2'OOth an- niversary of the church ,to be held on June 28 and also for the annual chureb picnic. The -presiden ;Mr-s;-Er'•-Bla ;..ciosed- .:rne, ng�w.ith:•prayer and the hostess,:. -as iSted by Mrs: ; r ,Caesar, served lunch. Sy'lar would like at• -this time t• exprestits tratofuLappreciation- for they f t t4 al°u3T�t w a erarl r-' `ksve ra-gtin- gel as Dungannon news corres- :prtidrla.::.Sffr� �retlexrl=aaei^ service to her community and her w4 w, s,>I } ,, :ga.ta� by l' ii d''i1`d"i d at. ntrt a place -naw as Dunganpon c'o-rares- ondedt" i5� "ICsF%s"'"VGrit7iamiic; Any assistance given Mrs. Park in the collection of news 'would Abe . most appreciated., 'i SHOP "N" SAVE for •NMA,MI•N.arAMwIF•InIHN 1iN+NIMnIuNNANNu�YrInNYMN.nNVNN•aCAMPBELL' •Mm OLD SPICE - Reg. 1.25 Y STICK' DEODORANT 99c Rasg�n36o�._�• .: . MAN SIZE FACELLE 2 for 59c 620, 127 Reg. 1.45 " • KQDAKCOL,PRFILM 4 Reg. 1.49 , LISTERINE •ANTISEPTIC 1.27 Wilkinson • Sword Razor • a Blades REGULAR 69c -49c LIMIT 2 ,TO A CUSTOMER "OLD SPICE" FOR DAD' io GIFT SETS 1.75 ' o 5.75 NOXZEMA - Reg. 1.25 SHAVE BOMB 79c Shaving Brushes 1.50 to 4.50 KODACHROM II INDOOR and OUTDOOR - Reg. 4.95 KODAK MOVIE FILM 4.29 SI /ITAN LOTION - 4 -oz. Reg. 1.75 COPPERTONE 1,49 15 -oz. = Regular, Hard To Hold, Gray Hair. VO. -3 - HAIR SPRAY - 75c Size with CALM Spray Deodorcint REGULAR 3.73 VALUE 2.49 GIVE . DAD Fresh LAURA SECORD CANDIES TY WITH THE PURCHASE OF 1.00 OR,MORE CIGARETTES C. 2 99 •H We Deliver ' - Dial 7532 AMPBELL'S THE SQUARE '4 Yw • Provincial Police --(Continued from page 1) ernly-equipped kitchen. Direct- Iy south of it is a walk-in vault. for records. Shower and locker facilities for police stalpg the building are located iH the rnn-thwe. wing of the basement,eve1. The heating plant is in the -south- west corner of the basement. Bedard 'said ;the building is equipped with -an ultraniodern Area Service ' which lies within Provinc'al to n ,sips --A. nfielri, \Vest Na i• 'aro=h, ,' Col:)ori;c', Goder:cb, ' and a portion of Stanley. ',Vorkirg solely within Huron BORDERS -,. inkPowdes -za;;`iie�. RE BiACK"PEIPTE:R';z CARNATION MILK =A« TIN= AYLMER PIE FILLERS EANUT BUTTER Red & TTINS BLUEBERRY or CHERRY ti 3 TINS WhitE'i�l,L rswamYyiwwnwoxnu.�..yw.N•vw. County, it serves :':1 area hound-, .ed by Bayfield on the south and Amberley .. on .the:_north, 'from. a -point near Clinton on the ,east to Goderich on the west. It is an area ,stretching 45 miles from north to south and . 15 °mrTt¢eair west:- • Working est:----- Working ou.t of the new build- ing, will be 13 constables, three dui' one sergeant. Primary responsibility' of the detachment is':general law •fn forcement" in, the rural -areas its jurisdistion'; although it cq-operat'e's with municipal police officers when asked. ' The 'Goderich .;detachment is part of „a Provincial Polite dis- trict which embraces six coun- ties, including Grey, Bruce, Wel- lington, Waterloo and Perth in addition .to Huron. .Chief of the district is Dis- trict Inspector Leslie L. Harris' of Mpunt Forest. • • See The Lanky. Film �inday "Memorial Diary of a Lanky" will be the subject of an inter- esting film to be shown on OBC -TV on Sunday, June 21, commencing at 3.30 p.m. It will be of particular interest to Goderich area.residents because sof the arrival'Fiere last Sunday of one of the. famed' Lancaster bombers as a_ war ;.memorial. Local viewers of the film will be able to see it, on CKNX, Channel „8. • The film will show actual bombing operations over .Ger- many during World War IT by the Lancasters. They will be the same" Laneasters, the dam - busters, which bomber Bielefeld Viaduet in March, 1945; ust DEP,A?TMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF CANADA TENDERS SEALED TENDERS addregsed to Secretary, Department of Pub- lic Works of Canada, Room B 322, Sir Charles Tupper Bldg., Riverside Drive, Ottawa 8, . and endorsed "TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF COAL, FUEL OIL AND PROPANE GAS FOR TIIE. FEDERAL BUILDINGS THROU- GHOUT THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, 1964-65", will be re- ceived until 3 p.m. (E,D.S,T.), TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1964. Tender documents can be ob- taineli through: ' Chief of Pur- chasing and Stores, Room. C-459, Sir Charles Tupper Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa:, Office Managers at: 241 'Jarvis Street, Toronto; 457 Richmond Street, ondon; Post Office Building, Fort William, Ont., To be considered each tender must be submitted on the forms supplied by the Department. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. . - FOI.TIER,L Secretary 4:a*'Yaawwu.,,..w..t7ormuamar�b'.prs,�molkax�Euw. ni-e-.fire •1}mea u,. .m naF ya 1 flalwV.'SPS�R•7Y" I s 29 a 20roz. 5 TINS .mwuvuw.r?�•...N.h•»+r•Ivfpw...N,ww».w+w.,wfnr+rl•l:�hwwen,.wwv .,.1ardn....LLvC.wntu m. �Yw�er,clRl+k5.5�1hs�?�n1e.,rEayw»w SIZE ,DOZ. sso rted • Bags of CANDIES 4 AUNT MARYS IT'S MEAT THAT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE AT RED & WHITE. LEAN HAMBURGER , 2 tbs• 79c ROUND' ,STEAK SIRLOIN STEAK CUT' ANY THICKNESS FOR BAR -B -C; T-BONE Steak Choke, Tender lb. 89c SIRLOIN TIP - lb. 89c TREND -- BOLOGNA, MACARONI and CHEESE, DUTCH'LOAF, COLD MEATS 1.11 ND Q!JARTERS . CHRISTIES Chocolate Chip •, CHRISTIES Giant Size CCSOKIES .- _. _:.f°•r 8._9c _RITZ .499=c-- FA-13- RUMP A=B RUMP ..ROAST WIENERS CHICKEN LOAF • Package LAST CHANCE KING SIZE -- SAVE 68c Ib. lb. 6 79c Ib. 79c 2lbs. 89c'. USA No. 1...New HOME GROWN - POTATOES 10 lbs. 99c ;Strawberries 3 qts. $1 lb. 57c With 5,00 Order - Famous 'Cannon Bath Towels: pr. 1.39 Play Red & White Circle 5 Gsrme - You Could Win Up, To 100 Pick up your free card at our store. No purcll"ases required! Lightly circle the numbers that appear in the Circle 5 game week- ly in our window. If you can circle 5 numbers in a row, down; across or diagonally, you have a winning card. RED & WHITE FOODM,-STER Open Nighty Until 10 P.M. for your Shopping. Convenience "911 VICTORIA .i_TREF. NORTH__