HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-05-07, Page 7• FORMING. VOLUNTEER UNIT AT THE ONTARIO HOSPIT About 70 person's attended meeting at the Ontario Hos- pital Monday evening when in- itial steps were taken to,,form what is to be known as The Ontario Hospital Volunteer Unit. A nominating committee is to present a slate of officers or adoption at a meeting to e 'held on Monday, June 1. In order to finance the start- in,g, of the unit an initial mem- buship fee of one dollar, for the 'first year only, was set. Dr. J. N. Hagan, supefintend- ent of the Ontario Hospital, re- ferred to the gathering as '"A -wonderful response" and said the services of the volunteers 'could be used so beneficially in sn many different pointed • out that so .'vely often persons coming in 'from out- side of tbe hospital could be of more .help in aiding the pat- ients to reeaveri than the mem- bers of the hospital staffo Dr, Raged introduced the various heads of departments at the hospital who in turn spoke of the importance of: the volun- teers, Dr. D. I-1. Moogk, assistant superintendent, pointed out how civilian volunteers could help patients re-establish themselves in a community or to maintain a necessary patient contact w,ith a community. Dr. J. A. Steedman told how the hospital an give patients helpful drugs but volunteer visitors can provide a human "77 SUNSET STRIP"' IS •IN COLBORNE TOWNSHIP— ' br.liatmA4r,sat.V.T.24.3.4 • HOLMESVILLE: Following the pica for farmers to have • their names printed piainly On their mail boxes and to have signs printed with the given naine. ,of the, farms, a Maitland Concession farmer has "gone Hollywood" in his efforts. Located near Forester's,' Midge on the Colborne side of the Maitland Concession, is a lovely second growth bush with e wide avenue cut 'down through' the middle of iOleading to the riiver bank. At the roadsideis a large sign denoting, -the -name .01" -the farm tree avenue -77 SUN- SET STRIP,, same as thefam- ed TV program. The farm belongkto Les, Jervis.. And SO th"T'Vea'fia ,rnovie flavor sine across the river on 'the Goderich ToWn- snip side is the site-TvWeTC the great - great - grandfather" of Walt 'Disney, Hollywood ,producer, .once operated a grist mill. It Was 17 yeark ago that the famed creator of the movie caricatures visit- ed the banks of the Maitland River .at thLs point to see only a few stones remaining of what was once a pioneer grig- hint op-efaTed—briirs- great-great-grandfather. • VICTORIA DAY CELEBRATION MAY 18 We Will Have A Large .Selection Of F I R EW RK S All Price Ranges FIKHER'S Smoke 8.4iti Shop zarcriqua4tiriwgqicip.72-:-4— "telatio,nship •of 'inestimable val- ue to the patients. Mr. Basil social worker and public relationsofficer for the hospital, emphasized the need for volunteers to help him in , .making outside contacts which could aid the patients.' Mr. Ross McDaniel, hospital business administrator, agreed that the help from volunteers was most desirable and -that no one should feel the least re- luctant about approaching him for suggestions on the various ways in which -they .could help. Mrs. Van Egmond, the occupa- tional therapy teacher, told of how eagerly the patients look- ed forward to each Wednesday whe.n volunteers came to the hospital to :assis4 in this:work, Another speaker was Mrs. E. Prosser, superintendent of nurses. • • ".• . • ' .44 4 " • , „ r DUNGANNO DUNGANNON. Mrs. Rol*. Krogan and daughter, Lynda, returned to their home at El- bow, Saskatbhewan, ,aifter a visit with her sister, MTS. -Harvey Culbert. A short - course on copper tooling -is being sponsored by the Dungannon Women's Insti- tute, The instructress is Miss I. Leslie far Monday and Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Habel, 'Port Colborne, were visitors. for a few days with her sister, Mrs.' Alvin Sherwood: Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Comfort Mr. L. H, Diggiin gave a com- prehensive review of what vol- unteers had dune at the hos.: pital so far and, of plans to form a volunteer unit. She also related how different or- ganizations had entertained the patients in various way% Mrs. O. L. Day acted achair- man of . the 'meeting and Mrs. John Hindmersh as secretary. GIVE MOM A BREAK 1 THIS' WEEK -END Do Her -Washing -and. Drycleaning for. Her' - in Our Modern Westinghouse Machines WEEK -END SPECIAL FREE 25c WASHING of St' .Gatharinea epent +he weekend -vvith Mr. and Mrs. Oesil Blake. B/W Lynda'Blake, student at Stratford Teachers' College, has been successful in getting a School' to teach in Septeinber at Searboro. 4 1..arada and Wendy Thomas of TO -onto; Children of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thomas, Toronto, spent last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Webster. Mrs. Earl Sherwood and daughter) Neta, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Culbert on Sunday. • Speaker Is Nurse.,,,_4„„/ Mrs, B. Stewart was ,hostess for 25 members of Dungannon Women's Institute on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Cecil Blake presided and .plans were CM- oleted. for. •delegates• to ,attend the dis,trlee annual meeting ,at. Bei:gave pn May 28th. The ,,gue,stnpefiker was 1,iss Jenner, Public Health nurse from' doderich.. Her. subject was "First Aij in the Home;"_ and dealt mainly'with first aid kits and general eniergendes in the home. Pamphlets were han.,ded out on the subject. Mrs. Wilmer Rutledge thanked .the speaker. Mrs. liugh. McWhin- ney installed the 1904,65 offic- ers and welcomed' thureildent, Mrs. Clifford Crozier, to the chair. Mrs. Wilbur Brown, as anniversary convener, thanked all the members for their as- sistance towards the SuceeSs of the golden ,anniversary of Dun- gannon Wcfnen's Institute on April 15th. Lunch was con- vened by 11/It's. Otto popp, 400,0 -FOR SAL T ON SATURDAY, MAY 16 HURON and KINLOSS 'MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE WAREHOUSE-, WITH EACHLOAD OF DRYCLEANING MAY 1 8 9 BETWEEN 9 a.m. and 9.p.m,. ONLY WEST STREET LAU N DRQPIAT 54 WEST ST. — 524=5953 Ai '-`7*--,7171:EASE-BRI Dungannon , Old wall -type magneto telephones. Also several miles *of cedar potles sold in ground and removed. Information- as to the location of the poles may be obtained prior to ipe sale from ;Clayton Nicholson, phone Ripley 32R, business; or 70R, residence. D. B. 'BLUE, - Auctioneer 7.0=474.,...434444Vo.4,444A44..444404=4:1374,4.4%14.047'04024+14AVAZ44...e414.0...44.:..arwagala.ritese . . L E „ FOUNDATIONS . 14n.,anderwatex 4-4ndations- of•Gbderich Eflevators .4* e The .company has found that over the years pert of the rock Shale rock, icommon 'to the foundation has crumbled, leduc- Maitland valiey, is not among ing its strength. "We're advised that there is The Foundati9n Company --an • The' GedOricli SI/0101.14;0 Thurt$4.:Y/ A/AY 101/ iSKR ha ilohger Whir(0.17' --0-0J'". 1ap4a.!' 4414 Paarg0 VAr.,40214$ ' $,ctitg cornpanY 07 manager, :. In the $0 ,YVai74 414,e ' 41$''';•`; house Was ,b,,1,111,t, t49, ..0 '_,ael,g foundation has ,ikeen- Ntealcc4e4 by rock b,la,sting in ,the hailer and the warldh,g4 rif shlp.s' wheels so close to the:elevate,,tS, explained Mi. Par.ogne, the •-strofigest, • PLEAS E MOM WI T H. FoundatiGn Engineering pulling 741$4X.„, 4„11d '.'W•l1.1 Utter' "POOR davtrh, ment PAA,Pe.tkp Mr, Parsons :$41d Ithe,fae.ftt Are: haihg replaced. : 7kfai„10.$et.,,t, 00,4her, ".14,014- 10 f104114. a dental eavity.r ‘§ Ono may ) work water haw and marc W`. ' '02 be added when the feOhlent,7 ,' ing begins. ' Work is' giqacte'cl to 'Dieted by Sop,...pqmbor, W. J. DENOMME FLOWER SHOP . .1 • FRI TREE'T MAY 8 040 41. Suggestions From Our Regular Menu BAR -B -Q SPECIALS - r. • Served with French Fries and Our Own Special Sauce CHICKEN ON A BUN 75c PORK ON A BUN . 70c BEEF ON A BUN , , ... '70c , TURKEY 61CT A BUN 80c HAM ON A BUN ... ITAIAN-'STYLE SPAGHETTI A la Caruso, Mushroom, Diced 80c 1.10 Chicken and Meat Balls , • ,c1i Yes,. all day Friday'we are treating to the coffee. Come in during ' t fie -morning and 'again in the afternoon and it will be our pleasure " to serve you free of charge. Come in, see dur place and have a coffee. FRIDAY MENU SPECIALS MACARONI and CHEESE 80e BLUE BRAND WITH CHEFS SALAD T- BONE STEAK 2.75 WHITE FISH 1.40 HALF FRIED CHICKEN ' 1.55 FISH and CHIPS (Et7glish Style) 75c All MAO Include Soup or Juice, Dessert, Veget9ples, Potatoes, itolls and Beverage. AIR CONDITIONED — NEW CLEAN WASHROOMS ACCOMMODATION FOR 5 PEOPLE — MODERN EQUIPMENT 4. •