HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-05-07, Page 4- Pe. 4 The, Werich Signal -Star, ThUleSdax, May 7th, 1964, 'Sale 1. Articles For Sale IVAzNe5 Nursery -shrubs;' rose 111U Ehes, potted plants, top Soil: Phone 524+-7171, -19-20 Ev4DMAL. iihoto enlarger, dark room eqn pm ent, reasonable. Phone -8959-- - -19 ON DISPLAY -Tag -A -Long Tent TrailerS, 'Golden Falcon Travel Trailers, Thornes Cartop Boats, Woods tents arid' all 'camping supplies. Compare ma prices. Camp -Out Rental & Sales, Hwy, 3 West, Stratford: ° -19 SPVEN-PIECE maple dinettelPERENNIALS - Primrose, all suite, continental .deuble bed, eolarsr Sweet William; Pyreth- sofa beet (single), tables. Apply FTY.1; Aubreloia; Gallardia; Sax - Major Store. " , 49 'tile Alysstum; Colum•binee Bleeding Hearts; Rosa of Sher - 15 - FOOT "Citatiim" mobile on Peony; Mum roots; Cabbage; •hoine, luxury style, jalousie , CaillifloWer: Tomatoe's.All an- . windows, electric brakes, two quake Extra choice plants. Win. H. Roope Ser*ice Station ears old. Phone 524 - 9127, 16 and 18 to a bos, B. R. Mn - hayfield Road, Goderich •-19- ;ley, 127 Widder St., phone 7994: , CHROME dinette suite incliedee ' -19-22 3. Real Estate For Sale 3. Real Estate For Sale FORCED ,TO SELL With Rwets Due to ill health Service Station and .Bicycle S'hop Fvith, excellent repairs business. - Lawn ‘Mowir SharPening an•d Repairs. Large Property. Immediate Possession. Apply from' 9 :to.' 6 - table and four ehairs. Table ;poY's sport jacket; good pants opens to 33" . x 60" and has and jeans, size 16: girls' jacket, white•sparkle Arborito top. Has ' 1Kirts, etc:, size 14 and teen.12. bronzetone trine Phone 84p. ' 1 > hon, 9384. . - -- - - .THREE hp. hitate; dutyearden. . - fiREWORKS for May 18 avail- eeor, nko, new. ' Heine524 . PETER S. MacEWANg. a ble at Camebell's. . -19 -19 , 9486. _ FOR SALE ff YOU' haton't ordered your SAIL BOAT, 16 ft, Snipe class, ' -- Four-bedroom brick, i Wo. seed corn. you can' still liw gervlensail e s, 3e. h.p. m•otore Pioneer, More farmers are' McCabe, p'hone 8606 weekends storey' tome, in the north cnd esevitching' to Pioeeer, l, hridsj or after 5,30 p ei. .°to,' .1,Y,41.1, -ftr ,. ileoePeV Au„.19,s,I,I., „.. -,./, . , ,-?- bni''',"ve-mi"bplaet..), (fin ek ery year b. cause 'of their , -----.' 1rose (zUTSTANDING QUALITY zind milimalullnall.. :room, and new eustole kitchen. . • ' ,--‘, . ' YIELDIN100 G Alen -AV. atha T%Jonn • .2..Cars, Trucks For Sale di home ,, ,_ , • Fieher, 594.940i. ei, _•-_______ __._ • 1----t,-,4P-1)-?,(4.1'40.11-1 it-ithez,41-)S-Stidefl-- .__ _............_._ or write Mrs. W. H. Roope, 143 Palmerston • St., Goderich, Ontario, „ -18 ,hozee in 1)01') 1) end of .town. G,e,RDEN tracese, used, in l'X '757 tl,)NAR':Ii. PhOtto 7557, :This property priced to doze eellent condit: in. two e'is of 19x an tee et e. eutt'lvators. lee.e tur• if!LIck •750 1 111,:\'. ,1,.:ux,e-now tire,' _. ... ssg-$50, ‘524 • 7'718, . 1 6) 1 !t- r:t'. \ ":' ;40011 meche ---,e.-c. geld:eon, needs hzeg.,' .. R.1,--e'NFlikW oat and \Ai) el :eget' wo):(c.-, )t.ezier*transrlierreg Phone wet reservoir, in good c. a mit:, .324 - 67-7re'''' - -19 gee, -Win, Tuck,,r. phone 9362. ,53 -1)0\1 e‘g, \,:i 11'-s- (hi -1:0-as,01111. , __ ___1.9__x,'6. 1 hl,, Csil 8772 lifter four pen "UT FLOWERS-- Tulips, dal- .:}j„, .. _ foclils, mum plants: egad:010s; ,61..t'STINCanibrici21seclan, bulbs. L. R. Holman, 187 Cam- , i !ow nuIcat4e. very clean th , rough- eron St. Phone 8852. Tirand motor in A-1 _ 1 1,41)111dif ion, priced teasonably. , . -19tf es „ FRIGIDAIRE fridge, 6e1 cu. ft., • Fred Cratt ford, R R. 3, Code - good condition; r e v olv i net' rich, phone. Dungannon 529 - clothes line zmetalg• 182 St. '7134. -19-20 , David, St. ' Phone 9618. 1 19x '35 131:1Ke special, automatic, gegesood tires, 'good condition. t.. 1n1. ST.CtV F ' electria-st• age4e.an-4$2$0. On'PhonDungannan, tique dresser; chest of drawers ps,529 :7974. 19x and stand. Phone 0106.. ' 1 eig ,'63 G..:‘,1! half -ton pick-up truck, "1approoximietely 7,000 miles, eight ,NEARLY new fridge; Duncan-1ft x, le ' et size priced very Phyffe table. Phone .8107. , !Obox, for quick .sale,' Phone 524- _19'17718. ' . -19-21 PLAY pen, gate, torcly seat and plastic bathtub, only' used by one, child, $10.00. Phone 8588. , 19x USED r„,,as range, 24 inch, like new; bedroom suite. Patter - '56 BUICK (Century) four -door hardtop, power terakes, white- tsalk. Owner driven 22182 miles. Excellent condition. Phone 524-.7636. 19x 9 egn's -Used Fuitnitures 97 St, Patrick.' St,. p•hane 7616 after13. Real Estate For.Sale live p.m., all day Saturday.' ; 49x - ''''-'17/ITMSPEED-ffaMETtr-Mfftr"-*. 55 Montreal t., o eri player, walnut record cabinet; Phone 524 - 7875 - two mantel radios, one Philco , Agent for and one Electrobome: KroehIcr la -z -boy. • Phone 54. 8607, WILFRED MeIN'I'EE & CO. LTD. Walkerton -19 „ 14 STOCKER steers, mostly Hereford. Dave Bean, R.R. 5, e HOMES ' Goderich. - . 49' Red brick, hot. water heating, GERANIUMS 50e, 3 for $1.40; fireplaee, located 8n West 'boxed plants ready in one streot, week, all kinds. Keith Huiseser, 1-36 Eldon St., .phone 9649. Nearly new modern home. 1hree bedrobms, , breezeway. • -::2!!"" -gg'""44ae-eheieVe•kfteli en 'and bathroom, THISTLE baby carriage. good:large barn, eteel construction, conditIon, Phone 524 -9629. juet recently ',built, 23 acres of 19x land, close to Highway 21. s, , north_ of Goderich. • FPE *Chief _SaLty, C.hireney di.stributors„ Guy Ives & Son !:* -We 11 kent home in west end phone 524,6355. • -19-43 ' of ,towneretwp,: b.atlirooms, gas V" • efhree.heciroorn comett le by neelern home in -west end of to n. Wzgeapeeinted, and ologe. to ,s„6:04.6,..tpips.,r perty is.priced to sell, as owner is /reeving out of Gederich. , W. J. Hughes Real Estate "Braker General Insurance 50 Elgin Ave., E., Phone JA 4-8526 Two-bedreom, one -floor home on Brack St. New 3. -bedroom 4. home en Hincks St. . This house has many special feetures. Duplex on Britannia- Rd. Both apartments are modern with two bedrooms, new fur- naeb and good lot. White brick • home on East St, Priced for quick sale. 200 Acre farm, brick house with all modefil conveniences and large T barn equipped for dairy herd, Milk contract. Farm Salesman: L. H.' Pentland LISTINGS AND INQUIRIE5 INVITED 1 1. -Real Estate Wanted LIS l'INGS' at dwellings, sum- mer cottage.s arid cornmercial property required.' If you are .49fieweeAktesie offering your pro- p l'friTir sale, contact PETER S. MacEWAN Realtor 44 North St. 524 - 9531° FO1' COMpit'te 101.1505 for sale please call, or drop into otir office, • PETER S. MacEWAN .Real Estate - Insurance 44 North St. Ph. 524-9531 -13tf ALEXANDER & CHAOMAN • .0 FOR SALE ,SRECIAI; FOR 4 WEEKS- • Storey ,and half, 4 rooms and 3 -piece ' bath on lst „floor, 2 large rooms on 2nd. New fur- nace (oil), Aood decoration, glass veranda, garage, goed lot, Reduced to $5,000.00. Live For Less -In Dungannon • Two-storey • stucco, 6 r.00ms plus pantry and 'storage .room. Hydro. Extra lot and small barn. Total price -only $2,800. Hey, Look Me Over Excellent -view and good lo- cation, Three-bedroom white bric,k in veryt-tg_eoctel ,haNic g=e-egerearele=et. , rirage room, kitchen, pantry, large .back brick kitchen and clfy basement. Full price $8,500. seTeFe." ' i•e01:-- Ifirde:'• : el --..j' oi,*-: wy1wa-g; arg"6 l'.1/Vh'''''' 4 bulls, .serviceable age, ,dark in" Seven -room houSe' ineDungan- co I or. HarYeY . m..4..i _ 4, ....5.2.thieete_gerse , _fame Gee_ g e_w_e_.we este -13:117-1-,TDIiicgannnon, Phone 529- ' large lot. Mod6rn kitchen and 7510. • - 19-20x bath. FRUIT TREE sp-rayer: picnic table; 3 'lawn . chairs.; bird houses:. mantle G.E. radio; quantity pint eealers. 'Phone 524-7895. 19-20x UPRIGHT Royal vacuum cleaner, with all the attachments. Pho•ne 524- 9208. 19x 30 RECONDITIONED retriger- eters. A size for every .need, 12 reconditioned' ranges, all . sizes. Now is the time to -buy for the cottage. Priced from $20.021 Gerry's Appliances. The Store that Service Built. The „Square. Goderich.- • -18tf , 17 -INCH. Phileo portable ,TV,' • Phone '9295. 18x GRACE TREE FARM Hell mile south,of town on , Bayfielei %Road Shade and ornamental trees •• Flowering shrubs Hedge plants Ornamental evergreens, and fruit trees. Complete variety of sizes and ,- prices. -18 REALLY good "Coca Cola Cool- er," motor perfect, best offer. Phone 524-372. -18-19 H --t leghorn pullets ready to lay April 23rd to • May 14th. Dubbed, &beaked, vaccinatedj and wOrtned. HENDERSON'S , STARTED CHICKS LTD., Sea- p•h,one 558. 17-19x EXTRA choice planes, allysium, asters,. snaps,, salvia, portulaca; eepcles, ageretium, phlox, m•ati- gol•de, verbena, Petunias (15 varieties), zinnias, pompoms, peppers, to-matoes, 13. R. Mun- day, 127 Widder St., phone 7994. . -16tf B -AL -ED hay and straw. Ph•orie- 524. - 6491 or 524-6314. 18-19x NEW and used appliances. Why eay'rziorte? See them at Lurnbys, 136 East St., Goderich, Ott -12tf VACUUM CLEANER Sales End service. , Bob Peck, Zurich, phone Itensall 352W2 collect. 5-9x% HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in,plain, sealed envelope with price list. -t-Je4ix samples .25e; 24 samples $1.00: Mail Order DePt, T-53. sIov-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- ilton, Ont. 1 - Garage and Lot at 160 Bruce St. ". 4S • "Frame home on Wolfe ,St., new gas furnace, four bedrooms. FARMS 25 to 800 acres; Huron, Bruce, Wellington, Grey. LAKE ,FRONTAGE -North of Goderich. COME IN FOR YOUR • CATALOGUE. 4 Malcolm Mathers Real Estkte Broker 46 WeSt $f. JA 4-9442 We have Suirimer. cottages in very excellent Lake Huron areas. We have several choice, ser need building lots, 60 ft x /33 ft., izi a 'developing area, for We • have approximately 4 acres in Goderich on west side of Bayfielci Rd„ in an area zoned for loeal business. KEN CROFT Real Estate and Business Broker 83 Victoria St., Goderich, Ont. General Insurance dial 524 - 7253 t‘ONES ST. -A' neat, 3 -bedroom ratich-style.d home. Excellent buy. Terms. , HURON RD.--,3-bedroom home, insul brick, taxes $86.00 aper year, ' 'healing $100.00 per year. Only $5,500.00. Terms can' be arranged. Three-bedroom hom•e on Tilt St. *This is a 'well-built home. Repayment $57,00 per month. WE HAVE one of the largest listings of fames in Huron County. LISYINGS AND INQUIRIES INVITED • KEN CROFT Farm. Salesman: John I. Rapsori 152 South St. -524-8559 • Built With Care A new red-briele three large leedi'boms, on big lot, four -piece bath has large vanity. • Large living room has fireplace. Din- ing area has built-in china cab- inet. Goad cupboard space in kitchen. Attached garage, base - Mont deep and partitioned. Ex- cellent terms available. 1 FOR RENT e• e_ Three-bedroom apartment in modern fireproof building, frig., *stove, heat supplied. Available May lst. Upper apartmente_fi. ye rooms. and bart-17die•Ftrialitr ''exe tremely clean` and, bright, separ- ate rear and front entrances, neei Squaregiseated - home for couple. Two-bedraom apartment, fur- nished; including TV. Available May lst. Only $70.00. E. E. CRANSTON • Phone 524-8801 BRUNO LAPAINE Phone 524-8957 Salesmen. for ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN Goderich Phone 524-9662 HORE Real Estate Broker . General Insurance Small, Busy Restaurant Looking for a money maker? If you like to work, you can. clear the asking price of thi.s ,business in the first year. In- fol-mation available to identi- fied principals only. • Tri -Level •- Brick Veneer Three bedrooms and 4 -piece bathroom are contained in the upper level of thie home. The second level • has large living roam end "Hanover -styled" kit- chen, The lower level is oc- cupied by .panelled "rec" room and etility room. ThLs gold medallion,all electric .home is available for moderate ,down payment and balance on one N.H.A. mortgage at $91.00 per month P.I.T. Full Two -Storey - Brick Veneer This home will amaze you with the amount of.living space available. It has three, extra large bedroom, eash with double clothes closets and a four -piece bathroorn on -Second floor, living room 21' x .12'. "Hanover" kitchen with dinette and a 2 -piece powder roam on he -first (leer and fultbasement. Located in Huroh VieW Park this- all electrie home is available for low down payment with- balance on o N.II.A. mortgage. • (If you own a ,home, 'whether it is completely paid for or not, and wish to discuss trading your present home on any of these listed above, call this broker.) Thinking of building a new home? Remember, this broker is agent for KERNOHAN HOMES and LEEBUILT HOMES. Dial 524-7272. 38 Hamilton St. t 5. To Rent FOUR -ROOM apartment with bath, avai14le now, utilities paid. e160 „Eldon St. .19-20x ATTRACTIVELY furnish ed basement apartment, electric re- frigeratoriegas.-eanger-completeg ly self-coneained. MI Utilities supplied. Suitable for one per - .son or couple. $55.00 per month. Available June Isle APP1Y Mrs_ Earl MacLaren, 196 St. David St. Phone 524-7122 after five or evenings. -19tf „FOUR -ROOM •apartment, ,cern- pletely, furnished, heated, util- ities paid, self-contained, ideal for quiet couple.. Phone 7483. 19x HEATED, unfurnished, s6if-con-1 tained lo.wer apartment, five morns and bath, 'available now: Phone 524 -7164. • -19tf TWettIWICIfk=t1=1.e. Wifientes, Ridgewood Park. Phone 54-8891. -19tf TWO -ROOM • furni.shed apart- ment, suitable for one person. Phone 524-6278. -18tf THREE-ROOM furnished apart- ment, suitable for two •working girls. Phone 524- 6278. -18tf APARTMENT, one bedroom, new; modern, four -piece , bath; - Ty, -FM antenna. Phone 524 7178.- -18tf NICE heated cottage at Port Albert, sleeps. six, fridge, StOy, V\ sater, only $3 daily. Phone' 524 - 6372. e. • -18-19 FARM house, modern conven lences, •newlydecorated, three' m ilesseireestes.Cees&egkellelgarden -aelTralel•es.' Write to Box 107, Signal -Star. -NEW,-emaderle- --Iwo:bedroom country horne, three-piece bath, all eonvenierices, gas heated, available now. Phone 524 - 9840. :4. -16tf ONE -bedroom ,apartment, heat- ed, modern !bath, centrally lo- cated. Phone 2ony Bedard, 524-83461 -17tf UNFURNISHED, heated apart- ment above former Business. College, avalaable now. Phone 524-7450, 17tf HOUSE, 15 -minute drive from Goderich, quarter -mile from highway, modern conveniences, bathroom, furnace, built-in cup- boards,' newly decorated. Phone Dungannon, 529- 7314. -13tf TWO - BEDROOM apartment, partly furnished, stove; fridge, and gas Connection. Apply H. G. Bradley and Son, Hamilton St. Phone 524 - 7364. -15tf SELF- CONTe.igielD, one- bed; room apartment, partly furnish- ed; new kitchen cupboards. Mary B. Howell, 12 St. Vincent St., phone 524-8'642. -15tf LARGE furnished bed:sitting room, fridge, hot plate. Mrs. Ken Allin, 54 Victoria' St. Ns -15tf BRIGHT and modern upper apartment, three rooms and bath. Private -entrance. Heated. Adults only. 313 Huron Rd. ,-15tf TWO - BEDROOM apartment, heated, unfurnished; close to schools, newly decorated, avail- able May 21. Phone 9151. • KENT HOUSE, furnished fooms with living room. TV and kit- chen privileges, $10 weekly. Phone 8433. 46tf AVAILABLE April 1, modern self contained, one- bedroom, heated apartment. Phone 524 - 9645. ° -10tf THREE-BEDROOM unfurnish- me, close to Square, full bathroom and powder room, as furnace, living room, dining room, kitchen with built-in cup- boards. Phone 6295 or 7532. 49tf FURNISHED apartment, heated, fridge and stove, laundr* facil- ities, Suitable for two girls only. Available April 30, All utilities paid. Phone Mrs. Cummings, 524 -8951. -16tf rt, New Rates for Classified Ads Effective With Issue o May -7, 1964 41C PER WORD (Minimum 75c) 25c Extra if not paid by Tuesday of the week following publication. Semi-Dis. I Classified ,per 'cll. s., NEWRATE DETAILS for the various. classifications are .available at THE SIGNAL-STAR:- 1111•11111/111MMINassfingoralM111111 5. To Rent FOUR -ROOM apartment, self- contained. Phone 524 - 7617. 12tf TWO-BEDROOM, self-contained treated- gap-artinente"---N-ew---and- modern kitchen • has built-in cupboards and dryer. Phone 9615. -6tf NEWLY decorated and renov- ated foug-room- apartment, on the Square. Apply Bedford Hotel. • -12tf UNFURNISHED, heated, one - bedroom apartment, utilities paid, near Square, suitable for coujele or single person. Phone 8994. -16tf NEWLY remo_delled, one -bed- room apartment, self-contained, gas heated, suitable for couple, • heentee524---7540-etTeningSr''-.- -11tf BUSINESS property on Square. Apply Goderich French Dry Cleaners. Day, 524-8452, Night, 524-8718. •4tf APARTMENT over Garland's Children's Wear Store on the Square, twobedrooms, large liv- ing roein, 'kitchen, bathroom, very reasonable rent. Phone -14tf APARTMENT for rent May 1. Lovely bright front apartgfient on The Square, 76. Large living room, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms, lull bath with show- er, Phone 8517. -16tf 7.. Teachers Wanted, PROTESTANT telChelilei- S.S. No' t, Hullett, Huron County, eleg de -S -61i 6-6T, ---18:20 pupils, oil furnace, goad play- room. Duties to comm,ence Sep- tember, 1964. Apply stating qualification,s, salary • expected, and last inspector, .to John H. McEwing, Secretary - treesuree, R.R. 1, Blyth, Celt, 49-20 moo 8. Help Waited WOMAN 'WHO CAN DRIVE - If you would enjoy working three or four hours a day calle ing regularly each month on a group of Studio Girl cosmetic clients on a route to be estab- lished in and around Goderich and are willing to Inake light deliveriies, ete., write STUDIO GIRL COSMETICS, Dept, CW -45, 340 La Fleur "Aye., Montreal 32., Route will pay up to $5.00 per hour. 4 -19-21 MAN or woinan to service cus- tomers with Watkins -Products in city of Goderich.. No invest, merit necessary. Earn $75:00 and up weekly. Full -or part time. Write to J. Gauthier, 350 St. Roth St., Montreal, Quebec. -19-22 LADY as sales clerk, and for 'gen era 1 office work. Apply McArthur &Theillyelrest SL -19-20 YOUNG -MAN • 18 to 25 For 'Stratford -Credit Office With future possibilities of management position • in Goderich. Excellent Career Opportunity. Typing & ,Bookkeeping an asset. Write Box 110, Signal -Star. 49 R2 8. Help Wanted BUSINESS .OPPORTUNITY Qualified b_eautielein resissired to operate fully -equipped- beauty salon on er concession basis it RCAF Station • Clinton, Ont. Write to ,the Commanding Officer.,, RCAF 'Station, 'Clinton, Ontario; giving qualifications and refer- . ences. 48-19 FEMALE bookkeeper wanted. Apply Donnelly, Dannelly- & Murphy, Goderieh. Phone 524 - 8346. •-18tf samoname vounimi 10: Wanted (General) MILD'S tricycle; coaster wag - one doll buggy; pedal ear to suit four-year-old. Tom Profit, 108 Anglesea St., phone 9040. 18-19x ROOMER wanted, near the Square; Phone 7417. -18 MAP of Huron County (1862), eiepolIemmienie' 'waiited. Write to' Box 106,' Signal -Star. -17-19 of4De ne,wepapere, ,,,inform ion documents . pre -1867 wanted. These would be helpful to stu- dent completing M.A. on history of Goderiich. Contact P. g. Lewis, Regional Room, Lawson Library, University of 'Western Ontario, London, Ont, -19-20 ROOMERS wanted, for two rooms in quiet honie, breakfast if desired, Phone 9132. , • -19-20 GOOD stable Wanted. Phone wheelbarrow 524 - 6462, • -19 • • SIX go e,ight cattle wanted to pasture. Phone 524-6462. -19 11. Employment -Wanted 'RELIABLE student wishes lawn cutting. Phone 9132. , -19-20 UNIVERSITY>student will lutor high . school math students, grades ,9-12. Call 524 -7688. • 1 - 19x TILLING gardens, cleaning -up, light trucking, odd jobs wanted. Harold Leddy, phone 524-7237 or 524-7431. • 19-20x „HOUSEWORK „wanted by the hour. ,Phone 524-9629. 19x GARDEN Plo,wing - Gardens 'v °WIT:FFelirfniTC.'''• 'PffeeT-reltarr- able. • Light haulage. Call 024-9084. et 18-19x 12. Tenders Wanted TENDERe- SANDERSON ESTATE TENDERS wanted in the Estate of Adairie" Marion San,derson, deceased. TENDERS will. be 'received by th-e undersigped up to twelve o'clock on May 23, 1964 far the ptirchase of: Tweesto•rey. residence situated on parts of Lots 806 and 807, -Plan 7, Goderich, described 4e.ki.);egiZte*44egieWeeti9-c-11- S ire e t EhItr--fentrifgefate p 0G- ' SnSiOn. Key to residence - can- bo -obtained at . office af- the undersigned. . Tenders to be clearly marked. ae such and to be accompanied bya certified cheque for 5% of tender. The highest or any tender not necessarily. accepted. HAYS, PREST & "HAYS, Barristers, etc. 33 Montreal 'Street, Goderich, On,tatio, -Solicitors for the -Estate. • -19-21. El. Auction Sales ESTATE AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of property and household ;effects in ,,the town of Goderich, 179 Elgin Ave., West, on ,SATURDAY, MAY. 16th at 1 p.m. Chesterfie,14 suite; rocking chairs; small table;library table; scatter mats; hooked mats; rug; electric lamps; gas space heater; 4 -burner gas stove (like new); dining room table and chairs; sideboard; Electrolux vacuum cleaner; couch; mantle radio; kitchen table and chairs; coal oe, wood range; droiphead sew- ing machine; small safe; card table; • mirrors;. washing ma- chine; day bed; clocks; 'bed- room China; quilts; 3,,furnished bedrooms; beds; dressers; -stands; mattresses; bedding; table linens; kitch•en utensils; antique china dishes; orna- ments; sealers; 'crocks; garden tools; quantity wood and coal. Other articles too ,numerous to mention. PROPERTY - At the same place, at 3° p.m., g.he 'property twill be, offered for sale, subject to reserve bid-7-Seven-rooin .in- sul brick frame , house, , gas, hYdro,,, bathroom, 'situated on large lot, immediate possession; 10% destine balance in 30 days. Chattels Cash. Property Estate of late Mary Ann Pipe. . Harold Jackson, Auctioneer George Powell,Clerk, For further particulars apply to Hays, 'Prest & Hays, Solid - tors for the Estate. -19-20 Ais Mainly because of the larger population and larger market, per capita output of wealth -in the U.S. is about, 30 per cent higher than in Canada; the aver- age factory wage is $85 a week here and $110 there. • 13. Auction Sales COUNT' e 'OF HURON • AUCTION 9F. • USED TRUCKS., The folloy,ving County of Iluron used trucks will be of- fered* for sale on SATURDAY, MAY.16th, 1964, at 2:00 P.m.. at the Huron. County Garage, Auburn, Ontario. 4-1960 Fargo ton pick-up trucks 1-1959 Chevrolet le2 ton panel truck 2-196Q, Dodge 29,000 a.v.vv:. trucks , complete with 6 -yard Phil Wood box and hoist. Terms: As is where is, No license. , Cash or cheque (upon pro- per id'entification) 314 O.R.S.T. Auctioneer: Alvin Weber, Dashwood, Ont. J. W. ,Britnell, .. County Engineer, soiloe Oft* 'House, Goderich; Ontario. ' 49. .C-OMPLETEgDISPERSAL--SALE- TERRI KNOLL HEREFORDS (Owner', J. N. Stutt, R. 6, Milton) Plus added consignments frotin some of Ontario's top breeding herds. 40 Horned and Polled Regigter- • ed Iierefords Including: 10 service age bulls. Backed by. some of Canada's most popular bloodlines. 30/ females Proven brood cows - good quality 2 -year-olds -- and a few open yearlin•gs and calves. This is not only a chance for the ,established 'breeder to im- Prov-e-his-herele-but-a---earegop- portunity her' those -contemplat- ing, going into the Hereford business. • on SATURDAY,: IVIAY 9tle ' 1964 at 1:30 pan. at the New. and modern Georgetown Sales Arena, Georgetown; Ont. (1,e mile ,south of No. 7 Hwy:. an 7th line, or 8 miles ninth of No. 401 Hwy. on 7th line.) Lunch, available. 'Catalogues on request. Auctioneers: jiin W. Millington • .and,W. S. O'Neil. ROCKWOOD T2/11-7eRtall'ageParegee'x'qrP, Georgetown, Phone 877 - 4101 ((ode 416). -19 AUCTION Sale of household effects from the Albion Hotel, Bayfield, on • SATURDAY, ,MAY • 9th at 1.30 p.m., .consisting of: Dominion piano (ma•heigany); Estey organ (walnut)g eide- 'beard; bookcase; 2 'diningroorir tables; a large number of dining room . chairs; sniall tables; cherry chit of drawers; ward- robe; washstand's; beds; dress- ers; pine cupboard; other cup- boards; 5 veranda chairs; 2 bar- room chairs; 2 gun stock chairs; 3 kitchen tablets; oil. Telmer; :Aishes; .silyeewart; , pictures; - „vane antiques and collectors!. 76Ii-eSe-ntimerdus other •-f•Tfereg: • TERMS -CASH. • . • -No reserve, th e, ,h,o-tel is sold. . . Mrs: A. M. Bassett, • Miss E. MacKay,' Proprietresses. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioned'. CLEARING Auction 'Sale of farm stock, machinery. hay, grain ,and household- 'effects for Oliver' Anderson, lot south half of 32, concession 2, East Wawa - meth, one mile north of Auburn Public School, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1964 at 1 p.m. • CATTLE. -18 female Here- fords ,.. (registered),, ,taged '1-6 years; 6 Hereford ca.lves; 5 grade heifers; 1 steer. PIGIge.9 saws (3 to farrow before sale); 10 near market weight; 16 chunks. ' GRAIN -17 fon cab corn; 800 bus. barley; 1000 bus. oats and mixed grain; 10 ton ensilage. IMPLEMENTS -35 M. -F. trac- tor, diesel, with ' pulley and New Idea loader, 3 year old; 3 -furrow trip -beam International glow; Ford tractor, Ford pulley; 7 -ft. Ford mower; Comfort heat- er for Ford; New Idea hay loader; New Idea side rake; M. -F. cultivator with shields for corn; M. -F. double deck "springtooth and spike -tooth, har- rowel New Idea manu,re spread- er; sleighs; cutter;cart and harnessi- wagon With sliding hayrack and stock rack; 10" grain grinder with speed jack grain auger; 11 -run grain drill; International binder; tractor tire chains; 2000 lb. scales; 75 ft. 64neh drive belt. cord -- wood. saw; earn sheller; bag holder; '49 International 8/.1 -ton truck; McCormick Deerinr6-ft. ,horse-drawn , mower, chains; lawn fence -with steel posts and railing; steel water trough; forks; shovels; steel roller drums; pile scrap iron; insulat- ed water: tank With beate,f thermostat; 64 -ft 13eatty litter carrier track with 'hangers and bolese 3 -wary switch; 75 • sap buckets and pan-. man's CCM bievele (like new). HOUSEHOLD EslieteCrIlS. - Cold -wall Frigidaire refrig,eme- tor: Moffat 30'4n. eteetrie e'an•gee, coal and wood annex; table's; ehailrs: 2-borner rangette; MC- Clary's dual nurpese oil and wood range. Other articles too numerous to mention. No reserve, farm sold. TERMS-CASII. Oliver Anderson, Proprietor. Hardld Jackson, Auctioneer. George 'Powell, Clerk. ' -18-19 • , 14. Services Available SEPTIC tank cleaning service. Phone 524-6464. -19 ACE *Radio -TV Service. Frank .60 Picton St. W,Gode- rich,' Ont, Phone 524- 7771. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment, all -work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. 2, Brussels, Phone Brussels 442 W 6. 11-40x ALVIN WALPER Licensed 'Auctioneer Service that Satisfies. -Phone 119, Dashwood. -11-22 LET us restore accuracy and bea,uty to your watch. Fine jewellery repairs and diamond setting. Modern equipment. Don MacRae, watchmaker, The Square. -42tf SHARPEN -Up TIME! Speed saws, handsaws, hand lawn mowers, cutlery, ere. Also eda- sonal day labor. H. Homar, Huron Rd., opposite store. -10tf • Licensed Auctioneer Phone 474, Seaforth -12tf C. Briefs Order Shell furnage oil and stove oil from Edward juels tank • truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. products. phone 524 -8386: • -39tf Veinats Beauty Salon will be closed from May 16 to 23, in- meluinsiiovne. noOnwvnenetrisAmminamiimmaimonattReonydeinigcadno: a,dian Legion, W:-19innipeg, toba. D. In Memoriam BEATTIE.-In loving mem , of a dear father, and ge Lather, John R. Beattie, passed away One year ago, g One ye9a1.o 1al3. Owe had to part, With one we toyed with all our The is' deep, and will not .His place on earth no one can A wonderful' father leid to rest, For heal,, have lost Of us he did his best; ak Only those who hnow .hove we feel. hearts; The We miss you Dad, and always ' -"I',oil\l:ingly* 'remembered by h•isel.amilee...,,_ ..... .__,...„___....___,1,9x... . • - 11.c.ALl'iISTV111.-In loving mein- ory of a clear daughter and tsister. Margaret ,eitie,„31c-;,. ,,,,,,,,, SID BULLEAPS Cbinet Shop, a who passed 'away' 'two years custom furniture, kitchen. cup- pitute repairs. 184 Phone 963,1. LEASE your new ears. We are now ready to lease Acadian Buick, Pontiac, GMC for 1964. Inquiries invited. • MeGee's Leasing Division, Goderich. -38tf 15., Notice To Creditor's ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate. of GRAHA.M ALEXANDER INGLIS, ,Gdrage- enang-lat-e--of-thee-TowneoHiodee rich, in the County of- Huron, who died on of about the 29th day of April, 1964, are requir- ed to file the same' With• fu•11 particulars 'with the under-, signed -by the 30th -day of May, 1964, as after that date the atrsisbeutste. d. of the estate will be dis- Dated at God,erich, Ontario, this 4th' day of ,May, 1964. HAYS, PRIEST & HAYS,. ,Barrieters and Solicitors; • 33 Montreal St„ , 'Goderich, Ontario. ' • -19-21 ALL PERSONS • badne elainte Whifely; Widow, -late of the Town of Goderich, in -the Coun- ty.. of Huron, who died on or about the 27th day of Aeril, 1964, are required . to .ffie the .same with full particulars with th'e undersigned by the 30th day of May, 1964. as after that date the assiets of the estate Will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontaiio, this , 29theday: bleAprile 1964. HAYS, PREST -& HAYS, B arrjetereeee tee: , , .„, 7.--"rifefigiva1 Stfeet-- Go,derieh, Ontario. -19-21 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF THOMAS WIL- LIAM_ FRY, 'LATE OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH, IN TH,Eteee''3'tngeYYNIMIWRON', GENTLEMAN. • All persons claiming against the above -ES -tato 'art required- to forward full particulars of their claim e to the undersigned on orbefare the 25th day of. May, 19(14, after which date the assets; will be distributed. • DONNELLY, DONNELLY •"& MURPHY, • 18 The 'Square, • e Goderich, Ontario, . Solicitors for the Estate. ' -19-21 sommommsop 16. Public Notice MORTGAGE money available on good residential properties: Call Harold W. Shore, JA 4-7272, 38 Hamilton St -15tf MORTGAGE LOANS Residential, Commercial, , Industrial - g. R. ROWLANDS At the Stoplight BRITISH MORTGAGE' & TRUST 7 II 524-7381 MORTGAGES sINCE 18.77 -5tf 17. Business Notiee „ BRECKOW'S Medical Massage, Thermo -Therapy and Ultra - Violet. 118 • A•nglesea St.; phones, house 524-7617; office, 524-6281. • 49 fiasiamismwommummommium., 18. Personal, • Mr. and Mrs. George Millia.n, Auburn, will be at home to their friends on the occasion of their gcilden wedding an- niversary, Saturday, May 16, 1964, from 3 to.5 in the after- ricton'andi to 9 in the evening. No gifts please. 19x istossaniedasmommmansimisa 19. Lost And Found 'ANYONE knowing the where- abouts of a pair of wild geese, contact Brtice 'McClinchey, phone 524 - 7037 evenings. .19 411111111011111 A. Births PLASKETT. - At Alexandra Hospital, Goderieh, en May 4, 1964, to Mr.- and Mrs, John • Plaelett, Goderieh, a daugh- ter, Jacqueline Doreen: • ' aeo, May -3, 1962. --Lovingly remembered by her Monier, Mrs. Fred Morgan, sister, MN.. Phil. Sturdy and brother, Jack -19 lov'ing memory , of a clear wife, Flora Mc- Ineyre, who passed eway May . 10th, 1962,. • Nothing- can 'ever take away The lot,e,' a h'eart holds dear. Fond memories lintger every day, Remembrance keeps her near. -Always remembered by her 1-11-0311-fer-elairler p1911112311111111111111 Cirds of Thanks, ALEXANDER. -I wish to thank •the nurses and staff of Alex- andra Marine and General Hospital and, Dr, J. R. Leitch for their 'kindness 'while' was a,- patient there, and to .all _who. sent cheering Cards and flowers while I was in Vic- toria 'Hospital, 'London. Mrs. Margaret Alexander. • 19x , .4),A.V4Z$e..---eLe-M•lese-Mae-Ragi --Tv'MirrItrwtha1111-rellE friend's and neighborsfor beautiful 'floral tributes a 'Many acts of sympathy ex- , pressed during the recent loss of -herbeloved sister, Bessie, with . special thanks to Dr. J. W. Wallace and the • pallbearers. -19 ELLIOTT.-I wish to thank my. m.any, frien.ciS who sent cards and remeitileeredgine „was a patient in ,Alexan,dra. lIospi,eal, Special thanks to --Rev. C. A. DukeloW, Dr. V.' L, McGeough, Dr. .J. R. Leitch, the nurses and hospital staff. • .13essie Ultraw.14agmltratorm JOHNSTON.-I evould• like to thank -my e1 relativesand.- fri.e.ndssgewho 'isited 'me," leTho'fight gifts, and sent cards -while I was. a patient in•Alexe andra HoSpital. Special - thankssto Dr. J. R. Leitch and the rierse.s wlib- were se kind Wein°. Mrs, Alma Johnston.' , -19 McFARLANE.-I witii to" thank all My friends who remern- bored me with flowers, cards, treats and 'visits while I was patient, in, Victoria Hos- pital: These .10tetratS-ewere much- appreciated. Mrs. Pearl MCFarlane. -19 • F. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phelan, Goderich, formerly of Torohto, announce the engagement of their daughter, Frances Jane,' to John Pope, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Pope, Armstrong, B.C. The wedding will • take place at Emmanuel Presbyter- ian Ohureh, Swanwick'Ave. and Enderby road, Toronto, on Sat- urday, May 9, at 5 p.m. ' -19 G. Coming. Events Rummage sale, Auburn Com- munity Merriorial Hall, Saturday afternoon, May 9. -18-19 Watch for Cooking School, May 20th, at St. George's Par- ish Hall. Put on by the Union ,Gas Company, under the aus- 'piece of the Margret Seeger Club. All 'proceeds go to St,. George's C,hureh, Tickets 75c at Union Gas Company office or any member of the club. e 4849# Gips Auxiliary of St. Geo- rge's .Church rummage sale, • May .9 at 1 p.m., in parish hall. Anyene With articles to donate, phorce 524-7602. . 4849' Alimeek Chapter, I.O.D.E., annual.spring luncheon, bridge, "500", and, draw will- be held. at the Legion Hall on Wednes- day, May 27. -13tf The regular meeting of the Ahm.eek Chapter, IODE, will be Wd at tilt home of Mrs. G. Dustow, 36 Raglan St., Monday afternoon, May 11, at 2.30 P.m -19 ?am and salad supper, Nile United 'Church, May 20, start- ing at 5.30. .A(lults, $1,25; 'public .eehool chikIren, 50c. •, • „ -19-20 mr,,,ut*P.15#414