HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-05-14, Page 15+ AUBURN. • • • AUBURN. -= Mr. and.. Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys visited an Sunday with relatives at :Paris. Recen•rguests with iVfrs.`Her- I.1ert -GQvier were Mr. and Mrs, A. Werner of Bayfield, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Siller;,v of Exeter, Mr.• and 'Mrs.. Tom Aitchison, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Aitchison, Wingham, and Mr. and, Mrs. Harry Eve, ,Leaside, Mr. and Mrs. William Strati- ghan spent the weekend in W.ingharn with their daughter, -Mrs. Thomas Jardjn, Mr. Jar - din and family. '.VIr. and Mrs: Donald Haines, Miss Margaret and•Edward visit- ed at Hillsburg on Sunday with her father, William Rathbun, and other rtilatives. Guests with .Mrs. .Arthur €;range, Misses Jennifer •and Shelley Grange were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morris and Mr. and Mrs.,Bod Singh and Kristin, ,all .,of London. , The Sacrament of. Holy ,Bap - ti.' - , ... ' ". ; ered...last..Sun�. :Bap- tism was adiiTintst qday by Rev. R. U. MacLean at, Knox .Presbyterian Church to Michael Wi11'iam, in- fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam' Andrews, and Terrence Douglas, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. William ,Brown, R.R. 1, Dungannon. $86 Auction —The .._. Auburn—Cotn.nru'ni'ty; Memorial Hall Board held a suc- cessful rummage sale with total receipts: being $226.83. The Have You Got Protection -Against. the cost of farm work • accidents ? ? ? CIA has added a Farm Work' Accident endorsement to its Farm Family Protection Plan This endorsement extends ' A Ce AND OISTRICT NEWS auction by • Georgel:esbit of 131yth ,brotig'ht, $86.9. The clerk was Gordon Dobie, assist- . ed by Robert Arthur and Ralph Murr'ro.� The, bake table, under the eonve.nership of ,Mrs. Wil- liam -J. Craig, brought .$66.11; fh•e booth, with Mrs. Bert Criag in charge., brought ''$13;68, and the clothing in charge of Mrs. W. Bra;dnoek, assisted by Mr. Robert J. Phillips, brought $40.14., Mr. Art Youngblut was in charge of the auction, assist- ed' by , nnenibers of the Hall -Board. C.N.I.B. Meet Mr, E. F. Wheeler, District Field Secretary for the Huron district bfhe Canadian Nation- al Institute f-qr the Bland was in charge of a sheeting held •in the Auburn Public Library. The meeting was called to elect of- ficers to carry on the campaign' which will be held m the last two weeks of September. Mr. Wheeler told about', the wcnrlc.-.of-t11e-..CN1B .. and- _demon:, strated the talking book wbieh Kintail W.I. Hold May Meeting KINTAIL�:...She :. May . meetin.g. *of the Kintail Wo'mein's Institute was held in the Community Hall on Thursday, May 7, with the president, Mrs. Bert Alton, in the chair, rowing t'o'the absence of the secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Alvin Robb. Mrs. Robert Far- rish took her place. The roll tall was the ex- change of plants. ; .The...new...office'' s..kv.Pr... ins1 - ed for the, coming year. Mrs. Dave McMurohy gave the current °events. Mrs. Carol Reigling, Mrs. Henry MacKen- zie, Mrs. Dave McMurchy and Mrs. Bert - Alton gave comments on home gardeningan'd plant- ing of flowers, -followed by a discussion by the members. The draw for the bedspread will be held June i?th when all tickets have to be in. Mrs. Dave McMurchy and Mrs. Jack Collinson were the host - FARM FAMILY LIABILITY, , Insurance (choice of $10,000, $50,000; ' $100,000 or $300,000) to cover It' also provides 'protection ,• for ACCIDENTS arising .out of FARM WORK for. - FARM EMPLOYEES FARMERS and certain relatives The new endorsement . -is avail- able as an optional extension to CIA's Farm Family Liability Policy. , For more information ,call: George Ttll ton 319 'Huron -Road, Goderich Dial 524-7411 Cd''operato'rs C A insurance '- Association 'and • Mrs. Kenneth Farrish on h �mmrr l e The meeting_ closed with the Qteen -and Institte Grace. Mrs, Dan Wylds was pianist. Dead Animal REMOVAL gives hours of reading to the sightless people of Canada. The ioassette holds a halfyineh tape which has 18 tracks on It and which will (produce about 21 hours of reading. , The election of officers took place resulting as follows: Chairmen, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rollinson; treas- urer, Bert Marsh; collectors, William Straughan, James Jack- son, George nMi1lian, Mrs. Gor- don Miller; 'Miss Laura'Phillips and Mrs. Wes. Bradnock. Fol- lowing the meeting, lunch was served at the glome of Mr. and Mrs. Rollinson. Mr. and Mrs. Rollinson attended' a banquet in Seaforth on Monday evening. D.V. Bible, School Representatives from the four chuf 4'i,es in the village met in Knox. PresbyterianChurch to discuss braving a Daily Vacation Bible School this summer in the village. Rev.R. .ti.- MaoLea.n was the chaireman and. opened the;-meetirg by ", reading the Scripture lesson , followed by prayer • by , Mr. Craig. Peters. The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Wes Bradnock and also the financial statement showed a balance of -$36.44. On motion of Mr. Peters and Rev. Robert Meally it was de - tided _.io.._again_..hold and the opening day will be on July 6th. The •opening -exer- cises will be held in ,St. Mark's Anglican Church with classes held in'the Sunday school rooms of the three other churches. Rev. Charles Lewis' displayed a kit of D.V.B.S. and a discussion took place on the material that was ,supplieq„on 'this iplahned . rotram. __It was decided to secure other programs and the leaders .too discuss it at a later mgeti.ng.1 i.s. Weis Bradnack was named secretary and., Mr. Bert IV1'arsh was ,chosen the Itreasuner. The kindergarten superintendent will be Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson and the ,Jun for superintendent will be Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys.Leaders for the Piimary and Senior classes were left for Knox United Church to 'secure. Rev. Robert Meally, pronounced .the bene- diction. Festival Winners bu = eerl lsr=»-,with., their teacher, , Mrs. Myrtle Munro, were successful in orb• wining first prize for Unison chorus, "The Blacksmith," with 86 marks and won the 1 llett. Township Federation Shield which they will now keep. They also won thir ,Place in their two-part chorus, To the Moon" with 84. Other U. S;S. N0. 5, winners (Auburn) were: girls, seven and under, "Raindrops and, 'Snowflakes," ' - Lorsa.ine. Chamney, 87 (second); boys nine and under, Dana, Bean, "The. Little Sailor's Song," §,8 (sec- ond); girls 11 and undei,, music and dancing, Shelley Grange, 89 (first); girls 13 and under, "The Fairy 'Crew, Jennifer Grange, 87 (thud); duet, Betty Moss and Jennifer Granges 88 (second); girls 14 • and under,. "Song of the Gondolier," Brig, itte Sch'lichting, 86 (first), and Dianne Kirkconnell,; 84 1sec- on'd); double trio, "The Joy of Living," 90 (first); Betty Mons, Karen (•Easti. -Brenda: East;---Di-- anne Kirkeonnell, Jennifer Grange and Joyce Leatherland. This was the highest .mark at the Hullett Township Music Fest''-� 'ftibibns to Mrs Munro, her idtitik4. ncl- their musical- instructor, \Mrs,. Phyllis$ -Rodger. C.W.L. Plans For Convention The 44th annual diocesan con- vention of the Catholic Wo- men's League of Canada in Lon- don diocese will be held in Sarnia, °' M -ay •T9 and 2�, * " -" Plans for the convention are progressing under the direction of 'Rev, J. L. Hennessy, London diocesan director. Most Rev. G. Emmett Carter, D.D., Bishop of London, will attend the con- vention banquet. As the re- cently appointed eighth Bishop of London, Bishop Carter will' meet and address • the diocesan delegates.... " Rt. Rev. A. P. Mahoney, who celebrates the golden jubilee of i%.n..rdinatign,,.t , .,9rimsk hood will be the guest of honor at t:hc storical organized Huron , county • : once again has an historical society. At a meeting in Huron Coun- .y, Council Chambers' We4np's- day, May 6, more than 50 citi- zens, almost all women and ail - most all .members of various Women's Institutes, voted un- animously on favor of estab- lishing a Huron County His- torical Society. Mrs. W. D. Mack of Crediton, after vigorously refusing' the post, was nevertheless narne.d by acclamation the first presi- dent. • A. W. Ta.ytior• •of Galt, 'presi- dent of the Ontario Historical Society, told the gathering the new unit's first -project 'should be to set a taperecorder• going in front of JI: J. Neill, curator 'orb-the—Huron County. -Museum at .Goderich. - Mr. Neill was 'named honor- ary president of the society. Mr. Taylor said he knew of LnorthGing • to, compare with the 1+1"uron 1Vbeeunliri Canada. The closest was perhaps the Ford museum` 'in Michigan; he said. "You have given • leadership to the entire dominion,” Mr. In Taylor said. "We in other parts of Ontario. `respect him - (Mr.. Neill) for his fund of know- ledge, just in .his• head." Mr. Taylor, said the Women's Institute. support was "very good for any society.", .. "I see, .no reason why Huron county- can't have a society just as much as Bruce or Grey coun- ties. If there are problems I would refer to those counties," he said. Clerk John G. Berry. paid tribute to Mr. Taylor's help in reforming the society., Goderich .tiact a society of ,its own during the late' twenties and Huron county council had a museum committee from 1949 until recently.. - >Vliss Winnifred Wrllrarr;►s, president 'of—the—Oxford— • county; ,ociety, told the gathering if they had any real interest in their county they 'would find the work of an historical society very interesting. „ She suggested that the society should look among young peo- ple for its members. Harry McCreath; one of the original merrrbers of the coon- Deschatelets Announces Cofltract Jean-Paul Deschatelets, Min- inforced concrete deck. The federal announcement said the harbor is considered the' most important one on the ister of Public Works, has an- nounced the award df. a $79,- 945.67 contract to the Dean Con- ty's �muse�m committee, ' lis played a plaque showing the origins of the Goderich society. He questioned again and again why the society folded. The only .explanation he could offer was 1h.at there were not enoughwomen in it. • "I'd like to say one word," said Mr. Neill. "If" it hadn't been for Mr. McCreath I would- iave died, too.'; However when Mr. Berry eel], ed for' ,suggestions on, how to farm a society he was met with, a dead silence'. ^. Tb._ break the impasse Mr.Taylor suggested an interim' board be appointed. Finally Stuart Proctor was appointed to conduct elections. All posts were filled by acclam- ation with several declining ,,, g , npmi;ria-tions: Besides Mr . Mack, officers in- cluded: Ralph Jewell of -Col- borne Township,'first vice-presi- dent; Mrs. Otto Popp, Dungan- non, se.crr'tary-treasurer; and directors, W. g. Elliott, Coder rich., Mrs. Leroy •Poth, Bayfield, Mrs."•Arthur GibbonsoWr•oxeter; ,Mrs. Howard Klumpt, Dash- wood;‘ ,3lrs. Robert Sinip'son, Hensel', and James Scott, Sea - forth. Ecca Fast healing for CUTS,, BURIN, BOILS, struction Compai Lim_itcd�of Canadian side of the lake. 1NFIgCTI®Ns_.- Tecumseh, Ontario, for repairs ..-.� . -' ��- Soothing• to theharbor, at Goderich. Antiseptic - The firm submitted the low- est bid" of six. TheWghest bid was $123,884. The work is sche- duled for completion in seven months. Under this contract the work consists of the reconstryction of the badly deteriorated west- erly 215 feet of the south pier.. The work involves removing the concrete slab of „the • existing superstructure and placing a ne'ti steel she psi Nall ar .un the outside of the pier. ' The ENJOY THE FINEST FOOD IN TOWN Chinese - Food Our Specialty ALSO' TAKE:OUT -ORDERS OPEN DAILY 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Open Friday- and Saturday Until 12 Midnight The -'Esquire _Res. t n r e quare = Goderich - 524-9941 'h S Buy Mecca In tin or tube EC :�--"-�- HEALING ANTISEPTIC R cert p '' the: 0pect. Dea ers A "W'et.te 808, .. QDERK Persbnnel Selection: $7560 ^-- $8640 Civil Service Commission of Canal ,; a . LONDON, Ontario. . ,To be responsible for recruitment,ex, m nation- -f and selection of Candidates for •C jvil, $eirv'toe positiofs, University Graduation, with 4 years 'of responsibI .admits istrattMeo business or professional experience is required, ,', Apply on application.form CSC. 10 obtain. able at Post Offices, National Employment Offices and University Placement Officesr before MAY 26, 1964. to the Civil 'Service Commission of ,��anada, 388 Dundas' Street, LONDON, Ontario Quote Competition Number 64T-829 • Always there - with ready cash , . . For -Home Redecorating or any good reason NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY 'LIMITED 240 Branches from Coast to Coast. • 29 KINGSTON STREET NF -64-s2 PHONE: 524-$357 0.1 004004,00.77000000.00.0003 For dead :.nd disabled jnimals°- call collect Darling & Company. of Canada Ltd. -' Phone HU 2-7269, Clinton Dead animal licence number ' 262-C-63 49tf MOTH. PROOFING ODORPROO.FING' ANoMILDEW PROOFING ON EVERYTHING WE CLEAN! Bluewater Cleaners 38 WEST STREET -524-6231 • a LARGE QUANTITIES ','OF ONTARIO FERTILIZERS ARE. BEING' EXPORTED TO CUBA FOR. ASSU:RANCE ' of your spring WHEAT REQUIREMENTS CONTACT: HARRISTON FERTILIZERS LIMITED, CLINTON PHONE '482-9133 We Are Interested In Servicing The.Local Area Also available. at. the following warehouses: Hubbard's Storage,'Blyth, Phone 523-4554 Stove) -Hill, Mitchell, Phone 348-8503 Mickle's, Hensall, Phone 103 15tf MAY 18-23 $P famous Medallion all -electric homes. For full information,' • consult a qualified electric heating contractor or your Hydro. is the only heating system that offers you all these important. advantages: /10 1 -a flame -ess clean - safe quiet . a thermostati-n every room more living .space economy Electric heating is one of the rrzany comfort features of the .Take pride in our community by joining in this town -wide clean-up cam- paign. Through this week we ask Goderich residents to make a -special effort to Tidy up this lovely community. , ' ^ v PICK UP OF REFUSE 3' Goderich residents are asked to note special arrangements to assist them in the disposal of spring clean-up refuse. If you have all refuse set out by noon of the same day as your normal garbage collection, truc :s will pick it up for you. This only applies dur- ing the week of May 18 to 23. ' your hydro GODERICH P.U.C. 64 WEST STREET 524--7741 Keep Goderich The Preffiest Townj i,Ccinada; GODERICH 'HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY In Co -Operation With The- Town of Goderich N McIcDONALD ELECTRIC CO. LTD; 113 BRITANNIA ROAD WEST5*-7851 GODERICH ELECTRIC. 189 SOUTH STREET . 52445.12-