HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-05-07, Page 54 OBITUARY yolBx _ 0 0 Mrs. Mary Tiffin, 94, wife of the late JOhn J. " Tiffin, died Saturday at her lime 113 l3rock q,treet. She hqd been 111 several months. Mrs. Tiffin'was born in West Wawanosh Town- ship, a daughter cif the late Mr. and Mrs. David Mcilwairi. Her husband died'in 1'921. She lived in Colborne Township until coming to Goderieb. in 1913. She was a member of North Street United Church, Surviving is one daughter, Miss Vera Timor Goderich. Twin sisters of Mrs. Tiffin, both of Whom were over 90 years of age, predeceased her. The funeral service was 1161d Tuesd,sy .aft/gfrnoon.,at her „resi- denee on Brock street with Relf. W. 3. ten Hoopen officiating. Burial was in Maitland ceme- tory. HURON CROP REPORT • Seeding ,of spring grain is practically completed with early sown fields "'showing green. Corn planting is progressing SUNDAY SERVICES 'AAVATOIANI ••••••••••••••••••44••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST. GEORGE'S- CHURCH May ,lOth - Sunday After The Ascension 8:30 a.M. Holy, Communion 10:00 a.m. Sunday' School and Bible" Class 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon •-fAmlor-;Congre,gatipn-and-...Nursery). 7:00 p.m. Evensong 'and Sermon Rector: REV. CANON KENNETH E. TAYLOR,, M.A., D.D. Mr. George Burgoin, Organist and 'Choirmaster. • North Street United Church Stuart Sutherland, president of the Goder- ich Figure Skating Club, presented a pin to Jackie Lewis recently. The pin is fronl the Canadian Figure Skating Association in recognition of passing 4he preliminary figui-e skating test. The tests were tried in St. Thomas last winter. Jackie is the first itoopass this test in .seven years. The latt one to pass was Susan. Sale. SIGNAL -STAR PHOTO' Goderich Teens ByDwght Ardham. Hut, • two, three, four ....at- lention! Yesterday,. the collegiate' -strrn3.' 'cadets held their anntia•1 iwection at the school. • to eMablisth the fact that the library exists, an cl to teach the • students how to use •the room and its books.. There are at present six bulletin boards throughout the collegiate which are used4 extensively for the •The,..3ohool Prom 'this year promotionof literature and its Acas a dismal flop! Only about .30 couples. came -hope, there better luck next time. The. track and .field' stars of )en schools in the area are-pre- paring'next Wednesday'sHurnn Ptrth :net. Tile .•Goderich ...717C2,11.1174C, alb-4:=4,117,sr..-.7=4" rength and will be a 'top con- ,4,ncicf. St. Marys collegiate took the championship .in 1963 with an outstanding 180 points. Stratford, .Clinton and Gode- rich followed .with 93, 90, 89 points respectivelY. The Blue and White 1.wt 20 in ,I.herclay.s dile -to anxiorisness which re- sulted in fouls. Miss.:Glover, Mr: 'Horner and Mr. Lyons are -coaching the squads. There ' c ,11-3 on 9- that t12.)s sciro 02 - may break a „ few Huron -Perth 1:7;eords, but that itmains to be een If anyone wants to watch '_.__this.illinor__alympies, the meet_ is being held at , Mitchell all • ,cd. day Wecln.esday; these'arrange- =Tawsion,wit436.a-td.-not yet 'Official: 40°4' luck team!. • One of. the moro'Co-;:ervatlye • ••• .L.,:roups in ,...the F.chcOl is the • Library Club, Quiet as they may 1),,- they certainly do not • • , • lack ambition. • volumes. It appears as if this .effort has worked its charms. Cir- culation of library books has al- Fe-ddY IripTe'a- over Iii1.-year's total of 3,000. Colleen Connelly and Karen Dean are the two devoted reg- ular librarians, or "slaves" as they call themselves. Mrs. Gower, the group's supewisor, must be gr edited with initiating the library's successful results. Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service CHANEL 5 Special Values and Reminders This Week FOR MOM! COLOGNE 3.75, CHANEL , p Rrumt.,. :• 5 2 6.50 LAV EN DOM EAL 2.50 NOLSON l'Apt:EY 'TALCUMS 1.25 CHOCOLATES 1.25, 1.75, 2.90 / The 30 'reolq•.tcr:•J WHITE LAVENDER by YARDLEY have two gmdmg principles-' DANCE- Pavillion Jowett's Grove ° BAYFIELD OPENING MAY' 15 Midnight.. -Dance Every Friday 19-20x TRY TIGER DUNLOP 40 "N HIGHWAY 21 2 Miles North of Goderich FOR MOTHER'S DAY. PINNER Sunday, May 10 to 7 p.m., Catering to Weddings, Special Dinners, etc. MRS. G. KAITTING 524-8601 , A Moderii Light Lingering Fragrance COLOGNE 1.85, 2.50 SPRAY MIST 3.00 Specials 'tit May 9 BUFFERIN 50's REG" 98c 69C FLASHBULBS AG -1, M-2 12's 1.29 LISTERINE REGULAR 98c 87C SLIM MINT 1.79 DODD'S KIDNEY. PILLS 69c FACELLE BATHROOM TISSUE 4 f" 53c, • RUBINSTEIN SHAMP00- Large 14' -oz. Bottle of Color Shampoo - Bring t out the highlights SPECIAL 2.00 • I.D.A. PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED TO PRODUCE RESULTS AND BRING SAVINGS TO YOU DRUG STORE, CORNER ,WEST STREET SQUARE ' It524-9212 ‘•••• ••o, e 10:00 a.m. Sunday School ANNIVERSARY SERVICES '1832-1964 Guest Minister: The Rev. Hugh'A. A. Rose, B.A., Bali., Smith Falls MORNING WORSHIP "The Three Sons of Adam" EVENING WORSHIP • "Followers And° Seekers" Guest Soloist: Mr. Garnet Brooks The Rev. W. J. ten Hoopen,-B.X, B.D., Min. L. H. Dotterer, Organist • •,•••.. ry,•-• , favorably withfood sowing conditions, Gras's is making fair y good growth. Some apimals,, on grass. There ,was some hea ing o old.estalgished has and pastures;‘ newly hays and pastures wintered well. Knox Presbyterian .Church THE REV.G. LOC,KHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister William Cameron, Director of'Praise 10:00 a.m. Church School 10:10 a.m. Minister's Bible, Class . Study: St. Mark 15:1-14 a.m. Morning Worship • Sermon: "A'Matter Of Prayer" 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship 'Studies in "The Acts of The Apostles" (21) "The Conversion Of Saul" • 8.00 p.m. Young People's Soiciety Enter to Worship Depart to Servo. s ' 4 !" • Huron Summer Asst. Ag. Rei. Mr. Murrax„Shepherd a Scot. land, Ontario, willbe, Summer Assistant Agricultural. Repre- sentative for Huron County. VICTORIA DAY CELEBRATION MAY 18 , We Will Have A Large Selection Of FIREWOR S All Price Ranges FINCHER'S Smoke '& GiftShop THE SQUARE (gormerly Goderich News Stand) The Goderich Signal -$tar, '.• Murray ,has just finisperi Iijs second yea d),44cDonall; C- 1eg, ,$hoplierd has 'a very,,ini- pre.ssive 441 record, 'having coinpiebed twenty -ave 4-g Agrt; ,cultural dO1ith"pro4octs. in dairy, sheep, swine, grain; corn and trggor, .igtirri0V,„14; P4.0,vP,041 ilikek at 04.1,91,,'01A1Pb!',1-4 He Ilas partivipiste4 QhLb cpmpetttiA4$,' ad wz a nignaber of a 1y41Ar41KaT,; Wintqr P4ii"' $1.4g1ing tan, BINGO at LEGION HALL - SATURDAY, MAY 9 7 " at 8:30 Pan. 15 GAMES $1.00 The prize for eachregular §ame will be *12.00 4 Share -The -Wealth Jackpot Combined. JACKPOT OF $90,00 IN 58 CALLS 4, SPONSORED BY CANADIAN LEGION!. BRANCH 109 • •-•-•44,4A4I.Ply• OM. BLADES VALUE CHECKED Minced Beef 2, lbs. 85c Stewing Beef112. 5 BONELESS SCHNEIDERS BREAKFAST SAUSAGE Ib. lb. 55c STEAKS FOR. THE BAR-B-- --zgittatix., THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA __Victqtria StrAelljnited Church 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Family Worship "The Family" '-1.30 pm.:Permitter-Sunday-School and Church,_ Rat-. MRS. J. SNIDER, Orgahist. • , •• ss.,17stss loxnelzrzAncizt . • 11••••.......2.;1••••••er.......,••••.• , INV .• ALUMINUM LAWN (HAIRS WITH 500 ORDER 3.99 BLUEBERRY, CHERRY, STRAWBERRY, RASPBERRY AYLMER PIE FILLERS 20,oz fins for SOS PADS 1-113. Bag CHRISTIES CHOC. CHIP, FREE METHODIST CHURCH ' Corner Victoria and !Jerk Streets , • REV. R. G. PELFREY; B.A., B.D., Pastor- Dial 524-9306 9:50 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE - 7:30 'p.m. EVENING SERVICE • Wed., 7:30 p.m. - Praier Meeting and Bible Study REVIVAL MEETINGS MAY 17 to 24 - 8 P.M.; NJTELY Rev. M. Sickmiller, Greenville, Mich., Evangelist of the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec • • Montreal Street Near The Square 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11.:00 am. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship Tuesday 6:45 p.m. - Intermediate Youth Wednesday 8:00 P.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Friday 6:30 P.m. - Explorers Rev. N. W. Okell, Walkerton,,interiin Pastor THE, -SALVATION ARMY CAPTAIN and MRS. ROY WOMBOLD 10:00 a.m. Sunday Schoor 11:00 a.m. Morning Waship 7:00 p.m, Saliiation Meeting Tues., 8:00 p.m. - Prayer Meeting Wednesday, 8:00- p:m. - Ladies' Flame League EVERYONE WELCOME! • Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Corner of Elgin and 'Waterloo Sts. ' REV. ROBERT CLARK, Pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Classes for all ages. ^ . BIBLE SCHO6t SUNDAY Two of our students will speak 11:00 a.m. Miss Phyllis HoY( 7:30 p.m. Mr. Harold Reid CALVARY BAPTIST' CHURCH The Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada Bayfield Road at Blake Si. (Entrance off Blake) SUNDAY SERVICES 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 7:30 p.m. Pastor: REV. T. LESLIE HOBBINS, B.A. A Warm Welcome To All IE •.• ' • • ' f°r 49c- KOOL AID 10 f" 49c 32 -oz. Jar MIRACLE WHIP Salad Dressing 9c LUSHUS • • - Jelly Desserts 10 for 1.00 6 -oz. Jar RED ROSE Instant .Cciffee 1 -Ib. Bag Nabob Coffee StAMLESS NYLONS NO. 1 FRESH ICEBERG • LETTUCE Large Size 113 SUNKIST ORANGES 1.07 87c 3'PAIR1.00 2for33c 69c 39c. „ RAISIN OR APPLE FROZEN PIES 15 -oz. Tins FOUR SEASONS WITH MUSHROOMS 9 • Chili on ,Carn'e 39c- . THIS COUPON WORTH 25c OFF ANY 1 -Ib. or Over BOX of CHOCOLATES •• • LIQUID AEROW 333's PACELLE Facial- Tissues QT. .r4 3 r 89c 15 -oz. Tins AYLMER ,FANCY PEAS' 6 for 99c • 9, 48 -oz. Tins PINEAPPLE -GRAPEFRUIT Libbys DRINK 37c KAM Luncheon MEAT 43c REGULAR 98c EASY OFF • OVEN CLEANER 69c 6 -oz. Jars BLUE RIBBON PREPARED 4- MUSTARD 3 -Ib. Bag FINEST NEW 0 for 1 9c., TEXAS CARROTS 27c ONTARIONO. 1 HOT HOUSE TOMATOES 39c 15-oROAST BEEF 65c THIS COUPON WORTH 0 15c OFF 5 -oz. JAR RED and WHITE INSTANT COFFEE THIS COUPON WORTH ...50c OFF JOHNSONS HOUSE AND'GAR6EN RAID RED & WHITE FOODMASTER Open Nightly Until 10 P.M. for your Shopping Convenience 91 VICTORIA STREET* NORTH A •