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The Exeter Times, 1891-11-19, Page 7
• A Fact A1ORTH knowing is that blood disc V Y eases which all other remedies fail to Imre, yield to Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Fr esh confirma- tion of this state- ment comes to hand daily. Even such deep-seated and stubborn coin- plaints as Rheu- matism, Rheuma- tic Gout, and the like, are thorough- ly eradicated by the use of this won- derful alterative. Mrs, R. Irving Dodge, 110 West 'tee ._ N 125th street, New York, certifies About two years ago, after suiierieg for nearly two years from rheumatic gout, being able to walk only with great discomfort, and having tried various remedies, including mineral waters, without relief, I saw by�an advertise, anent in a Chicago paper that a man had been relieved of this distressing emu - plaint, after longsutferi.ig, by taking Ayer's Sarsaparila. I then decided to make a trial of this medicine, and tools it regularly for eight months. I ens c pleased to sa • that it effected aom- lete cure, and that I have since had no return of the disease." Mrs. 31.. A. Stark, Nashua, N. H, writes; "One ear ago Iwastaken. l� with rheuratin, being confined to my leo►Ise six; raonths. I eatno 0118 of the eiekness verymuch debilitated, with no appetite, anmuch nay system disordered in every way. I commenced to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla anti began to improve at euro, gatuing in strength and soon re- covering ray usual health. I cannot say too meet), in praise of this walleknown medsciuo " A FALSF. FHIF. A STORY OF MODERN BABYLON. CHAPTER N. "It is known then, that Fauna had an Holmes started to go to Cadogan Place to ppointment not far from the scene of the settle that important point referred to at tate murder, at half past nine that night. Ths At Solreritio It end of the last chapter. He had, forgotten would account for his leavinghere so early.eTook and .average of 4,200 the business upon which he had sent Mr. I am almost certain I know the man he had Mullets to hill ,each Man. Vizard until that gentleman met him at the the appointment ,,with, and that it related to ' No doubt many newspaper readers have prisoner and his solieitor toprove an alibi (if they could) between the hours of nine and ten at night on the 9th and 10th of June. Surely this was an obvious defence, and its • absence would be a terrible admission of weakness, (To nu CONTIwraD.) ORANGES OF DEATH IN WAR. door. Deliberating a moment as to whether a money matter. he would not let Vizard's reportstand over That she heard this statement with keen " till next day, being at present of but second- interest need hardly be said ; but as he spoke, ary interest, he carelessly asked. the agent there came at the same time a curious *fence- '. if he had obtained any information, five look into her eyes which was very sin- ; "I have obtained allyou want, MrHolmes. litlmr• I There was no difficult atall about it." play I ask, Marys„ Holmes said, as .he I "'I am just going out,” Bald Holmes uncle- eontinued silent, "if he made any reference eidedly; "perhaps you had better call in the to an appointment or engagement when , morning -or I will spare your time by coin- going from here that night: , Ing to your office." - ''Nu," she answered; "he suddenly said he 1 "As you please, Mr. Holmes; a very few must go -that was all, ,,, "You have thought it odd . minutes will suffice." "Is that so? --Come up to my room, then, She did not answer. The same reflective and tell nle,r, look was still in her eyes. "Are you quite Without removing his hat or gloves, sure," she asked, to his surprise, "that Mr.l Frank Holmes pointed to a chair for Mr. ramie hail the appointment you refer tor Vizard, and threw his over the back of Quitesraee;thcaingulartltingisthatltedid another, leg notineution it, as anexplaatationof his caving "This cheque," said the agent, proeeeed- ou se early." as - ( He did not mention it, she merely ink in a cavy methodical way, and rcekouanb oft the points of his report on his fingers, said. "was paid in to the Anglo -Canadian bank It struck Frank Ramo thet isS Cla}ton. on _lioinflay, June 12th, by a • entleman knew something that she was holding kuek. flamed John Henry Musgrave, and credited As she kept silence about it, he could not a " s'o e. cue in11r • 1 v•� ca i t F.R. <l II9 1 t, a account." o the a . l a t "Musgrave!' exclaimed: Holmes in amaze- After a Palm, he made the inquiry which neem -"John Henry Musgrave!" Was the chief purpose of his call, and made used wan thirty :rains, therefore it must "The same," acid ' izard,g lancing ewe it so casually that bliss Clayton +lits :lot , Iuive taken at least 1',ib kilograms or eoe seen the statement that it takes a man's weight of lead to killhiln in battle, and they may have considered it to be merelya rhe- torical hyperbole, suggested by the act that comparatively few out of the whole number of shots .fired in heat of battle take effect. Marshal Saxe, says an exchange, first made the assertion which forms the base of the above, when he said it would take 125 pounds of lead and thirty-three pounds'of powder to put each of the enemy in the Long trench. Wild and visionary as this . may seem, it appears that there wan more truth that poetry in the remark. With all the improvements which have been made in the art of war since the days of Saxe, Cassendi, the French savant, proves that the great marshal's philosophieal remark still holds ,good. At the battle of Solfelino, according to Cassendi's carefully deduced calculations, a comparison of the number of shote fired on ; 'a ' i 1 1 f et the Austrian n setae with, the it1 m rero lath Z owl wounded on the part of the enemy, shows that 7100 bullets were expended for each man wounded, and 4,2'00 for each Iran killed. The average weight at the ball iously in his taco. "The money was drawn suspect its imports "At what hour was pounds of leas for each Irian killed. F• the habit of leaving. y' 1 Yet SoI(erilla etas a most flu i't out this morning by the Wald John Henry Vanua ue i11 a ng,po ant and Musgralve in a draft on Montreal. I went no As well as I recollect, about .half -past bloody battle. the Franeo-Prllss an further than this point.Have you an • ad ten, when he dined with us," war tateshlughter sauteed by the needle gun Saturday evened"• he went awn so earl Do • superior that gull is to the Atletriancarbine; "' \rot 111,8 :tear-•�xt wan talo name that 3' oy . 1" ditional sntrut:tioa 4'" , 3 a " Hon odd that it should be thatparticuler 'among the 1+Tenth soldiera Awe how m telt ""I have taken a great deal of mesh-struck'l . 1 11 s 11 look t you recollect whether he dined with you, the yet with that deadly weapon 1,30e shots for infants alnd. Children. t ""Castoriaissowelladaptt dtachildrenthat Oastpr1 eurea gat. Canstipatioa. Irecommend:itegsuperi,6rtoany'presetipueri Sou? Stomach, lkanh(aa. 14•u,;tation, known to me„'" ea t1, Atlaxca, II. D., $:113 Wq ,gives sleep. and pro,ntrteit dt.. 13180.04014 St, 8.-oolr_lyn. N,T. Wit= injurious Iaedicattea• Tito CssTwtn Coitraatr, 77 merrier Street, N. B. GOING TO CALIFORNIA. VL4I. THE: Santa fe Bee ate. I,v Catgrgo c 5 i1 In. e As- Ift;aeas Cit« E.?r5 p III. Ar ?tatelliluriaa-„ .....: 7:80 p.ln, „4,r.Trtnads:l ti.IlS a• t4. : ry Pr alt, Ar. Las Vettat.....,. Sun Mon .Wed Liii Sion ToesThur Ftt Ian 6Soa TIIes Ilur F 6aag T W E ,a Fees ed ri R Rea puea Wed Thq Fri fiat rim. ars Albstuer'us..... .-.,.1;'iltl.m. S%e1 ,Thar 'Fri ISat Sue Tutor At Berahow... 1(.:d5 a. In. Thur ,'Fri Sat 1Sun Ilen Wed r, daw : h •5t . r ur am Sat Sun'Alhed A Lor *solo: in. a4 R p i i . ! Sur ii tete. •'� DNA p. to Tur 1• rt 1;118 Su Sion I Wim_,__ You get the only line of Or lush cars without change Chicago to Iaaa Anggeles, and you :are i7 lours time. OFFICE -74 GRISWOLL1-ST., DETROIT, MIMI, GEO, E. GILMAN, Passenger Agouti cine. but nothing has donee Trp so we. shall pre al t y ao you tap o• y.. xuncb good ars Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I morrow, hf r. fiz:t �c1.- Till thee, good•by ea pro I recollect evening. Friday ry well.Mr Faune was not en. euty a fired l for a everyVerilyih1ir there ro ` in good felt its beneficial effects before I bad and man)" thanks l 1 here r Friday very , l►.. did not even ca , g He remembered now, as he went out into v ll foundation for Bogert's ungrammatical re - Quite finished one bottle, and I can in the afternoon. He dined hero ou the Wed- , merle : ""Waris awful, but the mite is AW. freely testify that It le the best blood. the Strand, that he awed the Musgrar es a medicine I know of," -la W. Ward, Sr., call, and indeed had promised Mrs.Musgrave t nesday, and then papa asked hila to come; fuller." _..... _ _ i Woodland, Texas. } 1 would 11 lea f bo t on enturday--you know why," she added, I that he wont es a s orgntten a u " i P it lentil Z•izard recalled them by that curious 1 colouring. and pwzling rc+�lnct couaeruing rho cheque This statement three rho shadaw F Ayer's Sarsaparilla Ae. y i QA Turta%ug IIBw ItljaVel. Tarnina, Hera leatve is not always. attend. It 1 t 11 1 1 th I of fell suspicion back on aura pn CREAM ttxexassn sg have been the mast Holmes dined with ih.. (lefll'ess►nl, ; he needed the stimulant pof the sign rug ! po .st I y uwe ieeli Some o er V I 4. Juba Henry Mnsgrave ;.• It could hardly I again. The effect u n Holmes was ed with the happy results we So often read r ef. Tato boy wlha was faking aro und after Dr. J. 0. Ayer 44 Co., Lowell, Masse evening'before. III decided to call and take . of strong facts to keep hitt to his task. lie hickory nuts, unmindfula 1'rteefl"l; *ixtottta,$5. Werth fs5abolde. an opportunity of asking about it. He had had bunt a good deal on tato Hope that ° l it l f 'til l 'f the Faune hall been at chid rat Place that int- I•RST PAIN e R .. , �n'R tI;REAT HOUSEHOLD REMEDY. Iinneflton. Ont. Year Sir -11 have ascii your ruin IFxtrrtatuuter in my f:,tnily fop everything that a faintly is 5C ilirtedwlih, surbits4ouRlis•reltfs 'itheumatismn, ::prams and linens, Toothnehe, and 'wherever there is train. 1 would not be without it itt rmY house. I can recommend it to the world to bo a ftrat.e':has arttele.both internal nud externni Yours, etc., JAS. RREIM/MAN, Pres. Prohibition Society. ,Wa'efi!tiV P ;tet »;.::, S.a Sold by till druggists. F. GALLEY & CO., Proprietors, Hamilton. FOR Sore Eyes Ca arrb La eness Female Complaints Sunburn Soreness Iso cYi1 {;; opintetn 0 Musgrave ; 4111(. x 10 o , latter were really the recipient of theehequo l, Portant Friday evening, and now it was . bcSVaFe Of The bus it was doubtless an illeldent of a gam• ( clear he had not hewn There. Holmes felt no g • . Ming tralunu'tion. But what, in this easel contidruee prompting himwould have b een a to pursue the in- " lain© man ta•cla • was the meaning ttf taking plat the money 7 query further ants ascertain where the man g e, with ious to turn that morning lit the form of a draft on had been that evening. over newhiekew�leuve rain turned leen ate1 after leaf, of tin - amount Tl►cr0 is aperplexing e '► el ( s wife were \ t f . In Musgrave and i►i Montreal? I it '( treasure the he each revealing a asst tat 111c11 1.. I t going to :ulat al. ► leu Was very .; � way. .. gotexcited anti let hie thoughts wander. He sudden. didn't hums for mately (la,•ri what lasted I '1140 entice interest of Hulnn'i however, itt ,li*5t comes to this, Mary : if F luno will not p regard to that money was Inc the resent ihclp himself in throwing light upon the idle over in the middle of the referahla to the possibilit • of Mtib ravo pouats that are obscure, no ,one else etas do alljt* l ng l. rIlliwbi. o His s riends sknow it man s being the man who received It from Iaune. I march for him. 1 ani very anxious, Inc your l'or til: i lt(1114 so, itt „me mule the adeee- . sake, to help him ; but if he persists In traveling rata far country tetreivedt nRmpr tisement itt'M' intrilleible as (leen ht, and , keeping silent I mast ab:uiilnn the task."ant letter from home. He read .pages •t •lexplanationof V.1uiie s lt(•bavi. " ""•'Are you gain% to sue him : she asked, a and chi klc d with une'Introllablc the runehr, furtui h/ 1, a 'ul A , t little atau'iled, the happiest man on earth. Iu a father, a our t elle utli b i the 1 su c f Jour that ttI suppose pose I must. I wonid rather not, proud, it,tpsy father. Iloor..h 1"he shouted might be worth his life to him, I l i before he could go on. But his chin' sank As Thames went into the f.p•ctrtfl /Loft/ he � of course. I will see his solicitor first ; and , ' felt that accidents were beginning to tell in , if I then find it necessary, I will go on and Aleanlintf i4 dds ncee lwiten he turned over a ' . , or ire left to that he spent the evening of Feeley the :lth his chances, .lies.. at present are not Ila o L oft 14 t l • that evening g, l' 1 I derisioncertainty commute; cru l }, lOtlh of June leo said 811 •L find It fi the prisoner's favour, If it could be proved •see ham, Ifo must speak of J the at Cadogan Place, and. that he kept manY-" this appointment with Musgrave the nest He wau stu'prised to see signs of agitation evening at half -past nine o'clock, two in the girl at this point. to had spoken powerful points in the defence were secure. strongly, but not more so than the ease de - Greatly I t f t nand..e AVOID ALL It11TA• t+real y to his surprise and t iscom I ure, TIONS. THEY MAY he was informed at the hotel office that the OE DANGEROUS. Mitigate -vs lead left. They went away before luncheon, in a railway omnibus, to Huston Station. So, then, they were gone to Canada. It must be admitted that Frank llolniea felt a little mortified and indignant at the needless deception they If' evening --needless, because he had not the .-X�TE ,r' JIiM4' had troth practised towards him t le previous FAC.SIMILE of BOTTLE WITH DUFF WRAPPER. slightest interest in their movements. But small impulses sometimes send great rocks rolling ; and Hollies took n. cab down the street to Wizard's office, and asked that gentle- man to discover, if he could, the steamer by which they had taken passage. He meant that a letter from himself, couched in no complimentary terms, should overtake Mr, Musgrave either at Queenstown or Moville. Mary Clayton was lying on a couch, look- ing ill and anxious, when Holmes rang at the door. She sat up, seeming to recognise who it was, and that unbidden colour came to her face for an instant when often inspires new hope in a despairing lover. Of course in her case it was assignable to another cause ; but her eyes were not so brave and steady when he met them now as when lie away after nine o'clock." saw her last . • "That was very curious," the young man "Von are ill, Mary," he said at once, draw- ing a chair near to her and looking m her altered face with deep concern. "`You ought to leave London and stay a while in some quiet seaside place or in the country. You would kno'av all that was taking place as well as if you remained here." "I will go away, Frank, as soon as I am sure," she answered gently. " I cannot go now." " I wish you would." "I am afraid, Frank," she said timidly - what a change from the earnestness of yes- terday !-" that I have put a hard task upon you. Why should you do it, for me or for him ? I have been thinking since I asked you, and I know I was wrong. You are too generous. If he -did what he is charged with -you are the last that should be asked to defend him." "But if he is innocent, Mary ?" She started a little, and he added "You re- collect what I said? We must not hold any one guilty until he is proved so. Suppose had it from that I had knowledge which satisfied me, side the question now. Holmesn d morally, of Fattne's guilt, would you wish her own lips that she would not have mar- eGuilty get:inacquitted; ti r to e to s • Y S rains Chafing H�vp Bruises Scalds Piles P Burns , Wounds EXTRACT ONIYS Insect Bites Stings Sore Feet INf1 tMMATIONS and HEMORRHAGES ALL PAIN b DEMAND POND'S EX- TRACT. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE FOR T N reargq.s' f" u�a,Fe, I""x THIS IS THE ONLY RIGHT KIND. DONOT K e n�, K TA dewing.Atuchl,se BBB To at onto •stabiieh trade In ell parts, by placing oar machin and goods where the poop o can .N them, w•e will send flee to one psreon in each locallty,tho eery best sewing-mnohine made in the world,wlth 1.11 tho attachments. Wo will alio send free a complete rias of our costly mrd rolunble art eamplos. In return wo ask'Ihat you show ,chat wo send, to those who may call nt your hent,, nod after E• months all shall becoeg your ems property. T1ete grand machine is mode after tho t3 Ise ger patents; which hare run out t before patents run out It sold for tll/3, with rho tele tot e ed and now tmchm n ttii Beet'strongest, :fa.,0. n. Th Ono bRe1stnawing waw once to us at once can to free the ben( Igb 0 1 over shown n tho world. Amoahe t line ofworlrs of high art Ivor shown togeeher In Amerloa. ITE At Co., IOex 'tel0, 6ngastn. Maine. .most two- fu1 machine in the world. All b Rte. No cnpltal required. Plain, • adz e" There are three of then ; three bouncing girls, all rosy and do- i ing splendidly." j Ji. small boy listened so attentively to his teaeher's remarksonthesubii��e�etof turniugnew' leaves thatshetonaplimentett biln:uid sails she hoped be would profit by her suggestions. r "I really cannot do more than I tun doiug,1 He went to his seat and turned over four Mary ; I email not do more if Fauna were new- leaves of vulgar fractions, and .mid to my best friend." himself : "I'll take it easy now till the "I know that, Frank. --It issometitin g I class catch "up," but when he undertook had meal meant to Mention that -that I to explain his ease at class time, it didn't suppose I must tell you. Even pap/ does not work. The rest of thefellows played shinny know." , that night after eel leoI,onthcice. He didn't. "Do not speak of aught that will distress Another boy was in the tiptop of a cherry you, Mary." tree, well oat towards the end of a slender She showed signs of gent distress, and limb. He was turningleaf after leaf in after a minute's silence, the flush left her search of fruitpretty w o11 pickedbeforohaud. face andahe was very pale. "Whenl think" He was about to conte down, "but first," sale said, la a very low voice, and command- said he, "I'll turn over one more new leaf." big herself with evident pain, "that homy He reached away out beyond any former at- home gone from here tl•at night with the in- , tempt, and with the tip end of his fin�ernail h' tent to minelor Ines wife a few minutes later managed to turn nue more leaf. ,i of untgqfrr —oh Frank, it horrifies me, because he ask- ' but his grandfather's grind -stone rrevente(L al.SYLI.AttD BAS AND TE4TSLSa BRED HOal,�ad ed me to be his wife while you and papa his falling to the ground. He struck that, ELMWOOD, Ire., Nov 20,1x89. were speaking down -stairs." and felt the shock for inany a day. ' Ds. D.J. EENDAtsco. "What answer did you give flim? Pardon These are but afewof the many instances allgt sSspDlyat"oaa �s,°.eobywettsa'nauroa are /,maim i m that go to prove, what has often assorted' . wouldlfke pricaintargerquantlty. I threed s to for asking, but everything is so impor- that the best of rules have their exceptions. ' One of the best ilnimenta on earth. 1 have =edit tart." ntystableifor three yearn "I gave him no answer -I had no time to In turning over new leaves look out for , Term truly, cats A. Ssrnss. give an answer. I could not think what to snakes. PURE =''T, STRCNCFST, BEST;, CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA. LIME, PHOSPHATES, or tiny telt:riaut materials. E. W GILLETT, Tonn,mo,o,IT. W. e Cin*CGM;O, Weer efthoCELEBI °"TlD«C:A:S-,J,tac•,21. T kid EXBTER'NUBS. KENDALL'S\ 'SPAVIN CURE The Most Suceeasfnl Remedy ever Rlscor erns, us it Is certain snits effects and data not blister. Beadprootbolow. KENDALL'S SPAWN CADRE: OFFICE OF Cnduzr9 d. SNman, say,when papa returned Of course there wanothing more, until Mr Faune went A Methodist Amen, We were examining an order of service iit a Calvinistic church the other day, remarks the editor of the golden Rule, and after the usual order of singing, prayer, scripture read- ing, sermon and benediction, we saw the concluding direction-" a Methodist amen." If we interpreted the direction aright, it meant that all the people should join in a hearty and audible •" amen" at the close of the service. We like that direction. Why should not all Christians make every prayer their own, at least to the extent of uttering an audible " so may it be" at the end ? The lack of audible expression often, though not always, indicates a lack of silent participa- tion in the prayer. Why should not every congregation, Calvinistic or Arminian, ritu- alistic or non -ritualistic, join in a hearty "Amen" at the close of every prayer? Why should not every member of a Christian family, from grandfather to little Johnnie Two-year-old, join in the "" Amen" when grace is said at the table, or when the morn -1 ing and evening petitions are offered atfamily prayers ? Enlarge the " Methodist amen" i and make it also an Episcopal amen, a Pres- byterian amen, a Baptist amen and a observed. Then he waited, thinking s e had something further to communicate ; indeed, she seemed on the point of saying more for a minute or so; but she disappointed him. Ho could not help suspecting that some fact remained untold, whether of importance or not it was of course impossible to con- jecture, except on the presumption that if it were important, or had any bearing on the prisoner's case, Miss Clayton, at any pain to herself, would not conceal it. Holmes had observed of Faune's going away without an answer to his proposal that it was ``very curious." This was how it first struck him. He thought over it on his way back with other results. No man would, if he could help it, go away • from a maiden without receiving an answer to such a momentous question. Even if he read con- sent in her face, he would have the words from her lips before he left her. What Fauna read in Mary Clayton's face when he asked her to be"hie wife, and during the half-hour he remained afterwards, was be - e I hestae Tee t it was In th h aline bu rtedF an 'll t h' Y g curse are sometimes acquitted." improbable that Foune wasdisposed to men, of c P , a will not antanswer. � Looks r such an an s expect g turner Oh Frank 1 she exclaimed, pp white and staring at him with fear. "Do suffice for confident lovers, nor sometimes you think he is guilty ?" ""It is because this is not the time to think so, that I am doing what I can for him. To be honest, Mary, even at the risk of paining you, I am not able to form a de- cided opinion one way or the other yet. I am giving him, for your sake, the benefit of the doubt. ""Thank you, Frank," she faintly replied, letting her head sink forward. He was profoundly distressed, but thought he had said what was best. It was not, to his view a case for decept;`In even tempor- arily. "Matters have reaches, a critical point The Girls My Mother Snows. now," he continued, "and any moment may bring forth evidence that will be decisive. The y mother says a girl she knows police have possession of the fatal message hose face with love and kindness glows, which brought Margaret Neale to the Park even words. The central fact was, that Faune, without waiting to receive a reply from Mary Clayton to his proposal, left the house more than an hour earlier than was usual. Was the keeping of the appointment with Musgrave at half -past nine sufficient to account for such extraordinary conduct ? It was not. Let the business have been ever so urgent, it was not sufficient. Thus the net results of Holmes's visit to Miss Clay- ton pointed more and more decidedly to the fatal identity of Claude Faune and Julius Vernon. Even while Holmes wascoming to this con- clusion he felt it to be very possible that the keen activity of Cracroft and his colleagues might have riveted the last link in the chain of evidence by the discovery of the agency ho carries sunshine where she goes -that night ; but they are as yet unable to by which the message had been inserted in darling human rose. lay their hands on its source. It is only a the newspaper. Still, though his view of 2laother girl she knowsr,well, too, question of time. But so fax they have not: Faun's case grew hourly gloomier, he was actually tracedi to rune. may an has been discovered a else however, Y oft ou h at ed through. face she scowls , , ern a fa that has w sulk a river. $ th y file anger clouds her eyes of blue. have an affect distinctly in his favour. You fel as he had. This consisted now only of covered g appointment with the rocs; 300 feet deep, and then makes a 1 KENDALL'S SPAM CURE. BROOKLYN, N. Y.. November 8, ism Da. B. J. B8ND L Co. Dear Sirs:I desire to give you testimonial of Dry good opinion of your Kendall's Spavin Cure. I havo used It '— Soweto or Lamineae. Stili Sotnca and >3 aefne, and I nave Iound it a sure cora, I cord: ally recommend it to all horsemen. Yours truly. yManager Troy Laundry StH. ables. KENDALL'S SPAWN CURE. RANT, WINTON COIINTY, Oato, Doe 19, ISM DF B. J. KEENDALL CO. Gents : I, feel it noY duty to sa wbat•I have done . with your 1eada1l's Spavin ('lure. Ihare ed twenty-five horses that had St,ccdna. e 1Ling Bone, nano feted1,1t4.!3. tIl I'll P.te and seven of Bi nw ince Daavve ni cue •Sf7kr books and sower fu. o dnreotions, have never lost a case of aT� , Tours LThiy, ANDREW TERMER, Horse Doctor. KENDALL'S SPAWN ''UREO Pries Et per bottle, or six bottles for $i.., `rug- glstsbavogtorcangetitforyon,oritwAlr tut to any address on receipt of ppdee by t he pr , tors. Da. B. T. KasneLL Co., Enosbnrgh Faris, V. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. il► published every Thursday morn nt;.at TI MES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE 3taiu•streat,ua rlyappovlt•, ".i1 041'l4 Teweterr Sterf•,D eter.Qat.,b�_ J .ht. -fin, dp $et a 1'30r- print,,re. r►ATX8 or .4pYnnTvsU(q Firet tuaerttou, per nue l;oatases, loch :ubiegaoatlusertton.pexsino To insure insertion, advertise/neate shoed 0 seutia ttotlsterthtan Aeduesday IzloartiitS Our300 NUNTllrt6 DEI:' • RTAIENTia ose 1 tete largest anal boot equlppra in the Coaeep t Huron. All work entrusted to us wili>:•eet r =prompt attention. Decisions Regarding News�- papers, Any person wbotake'a psperre ularlyfroas n -afeee whether ne st rairoated ar$bi m.oe P rwho e i sun sa ther'e,o whether eta n a he ix subscribed or e0 b is responsible for payment. 2 i1aperson orders his paper llsoontinutld ue must pay all alreara Or Oa publisher may mistime to send it until the uaynlout 1* trade. and then collect the whole nutount, whether the palter is taken from tea office or not. 3 In suits for subscripptions.'tbo suit may be nstitutetl in the piano tvhrro tho raper is pub• iekt (l. A1tt,ough the subscriber may reside hundreds of wiles awey, 4 The courts kayo decided that refusing to lake newspapers orpot sotlicalatrout the poet- )iTice,or roatoliug and lcavang thele uncalled or is prima facia evidence of ultentiouallraar. USE SSBRANo �FRESH Congregational Amen --better than all, a appearance of affectation, all can use to show E R i s 1 an ` hwithout - his amen -a wordw Christian,Y that they have followed the devotions, and made the service their own. By a means, let us have more of the " Amen" in our public and family worship. SK Worth Reading. As More than 170,000 miles of telephone wire are in operation in the United States,. over which 1,025,000 messages Are sent daily. When on the railroad cars traveling, take - It is a seat in the center of a middle. oar. the safest and most comfortable. The last report of the State Board of Charities shows that New York state is caring for 67,781 invalids, paupers and de- I linquents, at an expense of over $670,000 a year. A German physician has devised an in- strument in the shape;.of a bent tube, that may be lengthened or shortened at will, by which he claims that it is possible to mea- sure the keenness of the sense of smell I YOUR +�tl Ari) 01(IR t $$41 • 110 FRE Worth wa5100.00. h wbnh n Om s ed Per ,ratth to the seed rests. tam 1111 (.0 Warranted harm. Reran GOLD and rxom, with tattlerworks and caws. of with war.. mrd artso aL crus vacua. Ons 1"usosrl+w each locality can cecina caw free. taleethor teeth car lame and valuable einoofliotaeh Wit,_.c� 4ntn0lee. TOM sample/,as ,, as rho watch. no free. All the work,yow need dots t0 show what we atad you to thole who call yes Mond* and neighbors aud,hosa about you—That olways roadie Invaluable tratio fntus, which bold' fgr,•tan when our aatnrrsed. and thus we aro repaid. NY* pay all canton, freight, etc. Ae.r you know en, If you would like to go to work for 01.7yooet tun ram from 8820 to 1500 per week and upwards. Adttraar;, $tlnaOU at Co., Box si a. rorpeand. KANSAS, TEXAS, OKLAHOMA COLORADO, UTAH, NEW MEX100 CALIFO R NIA, ARIZONA, OREGON, And all points west of the :.Iissour Rive via the Santa Fe lioate FROM CHICAGO. For particulars an.t 1 ieke a 8'8 your eared ticket agent, or address GEO. E. GILMAN, Pasaeeger Aeeut, 74 Grstwold et, Detroit, Mich GEO. T. NICH0LSON, General Paas. an 1 Tioket Agent Topeka, Kansas. 9 Cords TIO HOURS Runs Easy t; all NO BACK A cam l - a 1 a' ''‘ •- a Z X ONE MAX. rite fon descriptive catalogue, containing testimonials fr0R. htmdreda of people' r0o have sawed ' Tom 4to emrd e daily, now erc s :ally used Anoney can beat wg there la a oneaney. A NEW IAFESTiOY for tiling saws sent Owe with each maFiino;iq the pee of this tent everybody can file thol;:gwn sltefs now and do it bettertban•tare greatest extlart cart without It. Adapted to an cross -cut sawa,'very one who owns s. saw shod) have One. AOeary to piyt ire nannfnoturolta Oytrga. Aelt Vuour dealer or write FOI.nisIa SAWI1tTg, Mn. INI: 0O., 803 to Fila B. Canal Bt., Ohiea x,1131. WRIT IS GOING GN tea MOW ``u MILES NAEO TO ho frets at all she has to do ; ll 't Faune. determined to keep his thoughts to himself, d' d that d to offer the prisoner'ssohcitor such mater- In `Northern Africa has lately been dis- 1 yb Aril all the time 'tis plain to see, will not. attach to it more imortance than the undoubted fact of the Ommother's laughing face, that she at present it is worth, if I tell you what it Musgrave, indicated by the advertisement to perpendicular leap 650 feet, while all around its or me -- 'M' n Fanne'a own handwriting, and the are deep, yawning' chasms and gigantic ould be for the sake. If is? N11r5 which, I wonder, can it be 2 &She promised. transfer of the cheque. It w p Mans one of those two g Ins V C.H.PEARSON & C2.3- M 0 R EeMa One eaf the F w , E escopes in the -world. Our .are unequaled. and to lehedaee war superior goods we will send/Mies to o8E PERSON in each looslity, as above. Only those who mite to us at once can make sura of chance All you bare to dote ehoist return s chow our goods to Rime thn whoo oral—your neighbors. and those ground yon. The be- FY@ii, ° ginning of this advertisement shows the small end of the tete- Scope. Tho iohow.ng cur 6Avee the apponranco of is reduced to about the fiftieth part of Its bulk. it is 0 grand, double sleet,le- .cop., ai large as is easy to carry. we WI 110Iso abow you how you can make from SS to SIO a day at lour, from the elart,wnb, out experience, Better write re once. W,' illtS n11 express ammo. Address, H. HALLETT & CO., Boa 8841, PortT,AR U, M•.110- . F R E'V 113 GRANS LOVE STORIES. a package of goods worth two dollars to manufacture, tndalarge . ego 100p Picture Book, that will surely put yam on the road to a hpndsome fortune. Writs quick, and sendBe. allv-a, to help pay pos- tage. Mention this paper. A. W. MINNIE I., It irenouths