HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-11-26, Page 1AND .TTTJRON & MIDDLESEX GAZ LTTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' VOL. XIX. NO. 8. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 26, 1891 •OVEROOA T8 l OVERCOATS i OVERCOATS! Now for a lively time in Men's and Boys Suits .and Overcoats, Our prices are so low on these .;oohs that you can- not help buying thein, 1Vitsttabout d Za41.11sTET +S 1 Non when you see our 10c grey I''l: mw it will astonish you, A WORD TO THE LADIES. Although there Ihas been a big rush there are plenty of hats left yet and you can get them at Moderate Prices, at A. McTavish ec Co's. Special all wool underwear only * 59ets, Ask to see thou,. 4. J.MoTAVISHcij00 James PIC* frrd'a Old Staled, Ilaiera,—We werePrnncin plea:•ed to see our dear old friend the butcher around slain after so long a vacation. Its hard to get alone without hien, but at the F.lnu t of the Baru, the fat steers tremble. Ifelfreguent• ed all rho Pales this fall, buying up ell the cheice braude, aud has now resumed buai- ness at the old stand. Try his stook, its goo3; we speak from experience. Zioxi. linins, --There aro e no mono empty Ileum in the neighborhood, otherwise we might account for the new eide-burua. But bo does not likely intend anything eerious, --It bas just leaked out tbet another native found the Thanksgiving turkey too much, He couldn't boll his own you see. Try again friend. The neer steward refuses to oat, tho old has teaovured in consequence. . y..• reen'way. Bntsre.--Lluring the past few Jaya we have had ono of the worst rain atoms ever known in this aection of country. Tho new bridge and approacbea near Mr. S. Paltoak'a wore washed away, and logs and foam that were never flooded by water be- 0rii rr"or"e tlboaud rnd carried to the road. All parties coming from Parkhill will have to go around by Corbett. Miss R. Brophy drove her horse and buggy trona Corbett, bus the wind was so strong she had to re- main here all night.—A now furnace hae beenput into Wilson's now store, The store will be ready for oeoupanov by New Year.—Mesara. James Gilbert Bud Thomas Smith have dissolved partnership, Mr. Gil- bert bavhng bought out Mr. Smith's share of the threaber and engine.—Mrs, A. MeWil- son has been appointed to train the children of the Boston Methodist S. S. for the com- ing 18th annual Christmas tree entertain- ment, to be held Christmas night.-1Ir. James McPheraon's house was noticed to be on fire last Saturday, and only for the efforts of a number of the neighbors it woo Id have been destroyed. The fire burnt a large hole near the chimney. Cause, a defective chimney. No person was borne. Hensall. Great cloarine sale for 69 days of all kinds of Boots.reShoos. Men's orerehoes $1.00 a pair; lined $1 .25 a pairbien'srubbers, 50a a pair ; woraeu's„37e.a vair.and all other goods equally as cheap, Gall andFee for yourself that we are ee l+ing cheaper than the cheapest cash. -A. P westmoa.Prop. Sign of the big Boon -1\1944 Ties MARHRTs.-Owing to the bad weather the market has been dull the past week, but an Tuesday and Wednesday with the improved weather, things revived, and again tho buyera are hard at it. Fol- lowing are the ruling prices ;— Wheat 00 to 92 Barley 40 to 46 Scott'a concert at Zurteb. The duet by Data .... ........... 90 to 32 Potts .,... ..,.,« . 60 to 62 Hey.. 990 to 10.00 Du nor 1, to 16 Fggs ............. ..... 10 to 16 Hogs ...•... four largest implement manufacturing eon- I cerua in Canada, our enterprising agent, :.Ir, Elder, is at present without a terri- tory. Ho expects, however, to get a good scope with the new firm He deservea it, "pusher."—The Rs l 1 Ir. E Cl r e s eF e aor eta ra are prepariag for another grand couce t to take puce ia the near future. -Mr. Moore eas a large quantity of apples stored here, awaiting a rise Intim market. --There were large congregations at the Presbyterian church on Sunday last, .A special feature of the service is the evening watt the sinf;- ir.g by afr, Sim Fax aud Mitts Ziegler, who had the previous evening assisted at Prof. 4.75 to 5.00 Mr. Fax and Miss Ziegler : "Jesus Lover of My Soul" and the solo by Mr, Fax : "Wearer to My Father's Home than ever before" were perfectgema, and the express. ion on the feces of the large audience told Tubb T'i,00n.•..Three ()eye incessant rendition of these two grana, old pteoea raining the past week ao swelled. the water could not have been better, aud. Miss places that for a time ou Monday our ribZiegler and Mr. Fax have the thanks of lace was not thing to inundated. Several of the streets were submerged, while side- walks floated like rafts ; and had it not ceasea raining when it did we would now that the singing had a pathetic eITeot, Th the congregation far their able assistance iu this part of the service. The discourse by Rev' Mr. Henderson was eloquent, practical and ably delivered.—.Prof. Scott probably have beets occupying space at gave a concert at Zurich on Saturday evg,, "Dixie." Cellars were tilled to the top but owing to the bad weather it was tact! and each resident possessed a convenient, a financial sueeela. The concert, however, t though not desirable "beth," #'utetoea, is reported as having been first class --•the cabbages, preserves, etc., fio.eted like chips best ever given in the village. in the cellars, and it was with difficulty P.ERsoyar.s.—Inspector Tom visited. our that anything in the beeernents was saved oboe! on Monday. examined the different from destruction ; as it is the loss in win- forms, and expressed himself as highly ter supplies will be very great. During pleased with theprogress the scholars were. each branch.—Mr. Colter, of Exeter, is at Present workingin Hensall with Mr. Welsh. —Mr. and -lira J. C. Stoneman are visit- ing friends in Lambeth, ler-tom ,. _... Woodlamaa. BRrsra. The Bev, Charles ferry. Grand Qtgauizer of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West,delivered a lecture on"How to get rich," to a large audience in 1'sirletan Hall, op the 18th inat, ITe preached to the Orangemen in the llirktou Meth. church cn 8anday evening„ `s2nd inst., and lectured in Woodhain hall ou "The History and Work of Father Chinigny." Tuesday 21th in,.t,--The epode' servieea conducted in the lfeth. church here for two welts and a half by rtevs. Leech and Iiutl,ou were closed en the a roping ,of the 8th inet. Tho modules were interesting and profitable, --We bad o t s quite a # re a is of winter her ecu Tuesday. —Mr. Richard Ford,who is attending Com. moroial oollege in Stratford, was home a low (bye ago. He was looking well and appeared as though college life agreed with Ilam.—Mr. Deniol Lankiu has recently moved into his father's residence which is nearly opposite Alr Ford's shop. -,--Messrs Veneentin Beavers and Samuel Ford had the pleasure of a visit last week Mtn an aged friend and noir relative from the town of Godoriclt-a Mr. Beavers, traborney. Baist-e.—A. pleasant time was spent at the residence of Mr, George Kerslake, ou *TOXIN WSlTE & SONS Publisher arid. Proprietors School literary entertainment, for which great preparations are being made, will take place In the Grand, on Friday the 4th prex. T. The tugs G. Gauthier, P. Gauthier and 1i alter Scott, arrived in port from the ducks, ouSunday—The he achoauer Koifa e ran into this port last week to deliver a tew shin lea. but was not able to leave for Amherstburg, for which place she bad a. cargo of lumber. till Sunday night.—Mr T. Ball, formerly of this town, who bas a number of relatives in Hensall aud Coder - lob died last week in Dakota, from inila,,.- metion of the Wogs The gentleman left a widow and two young children,--.Oue life boat crow had rather R rough time the past week. -••Fishing is now generally suspended. The season on the whole has been a favor- able one, Qxadzton Acvinisx'. --What might have proved a fatal accident occurred last Monday evening one anile aoutle of Crediton, it appears Mr. R. Hudgins delivered sumo Iambs at Centralia, and the night being very dark whenhe was returning home, the hurses i r wine way got off the road and upset the wagon, throwing Mr. IL under the box. From about zi p. m. to 7 a. m., in about 18 inches of water, he made desperate attempts to get out, but it appears he had on a double box, and he vas in a stooped positron all night. Tho horses lay on their aides and were unable to get up, One of them nearly ' telt water it was es of the blind leading making; in feat everything about the: Thursday evening of last week, it being the I ate the a itself, ke in two, endeavoring to the blind, and to walk off the sidewalk and school wee moat satisfactory.—Mr. Janice' anniversary of ' ii*i wnrsleke'e hirthas extricate itself. l hen IIIc. Hudgins was oilcan d go down a few feet was considered frivol- Dalrymple who liar leen visiting friends 1 Aboat forty gaests were present and several was released he ous. Our Principal while groping his way home, and just as he was laughing at an unfortunate across the street who had just lost his hat in the lake of water, went over the edge of an elevated walk and for aama mahuents the last heard was a great hig Oh: finally he swam out. At the same tune at another part of the village a second (gret to learn of his sudden death At St accident took place That well-knoevn Thomas, N. D., of infiatnmetion (Atha and genial traveller, Mr. McKechnie, of . lungs, on Saturday Inst. Ire leaves awife Hamilton, was coming from the station, ' and two small children to mourn their loss. when lie stepped off the walk and went Mr. Ball was a prosperous merehaut and down into four feet of water on his side. • before his going to Dakota someyoare ago, As there were people passing at the time lived in Goderielh, He spent several weeks he was soon fished out, and proeur.ine the of the past ammo visiting friends iu the largest suit of clothes in town hung his own at the kitchen stove to dry. ao loft town next morning attired in high-water pants, totadiy disgusted. The atorm was the woret ever experienced in this section. Bsxers.--A number of young goutlemen of this villas o will:attend the bachelors' ball et Seafortlh on Friday next. The the auspices of tile Royal Ternplars of sports turned out ou Tuesday for a rabbit Temperance. The Rev. gentlemanis a huut. There were quite a few rabbits.and powerful speaker, and his discourses and. addresses are eloquent and logical, and tell' every time,—Ralph Hodgins, of London, spent a part of last week the guest of his mous au a - at Sparta for some time, returned to town valuable donations were presented to Sirs. most dead• It is }loped he .may recover this week. We Are sorry to announce that Kerslake. Ali report having had a good alright, but chances aro egarnsthim. he met with an accident by falling while time, and leaving w'th their best wishes ex- Roses. --The hunters have returned shooting sparrows, that will incapacitate tended to Mr, and Mrs. Kerelake, hoping frorn Parry Sound District, and report hill for aam0 time.—The many friends of they_may enjoy many moreyears of health having had hard luck. They report that Mr. Thos. hall, brother of W. Ball and i and happincas. So mote it be,—We under- the weather was very unfavorable, and Mrs. John McArthur, of Hensall, will re- stand aides have beep chosen for a sparrow having gone on new hunting grounds, Owning match to take place at Blainville, were only suecessfitl in getting lots of shortly, the winning side to be treated to rabbits and partridges. It appears they an oyster supper. This is a good way to have any amount of ambition left and aro bound to have satisfaction nocty ear. ---Mr. Waiter Clark is having a shooting match on December 1st next, when, no doubt, there will bo a good time. Walter is bound to give the boys sport, and we are sure those who attend will have an enjoyable tihno.--One of the meet severe rain storms that has ever been known in this section was that of this week. Tho roads are in a dangerous state, a large number of culverts and bridges having been swept away ; and it is reported that the bridge known as Esscry's bridge across the'Sauble river is ,gone. The river has not been known to be as high for years. The cellars in the village were mostly all filled with water, And some familieshad an amusing experience in getting their eatables out. In fact one young man attempted to make the journey in a tub, but unfortunately not being provided for with oars, the tub upset and nothing was left for him to do but to swim out.—We understand that the Council is goi.lg to pay off the rail- road debt of $17,500 next Tuesday. This will be . r :et relief to the rate - county, and little would Puy of us have thought that so robust a person would to- day be a corpse. His family and Mende have the sympathy of this community. -- Bev. 1MeDonagh, of Exeter, delivered a powerful temperance lecture in the a1eth- odist church on Friday ovg. last, under the labors.of the men with guns were well rewarded. Bunny was unable to escape well on account of the water in the fielda. --Quite a number speak of "taking in"the btothor, W. 11.; and on Saturday W R. ooneert at Exeternext month,—McEwau's Hodgius spent Sunday in London, visiting new block is now being finished inside, and hie daughter, Bert, who is attending the painted by Steady Bros; it will be ready Business College. --A. King, who has been for occupancy by 1st of January. It is a indisposed for some time is convalescent, nice building, conveniently laid out, and and at work.—Mr. Colin Smith received a will suit Mr. King's business admirably.— telegram ou 'rues:lay to the effect that his Mr. \Veseloh reports his clearing sale as brother iu Bowmanvillo had died on Tues already proving a success. He has great day. Mr. Smith left to attend the funeral faith in printer's ink.—Mr. T. Berry be- whish takes place to -day (Thursday.)—Mr sides purchasing several other horses at James Gilchrist; left on Saturday for Mr. 13aw,len's sale in Exeter last week, Camerare, Mo., where he will remain for purchased the celebrated trotting horse the winter.—Mr. Gco.Kiddreturned home "Sleepy Joe." Reis a goodhorse and a son Monday form Heleua, Mon., where hehad of the late"Joe Gale" and in Mr. B.'s hands spent the summer at his trade briek laying. will make a low mark for himself.—The He will go there again in the spring as usual large shipments of grain,flour, apples, building promises to be brisk there next etc , have taken place during the week.— summer.—Mr, Chas. Cook, son of Mr. H. There is more freight comes to the Hensall Cook, returned home last week from Ham - station than any other station along the ilton. He has taken a thorough business line.—Since the great amalgation of the course in the college artdhas a diploma for got rid of the poste. -Mr. N. J. McKay lute been engaged to teach in sohoal No. 1 dui ing the onauing tenu, making hie abate year in thio section. Hr. McKay has given sat. ideation and the trusteea Imo increased his salary to $500, -The same' house is being repaired and made more comfortable for the boholers• Tho coiling is being raised from 11 to 10 feet and soiled aud sided with Norway pine, and oiled, The improvement Will coat about 4200, bat the work is badly needed, and the trusteea should reoeive the commendation of whole motion for their thoughtfulness on behalf of the children.. Cduderich. Biters.—Mr, and Mrs. Jno. A1aoarthur, of Rosati, were in town this week visiting Mrs. Maoarthar's parents. --Thi past week was a stormy one, several vessels being driven tswards the shore near Goderich and Port Albert. .Each day crowds of people were at the harbor watching the vessels, and the jpreparations being made to try and roach them. The life boat made one attempt, but after a hard pull of about two miles the crow were forced to turn shorewards. The next day a tug took out the boat and the schooner Belly was spok- payers of the townshipof Stephen, and Goderi men were placed on board, and t en with. .Afterwards provisions and three lr hcouncilmen who have been interest- ed in this natter deserve the thanks of on Friday a tug from Sarnia took her in t the ratepayers for their ever in this tow, and put her safely in the river, The ( y o9 schooner that was in trouble near Port affair. We understand that m about b Albert was also safely taken to the river years the township will be free of all by a tug.—There are now ten steam vessels debt, when one-half of the present tp. wintering in the harbor. They are engag- rate should bo enough to keep mat- ed in the fishing business.—The High ters floating nicely. fit• 1 0 0 0 ICSF fen col o� LI pi0 og H 1115‘ U V H �<0 O0 1-4 Ur `n AIS -IFT-11c41 144c4 H��� Www wp4 O U.2q 0 A4APQ 0 El p4 OZO t -t -i WE MEAN BUSINESS, AND THE GOODS MUST BE SOLD, t` C10015) i H ' ochry E�0 t . o ' xi 43 m to cd4.m rn o CD ) D ' 5)) m rideo Everybody knows why so much trade is done at the Bargain Depot in Dress Goods, Mantle Cloths, Cloaking, Linder Cloth ing, Fla nnels , Cotton ades, Hats eG Caps, Moves of a11 kinds, Tweed Suit , inb,, Ready-made Suits, and Lovely Overcoats. The secret is : Do win We Weza the J..�,..1.. is 14W((/ Goes the Goods. And yet we have lots of tlhein, Just 5:211 ani see. our large assortment of all kinds 4,2 Boots and She, e s, suitable for any kind of weather, Felts a .specialty.. Rubber gods here At the lowest possi- ble prices. Our Groceries are fresh and nice— coming in fresh every week. Try them. J. P. ROSS. a1 woe d. OairrAn .- .lt is our sad duty this *eek to chronicle the death of 'lira. J. Willett, an old and respected resident of Hay, who died on Thursday last at the age of is years. The funeral services took on Sunday, when her remains were aketz to the Lutheran cemetery on the Bronson Line. The funeral was well attended, by relatives and friends which showed the respect and esteem in which the deceased was held by all who knew her. She leaves a largo number of friends to mourn their loss. Blanes --.Mr. R. Cook has returned from Parry Sound, ---Mr. J. Voelker re- turned from his visit to Michigan on Thursday evg. last. --Dir, H. WVillert shipped a carload of lambs to Buffalo last week. Tho lambs aro not selling quite so well as was expeeted.--bar. M. Fenn, our enterprising saddler, has en- gaged the services of Mr. D. Jacobi. -- There was a large raffle at the residence of Mr. P. Beaver on Friday evg. last.— Mr. Adam. Sacks, of Seattle, Washing- ton, is paying his old home a visit. His many friends will be glad. to see him,— Mr. A. Schroeder has sold fifty acres of his land to Mr. F. Schroeder for $•4300. —On Tuesday last the household furni- ture and lots of the late Mrs. Ruby, were sold by public auction. Mr. H. Pfeil bought the house and two lots; some of the single men invested in the furniture. Look out for squalls this winter.—Our photographers intend to erect a toboggan slide in our village for the winter.—There is sortie talk of pur- chasing au organ for the Evangelical church here. We hope the promoters will suceeed.--Mr. A. Thon sold the east part of his house to Mr. G. Keller- man, who has removed it and attached it to his new building to serve as a kitchen.—Some of the boys are quite likely to get put through pretty strong for insulting a lady one Sunday evenin g not long ago, It is about time some- thing were done, as it is a shame and disgrace the way some of the young gentlemen(?) carry on during Sunday evenings. 0 0 C 1.0 r --i • ft.,• • tt'• 00 -acv •+la, L`- 0 r4 0 CO m • 00 0 U $ 1 1 m c) 1.,112(2^ r -H m,r P H a) td 0 0 • 5) Pm' W 6666 CSD CA CrJ C- 50 5- r•a 50 0 erg's. • .. 0 m 0 e m A rd• El IR 0 C ca m ee o 67 m as 00x000200 iC�icJtom-OOt-1.0 ii5- Cf; t--i5•650cD Oa M • 2.L`OSuJcl m • r co- 07' aH >7 0 cd 0) a� ") 0 0 u; 50 01 a.4 ;14 ty 0 1 0 b▪ 0 44 0 C2 0 0 2.0 C) 0 1>a Ce 00 C3 5) 05 v 5) vv 0 VI0 mce• gl'e mJ ee ern rd • e 0 MSW m1d1'�'i U Ca 5) r) t- CD oC\I RI gel 0Q 04 5 t0 4,j 05 0)gI oa Pi . C" m H ' 4 •W o 5r°05)• 0&w Ce 6 ct m o . r1 is, 2 Cb tv El41 tr0 0 m U FCS 5 w N r0 -. 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