The Exeter Times, 1891-12-3, Page 3t, Established 1.877. COMMUNICATIONS, The Editor does not neoessarily endorse the f sentiments advanced in articles under this w�. �r 9�TIL, beading. Reply to "Canada First" BANKER, EXETER, ONT. To the Editor of the Exeter Times. ___ DEAR Sin, --"Canada First" in your last Transacts a generalbanking business. utile makes another attempt to show theet Receives the accounts of merchants and Canadian ludependence is possible. I had others on favorable terms. undertaken to show that Independence is Ogees everyaocommodetion consistent with not asossible, but that if we sever the con, safe and conservative banking prinoiples. nection with England we must enter into Five per cent, interestallowed on deposits. Political Union with the United States. Drafts issued payable at any office of th Before undertaking to reply to "Canada Alerehants Beek. Fiat." I must point out that he has devot- NOTES DISCOUNTED, & MONEY TO ed the least possible apace to the Josue -upon )ROAN ON NOTES AND MORTGAGES which we have locked horns, viz., the poa- sibility of Canadianlndependence, but has ea taken up a full column with offering ohjec- ', t enter i 0* tions to Political Union. I want fairargu- ment, I wish to discuss one thing at a time. Even should "Canada First" show .PHIURSD.A.Y. DECEMBER 3rd, 1891 Political Union to be impracticable he would not thereby make Independence NOTES AND CiOMMENTS. possible. Were I to follow him in all his wanderings be might in a week or two have The election trial against Mr. Hyman, me discussing the progress of Christianity AI. P., of London, which was proceeded in China, but all I could say on that sub. jest, and I couldn't say inueh,wouid throw with last week, has been postponed till no light upon the question of Canadian January 18, 189?. There has as yet Independence. been nothing particular brought out. Having thus tethered my friend to the t 1 t stake called "Canadian Independence." sa Great Britain has fourteen times as that he cannot escape into cloudland, let the discassion proceed. In Support of my much assessed wealth as Canada and assertion that Canadian Independence le nearly twenty times as Inuch national impossible from financial reasons, 1 have shown that .aovernmentnow costsusnearly debt. There is hope ynt tar Canada, forty million dollars per year, or $$ per judging by the way the 014 Country head of the population; and that under manages to stagger ening, There are Independence, unless by some miracle the less than double the miles of railway in country beeetnestransformedinto,.Utopia" Creat Britain than there are in Canada, immediately upon changing our national which speaks well for our pest enter- status, the cast would be increased to sixty prise and future means of money -making. million dollars, or $12 per head, a startling The population of Great Britain is only and fatal contrast to the cost in the States, seven times that of Canada. There is which is 54 per head. 1 hare shown that fried for a day's reflection in these figures. our er had in 1871 tbto�abutr$60 perr head ins inceased fom 521p1891,Qan I t + increase of 300 per cent., not counting the The articles which have appeared in Provincial debts of 57 per head which must certain English newspaper senate deer - soon he assumed by the Dominion Govern- ment ov a es ec. y of the r ince £1meat if bankruptcyp p ing the establishment taf a line of steam- tally of Quebec, is to be averted ; that by era of the first-class to ply between contrast the debt of the United States is but in - Canada i acid Great Britain, and meant to 813.43 par head; that our population has in- tliserdtlit the proposal altogether, give creased only 11.52 per cent. during the past 1 I gten years, which is less than the percentage weight to the charge that interested per- of increase in England and Wales, and sons have hired writers in the Old only one-third as great as that of Maine, Country to destroy confidence in the Vermont and New Hampshire, the three proposal. Tins has been done before. most sterile and least progressive Statesin The Canadian Peeeflc railway WAS so the union ; that the Government spent written down at its inception, and it is three million dollars in the time aroma to wad that a prominent Canadian politic- induce 900,000 people to immigrate to tan then in England furnished the Canada, and 179 millions in building rail• bitterest attacks upon the project and try so that ways and in otherwisedovelopingthecoun- scarified Canadian ublic men right and ,good homes and means of main - scarified might be provided for those omrni- left. However, such criticism did not grants as well as for our own natural in - deter financial subpar., nor will it from crease, which itself is estimated atover a t1ti5 Setaenie. million. but that the net result was the ad- dition of 500,000 only to our population - Sir George Baden Powell,one of the ono million four hundred thousand who should have remained with us having gene the counties of Huron and Lenabton. British Commissioners in the Behring to the States in the One mentioned ; I Along tins whole coast line there is no Sea affair, is now interesting himself in have shown that by contrast several of natural or other protection for vessels the establishment of a fast Canadian their States, as for example 142inn'so1 a, driven into the bay by storms bearing have each added. more to heir population cp r at on transatlantic steamship service. He has than tho whole increase in the Dominion seen Premier Abbott and members of of Canada, the increase of the State men- the Oabinet in the matter, and has visit- boned being 520,000; that the desire and t' Quebec and inspected the docks and necessity for free trade with the United other facilities. President Van Horne, States is the basis of the preset t agitation of the Canadian Pacific 'It-ilway, states for either Independence or Politseal Union, that the now steamship line will ere long unrestricted reciprocity being conceded to be an established fact. The vessels will be all moonshine, that free trade would run in connection with the Canadian cut down our revenue from customs duties and Van Horne believes from twenty-four,hureto about two million Pacific ltaiiwa Y,dollars, thus reducing Canada to the ne- that passengers from Europe via the St. cessity of divising some now method of Lawrenco,w111 be lauded by this through raising the sixty rn lliou dollars that would 'tno in Chicago within a few hours of the be required for government under Inde- ne that those via Now York will be pendenee ; that this would impose upon +mbarked at the latter port, Tho the people such a tremendous burden as anent intention is to have the new lino contrasted with the light burden in the nning between Liverpool and Quebec States that wo would not only be unable to fore the opening of the World's Fair, any more immigrants but would drive and to compete with American railways out 'of the country those who are in it now, or a of the travel in connection All the above 'Canada First" frankly er share It is stated that the outrun admits I have proved, with this exception g that in my calculation of the cost of gov- ent susbidy will be made $1,000,000 ernment in the States I omitted to take r year for an efficient service. into account the expense of State as distinct * * * trom federal Government. This he thinks The Farmers' Alliance in the States is should be placed at $1 per head and added steam dredging almost every season. But ting the co-operative trading plan to my calculation. I yield the point. But with an additional Government grant it pting p g it still leaves the cost of government all could be widened out sufficiently to make in vogue in many towns in England. but twice as high in Canada as in the an excellent harbor of refuge. Walled up The alliances in twenty-two States are States. "Canada First" having thus ao- sufficiently to prevent washing, and pro- knowledgedthe accuracy of my statements, tected at the mouth by short substantial said to be making arrangements with and the impregnability of my arguments, piers, a good and necessary work for leading merchants to establish co -opera- should now fairly admit the soundness of the county would be done and done at tive stores- Mr. Cross, the South Dakota my conclusion, that Independence would be' once. alliance leader, says the Rochdale system so expensive as to absolutely preclude any Grand Bend, Nov 30, 1891. C. will be followed almost to the letter. attempt to undertake its reeponaibilitiea. _-„� ,_-_- But he doesn't like to yield. He makes a To the Editor of the Exeter Times. The net profits of each store will be di- despairing attempt to show that it is not aided between those who furnish the impossible, lie ,has but one hope, one Now that the municipal elections are capital and the alliance members who argument left, and that is contained in the being again mooted we hope that the wary deal at it, the maressea getting an extra last paragraph. All the rest of his letter ratepayer will not be caught napping, but dividend for his labor and responsibility. is quite aside from the issue of Canadian will do everything in his power to prevent The stores will sell to everybody, to alit- Independence. His argument is that the the election of any pushing individual who ht ens- ance and non -alliance customers, and money necessary to maintain an independ- em of eternal r to aesa,horae oiPrr esent delightsful will maintain legitimate prices. The ant existence could be raised by direct state of insecurity. There are always per- stores will pay in cash for all farm pro taxation if we should secure free trade Bona wishing to impose some nineteenth ducts and will exact cash payments for with the States, which would destroy century idiotic scheme on the poor taxi is goods. The first store was started in our customs revenues. The answer to this must have suggested itself to "Canada payer, such as electric light, waterworks, orgia in August, and there are now etc. We really do hope this caution will First himself. Before he can convince fifty of them in various parts of the not be miaintrepreted. anyone that there is any force in his rea- Yours,etc. . By the New Year there will coning, he will require to show us that it ' The interests of the organise is easier to pay $60 in a lump sum to the A GENTLEMAN O1 THE LARK Aaas. each State are looked after by a tax collector who knocks at our door than commissioner.' The stores are to the collector of customs or inland reve- ed by experienced men whose nue.who spreads it out in small payments is at stake, au& are conducted on extending over ayear. I am sayingnothing usineas principles. Under the for or against direct taxation. That sub- auge the farmers themselves un- jest is too big to be dragged into this dis- ok to' run the whole thing, and as a cussion. It would be as he admits, simply a change of method. You pay out of your equenoe came to grief. The new system is carried on by practical store -left pocket instead of your right. My keepers, the alliance supplying a portion answer, in brief, is this, that assuming the capital and doingall their trade that we have Independence and free trade, P doing away altogether with the customs, -?tore or stores in their respec- the intolerable oppression of raising the s: ` The experiment will be enormous sum required to maintain Inde- ith interest. pendenee, whether raised by direct taxa- tion on farm and other real property or by Stanley. an excessive and grinding inland revenue, would be the last straw to break the poor IL. -The council met Nov - 23rd. Canadian's back. We would all fly to the wing aocounts were ordered to be country beside us where they have Inde - Purdy, $10 80 for wood for Mrs pendence and Republicanism, which we •Mrs Swan, $30 for keeping Thos want, and where the people can, if they ig@nt;;Dr Stanbury,$7 for attend wish, absolutely do away with all customs Bannerman, indigent; .Wm Reid, duties and maintain government on a, mod - ravel; 'John Cameron, $L7 36 for erate inland revenne alone. 1;'.Chas -Logan, 531 12 for :gravel; D ,I -think, Mr. Editor, I haye thoroughly avish. $9 28 for gravel; Duncan Mo - and completely, and without any attempt ig, 51 GO for gravel. Ther clerk was in. at evasion, controverted every argument c:od to send the total assessment of each advanced by "Canada First” in favor of ool section and rate on the dollar with Canadian .Independence, which was my erasers on tie treasurer for school money. own ideal until a careful study of the ques- lawi appointing Geo Baird,Tbos Bonnard tion revealed to me the facts which I have o S Swart, Win Rothwell, and Samudl set forth as plainly as I could, and which Deputy, Returning Officers for the to my mind utterly prectpde the possib ili- torm waspassed. The oounoilt of maintaining an a endent national trued to meeton Tuesday, Dee, istence. "Canada Fly; ' bas written 0010 p. eanicely, but I am of the opt ion that he had Gao. 8Tiiwenr, Clerk, given thequestion no inveA igation before REDITON GREAT CLEARING SALE. ROWN & SIEBERT Will commence on Friday, Deo. 4, and continue for 30 days, to clear everything in DRY -GOODS, MILLINERY, FURS, ROBES, MANTLINGS, TWEEDS, HATS & CAPS, ORDERED and BEADY -MADE CLOTHING At Prices that cannot be Beaten, POIR# We mean what we say, the goods must be sold. A grand opportunity to secure bargains. Everybody come and save money. For sample prices see hand bills. $5,000 worth of Hogs and Poultry wanted in the next 30 days, for which we will pay the highest Cash prices. .v Is " c�Iw; SIE, rI .T. going into print. Had he done so, I am sure that a gentleman of his undoubted in- Stephen °01113.011. telligence and skill in debate would have hesitated to ,$vacate fvr Canada A future The comical met in town hail, Crediton, a Nov.,t t 8 n i. 1 1 91. tmembers which slue eau not attain at least in rhoAll except lifetime of anyone now living, and not Mr read present, atiautes of last meat g ing read and g,gucd, being able to secure Independence, I am Hillier-tVnerth--that a by-law be passed. satisfied there is nothing left for us but appropriating from the general funds of the to struggle along in the present condition tow.usbip to the sinking fund account about in the hope of a better time coming or to the sum 0152,427 in order to liquidate the cast in our lot with the great Independent Bail Road debentures falling due lst Dee. Republic our neighbor to the seethe 1891. Yourst:rtil 5, Raso1v e that the following ng orders be CANADIAN* granted : G Lawson, error in gchoal tax, St Marys, Nov. 23, 1891. $C 02; Jos Lewsou, culvert, ditch, Ate,. .A. Harbor of Refuge at Grand G WlrnertttR Hillier, 5 50; 1' Fbuuagau, Bend. (=or to do taar, 21; J G Wine, error in dog tax. 51; 31re Neweomb1$3; W Mitchell, To the Editor of the Exeter Times. $1; 0 Prouty, commission. 513 75; 3 Mit. Now that the Grand Bend Canal, or Cat, shell- gravel, 540 W4. Fo, a is likely to be au accomplished fact, it contracts N B.5t16021520;; tl62 GO;12; tn Faihe.rdgravel2grandvel would eerttiulp be an opportune rima to cantraet, 592 89; 5 Stenlake,lumber,a03 57 agitate for a Harbor of Refuge at that R Barry. contract N B,bloek 1,26; R Barry point. Our M. F8 of Huron and Iamb• contract N Bible*4,in part, $74; A Oamp• ton, as well As others interested, should bell, gravel, 510 40; U Yeager, lumber, now take up the matter in goad earnest 528 99; F W Farueomb, pt pay for engineer and press it on the attention of the °ateric ing, 515; Al 310Eaehen, rep 3 culverts, K2; and Dominion Governments. It is most 3 Ilt:awan, work on L R, 52 50; J 1tyau, unfortunate that on the lout; coast line be - tweet t.oderieh and Sarnia there is not a solvating jurors, $4• Resolvtd that couneilmettagain on 'Nei.single harbor of refuge worthy the name. day. December 15, at 1 o'clock. Grand Bend is situated at the innermost C. 1'no; z, Clerk point of a great hay which runs well into - ��*- • Credltou 527 60; Jae Hodgins, ebernentug pink, 50i; CONDENSED NEWS. Front Various, Sourcea.Througll- out the Pistrlt3t, HURON. The sessions of the Peace for the county well be held at txodericti, on Tuesday, 8th December. The town treasurer of Goderioh sold sev- erallots of Mustier taxes last week, realiz- ing over 5500. Mrs. Allan. ot North East/20)3e, mother of Air. A.. Mol) Allan, ot Goderioh, died last week; aged 81 years. Mr. Joseph Brownlee, of Clinton, died in the Montreal hoapitai het week, whither he had gone to undergo au operation for kid- ney trouble. Minta Jessie J. Frazer, of Brucefield, daughter of the late Donald Frazer, died last week; aged 22 years. She had lately taught sehool at McGregor. Desert 00. Robert Wallace, an employe of Broadfoot & Box's factory, Seaforth, diel on Friday last of consumption. Darras aged 20 yearn. Re was an ezemplavy a ouug man. Dr, tleCrimmon, on Underwood, the well known ex-enief of theLnekaow Caledonians, has been appointed a director of the Genewl Committee of the World's fair Scottish Games, w- telt takes glace iia Chicago in 1893. Mr. Will Oleo, of the Frit c:'n, Hullett, not with tether a terioue accident a slant time alto. by the wa an pnssiug over hitt. Will has not quite reewere:l yet. but will soon be able to ate+l t;1 his work again. Jumbo Strong, of tieafortb, some weeks a,ro issued a challenge to ren any man ow r two hundred and tarty rounds, for any mount J.o i a Gould, ofwon Co r a Il n d has ac- cepted the challenge, and the race will likely take place in Guelph, on Chtistreee day for $50a a side. Objection la raised by some in Stanley township to Mr. Stewart retaining the clerk- t<hlp for another year, on account of bis living outside the municipality, and in eon - sequence tbings promise to be lively at the fortheuning elections. Garbutt, the youug roan of Wingbatu, wl+o la wanted in Tezaa on a charge of de- fraudiug banks there, autlwhoee extrnditisan has INA neared for sonic+ menthe, wilt now have t:a feet) the Texas authorities. At Taranto last week Ulf+ appeal for an ,Bibi was gnasbe,1 and he must go back to, Testes. Balms. -Simon Stahl has returned from Michigan. --The spurts in town are on them from west, north-west or north. after the rabbits and foxes lathe vicinity Now that a canal, or cut, ha length about and so far have had ordinary luck. -•J. one-half mile, is to be made there in order Schroeder, sr., is very sick and slight to admit the Aux Sauble river into the hopes are held out for his recovery. --A. lake, it would be an easy matter,with ' large number of our boys have very bad some government aid, to make a good .Habits in running on the streets at night harbor of refuge which would be a boon i and makingterriblyoffensive noises. to life and property in all time to come. The object of the cut, "by which the Can this not be stopped? Surely some present month of the river, with about person enn be appointed and funds rais- twelve miles ot its length, will be out off," ed to defray expenses to put a stop to of course is to lo aver the water in river such annoyance. Patience ceases to be 1 bed some 3 or 4 feet, thus bringing some a virtue in this matter. -A. good time thousands of acres of low fiat land under was spent at Walter Clarke's shooting proper cultivation, is a grand idea, and I match.Sides were chosen by G. Hirt - cannot fail to add much to the material ma an5, Eilber, for the supper, Hirt - prosperity of Huron and Lambtor.. But i Eel's team winning by 47 to 45 birds out any one familiar with the exceedingly of a possible 60 birds. The weather sandy nature of the ground through which was nice and somegood shootingwas the cut shall run, and especially the shore where it will enter the lake, known well done, Hirtzal, Boise, and Cunningham, that, without availing up and running out taking all the stakes, At the rifle match, *des at the mouth, the banks, however,1 James Lawson was the winner as usual. sloping. will wash away, thus tending to This man is willing to meet any person fill in the bottom of the cut, and which, in the county of Huron to shoot at 25 with the action of the lake, will rapidly targets, 100 yards for fun or money. form sand bars at the mouth, necessitating Let's hear from some good shooters; he is only a boy cutting his eye teeth, but he is a keen -eyed shot. -The post master here is still taking subscriptions for the TRIES, and is increasing the list. It is acknowledged the best local paper that arrives here. Goderioh J. P. CLARKJ, We are thankful to our many custom- ers who have so long given us their pat- ronage, and stood by us those fifteen years past. During so many ohanges and astounding bargains and induce- ments held out as attractions, we have it say that we still hold your confidence and support. We feel that it is a, guar- antee that our past dealings with you have been of such a character a4to merit your approval. Our aim has been to place before the public, or customer, such articles as are needed, at the lowest possible price, thereby commanding their respect. 1 am frequently asked : "' Why are you advertising, Clarke ?" you haslet :done so for some years f My reply is that it appears to be a necessity in these days, that people regard those who ad- vertise as being the only persons doing business and who can be depended on. We don't so believe, yet we are willing to say, that no eommodityadvertised by us, shall be otherwise than we request to be printed. See news enlunin for articles par- ticulerly me=ntioned this week. 1 remain, yours truly, J. P. CLARKE EXETER. first-class produce taken in exchange fur treed. Ott highest marlfet, prices. ACTS For Exeter peaple wlraare not partic- ularly Anxious to have to call in an Ma- dertaicer to think about. It Saved Her Life, A LETTER TO TR LADIES. favety mince'ren-i3.:;:e:ins.--The familiar ; Terento.Oct:isttan. proveria, "what is go i3 for man is geed for I take great pleasure in informing you that a hie beast" is finny underateo3 by all 'terse.Crious aetnl i of narslatia. Tlirreesenrs ago x men from the turd to the farm. frees the lt:a n madden stroke while slitting on a goat ; a stable tel the+ satitll,'. l ery nigh authoretivs semi one�14 moa bs asu. whale ing is bet. an'tho subj.'st of liarasl au3l cattle ailtannt t Ali u nidi all t failed one otwardoob muttdly good. A Conant in the opinion of General R».ifna Ing lax I cried Dr • J.£ugene Jordan's 11ietogenetic allo, late Q,nrtermas,nr-C,'neral, l..S.Army reatcdree. In three months my voice be,ame who Bays"St Jur tbe Oil in the beat pan. swag. MY 11mh5. which were almost timeless* to be care we ever nsfd. It conquers pain." Thin a simtc to tate he table awl from longer needed f place to department bas the: enetody end treatment ' another. :sty muscles developed wonderfully, of army horses and mule's" . and thoneauia censidening that I am 14 scam of a oo. I can aro treated, walk tochuv alt and beak regularly .t' ho efleot has bcon permanent naw fur about 12 maths. rrrrit. are April I had a severe attack of pneumonia Mr. Amor l;ur ;e ss, Seafortlz, leas sold and 11isteeenetle Remedies cured me in a few r dere Intl the8th of thea month I took con - out his coufeetionary business to Mr. Gltnustton of tlanriglar. of St.:ifarys. Lae.l I chn,dhe notivor haved livedht un long. Icl awas fewas Lours the lifer+gauche mc.lieines once -utero Knox church, St Marys, will be re•openr d wave i uule.liate relief. It to only two weeks on Deo. 0 and 7. Rev. Dr. Coebrane of and I ant eating up every day and nearly well. To Puy that my faith en Histogenetic medicine Brantford will officiate at alt services• is str„nnbut fatntl • expresses it Try *Wadies Rev, Father Lamont of Iriahtown died en far thnsa or any other complaints, and be cnn- W'eduesday at the age of 79 ,rears. He has isiaiu 1110 and aiddre a torany ouyutrers siniilnrls served as priest for the past t)0 years. affected. P.espeotfuily, Freddie Edmond's. and a eompanien.while _ alae —, Termite. crossing the items Stratford on Frt. e ' Tho abavo address can also be had at q pondthe Landon ofiica day, broke through. They were get ant -_- but. Freddie died from the effects of the cold uisro.si:tr;stc'•tsnlcixE SseaCIATXON bath. 111 `padina Ave., 1 orontn. Oct 13,191. The opening of the new emelt at Ander- ilentlemen,-I had that dreadful disease. la .t son was quite succesefnl notwithatandius grippe, last , March, which left my system in n the inclement weather. The oharoh and movecondition my head or stoopedittproducedpainIand incidental repairs oast 53,100, $2,500 of an indescribable feeling, Orottdebility foflo which had bcen'subsoribed, and 5093 raised ed, palpitation and *approaching heart failu at the opening. Tho church is a neat strop; nervous prostration and general loss of etre eons tare and a credit to the people of Anderson. andsfear, ofinternaled the Ito .+ p l wedioines'of Dr. d. Eugen Jordan Thr At last, I can eat a gond square meal Without its distressing me 1” was the grate- weeks ho medicines very me soon cogained r fel exclamation of ono whose appetite had, me up. Icontinued togain,and only one misery- complete ll been red sa oerpttegripitlftirills, after years of dyspeptic) A n a acfe I- teaapoanful of this extract before each meal effect is abiding. The medial' sharpens the appetite. take and leaven illaffeot. I Mrs. Bartlett, wife of Mr John Bartlett treatment better than taking beau of Water-st,, St. Marys. died last week, in Yours her 60th year. Shehad been angering from N. B. -Mrs Teale is a It) bronchial troubles, but a severe cold resulted of age, of delicate frame in her demise. The funeral was one of the few only out of every b largest in the annals of at. Marys. She recovered from that sat had been a resident for 32 years. Daisy Lee, a beautiful 17 -year-old girl, committed suicide in SL Marys recently: She had been reeroved by her father on ac- BnrEsa.-Mr. R. H. Collins, barrister, of count of a young man who was pitying her Exeter, was in Goderioh the past week.- attention, and a brother also upbraided her. Mr. and Mrs. Maomaster have returned to She sent to a drug store, secured a dose of their home, Hensall.-The Model School poison, and was found half an hoar later in students were examined on Saturday, by her death agony. Co. inspectors, Tom and Robb. Drill and "I use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral freely in caleethenios were the subjects, -The Model my practice, and recommended it in oases eobool student class of 1891, called at the of whooping cough among children, having residence of Principal Park ou Friday evg. found it more certain to cure that trouble. and presented him with an address and a some disease' than any other medicine I tangible Liken of their esteem and respect know of." -So says Dr,Bartlett of Concord, for him as their instructor After the read- Masa ing of the address, Mr. Park made a happy Geo, Glenn, the petitioner in the protest reply, and invited the class to stay and en- agamet Mr. James Trow, has este•: ad *nit joy themselves, an invitation that was for slander against T. ff. Race, editor of the heartily accepted and enjoyed, -On Thurs. MitohellReoorder,otaiming $2,000 damages. day morning the schooner Septile, coal The slander consisted among other things laden, was seen nearing this port, but the in a statement alleged to have been made water being remarkably low, a tug was sent by Mr -Race that Mr.Trow saved Glenn from Elimville. out to warn her off. Late in the afternoon going to penitentiary. y _ she appeared again and was making for the What might have been a serious accident Brazed -Rev. J. Russell preached s entrance. Canvas being'out of order she was betel Mrs. Andrew MoOonnel of Prospect losing way, when her captain turned north at a threshing last week. When descending Books mailed free to any address explainin magnificent sermon on Sunday evening last, at the Elimville appointment. -Mr. Henry and dropped both anchors. Later on the from the straw etaok either in his haste. or the Histogenetic system. Consultation and all Francis of Winchelsea was injured at a tug Oroadla having a line on she slipped her by the mismanagement of the man at the information free. threshing on Monday by a oarrier pulley archers and made for deep water, returning bottom of the ladder, be missed his footing falling and striking him on the head, -Mr. again at 11 p. m. when she passed into the and fell to the ground. Luoldly there was Thomas Heywood is laid up with an affea- barbor where she grounded. Next morning a large quantify of straw on the ground and tion of the heart. He never was sick inlhis she was pulled off and -unloaded.-Mr. A. Mr. Mo. arose more frightened than hurt, life before and says this is the first rest he 142. Todd, of the News Record was in town °'JDST AS Goon,''—Say some dealers who has had since he was nine years old. -There the past week. -Tice storms of the peat two try to sell a substitute preparation when a EXETER will be a Christman service by the Elimville weeks have opened the river,makinq a wider oustomer calls for flood's Sarsaparilla. Do S. S. ou the Sunday between Christmas and outlet thea it has bad for some years. -The not allow any such false statements as this CENTRAL HOTEL New Year. -Clover threshing has bean final examination of the Model school stud- induce you to buy what you do not want. } going on briskly and in some oases the yield ents, commences in the Central on Monday. Remember that the only reason for making Tuesday, Dec. / c!. is good, being three bushels per sore. -Miss -We had light sleighing on Saturday and it is that a few cents more profit will be y� q Moss p of Dorchester is tae guest of Misses Sunday. -Our butchers are already proper- made on the substitute. Insist upon hay - Thompson. She will spend some time in ing for Xmas, deer being on exhibition- ing the best medicine -Hood's Sarsaparilla. visiting friends in and around Elimville.' The east end of the harbor was frozen over It is Peculiar to Itself. Mr. Leonard Hunter is putting a furnace in on Saturday; bat the ice was too thin for s.a+w his residence for beating purposes. Be has skating, -Quite. a number of ladies: and Diseases of the Liver. also purobased a beautiful new organ from gentlemen of Goderioh attended the babe- -- Messrs. Perkins & Martin. -The Chosen loin ball at Seaforth on Friday. -The God- You may always know when your liver is Friends are becoming strong here, ten new ericb Organ factory is still doing a big out of order, or when youare what is called members were proposed last week. business. -The annual municipal storm bilious, by any of the following symptoms : signal has not yet been hoisted. -To -morrow Pain in the aide and back; dizziness, dull English Spavin Liniment removes all evening the High School Literary Society headache, a bad taste iu:the mouth en the hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem- will give the annual entertainment in the morning, sallow: colored' complexion, yellow - Grand Opera House, It is said that the ish tiut in theeyes ,costiveness or diarrhoea Sshes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, 1891 program will be the best and moat of slimy dark color, low spirit; and dismal Splints, Ring lions, Sweeney,roat Stifles, varied ever produced by the society. -Ou forebodings. It is acknowledged by all phy SDrsins, Sore and Swollen Throat, t7ovgar,- Suuday afternoon there was a children's i saiani and others,'whahave teen their ac - etc, Save $60 by use of one bottle. War, service in St. Georges ohtireh instead of the tion, that Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills ase ranted the most wonderful Blemish Oure _r usual Sunday school, a perfect ogre for all bilious affections. Dv ever known. Sold by C. Lutz. 0 29 ly Morse's Indian Root Pills aroo sold by all Minafd'p Liniment is the Beat. ' m thsine dealers: Children Cry l'or Pitcher s �astoria ' nlsTooESETIC MEDICINE Yorkville Ave., For the benefit of th suffering and death b there is hope for you like condition mysel to health to the medicines. Lust s ed bye severe att ed in bronchitis a When my case stem friends deoidedco try dies, and in lets than th the better wai so apparent spired with nope. I Contin for a number of weeks, progr surely day- by day. I am now and am Sall gaining in strengt endurarce, and am a wonder knew tow hopeless my case was. gratitude to Dr. J. Eugene Jordan derf ii remedies and to my Heaven for commending His blessing to rest them. I take this way to let all aline ones know where they may find help in tim trouble. MRS. g. P. SNOW I can vouch for the truthfulness of the a statement. P. S. CAMPBELL, McMaster Universe OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE AT 9.30 a.m. to 5,30 p.m. AND AT �g HENS ALIA tiEN ALL HOTEL, Same Tuesday 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. CALL EARLY. CONSTILTATION FREE 13ISTOGENETIG MEDICINE AS-` 'OCIATION—Rooms 2 and 3 Albion Block, Richmond Street, London, and, 19 Yonge St. Market, Corner Gerrard &.. Yonge Ste., Toronto,