HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-04-02, Page 8Hoppy's) . trophies. (Continued from 'page 1) snowst . �a't the time. :hen, apt 8.,1 p.m. the voice of Hopkinson 'failed to come .s z .rough. Suspecting trouble, )„on Fisher was despatched to .y out and .1od'k over the ter- ain.- ' One -'and a half hours iter ihOdetected the wrecked lane.' It had crashed •on .amb'S. farm in Colborne Town- -hip about 21, miles south-east ,f Sky Harllor Airpport. In the v all the plane had burst into -lames with. resultant „lamage. I ifr. Fisher said the air was very urfiulent•" that night, more so han he had ever experienced n his flying career: Autopsy ..Held • An.autopsy was conducted to • letermin•e - the official cause of leath,• believed ;due to a broken reek. While no 'official state - neat has ..peen made as to the sm. rause .of the crash, • the,turbul- :n•t ail; conditions and the seep- tge•-of-, carbon=monroxide into. the Mer cabin are two reasons • Born at Pembroke, Mr. Hop- cinson was a son of K. Clark -.Iopkinson and .the late Mrs. 'iopkinsou•, the former Adelaide •':arr:. 'His first wife, the 'ormer Ethe1 • Margaret Bet- , - ger died—me.,,,•1;5 dears ago. former Isabel J. 1GIarshalI -"of Durham; one son, John, as- sociated with his father in busi- ness at Sky Harbour; two daugh- ters; Anne and Jane, .at home; k.` two sisters Mrs. William (Aud- rey) Muchap of London and Mrs. Van. (Patricia) Taylor of Ger- many; a brother, Dr. M, A, Hop-, kinson of Lions Heaci and Eris father, K. Clark Hopkinson of Lions -e�d•-• 'y ,,•ac brolthei'�--C-a-latr- • e.fg Ilopkinson. x - °.„'? The Owners and Pilots As.-oci ation 'has established a Keith .lopktuSOn Mern.or x.1..1' -^- further flying trairfing in Canaela in honor of Mr. Ilopk.inson's contribution to ,private flying. • Buys Airport Floppy Hopkinson came `to Goderieh. during World War II as- a flying training instructor at Sky Harbour.. • After the •war he leased the airport and organ- ized a flying school and pas-' sehger charter service. Ile pus= taus•.or�y•;�d,,thmap.yix.po,;yr,.ti(u b1n: fifr since built up a thriving enter- prie there. The airport has a widespread distinction for its pleasant surroundings'and warm hospitality. He never missed a chance to •promote Goderich as an Indus- trial and tourist .centre and was regarded as' an ambassador of ;good will fctr the -town. , During. his ,flying-'bareer .he. won many honor awards In Here -is seen the wreckag--"of the plane in which Keith Hopkin- son was fatally injured. The wreckage was strewn over a 100 - yard radius. Both'motors'had been sheared off, the wings and tail ringed from the front past of 'the, fuselage. One rudder was caught ino-t'lie branches of a tree and remained nearly x'40 feet in the air. ' Oh-th6spet hivestigators were hampered by a constant trickle, of curiott's, spectators who trampled a path through the bush acid •'left their cars clogging the pathway” from •the edge ,Of the.'bush lot. LL]�-Y.tet!tF....•Y Y.'�T' "' w v. - ]t ..�Ati •yG• • a ., 'Yf},.•..-�{K_.: .n �- "z'•^� ..°..ww '¢ ""'iR{�'�Wf.,; rar-mers Curling • e -: League Organized ,for the first time Foster of Port Albert skipping in• the 'G"oderich area thi past the winning rink, to win • the winter, The Farmers:---,Chrling C.O.F. Trophy, e'mblem'atic of League 'wou'nd,. up a • most t f -z = tamp�ionchip... The cessful season at .the Maitland:presentation :of, the trophy will Country- Club on 'Saturday. be made at the -Country Club The final matches saw Ralph i at a .later date in April when - SOMETHING NEW. BU -ITER CREAM. ROLLS CHOCOLATE and LIGHT LEMON, CHERRY; APPLE FILLED DONUTS ,49 West Street — Goderich — JA 4.7941. Moo., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sat, 8:30 'til 6:30 Fri., `til 9 p.m. -other trophies will be presented ',o other .winning' rinks. IJY, italph Fosteir's rink Were: Elwin Adk.n, .izao;-4aefc Graham; sec and; Jim Hawk.ns, vice .kip. In the- finals, the Foster rink defea,ed 'a' rink . composed of ,iant F.:shcr, ..conn Hazli,t, TLC,' .towe and Frank ,.,vas done by defeating them` in ..Wo rya 111 ('.. \, ��,� �l...a wi .1�. 1.l. LAG, .horning and ,the other in the iternoon.. 1 he Farm -1-s' Curling League ,went oti`e•t' the lop with a real and,,created,a .urprisingi9 karge amount 'of interest anon,. .lis'trict farmers. A total of six tearns played during wit: a'..a:.o- ut there were extra ` players and the, total number ran to more than 50 curlers. Pre•s'iden )f- the League is Eric Mote o - 3enmille.r . Two draws were played dui;-^ .ng the season to determine the. finalists. Next season, it is ex- pected that the Farmers' Curl - ng League will be in operation bigger and better than ever. The fastest "71/2" on the water (rated in independent , {. tests) ... that's the ,West Bend • �•• Shark! It takes fishermen out ;l x' �r• �, ►��, ' •�� to the big ones at 22 mph then tette them troll nt less thaw 1 naph. The Shark "71/2" handles clasier too -- full S6t) pivot 0rt"ng With forwti c1-neutM gearshift.' TMs 47. llrw lig t i h -f ig into a corner of the car trunk. Sleek, modern design with Pearl White and Storm Grey calor styling. i+• , HAVE YOUR ° ALIGNMENT and STEERING SAFETY CHECKED • AUTO BODY and Radiator Repairs Douglas Edward Calhoun, 51, of. R.R. 1, Port Albert, was kill- ed Saturday night When his car went out of control and into thi.' ditch 'on Highway 26,. 10 miles .east of Owen Sound. • Donald McGuire, 40, of RR, 3, Goderich, a passenger, re- 2eived minor injair,and war treated at Owen Sond General and Marine Hospital. -`1Provin.cial police from Owen. Sound investigated. They said bar. Calhoun .and Mr. McGuire, ')oth' civilian employees at ',CAF -Station Clinton, were on hair way to Orillia to visit Mr, Thlhoun's sister. 1956 he received' the •Experi= 'mental • Aircraft • Association Award and ^ also • the AOPA A- ward (For a person cont•ri.buting 'most to the development of pri'- vale-2viation . in. Canada), In 1960 ,he ,received' the Trans- :anada Airlines Award for the aromoti,on of „Sports flying and amateur building. In 1957 the was honored for 'his service to private flying with an award •"rom tile' American Owners and Pilots Association. One of the n'irne organizers of this associ- o'tion;'he helped formulate legis- Irationgoverning private air- craft in Canada.. He built 'the first home-made -airplane 'in anada which -was 'exhibited" at the Western Fair, London, ,.in 1956. • Civic minded, he• took an ac - 'We interest in all 'town affairs. When the Memorial Arena was built . he did considerable sur- veying in regard to the most suitable artificial ice plant. As a member of Alexandra Marine and General Hospital Board, he gave valuable ,help in different ways. He also served as a -member of the Goderich P.U,C. and that hoard attended the funeral in a body in respect for his past services. As a •founder of Huron Engineering Company 'NERCO) he invented a self - stoking furnace which was e- garded by qualified engineers as an outstanding invention. Surviving, Mr. Calhoun . are wo sons, Kenneth, Kingston; :award,' Sudbury; a daughter, 'in. Jahn (Barbara) • McGee, - Dungannon, four sisters, Mrs. Edward .(Betty) LaCroix, Orillia; Mrs. Da'id (Beatrice) Pitkeath- ly, Midgland; Mrs. Douglas (Ver- na) Garrett, Sarnia; Mrs. Walter (Eva) Rally, Hamilton; and a brother, Jack, Midland.• The funeral "service was !held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at .the Lodge funeral home. Burial was' in the Dungannon cemetery. People WO know Mrs. Harry McKie, Toronto, has been visiting ' Mrs. Howard Sturdy, aild ether relatives. Mr. and 1VIrs. William McGuire spent the Easter holiday with relatives in Detroit, Michigan, and Riverside, Ontario. :.:^,::?';r f,.+;Y;.';.^,:S'Cs fG•'.•;Nyfi!•r;:::'-'rfi:,+.;y::;;n ^':Y^'k2F:':f"'>.r ;::y Js Nl y vYY Y�°k ,c<k1 ,vi �.; ,...y;. •: r., is i { 2.._ .e:. i.i {:.t ^i••i•:f:y,:.v.:...:. 1. .. .......f. •, y:.• !, rfx sir„ :i}.v...�sxs.:x._ ail,�yz�•i>�• a� EASY TERMS �G'.Q'h,•:Aac..u:wtr.Sa�,v�Gas: �dr.��;m4ryPJs`+cb' 4 • b.»r BIKE INNER TUBE Standard Service — 28"x7/2" HEAVY DUTY — 26" or 23"' x11/2" 1.25 - JUNIOR SIZES -- BOYS' & GIRLS'-- AGES 5to8 Tops in beauty, tops in popularity -- Super - Cy,cle .. . Ws sleek, it's swift, ies rugged,. yet lightweight. Seam- , loss tubular steel frame, barked -on enamel finish keeps it hanescrne far yccss of use. KICK.. STAND- "Two-Log" TAND- "Two-Log" stand sup- 4ports bike firmly " up- right. Fits b e h in d front sprocket, For 20". or 22" frame BIKE CARRIER Electrically welded construction with bright ,finish.' Clamps and wire braces. :fie.•-_ .,. 15"x9" I 1 x 71/2" Check all these 'fun - packed features — 0 Non -rattle, 'gleaming white enamel mudguards • Rear ref lectot for extra safety • Double rubber block pedals a Heavy duty easy -rolling tires • Deluxe coil - spring -2-tone saddle • British -built safety -coaster brake assures quicker,. more dependable stops © Sparkling chrome - plated handlebars, sprocket, cranks, fork crown and rims • Boys' models are red; girls' models,bright blue. , Boys' and Gists', Aaes 8 to 123 Bovs' Men's and Youths' 20-18", Girls' 18" 20-22" Ladles' 20" • frame,' -' frame 39.95 . 39.95 . 39.95 See our 3 -Speed• Roadster and Racer at low„, low prices. ages 6 to 10 + WEDDING + CUMMINGS — BRERETON: The marriage of Mabel Ade- line Brereton, Goderich, and Garnet Ross Cummings, Gode- rich, was solemnized in, Knox Presbyterian Chapel, Thursday, March 26th, with Rev. G. L. Royal officiating. The bride is the daughter of the late Mr• and Mrs. Robert I. Doak, and the groom is 'the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. L. Cummings, Clinton. After a wedding trip to Corm wail, Ontarie, Mr. and Mrs.' .Cummings will reside in Gode- rich. n i r , � +r t nj t y+`�'F ��. "f/f " •2 rqe > •�, {e,�• K' 3 BIKE ,GENERATOR SET Smart torpedo head- light ip sparkling chrome. 6 -volt gener- ator, tail light, wire • and- fittings3 included. • 1 9 Super -Cycle SPEEDOMETER Indicates speeds up - to 40 M.p.h. Also registers mileage. Fits 20” Or 22" frarries .. 4.39 Rear View MIRROR Rectangular, 31/4 . x 21/2". R e d reflector on reverse; 81/2" ann. With bracket Chromed µr42 Steel Case BIKE LOCK Brass plated; 5" shackle, With 2 keys. .29 Chain Lock — Chromed. Plastic sleeve: 19" .r...79 Deluxe Mattress SADDLE Coil - springs assure comfort. 2 -tone leather- ette. rn ... 2.29 -Two-Tarte Bicycle HORN Streamlined,; • pleas ant dual -tone warn ing. Highly -polished, 10" long. , * CALL US FOR AUTO. TOWING 'SERVICE Interior and Exte ifif Paiinting and Paperh'anging. ' (GODERICH)'LIMITED 30 VICTORIA ST. N. • 524.8581 Auto Body and Alignment Huron Road -- 524-7231 DOUG -DALTON Phone --- Seaforth 218 "NIP" WHETSTONE 36 NORTH STREET GODERICH DIAL 524-7394 - s.:,,: o.Y'tyx'r.n.rt.m.rit�_ uicr 8•SLt�ilnArl:?kity