HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-05-07, Page 12AP* 'P'ereeeeeeee-e-eee. eeeeeeeee la Vie GOderleh , • an For Centenary 'i, • - , , ! " , IgnaieStar, thUPalay, May 7th, 1964. terian Wome • ,a • • 777' • QU‘e hundred years ago, in • MOntreal, a\ small 'greet') of wo- • , • liven came together to assist the Church Of S"Cotland in its French, mission work, ' was the beginning of Pres- byterian women's work in Can- ada. So pew, on May 8, 9 and 10 at Montreal there *will be cod• - memora t ed a&ntury of organ- ized Presbyterian wornen's work in Canada. Prephyterian 'women from all parts of Canada will gatherin, Montreal's Church of- St. An - 'draw and St, Paul far the cen teriwry. AmOng them will be representative's from the Huron Presbyterial, ineluding , Miss Lilly McArthur freeze Knox Pres- byterian Church, Goderich. • Almost immediately •after the •• formation ef the small group , treat, it started tiS support a • Inissionary at Cote St. Paul and etarted a schoel on Dorchester etreet. few years later they secur- ed the 'Services of a French' Bible ,woman, Madame 'Cote, • whO ministered to the French poor for o'er 3a years. Work• ,7"Frig among the EngliTheepeaking eee. poor at the same time, wits a Itio deaconess, Miss McIntyre. a.' • 4. Interest' Increases As interest increased in the 'larger mission of the church, Money and elothing were sent to India, and the salary of 'Dr., Lucinda Graham in Honan, -China,-.-was--underveritteree---A,• 'few years later; in 1900; Dr.' Susan McCalla was senteto India, and in 1901 Miss Agnes Dick- son 'and Miss Isabella Little t.arted work among the women and children in South China. 7 , In 1904, the nanee of ;this group became "The Woman's Missionary , Society." These were the beginnings in Mon- treal. Early in 1876; ';'tlie Toronto ' daily papers carried notices of a meeting to consider forming a. Woman's Society for Foreign ...66.651.1$41=6,6,6an4,6.6;0.11,Matielins.24.., frfertitrirtillitirrIFWImente- sionary Society waS organized., In 1883this societY adopted the; motto, "The World for Christ." This is -still the 'motto ef the society, and will he the • theme , of the celebrations in Montreal; With the discovery of gold in the 'Klondyke and the eubsce • quent opening ..up of the Cari- edian West, a need arose for ...ir....,Vmh V CO-VIIN. • e ega es Of Liberals lIthron Liberals at e meeting . 'alinton, Thursday, April 23, -neared - delegates eto-represent Huron ridings at the anneal 'Meeting of the 0,ntaiio Liberal _Association, being held in Tor- onto, May 1,5. and 16. • Huron federal riding associ- ation president A. Y. McLean, SeafOrth, and provincial riding eresident E. B. Menzies, Cline ten, presided at the joint meet ing. • Delegates named are: Federal A,esociation John IeapOrt, R.R. 2, Zurich; Cecil Dlingannon; Mrs. Alex "Agdison, Clintbrn Alternates—' Harold Shore, Goderieh; , John Broadfoot, Brucefiel•d, and Ivan Kallefleiseh, Zurich. " Provincial Assoeiatioe—E.. B. Menzies, Clinton; Heward Ai- ken, Goderich; Mrs, Kenneth Bridge.s, Exeter. Alternates — Mrs. Elmer Cameron, R.R. 4, Seaforth; .. George Dieckert, Zurich; Larry Wheatley, R.R. 1, OGAR PIC help, at. home. Theltey. John Ptringle, minispering to 1200 miners in Atlin, B.C.,, asked the women o4 the c,hurc'h to send out Christian nurses at once, as men were dyingfor lack of care. The Atlin Nurse Com- mittee was formed, and includ- ed representatives frortn nearly every Presbyterian Congrega- tion in Toronto. In July, 1999, iVliss Elizabeth Mitchell and Miss Helen Bone arrived in At- "' • First Hospital • Their first hospital' was a small cabin with a mud roof and esewduet floor, and helct fou'r cots. When the cabin be- ceowded, a tent was put up beside- it. The following Spring. everyone in camp gave eree taller and St. Andrew's HaS- -pl-telee---theeetieeteelleesleyt e-ei-an- Hospital in Canada — was • erected, As .the Home Mission Work •of the Church grewe mare 'hos- pitpls were oponed awl schools and residences. built -and: et.Iee, •Women's Home Missionary ,Se• ciety Was born in May; 1903. On May 15, 1914, in .Knox Church,' Toronto, --these three women's grcups .came together to form the Women's Mission- ary Society (WD) of the Pres- byterian Church in Canada. This, then, is a double celee bratian-100 years of organized Presbyterian Women's Work, 'end 50 years since the amalgam- ation A f the threegroups. Detroiter etained ,Msse 'Hill or Detroit,' a retir- ed- United States postal ern- iNoyee deported from Canada 'in 1963, is .being held•in county jail here pending investigation by immigratian authorities. Hill was picked up late Friday, hmeeite2"4--_,e;_brlyettrineeeeMrterfdat", ment provincial police after he s as found in a car in the •Brus- sels afea. The car had been stopped for speeding. Hill, about 70, was deported at Sarnia in February, 1963, under sections of the Immigra- tieft Act dealing with nor e bona fide immigrants and persons likely to becoine a public Charge, . Immigration inspector • E. "J, Williams of Stratford interview - '6d Hill Saarclay morning, Mr.' Williams said a decision on the case could be expected today. Under the Immigration Act Hill could either be allowed to return to the: U.S. or be sub- jected to ,a fine and imprison- ment for violation of his 'de- portation order. --Ganetable -Murray Fridenburg of Wingham OPP recognized Hill after stopping a car driven by Jahn -Galbraith of Brussels. ;Galbraith was charged with driving while his licence was under suspension. IT HAJPk'ENED ONE SUNDAY. Does going to church improve your golf score? Do you put the good side out or inwhen you build a fence on your property? Hoke many people attend even; ling service at church? Why do women live longer than men? • don't k'nOw how you spend Sunday, these fine spring days, but I got the answer to these questions, -Ind' a few others, last Sunday. • * Heads Grain Club At Duts-antion . The organization meeting of the Dungannon 4-H Grain Club was in charge, of Don Pullen, the assistant agriculture repre- sentative for . Huron. There were just enough enemb.ers to make .a club and that was tp. The club leader is J. C. Dren- nan. The election of officers re- sulted as follows: President, John Black; vice -president, Gary Dauphin; secretary, Paul ed.e;;,, press reporter, John Bennett, , • Went to church Sunday morn- ' rt. was twenty to eleven when I arrived, and it' S usually •eigh- teen minutes 'later than that. * n The reason was that l was on hand to teach Bible Class, ihich begins" at ,.quarter to ten. You guessed it.' The' Smileys for abbut -the tenth Year in a row, had forgotten to join' the swing to Daylight Saving Time. * * * 4 Took advantage of the extra time to line up golf game with fellow pilIa of .congregation. Aeswer to question 1: No, I can't unelehstand it, but eing to church doesn't improve your golf. This other, good Anglican and I took en a couple of Pres - missed morning service. They licked us. Badly. • Home at 4 p.m. Sat in chair in sun in yaid, licking golf wounds. • * * • • Wife a'ppears. Glares around yard. Looks meanly at•me, then at half -raked leaves, hflf-baked dog who 'messes everywhere, cat who climbs screen on kit- chen doer and ruins it, huge firanch off oak tree lying across flowerbeds, fence leaning to- meed•se-useae-45-degeeteseeeeeeeee She tells m.4 we've got to have ,a new fence. 1111' cost hundreds of dollars. I produce By Bill •Smiley ta diversion: Ask her whether we'll put good side of fence in lor out. I suggest out. he says no. I say ,everybodydoes. She says I'm crazy. I say, celm- IY, she's ridiculous. * Leap in ear to inspect fences all over town. Some face in; others out. Nobodywill give in. She gets sore. I give in. But I'm telling you Tight here, answer to Question 2: Depends on whether you want to look at the niimside of your fence, or want your neighbors to 'see it, Urgent call _during dinner. Sidesman needed for evening service: Can't think quickly. Agree reluctantly. Get to church. Not a pillar in sight. Not a sinner. Not a choiv. MOM:. ,ber. Three altar boys, rector .On the Ri'. 'Congregation.is me. Gen • the works, including ser- mon. Answer to Question- 3. * * But rector told a good story later. One elderly cattle farm- er turned up, once, for evening service. ,Preacher said, kindly, "Since you're the only one here, perhaps we'll dispense with the. sermon." * * Farmer says, "Well, if I load- -ed,--the-whole-wagon---with-feed; and .only one old cow turned up, I think I'd feed her.',' Preacher agreed it was good logic., Went through entire- sitli'tice, includ- ing Ohe-hour sermon, * *• When it -ended, he asked farmer at be thought. Later replied, "Well, if I leaded the whole wagon with feed, and only One old cow • turned up to be fed, I don't- think I'd clurnp the whole wagon .in font of her." * * 171' ^ Seaford] Area Girls Choke Of Hockey Playing Jeffreys Goderia's contribution to the Detroit -Red. Wings, -Larry Jef, frey, has the 'same taste as his brother, .Don of Goderich — choosing a Seaforth area .girl For a bride. . On June 6th, he will marry Sharon Somerville, daughter of M'. , and 114rs. Walter Somer- ville, who fara .at R.A. 4, Wal- ton, • near .Seaforth. She has been employed at Crieh's Bag ery and restaurant at Seafortth and it Was at CriCh's restaurant that ,Larry first met his future bride. .„ • Don Jeffrey,* who played Ar. "B" hockey for Goderich, mar- ried the ,former Beverly Philips of Seafortlf. • Atter the Tc.TOnto Maple Leal —'Detroit Red Wings game at Teionto in Which Jeffrey • gat the winning goal to make it 4-3' for 'Detroit fallowing 7 minettes and 52 ,segonds of overtime, Larry told 'e news 'reporter • arie etthe-reasonseforehnthusi- astic effort, Stating he had • T.B. SURVEY Ae'eneass tuberculosis survey ', in Huron County, the finet in four years, is cheduled for June 22 to. July 24. . Mrs. Kenneth McRae of Clinton, a public health nurse of the Huron' County Health Unit, will act as campaign chair- man. ••6*11 plans to get married on June •6thr-he added that he needed the winners' share of the Stan- ley Cup swag to meet weping expgn.ses. His parents, Mr.wand Mrs. Bob Jeffrey, who live at 140 Gibbons street, Goderich, don't receive too many letters Iron) Larry' who _doesn't like writing letters. However, he t makes up z SUN LIFE, a Progressw's cgt, ?want, • in a': progres§ive industry • for this by phoning.honie•fairly frequently. .He tries to visit ho o as often as possible dur- ing' the (hockey season but a busy -schedule doesn't give hini much of a „thance--only twice so far dtiring the current sche- dule. He had ten days At home just before. Christmas but this was due to the fact that he had his leg in a cast due to an injury. Even during that !time he had to 'report back to -De- troit twice for an adjustment to the leg cast. He. was back home for a visit only once in addition to the pre-Ohristinas visit. ' WORLD IWIDE UNION Not all countries belong to the il United Nations; NATO membership is limited by geo- graphy. , 13ut there is on e organization, of which almost every nation and territory in the world is a member.' It's the TJniver.sal Postai Union, with headquarters in Bern, Switzerlind. Founded in 1874,“ the UIPU exists to improve and facilitate international mail sex.; vice. Since 1647, the Union has beep recognized as n, spec- ialized agency of the U.N. Overnight for registered guests in downtown etrA. oft , ... the finest Detroit has to offer in convenience, comfort and hos. , • pitality. In the heart of the downtown office, theater and stropping „ • ,, .4%-- nrea.,withia.•.easy.acr,eAs,„at.init_cigya attr actions,. Statler•Hilton ..... ...,...„,.„,.,..„- .1pcated right across the street. Modern -gairraTriralt With 15-athc- igliliiing , radio . . . television. Excellent food, moderately priced inthe at, ..;v.a.';.' tractive Tuller Coffee- Room and new Cafeteria. GORDON.T. WESTLAKE Phone 60R2, Bayfield SUN LIFE ASSURANCE 'COMPANY OF CANADA PROVINCE OF OPPORTUNITY 7 Specleil tourist and group sleeping rooms to accommodate from four to six persons in a room. Wide chdice of Ballrooms, Meeting Rooms, Sample Rooms—excellent Convention Facitities, AIR-CONDITIONED 800 roprr; with bath from SPECIAL RATES FOR GROUPS FAMILY RATES ... No Charge for Children 12 an under - PUP FticHivioN'D General lylvager. • WOodward 3-.6200 WING GRAND MPS FOIL, DETROIT, MICHIGAN 1Vlinimurn Wage xtended Throughout Ontario t h e,,,,,aiTswernqtr4th,latr 16- •I4,6•4,4,446..,66m6.6,666,k,6:6,6 6642.,¢4,46444,1,666 6661,46.61.666.+646,06,66666,4,66.66,16661.40,446,166/61.66,..66.*...II,6,,,.. • - . • • • ran*666t,a6,6.46.164..nte6,64,......,m 41-6, 11.64*.01,46Psti.466.0 n q e W y do women live ' longer than men. 'Taint origin: al, but 1. like it. "Because they dolit't have wives." 1 + Business Directory + • CnI1 "Lodge • AMBULANCE Eltit,ICE DAY OR NIGHT Prompt — Efficient Experienced Drivers TELEPHONE , 524-740j R. W. BELL• • ----OPTCriMktititT F. T. r -ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist The Square "9524-7661 REFRIGERATION, • - • APPLIANCE SERVICE • .,01 Makes All types GERlitii!„ APPLIANCES The Square "The Store That Service Built" t Real Estate Agent RUTH VAN DER MEER • MAC 524-7875, Goderich • Agent For WILFRID McINTEE REALTOR Walkerton •BEAN MARKETS. AVAILABLE GROW .BEANS! 47e -eh:, BEAN CONTRACTS Seed and Fertilizer Supplied Crops Accepted At Harvest QUALITY ,SEED ONTARIO REGISTER6 — 'SANILAC SEAWAY — SAGINAW MICHELITE .'62 ••• MICHIGAN CERTIFIED SANILAC All Seed Grown From 'Foundation Stock STILES AMBULANCE Roomy —*Comfortable • Anywhere — Anytime DIAL 524-8142 - • 77 Montreal St., Goderich Ben Chiqholm • Esso Imperial Products 20 Albert St., Goderich fl • Offe-524-7502 . Home -424-7835 Roy N. Bentley PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT • h, Box 478. Diar 524-9521 GODERICH — ONTARIO Alexander and' • Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT canadian imperial Bank of Commerce Building Goderich Dial 50-4662 Butler, Dooley. Clarke & Starke Chartered Accountants Trustee „in Banks'up-tcy Licensed Municipal. Auditor 39 St. David St., 524-8253 ' GODERICH, ONTARIO 32tf FOR THE BET IN' •, PORTRAITS CALL, PHONE OR WRITE D./VI' OR NIGHT Stan Hadden 118' St. David Street DIAL 524-8787 Vieeeer.e.i•leeete'le For Control' of Seed Corn Maggots, geed Maggots, Root Mag- gots, Seed Rat and other Fungus Diseases. This treat- ment recommended for u'se p.n."Reststane Seed Maggots. "Seed Treated with Diazinon Captan Contact 41 • MICKLE & SON LIMITED •PHONE 103 HENSALL ONTARIO • , RENT -A -OAR GM and CHRYSLER Products Available SKY, HARBOUR AIR:SERVICES- Dial 524-7385 e'Pee.14, A. M. _HARPER • CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55-47 SOUTH STREET • TELEPHONE GODERICH, ONTARIO , 524-7562 4.66.3..41 , Last year, Minimum Wage legislation was introduced carefully to' establish exactly • how this vital and le, 13-26 5 in the T'oronto-Hamilton-Oshawa industrial area. progressive. piece of legislation will benefit you. • It proved higlily successful, and as a,result, lam . pleased to announce an earlyextension of it throughout the entire. Province beginning on June 29. • - I Eask you now to' re.ad the following highlights • Reduced to its simplest terms, the new Minimum Wage , Orders, implemented and enforced by your Ontario • Department of Labour, are designed to protect every working man and woman in the Province from exploita- tion, and eet lidniinggi wage of $1.00"an hour ($1.25 in the constrtiCtiOn industni). The Orders, now in effect in the Toronto-HaMilton-1, .90.1.4Y4.„.".„4,9Ls.q119e"; will be cxtcndect throughout the. • N.., entire Province on June 29. However, so that employers will have Sufficient time to adjust to and Absorb the higher ratesethe Orders must be carried oet instages. ot Briefly, here's how your Ontario' _Department _9f Labour plans to -go about it. The Proyince will be di- *vie:led into Iwo Zones. Zone 1 take's in the more heavily populated and ihtiustrialized areas and centres. In this Zone, the $1.00. Minimum Wage -mill be achieved -not • HON. H. L. ROWNTREE, C. Minister of Laboiir . later flian March of next year. In Zone 2, covering the remainder of the Province, the wage will be achieved by December of next year. • d • In the Construction Industry, the Minimum Wage of . $1.25 an hour will be reached in the same Manner in both Zones. The,map and salary boxes on this page show the two zones, and the salary increases scheduled in both. ZONE li Parry Sound e Huntsville INCLUDED IN ZONE I RATES . North Bag • SudburyTimmins 'SartAth ultSrte.6Mrari poe ' resent Miniinunt rria Wage Zone , 'agora Falls a ONTARIO couNTYBouNDARies • ZONE BOUNDARIES - INNPRESENT MINIMUM WAGE ZONE BOUNDARIES • ZONE 1 General and Rotel and Restaurant err , • 0. - Men Womcm June 29, 1964 $1.00 $ .85 Sept. 28,1.964 . .90 Dec. 28,, 1964 • -?5 .. March 29, 1965- , - 1.00 ' Construction Work Order June 29, 1964• • $1:23 •ZONE 2 . ueneral and Rotel and RestaurantOrder . Men Women June 29, 1964 $ :85 $.80 Dec. 28,.1964' - „, .90 .90 • DeceThber 27, 1965 1.00 1.00 Construction Work,,Order June 29,,1 6 $1.15 Dece er 27, 965 1.25 " • • The General Minimum Wage Order does not apply to: Registefed apprentices; camp, counsellors or students emplOyed in certain recreational program; apartment house janitors who live in; real estate and insurance salesmen and salesmen' who determine their bwichours; professional persons 'and teachers; dotfiestic servants; farm labourers., Special rates (800 in Zone 1 and 750 in Zone 2) apply in the following daies,; A student who does not work more than 28 hours a Week; a seasonal worker processing perishable fruits and vegetables SPECIAL GROUPS who does not -work more than 16 weeks' in a year.* Special rates (600 in Zone 1 and 300,in Zone 2) apply in the following cases: Delivery bon, mes- sengers, newsvendors, pinsetterse caddies wli6 are under 18 years of age.* ' 'In both special rates categories, the rZone 1 rates will apply in Zone 2 on December 27, 1965. EMPLOYERS NOTE , Where employees are being -paid on a piece -work basis, if at least four-fifths of them are earning at least the minimum wage, you will be considered as 'complying with the Orders. Learner Reteare as follows: Where empleyees are on a piece -work basis, learners may be paid 200 lesi than the presdibed minimum Itc. for thefirst three months ,of employment, and 100 less for the second three months. In, all other cases, learners ' .may be paid 100 less than the prescribed minimum e for first four months of employment. The Hotel and Restaurant Order„establishes a special learner rate 100 lower ihainhe prescribed minimum rate for the first month of emplOYment.'" Your Ontario Department of Labouerstredses the fact,,that these are lust the highlights of the new Minimum 'Wage Orders. To find out exactly what the Orders rnetin to' you, ?I please write: THE LAIPUR'STANDARDS BRANCH, ;THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR, 74 VICTORIA STREET, TORONTO 1, ONTARIO, - or telephone 3654251 40, ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR Where Programs are planned for people • •