HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-04-23, Page 12,•• , s . • 12 The G(KleieSfititaleStar, '1111tedaY,...4ii 23rd) Alimeek 10.p -MeetingHeld • • Ab. eek 'ChaPte, I.O.D.E. met at th borne of Mrs. Calvin Cutt, •Park street, with the regent, •Mrs, Xrnrson, presidinse The flag WAS presented by the Sand- ardberer,'Mrs. Wm. Doak.. ' 4 Plans for the May lencheon will be made at the next rneee eng, owing to the absence of Mrs. Tcliborne, convener. • A report of the Chapter's ac- tiitis in serving refreshments for'the Curling Club was. given and a letter of thanks to the Curling Club for this opportun- ity will be sent. public relations- convener. 'A new member, Mrs. Raymond Redmond, was welcomed and! took her affirmaton. Jtefre,trients were served by 4e 'committee, Mrs. G. Emer- son,Mr. G. Stpkes and Mils. Cett, Mrs. H. Dodd thanked the hostess for her hOsptality. The 11lay -meeting will be held at the home oeIIrs. G. D.ustw. Mrs. H. Dodd read an intr- eting ,Paper on St. David's Day, a Welsh n•ational 'holiday which tadof the controversy over ehother the daffoditor the leek Mrs. G. Dustow was appointed' was the Welsh nationaleemblem. ••••..11011•11.• ONTAR19 The Ontario Department of Health --67Pttirinvite you to visit GM= RIGHT IN THE.EYEt If ever you decide to do some research on the lowereforms of wt, I can tellyou how to go about it. 'Just get yourself a black eye. I had a doozer recently. My wife give it to me. All right. Not that way. She was sitting in the car, waiting for me to carry the groceries into the house, through the rai,. Just as I bent and reached for the cor door to open it and ask her if that was all, she opened it smartly from the inside to ask me why I hadn't brought out an"umbrella. • The' OntarnrI{opit Goderich,..0 fro: • It is eke belief of year Department of Health that illness of any kind is a community affair — that every citizen has a basic interest, /, basic desire,. to understand anti' assist, To help you become fully aware of the profession- al help available to the people of this province we wel- come the opPortunity to show you our facilities and how they are being wd. s. You are invited to s4sit the hospital at the following • times and dates daring Mental Health Week: OPEN HOUSE and TOURS SUNDAY, APRIL 26 1:00 p.m.to 4:00 p.m. WFDNES-DA 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mental Health Films Mon., Wed., Fri. at 7:00 p.m. Any group may visitat othee times during the week by appointment. MENTAL HEALTH WEEK April 26—May 2 Ito • * * * ' . When the door nailed .me in eye,„jetheseee1 1 wls My wife shiieked and ran traighL into thp house to see whether my "lo.ss of limb or ye" accident policy was paid Within a few minutes, the eye was the size and color of a bartender's beezer. But by the time we'd finished arguing ahout whose fault it had been, t Was obvious that I'd live. • * * We disin't have a piece of steak, and if we'd hd, I doubt that: it would have been sacri- ficed. But the Old Girl. bless her, dug, out some hamberg that was going a bit blue,eand" made me lie down WitTi a 'big eiramrlefreseepertritireeetnretheeelle- jured optic; Right off the ice it felt pretty good at tkot I dropped off, to sleep,. moaning but bray. During the night, the bandage worked loose, and when I woke in the dark, I thought the eye had fallen out. put it was only -hamburg; all over the pillow.' SUGAR and SPICE By gill Smley They ranged from the simple, dry brilliance of "Hoo hitcha?" aslicl "Forget to duck, eh?" to the -coy, insinuating, " I knew, shed catch up with ya some. day." They ran the scintilating gamut from the inevitable, "I supposeya ran into a door" to the ineffably humorous sally, "Meet the ,former welterweight Champ of the Smiley house- .* * I came back with seme real funnies myself. '"My wife," I replied. "Footwork isn't what it used to ebe," I admitted. Yotta see the other guy" I qiiippei. 1, can go along with a joke as well as the next bird. Next morning, the orb looked • like a purple golf. ball. Ay4 • ONTARIO HOSPITAL, .GOIDERIClf patched it up as best i.s•e could, xicieleecteaffeteefeeeethesswi 0,..-Z.,;:aalli:MTWag•KzAtE9,00.11:0344.41.. 'The comments were hilarious. * But after a while, in fact if I remember rightly, it was just after the fourteenth "Hod hitchan, I began getting a little sore. I- mean, fun's fun, you know, but, after. all. So, • when the next joker made his move, I told him; dle- fully, that a maiden lady w•ho didn't like my' column had thrown acid in my face, and, that Id never have the sight. of it again. He turned green. MY next customer was a wo man, who tittered, .."That'l SEKING PROJECT _FOR CENTENNIAL If you were given $2,0,000, what wOuld you do with. it? Feolish question! In a way, this is CDencillor am Schaefer's 'rugged problem. It's become so worrisome, he says, that h's goieg to shave it —the problem, that, is — witb the rest of Goderich. • Bill'sspcial, committee of coucil has the problem of spending roughly $20,000 for a centennial project for Gederich. It must make up its mind quiek- ly or lose the gift, two-thirds from 'the federal and provincial governmets, one-third from council. There have been several sug- gestions submitted already, Parleying from a Huron centen- nial Mart, a downtown shop- Pingepentre just off The Square, toa new museum building, mas- sive, tree plantings, and restor- ation of the Park House to its Canada 'Company beginnings, "I think that the *public by lare should be interested thise2-,says-Goisneiller Schaeeere "and haiSe some say in it." The townspeople are being asked to attend a. public meet- ing et MacKay Hall, May espere. to. dismiss the project. One cieizen has suggested, "We should resist what I may tall the .`monumental'• ap- proach," which falls in line with most of Councillor Sehaefer's thinking. 4`I'd rather do something tangible with our money that will remain for years," he says. "There are some communities that are planning a pageant, sOniething of this nature." I , teach you to write things about ours?' -1* gave her a gentie, Christians Should- yi3T: wife in that columil of sadil look from my good eye, Know About Other Faiths Too and suggested that. she not let Among - the suggestions- to date: • addition and improvement of Omame9ty.thilaeI. trailer- park and restore' Herber •Park. 'buy. andeestee4the oldest house in towefor a new mus- eum. * build an °outdoor skating roink. • 'purchase and demolish, the CPR roundhouse site and link the twosetbeualfhas.toinia. ture train on the beach. • buy up any lots now held by individuals which are zoned green area. • provide small parks in each area of town—especially the new subdivisicens. • raise mope money from service clubs and private citi- zens t 0 , eii 1 arge the centennial. fund, and. then build either a YMCA with swimniing pool, or a -theatre on the style .of one recently bu1t in Waerloo. "I want to us ,ethe money to est advantage," says Council- lor Schaefer: 'I think the only way to accomplish this it t.o call an open meeting.' tn the meantime, he Wants more ideas submitted in writ- ing before the meeting. Most of the suggestions re- ceived thus far fale4 into the first to categories Suggested by the. province., But, besides erecting. new 1 buildings and restoring old' ones, under the rules the town could commission the writing of books, musical works, or cre- ation, of paintings or sculpture. fielette and President of the Area Weekly Newsmen meet AFessrgocuisatiiosn, secIlreilltaryTernart)iinleg Newspapers and laws govern ing their contents was the sub- ject of an address by the Asst - ant Crown Attorney of Welling; toe County at the spring meet- ing of the Western' Ontario Counties Weekly Newspapers Aesociation. The speaker, Bruce, E. Payne . of Guelph; former Huntsville, weekly newspaper- man and- lawyer, spoke of the need for care in reporting ehe preliminary hearing of any case before the court, giing as an example the publietion of any "'confession" before its validity was established by the court. .At the meeting held at Har riton, there was also discussed the .preveenee of public boards holding' lengthy committee of The whole Swsions as a meas of es.casiing .full publication of laces concerning issues- disuse, ed. "News Rtiotos" was the topic of another address by Harry elehnergard, chief of the photographic section of The Kildhener-Waterloo Recerd.* Cyril W. Bamford, Editor of The Listowel Banner, conducted a panel discussion , on high school n,ews and rural corres- pondence. Chairman of the meeting was Bud Landsborough, Editor of the Grand Valley Star and Votes of thanks for the visiting speakers were moVed by Don Baulk df Preston is treasurer. Thompson of Lucknow and goes..st, Ritz of New " Hemberg. Mayor Fred Beek, of Harris-. ton extended civic gretings• to the visiting newspapermen. .• PEOPLE WE KNOW Mis and Mrs. Wilf .Godman and daughter Susan of Belle- ville, and Margaret Anne to.. lend of Darrie were recent' visitors with Mis'and Ws. Ge B. Curren. Margaret • A went on to sisit in Bellevi • the divorce alienate her from . , my, wife.., I left her with h mouth open. I quickly disposedesPan elder- ly lady, strong in the temperance movement, by informing her the injury liad been received from my young daughter, wben she clubbed me on the eye with a half -empty whiskey bottle. It's good sport. Next three the, old l.1151FgE7--sTi1reViem,eriTesise '07—ER7761,Trren--6v-T-3,,rac to do. 4J The monthly meeting of 'St. George's • Woman's Auxiliary Was held in the Guild Room ,on Tuesday afternoon, April '14th with the president, Mrs.. Hunt, presiding. After the opening hymn, pray- ers by the president and Scrip - Lure reading Ise Mrs. K. E. Tay - lar, the minutes of the last meeting were read and approv- etieetelso—ctorTiespleneiesheereeicletli TiTertiffetrairrffinTre'erffirlirrn W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church to attend their 80th anniversary held- on Tuesday, April 21,st, which was accepted. Mrs. A. C. Bley read the treas- urer's report. Mrs. D. E. 0. Slemin announc- ed that the Junior Auxiliary of Huron Diocese is this year cele- brating its., 75th aneiversary and various bratiches are plan- ning birthdaeey parties: in this rseeeeeeffeesere:eessee,esssee". selr-:?''-eesees'eiteeMi, • .• • ..... • • v • . • . Mrs. D. Wilson asked the members 'for donations to a remmage 'sale which the Girls' Auxiliary would be hording May Pith in the Parish Hall. • The president stated.; that the Thankoffering and Corporate Communion of the Woman's Auxiliary ikaiild be held sin St. George's Church, 'Thursday, April .23rd at 10 a.m.; also that the annual meeting Of the Hur- on Diotesa.n Board would' be 29th.London, April 28,-th and h. ''IreWer-treEiTetT-TrEOT4711i-C 'WriTIVT117611711, rri';' Tuesday, May 5th. The Workshop for the women of the Anglican Church will be held at HuronCollege, London, May, 29th,' May 30th and May • 3LI‘liss B. Lauder, the education- . al secretary, .continued the study book, "Christian isue4 in Sou them , Asia" in which t was pointed out that Christians need Acs D. roze,efother faiths as ;.,:ft:er.'Ithe 'benediction by the president, tea- was 'served-- by Mrs. D. . 0. Slemin, .Mrs. D. j. Allan and Mrs. Geo. Love. • new. dresses • So • sure —To - - be... admired 111111111111111111111 raunsweeilsAmiatuamiatmatrapsaw-rnrinaettrAlata,aantaara0a.a.alairta-riatavais :maarosaravaia-,Anler.....raohrate emmet • .&77111.1..", • • •••••:••;:t...x.,:••••.•0:::::::::::::,, . • • • PUBLIC MEETING Ae meeting is being called for the purpose -Of " considering the» formatiOn of an • HISTORICAL SOCIETY • on WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1964 at 2:00 pm. D.S.T. in COUNCIL CHAMBERS, COURT HOUSE GODERICH, ONTARIO All interested citiiens welcome. • John G. Berry, • Clerk-Treas., County of ,Huron, Goderich; Ontario THE 4 • A GENqpALMOTORS VALUE BEAUMONT SPORT DELUXE COUPE LIKE WHAT YOU EE HERE? sommiume eepse„ ..aa la ea. a atse.wer ,,oparea.narzawas.m.taa•aw .....a.alt,;;;;;,,aar---..awa wawasix.x ..47.0,41....=UEZAtgear-rataMatIVX..... 1:klaWaMagdat011.14. lip el Lithe and lovely, blithe and beautiful, the new dresses for 'spring and summer '64 of, enchanting shapes and shades. Now, as ever you can be your individual self, at the very hoght of fee__ eeesse rseseese Choose your style from ----eriseteriale as Mild, ffnen, pure silk, sharkskin, Tery- lene, seersucker, Duptioni, Dacron arid MoygaShel linen. DRESSES 10.95 up JACKET • DRESSES 16.95 up ••• ASHION _SHOPPE THE SQUARE' OFF TABLE LAMPS! Believe it or not, these' lUxury features belong to alow price car. And that's not all! Ev.ery Beaumont model is packed with auto- motive value. As you'll -discovr when jou. get down to your nearest Acadian dea1c's. You'll find luxur,performance and ride you never thought possible in a low price ca. There's an exciting selection of beautiful Beaumonts to choose from. Take your pick of coupes, sedans, convertibles and wagons -Each one just packed with luxurious Beaumont value. All of them ready for you to drive away.See "r•our Acadian dealer right now! You could be driving a biand new Beaumont toniortow—or maybe sooner! Se • ACADIAN EAUM Thrift's new dirhenstpir.-Beauty's new shape! •,ure to wetch "Telescope and "Zero One" now showing on television. Check fogal listings for tirne and channel. 37 HAMILTON ST. REG McGE E & SONS LIMITED GODERICH • • Maker clears samples and discontinued lines See this eXciting selection of lamps — in trad4ional, con- temporary and modern styles. The wide variety of bases include ceramics, wood, glass, some in brass finish and, of course, each lamp is topped With its own flattering shade. Trilights in the group. If you're interested in pairs, we suggest early shoppinal while selection is widest. Ordinarily 11.95 each to 69.50 pair Blackstone SPECIAL PRICES 5.95 EACH • • to 29.9 TONE •FURNITURE WEST STREET +4 PAIR • ,..immonsommirm