HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-04-23, Page 8} `4494014c11 'Signal -tar, Thltrsciay, .,April 23rd,' 1964 Fcaities.FOr... ?r t1,4*4-lxom page ly ea a 1. rT .'� b.ac� ,•a •�. .chic. Du >t Bafety..'Vii''eek,Sergeant R. ac r.4 ° •had explained of Of.gockd x e $ and gave them e m lmpresalol of a police - WA: ' Similarly, in Fire. Pre- .ventien 'eek, Fire Chief Ted B.iSsct't had spoken to the child- ren, and 'had given ;thence a ride on the ,fire' ,truck. Oti Remem- brance Day, Mrs. P. Ht11 dress- ed in her Legion Ladies Aux- iliary uniform,' explained its significance and presented them with poppies. • • .R • .Entertainment -M, Mrs. 'Graham, further stated the pupils had been 'entertain- ed in( Clinton by the mothers of the Clinton. children, and had been taken on a sleighride party by Mr. and Mrs. J, Hind- . marsh, R.R. 2, Cadexipli. She • also _.explained thll Mrs. Hina marsh had supplied for her, during;h,er absence in January. Dowling was enjoyed every obher Friday afternoon with the sma Flee returne Ty Mr. H. Little at the end of the year, o.. Trophies donated by Reg. Bell are.- presented at a barbecue, she said, The pupils are continuing to. do 14seeritarial• work" in • the stuffingands m In of en- ,ta p �, o velopes for firms and clubs in Goderih, she said. Botch: teachers, Mrs. Graham, and Mrs. W, Barlow, had'atter14 ed conferences and had address 'ed various groups: Mrs. 'Graham's report sbress• ed the social and civic work since the practical work can be seen at Open - House. - 'Inexpressing aaplpf eciation to both teachers, Canon Taylor said the children are taught in't:el1ectual work and are -intro- duced' to a 'social and civic life from which •they used •to be excluded. They ,are now being trained, he said, so that com- munities accept them as. full- fledged members. The new officers -were install- ed by Mrs. C. H. Graha'r in 'the' absence'. t4f .:Viayo'r May Mooney o wits detained ..51- a counct. meetinc.. Arriving later, Mayor CURLING ' - -AWARD'S w.ir-r .... N......SH T DINNER—DANCE SATURDAY, APRIL 25th RECEPTION 6•p.m. Dinner 7 p.m. Limited Number 'of Dinner Tickets Available GOOD ORCHESTRA J NoW...A o dissolve heavy dirt and stubborn Soil a 'QUEEN clothes • cleaner than ever �pYMYi. MMllq �. nt„i■ Ippr- Top Quality Features: :2 ib Capacity Porcelain Tub loan c,yue Hot, v.arm, Cold Water Selection 2 Speed — 2•Cycle Automatic Lint and Sediment Removal Fluid Drive Transmission guaranteed A.10' No longer ,need you go to any special fuss or, bother to soak your badly soiled clothes. The new Speed Queen takes care Of it auto- matically with a built-in soak cycle. Result:. cleaner clothes. than ever! And that, with a Speetr<mQ P 'really clean! SERVICE ELECTRIC 10;YlCTORfA: STREET-----,., -'5244581- �Ip•: w qKq 9. 1 GARAGES •ts~. Looking for a garage style that exactly suits your home? Then come in and see our wide variety of pians. You'll see some with an attractive porch for out loor MIR Mooney addressed the Ass ei- ation offering her eQngratu la - Uons stdst stating they were "a dc4a d _grou' • In his farew.rll address Canon Taylor briefly reviewed the policy and progress of the local Association. He- stated that due toa initiative C. ative f Dir. J. C th tl _ Ross and a few interested par- ents, the Goderich and District Association was., fanned in De- cetnber, .,19.58, with Dr: Ross as the 'first president. They were acutely aware of two .things, he said, namely that mental rnetardation'was the most prevalent of all disturb- ances of Children, and that men- tally retarded children can he helped.. Continuing; he said, "Squarely facing 4these Iwo facts, they ,set tip ,t t•e Queen Elizabeth School here in Mac- Kayo (fall with Mrs. Paul Weal mark, as first principal. "Along with the setting up of an efficient school, was the vitally iraportanc task of educa- ting the community. Know, ledge an:d_..-„unncilr , i g, of m'enRtal„ retardation was sadly Limited --almost non-existent and your Association has used 1 vera iiie'ttli/ acrd"”. oppopti. Do you need farr�n' whelp ? ? R You might need to hire help if you were laid up because of an accident pr sickness. CIA's ACCIDENT and SICKNESS INSURANCE coud help you meet . costs of : this emergency. This is just one of the coverages available with • • CIA's FARM FAMILY •------ �PR4-T-ECTION•-P1 AN - Other coverages include: . : liability 'to the public .. liability to farm employees .. damage to or by tractors For more information just call: i eorge Turton 319 Huron Road, Goderich Dial 524-7411 GrEperators' living, some , with attached sheds for bikes and garden toots, otherswith extra room for build=irr storage cabinets and work- shop space. Come in tomorrow!' Gef"your copy of our "New, Useful Garage" Plan Book. .. ROSE TRELLISES Genuine California Redwood finished with waterproof Redwood 'faint Many Cite to choose from.. Starting at TERRACE' TUBS 1.60 ,up Keep your outdoor., plants looking their best in genuine Cali- fornia Redwood tubs or rectangular planters. Deep red col- our, with gleaming brass bands. Many sizes to choose from. Starting at — . ' ,t. FERTILIZER SALE - 1.60 UP . 41 - --CLEARANCE .SALE BUY NOW AND SAVE S0 lb. bag TURF 'SP CIAL 40 Ib. bag TURF SPECIAL 25 lb. bag GARDEN SPECIAL 110 lb. bag GARDEN SPECIAL 5 lb. bag GARDEN SPECIAL In No Mono, Down Wit:, A Conklin,, Btudgety Account EAirOvEL D ROAD 1 ! t__ .. $5.39 2.99 1.39' 69c 39c 524.8321 Association to interest and instruct ' the public so as to gain both moral o t and financial " suAPP of the rt community. Members of the executive addressed innumer-' able service clubs, Women's In- stitutes and :other .groups. The press, especially our good friend n tele- vision e -S r�-- io and �el th Sl al to rad vision '"have all dembined In fostering pukCicity campaigns on behalf of the mentally re- tarded. Widespread Interest , "Tthe, happy reeult has bee wi•deapi-ead interest, under- :.tanrdf n.g 'and support which has Rnabled us to provide and oper- ate the Queen Elizabeth School, 'stained with highly qualified teachers, and provided with the be=t training techniquesand m telrials. At the same time the Provincial Government, somewhat belatedly, latedly, 'it is true, has accepted more and .more respanSibility in „regard to oper- atinvg, costs of the schools for retarded etuldren.• And 1 can assture x . that. '.had it niot been 'forh teg generous financial tai support of the ';4q►tim-ufity wa would never have succeeded in caring for our retarded children in tlhe way we have. • "And we still need Mat sup- i,ox,, -r-particularly at this time, to enable our pupils to attend the summer camp at Belwood. The Future ,'`So far, so good. But we must not rest on our oars. The time has come when efforts ,hurt be directed 'towards some BY POPULAR . REQUEST German Chocolate Cake , ,,. -+ WHOLEWHEA'T and' CORNMEAL f1...... F5� l'S adequate provision for adult. retardates, possibly in;,•theforam' of a combined m. recreation centre, advanced school and workshop. "This, 1 believe, is ap. proj1ect which must be undertaken,• in the near fulttire. As you kriaw, each—year-one. e...l more Ful?i�ls- n ourschool o reaches c ia l>'_ s' the rad T e._Q u acing age of 1$, The govern- ment grants are no 1'onge,r pay- able to these retardates and , •7 they are. expected to discon, tjnue attending school classes. Chit Wlkat is going to happen to them? Surely some proper provision must be made for this is a permanent group which will progressively increase in" nulbersi . .. .. -. ii maypay that we e hav e tentativeplans centering abbut a possible extension to MacKay Hall, to provide accomnkodatiori few adqlt retardates, and also incre tage space and dress- ing retts the upstairs ha. We have suggested this as a suitable community project by which to mark the centenary► pf Confederation, Towards.. such an .undertakini.we. already have a nesteggo 0 i" 40.0 ac- �a � very cp Cable legacy from ,tie ' la la ..xsCaacpe ' lei n ter "Mthetugh I an resigning from Goderich 4n4 tpistrs t As- sociation, 'I tho' to continue/to serve the ea ` • of the mentally ;retarded whetrever. I may hap- pen. to be. I van assure you that the, Asociation will always be foremast in my :thoughts - and .prayte."' . _ . . • da • Ellis moved vote . s G. L. Mr. I. the retiring - 0 eun a thank, t f �n ers' of,.. the • executive before Mr, er took the inthiiif, RED & s WHITE Jello Powders 10for 1.00 CULBERT'S 9..AUAKER 49 West Street — Goderich — 524-7941 ,Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sat., 8:30 'tit 6:30 Fri., "'til 9 p.m. SUMMER BOWLING LEAGUES Now- Forming OPEN BOWLING' DAILY FIVE, and „TEN PIN. For Further Particulars Dial 524-9966 LITTLE- =-BOWi .� 6..'VrYlk. ,FWI�'iillm"JiE.'6Rit4 HURON ROAD t) 114041 A • WINGHAM•MEMORIALS Quality, Granite With a Fine. Touch of Craftsmanship ` •w CONTACT "OUR' REPRESENTATIVE -- JOHN HUCKINS 15 BLAKE ST. W. DIAL •'524.7276 17 TF It's time to telephone us for SOX STORAGE ,a ','hat a joy to know, that all your prociptis woollen, are stored away :.. safe from moths and dust , all sutf- mer long! And think of all. the elo4t't-spaet' you'll have for your spring awl Summer clot hes! ''all us today for "as' many poxes a5 roil need. Fill them, then cull 'for a pickup.. All woollens will be delivered clean and fresh -when you ee11 us for them next fall. Storago Costs 4.50 PERBOX BLUEWATER CLEANERS 38WEST STREET Dial 524-8231 MUFFETS:JT'2for43-c. -_ - r _ •a Baliet Tussue ' 4 ROLLS 39c JAVEX 32 -oz. bottles 2,3, A MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT OFF -1 6 -oz. 1 16 -oz. GLIDE • • 9 SPRAY STARCH:- 59c . .iC6%Fi.�.9i1SY77Ci'NtR�M. x`"1."p,'�e6YM13i74Y1'RK6�7.Cu{FF,JIVB/:WKM1C�7yF:FPCtR.iSZj:77fCEN'R,SWACS981'«RC:A:3A.q2P.Q>:.R...-ht44Yxt7$.�7�G�i�i�.�. BLACK PEPPER 29c 15 -oz. DR. BALLARDS CAT 100D �"yv '�� ,3for49C 4 -Ib, J°AR CLUB HOUSE • • .. ° PEANUT BUTTER 1:49 i WESTON SODAS saw.:.•a." •� �I"OrYc SAVE 8c -- 6 -oz. TENDER LEAF TEATBAGS' 79c DAVIDS COOKIES Fig Baror Maple Leaf 2 for 89c 3r 0: 111 • ROUND OR SIRLOIN STEA-'K •:. 110 -ASIS l, 79c T' BONE STEAKS '-- lb. 69c LEAN BONELESS CUBE STYLE Stewing Beef 16. 59c uj Y THE PIECE lbs.. SMOKED PICNICS lb. 39c StHNEIDERS LEGS AND BREASTS CHICKEN lb. 59c •.t MIX or MATCH -- Regular 300's or Man Size SAVE 40c -- FACELLE, R�YALLE' FACIAL TISSUE 4 For 1.? .00 REGULAR 98c SPRAY NET 79 SIZE 112s • GRAPEFRUIT - 6for49C SIZE 180's ORANGES 3 doz 1.00 MIX OR MATCH — STOKELYS PEAS & CORN' 5 for 89c CANADA NO. 1 , MUSHROOMS' Ib. 49c SAVE 21c — MORTONS BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY. FROZEN PIES 4for55c SAVE 80c -= PURINA DOG CHOW = 2.99 WITH 5.00 ORDER LAWN CHAIRS 3.99 'ED & WHITE FO-'ODMAS-TER- Open Nightly Until 10 P.M. for your Shopping Convenience ' : 91 VICTORIA STREET .NORTH' PR .1