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The Exeter Times, 1891-11-19, Page 5
sr $tcvas BARGAINS d r�a��a Having a number of Casesof the best Bradley Tin in stook, and having en- gaged Mr, Will Rolland, Exeter's popu- lar tinsmith, to niake up the same, we will now sell all kinds of Tinware away down for the next TWENTY DAYS- everything new, LOOK AT OflfI STOVES COOK : Bermuda, Original, Selkirk, Florida, North-west Standard. COAL : Art Countess, Royal Art, Brilliant Novelty, Double Heater, Dou- •heater with Ovens. BOX STOVES. Nails, Fringes, Locks -the celebrated Gravity Lock, no springs to wear out,- Cattle Chains, Scoop Shovels, Forks, Axes, N. Cut Saws, Hinges, and all kinds of House Fittings. PAINTS : Julurstou's,lalephant, Jumbo Liquid Paints. Varnishes a all kind, Glass, Putty, etc. A large assortment of Col'rd Glass,�• YY. f . N. ITO .B1.a,. NEWS NOTES. CANADIAN. Winnipeg had a heavy fall of snow Sunday. The Manitoba 1emelaturo expects to be dissolved shortly. The death rate in Guelph last year was 14,01 per thousand, Nova Scotia is shipping large quart - titles of potatoes to Cuba. All incoming steamers from aver the putt report terrific weather ongtllo Atlantic. Twenty-seven students from the Do- minion are attending the Canadian College at Rome. Canon McNabb, for 40 years Episco- pal incumbent of Bowulanvalle, died lllouday, aged $0. Frank 1Teoii, a boy of five, had lies brains locked out by a horse in Wallace Saturday. township can .5ati own The l e withdrawals exceeded the de- posits by $131,000 last mouth in the Post office savings Bank. Austin Wisher, the Montreal corres- pondent of the Empire, is to be indict- ed by Premier Mercier for criminal libel. While Cluck shooting near Blenheim t eaturday, Mr. Claris, of the Buffalo Serest Railway, dropped dead of apop. army. The water is still going down. At Hamilton bench it is 4 It. 2 in. lower than in the spring and 13 in, below low water mark. the election Petitions against Mesers Tisdale (North Norfolk), and MQNell (NOrth Bruce), Conservatiyos dismiss. ed. A convict named Morrison, of tit - Thomas, escaped from tbo Kingston Penitentiary on Saturday The bye•election held in East Well. ington on Tuesday to elect a successor to Col. t.Lai e, resigned, resulting in the return ot Kirkwood, a farmer of ,Erin township. The nominee of the Liberal convention was Craig, a news- paper man of Fergus, but Kirkwood, a Liberal. came out as a farmer's can- didate against the choice of the con- vention and won. 'UNITS]) aTATE8. The new Chilian Minister was receiv- ed by President Harriston ou Satur- day, The price of Nevada range cattle has increased 33 per cent. in two years. Senator Stanford has just refused $60,000- for his two-year-old trotter, Arlon, Gold i3J,ports to the States:last week reached t; 1;680,274 and the exports $8,900. Cyclists are now limited to a speed of ten miles an hour on the streets and boulevards of Chicago. There rs a famine of coal at Chicago docks, and all the shippers and steam- boat men are completely paralysed. James Charles fell from the top of a 19 storey building in Chicago on Satur- day and was smashed to a pulp. Mrs. Russell has got a verdict for $12,500 against J. A. Bradley, of As- bury Park, as damages for false arrest. The revenue receipts at Washington last year amounted to $136,033,416 or an increase or $3,407,19 in twelve months. Chauncey Depew grew elequent in his eulogy of the late Irish leader at the memorial service held n NewYork Monday, Stockton, Cal., November 17.. -Mar- vin drove'Palto Alto, the game Elec- tioneer stallion, in 2.81 to -day, break- ing the world's stallion record and winning for the Palo Alto stable all records of the. world, He made the mile without a skip, breaking after he. passed the finish. Elis. quarters were 31i, 1,03,'4, 2,081. At the Top of the Ladder. You may search Europe and Ameri- ca to find perfection in newspaper pro- duction and you will at the end of the search willingly admit that the FAMILY HERALD and -WEE1 LY STAR of Montreal beats thein all out and out. The Fa.emer HERALD has been increased to a won- derful size and the publishers are spending large sums of money in per- fecting its literary excellence. As a news gathering the FAni1LY HERALD is really a wonder and it has a thousand features bristling with interest. .\livar,.I's Liniment is the Best. J. H. GREIVE Before you buy] your; Fall & Winter Clothing Cali and examine the large and well -assorted stock of Fine Worsted Suitings Eine Scotch Tweed (t Canadian, Also all the leading colors and patterns in Overcaatings All will be made up in first-class style at prices away below the lowest. Remember we guarantee a c oD rrr or no sale. -Give me a call. J. H. GRIEVE• et" fl cs OH, WHAT , 170UGH. Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption, Aek your- selves if you can atfard for the sake of saving 50e., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your eeugh..It never fails. Mr. John Bider, of Lieury, luta an apple treo now hearing a second crop Ole season. The tree btossorued the second time in Sept, haat and the fruit ie now about the size of plume. A joint stook company is being formed in Oraugcville now to manufacture levo Mo. Master eolt.bindere. .its promotera want 530 0(.0. Over $15,000 has already been aub•cribed by citizens and neighboring farmers, Tiro death is announced of William t3oftt oof h 1' t lioaaio am no the earliest settlers London tow township, Ho was born in county Y Tipperary, Ireland, 1814, and cams to this country fn 1830. settling in the township in which he died. Twiavl, Yenta' TesT-•-tear Sire, -Wo have need Ilagyard's Yellow Oil in our, family for twelve yenta and find nothing to coital it for nceunlutism,lnmbago,lauro back frost bites, oto, \'lo would not bo without it. MRs, M&Tian . Ciller, Winnipeg, elan. James McDonald, of Clandeboye, former- ly of Hay township, is 82 yearn old, has live sons, six daughters,siaty-onegraudchiildren, and savou groat.graud.cbildren, whow,with sons and daughtors.in-law and grand -sons and graud-daughters-in-law, make a total of 04 persons, all living. Whilst Walter Larway, .a boy 13 or 14 years of age, was returning from the Hyde Park station ono night last week, he was surprised in a piece of woods :which leads from the station to the "Old Saw Mill" pro);city by a huge lynx that crossed the road in trout of him. Many women suffer in silence from the troubles peculiar to their sex rather than consult a physician. Let them try Dr. Williams'Pink Pills and they will no longer feel lifo a burden. All the teachers of the Parkhill public schools have been re-engaged at their former salaries, but two who resign with a view to obtain higher qualifications. The Principal and teachers of the High School have also been re -engaged -Mr. Biggs, the Principal, at an increase of salary from $900 to 8950 and Mr. W. F. May, Mathematical Master, at an increase from $700 to $750 ; Miss Hitcnon's salary remains at $00 a year. OVER A CENTURY OLD—Many oases are known of persons living to be over 100 years old and there is no good reason why this should not occur. By paying attention to the health by using Burdock Blood Bitters when necessary to purify the blood and strengthen the system much may be added to the comfort and happiness of life even if the century mark is not attained. SANDwrdH—Sirs,—For five years I suffer ed from lumbago and could get no relief. until I need Hagyard's Yellow Oil,and must sav I find no better remedy for it. JOIN DEBHCRDAN, Sandwich, Ont When Baby was sick, we gavo her Castoria Whon she was a Child. she cried for Castoria. When sho became Miss. sho clung to Castoria, Wbon sho had Children, she gavo them Castoria, Holmfield, Man., Feb. 14, 1890. W. M. CoMSTOCK, Brockville, Ont. Dear Sir -For 12 years my wife was a martyr to that dread disease, dyspep. sia. Nothing releaved her, physicians were consulted and medical skill tried without avail, Oue dootor advised a change of olimate, suggesting Manitoba as a desirable place. We acted upon this advice, coming here two years ago. The change of climate wrought a change indeed, but for the worse, as she was soon confined' to bed, and un- der the care of two doctors, who assert. ed she could live but a month longer. A neighbor came to see her one day who had been reading your Almanac. She told her of the testimonials she read in it, of the great amount ot good they were doing, and advised her to try a box of Dr• Morse's Indian Root Pills. She did so, was relieved, kept improving and is now able to do house work, and continues the use of Morse's Pills. Yours gratefully, GEo. DUNK. Easier dollar Mills, 500 CORDS Wood Wanted 1 DELIVERED AT THE MILL For which we will pay high- est market prices. !rug EXETER T,aIIGLIN(a' Coy, IdaIUIT REPORTS. F.xET Ea RedWhoat - «. Spring estreat ,, slarley Oats Olov er Seed" Timonby Peas Corn eggs ,,. Butter Flourperbbl ,. rotatees,per bushel Apples,per nag Xar•ied tpplespr b Crease per ib. Turkey per lb Innate per lb Ohiekonsperpr Sogs,dreaseciperICQ Beef .... Hidearonab, c. dressed .., Sheepskins each Oalisktns Woo/ peril) .., Ha7Perton Detonepsrhueli" woodpereord ST: m*11TR M. mOM OM .- .,• 0.6 ,,. $'all Wheat Sprint;Whe t.,,.,, .., , 99 92 Barley „«, ,,, 0 i' 0 45 Oats 0 27 30 Clover Seed , 3 75 4 20 Timothy Peas 0 54 0 57 Eg................................«....., ... 24 0 15 Butter ' 14 0 15 Potetoea per bag „..... ..... ....... .. ; Q 55 dppleRporbuaYt .,,,-,. .. 050 R'ovlperlh IR 010 Bay lienees ......,,,. 3 00 9 (10 ltran per ton.........,« ................ ...14 00 14 00 shorty .. „ .... .,..20 020 00 Oatmeaiperbbl... 0 00 7 ea fiogs,dressed per 100 ,,,.,,,, A 00 to 4 LONDON. Wheat, 96 to 57 per bus. Oats, 5.41a to 84 cer bus. Peas. 57o to Dee per baa, liar- Ict,oi.titing,433 to49ePer bus. Barter Feed, See to 4''a per bus Corn, .'+,o to tie Por. bushel. TORONTO. T ron o. \Q4 i?-Vh at JPl'n l�a. Z9 to ec,m,c o bus; red int r tQ to�a ,er bus. Manitoba Noe rd1t, toifl9 No.3. a 11s 4 cto lei PEAS 65c to Glc per baa. O1Tts to 36eerbus. FLOUR, extra.$4 00 to ?a•lu per bol; straight roller, $1.25to tt,50; Arent; bakers, $4.90 to $8,00. BARLEY, 1'o 1, feeding. ,Go to 57e,. 90 to 93. 99 to 93 i8to 45 to 31 4 60 to 4 ;9 1 40 to 1 49 09 to fJ 0 40 to se 15 to sg, 15 to 5:6 09 to 51, Ate. 055 160 tolt:o 0 4to0,59 • ACSto0eg • 49 to f9 0 COW 0 07 025 to 039 5 PO ten 52: 400 to .5 2i 400 to 4.50 400 to 525 060to 70 033 to 019, ,., 300 to 9 (10 osotn95l! 250to300 Forest City Business renege I THE GREATEST -A - Snorthana, institute,. LO.NOON, ONT., Is witbout doubt the most auoaorelc and rseeTluAL institution in Cal:*ne. GsenvATes of both sexes emeriti xo good rostrums- Over fifty of last reason's students in positions, CATAEOGUg F'RINe. W. WESTEItVELT, PRINCIPAL, ,.A, ii ».. m 62 'lava You TiltAn this deacription of rheumatism and neuralgia ? "I'nt your hand in a vise, turn tho vise until you cau't hear another tura, and that's rheumatism ; pivo it another turn that's neuralgia." And still you'll suffer these tortures when for 25 eeuta you can buy a bottle of MINARD'S LINIMEN1' and be relieved, liIS FAMILY DID NOT KNOW HIII.' A Belleville elan has for years been bent and crippled with a lame back, but after try ing the OR, ESdney cure, ho sonic walk like a boy again and hie neighbors could hardly recognize him. This remedy is for sale by all druggists And the 013 Company, Belle- villo. -ag0m3 Euglish Spavin Liniment removes all bard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem- ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of ono bottle. War- ranted the most ivonderiul Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by C. Lutz. 0-10-ly OOK'S COTTON ROOT COMPOUND. A recent discovery bran old physician. Successfullllsu- admonthly by thousands of LADIES. Is the only perfect ly safeandreliable medicine discovered. Beware of un- principled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of ;this. Ask for CoOK's CorroN RooT C01,poUND.take no substitute ;. or inolose $1 and 4 three -cent Canada postage stamps in letter, and we will seud, sealed, Iby return mail. Full sealed particulars in:plain envelope. to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Pond Lily Company No, 3 Fisher Block,131 Woodward ave.,Detroit Mich. Sold in Exeter by DR. LUTZ, Central Drug Store and by all druggists everywhere. DISEASE OF ' MEQ Of all ages, resulting from Errors or Indiscre- tions of Youth, may be permanently eured,and the vigor of perfect manhood fully restored,as NERVOUS DEBILITY, STERILITY with SEMINAL LOSSES & PREMATURE DECAY Long Standing eases of GLEET, STRICTURE SYPHILIS, VARICOCELE and all PRIVATE and CHRONIC Diseases treated with perfect success. Our field is in CHRONIC CASES in which others have failed ; if you are incurable we will frankly tell you so. Write forpartionlars and treatise, Free, to Se, Louis MEDICAL Co., 162 and 134 King Streit. West, Toronto, Ont. s3:6m tolerPaokingilmo SNELL BROS.' CO. Having ccrosnenced our Fall Trade we will buy HOGS— DRESSED OR ALIVE. Dressed hogs bought subject to the fol- lowing rules : 2 lbs per 001 off ; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck ; 3 lbe off for bung gut or gullett 1f lett in. We are also prepared to supply our ens tamers at the Packiug House with all kinds of (lured Meat. Sausage, Bologna, Hoed T Cheese, Fresh Pork,endesloin, Spare Ribs Lard and Hams, Wholesale., and Retail. ARM ER BRO, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERS Wine e, o)Irlo aerehants, .* anoozzvir EX 1'TER, ONTARIO. Q (� SALARY and nna oris• ). a! O l l • eine to Ageate.Men and. Wetter en, Teachers and t:lergynten to introduce a new and popular standard book, Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of azaretlx The most remarkable religious book of the pge written by.F.,10 oa 10 eminent F2ltoltirs. Nos-seersr,, EAversOhristiau wants it. Exclusive territory reeves, Apply to The Rear'. Bill ,Pah. Co., Norwich, Ccun. Whizz Did PM ourstoak of FINE SOOTS and SHOES That we have Put in the store one dear south of the Pest Deice?, New itis werah year while to give use look, We wilt show you through. We have all the Finest Uwe of Ladles' and Omits' Shoes Made in Canada, and guarantee they are slabs as far as wear and value gees,. Tf youwant a real oleo•sboo, satuelbinz that it is a pleasure to wear, come up and see oura- L'esides our fano lint we also carry a large and well assorted stack of .Boys' anal hisses' Shoes Amoebae/ wear. also .Men's Working Slum And Knee Boots AWAY DOWN IN PI1ICE. $1 goads a u r rt lour 1a ro r an 1t good. and : ced n i ns we F F wis11 to buildup a TRr3DE and 10Ekl' 1T, we are selling CU I tP for C 1811. Children's. Atisses'and Ladies' Toe Slippers and Oxford Tics for buluuror in all the 001Y shades. liring in your girls and buy thein a pair of 5chr,ol Shoes. '1107 are dandies. Give us a call. loan .ere wo:cuute. GEO. '2eIANSON, Happy Prize Winners! On the afternoon of Tuesday, Sept. 1st, the street opposite the Dominion 1.abora• tory was blocked by boys and Girls natio happy by prizes drawn by purchases of. School Books and Supplies at Browning's Book and Drug Store. Tho following is a partial list of the winners :- Ticket No. 67 -Will le Clarke. Beautiful Napkin Ring in Satin and (cold Covered Case No, 212 -Eddie Croelror,Tcapot stand. 209 -Battle of Perfume No.2-Herbert Handford, Dress Fan 218-MIss hunter (Usborno) Pooket Bible 204 -John S iaokntau, 114gio81ato Cleaner t'33 -Hush liould, Pocket Neoessairio 75-R. kinsman. Polished Ink Stand 100-1Vm. Brooks, Set Silver Knife,Fork,Spoon 57 -Necklace 135 -Jessie Creech, Handsome Dress Fan 207-Almer Nelson, Scholare Companion 210 -Eddie Crocker, Lacrosse Stick or bottle of Florida Water 77-R. Kinsman. Go -Cart 17 -Louis Manning, Stenocnpo complete with number of handsome photographic views 208 -Eddie Crocker, Splash 59-W. Brooke, Scholars Companion with Look 285-11ute Gould, Go -Cart 217 -Miss Hunter(Usborne) Fish Pond Game 212 -Fruit Basket 66 -Wm. Clarke, Necessaire 215 -Miss Hunter, Cut Glass Weight 201 -Eddie Dignan, Stamp album 230 -Hugh Gould, Ladies Companion "38 -Eddie Crocker, White wood Money -box 170 -Louis Manning, Magic Pookot-book 26 -Sylvester Eaorett, Rubber Ball 50 -Wm. Brooks. Fruit Basket 40 -John Snell. Magid Slate Cleaner 28 -Sylvester Eacrett. Hand -painted splash 221—Emily Gould, Mother of Pearl Purse 291 -Henry Gould, Fountain Pon 70-11. Kinsman -Rose wood Writing Desk. BOYS ! ! All should buy their Seh000l Books and Supplies at Browning's and secure a chance of aPrize at the best great drawing. All Goods Sold atiLowest Prices and the chance for a prize thrown in. Don't miss getting tickets -free to pur- chasers of School Books. The prizes at the next drawing will far surpass those given out at the last. DOMINION LABORATORY, Main-st,Exeter HURRAH! NVV7 Tailor Shop We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on trio shortest possible notice and in the Latest Styles —AND A— Sure Fit Guaranteed. W JOHNS. . OF THEMALL IS THE NEW PEEMIUX Given to every subscriber, .new or old, of TII "WEEKLY Es l»1$E FOR 1892. Thouaande of dollars have been spent in its preparation. Ira success is DAY assured; It is a highly valued souvenir of the greatest stste.9n an and the most honored leader ever known in Canadian history. This beautiful htlemorial -album contains 13 full-page illustrations of interesting scenes in connection with the history of Sir John, and presents to the thousand of admirers et our late chief many new and valuable portraitures, READ TEM 148T. Fep1h.page Portraits of Sir ,john and Baroness Macdonald ; Birthplace or Sir John in Glasgow; Portrait of Sir Johu when a young reran; Portrait of Sir Johns 3lother, the only one ever pub1Lsked; The Old Homestead at Kingston. secured by Sir John during the lltekellion of 2837; Sennett/fr. Sir Jelin's Residence at Ottawa; Interior arsenate chamber. Ottawa, show• ing tits guard of Honor and BudY LFinz in State; Exterior View or Blouses of Par11a+- ruent..with Funeral Procession forming 1s the foreground ; View of Eastern Blork, Parliament Bniidinga, with Funeral Pres cesaton passing; Flue View City 11(all, 11,:sgs. tory, Draped In liouruing, aa It appeared the day Sir Johns Body reached kIlsg,ten and Lacy in State Gravest Cat/inure t !•ante- tery, nitk /Floral Tributes front his Thous. ands of Followers.; %Jaw or'Vestnrtn,ter Abney, ir. vrls*Cb the Memorial Service was held; raterior Thew of Westn,tester•''iew of St. i'au1'g Cathedral. in which. a Memo. real Tablet will be Erected. to Sir John's Memory ; Interior 'View of St. Paul's Catbcdrni.. Ali these views are tine half -toned Photogravures on heavy enameled paper. and suitably bound, with aa iliaaaninac,d and embussed cover. A really valuable scuvtnrc tent w, i be e suitable ornament on parlor or library table. Tho deruand nor this work promises to be q aa7; Send in your orders early, warm Oti1. DOLLAR, and get TUh Wg1,4i14, El eilltB for ono year and thin xli:liOltiai. Alan M. NOH. aattascrltsere wail re cava Tttu'FBEK( Y\er lila. fres for balance et th4s year. ISSF 1' BROS. -'110 THE PRONE The cheapest plane iia town to by Builders' Hardware, Nails, Hinges Looks, Gla s, Put.y, Paints and ©Us. New stock of the celebrated Johnston's I..igtlld Pallets—Siiowy Colors. New lines a 1 Artists' Paints and Brushes. Barbed, Plana, Strip, Slash: and Galcanlzed Wires cheap l'or Cash Tinware Stock Complete. -- Earetroughiug a Specialty New Ra 'north Sewing 1[acllia es and N :e,dles GIVE TJS A CALL litISSOTT 113 :inny 15 tali GET RICH By buying your Fall and Winter Cancans ret DOUPE'S CHEAP STORE, KI1 KTON -a1 A Wanu Dar --lie beat method t:r re- s ive donbt into certainty. if any rneL d'.latt RIE$ ,s exists as to etre efficiency i) rc ens of t .Tact sl Y iz to sere ' v' It and bo con tel :1. Awarm CC day t m 1 y is a gaud day for experiment upon any form of pain and for such, St dac.rbs Oil has no elnal. Now Coot's in Every Deportment. 1 ^ i, tL. � . Como yourself and bring your friends and you will find what a low price really means in Highest Grade Goods of Honest Quality. DOUPE & CO., IKirkton, Exeter Music Store PERKINS & MARTIN. We have constantly on hand a largo display of the best PIANOS, ORGANS, SEWING MACHINES, BICYCLES and SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Persons anticipating the purchase of any- thing intho above lines will do well to call at the store. Wo guarantee satisfaction, and. prices Wowould respectfully asklyouato (call and see our stock. Itis as fine as will be found in any city musi0 store. P.S.-Agents for all kinds of agricultural implements. PREZTASAM173 viro.nri p+.'.. Aro pleasant to t. t ` • • their own Purgative. Is a 6.1 l er t.cat 4N4taynt of.roru.s ,. ,'.,1 a':`tnoa Adults' GIVING UP BUSINESS GREAT CLEARING SALE Watch 'AD.' NEXT WIIIEK STAND :-Fansou's Block, Exeter. 'kin J. MATHESON, 1 1 HAY P.O. - EXETER NORTI3, rashin� l� � �S , c z 0 0 7. 1-3 Persuasive Prices` PRODUCE Positive Profits. s+p Good Beds from 32 00 Here. ei e and up. They are These are Scorch- ers. Full Bed -room Suites from 310 and up, Sideboards from $7 50 and up. A Solid Walnut Side- board for $13 and up. Extension Tables from 36 and up. Platform Rockers, uphol_...*.__-- stered from 33 75 up. Woven Wire Mattresses from 32 25 and up. Hall Hat Stands from $5 and up. Solid Carved Oak Bed- room Suites, antique Swish, at $35, cheap at 840, Tff i BEST YET ! And are only for 80 Days THE CHEAPEST YET In order to make room for New Stock soon to arrive• THE BIGGEST YET l We have our premises packed full and al e short for room. Best Ordered Clothing pl odnced in Exeter Gentlemen I leave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors; the best stock of Fine Trimmings, and tho best Cutting in Town, you are sure of satisfao• tion qpr� y y 46' e ` -+'mss u S,,,sL5. Parlor Stites, Bluing Suites, Bedroof Suites, ICitchen Spites -all away down. Window :Shades, Cornice polos, Pillow Mattrosses, everything you want to furnie a house, at prises to make you bay. GI lD i;; y',St Pioneer rurnit,. re ,;;t -y' 0DL'FRLLO'TV'S' SLOOK