HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-11-26, Page 7reer-gentv,
People Wonder
x I HEN they and blew rapidly health
restce -easy taking Ayer's San-
raparillea fhe reason is that this
preparation contains only the purest
and racist powerful alteratives and
tonics. To thousands yearly it proves a
veritable elixir a life.
alrs. Jos, Lake, Brockway. Centro,
Mich., 'rites; "Liver complaint and
indigation made my life a burden
and came neav endiug roy existence.
Yet more than four years I suffered an'
told agony. I was reduced aluaost to
a skeleton, and hardly hal strength to
drag myself about. All kinds of food
distressed me, mel only the most delis
ca.te could be digestea at au, Within
the Vine mentioned several playsheans
treated me without giving relief. Nada,
big that 1 took seemea to do any pen.
=anent good until I began the use of
.Aye's aarsaparilla, evbich has pro-
duced wonderful results. Soon after
commencing to take the Sarsaparilla I
could se,e an
in my condition, my appetite began to
return and with it came the ability to
digest all the food taken, my strength
impeoved each day, and after a few
menthe a faithful atteetion to your
aleectious. I found tuyselt a. well
wenian, able to attend to all bouselield
duties. The inedielue has given me a
new lease of Igo, ma 1 mulot theult
7ou too much."
"We, the untlersigued, citizens ot
Brockway Centre, alithe liemby certify
that the above statement, Made by
;ars. Lake, is true in every particular
and entitled to full crodericee"— 0, F.
Chamberlaie, G. W. Warings 0.
Wells, Druggist.
"aly brother, in England, was, for a
loua time, upable to attend to his °ma
petiole, by reason or sores on hie toot.
I sent him Ayer's Almanac and tbe toss
timoniale it contained induced bira to
try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After using it
a little evbile, be was cured, and is now
a 'well man, working in a sugar mill
at Brisbane, Queensland, Australia."—
A. Attewell, Sbarbot nalte, °Warne
Ayr's Sarsapariiia,
roorenert net
Dr. J. C. Ayer at Coe Lowell, Mas.
ricc six tottles,$5. Werth ezi a tattle.
(new; 111413A ASSISTS/1CP )
Foie Proprietor, a.
._vilorlra,n, &I-K=11011e Drug Store, III= ST.,
niauW,1:0. tllio only Itensedy which will per-
aezenutereure eeetorame, Gleet. e ell private
eoea-es, no limier leetv Ione rtandiug. se as lone
end tee cersfully wed in Freneli end linglish
ho3pitals. TWO bottlor. guaranteed to cure the
worst eat -e. I rice, $1
per battle. Every
ta.ttlo bee ./ my e
nature oil the las
bee. Nene other
genuine. Thome
o o trim 0.
ther remealve without avadtvill not dieap-
pointed In thick
l‘lentien ON paper,
fant:„., seminal Losces and Premature Decay,
promptly and permanently cured, by
, -
A London coroner's jury on Saturday
found that Henrietta Gotibeld, aged 2e,
committed suicide while temporarily insane.
The girl found that she hail married a man,
who hail a wsfe living, and took carbolio
acid. •
An inquest was held at Shepherd's Bash,
London, on Weduesday on Robert Austin
Brown, aged 10, who shot himself in. the
head with a revolver after returning from
church Jan Sunday morning. I4 appeered
that he thought the weapon was not loaded,
and it went cia while he was playing with
1)01'5 nor; =tonere with diet or SEP ILI occupation
and lv Ily restores lea vier and insures.uorfect
manhood. l'rlee ;Liel per be7e.
Solo ProNieter, senorrmr.r.,, nen°.
tears Drugstore, ra.74' SrinELT, Tuna:MO.
The suct.ese of this Great Cough. Cure is
without a.parallel in the history of medicine.
All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos-
itive guarantee, a test thatno other cure can suc-
cessfully stand. That it may become known,
the Propri, :ors, at an enormous expense, are
placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home
In the United States and Canada. If youhave
a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for
it will cure you. If your child has the Croup,
or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief
is sure. If you dread that insidious disease
Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for
SHILOnt'S CURE, Price ro cts., 50 cts. and
Poo. If ,your Lungs are sore or Back lame,
use Shiloh s Porous Plaster, Price 25 cts.
• 186 Lexington Ave.,
New York City, Sept. 19, 1:
I have used the Flax -Seed Emulsion in several
cases of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early. stages of
Phthisis, and have been well ioleased with the results.
Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb. 14th, 113$9.
have used your Emulsion in a case of Phthiels
(consumption) with beneficial results, where patient
could not use Cod Liver Oil in any form.
J. H. DROGIT, rd. D.
Brooklyi , N. Y., Dec. Mei, 1888.
can strongly. recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as
helpful to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung.
Bronchial and Nervous .Affections, and a good gen.
teat tonic in physical debility.
•Brooklyn, N. Y. Oct. loth ISM
I regard Flax Seed Emulsion as greatly superior to
the Cod Liver Oil Emulsions so generally in use.
187 Wan 84th St.,
New York,Aug. 1881
'have use/ your Flax -Seed Emulsion Compound
Ina severe qinne of 114aldiutritilin and the result was
TWA° than hoped for—it was marvelous, and con-
tinuous. I recommend it cheerfully to the profession
• and humanity at large. M. It. GILBERT, M.D.
Sold by Druggists, Priem $ .0ea
Ot: ,Ubertr St., brew Ito*,
"FOR AND Al:301ff WOMEN,
'1ondon has a woman auetioneer
nie Porto eterisses to Allow n Mentorla
In eight per cent. of the marriages one Green church ta situ arerano,
of the paatiea 114$ been married befOre, &wee the Deadmiellea ineiatent, when suly` Yitelsi,"asiedrvaineeenegtibenteer ewolmespahneya, garsoetvne
In West Africa young women can be Russia compellee Turkey to make amends
purchased for three kegs ef powder and a for detaining vessels beloeging to the Bleck stood b,eside his locomotive at the union eta.-
Worn Aroma the other day, the suspeeee
Sea volunteer fleet the reletions between
Queen Victoria he forbidden the me of
Attending a run -over accident when yon arse
tobaeco for smoking pnrposea in Wiirdsor
A Boston woman eonducts a jobprint-
ing officei
on her own aceount, and s, well
It is said that certain titled women in
London are paid to introduce Americans
Turn ,A. 100001AOTIV4 RUNS DOWN,
11Yerything From 'reales to neese and an
Fogliteer Wells How It AU Feels,
those two countries have become somewhat
strained, to put it mildly. Title feeling of
tension has just been greatly increased by
the Sultan's refusal to allow Russia, to erect
a monument at San Stefano, to the memory
of the Russian soldiers who died there in
1678. Russia, through her Ambaseadorhere
nutde a request to that effect some time ago,
suggestmg that the nationalinemorial to the
Daring a quarrel late on aterday night
ludo smote'. . Russian dead should take the item of a
at a common lodging -house in Mill Lane, The women of 'Venezuela use flre-fltes ohm,* and elaborate plans for sece Mbuild-
argate, between labourer named John their for decorating eir 'lair at night. They ing were submitted th
itted to e Sultan. a.
Leaner and his wife, Thos. Simmons, who are fastened with silk thread, The Sultan, however, dianot take Meetly
interfered, was kicked, in such a savage Rubinsteiws mother nag died in Odessa to the suggeetion, and after consulting with
manner as to cause almost immediate death, at the age of eighty-six. She Was leer fee his adviser e he has informed the Ressien
en an engine smothers one, I eau assure
yob," he continued, wiping a blotch of oil
o.the side rod with a mese of waste," that
I am somewhat of an authority on the sub-
ject, because I have had the misfortune to
run over about everything fm a eliicken
to a fire engiue.
"You would naturally think tout a com.
mon, where yoar own life was in amminent
daeger would cause yon more anxiety than
anything else, but it doesn't. Usually a
collision occurs before you know where you
are. You are milieg along over the rails,
'21.111 arkd STRENGTH!
trying to keep as near your schedule time as Ili
youevil= suddenly somethine ehows up la: NI
Ledner has been arrested,
A lion ma. sd. footle the menagerie of
Messrs, Bailey -& Wombwell, and created
quite a.panie Wisbech on Friday week,
The animal got out in the old market short-
ly after the errand of the eseuagerie in the
town, and went in the direetioa of the iron.
bridge across the Nene. Its appearance
caused a stampede of eaereons who were
walking in the vicinity, but the lion mere-
aaptured and retuaned to its ce.gebefore any
Peery was done.
At the Sweffham Petty Seasions, a widow
amed Williamson was charged by the soca
zety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Child-
ren with beating her daughter, aged eine.
The evidence showed that she tied the ehild
to a bedpast front midnight until eight A,
Meow her down, aucl damped upen her,
The woman was sent to prison for three
months with hard labour, the child being
handed over to the vitro at the society,
On Saturday night, James Robinson, thir.
teen years of age, a weaver's tenter, WAS
found lying in Preston Market plaee drunk
and irmapeble. On being searched at the
police station A flat gill bottle containing
about, a spoonful of whiskey was found to
his pocket. Ile WAS taken to the infirmary,
where the stamaelx pump was employed, but
he minim uneemscions and in a critieal
mous eon's first music teacher. Ambassador that Purkey posnavely declines
before you With me it bes always been
eighth husband. She is fifty years old, and San Stefano or elsewhere in 5, 5555U terra
her new husband is sixty-one, tory, and, in addition. Russia, through her
representatt e, .. e
A New York woman forty-five years of key coosiders the urmorial proposal to be
age has been married to her fifteenth irritating to 0. considerable degree, to die
liiasustb_aud. All of them are dead but the
I Porte and to the Turks in general. There
;the rnatter rests for the present, but it is
Sophia B. Wright teaches a night, school . heal that the Russian Government intends
for Men is New (Means, and makes no to return to the attach and that the project
A woman in Parkersburg, W. V., hue her to anew such a monument to be erectml at
On Sunday night. near Rinds, an enter.
gency caretaker named Hewitt and A rate.
colleetor named John Maloney quarrelled.
while walltmg towerds their imams. The
men had been drinking, and as Moloney
endeavoured to talm away Itewitt'a
the latter drew his revolver and shot Ma-
loney, the bullet entering the left side.
Maloney was taken to the liciepital, aud
Hewitt, who surrendered to the pollee, was
So far as 'present indications _go General
Booth has but little idea of selecting Aus-
trelia as the sito of the fereign Mmes. In
an interview, the General WAS asked whether
lie viiiited Australia with the intention of
serveying as the possible home of his over.
Sea colonies. His reply was that he had
reeeived so many advantageous offers from
South Africa that he felt tempted to close
with them on the spot, but he thought it
best to niako full inquiries in other colonies
before arriving at st final decision. From
South Amerlea, also, he bad received a
hearty invitation; but he would. prefer, if
possible, to found his colonies in Britisli
Two children the son and daughter of a
gardener of LAO* Oakley, Sassex, Were
drowned. on Friday evcniug at. Long Buckby,
near Northampton. The children were on a,
visit with thew mother, and with another
boy they wandered to the side of a stream,
the volume of which was greatly increased
by the recent mins. The little girl, only
three years ola, fell into the water, pannier
brother, only five years of age, at once walk -
ea a few inches into the water to rescue his
sister. Immediately the force of the cur -
rout took him oil his legs, and both ebildren
were tvashed. down the stream, The second
lad, who was not quite six, ran home, and
search wane oneemadefor the other two. It
was several hours before the botly of the girl
was found half a mile away, and the body
of the lad was not discovered till
the next morning, when it was dragged
out of the canal into which the stream crap -
Two privates in the Highland Light Iu-
fantry, while trying to escape from the bar-
racks on Dover heights on Saturday night,
uuder cover of the darkness, fell over the
cliff and had au extraordinary escape. The
men were the worse for drink at the time,
and while passing along the ledge both
rnissed their footing and fell, one alighting
on a second ledge about 80 feet distant, and
his comrade being less fortunate and falling
nearly one hundred feet. The cries of the
men were heard by Colonel Court, of the
loeal volunteers, at the rear of whose house
the ledge runs, and lie promptly summoned
some soldiers frozn the barracks with a tug-
of-war rope. By means of this a couple of
men provided with lanterns were lowered,
and the fallen soldiers were eventually.
drawn up. Upon arrival at the Military
Hospital it was found both had sustained
very serious injuries, but the surgeons state
they are not likely to prove fatal.
Sale of a Rain Contpany's Secret Process
for $59,000.
TEMPLE, TEX., Nov.—Rain makers have
been at work here. They came from Kanso,s,
are called the Inter -State Artificial Rain
Company, and have their headquarters at
Goodland, Kan. This company, of which
E. H. Murphy is President, was negotiating
a sale of their secret to a stock company, and
the experhnent here was the last of a series
that resulted favorably. The stock com-
pany, through its agent accempanying the
party, signified its satisfaction with the ex-
The party, consisting of President
-Murphy, Messrs. Smith, Bush, and Morris,
arrived in the city on Sunday, Nov. 1, and
commenced operations on Monday evening
in a small outhouse at the edge of town. The
conditions were extremely unfavorable for
No results could be seen at first, but on
Friday the sky became overcast with clouds.
On Saturday a high south wind prevailed,
and on Saturday night some ram came from
the sofithwest. On Sunday rain fell all day
and at night a norther arose. Reports from
100 to 130 miles round this town show that
::airt fell on Sunday in most localities hi
tonsiderable etiantities,
The rain makers are jubilant an& claim
the rain fell on account of their efforts.
They closed the bargees for the purchase of
their secret upon the results here and yen
terda,y left for home. It is understood that
$50,000 was the price. The processis claim-
ed to be that used by Melbourne.
In youth we feel richer for every new il-
lusion, in matuecr years for every One we
charge, About Any reett ettentl.
Mile Mary R. Holmes, of Rockford, Ill.,
ss the only woman in America who isa. fellow
an the Geological Soelety of the 'United
ha e by no ineane bean abandoned.
A Tea& Belt.
,igy roma was at the end of a long hall. 1 was.
familiar with every crook and turn about, the
Widlita Young woman wants young heil$0 and didn't need a, light, so pus€ed into
men subjected to a fine. of ael for buggy rating my MOM And closed the door. It occurred to
alone on week days end. SIO for the setae me then to take a smoke, so tele around in
offence on Sunday. the dark end found ei gar, and amok a match
The Duchess of Portland has 9$0 women to light it. eTlie next minuteI think emit
pledged to her Society Inc the Protection of could have knocked me down with a feather.
lairds. None of them sun wear or encourage Away down in the darkness under the bed
the wearing of auy eong-bird's plumage, two fiery eyes ehown out like burning coals
A breach of promise cam pendiug just for the brief Moment that the match
Hannibal, Mo., and tho young woman in the was burning and then ie went out. Before
case wishes to hire the opera house so that I had time to think the creeture was upon
the whole community laity hear the story of me/ and was aPriegInf; a/Y threat, the
her wrongs. most savage animal I had ever met I felt
rather than taw what it was, The creature
Mrs. George Bowron, of Chicago, hue wa a woe, and le was setea
patented A car coupler of her own ilWelltiOn, several animas afflicted hydrarbotep.
sose . 11 . . 1* - fi ' Y ' had been eeen in the neighborhood during
the praise of all practieal railroad, men who ow past fees mom,. ziere le ae, Animal
have seen it
.........0-aebase........----... more formidable than A wolf when at hes
rabies, and I knew with what I had to eon,
A , . tend. I had to struggle with a large wolt
shut up in A darksroom, aud Ostia the alight -
An Old Uero 'Who nos Jost Dled Down I eat Wound from its eliarp teeth meant certain
and horrible death to Ino, AS it Calrie to me
Jo Maine.
Lieut. Frauele Retiou xj, who fought under figonetd1fotttlicisl; happened°u tuYItiaonslsri strike n140 bneck. 83 I°
the fit's Napoleon, has just died at Port- got both my hand.s about its throat and
land, Unine, at the age of ninety -item. manae,ed to bold it away from my face, but
Redone served on a Fault privateer, Was
captured nod underwent a long captivity; ' it was all I could do.
I was nervous, I suppose, and the wolf
was released for saving an English etile" was far stranger than it would have been
who bad fallen overboard front his Priem ' under ordinal?* circumstances. The froth
exiled Eariperor from Elba, drew hie sword my face as It struggled. It was the most
and marched for the Belgian frontier, join" ' desperate atruggle of my life, just to hold
ing the forces under Muslin' Groneliy. He that wolf and Imp it from my face and
did not reach Waterloo, and neither did
t;rouchy, 1 T throat, at wbich it constantly lenge(' in the
e-ae -,icalt• Radaux olifellt have most furious manner, All the time, (rein the
laid Ids bones au that historic field. moment it sprang at me first, 1 bad been
Of the more than million of Men who once
kept atm to the war drums of the Corsican , shouting a.nd calling at the top ef my voice.
There was very little hope of doing any good.
lender, Lieut. Radoux was probably thelast with it, as the servants were too far aeva.y,
one left on this side of the Atlantic, end ane my room was on the opposide side of
possibly in the world. the house from their quarters; but that was
.But itis mot only as a survivor of Waterloo the
that andoux has a history. La his day lie only chalice.
was the best violinist in. Maine, and as snail, I It, was very evident that I couldn't let
Go my hold for au instant. It was just as
and as a popular teacher of dancing,
service in the winter months were inconstant . eery
bia , evident that I couldn't hold out this way
i long, and unless help came after a
demand. 1 while my strength would eventually give
lie was a nice looking, polished, delight- i way and the wolf coula leer any throat, as
fel old gentlemen, clressedin a suit of black, it wee strngaling then to do. And bow long
with tx bleak velvet eloall.cap ; was a trifle I do you think this kept up ? For two luaus.
under six feet in height., had full, blue oyes, I Two mortal hours by the clock. I stood
a smooth yet slightly wrinkled face, dean- there, fighting for iny lite with the savage
cut features; straight, military figure ; bus waif, and shouting for help every mo.tnent
head, though partially bald, had a send- I of the time. A -hundred times I thonght
circle of small gray locks, and he wore a ! my strength was gone, and that my arms
beard of medium length, of pure white, and
fine, clean and handsome. .
ship, and shortly after, 011 the return of the 1,..as dripping eam tta mouth, and flew into
Russia, tlae Amessive Power,
Many things have combined to make Rus
sia essentially an aggressive power. The
geographical position of the country, cooped
in between two inland teas, and buried for
more than half the year under the snows of
an arctic Winter, makes expansion a neces-
sity of her existence; a.nd it scarcely needs
the testament of Peter the Great to remind
us of the direction which that expansion is
likely to take. The possession of Constantin-
ople xuayorinttynot mean (as Napoleon Bona-
parte once said) the empire of the world. It
certainly constitutes the goal of Russian
ambitiom In Russia, too, the pacific ten-
dencies on which I have dwelt have bad less
room to develop themselves than In any
other European country. Her civilization
is .Asiatic rather than Minn:ann. Her cities
are few and far between. Her rural popu-
lation is sunk in the most profound ignor-
ance. Her newspaper press is official or in-
spired. Her representative institution
have yet to see the light. Public opinion,
in the sense in which we apply the
phrase . to England, to Frame), or to
Italy, does not exist in the country. • The
only two movements which can in any
sense be called popular—Panslavism and
Nihilism— so far as they are likely to exert
auy influence on the Government, are cal-
culated to pledispose it to an aggressive
policy—the xormer by generating a wild
kind of sernereligious, semi -political propa-
gandism— the latter by driving a timid
ruler like the present Czar to seek, in a
foreign war, that convenient escape from
domestic trouble which the outbreak of
hostilities has before now been found to
furnish. Add to this the fact that all the
most important offices in the empire are in
the hands of 6 military :taste; that in no
European country is human life so cheap
or human suffering of so• little acconat ;
that nowhere are the peasantry so habitu-
ally or complacently looked upon as " eed
for powder;',and it is easy to understand
the feverish anxiety with which every
movement of Russian troops on the Galician
froneier is viewed in Vienna, or the tone of
absolute certainty with which every Ger-
man officer, who can be vs:az:laded to speak
on the subject, looks forward to a Russo -
German War.—
Our Roads,
In many parts of Canada they have as
good roads as Europe. For years they have
been macadamizing as much road as their
means would allow. Every season great
piles of stone are broken and heaped up
along the roadside. When a hole develops
itself, enough of these broken stones are
takenfrom the neatest pile to mend tee de.
feet while it is slight. When the roadmak.
ing season comes on, what is left of the .
broken stone is used to extend the macadam.
If a similar plan should be adopted this year
in Connecticut another half century would
see the same result, without any apprecia-
ble yearly increase in the cost of roadmaking
and with a constantly decreasing expendi-
ture for horse flesh and wagonie—Norwich
(Conn.) Bulletin. •
would surely sink down powerless the nexe
moment, a.nd yet I always managed to hold
him off a little longer.
.At last, just as I was almost in complete
dosaair, one of the servants was aroused
by my continued shouting, and came run-
ning with Iuis gun in hand. I managed to
hold the wolf till he made a light, and I
held him until the man put the muzzle of
tho min against the wolf's head and killed
hins as dead ea Hector. And then I went
to my sister's room and had a spell of some-
thing that would have been hysterics if I
had been s woman but being a man,
It was nothing but a ease of nervous pro.
stretion.— [St. Louis Globe Democrat.
The Western Boom,
He had been lost for about four hours ans
was riding along the trail, hoig to mee
the rear of a train, for I have never tried to
pass an engine on the same track coating in
an opposite direetiou. In an instant you
Wealiness of ROBY AND MN%
slam on the air brakes, reverse the envie
Effects of Errors or cesses
end wait for the era*, and the engine lairiees Exin Old.
hermit in the caboose or cars of the train YOUng, Robust: Noble LAN -
you strike. Then yon make the most of a ROOD fully Restored. Row to en.
bud job, mut if you are not at fault for the large and strengthen wx4.K tTN.
accident and no one is injured or balled,yeu OXVELOPED ORGANS a RTS
soon forget ail about It. Bat it is eutireiy —
different when you run over a human being. OF ROBY. Aosolutely intrunnv
track in front et you, At twat )7°4 think a day. Nen testify from fifty Rates
that he will beer thetrain, pietas thounands pm, n* pi Ay:Am 4rjukm_
have heard it before, and get of the track, in 04".1 "i L'''TTs4 " 4*".."'""
time, but he goes on with his back toward Book, explanation ond
you and ypn pull the whistle string and th wailed (sealed) Fug& Addiess
ye' sett mut the great drivers begm working,
ba,ektvard, tending fire in aliewers from the
eldning eteel rails, while sparks of live coals
from the furnace shoot frown the etaek high
uupinion.to the sky, as the monster groves and
struggles vainly trying to stop the train be.
" While you draw nearer and nearer the
victim the suspense is absolutely beyoud
de.ecriptiom All efforts are eseleas. You
feel a Wight jar as the poor devil is area,
and a cold sweat break% out all ever your
Way, and a fault feeling comes aver you,
until yon huh on your seat, sick. at
heart, and wonder what the fate of theitian
was and whether be leaves a family and
what easiness there will be when they learn
the news at home. You think thet you
would like to atop =Weeding stud earn a
living at eemetleing else, Meatitime the'
train has come to a. standatill. The eegitte
has ceased her etruggive and the only sound
you hear tlie throbbing of the air -brake
as it pumps back end forth, making a mins
like Inc breathing of some exhausted beast
The baggage -master, conductor and brake.
man rush out of the eau and take all that
is left of the victim from under the wheels..
" Well, you 14110W hi' fate now, Ate
8008 83 YOU are signalled to go ahead, and
ne you touch the throttle, the engine leaps
forwent eagerly as if she were aueious te
lone the dreadful place behind, and in a
moment the thought of aceident is driven
by other work from, your busy mind."
" pig is a danprous thing to run over,
for he is likely to throw the ie.:emotive alt
the track. When the pilot of the engine
bits him it usually knocks him dowu and
then rolls him for a few yards under it
before the tracks strike hit, and when they
do there is great danger of them leaving the
rails. The drivers are almoat certein to
follow the trucks, and if you don't go down
the bank you are lucky. So you tee what
havoc one pig eaa make with a =Weed.
Another disagreeable thing about a pig is
that he never stops squealing from the tune
he is bit until he is stone dead. Engineers
are not fond of pork.
"It is next to impossible to kill a goat
with an engine. Goats are the most irritating
of all aninials that wander along the railroad
tmok. nao matter how fast you may be
running or how quietly you steal down upon
him he evill see you out of the corner of his
eye and inanage to get out of the way just
in time to miss the cowcatcher as the engine
rushes by him at lightning speed. Caws
ana horses are generally easily disposea of,
though sometimes they get tinder the wheels
and cause a bad wreck. But they are so
large that the pilot gets under them and
throws them to one side. Sheep are the
most pitiful of all animals to run down.
They seem to realize the danger that they
are in and huddle together in the middle of
the mile and await death. Their great,
innocent eyes stare at you so mournfully and
sadly that they haunt you for days to come.
A locomotive seems to take savage delight
in destroying sheep. She throws them in
every direction and will kill a whole flock
in an instant. I struck a flock of geese
once. Well, I never thought there were so
many feathers in the world. I couldn't see
anything but feathers for ten minutes, and
when we reached the station my eugine
looked as if she had received a coat of tar
and feathers. Hello There goes ray ball;
I must leave you," said the "knight of the
footboard" as he sprang into the cab and
started the train out of the station on its
journey to the west.
somebody .who could tell him the way, when
he came to a house, with a settler sitting
on the fence in front.
"Good day," he said, pulling up along-
side. "Can, you tell me how far it is to
Golden City?'
"You're You're right thar, stranger," was the
boastful reply. "This is Golden City."
"Great Canoe, man," exclaimed the
visitor, " this Golden City? Why, this isn't
any town at all, and the advertisement said
tho population had morethen doubled in the
last three months and every man in town
had all he could do."
'that's right, stranger. Three months
ago there wasn't anybody here but me and
my wife ; now, there's me and her and the
triplets—you ought to see those triplets,
stranger—and I've got all I can do to pro-
vide forfamily contingencies. The advertise-
ment is the gospel truth, stranger. Won't
you git down and look over some of the
bots? Shan't cost you a durn cent."
The stranger invested twenty-five cents
in a feed.—[Detroit Free Press.
Stioking Pins into the Body without causing
This is perfectly possible. In ssurgery
nothing is Mere common than to pierce the
various tissues of the body with needles con-
siderably larger than an ordinary pin with-
out doing any injury whatever. A pointed
instrument does not cut, but presses the
tissues and fibres of the various structures
aside, and their elasticity suffises to dose
the small puncture completely as soon as the
needle is withdrawn. Stich an instrument
might be passed harmlessly into any struc-
ture or organ in the body, except some
porbions of the brain and spinal cord. A
spray of ether applied to any part of the
body will produce local inseneibility, so that
a pin stuck in would cause no pain. The
applieatiou of cold, or violent stretching of
the skin, will act in a similar manner.
At one time the Tower of Lisodon was
closed because so many persons threw them-
selves from: its top with suicidal intent.
• When a man swears that he married a
somewhat aged laxly worth about fifty mil-
lions oi dollars "for love," the audience in
the court room are excusable if they snicker.
Love comes real handy with a fortene back
of it —Martha's Vineyard Herald.
You are speedine along mai see a Men on the HOME TREATMENT—Benefits in
eagiee shrieks her warning- He (Mee not
hear even that, 54 you try to etop the train.
The air brakes are pet ou, the engine is re.
homemade Tooth -powder.
Some of the best powders for the teeth are
prepared at home. A simple old powder
is made of pure charcoal pounded and sifted
and mixed to a paste with water flavored
with myrrh 11 700 like the slightly bitter
refreshing &vol.. If a charcoal paste is used
abtmdance of water shoul& be used to rinse ,
the mouth, as nothing is more objectionable '
than a residue ot black streaks left some-
times by this powder. Equal parts of pre-
pared chalk, po wd ered pumice stone and pul-
verized ones root make a good paste. There
is no better wash theat the well-known one
of a few drops of myrrh dissolved in a table-
spoonful of water but where this is not
agreeable there are many delicious washes
now found for sale which are, equally val-
Equal to the Occasion.
"Now, dearest Ethel," saia the arden
lover, "since you have answered yes to my
proposal, I prestme I shall not be too bold
if I ask for a kits."
"You want the earth."
You mean heaven."
He got it. ---[Cape Cod Item.
Some few years ago the Paris picture
dealer Ferret bought a picture for 10 fr. in
a rag and boee shop. He soon discovered
that it woe a portrait by Jordaen, and he
got rid of • it for 1,500fr. to the late M.
Rothan, the diplomatist. The picture—
which is in Jordaen's best manner—last
year fetched 58,000fr.•
The prayer of the Connecticut clergyman
who said, "0, Lord, we thank Thee that
Thou art orthodox," has been equalled by
an old lady in Saline, Kan., who prefaced
her rietitdon with—" 0, Lord, Thou bast
probably read in the nevvspaaers how Tby
day Wee desecrated yesterday,"
1 0 I wqL,;*1././1,,,A4vcs/11I011P-om Any
55 LP./ /1s. I./PPS/I' 4..:7, MST ,ip 11114
at, y 554 taw....^,aVy., ty Wm* g
a kweattentcalientanerst
cs, /As Pp lio ac,I. fogy to Wag.
We rural* gorgiVar.17g, rat a ,.11. Var,4„ snn an ,,Trygl;
1.":44g !wag Vi,g0t41*, er ax f1,P/ SSW Op Am* sit. 71,4 is
IrseTurl t, ;`, 40,1'4'5a:e3A gurtagagray walm.
V4473,PTI Twill tea ta*ntlyerweria gat grng:dg,
frzil sae . 11.1.11/ a taia CIT474[111V IN 4 tn,, avahh yea She an.,
r ,;iverut quo Ilvara ;14114T. Isg 44,3/0/0 ocr::,,,n lhve. TI/I)
iskruAtizi Valit. •A'lre VI: 4Vt8., Al.f.l.t.U. EALNe,
OF Alirx wan
Sick Itendeche ane rel eve -all the trenbles Mei.
dent toe bilious state of tbe .systeto..itioli ne
Dizzinese, Nausea. Drowsiness. Distress .reter
,eating. Pain in the Side, de Whil.: th., n- most
remarkable success has been shown in curing
Headache, yet CAnTsn's 'Arno Lavm! Pug,.
are equally vaInable in Censtmatem. carnet
and preventing this annoying etimplai nt. while
they else correct all disorders of tbe stomach,
stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels.
Even if they only cured
Ache they would he almost priceless to thore
who suffer from this distressink complaint:
but fortunately their gocenew fives not
here, and those who once try theni u ill find
these littlepifls valuate in so many Ways t bat
they will not be willing to de without them.
But atter all sick head
Is thebane 02 90 many lives that here is where
we malte our great boast. Our pills cure it
while others china.
canetres Lrrrix - LIVER PILLS are very small
and very ensy to take. (Inc or two pills make
a dose. They are strictly, vegetable and do
not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action
please all who use them. In vials at 55 cents;
live for Sl. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail
CABTEB REMISE CO., Pew liratiatb
WIPE Small NA Sim11 Pin
Dr. Morse's indian Rest Pills
vy.. THEY Are the Remedy that the
I bounteous hand of nature has
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