HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-04-09, Page 5J. it hs • 'CIAMI'BELL. — At Alexandra Hospital, Gaderieh; on Apr4l 1, 1901:to Mr. and Mrs.- Stuart Campbell,- erpder14h;' a' dauggh= ter, Heather Denise. IiOY: At ..1exandra Hospital, •Godeerieh, on April 4, 1964; to Mr. paid Mrs. Mervyn Yioy, Goderich, a daughter, Judith Lynn. 1,ASKAt1 JS.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on-- March 31, 1964, to Mr, and Mrs. George LaskarLs, Goderich, a son. • •••;111E1.14.—At Wingham General Hospital, on. March 19, 1964, to Mr. and Mr:. Murray. Shiell CBarbara, '13r adley), R.R. 3, •Wingham, a daughter, Cath - trine Ann. C0 Briefs Order Shell furnace oil and stove oil- from Edward h'uels tank truck dealer for all Shell oil Co. products. Phone •-•524.;-83.88. -83.88.-�39tf-• D. In Memoria m RAECIPLER.—'1n loving ,Irrr'mory of Mrs: George (lone) ,13aech- ler, who passed away April 10, 1961.. -, Three years since that. sad... ly,- "Phe orale .we loved. was ealleel may';_. God took her home, it was Ilis wild, But in purr hearts she liv'eth still. -h;vearemembered by . he>n husband and family. 15x 1,ISIIOP.—In loving memory of v a dear wife, mother, grand- mother, and great-grand- mother, Ada A. IN ell Bishop, who died April 6, 1963. Sweet, memories will linger foarever, Time cannot change them,, it's true; • .'ears . that may come canhot sever Our loving remembrance of you. —Ever remembered by hus- hatid;. _daughter,, grandchildren ,and great-grandehila:ren, 15x \VOOpS.. --in loving memory of our dear mother, Mary Adela. (Polly) • Woods, who •passed • .away'„August 21, 1944: and our dear farther,' Thomas Mil -s. ton Woods, who passed away April 7, 1959. cVe treasure still with love • sincere, .w.'Y.4.IMNMhQiVfLlViAV.IFWvLLINLLC4Su4s-Aif1.Trlmn.; -ever uµ�ttros�,- o remenibered by Irene, ,dim and Brian; Isabel,„ Dpnald, Dennis and Jane. 15x Dial-L.—In loving memory of Edward Diehl, who died, April 7, 1961., d Nothing can ever. take away Tlr love a heart holds dear,. l -'orad memories linger .every day, Remembrance keeps him .near. ----Ever remembered by Edna „�rdHarold J'a•ratzi and family, JOHNSTON.—In loving Mem- ory of F. W. Johnston, (Bill) who passed away one year • ago April 3,' 1963. 'Gone but not forgotten. -Sadly missed by wife, ;tm, sisters and another. r • • E. Cards of Thanks 13ROWN.—Rita and Cliff Brown wish to thank their friends and 'relatives for gifts, cards arra . flowers received on the occasion, of • their 25th wed- ding anniversary. Special tfliamks ,to Rev: R. F. Meally, Mrs. Gordon Taylor and the Guild members who so ably catered to 'the -buffet lunch- eon. and those who' assisted to make the evdning a suc- cess. -15 MAIZE. --I wish to thank all Mose who visited me and •<" sent cards while was a pat." ient fn Goderich hospital. Spec* thanks to Dr. W. N. Wtrt rs, the nurses and hos- P1taI staff. : , " Roy Maize. 15x E. tardy of Thain C8 7 @ANTWPLL..---iTo those w1 ...e- ,pressed their sympathy 4a --iso., - .-- rany-iovetr and " pract ca,l. ways -during Mrs. Oantw.ell',s long illness and our recent bereavement, we extend our heartfelt -thanks. - Special' thanks to Dr. J. W. Wallace and the'Lodge funeral home. D. J. Cantwell and family. -15 DILWORTH.---1 would . lik'b to express my sincere Thanks to niy relatives, friends and neighbors for the beautiful ,cauls and f1,9wers; to the nurses and staff for t heir kindness to me. Special thanks to Dr. X. Lambert for hi,s kindness -to me during my operation, also to Dr. A. Vokes and Dr. J. R.' Leitch. Thank you 'all. Mrs. Dilworth. 15x MacDONALD.—I, would like. to thank all my friends `acrd neighbors for cards, ,flowers, and visits while a patient in ._..--,t h;e-Edo.done[--h'as'pil ar:..S'pir=ciat thanks to Dr. •J. W, Wallace •and all the nurses on the see and floor. Mrs..lylalcolm Ma'eDannld. 15x REDFERN.—Mr. and Mrs: Chas. ,Young and M'rs., ',Ben Allin wish to express their. -sincere --thanks to ,Dr. J"`° 3sf •'a?gxr:t ac, and --the rytris s --..oil k-- t- fr second east,' A'lexan ra Hos- ° pital, for their kindness._ to their sister, Mrs, R. Redirern;. to their friends and relatives, The champion to Rev. C.' A. •Dukel.ow and to' "7.land• Country the Stiles funeral. home for' their sympathy and floral tributes -during their bereave- ment. , -15 at THOM.----I wish, to thank 'my friends and neighbors for re- membering me with cards and flowers while •1 was in hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr. J. , W. Wallace, the nurses` and ogpit l • Charles Thom. -15 WILLINGS. — My gr a t e f u 1 thanks to my many friends, relativesand neighbors for 'their kindness in sending flowers, gifts, card and let- ters while I was a patient"in Victoria Hospital, London. Ruth Willinis. 15x G. Coining Events azL :..A.L 4 es 4. r_4,,. PrieFay; ?-, Apri l,t lei; m- ll •aretiner .orchestra, sponsored by Can- adian Order of Foresters, Ben= miller. • Dancing -.10. to 1.30. Lunch counter,. Everyone wel- conic. - • 14-15x ,Spring rummage sale Satur- day*xwA,pri1 '11, 1.15 p.m., St. George's parish hall, under the auspices of the Margaret Seager Club; Good bargains. , • - -14-15 Don't miss an evening of sac l edam rc Y y the Dan nio._LLife.. r+ez'ir tn.tTt oria Street United Church, Friday, April, 10; at 8.30 p.m, Adults 50c; children 25c. Auspices of UCW.- 14-15 •Goderieh. Township Feder- ation •of • A_r iculture • meeting ice'".." $ ,s . M'. r • , ..ttn1attrs day,-Ari1 16, at 8.45 p.m. Mr. 'and.Mrs. Stewart Middleton will show slides" of their trip to, Europe. Everyone 'cordially in vited,.. Lunch provided. -15-16 Reserve Thursday, July 16th, for Garden Party sponsored by St. ''George's. Church Women's Guild. ' ' . -15 BINGO WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15 Harbourlite inn - Sponsored by Goderich Lions Club, Women ettrlers in the final Club curling rink. From 4111113110 G,. Coming. Events' r Reserve Wednesday, April 29, for the . Tiger Dunlophobby show at Carlow Township Hall. Hobbies, • demonstrations - and collections by Colborne Town- .sip..,...-.,-residents-...,._..an,&---wspec/ia - guests. Driftwoodarrange- ments, ceramics, wood carvings, mosaic': Weaving and -millinery are only a few of the interest-. ing hobbies being shown. Re- freshments. Aft ernob;nS 2.311-5, evenings 7-9. Adults 50c, child- ren 25c. - • • -15-16 Choir festival in St. George's Church, Friday, April 24, at 8.15 p.m. ,s'harp, Eight choirs from Western Ontario. • -15-17 • The regular_ meeting of the Ahmeek Chapter, 'ODE; will be held at • Vihe home of Mrs. Calvin Cut, Park oncta Coining, April 16 to- 25, Rex - all's Spring one cent-• sale at Rieck's 'Pharmacy. 10. days. only. -15 • The annual meeting :of the ladies' section of the Maitland Golf and Country. Club will be held at 8' p.m., Tuesday, April 14; at the club. All golfers and'-' those interested in golfing this; coming season welcome. -15 Rummage safe, for Goderioh Woinen's Institute, Saturday; May 2, at 1.30 p.m., MacKay Hall. For .pickup, call 7296 or. 13629. -15 • '2'.---ELAA- HA MOTOR HOTEL CLINTON Featuring The DANTON TRIO DANCING ,EVERY FRIDAY NITE Special offer n e W =tufts FARM TANK FILTER& Keeps your farm fuels clean. Fil- • ters'out water, rust and dirt which can collect dutpg storage. For use on any fuel storage tank. .R)EGULAR $10.95 YOURS NOW $495 FOR ONLY ” with the purchase of 3 Atlas tractor fillers quality motor oils sR'qgardless of the type and make of equipment you own, your Esso Agent has the; right motor oil for you. Devel- oped by Imperial oil research, each one of these 4 motor oils is designed for a specific purpose—dosigne'd to do it better than any other brand. __ J from yQUr agent GODERICH - B. CHI.SHOLM • ONTARIO draw at the Malt - left to ' righ! are Anna Refflinghaus, lead, Fran Morris, second, Rathburn, vice -skip, and Betty Waugh,, skip, Skip .Bill White, (left) won a division chariipionship for the third time rr as many , draws at the Maitland Country Club curling rink. Bill ywon the mixed + divisionryurin the first : U471,31 Y' Ci'0;""tiziJi-o ':S" •'Hsi•7+? G„?'siR�Ci^,.,:s1 draws. Members of Bill's third championship 'team are - 'eft to right; Bill White, Arvo Kassalainen, vice skip, - Jahn More, second and Bruno Lapaine who,filled in at lead for Floyd Lodge in the ,final. game. Rock isn't really a rock. Particularly in humid tropical areas, a geological formation which Looks like a reek and which once may have been a rock, is not really a rock at all Chemicals contained in circul- ating ground water or infiltrat- ing rain water, in concert with temperature changes, can .cause rocks to deteriorate until they become as weak 'and compres- sible as soil. This condition of weather -eroded rock may ex- tend to-' -depths of many hund- reds of feet, with the result that a rock -like 'formation has lost -its foundation strength 'and the greater part of its rigidity. NOTICE Acousticon FREE Hearing Aid Service Clinic Wednesday, April 15 Bedford ' Hote Goderich from 10:30 a.in. to 5:00 p.m. We will clean and check your hearing aid, regardless of make, free of charge. Remember — Even a check -ov- er will often improve the perfor- mance of a hearing aid as much as 25 percent. ACOUSTICON HEARING AIDS • of London WIN A FREE REGINA® DELUXE • Pat Osborn (standing left) skipped' his mix- ' ed team to the 'champlonship M the final draw at the Maitland. Country_Club curling. rink last weekend. He also skipped a men's team to the finals ;of the men's draw. Mem- bens of his mixed team, are, standing, Pat Osborn, skip, Bill Schaefer, second. Kneel- -ing are' Mrs. Bill Schaefer, lead and Mrs. - Pat - Osborn, vice -skip. . SIGNAL -STAR PHOTO Goderich sailorthe saw service in the Korean war theatre `•'He joined HMCS Provider Wins aWard ' year in the final stages of A suggPst'on by fiver Kenneth Harry. Kirk'. of IV.S:, has Darned Trim a cath award - from the. Suggestion Award Board of the ,Publie Ser- vice of Canada. •" Kirk rleviseci a portable stand to' facilitate the operation of large winches on hoard naval ships.'. _PO; lei r kJ:-w.as Jro.t'n _i n rich on Jul' .23, 1931, amici entrr- 'e'ed 'ed -the Navy .in 1949. 1T ha served in the aircraft. carrier '14a,gfi`�cfrl`; err.rer Quebec and destroyer escorts rilo'tka, Iro- quois, liaicla, Ass'nihoine and Crescent. While in the Nootka, •' .: s, .).!JG .tiT.•,i `I.-� ;.• •..G '.i'.• •.4'f ...'r 1. /., last h. r • con..4ruc'tion at La non.. Quebec. His i nv:°ration was incorporated • in' th.' fleet replenis:hrnent ship b:'for-e she was _commissioned. Hl.. ...YMiSP.t, .1N.Ny?TJ'paj�{,.• .T_�q}L_ �}.��TI%��'.-�.�d1���'�1 Ffiti:N�'.m7AVTL.tiOAb Reg. 6 PAIR Limited Quantity- of ,Bill Folds, Key Cases, Truckers' Wallets. a. Slightly Soiled, But All Genuines Leather or Mgrrocco CANADA'S FIRST and FASTEST SELLING QUICK -PICK-UP VACUUM CLEANER • .63414. light . • No dustbags. to buy -- dirt' cup empties like as ash tray, Explosive rug-pile•dial • No attachments necessary • Powerful suction JSEI ATIO NOW DURING, YOUR REG/N4 DINERS MO'RE Model 7500 INTERIOR - LATEX INTERIOR SEMI -GLOSS , 5 EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT - • EXTEthOR t ACRYLIC • EXTERIOR PRIMER APRIL 6 f� .to MAY 2 `Nothing to buy. See your Regina dealer and ask for your official entry blank. No obligation. GE.RRY'S APPLIANCES The Square 52'4.3434 0 0 BISSET ICE CREAM". PIES lor 79c PINCHER'S MODERN STORE The Store With A Large Variety of Merchandise Is Nicely 'til 11 On. VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL APRIL 11 ay Open,