HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-05-07, Page 11BANK MANAGERHUGH. SPRING TRANSFERRED TO (SPANOLA c PQpular manager of h e RoY.a 1 ,Bank of Canada at 'Goderi h for the past 71,;; years, Hugh Spring has been .appointed to Manage the bank's branch at Espanola, Ontario. Now on •a holiday trip to Virginia with his wife • an•d son, David, a student at the University of. Western Ontario, he will be back in Goderich an May 19th. After a week's stay here from' that date 'he will proceed to his new post at panola, Mrs. Spring will re - )in on in Goderich until such a- time as housing accommoda- tion is secured at Espanola. Mr, Spring is no stranger to Northern Ontario since he came. to Goderich from Wawa, north- west of Sault Ste. Marie, in December of 1956 where he had been branch manager of the Royal Bank.' ' Since Gaming to Goderich,• Mr. Spring has been quite ac- tive in community affairs. He is a Member; of the Goderich- �,. _ Linens .Club-and.sexared.as..lxPas.. urer of the Liens Young r Caw ENJOY THE FINEST 'FOOD IN TOWN Chinese Food Our Specialty ALSO TAKE=OUTORDERS OPEN DAILY 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Open Friday and' Saturday Until 12 Midnight . The Esquire Restaurant i he Square - Goderich 524-9941 y,8gl t�ilr':p+.k��rt4R • Storm Rages Over Proposed _Hiring Of Aquanauts As Beach Lifegurds .er.0 Goderich Town 'Council was lishing liaison with Huron > m- ees to meet the course require- ments. Mr. Palmer explained :o coun- cil that, as a member of the Ontario Underwater 'Council, the RCAF Clinton Club is charg- ed with investigating all water accidents involving underwater equipment for the 0n. He said that he was 'protect- ing my. own neck" in making the warnings. Iftrouble did develop at the harbor this sum- mer because of the inexperience of the boys, ,he said, he would be answerable". Deputy Reeve , Reg Jewell commented that the 'Goderich beach is the safest on the Great 'Lakes with a gradual slope, no holes, and no undertow., He said he was more concerned with the toddlers getting into trouble in the shallow water, than .the swimmers diving off the piers, For this, he said, 1i=fegaards-•-riced+;fottly,st rang_leg. power to get Them to the child quickly. Councillor Harold Shore agreed with Mr, Palmer that i•t was wrong to call the patrol "lifeguards." Deputy Reeve Jewell said the boys, if and when hired, would be clearly identified as "beach patrol." ''" Council made the difierentia- tidn that it was a responsibility to provide lifeguards at ,the Judith Gooderham MenWrial Swimming Pool, because it charges admission, but that rebuked •F'r'iday, 'May 1, for con- sidering the hiring of the Blue - water Aquanauts as a beach patrol. • , be John Palmer, past • president of the RCAF Clinton Scuba Div- ing Club, told cau.ncil the Aqua- nauts must be restricted from lifeguard responsibilities at the harbor and restrained from div- ing in the Goderich area be- cause they have no training or qualificatiQ ts. He charged that ' the •co▪ -found- er of the club, Jim „Bridle, "can't even swim," This, Mr. Bridle later • emphatically de- nied. HUGH SPRING "It seems to m,e you're hiring so•nieone who's incompetent and seta Week committee 'for six .thisis wrong;" said Mr. Palmer. years. Ile has also been tress "Th:' • sporty, �is dangerous and urer of the Huron Advisory .for their oWn sake they should Board .of. the C,N.I.B., and' of the be restricted," St•::>altr A-mhttiaa•nee•.sseeiation-M.i••.._Palalet said-r.li.e.----vv.:auld- w s one rather s.ee Y copuoncilfY abandon a An ardent curler hc, a • e ... is r ratn at harbor rat r a t beach than hire the Aquanauts. ' IIe disputed the use of the term lifeguard" to describe the boys. 1'eat)'inLrrtb v i iianed- Mr. Palmer but took no immediate action. • -Al' TEie%iTh'ieiCflii ; the Aqua- nauts offered to undertake life- guard duties in return, for the purchase of a scuba air "tank compressor. Council.,, agreed in p'r.inciple 'but has not. yet com- pleted negotiating a formal agreement. ' The club is estab- N� . urgency Measures Organization as an underwater emergetcl rescue team. - Mr. Palmer said he intends to swear Out" an affidavit against the club and to discuss the "situation with Ontario EMO. Councillor Robert Hays said the affidavit• would not involve council or have power over it. "But they'll be out, of EMO, I can guarantee that," M'r. •Palmer replied. - Counter Charges In commenting latenr on Mr. Palmer's charges, �, W. Stuart Forbes. Huron EMO co-ordin- ator told The Signal -Star Mr. Palmer , had many of the facts. wrong. "Before any of these, fellows will be integrated into EMO they will have 'tc1, be ,properly trained -,---they know, it and Pal - !nor knows it," Mr Forbes said. . • "The Emergency • Measures Organization is very interested in these fellows.. They have to be fully trained, acceptl'd• by EMO and properly organized before they are given respon- sibilities. We're giving them every kind of help." Mr. Forbes said Dr. Jack Leitch will be giving the Aqua- nautsi'nstruction in the use of an inhalatag that - the Lions Club is supplying for the dock area. The London Red Cross is .arranging courses in water safety and the Huron Medical Officer of Health, Dr. R. M. Atdis, will give • a first aij1 of the originals who promoted the idea of • a curling rink in Goderich which ultimately• led to the building of a new- curling rink • at the Maitland Country Club. Mr. Spring's sucessor at Gode- rich will be J. n. Davison of Pet e rlsoro-u'gh;--Ontartp:_ ._._W..__.., As .a proportion of the adult female population of Canada, the number --of women in the labor farce increased from 16 per cent to nearly 30 per cent from 1911 to 1961. • enjoy Canada's favourite BRANVIN SHERRY AND PORT WINE .IORI)AN BRANVIN S I, e rn + AUBURN o- AUB'<URN.-tM.rs. rxenk Raith- 'Dleanery bangt,tet: i, l Gpderich by _ attended- the , Vocation Cb u eh school sessions held at 1VIcMaster -University, Hamilton, lton � > Wednesday of last week. A large crowd 'attended the bridal reeeptioh in the Auburn' Coammuni•ty, Menioriel Hell. A present,aticn of a purse of money was made. Douglas M.c- Leod made the presentation. • ... A.Y.P.A. • Miss Carole Brown was hos tress foe' the A.Y.P.A. meeti The president(, Floyd Sm read the Scripture. Rev. Meally gave an interesting ac- countof Dr. Barnardo'Who help- 'ecl' for many years to make a home for boys. The minutes were read by Judy Arthur. The members decided to attend the h, course. Mr. Palmer told council that h e .an•d- hen µ•Stewart;--chreI i•n' structor of the -RCAF club had organized a . eulia instruction course at GDC! last year: How- ever, he said, Only 12 of the re- quired 15 trainees turned out to the first meeting, and only s•ix, to the next. The course was cancelled. • 444 Jim Bridle, past president of t the Bluewater Aquanauts, com- mented ,that last year the club without responsibility at the beach, protection is only a gra- tuitous gesture. CKACHE When kidney fail to remove excess acids and wastes. backache, tired feeling, disturbed. rest ofteq ffo11ow. Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate • kidneys to normal .'Y` •-'•dot --au-•-feel• better -••sleep hot- ter, work better. -SMi1 TYrS ,fF..W..,- CUSTOM WELDING PORTABLE EQUIPMENT,. GENERAL REPAIRS 24-HOUR . SERVICE had less than .15 members _ and 524'7460 tried to gather additional train- , " R.R. 4 Goderich r........>un'roa.a.w.•�.�.+..+w.n..•,"+A•em.".Fa.,...P.�,+..F,x..s.e"..wmn .nrveied...Fu.v.e.uvwn,.«oars.:,ac+,r.14.4,111....114 . ,..u*.ei.w o.� J . - .<...res,..,...,a.,....:.».m,-.+�+.sem•.-....me......F•.-.�...o+.>,>�..e�.R,m�_� �.._._.,...•,iter...�+,.e�,a>.».."e:,,+.....�, .w.e«ww.»wwx:ea:ea,nu,:,..aunra,,.wK.,.e.e•y.,..Z-•,w+•. - off .• . 72 on May •13th. Hall Project Amamrnoth rummage sale is s to be held Saturday afternoon in the Auburn Co,mtnzunity ,Mem- orial. Hall with proepeids 40. go towards financing wo on t, grounds and paving 1.0 front of the new hall. , l lc. Arthur Youngblut is the convener of this event. W. J. Denomme FLOWER SHOP Phone 524- 8132 DAY OR NIGHT ••-...-.. FILM DEVELOPING • AS „At anniversary services in Ashfield :Presbyter- ian Church on Maay the speaker Will be RA1141 Angus MacKay who is home on fur, lough from ,India.. ,with *or r Tilt acd� ES1TI d ... 000401 v44itP4/iq&ativ0s2 on 6unday,, . �:_.... . Miss .Sharon West of London . was home for the ' weekemd.e �w Mr. and Mire. George Foster of Rodney visited ' '•with Mts. George, Kitson on Sunday. Mass Mabel .Macdonald ,of Wimd;or spent the weekend TREAT PILES' the. MECCA way Retleve pile pain with. antiseptic Mecco "its Remedy No. 1 with ingredients containing nerbs for shrinking and healing swollen . piles. Sold at,all druggists., MEZCA.'PILE REMEDIES No. 1 for NVTERNAL PILES No. 2 fol EXTERNAL PILES JACKSON-, ALUMINUM LTD. Seaforth` is collectin o or• grading and sate an t - operative plan. • Shippers may obtain sacks and twine free 0 charge from the above or their Licensed Operators Realize the highest _returns for your wool by patronizing your own Organization:` Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited 40 St. Clair Avenue E., Toronto 7, Ontario. �.a.► �+ iii ecak:. Goderich District Collegiate Institute •+• ., o • -R-- r ,-wf rdl PE US -FkIDAY -MAY -8 8:00 •p.m. Displays and Demonstrations of Student 'Work ,EVERYONE CORDIALLY INVITED �^a 18.19 SOLE- PROOF, ANOTHER QUALITY PRODUCTeFROM • " dC° SUNBEAM STYLED R/CNT , STYLED .YOUNG • Guaranteed soles and heels. • Sole and heel permanently bonded to upper - no stitches' to break or rot. • Insulated insoles. • Flexible as slippers. •Will no mark"" oors: Smartly styled in boys' sizes' from 31h to SI/Z and in men's sizes 6 to 11. You'll be -surprised at the•low, low prices. ROSS SHOE. SHOP THE SQUARE GOD 'RICH 16 - 17 CUPS & SAUCERS REGULAR 1.00 REGULAR 1.25 89c 98c REGULAR "1.501.19 REGULAR 1.751.39 ' REGULAR 2.001.59 PAINT BY NUMBER SETS " • REGULAR 1.49 NOW 1.19 REGULAR `2.95 NOW 1.98 . . REGULAR 3.05 NOW 2.2 5 REGULAR 5.95 NOW 2.98. MAGNAJ ECTOR:S' Regular 5.95 4.95 4 b MAY lthto 23rd, PAIfKER & WATERMAN'S • PENS and PENCILS .nFF REGULAR 1.95 to 28.75 ALLPA' ER SALE 1/2 PRICE 98c to 14.38 .Polaroid Land , � CAM'ERAKIT. Camera Model 160 Wink Light Filter Flash Attachment , Carrying Case REGULAR 99.00 109.95 24:25 BOOK DEPT. 2.95 ADULT BOOKS • 13 PATTERNS ;PER, ROLL 75c ONLY LOTS ROOM. 8, 10, 12 ROLLS PER LOT 2.50 3.00 19.95 159.65 FREE 192=PAGE BOOK PICTURES IN• A' MINUTE All FLASH BULBS AA -5,' M-2, • AG -1 All Black and White and Colored REG. 2.50 TO 10.00 VALUE 98c Series Books 2.55 OFF Bobbsey Twins - Chip Hilton'- Nancy Drew Tom Swift• Cherry Ames Hardy Boys REGULAR 1.39 1.14 . CJIILDRtFN'S OWN BOOKS REGULAR 50c to 60c '2 c a 4 THE SQUARE 9 1