HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-03-19, Page 5• , " , , • • • • • ' , 0 •HatiMu liEV-111691/14EN-- IT-COMES TO PROFIT • • larAamer,ww•awve,..s, 1•.• Feed your pigs your own home-grown grains fresh - mixed with profit -proven. National Hog Concen- trate! It's rich in meat meal protetift, so that it forms a perfect nutritional balance with the vege- table protein yo-ti-kTAily. Whether you EiVe. your„ OWTI, grains or we supply them, we can custom blend the Anest fresh -mix you can buy—right here at the mill --using National Concentrate, of course. (P. S. ASIc about National's profit -proven Pig Starter, too,!) : • NATIONAL. ' NOR CONCENTRATE 0,1.1,04,-0-F—OANA-P11/VIM -1111.00-15111111115 LIM • • G. RYAN, & °SON GODERICH 110 • 1.1...•10••• • • Additibnal Classified - 15t Notice 'To Cieditors M44 PERSONS having ,claims, against the Estate of JAMES PONA;LDSON, Qentleman, late a the Town a Goderieh, in the Comity -a Huron, who died on pr about the,20th day a Febru- ary, 1964,, are...required to, file the 4pme with full particulars with ,the undersigned by the 28th day of ,March, 1964, as after that date the assets of the estate Will be distributed Dated at Goderich, • Ontario. This 27th day of FebruOry, 1964. HAYS, PREST &HAYS, Barristers, etc., , 33 Montreal St., Goderieh, Ontario. -10-12' • 16. PulOic Notice • IVIORTGAGE money available on good. residential properties Call Harold W. Shore, JA 4-7272, 38 Hamilton St. -15t1 M 0.11"rtrinE LOANS - Residential, Commercial, • Indusirial • E. R. ROWirrAM}Seetev 524 7381 At the Stoplight BRITISH MORTGAGE -8-TRUST • 4 MOF1TG' AGES NCE 877 1877 13, Death's FEE. --At Loaon,'"on IVIi>nday, March 16, 1964: Miss'. 1VIdry Susana Simon Fee, formerly or Hensall and Goderi,Ch• in her 92nd year. Survived 'hy nephews end nieces. Friends will be receivedat the James A. Harris funeral home, 220 St, Jellies St., at Richmond, where the funeral service will be held on' Thursday, March 19, at 2 p.m. 'Interment, Bay- field cemetery, -12 usieume emas C. Briefs Order Shell furnace oil and stiive oil froth Edward Fuels tank truck dealer for all Shell 011 Co. products. Phone 524-8386. -39ti THE C.P. &.T. Fund committee• of Goderich Oddfellows and Ilebekah lodges haVe wheel. chairs, and other equipment for loen, free of charge. Contact Amos Oebaldeston, Park St., ehone 9623, or Fred Fritzley; Wilson SL, phone 7217. el2 D. In Memoriain CURRELL.-eIn loving memory of a dear father,EdwardCur- ren, who passed avyay July - 17, 1944,--and—a—dear--mothe who passed away March 21, . 1949. — Though years have, passed, A. Births 'memories stay as near and dear as yesterday. Deep in our hearts a memory is kept' of parents we loved and will.nevere forger.' —Sadly missed by daughters Ila and May, sons Lloyd and George, ahd their families, • • • CAMPION.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on March 13, .....,1264,40eMze_and...Mrs—Thomas„ Campion, Goderich, , a daugh- ter, Heather Marie. GOOD.—At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich., on ,Mareh 12, 1964, -to • Mr,•d Yerse-Be'nson Good, R.R. 4 Goderich a • son. KERR.--At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, on March 12, 1964. to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kerr, R.R. 2, Goderich, a sone 4 LAMB. --At Alexandra Hos•pit- el, Goderieh, on. March 10; 1964, to Mr. and •Mrs. Arnold --Iearribeeelleftee4-e-Goderiehr.,4„ MOORE.--At St. Joseph's Hos- pital, Sarnia, ,.on March 16, .1964, to Mr. and 'Ws:. Gerry Moore (Grace Tigert), Sarnia, son. • 11 • 'A MODEL FOR EVERY NEED Frm cu. ft. 'Upright to 22% cu. ft. Chest Type ELEVEN mcoppLs TO CHOOSE FROM AT YOUR re zer E. ales & Service Centre 120 THE „SQUARE. • "THE STORE 'THAT SERVICE ,BU1LT" C E S • 524-8434 •••••••••marommommainfo ' , 1 4010.M.mallel•NpwW, SPECIAL 14! Amoimmom...••••••••••••• • 46" ARPIEL DRAPERY FABRICS • We have, a group of short' lengths of -46" Arnel drapery feabries in fbaral'and abstract •pattens. These' are mostly five -to '15 • • ' Rgular' • •*11••■••111.0■1111111.MINIMMINI,MINOMSIMMININIMPINNINOMBOINIII* • SHORT LENGTH'S D R P E Several short length's of colorfuj drallery and upholstering . • fabrie's. Come in and see theee," you are sure to find . drapery yen can use .in your home, Regular 1.50 to 2.08 -yd. F. E. • 1.1.1”11•W • % C T in THE SQUARE 1•01.` , E. Cards of Thanks PUQCTQR.—The family of. the late Xipnie P,roptor w1 te thank ell.erelatives, friende and neightms for th'ear acts of sexpressiOna- selnpathy and ligreAls, iribeete•e• Sieecial thanie to Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Huronview, bearers, Rev, C. G. Park .anci Stiles fUneral home. -12 F. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Melle Vander Wal, Goderich Towns'hip, wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Greta, to Mr. John • Wesley •Eelkeina, Dunnville; son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Eelkema, R,R. 5, Forest; Ontario. The marriage, will take place on Saturday, April. 4, 1964, at two °Mock, in the Christian Reformed Church, Clinton, Ontario. e 12x G. Coming _Events • Remember the Legion Ladies .Auxillary rummage sale, to be held in MacKay Hell, Saturday, March 21, t 1.30 p.m, ,Anyone having articles Or this _sale, phone 9722 for pick-up. , " - -12 HORTON.—In loving memory of a' dear father and grand- • father, Archibald Horton, who passed away one year ago, March -18, 1963e ' ---- -Fondly remembered by his femily. 12x MORGAN. --In loving memory of Jean who passed away March 31, 1963. In my heart your memory ling- •ers,0- Sweetly, tender'rfond and true. There is' not a day, dear Jean That I do not think of you. tat=r0rS0Pia-iligi n y. % ,PEACHEY.— Inloving memory of our dear son, Geoffrey, „who passed away March 18th, 1959. Five years have passed away and gone ' Since one `We loved so w,e11, Was taken from 'our home on earth With Jesus Cheist to dwell. The flowers we. place upon his • grave, May wither and decay:. BUt the love of him that sleeps beneath, Shall never fade away. —Sadly m. ed, by Mother and Dad. 12x • E. Cards of Thanks • BOYCE. — 1 vyfeh to ex,press thanks to ahl my friends and , neighbors v,ho sent 'flowers and cards, and yisited • while a •pationt in Goderieh - hospital. Set:lei:11 thanks to Rev, G 1.Ray.21, Dr. G. Mills, Dr. J. 1V. Wnllace, the nilie'ee: ,and ,-eati. on SeCeed Finor1 West „. Ws, L-on:ird Boyce— Card Party—"500" and eu- chre, in the Legien. Tues- day„March 24, at 8 p.m., spon- •sored by Goderieh Women's Institute. -11-12 _Gus:Le:Leh Tele nship Se:dere. tion of Agricultufe meeting in Holtnesville, Thursday, March 19. Guest ,speaker: Mr. A. M. Harper, Chartered Accountant, Goderich. ,Topic: Filing Income Tax. Bring lunch. • -11-12 BIN G WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25• Ifarbourlite Inn SponsOred by Goderich Lions Club , ictoria Sf,. UCW ik stewardship '1 UiIt he,te of U.C,1,1/, of vic- toria Street Church met on March 12th velth 13 members and two visitors present. Mrs. Tom Wilsonppeiae the 'meeting. Mrs- Frank WIlson had charge of the deeotionel periods. Tlie Scripture lesson Wes read bk,ilylis. A. Steil. Mrs* WilSOn gave , a meditation on the "Living •Epistles""which was followed, by • prayer. Mrs. J. McDonald.then gave e reading on stewardship. Mrs.. Argyle resented missionary leaflets. The box for "Shut-insand the 1 lt Jitirt4daY bo* WA§ P911 P§0,1 Vs. Percy liarher, led in an inspiring study of chapter nine of the study book one Incar- nate God," This was followed by the singing of hymn and a poem on "Incarnation." Ws - Torn Wilson contributed a read- ing on ,"Helen Kellar teaohes Patty puke." The announce- ment was, made of the Presby- terial, to be held in Exeter on March 18th. • The treasurer's report. was giVen and the meeting closed by repeating the mizpalr bene- diction. • . Theg'04FrielA Signal.:4** Tuesday, March 24 • Wednesday, March — The Rev. S,'J.$tewartMoIi "Summit Meeting With 9er • Te Rev. G. L Fish, WingheM 'The Day Of Great OyestiOni" 25 — The Rey. 0..0. fry,eaforth 'What win My Answer' Ber Thursday, March, ,y) 41. • NHL OLD TIMERS VS GOOD FRIDAY . "The Death Of The Man" The l'Ainister, •11:00 Special Mesic At All Services , Red Wings — Siftos • SATURDAY, MARCH 21 GODERICH ARENA .1 "The first day of spring is one :thing, and the first spring. day is another. The differente between' them is sometimes- as great 'IS a *niiiiith." However, ladies are donning their spring borirtets and are mentally.,preparing for the new season;,' So let, us help 3.'ou be.. ready „for spring', with a sunny new hair style or perinanent a the. 'Beauty Lounge. •Reme.mber otir permanents are ,scientifically form- ulated in Wr s,alon_for ••• . --- ADMISSION Adults 1.04„— Students 50c — Children 25c'' • 40. HALIAM.• ---- We aro •ineerely grateful for all the help.and kindnesses shown to us by our neighbore,end friends at •the time of the fire. Special thanky to Rev. C. W. Lewis, end the ILC.W, for their cheque and the, large box of groceries. Th,ey were moee than appreciated_ Mr, and Mrs. A. Hallam. ' :12 HARMER. -L -We' would like to thank an those who were so kind to us during our recent bereevemente also those who sent floral tributes and help- ed in any way,. Special thanks 'to Dr. J. W. Wallace,' the nurses, on second East, and the Stiles fuheral 'hOine. • Mrs. Robert Harmer and family. • • -12 ,ACEY.-•I NYCSil .10 thank my neighbors, Mends and rela- tive's Who ‘,I.Siled inc' While patient in the hospital, for flowerseeerards---and--treeter Special thanks to Rev. Father IVIoynahan, Df. N. C.Jackson, and the nurses for their kind - nes .and good care; -Mary Lacey. -12 OKE. Ma' we,t'ake this meth- od of thanking ou rfriends and neighbors for their kind picNic HAms expre,:sions of sympathy in . wit- bereavement. Our thanks . also go to Di'. .1. W, Wallace, .the purses and staff of '(lode. eich hospital, . Those expres-1- sions have boon deeply' 81).1 proeiated, • ‘ Mr's,. ANT!, ()to and the ()kr fnmily .. , . ,• 12 l'AVIERSON, • 1 wi,h 1 o ok• I pro', my till ,— nd aanppr,e .i,(2 - Itu I1P eiaiionr Pry01.010 mernbev,d f'n e . 'ith flowers„ ends tind %lettere setile a mit ' lent in eGoderichhospital, and • SI. .Theenh's. London: ' 'I alq-o,,. wislt to thank my feiends and 4„, neighbors for being so help- ful to thp ,ojies at 'h•ome. ' .4 Ms, ErneSt Patterson. 12x 1 NS ,iltr...,••••sawnavarrimsegm..ritr,r•Idn.r...•••Yes,•krzstattLetritre,...-,•..tivmaxremummwootr,..s.vrare..u,sem. • • • 'TY k• IFIAMBIJIRGER 2 lbs 89c ' ..• 11.14i...4.1.,,g, AM..... . AT o {.0.111 • ttl, ' •fa. 4.4.4.VALMN 1:"S * AtOwv-a4,..t......ectat,.....paorhaw.mmimailVandis...........A...,,,,,Abv,..4 14,,n414•411,1.0:4111 ,,,,,,,,,,,a,..,„,•=,..,,,,,,,,,, mu. ; • 'or.. ..., lax,..,..,••• .,,a,.•, . • ,, . ..artrazavampu,..........C........:.••,........a.nma•weptas....4..........." v,......•*' ' ' p....„ c, • • h Ib. Aiig„,..,rad • ,, lb. BONELESS * • P OT :ROAST''..!. • "-ff" BONE- 'STEAKS BYTHE PIECE Ib. 49c attc B OLOGNA 3 lbs 99c SIRLOIN STEAK tb89c,. STANDING PRIME RIB , R-OA,ST.OF BEEF ••• , 69c •/. • • •,?4 ••• 4f.• 41,` ' ••` / , • "L., , • , „ FREE 5 LBS., 'WHITE SUGAR, With Purchase of 6 Light Bulbs CLUB HOUSE 1,6 -oz. jar PEANULBUTTER 3 PEI POTATOES 50 lbs 1.39 • 3 -Ib. Box OUAKER MONARCH POUCH PACK • 43c CAKE MIXES 4 f9,a9c 48-01: ALLENS ASSORTED 'FRUIT DRINKS 3 for $01 • AYLMER 20 -oz." TOMATOES. COLOATES 'Qt. Size F A B AYLMER, 20-0r. SLICE° • 5 for $1 69c PINEAPPLE •3 f°r SCAEIDERS 1 h-113. Tin 1.19 ••••••••••••- I . • N :RICO -RD , WITH THIS COUPON • GOOD ONLY TO MARCH 21 • SUNKIST SIZE 163 ORANGES .•7••-•..••••• ••••-.••••••••••••• doz. 69c LANCIA SPAGHETTI MACARONI - ,JAVEX 48 -oz. ALLENS PURE APPLE JUICE, . 2 FACELLE 200''s TISSUES . CHRIgTIES Ob. Pkgs.' SODAS RICE OR ,CORN (HEX 37c 23c r. 3 for 2 f°r 45c F REE With Purchase, of 0.00 or More - • "OARWOOD" Danish 'Modern 11 -oz, WATER -GLASS 1, Coupon Valid March 19-25 SWANSONS TT DINNERS Open Nightly Until 19 P. for yoijir Shopping Convenience • 91 VICTORIA STREET NORTH 57c n • im..1 'ALY ' •0 1 • 4. 4.• 0.•