HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-05-14, Page 9ODERICH CNTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1961+
• ''''9117.11i37114.-„•„„iii4446;;1.X.-,„,„..
,Signall-Star Staff .
BAYFIELD. it was
strange goo-gadis that you
were ' after they certainly
could .be found at the Albion
Hotel auction at Bayfield,
Saturday, M. 9,
Auctioner Edward Elliott
had, besides a backyard full
of chairs, a huge Portrait of
the Fathers of Confederation
',that he- almost couldn't sell
but it eventually went to an
American, a machine for sell -
worked, a ,box full of heavy
flat irons, glass kegs, the com-
eplete work -s of Alexander
Dumas, a tobacco ping cutter,
several antique cash registers,
as German* wgr helmet, and
several wire., things no one
could, quite identify. One of
the last went for $3.50.
A crowd of inoie. than 100
turned up. Bidding was brisk.
The Albion Hotel, one of
the last of Baytield's original
13• hotels, ha§ been sold by
Mrs. Alma Basset and. Miss
Ellen MacKay Mrs. E. Ro.b-
inson of Stratford, the new
owner, plans to re -open the,
hotel ,after renovations. .The
hotel has been -largely in-
active for the past year..,.'
The auction was condueted -
outin the ,oPeri air on the
front. veranda of the hotel.
were marry Americans, an-
tique dealers-, amateur photo-
graphers and many 'children: -
The event took on the air of
.a Saturday carnival ande
spring fair.
The Albion has been in the
Elliott and MacKay families
since' 1894. Purchase price'
was not disclosed.
goo -
• •
Going to the American,
Bayfield Petition For IncorpOratioti
Gets 93 Per....Cept.Support to :Date
diem't feel they were. getting a
fair shake from a township
linen near ,collingWoOd. 'The
Toron•tonians' returned, en
masse in December, and. elected
,their own -Slate for council and
won. The case was contested
and upheld by the courts.,
However, the brigadier .said
with such massive support from
'all the resident § of ,Bayfield he
expects no contest at the OMB
hearings. whaleback
-incorporation does not
quire a vote of -the people. The Great Lakes. She will be
03413 requires a proven popula- away providing the taker
A backyard full o
chairs Why, of coimse. it works
Signal -Star Staff
BAYFIELD, — The Bayfield
• petition for incorporation goes
• oft to Toronto next week with
nearly 500 Signattires„ 93 per-
cent of the summer and per-
manent residents of the -'village.
Brig. F. A. 'Clift: said .he was
- qu'ite pleased with the result.
. • A hearing by the 'Ontario Mimi-
, • cipal Board is expected in, the
police village in late June.
Brig. Clift, one of the prime
organizers of the move to re-
incorporate the village, said
there had .been , only liine re-
ftisals from the police village,
not all of theni completely
against • a change in political
Since the .organizers 'plan to
ask the OMB fora 600 -acre an-
nexation to the village the peti-
tion has been circulating to
residents of Goderich and Stan-
• ley townships Within the pro-
posed new boundarie§. In th.'s
area, 75 percent of the residents
have signed.
Brig. Clift said that summer
resident § 'have . beerdifficult to,
Contact. but most Bayfield regu-
lars have indicated their favor.
trig, 'Clift emphasized, the
position of ,the summer resi-
dents as being in all, respects
equal, to the permanent resi-
dents. Tie has completed re-
search on.court cases upholding
this position.
The Municipal Act requires
that_ there bE; 500 residents he -
fort incorporation can he con-
sidered. Bayfield has 445 with,
in the',Police village and 41 in
the proposed annexation areas,
However, the act states that a
resident must hold property,
hut not nece.3sarily occupy, it
the year round. There are be-
tween 650 and 700 summer
dwe.lings in Bayfield.
Bilge Clift loi:1 of one case
whtre the summer residents
Highland, Pipe Band
Wins Many Awards
The Goderich Highland Pipe the Ecolo piping marches, 14 and
s'andsWeptthrough the second under
James Malar placed second
in solo piping, 18 and under:,
march, strathspey and reel.
In the open 'class for *minia-
ture pipe bands, the Goderich
band placed second: behind St.
About 150 pipers and' drum
mers, performing singi,ly and in
groups, jafn'med the Stratford
Armory for the Western Ontario
Pipe Band Association competi-
The only clasA,rs in which
G.odericli failed to plaCe were:
miniature pipe band, restricted,'
slow march or retreat; solo pip-
ing, 12 and tinder, and in th'e
two s'alo drumming events.
Stratford Indoor Hi ghla
Games, Saturday, May 9, taking
awards in almost eery cate-
Goderich took a first in,
marches for, miniature pipe
.ba'nd, 18 and under and a third
An the miniature pipe' hand,
' resit ictcd.
Bruce MacDonald won the
open solo piping, march, strath-
• Spey and reel. Charlie Mat -
Donald placed first in solo pip-
ing marches, 16 and under.
• licHematy Turland placed
first and Linda Young, second,
in the girls''open marches, solo
Geonge Turland took
• s0 '
To Rest
The •Upper Lakes, Shipping
Company .says it is interested
in their ship, the John Ericsson,
being drydocked at G-oderich
harbor as a Marine museum, a
part of the Huron County Pion-
eer Museum,
The Ericsson is the last of the
freighters on ,the
tion • of 500, 75 names on a a god, home;
petition, and evidence at a hear- •
James Chisholm, assistant.
ing that incorporation will bone- curator of the Huron rriUseum,
fit the village. it
to the coMpany asking
The newly formed I3aylield it Goderich would be a suitable
Ratep.ayers' Association now has. heme.
40 timbers, two-thirds of
t ose eligible. Most of the
ork, to date has been organiz-
Five committees have been
named: incorporation, Brig. Clift
convener; school, Merton Mer-
rier, Bayfield; beach, harbor and
river, Frank Peter, Stratford;
activities, Jack Tillman,. ton -
don; and information, Ken
'Mackie, Bayfield, ,
Vice-president and general
manager, L. A. Kaake, replied
last week, "The idea which you
nave suggested Ls most intee,est-
Ile asked for further details'
of fin:an:ding 'proposals for the
drydocking and the museum use
Mr. Kaake warned the cost of
berthing and preserVation of
the vessel would 13i many thus -
and : of dollars a year.
Mr. Chisholm said he estim-
, ates the. east at $15.000.11 the
PORTER'S HILL. ----The Moth: Ship is drydocked on the' south
er's Day service at Grace Church, shore of the harbor. Ho pro
on Sunday morning was well poses that a man and a "mail
on hoard and maintain a
attended„ The Scripture was 0"
read by Misses Lorna IVIiller
and Lynda Toyrance., A choir
„of mothers provided &vela],
Laurie • and Marilyn Cox are
111 with measles. Miss Elaine Mr. Chisholm said he'plans to
Townshend is recovering. present tic' ,proposal ,to County
Misses. Dorothy Reinke and council a the next sesdion, to
Alice Lusted, Hamilton, were raise fun ids from retired skip.
weekend visitors with Mr, and pers.in (.;oderich• and seek su)-,
Mrs. John' Torra,nct and family. port froil E. P. Taylor, an
Mrs. Donald Harris will be owner o. Upper Lakes Ship -
the hostdss when Grace U.C.W.1 ping ahc the Goderich Sifto.
meets next week. Salt Minc
marine , museum with ,Great
Lakes relies. An admit.slotr
charge, similar to, the North St.
museum's operation, wnuld
carry mai itenance costs.
Dangers of T.- B. Are-ROlated To
Meeting By Dr. j.'C:Ross
The May meeting of 4,he CWT, Manor, Mrs. I,. .Miller; lunch,
Mrs. J. Chisholin: auditors, Mrs.
J. Helfer and Miss Margaret
Mrs. rang then introduced
Dr. J. C. Ross of Goderich who
ipoke on TR, its origin, its con-
tagious cianger,.'alil the research, ,
being made in an effort to find
a cure, andAbbut the long lios- '‘f-
pitalization required when one'
contracts the disease.
His talk was to promot.4.help'
in the .coming TB` survey to be ,
held in all of Huron' County
in .1u1. All the ladies present
promisedto help out.
Mrs. Lang Alian'kcd Dr, Ross
Was held it the 'Parish Hall on
Wednesday evening of Hat'
week with the new* president,
Mrs. A. Lang, in charge,
was opened with the Lea-
gue prayer arid the minutes
were read by the secretary, Mrs.
Correspondence from- the Dio-
cesan Head Office urging mem-
bers to slibsci ihe ,the League
Magazine was also read.
The resolutions to be present-
ed at the London Diocesan an-
nual conventions, to be held in
Sarnia, May 19 and 20. Were
read and voted on. for his informative talk. The
Two .delegales are to attend meeting wasclosed with praY-
the 'convention Mrs.' A. Visser, ors and lunch wa ser -ed wicirr
ant' another ;o be appointed the convener -ship of\?..levr. J.
by Mrs, Lang. ChishOlm:
Mrs, J. Murphy gave the re •
port of the hospitol visit for
the month of April, A
Th:A. visitors for Maywill he
appointed by Miss 'Eileen 0'•
Brien, social . convener, Tenta-
tive -pans were made to hold a
'"Super Abonciance Sale" this
Coming summer in lieu of the
annual June Tea and Bake sale.
Final plan,are to be made .after
more inqUities.
It is planned to sponsor a
communion breakfast for the.
GuldPs and Brownies of the
pati -h, the date to I decided
Mrs,.,1„ Walzak read from the
t4.110 laborers in the'
The conveners of standing
committee's for,the coming year
are; Spiritbal, Mrs. L. Walzak;
welfare, Mrs. C. Pollock; ways
and mean:, Mrs.` A. Lang; re-
splution-; and reports, MIs. D.
rvlitr; radio and TV, Mrs. Carl
Schneikor; Girl Guide., Mrs,
W. Reinhart; Program, Mrs. -A.
Wisser; social action, Miss .141
O'Brien; ('ane' Society,
Donnelly; 'retarded children,
Mrs. John Higgins; Sundale
Salvation Army
Opens, Appeal
- The 5e1va:,on „Army's Red
Shield Appeal forfund;; coni
menced in the Goderich Area
on Monday. May llth, Cap-
tain Roy "Wombold of the local
Salvation Army work, an-
nounced. Chairman of the'
Appeal is Mr. Wm. Wil -on
of Goderich French Dry Clean -
All Done? All Dope? All Done!
Lady Bowlers„Cipsing .Banqupt n7nt"'rxe,critivc,.. followed by
diSCUSSed .with
et -s.. l -I63 will be assisted The nNI
r*annual Cosing hatniet ari. Moore, 773: hien' sin '1,2
hy , , 4 , , ,, I
Mr. Cv `Murray, manager o.`)' . "" "'cue: MmAaN. 'Night lAiii1,-"y prestari..310, low ,,,'t,nre,
I Social League was litski at Ili' ' P''' Yan, 47, • ,.
Canadian Legion. W'ords ot The business meettns \va•
welcome were read by the presi ItHd and roinute.s were read and
the Bank of '(:ornmerce.
Objective of the Appeal.
according to the chairman.
Mr. Wilson, is $4,400.0.0,
a,kcd for full support from
all who will. canvass nr con-
tribute. Theine of the cam-
paign is "The Understanding
Heart." "That' heart," said :Mir:, Ansley WRS' as follows;
Mr. Wilson, "must he kept Si vs, Alley Cats; playoff) • Past rres,Aent, Audrey Pres- .thr time of Mos -es and A:am
;dont, Audrey presidh, 1pr iv, ,.(1 by th e- see rotary, Mur-
turkoy dinner s.,rved 1, The treasuror',
he 1,1,gion T,adies' fl1 wa.; read aril approvr.d
if The presentation at' trophie, Elec11011 01 onictl,' Was -1)1.'
prizes hy Marj. Moore and ,'ded over 'by Doris Little. The
new slate for 1964-1965 is;
114:.rt'ainment. by the Jets AN
Hach ;rani parlicipatin,g:
The, history of mank;nd is
clo-ely associated with the.
hi•tory of flags. For centuries,
mol countries states, cities
rand even many families) have
;had their distinetfve flag or
emblem. The history of flags
be traced 'back at least tt
beatine Goderich needs °the Alley Clits, ,lets, Toppers, Bomb- ton: president, Isabel Riehl;
Salvation Army with its ers; eomplementary to vice-presiclerrOMVne "87111111grVr;-
spiritual and nractical • min- , other teams.; high average, Mar- secretary, Shirley , fluckins;
istry." ' ilyn 13annister, 222: higti trip10,
who were eommanded, "Each
man Phall pitch (his tent by
his own standard, with the en..
treasurer., Jean McGuire, - • sign of his fathor's hoUge,"