The Exeter Times, 1891-12-3, Page 5J. H. (iR I V alma Before you buy your Fall cf. Winter Clothing Call and examine the large and well -assorted stook of Fine Worsted Suitings ,Fine Scotch, Tweed " Canadian Es " Also all the leading colors and patterns in Woodham. BRIEFS. -A. eooiety of the Patrons et In- dustry wasorganized here recently with good prospects of encases. Also a society of ''The Ohoseu Friends." -The missionary anniversary services of this branoh will be held here neat Sabbath, 6th ivat„ 7 p. m, The Rey. Mr. Hutton, of Kirkton, will preaob, -Old settlers about here say that the rains of Sunday and Monday 23rd and 24th ult., were the heaviest that had fallen for a long time, causing the seater toriee higher in the creek% than it bas been known to do before for thirty years. -A little more snow would make very good sleighing In ttaese parts. Have You READ this description of rheumatism and neuralgia ? "Pat your hand in a vise, turn the vise until you van's bear another turn, and that's rheumatism ; give it another turn that's neuralgia," And still you'll suffer these tortures when tor 25 OVSrCoatings cents you can buy a 'bottle of 1 INARD'S LINIMENT and be relieved, All will be made up in first-class style at prices away below the lowest. Remember we guarantee a CQQ i MIXT or no sale. --Give nae a call. J GRIEVE RI EVE, Newsof the Week-Oozidelased CANADIAN. Dr. Thompson of Woodatask lent week ebot sive goalie at ova shot in Boaanquet, Mr.A. J. Stover, North Norsieb, is build. ing a barn that le attracting etteu:ion. It is completely round. "Why, now I cannot get enough to eat," says one lady wile formerly bat no appetite, but took Hoods Sareaparille. The Weet Zorra tug-of.wir team are negotiating to attend the tatrnaruent in Chimp commencing Deo. 7.. The prizes amount to 82,400. Tiirr, Brasier Wier -The ream why Bar• dols Blood 13itlere leads all °slur muedieines in the moo for popularity is become it is ab ;lost delicate solutelypure,canntit harm the n R invalid, and never fails to cure biliousness, dyspepsia, bad blood, conetipatitu, eta. Ilidfetowu is the centre of thobenh grow- ing dibttiet,aud the shipwentetotho United Staten amount to about 2011,010 bushele a •. nonce lS Tho total amount already surscribed to the Sir John A. Macdonal•1 \Iom)rial Feud is about „130,000. Tho cotumit.co which is eolieltiug aubacription:l :ie barn at work and i meeting oath vor.+ encourrFiag sac - Mental worry, ovor.work and etitesses are the fruitful cases of ius•tnity. Dr. WIlltatns, Pink Pilld aro an unfailing remodybuilding anew the blood and restoring wastrat ener- gies. 3 formen and glee. Goad The Torouto World denounoee United Staten aportsmonaslaw-breakers, for shoot- ing moose up the Ottawa. In this province the shooting of artooso, elle, reindeer, and cariboo ia forbidden till 1805, with a view of s to inoro to permitting these spo o ase. Changeable weather, produoiug oold in the head and catarrh, isrespousiblofor ono. half the misery Canadians endure. Nasal Balm at once relieves bold in the:head and will care the worst odea of catarrh. The Rem County Council hae dooided that the county buildings shall not bomov- ed from Sandwich, and 'that the necessary repairs than bo done entailing an outlay of about 115,000. A icommittoe has been appointed to meet next Saturday, and will then make a report as to what repairs are necessary. The Roman Catholic population of Can- ada i. estimated at 2,223,424 souls. There are 30 archbishops and bishopa,2,363priests, 405 theological students, 12 theological eaminaries, 28 classical oollegee, 467 con- vents and aaademiea, 2,782 eahools;for boys and girls, 148 hospitals and asylums, 105 religions communities, 1,820 ahnrohes and 213 mission chapels, Mrs. John Kelly of Binkora went out to milk, leasing her seven-year old. daughter In the house. On returning, the mother was horrified to find her child dead with a roller towel twisted aroand her nook. The child had been in the habit of awingina from the towel, which was aaspended from the roller, and in turning round had allow- ed it to form into a rope about her neck. UNITED STATES. Dr. T. A. Slacufn's OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER OIL. They who use it - - hive. ?or sale by all dru,lgiets. 35 gents per bottle. K7,rr:i-Saran,--In St,James'ehnroh,Seafortb on the 2011 ult., b,y. Diev. Fattier Qoolt. Oornolius Klein ;to. Miss Nero Shine. all of Se Math. QRFsrrwooii lisAr,-laFullarton,on the 35th ult., at the rosieeucaof \Fun, Ileal, Esq., father of the bride. Mr, Henry Greenwood, to Mias Julia lioal,bot.h of Fullerton,. 7ioni:are-STAAt.t;Y--foLucent on the °nth alt., by Bey. bfr. Shaw, et holy Trinity church, Mr J.F. Roberts of Parshnll to Miss Lithe, daughter of Mr, grin, Stanloy,Lucan, LArietwerro-1lnerrir.--At the rest 101140 of Mr. 1Iblurph y, Gaierioli tmvnsh1D,on the 30: hult•, Mr, tieo.i.aithwaite of Clinton, to Alias Addle Murphy. DIED. Setrrn.-In:ilitehel , ou the 21nd ult., James sen of James F'mith,agott 17 yoars,0 months and 3days, 11Aiirr '-.In Ht.: :Marys, an then R9thuult., Jonathan, Cornet, bolt s o t ;rite et John r lett,asr., aged 60 Sears, 7 months and 10 daye. ztci'1or Mills, 509 CORDS Wood Panted! DELIVERED AT THE MILL For wbioh we will pay high- est market prices. TUE EXETER MILLING COY. MARXIST REPORTS. EXETER Reg Who at ,.. ,., 88 to 97 Spring 'Wheat ... 88 to 9:1 Barley • ,„e 40f0 30tto 3131 Oats 4 GO to 4 �0 tlioy er Seed .., ,,. Timaniay ... .. 3 40 to 1 40 Pea. .•• Corn ,,. Eggs Butter ... .» Flourpnrt,bl Potatoes,perbnebel -. Apples,per bag -. Dried&pplespr b - (loose per lb. ... Turkey per lb ,- Ducks per lb Chicken -per pr _, liogestressedperlCO ` Beef -- 13ide.rough, .., -. dressed . -, Sheepskins eoeb .,, Oallekins „. Wool peril) ... -3 Haypertou ,,. (luionseerbash Woodpereord -, 2 50 to 8 00 EVERY FARMER'S SON 5HORI,D HARE I BUSINESS EDUCATION. A "OSTAY. will secure the eataloguo of the FOREST CIT Btl�slness eel lege. LONDON, ONTARIO. Over 100students in attendance. T. W. WEST ERVELT, Prin.. Sale Regjt3ten. TirnatDAY DEO, 17rir,-Farm stook, im- plements, etc., the property of Tacob Brown, lot 23, con. 11, Hay. a. mile north of Znricb Sale at one o'elook. I±,d. Bossenberry, duo, 1AN,l) FOR SALE. The property known as the old church of England grounds, comprising one 101,1s now • 60 to 43 offered for sale. Terms reasonable. Apply to ▪ 0 40 to 30 E.Cuatsrm. Pres; or A. Ilam, Seey.,of the » 15 to 16 Stephen and lYsberue Agricultural Society. Noy.12-1m, lam MX XMI 15 to015 01O335 50 to 0 51 1COto1uo o 410060 0(t to 006 GO to (9 000to0(17 02510030 50040525 400to525 400 to Mt 501 to 525 060 to 70 O50to051 0181%019 900to10 (10 060 to 050 eT:MARTS 13 'all Wheat„,lee ,,,,,,,, ,,, 89 er Spring wheat:..:, ., ... ...... ............ So Barmy O 40 40 Oats ... ............................ o a9 00 mama... Glover Seed ............... ............. 3 75 4 25 Timothy mama., 1 25 1 80 Peas 0 bl 0 en Eggs.,mama.. l5D16 Butter 1'l O 15 Potatoes per bag 59 6.;, Apples per busb 060 Wool por lb 14 0 19 1lgun;rtou 9 0014 00 y Shortoor ton 34 01' 14 PO P°RT1o's.-In Biretta%, at the residence of (tstmealporhbl...007 t;'3 Ti„s. Somerville, OP the _Othult., \\ nlliam Eogs,drossod per. too ,,,. 5 Oi) to 5 2., Porteous, abed 49 years and tuna ., . LONDON. Wheat.93 tu Oats 32o a 1nor bus, .,.. tc ” Josie :7..c nor bus. Boas. 57e to 62e per bum. Bnr- EaAsrR. Iu Stanley. an the 19th ult„ it i,attiting. 411 to 48c uer hue. Barley Feed, einterofMr. T,Freeea,erred tZyearsand 11 &?a toVe per hue Cern, 563etoCie per. months, bushel. _.-.,_-- \Vit:son.-1n Clinton. oh Friday, Nor. 2Oth Mr8.; � i n aged 33 yea 11 menthe and 5 days, 1rr.r.rn.-In °haul, Now :lloxica,nn the 2n'i ult., llavttt Duller, fortnerl', o11.xeter, .a gid 87 years. MIDDLESEX, At the church of the Holy Triuity,Luean, on Wednesday, the marriage of $fr. J tunes F. Roberts, druggist, of Parkhill, and Miss Lillie Stanley, daughter of Valiant Stanley of Limn, took place. Mos. Macer 11.eNurr, Truro, N. 8, Now clues non pAii—Dear Sirs. --I have been troubled with lame back for about 6 rnonthe,aud thought I would try Iiagyard's Yellow Oil, which anted me. Ani now free from ail polus, and recommend Yellow 011 very highly. F`naai, PA.LUEn, Winona, Ont. COLD LV ransom% TRIALS -Dear Sirs --This neuralgia m fall and winter I suffered from f a i n g my face and had the beat medical advice without avail, 1 at last thought of trying B. 13. B. and after using one bottle have not felt any symptoms of neuralgia since. I re- gardit as a fine family medicine. J. T, DnosT, Heaslip, Man. THE BEST YET. -Dear Sirs, -My mother was attacked with inflammation of the;lungs which left her very weak and never free from cold, tilt at last she got a every severe °old and cough. She resolved to try Hag. yard's Pectoral Balsam, and, on so doing, found it did her more good than any other medioinea she over tried. t4ame. Knenenar, 50 Smith Ave., .aamilton, One THE WORST or ALL THE ISMS. "Don't talk to me about your political 'isms,' " said a facetious old valetudinarian "1 toll you there's no ism on earth so bad as Rheumatism." The venerable sufferer was right. St Lawrence's gridiron or Quatimozin's pallet of fire was not more emphatically a bed of torment than the couch of the martyr to rheumatism It is generally considered by the faculty one of the most obstinate as well as one of the moat painful of maladies, and it certainly does resist all ordinary remedies with ex- traordinary pertinacity. Skill and science, however, in toil age of progress, seems to master all opposition ; and even this pain. On Saturday lest there was a severe snow ful disease, entrenched among the muscles storm in Virginia, with snow eight inches and interknit, as it were, with the sinews deep: It was very' cold, and is the first and tendons of our frames, is compelled to severe storm an record, yield to the curatives they have provided. We have it on unquestionable authority -the testimony; of patients themselves-. that rheumatism, however deeply seated, may be cured by the regular and persistent application of Holloway'sintment. This, we feel assured, will be welcome intelligence to thousands of sufferere, bed -ridden by the disease, or limping with stiffened joints along the pathway to the tomb. In a clim- ate where the quicksilver sometimes mates a leap of thirty degrees up or down, the complaint is of course a prevalent one ; and in our new eetttementa at the West, along the alluvial borders of our great rivers, in the hemlock swamps of the South, and in all low and damp locations, few persons Teach the age of forty years without a rheu matin visitation. It is blear, therefore, that a preparation which will afford immediate relief, and effect eventually a thorough'oure elthe complaint, must be of especial value LOOK AT OUR S TO V ES reasonably doubt, in view of the well -attest - to the people of all °cotyles, we cannot ed statements which have"been laid before us, sustained as they are by ciroumstancee within oar o en knowledge, that the Oint- ment referred to will effect that object; end among all the benefits which the discoveries of that celebrated physician and phitan. thropist have confeired upon mankind, this is certainly not the least important. Many an industrious tiller of the soil, whose ser vices are needed in the field, is at this mo- ment languishing on a bed of sickness; the bands that should guide the plough or graap the spade rendered "ipowerleas by rheuma- tism. Many a toiler in every branch of productive labor is similarly 'situated ; and we oan imagine with what joy Wiese suffer ers would bail the Means of immediate cure. 1`o all ouch we feel justified in reoornmend. ing this balsamic remedy, the arplioation of which, with a few doses of Holloway's Pills to regulate the internal ;organs, would, we feel tissurscl, restore them to health and use t,alners.--Dally Argus. Minard's Liniment nares Diphtheria. GREAT BARGAINS IN Sim: and Tinware Having a number of Cases of the best Bradley Tin in stock, and having en- gaged Mr. Will Folland, Exeter's popu- lar tinsmith, to make up the same, we will now sell all kinds of Tinware away down for the next T W 1,NTY DAYS - everything new. COOK : Bermuda, Original, Selkirk, Florida, North-west Standard. COAL : Art Countess, Royal Art, Brilliant Novelty, Double Heater, Dou- ble Heater with Ovens. BOX STOVES. Nails, Hinges, Locks -the celebrated Gravity Lock, no springs to wear out, - Cattle Chains, Scoop Shovels, Forks, Axes, X Cut Saws,' Hinges, and all kinds of House Fittings. PAINTS : Johnston's,Elophant,,.Jumbo Liquid Paints. Varnishes of all kinds. Glass, Putty, eti. A large assortment of Col'rd Glass. F. N. HO WAIW. TORONTO. Toronto. Deo. 1 -Wheat Serino -No. d,91e r ,1 t oper bus• rod wi to , o c n . to per bus. anitoba No Shard,105 2.o 1 es ne.3, ole to 97 : PEAS u1ieto 67e per bur (IATti 4c to 3Se per hue. FLOUR. extra, $4 `0 to 14.15 per bol; etraight roller. $4.21110 34.30; strong bekere. Melt to $5.00. BARLEY, 0 1, feeding. No to 571, wiftslaw"*""ww.Swa•magersoassoosnausersosorsomal ENJorxNo t BLEsiziea.-Dear Sirs -Last summer my yonnger sisters wore taken very badly with croup, indeed wo were almost in despair, having little hopo of during them, Finally wo applied tingvard's Yellow Oil. and to our great joy it cured them perfectly and they are now eujoyrng the blessing of perk at health. Aiuui Jon:lsTOZI,Dn1bousio, N. 13. A Goon VEnnrcT-Sirs,-I have greet re aeon to speak well of your B. 13. Bitters. I have taken 6 bottles for myself and family and find that for loss of appetite and wenln nose it has no equal. It aures sick headache purifies the blood and will not fail, when used I heartily recommend it to all wanting a pure medioine, FOUND. An Overcoat on day of Exeter Fair, between Shapton's and lExotor, owner ban have it by proving property and paying this (idyl.de3.9in Arany Rumen, Crediton. STRAY STEER, There strayed into the promises, lot 5, eon. 12 Ikay, on or about Nor. 15,a red steer, 1 -year- old. with a few white spots. The -owner is re- quested to prove property, par charges. and take the animal away, Joiry VoELxEs, Rey,Dee.3,-3t Dashwood P.O. FOR SALE. Lots 49 and CO, corner of victoria, and Dar- ling streets, Exeter, with good dwelling house thereon. Apply to ETLIOT & Er,LIOT, N24 -1m Solicitors, Etc., Exeter, BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service, during the season. on the Riverside Farm, a there -bred BERKSHIRE Boar. Teems .-$1,payable at time of service. with privilege of returning if necessary. N25-im T. ReasELL,Prop. 1892. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. ILLUSTRA.TED."a The Magazine will celebrate the fourth Cen- tenary of the Discovery of America by its re- discovery. through articles giving a more thorough exposition than has hitherto been made of the repent unpreoedenred development of our aountry,andespecially in the Great West Particular attention will also be given to dra- matic episodes of American History. 1 ho field of the next European war will be de. scribed in a series of papers on the Danube "From the Black Forest to the Black !Sea" by Poultney Bigelow and P. D. Millet, illustrated by Mr. Millet and Alfred Parsons. Articles also will be given by the German,Austiian.and Italian Armies, illustrateti by T delThulstrup. Mr. W. ID, Howells will contribute a new novel;"A World of Chance;" oharacteristioally American. Especial prominence will be given to short stories, which will be contributed by T B. Alderieh, 11. H. Davis. A. Conan Doyle, Margaret Deland, Miss Woolson, and other popular writers, Among the literary f eatures will bo personal reminiscences of Nathaniel Hawthorne, by his college olass-mate and lifelong friend, Horatio Bridge, and a Personal"Memoir of the Brown- ings, by Anne Thackoray Ritchie. [] f� SALARY and Ootnmie eJ �f Q • cion to Agents_37en and 3Vore- ett Teacbers and a'lergymen to introauee a new and popularetandard hook, Testa/wily of 10 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth The moat rentarkable religious boost of the ago written by 3vn eminent scholars. Non-sectarlau. Ivory Christian wants it. Exclusive territory given. Apply to The Keary Bill Pub. Co., 2 arwich, Conn, a Whizz Did you see our atoak of ENE 7OOTS and SHOES That we have put in the store one dour south of the Post Deice? Naw it is worth your while to give us a look, We will show you through. We have all the Finest Lines of Ladies' and (lents' Shoes poado In Canada, and guarantee they aro right as far as wear and value goes. If you want a real nice shoe, something that it is a pleasure to wear, come up and 8 e Ours. Resides our lino line we alto carry a large and well assorted stook of Boys' and Aliases' shoes for echoot weer also Mn'et Working ..'hues and Knee Boots ... W AWA}. AO IN PRICE. All our goods are drarantsel good. and as s we wish to build up a TRADE and KEEP IT, we axe trolling Cl Eel' for GASH. BISSET" :OROS TQ THE I'`RQNT. The cheapest pla3e in town to by Builders' Hardware, Nails, Hinges Locks, Giacs, Putty, Paints and Oils. New stock mol the celebrated Johnston's Ligutd Pallets --Showy. Colors. New lines of Artists' Paints and Brushes, Barbed, Plain, Strip, Black and Galvanized Wires cheap tor Cash Tinware Stock Complete. -- Ravetroughing a Specialty New Raymond Sewing Machines and Needles GIVE LIZ A CALL—, VIS' `TV DISEASES MEN EntorPitinEllotuo Of all ages, resulting from Errors or Indiscre- tions of Youth. maybe peran\nently cured add p. the vigor of perfect manhood fatly restored.as r: NERVOT:8 DEBILITY. STERIILITi with t SEMINAL, LOSSES ,b PREMATURE DECAY Lung Standing casesof GLEE 1. STRICrL'Ril S7iPI1ILIS,i',1R1:.00CEL1: and all PRIVATE a tICIIRONIO Diseases treated with perfect success. Our field ie in CHRONIC CASES int which others have failed; if you aro lneurablo we will frankly tell you eo. Write ferpartieularsand treatise. Free, toST,s LovISMEDICAL CO., 162 end 1'•s King Streit. West. Toronto, Ont. s3:6m SNELL OROS,' 00. Raving commenced our SYintc''. wo will, buy DRESSED HOGS, Ott Ifigfleat Cash Prices. Dreeeed hope bought eu'jeet to the fol lit relies t 00 'Z COTTON i 1 ROOT COMPOUND. recent discovery by an old pbysieian. tiuertrf.,GG;f us. • est monthly by thou,.2t,as of #' Lams Is the only perfect iy safe and reliable medicine discovered. Beware of un- principled- tirugg?sta who offer inferior niedioines in ppinear this Ask for COOK'S VesTo a ROOT ouroeyp.t�i�a4 no su5sistuta; or inclose $1 and 4 three -cent canaria postage stamps in letter. and we will seed. sealed, by return mail. Full sealed particulars in plain envelope. so ladies only,'2 stamps. Address wend LAW 4omptkuy No, 0 Fisher Block,191 Woodward ave.,lietwit t. Sold1' ..,Cc t' Arin •eterb f 1. I,l`T! arra ich.L s DrarStore and by all druggists everywhere. is �.,�Y�:..__ -Econr,iiii, Children \litres' and Ladies' Too Slippers and Oxford Ties for summer in all, the now bodes. Haug r, in your girls and buy , thorn n pair f i•t oe School shoes. They are dandies. (live us a earl. You aro welcome. GEO.: A.NSON, Happy Prize Winners I On tire afternoon of Tuesday, Sept.1st, the street opposite the Dominion Lahore. tory was blocked by boys and Girls made happy by prizes drawn by purchases of School Books and Supplies at Browuing's Book and Drug Store. The following is a partial list of the winuere :- Ticket No. 67 -Willie Clarke. Beautiful Napkin Ring in Satin and Hold Covered tease No. 212 -Eddie Crocker. Teapot stand eve -Bottle of Perfume No 2-IIorhert Itand£ord. Dress Fan 218-144iss Han tor (Cabernet Pocket Bible 204 -John Speakman, MIagicSlate Cleaner 833-11inh Gould. Pooket Neoessairio 75-11. kinsman, Polished Inkztand 100-Wn1. Brooks, Set Silver Knifo,rork,Spoon 57-Neeklaco 135 -Jessie Creech, Handsome Dress Fan 207-Almer Nelson, Scholars Companion 210 -Eddie erector, Lacrosse Stick or bottle of Florida Water 77-R.11insman. Go -Cart 17 -Louis Manning, Stenocepo complete with number of handsome photographic views 203 -Eddie Croaker, Splash 59-W. Brooke, Scholars Companion with Look 235-1Iugh Gould, Go -Cart 217 -Miss Hunter (Usborne) Fish Pond Gamo 212 -Fruit Basket 66 -Wm. Clarke, Necesaaire 215 -Miss Hunter, Out Wass Weight 201 -Eddie Dignan. Stamp al bum 230 -Hugh Gould. Ladies Companion 238 -Eddie Croaker, White wood Money -box 170 -Louis Manning, Magic Pooket-book 26 -Sylvester Eacrott. Rubber Ball 55 -Wm. Brooks, Fruit Basket 40 -John Snell. Magic Slate Cleaner 28-Say'-vesterEaerett, Hand -painted splash 221 -Emily Gould, Mother of Pearl Purse 231 -Henry, Gould Fountain Pon 7C-R.Kinsman-Rose wood Writing Desk. BOYS ! GIRLS 1 All should buy their Sch000l Books and Supplies at Browning's and secure a chance of aPrize at the best great drawing. All Goods Sold at Lowest Prices and the chance for a prize thrown in. r ,n't miss getting tickets -free to pur- chasers of School Books. The prizes at the next drawing will far surpass those given out at the last. DOMINION LABORATORY, Main-st,Exeter Har per's Periodicals HARPER'S IV1AGAZINE, Per Year.....554 00 H ARPJIR'S WEEKLY, ma ma. 4 CO HAP PER'S BAZAR. • .. 4 00 EARPBR'S YOUNG PEOPLE .... 2 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States,0anada,and alesieo. The Volumes of tbo Magazine begin with the Numbers for Jane and December or eaoh,:year•. When no time is specified, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at the time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Iiarper's' Magazine for three yenrs back, in neat cloth binding. will be sent by mail, post-paid, on re- ceipt of 83 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding: 50 bouts each -by mail, noat•paid. Remittances should be made. by Post -office Money Order or Draft, to avoid ohanoe of loss. Newspapers aro not to copy this advertise- ment without the exnress order of HA SEER Jr BROTHERS. ,. Add' esti : HARPER Jr VROTHERS, New York.' ti HURRAH ! NnW Tailor Shop We would inform the people of Exeter, and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on the shortest possible notice and in the test SIVIDS -AND A - Sure Fit Guaranteed. lay e . in. 2 Ibs Iter out off ; 31 lbs extra if shoulder at Is 31bs off for bung gut or gnllett 2 Wti are also prepared to sopniy our cos towers at the Psokrng Bongo with all kinds of Cured Meat. 8auea^ e, Bologna, Mead Cheeee,I�reah Pork, Tenderloin, Spero hits Lard and Hama, Wholes alle iln(1 Retn FARMER BRO, WHOLESALE ,�: RETAIL IGROCERS GE' E 7E1.1CH I Wino (.L ciplrltt merchants By buying your Fall and 'Winter Goods. at DOUPE'S ; t '.tent. c a `a to rn i."5 ` I (,;HEAP STORE, ICIL KTON Now Goods in EveryDepartment. lt. EXETER, Ii1 , Como yourself and bring your friends BX TERNO THGENER_ LnTrl cleans in and you will find what a low price really , f C{Elibp t3 u us�ss Highest Grade Goons ofHonest Qu'al itr . A CIearing SALE AT and BELOW 'COST �. f DOUPE & CO., Kirkton, Exeter M usic Store PERKINS & MARTIN. We have constantly on hand a largo dismay of the best PIANOS, ORGANS, SEWING MACHINES, BICYCLES and SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ..� Suits & Overcoats for Men and Youths, We offer our entire Stook of Dry Goods. including }JENBIETTAS dL CASHMELT4 Coatume Cloths, Dress Flannels it ,1iltons, Flannettes, Grey all-wooIFiannris, .A. large stook of all -wool Underwear Twee3 'Sett- ings and Worsted Panting -latest patterns. A nice lot. of FURS to be cleared out - Ladies' Fur Capes, Muffs, Boas, Caps an. Fur Trimmings. Gents' Hats & Caps Seal, Astrlcau, Persian, Grey Lamb Kfd Winter Gloves and Mitts for Ladies and Gents Carpet and Floor Oil Cloth. Our prices in BOOTS & SHOES are- away down below cost -job lot Readymadee. Persons anticipating the purohaso of any -f A nice lot of Dinner and Tea Setts in thing in the above lines will do well to call at t latest patterns to be cleared out at once. the store. We guarantee satisfaction, and prises as low as eau bebadat themanufaatories. TEAS -We have a largo stockof Teas which Wo would respectfully ask yon t0 call and will be cleared out at a heavy redaction, 5• see 1010 tam stook- took:musiafore as fine as will b0 found in lbs Japan Tea for 31, other Tea for 15o uupp, P.S.-Agents for all kinds of agrioultural General Groceries, -Cur Stock is com- impioments. plate and will be kept complete while this sacrifice sale continues. We offer a redac- tion of 25 per Dent, for cash. Patrons and all others used well. Call and see. Now is the time to buy Hardware cheap,. including Silver-plated Spoons and Forks Table Knives, Razors, Pooket Knives, Door !hi5n� ty1eS ® 1Locks, Snobs and ;des.Hingesle° padlocks. No trouble to show Goo JOHN MATHESON, STAND :-Fanson's Block, Exeter. z 0 0 THS BEST YET THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET 1 Persuasive Prices PRODUCE Positive Profits. Good Beds from 32 Op Here and up. Fall Bed -room Suiten They aYe from 110 and up. Sideboards trom 17 5G and up. A Solid walnut Side- board for 113 and up. Extension Tables fro 36 and new. - .; Platform Reasee s uphol- stered, from 33'75 up. Woven Wire Mattresses from 12 25 and up. Hall Hat Stands from 35 and up. Solid-Oarved Oak E d - room Suites, anti avre finish, at $35, cheap at $10. These are Scorch- ers. And are only for 80 Days In order to make room for New Stook soon to arrive. Have oar premises packed full and a41 abort for room. ret Parlor Saites, Dining Suites, Ba3rooi BostSpites, Kitchen Suites -all away down.. Best Ordered Clothing piodnood in Exeter window Shades, Cornice Poles, Pi119; Gentlemen I ave nu early, r Mattresses, everything you want to fain;: with the best stair of Tailors ; the beat to make you buy. stock of Fine leTrimmyour orders and the best fo a house, at pricesC -IT)JLT' ' Cutting in Town, yen are aura of satisfae- Y Linn Pioneer Furniture Store, a ,! .7. . CDI3P'> 1LLOW8'BLOCK