The Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-04-16, Page 8•F• 14, t 6 "66061riCh Signal -Stu% 111Strs4ay1 April 16th, 1964 - ews from Auburn AMTPT. - Knox-- United tchtneh _Sunday school held a ...gpcossful pancake, supper last Vr.41AY' Recent visitors with Mr. Percy Vincent Were 'Dr. and Mr0, lames 'Annis, Dorinda and Sandrs of Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller, London; and Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Murch and Ken- neth of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas JO•lin- Stoll visited With Mr. and Mrs. Durnin Phillips . at Lurgon Beach. • • s Mr. Harry 'Arthur and his mother, Mrs. John Arthur, visit - on .Suaday with the latter's' sister; Mrs. William Mutch, and Miss Dorothy IVItitch at Clinton., Mr,, and Mrs. Karl, Tiechert and family visited. over the weekend ,in London with the latter'S brother, M. Peter Wiemann, Mrs. Wiemann and Danny. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davies re- turned this week-Ao their home in the .village after spending more than three months in Florida. - Mr. and Mrs. Louis Blake, Faye and Maryanne of Brussels visited with the lady's parents, Mr. atid Mrs. Andrew Kirkcon• net), and Diane on Sunday. Mrs. l‘linnie Janes of Wri. gannon visited last Friday with her brother, Mr. Bert • Mansh, and Mrs. Marsh. Mrs. Wes Bradnock attetided the three-day Sessions of the ,London -Hamilton Synodical o'f the W.M:S of the Presbyterian Church in Canada held' in Lon- don last week. • Sunday visitors with • Mrs. Arthur Grange,' Jennifer and -Ciinspetitive-Prices--Plus-Personals-Sessic I' 100's - Suggested List 93c Specia-1 Values and Reminders This Week Specials _Good ,Until Shelley were Mr. ad Mrs. Days Ogilvie, .Mr. and Mrs. 'Joni ris, Mr. and Mrs. Rod Singh and Kristin and Mr. IVIithael Singh; all -of Landon, and Mr., and Mrs. D. E. Glidslon of Holmesyille. Mr. and Mrs. Roy' Ward -and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. White, all of Windsor, visited on Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. Bert Craig. We are sorry to report that Mr. Sid Lansing is a patient in Clinton hospital. His many ,friends wish him a .speedy re- covery. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Younghlut and Paula and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Youngblut and Paul visit- ed an Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson and family. Mrs. Wes Stackhouse 'and Mr: and Mrs. Scatty Wilson of Britcetield visited on Sunday .with Mr'. and Mrs. Norman Wightman and familY. Children Baptized --141-s-Steransent-of Holy -Bap- tism was. obst-red at Knox United Church lait Su wily When the following,parents pre- knited their children: Mr. ani Mts. -Alvin Plunket, tlenr April 18 Teachers Going To Sarawak Bayer Aspirin 59c ORNAL Cold Capsules 1.17 Suggested List 1.19 . ALBERTO V0.5 Sham' poo 99c SuggestedList 64c VICKS Vapo Rub 115 VALUE . .BRECK 'Creme'linse ..avtecamattrom*7-rammwsw,-.re...,....e....+Arxtr.r.,,trounst.tawarnmmwai...,....,vai ASIATegirtreirritir2ErerfragiFit....5.+1=41.4r.1.11/1.14 G.E. LIGHT BULBS L69. VALUE c FLORIENT Air Freshener Su9gested List.(19c BAN Lotion Deixiorant 1.23 Sulltiested List 89c TRIG Men's Deodorant 77C IDA BRAND 12 -or. - Suggested List 1.49 1-1b, reg. _594 C '111TALIS Hair Tonic Suggesied List 1.09 BROMO SELTZER, 1.09, Value' 97c PEPSOPENINntal Creain 89c 2.50 REVLON Satin Set .49 STAINLESS STEEL SCHICK Blades 5 M los 1.44 An economical vitamin for year -found use 11I• Air.n •A• HALII3UT LIVER.. OIL CAPSULES Biologically • assayed and standardized for Vitamins A and potency. Ideal for children or adults. 100's1.15 2501; 2.29 .00s 4.29. Guaranteed I.D.A. Product Feeling low - -need a Spring tonic? ,take IDAPHpS ldaphos is a' pleasant -tasting general tonic and '•an excellent source of the 8 (compound) vitamins. Idaphos helps to im- *save the appetite andmaintain good health. 16 ounces - - ERA. PRODUCTS ARE GUAR 'i61TtED TO PRODUCE RESULTS AND IBRING' SAVINGS TO YOU ERSON S .DRUG STORE tORNER WEST STREET & SQUARE 524-9212 .s ;t te,clik.r a: GDri ;tor two 13 1)1' LIIlall.‘y will b- 1 0.,,p01ling to the call of the _Far East this ',winner. Both .1.1d 11.1 wile, who L.nach.ss 3) :111 7 at victor Lauri,tcm -01-1001, will be heading 1(113raw arm ysia. Wiff,re th-ey will tOSUfllt their teaching, Ntr, Bailey graduated from the University of Western On- tario in 1960. Then, he and a fellow graduate decided .to see the world Ind for 14 maiiths travelled through the Far East. So much did he like it there that he planned to tu rn some day.; So,- it will be sooner than he pl000vc1 .when be and his wile set Out for the Far East this summer.. They hope to remain- there for two years. " pays their ;salaries, and CUSO pays the transportation "from Ca -nada to, Sarawak. A teacher of English and also Comniercial.at ''GDCI, Mr, Bailey will be teaching the same sub- jects there.- His wife will be teaching English. , Contrary to, the _financial.. moves of • .Most -high sehOol teaChers, Mr. and Mrs. Bailey's ,combined salaries in Sarawak wiU be 'some....$6,000 a year less than threy receive in Goderich. Their going to Sarawak is ar- ranged by CUSO,. Canadian Uni- versity Serviice Overseas. . He is originally irbm Galt while his .wife is from, Fergus._ 41/ and - District + Robert James; Mx. and Mrs. Donald 'Plunkott, their son, David' Winston; M. and Mrs. Walter Cunningham, their son, Rodney Walter; Mr. and Mrs. Rod Singh,. their -daughter, Kristin Chandra,. Explorers' Meet. The. Auburn Explorers' met in the Sunday school' room of Knox United Church with a good attendance.The program opened withpines under the supervision -- of - yrs. Donald Young. This was followed by a sing -song led by Mrs. Arthur Grange. The Chief - Explorer, Linda Snowden, -cc:Inducted the opening ceremonies followed by the minutes read by the Keeper of the Log,. Marian Armstrong. The girls ,ssho had received let- ters containing -translations of "Our Father" in Italian, Greek and Eskimo read them, aloud to the other memberS„ The offer - was „received by Katuhy, ei-der-,a ad -Jeanette- -John Ion, The new exploration,. What make a Horne?, was intro- titt..sett by the Chief Counsellor, Mrs. laurke I3ean. Linda Svrour s's . • • s, sill Donna Baechler read !fl Scripture lesson, The remain. tt• IloleNy a spynt working on , crafts. CIos..ed Road Reviewed than 30 interested reeves and conncils of Wawanoll and litillf-1:-and trustees of the police vil- !tag!, of uhurn met on Monday ; .l.ternoon w12r-h County Engineer J. W. 13ritnell at the eastern approach of Auburn vvhere •the road had buo.n closed 'several. months ago, Due to a signed', piN11-ttrin -mew lists•-•'"roId.' Reeves. Leiper and Snell with lett and East Wawano.sh Town - their councils and village ti -us- ship councils indicating a ,safor tees, agreed , to reconsider the appi•oacit to the Village of Au- barricading.of this road. EVery- burn Itritiseriew closed read for one agreed that -it hall been a maximum safety to motorists dangerous approach to County and pedestrians.'. _ Highway 25, but wished a bet- ter approach. built there instead of opening up- Elizabeth street to . the Highway, which Went through the new village' sub - After viewing the road, all went 'to the Auburn Community 1Vlemorial Hall where a meeting was held With. Reeves. Leiper and Snell pre- siding, • 'When the •new portion of the road Which by-passes the village was built, it was found that the eastern portion of Goderich street did not meet HighWay25 ,right angles, due to a curve in the highway at that point. ',Vlore than a year agp the vil- la-g.e trustees met with these two councils to have this road barricaded to ensure better pro- tectionfor the motorists. Many of the ratepayers liviig east of the village voiced 'their disapproval', of the closing of theioad since it inconvenienced ese---i4Rneps•--w-110.--had to -use other arproaeflcs to the busi ne.,F, section. It wai pointed out hy Engin- that no matter 1 01Th114 motor','t ha, zit i10010 point, to cro,s over 'the double whi.te lino to get to the ,tor:s. Man\ 'of tiie farms's% .stat,s1 th 111'y hail no islov ledge or the 1,oad until the' barriers had h..11 erected. Engint..n- Britnell read a !: tor 1)•,:01 Sat. 11, mom% ()()1'P..P ask:ng thi.t somethin,g be .ddn.0 10 make a safer approach ..o HighWily 23, After much discussion it WaS agffeed that --E.ngineer Britnell. would. s ITN n t two -Miss -IP -flu KINGSI3RIDGE °. KLIST.0613RIDGE. .Javis Kenny, Mrs. P. z. • MurraY, De- troit, were weekend visitors. . Weekend' .visitors with Mr. Terry Dalton were Messrs. Bob Bowles, St. Catharines, Bill, Fet- ter, London, Doug Galt. V is itors • with Mr. and -IWO. John Kelly . were. Mr. Waite Kelky, London, Miss Eileen and David Brigden. Mr. Joe Essery is spending a few days in London. Mr. John Van Osch, Miss Sally Knoll spent the Weekend With Mr, and Mrs s John ,Van Oseh. Mr. Victor Martin spent the weekend .here. •Mr. Eugene Hebert, Detroit, is spending . a few weeks with Mr, Norman.. O'Connor. • „ Messrs. John and . Norman O'Connor and Patti, Mrs. Peter Murray attended, the wedding reception for"Mr. and Mrs. Bob Moyrissey-at the Crediton cam- inunity hall Saturday .evening. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Austin,Als,,,,L'4,134_Mrs,,..Els19.11 Austin., Mr. Tcsni Wallace, _Mr. and • Mrs. Henry Drennan attended the wedding of Mr. 'Pat Boven in Flint last weeken,d. -9110 card party htld in the hall was yell attended on Fri- day evening. The prizes went to Mr. James Finleon, Mr. ,John Howard. Ladies „prizes , went to Mrs. Walter Clare an -d Mrs. lietr•rnan, The lucky ticket on thts Dresden plate quilt was won by Mr, D.snnis 'Hogan. Mr, Flank , Sullivan is .liij weekend in Kitchener and attended the w„eddingof his grand -nephew on Saturday. Mr. Ray Dalton purchased the farms" of the late Mr. John S. Dalton: the farm home on,No. 21, Highway, end the .other on the 9th concessio.n of Ashfield. Miss Fay Hogan visited 'rela- tives in Toronto recently. -Wedding Guests Gliests from a distance who attended 'the DurninsVassella wedding on April 4, -were Dr. and Mrs. Yomosoki, -Dt, and Mrs. Ellias, Dr. and MrS.,Suzaki, Dr. Henry, Mr. Sacki, Miss Nor- een Misch, Mr. Bev. Denny, Mr. John',Pastocch, Mr. and Mrs. Sunup, Mr. and ,IVIrs. Reilly, Mr. and Mrs. SeInfss, Mr- and Mrs., Tikins; Mr. and „Mrs. Gar- ascici, Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan, Misses Antoinette Dalton, Shan- non Sinnett, Mr. and Mrs.. Den- nis Sin•nett from Detroit; Mr. and., Mrs. Ivan. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hallahan„ Kathaleen and', Bill, Mr. and MTS.' RQbt.. Manahan, Misses Joan and Ruth Taillon from Toronto; Mr; and Mrs. Joe Mac - In -tyre and Marilyn, ' Mr. and -Mrs. -Larry MacIntyre, from ti aristons---Mr.-and-Mrs. ar- ence Black, Mr. and Mrs,. Jack Gardiner,, Owen' Sound; Mr. Ralph Zaccula, Mr. Mike Sober- ra,*Messrs. Nelson and Michael Taillan, Misses Lauri and Lynne, Taillon, from Guelph." Sharks and rays have their .teeth arranged in series in the tissues. overlying the jaws. When a tooth is lost, the one immediately behind moves for - Ward .1.9 take its place. Thus,' there is a continual succession of teeth., Some -of , these fish have.teeth on the palate and on the tongue and some even have tedth in the throat. Three teachers at Clinton reign -- The resigna- Dahlke (Coniinercial). , At the same time, 41•1:ee new teachers were • added: 'Gordon 4.'111. Smith of Mit: cliqltl':,(pnglish and assisting Guidance); Mrs. Aileen M. Burgin of R.R. 7, All/baton (Home Egenornics); G. Leeson of Arnpriar (Ma- - chine Shop). tions of three teachers on the staff Of, central Huron Second- ary Sehool at Clinton vvere accepted at a board meeting. on Wednesday evening of last week. They were: Michael Borov (Latin); Mrs. Beryl- Harper (Physical Education); Dieter Overnight for registered (Nests in downtown . . the finest Detroit has to offer in convenitri,.c t and hu4, pitality. In the heart of the downtown office, theater and sh.0P.Rtng area-,,yitipliaimAcsms of the city's attractions. S•.3tiHit19,fx4 located net across the sTreet. Modern guest roomgThIT radio . , television. Exci:Ilent food, Moderately pr,o....1 in Pie ,,t• tractive Tuller Coffee Room and new'Cafeteria. f•A$111-; Special tourist and group sleeping rooms to accon uJat 1Jrn tout to six persons in ti room, Wide choice of Ballroon,s7 ,•if Roorns,'Sample Rooms -excellent Conv'ention Fac 2 es ••(/)isit4:" AIR-CONDITIONED 800 rooms with h .;' SPECIAL RATES FOR GROUPS . . FAMILY RATES ... No Chaege for Chil•Per. ell under t,q1CHIVIOND .Ger,lera! Manaur WO !..• .ACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK 'DETROIT, MICHIGAN' 1 3-2 pr- „ company in progressive -industry. Yr. . hailfrilitrilitifif -Available in 50 -ft, rolls only. 2"mesh. Plain Galvanized Link Fenc- 7 9 ing,-- 2" mesh, 13 gauge; 42" high , • 5 GREEN VINYL COATING over 141/2 ggaauuge.esteel core, total thickness 121/2 g 36" 42" GORD WESTLAKE Iihone 60R2; Bayfield SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA fast +, easy way Sav up to 50% 'in chemicals Ideal ,for the lady gardener Rust anal corrosion re- • sistant galvanized steel plate; ,:electricallv.welded seams Pro. -- ALL -STEEL T.BAR POSTS. Easy to stall. Each post -includes: 6 tie wires 74t7" " 44' 6 -ft: BRACE WIRE. Runs along top ,of .49 _fenbing. 50 -ft. roll ex lent spray from • fine mist to coarse 30 ft spray 7" brass pump and 10" brass extension 44tprox '11/2 gal ' • \,\\ ‘s\ s'`,.:s.WWW•S‘C'ssN% mommiaimmosommumimmir V • "TURF" LAWN FERTILIZER, Contains organic nitro- gen that gives a "green- ing" thatlasts. Ideal for trees and shrubs too_ 20 -lb. bag 2.40 40a. bag sst Lavin Organic Ideal for lawn', shrubs, flowers. Stithulate vig- .orous growth and thick healthy turf. -Will not burn. 12 -lb. GRASS SEED For good looks and hard wearing qualities without special care Highly vigorous for a , permanent, attractive lawn. 4-1b. bag. 3:89 • S\ \‘, , s\, • \ • OPAQUE PLASTIC GARDEN HOSE Won't crack or 'split; re- sists abrasion, sun, etc. 5 -year guarantee 1/4" brass plated. rust proof couplings. Black. 50 -ft. length 1.98 . PORTABLE -HOSE REEL. Tough chatmel steel fr- ante; galvanized metal drum. Free metal roll- ing whee,Ls Holds 200 -ft. of plastic hose. Easy to handle and store. • 4.69 HYBRID TEAS FLORIBUNDAS Top quality, government Inspected and graded No. 1 Rose 'Bushes Choose -from Old Favourites Named Varieties All American Aivard Winners Plump, 'vigorous and healthy - Ready to , give burst after burst of rich colorful Each Rose Bush has a minimum of three sturdy canes; individually protectively 'with easy -grow planting instructions. • 41' ••,&; bloom, packaged Caton Gloves'SPADING FORK Plastic "polka - d 0 5.' giVe firm grip. Prevent articles slipping from. hands, Pair . . , ...... , \\\ • Weeder -Cultivator 59c Four piece ank. with Long shank and three sharp. prongs Idosen toughest soil. Pull --4"---wide-ktrflit Wade. Long smooth -finished handle. 2.79 11" tines. .0ne forged steel sh- Hardwood shaft D -type handle 2.40 Garden, Spade Forged 1 -pc. steel blade and shank. Smooth -fin- ished hardwood shaft. D. -type, handle. 2.39 \ \‘‘k•.\\,V` ' 7" GARDEN HOSE A- sturdy well; made -hoe with a 'rugged `..7" rivted steel blade. LoTag hardwood handle 1.65 ° Rotary Edger 4, For neater edging arau- nd walks, driveways, flower beds. Positive action. Self -sharpening. 3.19 ' II‘ Curved Tooth Rake • 14 -teeth. Sturdy, durable quality, Jo _take heavy strain Long handle. Will last for years' 1.39 f "NIP" WHETSTONE' 36 NORTH STREET GPDERICH DIAL 524-7394 •42, •41. Ar• 4 A BROOM RAKE Flexibleheavy-duty me- tal tines..111.ade to stand up to hard use. 45" han- dle, 19" wide • 1.19 FOlding Steel Fence 12" high;. scroll top, heavy gauge steel, wire.- Selfssups porting. Folds compactly for easy storage, 10 -ft. length .„ 'L2 LI