HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-11-26, Page 8tJ . H. C+RE IYE Before you buy your Fall ce Winter Clothing Oal1 and examine the large and welt. -assorted stook of Fine Worsted Sa tings Fine Bootee Tweed " Canadian, 'lib Also all the leading colors and patterns in Overooatings All will be made up iR first-class style at prices awaybelow the lowest. Replevaber we guarantee a coon rzir aar no sale.—Care me a call, J. H. GRIEVE. Es, News of the Weer:—Condensed. According to the census of 1881—the olassifioation for 1891 is not yet at hand - 56 per cent. of the papulation of Canada is engaged in agriculture. in Ontario. the richest of the Provinces, only 22,000,000 aorea are nettled ontot an area many times. greater, The IQorthweet is an empire is Retie. enneeet STATES. A big binder twine trust has been formed o. in1ge defeated Harvard at football on Sat- urdey 10 points to 0. Over half a loot of snow fell on Saturday morning at St. Paul, Mime. Four men were buried alive by the caving in of a sand hank in Brooklyn, N. I. on 43eteirtley. The American ahippera are dieeriminated against iu the Welland Canal bf Cauadiaus. Retaliation. An nnknowet man jumped off Brootslyn bridge. on Sunday, to the river 140 feet be- low and suicided. Tale yearling filly Fausta, by Sidney, on Saturday trotted nmife in 2.251, which is now the world's record. Palo A,tta's 2.0S.I on the kite shape track at Staektou. Cala an iVednesday, is the talk of the trotting world. A farmer in atiseousi grafted a tomaroe vire int) a :?tato nine and .of two crops, ps, Ane fronts the tops the other from the roots. The National Live Steck Aeeccietioa Hatt been rargauraed iii C eaRi,. Delegates rF piert^n.iog Sat'0.00,Oeft of caettal lash part 1 its the procee.ilage. CANADIAN. The C. P. 1..Ca. are building au kimono hotel at Ottawa. X3rantf.lyd is to have an electric, street railway ayeteut. Counterfeit. one dollar Dominion of ('ane - da notes a14a its cireulnlicn near Ottawa.. The emu Cutis who ree.eutly ewiadled Lonilan ritrelieute is slam muted in Weed, - deck, Wien irea City Cannell ItAs f^asse'd n reee. lutiou in fever of a aired railway Bee to Duluth. Peery Sound passed rt bylaw Friday pro - Tiding fair the eenetrrotion of a waterworks a aloin. Time Montreal a^gat of immigration tion reports Zfeaatt arrivole daring tlso paet year. Ler:1 Stanley, Governor General of Cana- da is , t to eesign, tette effect mei month. t The Wigle failure in Eaciox represents liabilities at 5100,00),withmeta to au equal amount. Stretferei Connell prop sees to have a now fire hall. A by'•law will be submitted to the eeople. The C. P. R.'a Witte' experiment in trona - porting British troops agrees the continent will take place on Dee. 5. • More have beeu .many marfuo dieastera on the lakes during the week, with great loused life and property. A eorreapanilent suggests that one of the school trustees selected by the London City Counell nest January shall be a woman. join =i ..'ten to form coloniea of Scotch warre.ers in Canada has been appointed in England. Sir Charles Tupper is a member. Geo. Elliott of Hamilton, some weeks apo, accidentally pushed a piece of lath into his naso and iiia few days died of look -jaw. In a prize-fight in Naw York between George Altman, nineteen yeara old, and John Hollinger, aged. seventeen, the latter was killed. Osgoode Hall Football Club, Rugby champions of Ontario,on Saturday defeated Montreal ohamplona of Quebec, by 24 points to 10. Galt won the first match for the junior football championship (Aasooiation) of On- tario on Saturday. defeating the Canadian Rovers 2 goals to 0. During the past season 104,309 head of cattle, 31,766 sheep, 79,309 packages of butter and 1,372,033 packages of cheese were shipped from Montreal. At Lonadale, Hastings County, a verdict of wilful murder has been returned against James MaGinniata. in connection with tbe death of B. Ford on Thankegtying Day, Judge Elliot at London Friday decided that the Liberal notices of objections to names on the Dominion voters' liat were in- valid. The Liberals have moved for an appeal against this decision. A. Baptist Minister of Port Burwell, Rev. Walter Nelson, on Monday eloped with a pretty, young school teacher of St Thomas, and deserted his wife to do so. They have been arrested in Lansing, Mich. Mayor Birkett, of Ottawa, has offered a reward of $50 for the arrest and conviction of the offenders who disfigured the walls of St. Patrick's Church by painting "No Popery" on them in eighteen inch letters, The Liatowel town council has passed a by-law to have the town bell rung at 9 p.m. and all boys under 15 years of age found on the streets unaccompanied by their parents, after that hour, will be taken in charge by the constable., We are afraid this cannot be legally enforced. In Nemeth Dakota itis so ealel that tisreelt- ors hove left the =teat fieltle and $4 per day,levaiag at least one third of the wheat uuthreelaed. The farmere are in a wild state. Farmer Gecrge, of Peru, Ind., had thin• teen of an inerenee ou hia farm in one might last ateat. Die wife ;;:.vo birth to fear girlie leis Jerky caw bal twin calves, and the eat seven kittens, Senate; Stauford has ogreed to let G W. W i:iiatee breed ten Allerton scares to Arion, in Me four-year•ohl form, at a fee of x'2,5503 each. Stanford alae eters 510,Oi?0 for one of the teals at the time it may be dropped. Tito trotting dreg Poe. from Brighten. Ont., is eredittel with overbite a mile at Chicago in three tniseutee en Thursday. The Chicago 'l'itnee 0001—"11e never made a break. lads dog was pnrehaped for d his hop-arrner. Willie Ketchum. haA non' in bank, the doe's, cartage, 97t1; tliiLi a Greenville Chetlee fl ,•r of 1 kT f8 n . r. f�# .[ a l , 6 S e into threw bawl of rleoutmted D Ola io ahs a b 1 co her busband'a face at Arcanum Tuureday Might. 1letilinger Eel to a neighber'a house, n d esh. was ' wife issued iw au o washing hie pursued elm h drove the blade of a hatchet into his back. Then the womatn imp. went 1101110a1101110 and cut her throat. It is p paged the wee insane. ldeflliuger will lose Inc sight and may lose hia It Itl:rrisn. Itaseia Les issuer] a uii',s.1 prohibiting the export:Won of wheat. The law weut into effect Monday. There is a new dog in England, a Thibet shepherd's dog, beside which the biggest of St. nemesis look email. Paris papers state that the alliance be- tween Ilusaia and Franco avant the triple alliance has been about completed. A London cable says there aro 100 cases of influenza in a schoolatDartfard. Several children have died from the disease. An immense demonstration was bold in Limerick, Ireland, Monday in commemora- tion of the death of the Manaheater mar- tyrs. The Prince of Wales passes many hours at the bedaide of hia son Prince George, who is ill with typhoid fever. The latter late passed the thirteenth day of hie iilnose. Hoa. Edward Blake has always been a friend of higher education. Some dame ago he gave $10.000 to the restoration fund of e the Provincial University, and he has now , handed over $20,000 to re-establish a gen- ' era). system of junior matriculation scholar - snipe. Mr. Trues, M. P., (Liberal) for East Bruoe has been unseated, with persona '„ `chargee dropped.—Decision on the charges against Grieve of North Perth, and also in the S,uth Ontario case, both Liberals, will he given at Osgood° Hall, Toronto, on the 30th inst. Some of the heads of the local courts of theIndepeudent Order of Foresters objected to the enormous expense in handling the funds of the order, and were last week ad• judged by the superior °Eiders; but were aeguitted.' There is now war all around and it is thought there will be a change in the e,ecutive offic et. Few p, o, le not con- netted with the order have at y idea of the enormous alms handled by those having charge of tbefunds. The membership con- sists of 80,000 men ; the rece•pts from pre. minms on insurance aggregate about $340,- 000 a year ; the naw betel e3s written up monthly exceeds $1,000,000 ; the payments ma death claims Last year unwanted to $150,000, and the surplus now on hand is early 16370,000. dren Cry for Pitcher's Gastoria Bhmvil e. (From au octet/sionat) Blitzes—In previous issues some Zionite has given us a shy poke under the fifth rib on the Ieft hand side. We wish to live In harmony with our smaller appointments but still beg leave to present the case fairly. We are not seltleh, but perfeetly willing to give yon more service, and we to have a 'local' occasionally, where now we have not ono. But that is not the people's fault. To the charge of murder we reply that your uncle yet lives, and says he won't die till he sees his dear son again—the stewardship. and be even with the Board. We never give yon w3 01, just $1 00 if you please; and you wouldn't have got that had the Elim young lady not been taken. So you see the cent was not the Lord's, but belong- ed over in Blanebard as euro as you live. We heard that the lecture was not on the Rise and Progress of Methodism, but on the Rise and Fall of Superannuation. Besides we don't keep our church door locked be- tween services till the hour for beginning, and so the people either freeze outside or stay at home. No wonder many congregate in the shed. Yea the Elder will wake up and rattle the dry bones again over there, and if an invitation iii any criterion he will be over soon in an official capacity, to make tWo lives happy. A Bonen. lotor.Aollor.Mills. �a Com Wood Wanted! DELIVERED AT THE MILL For which we Will pay high- est market prices. Tel .E EXETEL MILLING Coy. HAVE You READ this description of rheumatism and. neuralgia ? "Put your hand in a vise, torn the vise until you can't bear another turn, and that's rheumatism ; give it another turn that's neuralgia." And still you'll suffer these tortures when for 25 cents you can buy a bottle of MINARD'S LINIMENT and be relieved, MARKET REPORTS. oxgeza RedWheat Spring 'haat .., .,. Uarley ... ... ... sats — Ctoe erSeed ... Timenhy ... Pena ... Coro Setter ..._, Flourriah I .. Potatoeb per bnehel ... dpplea,per rang DeledApplespr In teeee per' lb. Turkey perib Duckaapot Ib ObiekenaperPr floga,dressedperlt0 ]reef .-. iIi'' dressed aheoF�chins eaolt Celfaenine Wool north ... IiaaPerton Onion euerhueli Wooc{reraord 10.44 444. 441 .,. .44 404 444 .,. r 44.44 92 to 93 02 to 93 4(ata 48 3Oto32 4 SO to; ;0 EVERY FARMER'S SON SROULD. HATS A BUSINESS EDUCATION. A PosrAL will secure the catalogue of the FOREST CITY Business (College. LONDON, ONTARIO. oyes, teestudents in attenclanee• T. W. WEST 'RVELT, Prin. STRAY FIG.—CAME INTO J the premises of the subscriber lot 15,2nd eon. Usbarne, on or about get. 261b, a white SOW. Owner can hare the same by paying ex- penses. Jom a WILLIS. Exeter r. 0. r AND FOR SALE. Tee property known as the old church of England grounder comprising ane lot, is now 4i1 offeredforsale, Perms reasonable• Apply to a' to ea E, vnrtsTls. Pres; or A. Dsu. Secy-, of the 0 40 10 oe Stephen and I. eboree Agricultural Society. l,ta ,,l leoi.12-1m. U es 9 0510515 Sato o5' 1COto1u0 4 4500b0 •,, 0 (G to 0 eft (9 to tt'F 0 Det° 007 025 to 030 5 00 to 5 25 400 toe e- 00 to4ea' 0001052:, 060to 70 0 50 to 0 eel a 18 to 019 9001010 ee 060to050 250 to3on 1.101 444 ... sT ei;tnxs 3 Fall Wheat.. ... 95 02 t print; Wheat.,.., .,. .... 92 92 l;nr.ey ........ 0 49 0 45 Oats 0 ';9 32 Clover Seed...—. . . 3 75 4 25 Tiroothg Peas ......„. 1 25 1 30 ...... 0 ee 0 CO rage .. , ............... 15 0 10 Bettor 10 0 l0 Potatoes per bag ,..... 54 55 Applaa per heels 059 Woolperlb 18 0 brayportann.. 9 MO 00 Bran per ton ...... ............... 14 5.1 14 00 Shona" '• ..... c20 0 09 0 29 ontirgealrnrbbl.. a vow Ps riot s,dreascd per lee ' ......... a OO to 5 ;, A VOICE FROM, SCOTLAND—Dear Sirs —I can highly recommend Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. It cured my daughter of a cough she had been troubled with since childhood She ie now twelve years old. MRs. M. FAIRCHILD, Scotland, Ont. LONDON, West. 1.+3 to per butt. Oats, :tee to , c tier us. Pcaa, 47c to£.,,. ! Per bus. Bar- teteening. el totee per bus. Barley Feed. 1, to 4'e por bus Corn. fele to tie per. buabel. TORONTO. Taranto Nov, -Wheat Spring—No. z9 lc trrc nor bus rod wlntel.Vn � 9'eto t,,o per bus. Manitoba No 2 hasrd.l 07 to 1 u9 Noel, one to 97 • ' PEAS sins to 67e por bus. OAT: lie to dileerbua FLOUR. extra. $4 :0 to 04.1 per 'hal atmigbt roller, $4, 21to $1..30; sarong bakers ?i. )tc steno. BARLEY, tio 1. feeding. fele to 57e The London Cheese Market. Saturday, Nov. 21, 1891. This rnarl;et eloeed to -day for the season of ISM. There were only three factories bearded—Willow (Trove, with 410 boxes; teeary's, 420 boxes, ail Melrose, with 100 boxes; the latter were only sold at 20 eents a paned. Mr. Geary asked leaec' for his lot. At the eloso of the meeting Mr, John Leitch stepped forward, and in a short verbal address presented Mr. John Geary, President of the LendonCheese Association, with a bendsomogold-headed cane on be- half of the directors and members of the Association, as au evidence. of the high- ap- preciation in which he is held by the fac- tory men and buyers. efr. Geary made a suitable and neat reply. "Doerr CABE To EAT." It is with the greatest confidence that Hood's Sarsaparilla is recommended for loss of appetite, indigos tion, sick headache, and similar troubles. This medicine gently lanes the stomach, assists digestion, and makes one "real hun- gry." Parsons in delicate health, after tak- ing Hood'«:Sarsaparilla a few days, find themselves longing for and eating the plain est food with unexpected relish. TWELVE YEARS' TEST -DRAT Sirs,—We have used Hagyard's 'Yellow Oil iu our family for twelve Yeats and find nothing to equal it for rheumatism,lumbago,lame back frost bites, ere. We would not be without it. MRS. MATILDA OHO; Winnipeg, at: n. OVER A CENTURY OLD—Many oases aro k town of persons living to beaver 100 years old and there is no good reason why this should not occur. By paying attention to tbe health by using Burdock Blood Bitters when necessary to purify the blood and strengthen the system much may be added to the comfort and happiness of life even if the century mark is not attained. Minar's Liniment is the Best. SANDWICH—Sirs,—For five years I suffer ed from tumbavo and could get no relief until I used Hagyard's Yellow Oil,and must say I find no better remedy for it. JOHN DESUERDAN, Sandwich, Ont PERFECT PURrx—Perfect purity of the blood is essential to good health. Burdock Blooa Bitters will purify the blood. and re move all effete matter. B. B; B. cures all blood diseases from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. (� (� SALARY, and Oomintis. el V• anon to Agents Men and Wone- en.Teaeberr and Clergymen to introduce a new and popular standard book, Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus 0/Nazareth The usost renaarltnble religious book of the ago written by lee enxieent echolars.Non-sectarian. Evers Christian wants 11. Exclusive territory given. Apply to The Remy Bill It. Co,, Norwich, Conn, BISSETT BROSI TO THE FRONT. The cheapest plana iu, town to by Builders' Hardware, Nails, Hinges Locks, Glans, Putty, Paints and, Oils. New stock of the celebrated Johnston's Liquid Paints ---Showy Colors. linesNelif Artists' ' Barbed, Plain, Strip,BlackandGalve an zed Wires for Cash Tinware *Stock Complete.. – Eavetro. ughing a Specialty New Raymond Sewing Machines and Needles GIVE US A CALL—, DISEASES MEII EtrPacEll$a Or all ages, reealting from Errors or Indiser°- tions of Youth. may be perm month- eured,and the vigor of perfect manhood fully restore d,as NEIWOIN DE:IBIlITY, STERILITY with SEM INA I.LOSSES & PRh11tATU1tE DECAY Long Standing casesof (MEET. STRICTUIIE SYPHILIS, VARICOCELE and all PRIVATE anOCHRONIC Diseases treated with perfect success. Otto iIold is in CHRONIC CASES in which others have failed; if you aro incurable we will frankly tell you no. Write forpartienlars and treatise. Free, to ST, I.Ra`IS Mnin tz. Co., 165 and 1 et King Streit. West. Toronto. Ont. s3:6mn Did you see our stock of FIN 'TOOTS and. SHOES That we have nut in the store one door south of the Post (bees, Now itis worth your while to giveusa look, We will show you through. We have all the Finest bines of Ladies' and Golfe Shoes made in Canada. and guarantee they are right as far 03 wear and value goes. If you want a real niee Oleo. something that it is a pleasure to wear, coarse up and see ours. llesides aur fled tine we also carry a large and well nesorted stock alleys* and Mena' e'hoes for cahoot wear also 551on'$ Working Sltues and Renee Beets AWAY DOWN 1N PRICE, o ac, All our ds are guaranteed good. and s g r cad d n as we g wi-h rebuild ue a TRADE and KEEP IT, we are sollineCHIt. tP for CASH. Children's,11ic cs' and Ladies" Toe Slippers and it sford Ties for a.nmmar is ail the now shades. Bringin eaur oriz and buy them a pair of Scheel hs, They are dandies. Give its a call. You are we:come. GEO. M El N SON, �. Happy Priz : Winners! 1 1892. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. ILLUSTRATED. The Magazine will celebrate the fourth Cen- tenary of the Discovery of Amerioa by its re- disoovery. through artioles giving a more thorough exposition than has hiteerto In en made of the recent unprecedented development of our country,and especially in the Great West Particular attention will also be given to dra- matic episodes of Ameelean History. thefield of the next European war,will be de scribed in a series of papers on the Danube From the Black Forest to the Black MSea" by Poultney Bigelow and F. D. Millet, illustrated by Mr. Millet and Alfred Parsons. Articles also will be given by the Gorman,Austrianand Italian Armies, illustratea by T delThulstrup. Mr. W.:D. Howells will contribute a new novel,"A World of Chance,' characteristically American. Especial prominence will be given to short stories, which will be oontributed by 'I` B. Alderieh, R. If, Davis. A Conan Doyle, Margaret Deland, Miss Woolson, and other popular writers. Among the literary features will be personal reminiscences of Nathaniel Hawthorne, by his college class -mato and liffelongfriend, Horatio Bridge. and a Personal Memoir of the Brown- ings, by Anne Thaokeray Ritchie. Har per's Pe riodicals HARPER'S nrAGAZINE, Per Year. ..$4 CO HARPER'S WEEKLY, .. 410 HARPERS BAZAR, .... 400 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE .... 2 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States,Canada, and Mexico. The Vclumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of eaohyear. When no time is specified, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at the time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Ilarper's Magazine for three years back. in neat cloth binding. will be sent by mail, post-paid, on re- ceipt of 83 00 per volume. Cloth Oases, for binding. 50 cents each—by mail, post-paid. Remittances should be made by Post -office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise- ment without the express order of HARPER & Bnonnins. Address : HARPER` & BROTHERS, New York. On tate afternoon of Tuesday, Sept. let, the street opposite the Dominion Labora- tory was blocked by boys and Girls made happy by prizes drawn by purchases of School ]looks and Supplies at 13rowning'a Hook and Drug Store. The following is a partial list of the winners ;— Ticket Ne.07—Willie Clarke. Benutiful Napkin Ring in Stein and (,sold Covered Case No. 212Eddie Crocker, Teapot stand 209 Bottle of Perfume No. 2—Herbert Iiandford Dress Fan 218—Masa Winter ([lsbnrne) Pocket Bible 204—John Speakman. Magic Slate Cloanor 133- INA t,lould. Pookot Necessairie 75--R. leiiasman, Polished Inkstand 100—Wm. Dm kks, Set Silver lrnife:Ferlt,Spoen 133—Jessie Creech, Handsome Dress Fan 207—Aimer Nelson, Scholars Companion 210—kyle ida NateLacrosse Stick or bottle of 77—R. Kinsman. Go -Cart 17—Louie Manning, Stenocnpe complete with number of handsome photographic views 203—Eddie Croaker, Splash 59—W. Brooks, Scholars Companion with Look 235—Hugh Gould, Go -Cart 217—Miss Hunter (Usborno) Fish Pond Game 212—Fruit Basket 66—Wm. Clarke, Necessaire 215—Mies Hunter, Cut Glass Weight 201—Eddie Dignan. Stamp album 230—Hugh Gould. Ladies Companion "38—Eddie Crocker, White wood Money -box 170—Louis Manning, Magic Pocket -book 26—Sylvester Emmett. Rubber Ball 55—Wm. Brooks. Fruit Basket 40—John Snc11 Magid State Cleaner 28 -Sylvester E1acrett, Band -painted splash 221—Emily. Gould, Mother of Pearl Purse 231—Henry Gould Fountain Pen 71—R. iiinsrnan--Rose wood Writing Desk. BOYS ! GIRLS ! All should buy their Sch000l Books and Supplies at Browning's and secure a chance of aPrize at the beat great drawing. All Goods Sold at Lowest Prices and the chane for a prize thrown in. Don't miss getting tickets—free to pur- chasers of School Books. The prizes at the next drawing will far surpass those given out at the last. DOMINION LABORATORY, Main-st,Exeter HURRAH ! 11` 407 i ailor Shop We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of. Treble'saharness shop, where we are prepared to do work on tne shortest possible notice and in the Latest Styles -AND A- 1 Sure Fit Guaranteed. W. JOHNS: Oafs COTTON ROOT COMPOUND. A recent discovery ban old physician. sem serene ea - ed monthly by thousa,uls of unites Is tho only perfect is safe and militia emedicine discovered. Beware of un- principled taruggiets who offer inferior mile:Wes in Place of this. Ask for t'ong's Nouns Roue Conpoeip.taakonoones:Da:fa; orenelose 31 and 4 three -cont Canada postage stamps in letter, and we will send, sealed. by return snail. Full sealed particulate in pinin envelope. to ladies only, 2 statnps. Address v011;1 1.14, Company Nese Fisher B lock, t31 Woodwa rd ave.l#etrui t, mach. field snrx Rector b DRIdT6, Central Deegan:re and by alldruggists everywhere. 8NELL B808.' CO. Having ecmmenced our Winter Trade we will buy E1iESSED HOGS, .t1t Highest (.^.zsh Prieto. Dressed hogs bought aubjeot to the fol- lowing tubes 2 lbs per cut off ; 5 lbs extra it shoulder stuck ; 3 lbs off for bung gut or gullett if left its.. %Vo aro also prepared to supply our aua totters at the Peeking House with all Linda of Cared Meat. Sausage, llologna, Head C'heese,Freslt Pork, Tendeeloiu, Spare Elbe Lard and ]]'acus, Wholesale and, Retail.. FARMER BROS. Economy is Wo WIEEOLESALE & RETAIL G R o c E x s amwr RICH Vine tt. wtereh11rnfo lily buying your Fall and Winter Goods 1 _^ at DOUPE'S Is'ramc, catoozzulr (')HEAP STORE, KIkill'ON New Goods in Every Department. EX1 TER, - ONTARIO. Come yourself and bring your friends y EXETER NORTH GENERAL STORE and you will find what a low price really means in Highest Grade Goods of Honest Qz alitrj. DOUPE & CO., Kirkton. Exeter ]Music Store PERKINS & MARTIN. Wo have constantly on hand a largo display of the best PIANOS, ORGANS, SEWING MACHINES, BICYCLES and SMALL fIUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Persons anticipating the purchase of any- thing in the above lines will do well to call at the store. We guarantee satisfaction, and prices aslow as oars be b adat the manufactories. We would respectfully ask you to call and see our stook. It is as find as will be found in any oity music store. P-S.—Agents for all kinds of agricultural implements. STAND :—Fanson's Block, Exeter. Giving up Business. A Clearing SALE AT and BELOW COST We offer our entire Stook of Dry Goods, including HE14EIETTAS dr CASHMERE Costume Cloths, Drees Flannels & Miltone, Flannettes, Grey all -wool Flannels. A largo stook of all -wool Underwear, Tweed Snit- ings and Worsted Panting—latent patterns. A nine lot of FURS to be °leared out— Ladies' Fur Capes, Mnffe, Boas, Gaps and Fur Trimmings. Gents' Hats a& Cape in Seal, Aatrican, Persian, Grey Lamb. Kid Winter Gloves and Mitts for Ladies and Gents. Carpet and Floor Oil Cloth. Our prices in BOOTS & SHOES are away down below cost—job lot Readymades. Suits & Overcoats for Men and Youths. A nioe lot of Dinner and Tea Setts m latest patterns to be cleared out at once. TEAS—We have a large stook of Teas which will be cleared out at a heavy reduction. 5 lbs Japan Tea for el, other Tea for 150 up. General Groceries.—Our Stook is com- plete and will be kept complete while this sacrifice sale continuos. We offer a reduc- tion of 25 per cent, for dash. Patrons and all others used well. Ca11 and see. Now is the time to buy Hardware cheap, 1 including Silver-plated Spoons and Forks ra:alonablo �S Table Snives, Razors. Pocket o pall, Door � 'Locks, Knobs end Hinges ; also padlocks. 0 0 THIJ.BEST YETI THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YETI No trouble to show Goode. JOHN MATHESON. Persuasive Prices PRODUCE Positive Profits. Good Beds from $2 00 and up. Full Bed -room Suites from $10'and up. Sideboards from $7 50 and up. A Solid Walnut Side- board for $13 and up, Extension Tables from $8 and up. Platform Rockers, uphol- stared, from $3 75 up. Woven Wire Mattresses from $2 25 and up. Hall Hat Stands from 85 and up. :.; " tl Solid Carved Oak Beds room Suites, antique finish. at $35, cheap at $40. Here They are These are Scorch- ers. And are only for 80 Days In order to make room for New Stook soon , to arrive. We have our premises packed full and are short for room. ,o,,,eneet Parlor Suites, Dining Suites, Bedroo' Suites, Kitchen Suites—all away down. Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Window Shades, Cornice Poles, Piho Gentlemen 1 leave your orders early, for Mattresses, everything you want to fern with the beet staff of Tailors ;, the best shouse, at puicos to make yon bud, stock of Fine Trimmings, and the best GIDLY Cutting in Town, you aro sure of satisfac- tion �5 q, . �d' a V111141 Ls Pioneer Furniture Stores ODDI+ELLOWS' BLOCK